Book Title: Parliament of Worlds Religion 1999 Capetown SA
Author(s): Parliament of the World’s Religions
Publisher: USA Parliament of the Worlds Religions
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________________ C $ R 28 2010 03 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions Cape Town South Africa 1-8 December For Private Paneerse Only 35 www FIL H * -
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________________ 2 4 5 10 14 15 11 12 the 17 51 53 greetings embracing SOUTH a n 205 ONTENTS overview the OUTLINE A GUIDE TO THE PARLIAMENT south african boards of directors planning staff CPWR & PWRS A committee AFRICA OF THE PARLIAMENT lectures CO SPONSORS parliament 1999 ASSEMBLY A CALL OF GUIDING ORGANIZATIONS GIFTS OF SERVICE TO THE WORLD THE NEXT GENERATION ART GALLERY 2010_03 OPENING EVENING CLOSING special programs NEXT GENERATION SYMPOSIA PERFORMANCES FILM & VIDEO FESTIVAL PRAYER & MEDITATION INTERRELIGIOUS CELEBRATIONS plenary a CPWR & PWRSA sessions & advisory council AT WORK workshops MAJOR PRESENTATIONS IDENTITY DIALOGUE CRITICAL ISSUES a day a t glance 219 in dex OF PRESENTERS 225 index O F TITLES 239 program grid seminars
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT A New Day Is Dawning! At this Millennial Moment it is natural to reflect on history and on the future. The 1893 and 1993 Parliaments had significant impacts on local, national and international life. We expect the 1999 event to be equally successful. What a privilege it is for us to hold this Parliament in Africa, South Africa, and in Cape Town. We are just beginning to see the potential of this great continent and of this great country. South Africa has taught so much to the world about the strength and potential for interreligious solidarity as exemplified in the struggle against apartheid. It is because of this and so much more, that we paraphrase the words of the historian, Henry Adams: the work that we do in the Parliaments affects eternity; we can never tell where our influence stops. Dr. Howard A. Sulkin Chairperson of the Board Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions O F The South African Board and Staff are honoured to welcome you to the 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions in Cape Town. We marvel that people from around the world are gathering on the tip of the African continent to build bridges across the barriers of misunderstanding that have divided humanity for millennia. Who would have guessed a mere decade ago that South Africa would play host to this noble international undertaking? We thank God for such a bounty. The reality of the Parliament extends beyond the eight days of the conference. We have witnessed the transformative forces released during the long months of preparation for it to have already expanded and deepened the relationships amongst South African religious communities that were born during the long years of the struggle against apartheid. The South African religious community's connections with the commercial, NGO and governmental sectors have also been strengthened, as have our relations internationally with other religious communities. May the African Parliament of the World's Religions generate bonds of love and understanding between souls all over the world. May it fit the participants to face the challenges of the next millennium and contribute to human progress. May the light generated from the tip of Africa illumine the path humanity must tread to emerge from our collective adolescence into the dawn of our long-awaited coming of age foretold by the world's religions. Dr. Amy Seidel Marks Co-Chair. Parliament of the World's Religions. South Africa 2 2010_03 THE WORLD S RELIGIONS REETINGS We salute the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions for choosing our country to host its 1999 Parliament. South Africa has a unique history of interreligious solidarity in the struggle against the crime against humanity called Apartheid. The Parliament presents us with a wonderful opportunity of celebrating and sharing with the world our pain of our struggle as well as the joy of our liberation. But the Parliament also provides us with a wonderful platform for enhancing the process of interreligious solidarity for the demanding tasks of reconciliation, reconstruction and the renaissance of our continent and the world. It is indeed a great honour and privilege for us to be welcoming you, the participants to the African Parliament of the World's Religions. May you be both challenged and inspired by your African experience. May the Peace, Mercy, and Blessings of God be upon you all. Imam Rashied A. Omar Co-Chair, Parliament of the World's Religions, South Africa It is a matter of great inspiration to host the Parliament of the World's Religions on our continent at the turn of the century. Indeed, a continent that most scholars acknowledge to have been "an astonishing crucible of the earth's history for the last two billion years...Nearly everything of note or consequence started in Africa". Thousands of adherents, scholars and activists will convene in Cape Town with the serious intention to add to the strengthening of the movement of the [Global] Spiritual and Moral Rebirth a rejuvenation that is essential in the African Renaissance. We welcome this important challenge and opportunity to help the planetary community move forward. Thank you! Light, Peace, and Prosperity, Afrika Msimang Co-Director, Parliament of the World's Religions. South Africa
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS Cape Town proudly welcomes all participants of the 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions to its shores. Our people and our mountains embrace you, and we wish you an inspiring, fruitful, and memorable experience in our city. May the Parliament be a source of inspiration and encouragement to the people of the world as we seek new ways of understanding and bridge building. Gordon R. Oliver Co-Director, Parliament of the World's Rcligions, South Africa The 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions is a celebration of hope and a vision of possible futures. It is also a powerful testimony to the good hearts and good will of the many thousands of people from every part of the world, and from almost every religious and spiritual tradition--who believed that this gathering could indeed be the harbinger of a new day dawning. It is not the intention of those who have gathered in Cape Town to create a new religion, or to diminish in any way the precious uniqueness of any path. Instead, we have come here to demonstrate that the religious and spiritual traditions and communities of Cape Town, of South Africa, and of the larger world can and should encounter one another in a spirit of respect, and with an openness to new understanding. We have joined with one another in a spirit of dialogue and cooperation, seeking to discover new ways to rise to the challenges and the opportunities of life at the threshold of a new century. And