In one hundred and twenty four species, forty two species are good and eighty two are evil ones. I would like to explain this to you to-day.
Soul by nature is possessed of inexhaustible knowledge but Karmas obscure knowledge and thus knowledge is suppressed to such an extent that its most negligible part only remains revealed. If Karmas were all-powerful they would render the soul absolutely non-sentient but they do not prevail over the soul. We have mentioned at the out-set that one substance cannot transform itself into another and therefore it is not possible to render the soul non-sentient. All the five varieties of knowledge-obscuring Karmas suppress the soul hence their evil nature.
Soul is possessed of perceiving the universe i.e. the world and the non-world regions, substances possessed of forms and devoid of forms. This faculty of perception of the soul is obstructed by the intuition-obscuring Karmas. These Karmas also allow most negligible part of intuition of the soul as revealed. As all the nine sub-species of intuition-obscuring Karmas obstruct the intrinsic faculty of intuition of the soul. They are denounced as evil varieties
of Karmas.
Karmas causing delusion to the soul obstruct one more intrinsic nature of the soul viz. non-attachment for temporal objects. These Karmas have twenty eight sub-species. Intuition-deluding Karmas have only one variety and thus all these twenty six varieties are considered as evil-ones.
Power-obscuring Karmas obsess the faculties of the Soul. They render the soul powerless and weak. Their five varieties hamper charity, benefits, enjoyment, usage, and valour of the soul respectively and that is why they are considered evil varieties.
Out of these five varieties of Karmas obsessing the power of the soul, those Karmas which obscure the benefits are highly obstructive. Various means destroy various kinds of karmas and charity destroys the karmas obscuring benefits. If you make charities the karmas obscuring benefits are destroyed. It is so said that merits breed prosperity. This means that you earn merits by spending