Samyagdrasti Gunasthana'. 'Mise' is the third stage-Samyag Mithiya Drastigunasthana. 'Avirya' is the fourth stage-Avirati Samyaga drasti gunasthana. 'Dese' is the fifth stage-Deshavirati Gunasthana. 'Pamatta' is the sixth stage-Pramatta Samyattagunasthana. 'Apamatte' is the seventh stage-Apramatta Samyatagunasthana. 'Niyathi' is the eight stage Nivruttibadar guna sthana. 'Aniathi' is the ninth stage-Anivruttibadarguna sthana. 'Suham' is the tenth stage-Sukshma Samparaya gunasthana. 'Uvasama' is the eleventh stage-Upashantamohagunasthana. 'Khina' is the twelfth stage-Ksheenamohagunasthana. 'Sajogi' is the thirteenth stage-Sayogikevaligunasthana and 'Ajogi' is the fourteenth stage-Ayogikevali gunasthana.
A number exceeding two has the first, middle and the last stages. Thus first 'Stage' marks the beginning, from second to the thirteenth stage middle course is marked and the fourteenth stage marks the termination of the series of these stages.
Order or Sequence can be ascending and descending. Just as day, night, fortnight, month and season indicate the ascending order; World, Country, province and district represent descending order as the space measurement here is getting more and more limited. The spiritual stages which we consider bear the ascending order as they represent higher and higher gradewise development of the Soul's progress.
(1) MITHYATVAGUNASTHANA-(The stage of false conviction)
This stage represents the stage of false-belief in a soul. Here the term 'Mithyatva' means revealed false conviction. Souls at this stage are possessed of acute passions. They rejoice only in material welfare. Their all activities are centred round the temporal enjoyments and amassing the means necessary for such sorts of enjoyments. They are averse to spiritual progress and they show aversion for any discussion about emancipation. They condemn the means of spiritual progress.
Here the question would arise: "How can there exist any stage of the Soul's attributes where there is total absence of right convic