as each of us reaches out to the transcendent in her or his own way. somehow, we are no longer strangers to one another. Those of us who have worked so hard for so long to make the 1999 Parliament a reality greet you and wish you a rich, fulfilling, and even transformative experience in this beautiful city at this very critical time for the Earth and the human community Jim Kenney Director, International Interreligious initiative Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions For years, to my ears, the word "tolerance" was a perfectly good word, deserving to be uttered in the same breath with other noble words like "understanding." "harmony." "justice," and "peace". Until, one day, someone said to me: "Dirk, tolerate you." I've never been able to hear or use that word in the same way again. At a minimum, I suppose, we need tolerance, in the same way we need stop signs: it keeps us from running over each other. But as the primary basis for human relations, it doesn't cut it. For one thing, tolerance asks little, if anything, of us. Clearly It does nothing to humanize the "other." It allows us to continue to divide the world up into "us" and "them." For these reasons, tolerance can all too quickly slip into indifference, prejudice, hatred and violence. Let's admit it: learning to live with diversity is hard work. It takes soul-searching and commitment. More than that, its an acquired art. It demands practice and discernment. It means coming to grips with the requirements of "live and let live." All of which, I believe, can only happen as the result of real life encounters with those who are different. Which is why I am so proud to welcome you to the 1999 Parliament. At this extraordinary event you and I have the opportunity to encounter each other face to face and to learn first-hand about our precious religious and spiritual paths and unique cultural heritages. We have the opportunity to move beyond tolerance to a new sense of what we mean when we say "we." To create an image of humanity to carry around in our heads and hearts that resonates with the way the world truly is. To begin the task of working together towards a vision of the way the world can truly be, a world characterized by understanding, harmony. justice, and peace. Rev. Dirk Ficca Executive Director, Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS OMBRACING SOUTH AFRICA A new day is dawning in South Africa. People of all races are emerging from the shadows of centuries of estrangement and injustice. For too long, when the world thought of South Africa, it thought of apartheid. The world now sees the South African experience as embodying the universal human yearning for freedom and dignity. Today, South Africa is undergoing an unprecedented spiritual and societal renewal. While continuing the long and difficult work of confronting the past, people of good will are shaping a vision of a new century of peace and prosperity in which all might share. Religion has always played a pivotal role in the South African story. Religious understanding of one sort underlay the attitudes that produced a devastating racial and social divide, But from religious wellsprings of a very different sort flowed the insight, courage, and energy that sustained the long and heroic struggle for transformation. South Africa presents a wonderful opportunity to the religions of the world to come together, in a spirit of hope and possibility, at a critical moment in the nation's history and in the history of the world. As a result of its journey, South Africa symbolizes our best hopes for the future. At the same time the challenges and opportunities facing the world are starkly visible in South Africa. The beauty of this land, the exuberance of its people, the rhythms of daily life, and the legacy of a momentous moral and spiritual victory, offer a rich, inspiring setting for the 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions. Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS GUIDE TO THE PARLIAMENT The following section is designed to provide a general overview of the Parliament. Each of the major programmatic dimensions of the Parliament is listed, with a brief description. Many of the items included here are more fully described elsewhere in the Programme Book. Please consult the Contents page. Jain Education Intermational 2010_03 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLDS RELIGIONS OPENING DAY The Opening Day will be a long and exciting one, with several events in different venues. 9:45 - 10:00 AM Opening of the International AIDS Memorial Quilt at Company Gardens. This is in recognition of International AIDS Day. and of the urgency of this worldwide crisis. 12:00 PM District Six Ceremony - District Six Stage Welcome by former residents * Ceremony of blessing and healing Greetings and blessings from international religious leaders 10:00 AM Quilt Opening Ceremony -- Company Gardens * Addresses by Government Ministers * Addresses by AIDS activists and community leaders * Blessings from religious leaders 1:00 PM Lunch a Taste of District Six," with foods and crafts available from local vendors Muslim call to prayer, area mosques 1:45 PM Participants begin to move to the Good Hope Centre 11:00 AM Procession, with religious leaders and all participants (and Capetonians joining in): down Government Avenue into Adderley, into Darling past Cape Technikon, into Kaizersgracht to District Six 2:00 PM Opening drumming begins LOOP Botha Long Old Marine Kloof Adderley 2:30 PM Opening Plenary Session begins . Welcome and Introduction to the 1999 Parliament * Presentations on South Africa, Cape Town, and District Six Blessings and Greetings from South African and international religious and spiritual leaders * Musical performances (Tentative) Keynote address by President Thabo Mbeki Darling Plein Government Oswald Annandale Prow Buitenkant Canterbury Roeland Tennant 4:30 PM Opening Plenary Concludes After participants break for their evening meal, the Parliament schedule will continue to unfold. Jutland Eastern Blvd. - NZ DISTRICT 6 Keizergracht De Waal - M3 1 Company Gardens 2 Cape Technikon 3 Good Hope Centre 4 Civic Centre 5 Old City Hall 7:00 - 7:30 PM Interreligious Celebration at the District Six Stage The first in a series of moving interreligious gatherings designed to give expression to the common ground shared by all religions, while celebrating the diversity and the uniqueness of each. 8:00 - 10:00 PM Evening Plenary Session The first in a series of seven gala presentations, with religious leaders from Africa and around the world, music, dance, jand video. 