Book Title: Atmanushasana
Author(s): J L Jaini
Publisher: Central Jaina Publishing House

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Page 23
________________ 18 THE SACRED BOOKS OF THE JAINAS dost not conquer this desire-evil which is the victory banner of the forces of (your) powerful enemy, the host of sins. भंक्त्वा भाविभवांश्च भोगिविषमान् भोगान् बुभुक्षुर्भृशं मृत्वापि स्वयमस्तभीतिकरुणः सर्वाञ्जिघांसुर्मुधा । यद्यत्साधुविगर्हितं हतमिति तस्यैव धिक्कामुकः कामक्रोधमहाग्रहाहितमनाः किं किं न कुर्याज्जनः ॥ ५१ ॥ 51. Fie on the wretch who having lost fear (of the next world) and compassion, keenly desires sense-enjoyments, which are terrible like serpents, and having ruined his future lives, foolishly kills all ( happiness ) by himself, dying an (impious death), and who desires all that which is censured by the saints! what may not a person do, whose mind has been influenced by the great demon of desire and anger. वो यस्याजनि यः स एव दिवसो ह्यस्तस्य संपद्यते स्थैर्य नाम न कस्यचिज्जगदिदं कालानिलोन्मूलितम् । भ्रातर्भ्रान्तिमपास्य पश्यसितरां प्रत्यक्षमक्ष्णोर्न किं येनात्रैव मुहुर्मुहुर्बहुतरं बद्धस्पृहो भ्राम्यसि ॥ ५२ ॥ 52. That same day which appears as to-morrow for one, becomes yesterday for him. Nothing can be called stable. This world is being uprooted by the wind of time. Oh brother, having given up delusion, why dost thou not see what is visible to thy eyes. By not doing so, thou, mainly a bondsman of desire, wanderest again and again, in this very world. संसारे नरकादिषु स्मृतिपथेऽप्युद्वेगकारीण्यलं दुःखानि प्रतिसेवितानि भवता तान्येवमेवासताम् । तत्तावत्स्मरसि (स) स्मरस्मितशितापाङ्गैरनङ्गायुधैबमानां हिमदग्धमुग्धतरुवद्यत्प्राप्तवान्निर्धनः ॥ ५३ ॥ 53. In this world you have suffered many miseries in hell and elsewhere, so much that even their recollection


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