Book Title: Atmanushasana
Author(s): J L Jaini
Publisher: Central Jaina Publishing House

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Page 27
________________ THE SACRED BOOKS OF THE JAINAS. the hands of guarding soldiers, perishes, while they remain looking at it, (in the twinkling of an eye), like the flame of a lamp blown off by wind raised by royal fan, In case of what persons can there be hope (of a steady fortune). दीप्तोभयाग्रवातारिदारूदरगकीटवत् । जन्ममृत्युसमाश्लिष्टे शरीरे वत सीदसि ॥६३ ॥ 83. Alas, thou art tortured in the body, wrapped by birth and death, like an insect inside a castor log burning at both ends. नेत्रादीश्वरचोदितः सकलुषो रूपादिविश्वाय किं प्रेष्यः सीदति (सि) कुत्सितव्यतिकरैरंहांस्यलं हयन् । नीत्वा तानि भुजिष्यतामकलुषो विश्वं विसृज्यात्मवानात्मानं धिनु सत्सुखी धुतरजाः सवृत्तिभिर्निवृतः॥१४॥ 84. Servant of, and instigated by the eye and other rulers (i, e., the senses), and greatly multiplying thy sins by censurable acts, why dost thou miserably distress thyself for beauty and other worldly objects. Having brought them under thy yoke, having renounced the world without regret, having mastered thyself, having washed away the dust (of Karmas) by rule of right conduct, having freed thyself (from mundane existence), and having become supremely happy, enjoy (this bliss of) self-realization. अर्थिनी धनमप्राप्य धनिनोऽप्यवितृप्तितः । कष्टं सर्वेऽपि सीदन्ति परमेको मुनिः सुखी॥६५॥ 65. The poor are discontented for not obtaining wealth, and the rich too are (so) for want of contentment. Alas! all are in trouble. Only an ascetic is happy. परायत्तात्सुखाददुःखं स्वायत्तं केवलं वरम् । अन्यथा सुखिनामानः कथमासंस्तपस्विनः॥६६॥ 66. Happiness, dependent upon others (leads) to pain. Only independent happiness is commendable. Else how could the ascetics be called happy?


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