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT O F THE WORLD S RELIGIONS Venues The principal venues for the Parliament will be: # The Cape Technikon # District Six The Good Hope Centre # The Civic Centre The Old City Hall The University of Cape Town Robert Leslie Building Daily Programs The Parliament is quite simply one of the richest offerings of religious, spiritual, cultural, and critical issues programs ever assembled. Presenters include religious and spiritual leaders, scholars, activists, and experts addressing an extraordinary range of vital topics ranging from the history and teachings of most of the world's religious traditions, to encounter and dialogue between traditions, to explorations of some of the most critical problems facing Africa and the world today. Each day will be filled with a tremendous variety of offerings, including prayer and meditation sessions; lectures; seminars, and workshops; symposia (one- to four-day programmes on a single theme); performances; interreligious celebrations; and evening plenaries. At times, as many as fifty separate presentations will be taking place. The great majority will be held in classrooms and lecture halls at the Cape Technikon. The other venues -- the Good Hope Centre, the Civic Centre, the Old City Hall, the Robert Leslie Building (University of Cape Town). and the District Six stage-will also be used for presentations during this period. Major Presentations 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.. 2-7 December and 10:00a.m.-12:00 noon, 8 December These presentations, held in some of the larger lecture theatres and other venues, feature some of the most prominent religious and spiritual leaders, scholars, activists, and area experts participating in the Parliament. 2010_03 Lectures, Seminars, Workshops 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., 2-7 December, and 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, 8 December A tremendous variety of programs are divided into three categories: Identity programs addressing issues of religious, spiritual, and cultural identity and practice Dialogue programs dealing with intrareligious and interreligious dialogue as well as with the encounter between religion and other institutions and disciplines Critical Issues programs focusing on the role of religion and spirituality with respect to the most critical issues and problems facing the Earth and the human community at the threshold of a new century). Morning Prayer and Meditation 9:00-9:30 a.m., 2-8 December, Cape Technikon Each morning, up to ten Prayer and Meditation sessions will be held at various sites around the Cape Technikon. Sessions will be conducted by representatives of the many different religious and spiritual traditions taking part in the Parliament, giving participants a chance to join in a service of their own faith or to witness another. Interreligious Celebrations 7:00-7:30 p.m., 1-7 December, District Six Stage Each evening a moving half-hour celebration (readings, song, and prayers from various communities) will be held at the District Six Stage. Religious leaders from many traditions will offer prayers and blessings. Performances City Hall Performances 10:00-5:30 p.m., 2-7 December, and 10:00-12:00 noon, 8 December, Old City Hall City Hall will be the principal performance venue, with continuous programming daily. Exciting and inspiring spiritual spiritual and cultural performances including music, dance, and drama from all around the world. Cape Technikon Amphitheater 10:00-5:30 p.m., 2-8 December The beautiful outdoor amphitheater at the Technikon will host delightful noontime concerts each day, when no other programmes are scheduled. Music from several cultures will be featured, but the emphasis will be on the sounds of Africal
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PA RLIA M ENT District Six Stage Performances 2:00-4:00 p.m., 2-7 December, District Six Stage Each afternoon, more exciting musical and cultural performances will be taking place on the District Six Stage. Local performers will share the stage with visitors from many lands; but the music will be universal. Off-site Events Many Cape Town groups, organizations, communities, churches, mosques, temples, etc. will be holding off-site events to celebrate the Parliament. A full list will be provided to participants at Registration. O F THE The World Cafe The World Cafe, open every afternoon, is a place to meet others and to engage in focused conversations about the Parliament experience. The goal is to assist participants in meeting others with similar interests and concerns, and to nurture productive networking and conversation. Located in the Cape Technikon student union, and provided with a charming ambiance, the world cafe will be a favorite of Parliament participants. Exhibits The Good Hope Centre and the Cape Town Civic Centre will both feature exhibitors booths with vendors of many sorts, booksellers, and representatives of a wide variety of religious, spiritual, and service organizations sharing information about their work. In addition, a great variety of inspiring photo and text exhibits will be on display, including: A Walk Through Time a mile-long exhibit on the history of our universe Cape Technikon Religions of the World a beautiful display of the origins, history, and teachings of several of the world's major religious traditions Cape Town Civic Centre Children's Rights a gripping photo exhibit on the worldwide struggle for the rights of children Cape Town Civic Centre 8 2010_03 WORLD Evening Plenary Sessions 8:00 10:00 p.m., 1-7 December, Good Hope Centre Each evening, 1-7 December, a thrilling Plenary Session will be held in the Good Hope Centre. The emphasis will be on music, dance, video, etc. Each evening will focus on a particular way of giving to others and to the world. # 1 December Sharing Sacred Practice * 2 December * 3 December # 4 December * 5 December 6 December: * 7 December: S RELIGION S Pursuing Universal Human Rights presented by the Gauteng Parliament Group Building Bridges of Understanding and Cooperation presented by the Kwa-Zulu Natal Parliament Group Celebrating Life and its Possibilities presented by the Cape Town Parliament Group Working Together: Fostering Creative Engagement Meeting Essential Needs Nurturing Transformative Community presented by the Next Generation, the young people of the Parliament of the World's Religions NOTE: Former President Nelson Mandela will honour the Parliament with an address to the Plenary Session on the evening of Sunday, 5 December. Parliament Art Gallery On the lower level of the Good Hope Centre, a fantastic collection of work by African and international artists will be on display a unique visual expression of the spirit of the 1999 Parliament. Closing Plenary & Celebration 2:30-6:00 p.m., 8 December, Good Hope Centre and District Six Stage The closing plenary will feature addresses by: His Holiness the Dalai Lama and, courtesy of the World Conference on Religion and Peace. South Africa, the annual Desmond Tutu Peace Lecture this year will be delivered by the Archbishop of Bloemfontein, South Africa His Eminence Buti Thlagale On the topic of "The Role of Religion in the African Renaissance." As the Plenary session concludes, large Japanese "Taiko" drums at the District Six Stage will call participants back to that venue for the final blessings and a closing celebration.
