Book Title: Atmanushasana
Author(s): J L Jaini
Publisher: Central Jaina Publishing House

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Page 70
________________ ATMANUSHASANA. - - - धीमान् किमामयभयात्परिहत्य भुक्ति पीत्त्वौषधं व्रजति जातुचिदप्यजीर्णम् ॥ २२८ ॥ 228. Why shouldst thou, (who art) beyond attachment to beautiful women, and other objects, have futile attachment for the instruments of austerity (the alms. bowl, broom of peacock-feathers, etc)? Does ever a prudent man, who takes no food for fear of disease, get indigestion by taking (too much) of medicine. तपः श्रुतमिति द्वयं बहिरुदीर्य रूढं यथा कृषीफलमिवालये समुपनीयते स्वात्मनि । कृषीवल इवोत्थितं करणचोरव्याधादिभिस्तदा हि मनुते यतिः स्वकृतकृत्यतां धीरधीः ॥ २२६ ॥ 229. A wise ascetic considers his exertions successful only, when he has withdrawn from outside both his advanced austerity and knowledge, and well-placed them in self absorption, above the attacks of thieves and robbers, (in the form of) the senses, like a farmer, who has safely brought home the harvest. दृष्टार्थस्य न मे किमप्ययमिति ज्ञानावलेपादमुं नोपेक्षस्व जगत्त्रयैकडमरं निःशेषयाशाद्विषम् । पश्याम्भोनिधिमप्यगाधसलिलं चावाद्यते वाडवः कोडीभूतविपक्षकस्य जगति प्रायेण शान्तिः कुतः ॥ २३० ।। 230. In the pride of knowledge that this desireenemy (can do) nothing to me, who am versed in scriptures, thou shouldst not be indifferent to it, but shouldst extirpate that one scourge for the three worlds. Lo! the submarine fire troubles even the unfathomable water of the ocean. How can one, lying in the lap of the enemy, possibly have calmness, in the world ? स्नेहानुषद्धहृदया ज्ञानचरित्रान्वितोऽपि न श्लाघ्यः। दीप इवापादयिता कज्जलमलिनस्य कार्यस्य ॥ २३१ ॥


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