Book Title: Atmanushasana
Author(s): J L Jaini
Publisher: Central Jaina Publishing House

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Page 59
________________ THE SACRED BOOKS OF THE JAINAS. अधीत्य सकलं श्रुतं चिरमुपास्य घोरं तपो यदीच्छसि फलं तयोरिह हि लाभपूजादिकम् । छिनत्सि सुतपस्तरोः प्रसवमेव शून्याशयः कथं समुपलप्स्यसे सुरसमस्य पक्वं फलम् ॥ १८६॥ 54 189. Having studied all the scriptures and having undergone severe austerities, if thou as their fruit, wishest wealth, respect, etc., in this very world, then, O devoid of discrimination, thou takest away the very flower of the beautiful tree of austerity. How canst thou have its juicy ripe fruit ? तथा श्रुतमधीष्व शश्वदिहलोकपंक्तिं विना शरीरमपि शोषय प्रथितकाय संक्लेशनैः । कषायविषयद्विषो विजयसे यथा दुर्जयान् शमं हि फलमामनन्ति मुनयस्तपःशास्त्रयोः ॥ १६०॥ 190. Always study the scriptures without (caring for the common) line of the people (wordly fame and respect), and mortify the body by severe austerities, in such a way, that thou mayst subjugate thy invincible enemies, the sense-enjoyments. The sages regard only passionlessness as the fruit of austerities and study of scriptures. दृष्ट्वा जनं व्रजसि किं विषयाभिलाषं स्वल्पोऽप्यसौ तव महज्जनयत्यनर्थम् । स्नेहाद्युपक्रमजुषो हि यथातुरस्य दोषो निषिद्धचरणं न तथेतरस्य ॥ १६९॥ 191. Following (common ) people why dost thou crave for sense enjoyments ? Even a little of that (craving) does thee great harm. The taking in of oily things prohibited for the sick under medical treatment, is injurious (to him); not so to others. अहितविहितप्रीतिः प्रीतं कलत्रमपि स्वयं सकृदपकृतं श्रुत्वा सद्यो जहाति जनोऽव्ययम् ।


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