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________________ O F IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN The varieties of the world's religious, spiritual, and cultural traditions 1999 PARLIAMENT try the Identity section for a wide selection of programmes addressing topics relating to religious, spiritual, and cultural identity and practice see page 75 Interreligious dialogue and interreligious organizations investigate the Dialogue section for a rich assemblage of programmes dealing with interreligious as well as intrareligious encounter, relations, dialogue, and cooperation; in addition, this section includes presentations that address the relationship of religion and spirituality to other disciplines and institutions, such as government, science, media, etc. see page 132 visit the symposium, "Interfaith in Action in a Global Context," sponsored by Oxford's International Interfaith Centre bringing together representatives of some of the major interreligious organizations from around the world see page 24 The critical issues of our time explore the stimulating array of presentations listed in the Critical Issues section, addressing some of the most challenging problems facing the human community and the Earth today; many of the programmes in this section deal with the role of religion and spirituality with respect to the critical issues see page 169 consider the several Parliament Symposia, each with expert presenters addressing a particular issue or topic over the course of one or more days see page 21 Spiritual practice explore the Identity section, which also includes presentations addressing a range of spiritual disciplines, techniques, rituals, liturgies, and practices see page 75 join a Morning Prayer/Meditation session each day9:00 to 9:30 a.m. in several locations on the Technikon campus see page 50 take part in each evening's Interreligious Celebration, 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the District Six Stage, featuring prayers, readings, chants, songs, and more from a variety of religious and spiritual communities see page 50 2010_03 THE WORLD S RELIGIONS Music, dance, performance take the Shuttle to the Old City Hall where the Performance portion of the 1999 Parliament will take place daily, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. see page 34 come to the Technikon Amphitheater for the daily Noontime Concert, 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. each day see page 34 visit the District Six Stage, where from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. each day you'll find exciting and varied performances. see page 38 Cape Town and its religious, spiritual, and cultural communities check the guide to Off-site Events for a listing of programmes, open houses, services, and other programmes offered by a variety of Cape Town groups, organizations, and communities South Africa's religious, interreligious, and political history attend some or all of the daily sessions of the South Africa Symposium: which will explore the history of the struggle against apartheid, the liberation, and the transformation process now underway; scholars, activists, religious and political leaders, and a significant number of veterans of the struggle will take part see page 28 Sharing your ideas, processing what you've learned, meeting and networking with others come to the World Cafe, an informal gathering spot with a charming ambience and lively conversation see page 8 attend the 'Taking the Parliament Home" session on 8 December; trained coaches will assist participants in identifying ways to bring the experience back to your community, and to serve as an agent of change for the sake of a better world
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIA MENT Academy of Future Science Advanced Human Technologies (Sapphire) LOUTH AFRICAN CO-SPONSORS African Sports Safaris Akani Traditional Healers Association Alpha School Ananda Kutir Ashrama Ananda Marga Spiritual Mission Anthroposophical Society Arya Yuvuk Sabha Ashers Pharmacy Association of Creative Thought Astrological Association Baha'i Council for Western Cape Baker, Natalia Baltic Timbers Bioharmony Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University Cape Town Hindu Seva Samaj Cape Union Mart Catholic Archdiocese of Cape Town Catholic Biblical Foundation Catholic Justice & Peace Commission Catholic Welfare Development Centre for Christian Spirituality Centre for Ubuntu Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Church of the Province of Southern Africa Claremont Engineering Claremont Main Road Mosque Class of Mindfulness Contemplative Outreach (SA) Crystal Circle Durbanville Catholic Church Divine Life Society Elegance Fabrics Elite Supermarket (Banderker) Emissaries of Divine Light First Church of Christ Scientist Fo Guang Shan Nan Hua Temple Friedman & Cohen German-speaking Catholic Community O F 10 2010_03 THE WORLDS RELIGIONS Good Hope Metropolitan Community Church Green & Sea Point Hebrew Congregations Haritha Agencies Heera Salligram Hickley, Roger Hi-Lite Job Buyers Hindu Association Western Cape Holy Cross Provinsional House International Co-Freemasonry (Kenilworth) International Emissaries Isibane Light & Unity of Ministers in Africa ISKCON (Hare Krishna) Islamic Medical Association of S A J. Ghiwala Kagyu Tibetan Buddhist Centre Kathiawad Hindu Seva Samaj Kensho Krafts/Dharma Centre Robertson Life Foundation School