Praghata nama Karma :-With this variety of Karma, soul can impresss upon others its presence or oral expressions.
Atapa nama Karma :-This variety of Karma, creates heat in the body. In suryaloka, there are souls possessed of earthly bodies. Their body is very cold, still they can create heat in others. This is the reason of Atapanama Karma. Excepting this soul, no other souls are possessed of Atanpanama Karma. One might ask whether souls with fiery bodies are possessed of Atapanama Karma? To this we reply that they are not possessed of atapanama Karma but are possessed of hot touch and red colour Karmas.
Udyota nama Karma :- This variety of Karma creates cold luminosity in the body. Lunar heavens are inhabited by such types of soul. A glow worm and some other kind of vegetable are also possessed of this type of souls. Udyotanama Karma is manifested in the body of a monk and a god in their uttarvaikriya type of body.
Shvasochhvasanama Karma :--This Karma secures the capacity of breathing in and out for the soul.
Nirmananama Karma :- This Karma enables the soul to construct its chief and subsidiary limbs of the body.
Tirthanakara Nama Karma :-With the rise of this sort of Karma the soul acquires propriety to be adored by the beings of all the three worlds. It becomes equipped with thirty-four excellencesspeech profound with thirty-five merits and eight Maha Pratiharyas (accomplishments). On the attainment of omniscience only Tirthamkara namakarama is revealed and not before.
Sthavardashaka and trasa Dasaka are contradictory terms, so let us consider them together. Ten Prakritis which begin with Sthavaranama Karma is called Sthavera Dashaka, and the other ten Prakritis which begin with Trasanama Karma is called trasadashaka. Thus in all, there are twenty Prakritis.
Soul acquires stability by contracting Sthavaranama Karma and in that case it is not able to migrate from one place to the other. Earth-bodied, water-bodied, light-bodied, air-bodied and vegetablebodied souls are stable and souls with two senses and more are mobile.