Book Title: Atmanushasana
Author(s): J L Jaini
Publisher: Central Jaina Publishing House

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Page 16
________________ ÁTMÁNUSHÁSANA. 11 नेता यस्य (यत्र) बृहस्पतिः प्रहरणं वजं सुराः सैनिकाः स्वर्गो दुर्गमनुग्रहः खलु हरेरैरावतो वारणः। इत्याश्चर्यबलान्वितोऽपि बलभिद्भग्नः परैः संगरे सव्यक्तं ननु दैवमेव शरणं धिग्धिग्वृथा पौरुषम् ॥ ३२ ॥ 32. Whose guide was Brihaspati, whose weapon was the thunder-bolt, whose soldiers were celestial beings, whose fortress was heaven, who was certainly in the favour of Hari (Krishna) and whose elephant was Airavata -even with such wonderful forces, Indra was defeated in battle by others. From this, it is certainly evident that destiny is the only protection and futile endeavour (to change this destiny) is contemptible, Commentary. The above illustration is from-non-Jaina literature, and is given for the purpose of showing that under the strong operation of Karmas, even Indra in spite of his vast resources and prowess was defeated in battle. Stress has been laid on the inevitable effect of Karrnas, with a view to impress upon those who are infatuated with their wordly possessions and power, and are oblivious of the approaching and inevitable Death, the urgent need of adopting the course of right conduct. It does not mean that personal endeavour is always futile. The effect of Karmas can certainly be altered by pious deeds and thoughts. One should not, therefore, make any delay in adopting the rules of discipline laid down in the Scriptures. lest Death should suddenly overcome, and deprive him of the valuable and rare opportunity of self advancement. भर्तारः कुलपर्वता इव भुवो मोहं विहाय स्वयं रत्नानां निधयः पयोधय इव व्यावृत्तवित्तस्पृहाः। स्पृष्टाः कैरपि नो नभोविभुतयाविश्वस्य विश्रान्तये सन्त्यद्यापि चिरन्तनान्तिकचराः सन्तः कियन्तोऽप्यमी ॥३३॥ 33. Some worthy disciples of the ancient sages exist even to-day. These, having themselves destroyed all delusion, have become protectors of (people), like Kuláchalas (the mounts Himavana, Mahahimana, etc., protecting the terristrial regions, Bharata. Haimavata


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