of Therapeutics Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'i Faith Lylax Bedding Magnet Medicure (Dr I Badat) Methodist Church of Southern Africa Moodliar Hospitality Restaurant Moravian Church of SA Mr BI Friedman Mr C Jivan Mr H N Kalidas & family Mr M Khaye & Associates Mr K Lakhani Mr S Magan Mrs Paddy Meskin Mr UP Pillay Mr B Rabinowitz Mr S Raciti Mukhtar's Hiring Services Muslim Women's Federation National Hindu Youth Federation National Spiritual Assembly of Bahai's of SA Nazareth House (Elsies River) Nazareth House Mill Street New Apostolic Church We are deeply grateful to the following individuals, groups, organizations, and communities for their moral and material support of the 1999 Parliament. CoSponsors gave generously of their time, their resources, their inspiration, and their energies to make the Parliament a success. They exemplify the spirit of the Parliament, which would not have happened without their understanding and commitment. Noon Gun Tea-Room & Restaurant No Skaam Plaza Importers Power Group of Companies Raciti's Builders & Decorators Ramakrishna Centre of SA Rashmi Kooverjee & brothers Renaissance Business Associates Rhema Ministries Rita Baptista Rosebank Buddhist Group SA African Flower & Gem Essences SA Hindu Maha Sabha of SA SA Jewish Board of Deputies SA New Economics Foundation Saha Investments Ltd Society of Jesus in SA Spiritual Assembly of Bahai's of Oostenberg St. Josephs Convent St. Luke's Hospice St. Mark's District Six Sufi Movement of SA Temple Beautiful Temple Israel Tesco Cash & Carry (Kraaifontein) The Buddhist Institute of SA The Christian Community (Timor Hall Rd) The Crystal Circle The Dharma Centre - Rondebosch The Quakers Theosophical Society Traditional Healers, Herbalists & Spiritual Union of Jewish Women Union of Orthodox Synagogues of SA Unitarian Community in Cape Town Van Schaik Bookstore Vasson's Auto Services Vivekananda Mission of SA Wellstead Wetzler, Dr Michael (Syringa Centre) Worcester Fuiterers
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS OY HE BOARDS OF DIRECTORS Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions Board of Trustees Parliament of the World's Religions - South Africa Board of Trustees Dr. Howard A. Sulkin, Chair, Board of Trustees Jewish Dr. Amy Marks, Co-Chair Baha'i Imam Rashied Omar, Co-Chair Mustim Ms. Pramilla Vassen, Deputy Chair Hindu Ms. Manila Soni Amin - Hindu Rev. Keith Benjamin - Christian Prof. James Cochrane. Christian Ms. Pratiba Daya - Brahma Kumari Mr. Mickey Glass - Jewish Rev. Derrick Marco - Christian Ms. Tahirih Matthee . Bahan Dr. Dick Luecke - Christian Most Rev. Timothy J. Lyne . Christian Mr. Stephen C. Mack - Christian Mr. Rajinder Singh Mago Sikh Sr. Joan Monica McGuire. Christian Imam W. Deen Mohammed Muslim The Very Rev. James Parks Morton. Christian Prof. James S. Nelson Christian Mr. Charles Nolley . Baha' Rev. Koshin Ogui. Buddhist Imam Rashied Omar . Muslim Rev. Dr. Margaret Orr Thomas Christian Dr. Kusumita P. Pedersen - Hindu Dr. Chuen Phangcham. Buddhist Rev. Donald H. Postema - Christian Reverend Dr. David Ramage. Christian Dr. Biswamay Ray, M.D. - Hindu Dr. Elizabeth C. Reneker - Christian Mr. Rohinton M. Rivetna - Zoroastrian Mr. Theodore C. Rojahn - Christian Abbot Leo M. Ryska, O.S.B. - Christian Rabbi Herman E. Schaalman Jewish Mr. Manish Shah - Jain Rev. Dr. Paul H. Sherry Christian Mrs. Helen R. Spector - Jewish Ms. Jeanne M. Sullivan - Christian Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Syeed Muslim Br. Wayne Teasdale . Christian Sir John M. Templeton. Christian Dr. Linda E. Thomas - Christian Rev. Robert V. Thompson - Christian Swami Varadananda. Hindu Sister Georgene L. Wilson, OSF. Christian Ms. Yael R. Wurmfeld - Baha's Rev. Dr. Addie L. Wyatt . Christian Mr. James Arno Yellowbank . Native American Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf Muslim Ms. Nokuzola Mndende - African Traditional Religion Mrs. Joyce Allen. Christian Rev. Thomas A. Baima . Christian Dr. Gerald O. Barney Christian Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati - Hindu / Interfaith Rev. Marcus C. R. Braybrooke Christian Rev. Dr. David R. Breed. Christian Rabbi Herbert Bronstein Jewish Rev. Bliss Williams Browne . Christian Rev. John M. Buchanan Christian Dr. Jeffrey Carlson Christian Mr. M. Blouke Carus - Christian Mr. Nemu Chandaria Jain Ms. Sandya R. Dandamudi - Hindu Sr. Pratima Desai. Brahma Kumaris Mr. Wilbert Forker - Christian Dr. Rashmikant D. Gardi - Jain Mrs. Maria Svolos Gebhard Christian Dr. Daniel Gomez-Ibanez - Hindu Mr. Mohammed Abdul Hai - Muslim Dr. Hamid Abdul Hai, MD, FACC - Muslim Dr. Balwant Singh Hansra Sikh Dr. Dwight N. Hopkins Christian Dr. Asad Husain Muslim Mr. Preminder Nath Jain (Bawa) Jain Dr. Lansine kaba - Muslim The Very Rev. Demetri Kantzavelosy - Christian Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan - Muslim Rabbi Peter S. Knobel - Jewish Mr. Pasupuleti V. Krishnayya - Hindu Mr. Prem T. Lalvani - Hindu Mr. Roy W. Larson. Christian Fr. Andrew Luczak . Christian Ms. Valerie Morris - Emissaries of Divine Light Mr. Shahadev Naidoo - Hindu Father Peter John Pearson - Christian Prof. Kwesi Prah. African Traditional Religion Mr. Rogers Ragavan - Hindu Ms. Alison Smith Buddhist Rabbi Jack Steinhorn Jewish Rev. Clayton Wakeford - Christian 11 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS HE STAFF -- CPWR Hiroko Sugimoto Gifts Co-coordinator CPWR Staff Ross Thompson Systems