Book Title: Agam aur Tripitak Ek Anushilan Part 1
Author(s): Nagrajmuni
Publisher: Concept Publishing Company

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Page 673
________________ इतिहास और परम्परा] परिशिष्ट ४ : प्रयुक्त-ग्रन्थ R53. The Jinist Studies : Dr. Otto Stein, Ed, Jina Vijaya Muni with the Co-operation of Dr. A S. Gopani, Pub. Jain Sahitya Samsodhaka Pratisthana, Ahmedabad, 1948 258. Life and Work of Buddhaghosha : B. C. Law, Pub. Thacker Spink & Co., Calcutta & Simla, 1923 R54. Life of Buddha & Early History of His Order (Described from Tibetan Works) : Tr. W. Woodvillae Rockill, Pub. Trubner's Oriental Series, London, 1907 75€. Life of Buddha : E. J. Thomas. Pub. Routledge & Kegen Paul Private Ltd., London, 1956 850. Life or Legend of Gautama : P. Bigandet, 4th Edition, 1911 255. Miscellaneous Essays : C. T. Colebrooke, London, 1873 855. Outline of Jain Philosophy: J. L. Jaini, Pub. Cambridge University Press, 1916 P80. Oxford History of India : V. A. Smith, Oxford. R$1. The Political History of Ancient India : H. C. Raichudhuri, Pub, Calcutta University, 6th Edition, 1953 357. The Practical Sanskrit English Dictionary (3 Vols.) : Prin. V.S. Apte, Ed. P. K. Gode & C. G. Curve, Pub. Prasad Prakashan, Poona, 1957 P93. Prasnopanishada : Tr. F. Max Muller. Pub. Sacred Books of the East Series, Vol. XV, Oxford 288. Pre-Buddhistic Indian Philosophy: B. M. Barua, Calcutta 75%. The Purana Text of ihe Dynasties of the Kali-Age : F. E. Pargiter, Oxford University Press, 1913 886. The Religion of India : E. W. Hopkins, Pub. Grinn & Co., Boston, U.S.A. 1895 (Hand Books on the History of Religions, Vol. I, Ed. Morris Jestrow) 354. Sakya : Mrs. Rhys Davids tudies in Jainism . Dr. Hermann Jacobi, Ed. Jina Vijaya Muni, Pub. Jain Sahitya Samsodhaka Karyalaya, Ahmedabad, 1946 385. Studies in the Origins of Buddhism : G. C. Pande oo, Studies in Manjushrimulakalpa : Dr. K. P. Jayaswal 309. Synchronismes Chinois : Tchang पत्र-पत्रिकाएं, अभिनन्दन ग्रन्थ आदि ३०२. अनेकान्त (द्विमासिक) :प्र० वीर सेवा मण्डल, दिल्ली ३०३. आचार्य श्री तुलसी अभिनन्दन ग्रन्थ : प्र० आचार्य श्री तुलसी धवल समारोह समिति, दिल्ला, १६६२ ३०४. मैन भारती (साप्ताहिक पत्रिका), प्र० जैन श्वे० तेरापन्थी महासभा, कलकत्ता 3o4. KATTFIN (9f**T) Jain Education International 2010_05 For Private & Personal Use Only


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