The lives of Tirthamkaras comprise of the narration of their previous existences and these previous existences are said to commence only from the period their soul acquired right-belief.
This stage of soul's attributes is with the beginning and with the end and the same is not reached by non-worldly souls.
(3) SAMYAKA-MITHYADRASTI—-(Right and wrong belief stage)
Second variety of 'Intuition-deluding' Karmas is mixed (Mishra) deluding Karmas. When these Karmas are unfolded the soul experiences simultaneously right and wrong convictions equally and thus a sort of mixed feeling is experienced. This is the reason why this stage is termed as "mixed stage".
A soul experiencing either right or wrong belief cannot be termed as possessed of the mixed stage as the mixture of both the beliefs cause some third variety of belief.
Communion of a horse and a female donkey generates neither a horse nor a donkey but a mule. Quite the different species is generated. Curds and Jaggery mixed bear neither the taste of the former nor of the latter, but some unusual taste is generated. Thus when a soul relishes in the preaching of the omniscient and the non-omniscient persons then a mixed result is rewarded to this soul.
Here, it should be borne in mind that in this stage of mixed attributes of the soul, the soul neither contracts existence worth living in the next birth nor does it die in that plight of mixed convictions. Such a soul acquires the fourth stage of right convictions and dies; or else dies having retrograded to the stage of false convictions.
Question: Which are the stages from the fourteen stages in which
the Soul does not die ? Reply : They are : Third stage of mixed convictions, twelfth
stage of consumption of delusion and the thirteenth stage of omniscience with physical body. These are the three stages in which the soul does not leave physical body and die. The rest eleven stages are the stages in which the souls do die.