and Publications Consultant Jim Kenney Director, International Interreligious Initiative Ann Woelk Metropolitan Program Coordinator Dirk Ficca Executive Director Director, Metropolitan Interreligious Initiative Tracy Yager Production Manager Khalid Awad Program Co-coordinator Michael Yager Assistant Production Manager Clayton Benson Next Generation Intern CPWR Volunteers Josh Borkin Next Generation Co-coordinator Sara Kay Chandler Volunteer Francesca DiBrito Fundraising / Development Coordinator Elizabeth Meyers Volunteer Peter Finn Program Co-coordinator Elizabeth Schuler Volunteer Rev. Carol Johnson Outreach Coordinator Mary Derr Volunteer Jeanette Kovitz Accounts Manager Colleen Rost Volunteer Todd Massar Registrar Steve Perkins Haik Muradian Database / Graphics / Systems Manager Gloria Dart Mim Neal Media Coordinator John Dart Media Consultant Daniel Owens Exhibits Co-coordinator Nelson Breen Documentarian Mital Patel Program Co-coordinator Ariane Hentsche Volunteer Travis Rejman Program Director Carol Raphael Photography Cheryl Roberts Metropolitan Initiative Program Coordinator Larry Roth Assistant Graphics Benjamin Schonthal Gifts Co-coordinator Cover design for Program Book and Book of Gifts by Ralph van Egidy (SA) and Haik Muradian (US). 12 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT O F THE HE STAFF - -- PWRSA Staff Afrika Msimang Co-Director/Outreach Gordon Oliver Co-Director/Fundraising Prabha Arendse Personal Assistant Nola Birkett Accounts/Administration Marion Crewe-Brown Co-Sponsorship Coordinator Joyce Gampel PWRSA Registrar Jane Kennedy Media/Plenary Coordinator Leigh Meinert Next Generation Coordinator Thabiso Mthembu Receptionist Loshinee Naidoo Fundraising Assistant Vimla Pillay Volunteer, Programme, and Gifts of Service Coordinator Natasha Samuels Gauteng Office Administrator Joan Shippey Venues Coordinator PWRSA Volunteers Volunteers for Special Mention Dr. Faried Essack Jaso Horack John Job Patricia Kitshoff Cindy Lehner Ramesh Magan Nicola Meyer 2010_03 THE WORLD S PWRSA John Oliver Neil Rusch Jo Anne Scholtz Jane Thompson Marietjie Venter WCRP - (Gary Leonard, Paddy Meskin, Heidi Whyle, Saydoon Sayed, Barney Beck, Cedric Mayson, Mohammad Dangor etc) Core Volunteers Kayum Abmed Fiona Archer Jackie Bamm Maryse Barack Nava Bastani Mrs. Rose Bastides Nava Bastani Sue-nim Bea Barney Beck Morgan Behr Viola Bell Chan-ho Byin Fareedha Carter Su-jin Choi Don Collier Lydia Dalton Mohammed Dangor Bradley Davids Hajira Essop Jesse Fish Jean Knighton Fitt Louis Fransman Jane Fulton Yogie Govender Mohammed Groenewald Mr. Denzic Gunning Patrick Hogan Jaso Horack Karima Isaacs Pumla Jelensi John Job Pumza Ketile Patricia Kitshoff Lori Lake RELIGIONS Jaymate Lalla Julie Lee Min-woo Lee Cindy Lehner Gary Leonard Sisa Mabosa Chanra Magan Lalitha Magan Ramesh Magan Maria Maile Carol Martin Cedric Mason Mr. Mavundla Mr. Mbete Louberda McClain Paddy Meskin Nicola Meyer Joe Mohammed Katala Mtyali Geeva Naidoo Michael Nixon David Ogden John Oliver Pat Oliver Jeseong Park Marion Penfold Aveshen Pillay Booysie Plaatjies Vithigan Rajgopaul Phyllis Robey Neil Rusch Faldielah Ryklef Saydoon Sayed Titiania van Schalkwyk Jo-Ann Scholtz Joan Shippey Jane Thompson Mariejtie Venter Charles Wessels Heidi Whyle Bridgette Woods Emma Fiona Patience Xabiso 13
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT INTERN NTERNATIONAL INTERRELIGIOUS Ms. Krishnapriya Dr. Ghulam-Haider Aasi Mr. and Mrs. Mazher Ahmed PLANNING COMMITTEE CPWR Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan Ms. Susan Kirchhoff Mrs. Linda J. Kolton Ms. Rebecca Armstrong Ms. Omie Baldwin Dr. Gerald O. Barney Dr. Helen Bishop Ms. Barbara Bolsen Rev. Marcus C. R. Braybrooke Rev. Dr. David R. Breed Rabbi Herbert Bronstein Mr. Nemu Chandaria Mr. Brahma Das Sr. Pratima Desai Dr. Elizabeth Espersen Ms. Diane K. Farah Mrs. Katherine Fennell Ms. Bina Frank Mrs. Diane Goldin Dr. Daniel Gomez-Ibanez Mr. Arlo Guthrie Dr. Hamid Abdul Hai, MD, FACC Dr. Balwant Singh Hansra Dr. Theresia Hinga Mr. Preminder Nath Jain (Bawa) Ms. Concetta Kenney S. S. Shiva Singh Khalsa AFRICAN O F Dr. Dwight N. Hopkins Chair, Africa Advisory Committee THE WORLD S RELIGIONS Reverend Connell Akande Dr. Elizabeth Amoah Madame Nana Apeadou Prof. Anghesom Atsbaha 14 2010_03 Mr. Pasupuleti V. Krishnayya Mr. Prem T. Lalvani Dr. Dick Luecke Sr. Joan Monica McGuire Mr. Jan Nellen Mr. Charles Nolley Rev. Dr. Margaret Orr Thomas Dr. Kusumita P. Pedersen Achahn Dr. Chuen Phangcham Mr. Rohinton M. Rivetna Mr. Theodore C. Rojahn Rabbi Herman E. Schaalman Ms. Jean Seidl Dr. Mohammad Ahmadullah Siddiqi Mr. Ramesh Solanki Mrs. Helen R. Spector Dr. Howard A. Sulkin FRICAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE CPWR Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Syeed Br. Wayne Teasdale Rev. Robert V. Thompson Swami Varadananda Sister Georgene L. Wilson, OSF Ms. Yael R. Wurmfeld Ms. Tracy Yager Mr. Hayelom Ayele Mr. Greg Gay Dr. Mary Getui The Honorable Bella Harrison Dr. Theresia Hinga Mr. Mlulami M. L. Singapi Prof. Michael Skelley Dr. Pamila Stewart Dr. Andrew Strathern Dr. Linda E. Thomas Prof. Derise Tolliver Dr. Molefe Tsele
