Book Title: Atmanushasana
Author(s): J L Jaini
Publisher: Central Jaina Publishing House

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Page 7
________________ THE SACRED BOOKS OF THE JAINAS. 3. If perchance, in this (advice), there be something which though sweet at fruition, is yet unpalatable, be thou not afraid of that, just as a sick person is not (afraid) of bitter medicine. जना घनाश्च वाचालाः सुलभाः स्युवथोत्थिताः । दुर्लभा ह्यन्तरार्दास्ते जगदभ्युज्जिहीर्षवः ॥ ४ ॥ 4. Persons, who are vain and full of talk, and clouds which thunder but give no rain, are easy to find. But it is difficult to find those kind-hearted persons who desire to uplift the world, just as it is difficult to find clouds, full of rain and beneficial to the world. प्राज्ञः प्राप्तसमस्तशास्त्रहृदयः प्रव्यक्तलोकस्थितिः . प्रास्ताशः प्रतिभापरः प्रशमवान् प्रागेव दृष्टोत्तरः। प्रायः प्रश्नसहः प्रभुः परमनोहारी परानिन्दया ब्रूयाद्धर्मकथां गणी गुणनिधिः प्रस्पष्टमिष्टाक्षरः ॥५॥ 5. He, who is wise, well-versed in the essence of the Jaina scriptures, aware of the ways of the world, with no sense-desires, brilliant, calm-minded, ever ready with answers, patient of a volley of questions, powerful, attracting other minds, leader of Saints, a repository of good qualities, and with speech clear and sweet, should deliver religious discourses without speaking ill of others, श्रुतमविकलं शुद्धा वृत्तिः परप्रतिबोधने परिणतिरुरूद्योगो मार्गप्रवर्तनसद्विधौ। बुधनुतिरनुत्सेको लोकज्ञता मृदुता स्पृहा . यतिपतिगुणा यस्मिन्नन्ये च सोऽस्तु गुरुः सताम् ॥ ६॥ 6. Perfect knowledge of the scripture; pure conduct; inclination to pursuade others (to the right path); keen interest in the propagation of the right path (of liberation); obeisance to the learned; pride-less-ness; knowledge of the world ; gentleness ; desire-less-ness; whoever possesses these and other qualities of the leader of ascetics, be he the Teacher of worthy people,


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