Book Title: Atmanushasana
Author(s): J L Jaini
Publisher: Central Jaina Publishing House

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Page 68
________________ ÁTMÁNUSHASANA. प्रच्छन्नकर्म मम कोऽपि न वेत्ति धीमान् ध्वंसं गुणस्य महतोऽपि हि मेति मंस्थाः। कामं गिलन् धवलदीधितिधौतदाहो गूढोऽप्यबोधि न विधुः सविधुन्तुदः कैः ॥ २२२ ॥ 222. Do not think "no clever person even knows my secret sins", and "how will this mar my high qualities.” Who does not know that the invisible Rahu swallows wholly the white-rayed and soothing moon. वनचरभयाद्धावन् देवाल्लताकुलबालधि: किल जडतया लोलो वालबजे विचलं स्थितः। बत स चमरस्तेन प्राणैरपि प्रवियोजितः परिणततृषां प्रायेणैवंविधा हि विपत्तयः॥ २२३ ॥ 223. A Chámara deer, while running away in fear of a Bheela, had her hairy tail entangled in creepers. Being foolishly fond of the hair-tuft, she stood motionless. Alas! for that (attachment to the hair) she was deprived even of her life. Generally such are the calamities of those, who are afflicted with greed. विषयविरतिः संगत्यागः कषायविनिग्रहः शमयमदमास्तत्त्वाभ्यासस्तपश्चरणोद्यमः। नियमितमनोवृत्तिभक्तिर्जिनेषु दयालुता भवति कृतिनः संसाराब्धेस्तटे निकटे सति ॥ २२४ ॥ 224. When the shore of the ocean of the cycle of existence is close by, the fortunate man has aversion to sense-gratifications, renounces all possessions, subjugates the passions, has tranquility, vows, self-control, practice of self-contemplation, pursuit of austerities, duly ordained mental activity, devotion to the conquerors, and compassion यमनियमनितान्त: शान्तबाह्यान्तरात्मा परिषमितसमाधिः सर्वसत्त्वानुकम्पी।


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