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE PARLIAMENT AT WORK THE 1999 PARLIAMENT ASSEMBLY During the final three days of the 1999 Parliament, the 1999 Parliament Assembly will be convened. The Assembly is a gathering of some three hundred religious and spiritual leaders, scholars, and activists who are committed to working together to make a better world. They will be joined in the Assembly by nearly 100 Participating Observers, persons representing some of the world's most influential institutions, including government, business, education, media, science, and civil society. In four working sessions, the Assembly will imagine and describe concrete actions projects that can be implemented around the world. Over the next several years, the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions-in cooperation with the Millennium Institute and other regional and international groups and organizations-will work to connect project ideas to communities that can bring them to fruition. Members of the 1999 Assembly will serve as "ambassadors" of the Parliament, bringing its work and its spirit to their own countries, cultures, and religious and spiritual traditions. The full report from the 1999 Parliament Assembly will be published early in the year 2000. CALL TO OUR GUIDING INSTITUTIONS The centerpiece of the work of the Parliament Assembly at the 1993 Parliament in Chicago was the document, "Towards A Global Ethic: An Initial Declaration." That document identified several ethical principles held in common by the the world's religious and spiritual traditions, and applied them to some of the critical issues facing the world today. * Religion * Government At the 1999 Parliament, the work of the Assembly will be shaped by a new document, which draws on the principles set forth in "Towards a Global Ethic" as it calls some of the world's most powerful and most influential institutions: Agriculture, Labor, Industry, and Commerce * Education Arts and Communications Media Science and Medicine bos International Intergovernmental Organizations * Organizations of Civil Society. os volls pet srit hozz The Call invites these institutions and all persons involved with them to reflect on and to redefine their roles at the threshold of a new century. 2010_03 THE WORLD'S R 1 9 9 3 GIT RELIGIONS Tkhai an pnitorite noisoned to ASSEMBLY MEMBERS GIFTS OF SERVICE TO THE WORLD The 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions will provide inspiration and direction for those wishing to offer gifts of service to the world. To give such a gift is an expression of the fundamental spiritual inclination towards generosity, caring. hospitality, compassion, and good will. The extent to which goodness has existed in the world has always been directly related to the giving of such gifts and the spirit in which they are given. In spite of the progress made though ambitious endeavors and noble institutions, the fate of the world continues to rest on such gifts and now, more than ever. The Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions-in partnership with the Millennium Institute of Arlington, Virginia -is seizing this unique opportunity to inspire individuals, organizations, nations, and religious and spiritual communities to offer strategic "millennial threshold" gifts that will make longterm differences within the planetary community. For the past two years, the Council has worked to encourage the offering of such gifts, to identify exemplar gifts from around the world, and to collect descriptions of them for publication in the 1999 Parliament Book of Gifts Examples of gifts will be shared at the 1999 Parliament event, and the collected descriptions will be present at a convocation in the year 2000. These efforts will help to heighten reflection, inspire ot commitment, and focus attention on gifts of service as shining examples of creative engagement. 15
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLDS RELIGIONS "... A message of peace: In order to find peace outside you've got to find peace inside." . Love and allow yourself to be loved. This is the step to peace." "... I hope Africa would think more about aliens." "...Dear god. Pray for peace in our country. Damiyn, Aged 6. 082 956 9806" and quite simply. "... O Lord" After the parliament these flags will be distributed through an exchange programme of sorts. We'll return many of the Peace Flags to the groups and schools that participated and if we can we would also like to send you home with one. Please treasure it and pass the message and the spirit of peace on. The theme for the 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions is 'A New Day Dawning' and if you want to know what that new day is going to look like you need to look to the Next Generation. With all the Peace Flags surrounding you during this Parliament you need never look too far! ART GALLERY The Parliament of World Religions gathering from 1st to 8th December will include a large art gallery. The gallery is one component of many interfaith cultural activities and presentations. Art from various cultures and origins will be included in the gallery, which will provide a beautiful focus and expression of the human spirit. THE NEXT GENERATION Next Generation Gatherings: The Parliament's youth initiative. The Next Generation, is dedicated to nurturing transformative communities through the power, energy, and enthusiasm of today's young leadership. During the 1999 event, the Next Generation's presence will be felt through 5 afternoon gatherings, an evening plenary, a community exchange project and Peace Flags flying throughout Cape Town. The Next Generation will host six afternoon sessions, which will be held on the third floor of