Book Title: Atmatatva Vichar Or Philosophy Of Soul
Author(s): Vijaylakshmansuri, Ghanshyam Joshi, Kirtivijay Gani
Publisher: Mohanlal D Mehta
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in the past he did see such a form (of a monk). Thus he recollected reminiscence of his anti-natal existences and he also remembered the ascetic mode of life which he once observed. Consequently he got affinity for such mode of life and disgust for the worldly objects.
Thereafter, he approached his parents and said: "Revered Parents, I have remembered ascetic mode of life profound with self-restraint and five great vows, which I observed in my antinatal-existence. I, therefore, desire to withdraw myself from this worldly ocean overflowing with miseries of hellish beings animals and human beings. Please grant me your consent for my initiation into ascetic mode of life full of complete non-attachment.
Revered parents, I have sufficiently enjoyed various worldly objects infested with miseries like 'Kimpaka' fruits which are sour for all the time. Moreover this body is created from impure substances and hence it is impure. It is perishable in no time and I cherish no fondness for such body. Alas, the entire world abounds in miseries and all worldly creatures are being tortured with miseries of death, birth, old age and diseases.
Oh revered parents, when the house is on fire the wise man leaves the house with the most valuable thing forsaking rest. Thus this entire world is burning ablaze on conflagration. If you permit me I shall rescue my soul leaving all futile pleasures of senses”.
The parents on hearing the appeal made by the young son said : "Dear son, ascetic life is very hard in practice. An ascetic has to treat all friends and enemies-equally all throughout life. He has to refrain from all sorts of injuries incurred in daily routine works of life. This mode of life indeed is very rigorous for practice.
As ascetic cannot tell lies even unintentionally as it is very difficult to speak truth with all care for the benefit of others.
As ascetic must not take up for himself even a pin for cleansing his teeth without the consent of the owner of the pin, it is very difficult to accept food devoid of various kinds of faults.
It is not easy to refrain from sexual indulgence for one who is aware of intensity of sexual joy. Moreover, a monk cannot possess for himself wealth, corns, servants etc. There it is very difficult to live without any attachment whatsoever,