the Engineering wing at the Cape Technikon. These gatherings provide a space where young people can engage others about topics that effect young people. Enjoy formal presentations, performances and workshops given by young people from around the world, as well as interaction with others on a more informal level. These gatherings are not exclusive to the Next Generation (people ages 16-25) - all parliament participants are welcome. The five Next Generation afternoon sessions are: * Spirit of the City * Realization of the New Day * Rediscovering the Continuum * Pushing the Boundaries of Creative Engagement - Honoring District 6 . Nurturing Transformative Communities in the Future Peace Flags The Next Generation welcomes delegates to the Parliament with thousands of bright and heart warming Peace Flags. This project was inspired Tibetan Buddhists who fly their prayer flags prominently so that the wind may carry their messages around the world. It is our sincere hope that our heartfelt messages are circulated and truly heard around the world Since April this year the Next Generation has reached out to all 1 700 public schools in the Western Cape. Private schools Waldorf schools and art schools have joined in too. Flags ha arrived from Durban and Johannesburg and even Zimbabwe. Canada and Guatemalal What makes the response remarkable is that Peace Flags require quite time and material - all of which our participants have gladly volunteered. Some are embroidered, some have been coloured in with wax crayons that have been ironed in, some have been dyed. Some flags are big, some are small. Some are bold, some are timid. In other words the flags reflect the diversity of the participants magnificently, which is all we could have hoped for. Here are some of our favorite messages: "... Dear God. Let's all have tea. Love Java" "... Don't smoke children. Don't destroy plant" "... Don't abuse children. Please don't kill. Children is lovely in Africa." "... Love is an important weapon" Get connected with peace" "... Asalaam wu alay kum" ... Dear God. It's me again, but this time I'm not praying for myself... "... Believe in monotheism" An excellent layout has been designed so as to provide the different exhibits individual or group spaces. The viewer will be taken through superb images of the sacred places of the world, as well as images from various religions through contemplative expressions of great beauty, to dynamic paintings by contemporary San people (bushmen) and contemporary collaborative art by artists from the Zulu people. Two series of works with text will be exhibited each forming a "book on the wall" - The one series forms a journey of mystical dream images, the other powerful works presenting thoughts about human dreams and violations. Photographic Installations about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and other local projects will be included, as well as a selection of contemporary South African art. Sacred Ancestral Tribal objects will be shown to display the mystical aspect of Tribal art. The artists are from all walks of life, many highly esteemed, others little known. The entire gallery provides an opportunity for all to experience the diversity and beauty that is humanity's creation, and which is presented for this occasion as "Spirit in Art Venue: lower floor Good Hope Centre Gallery Reception An open reception for the artists, performers, and exhibitors at the 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions. Sponsored by: The Arts Project and Artspirit, Inc. (Intercultural Expressions of Spirituality Through Art) Place: Good Hope Centre Art Gallery (lower level) Date and Time: Friday, 3 December, 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. 16 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1999PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS PECIAL PROGRAMS Jain Education Interational 2010_03 17
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT Thin NEX The Parliament's youth initiative, The Next Generation, is dedicated to nurturing transformative communities through the power, energy, and enthusiasm of today's young leadership. During the 1999 event, the Next Generation's presence will be felt through 5 afternoon gatherings, an evening plenary, a community exchange project, and Peace Flags flying throughout Cape Town. O F THE WORLD S Parliament Gatherings All Next generation gatherings will be held on the third floor of the Engineering wing at the Cape Technikon. These gatherings provide a space where young people can engage others about topics that effect young people. Enjoy formal presentations, performances and workshops given by young people from around the world, as well as interaction with others on a more informal level. Note: This program book does not contain specific classroom assignments. When participants enter the Next Generation Headquarters a menu that will locate venues and describe events will greet them. The following is a tentative sketch of each gathering. Day One: GENERATION Moreover, these gatherings are not exclusive to the Next Generation (people ages 16-25). All parliament participants are welcome. SPIRIT OF THE CITY YOUNG PEOPLE AND THE COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE Thursday December 2, 1999 2:00-5:30 PM 18 2010_03 Join other young people from both urban and rural areas around the world to share, dialogue, and learn about different community experiences and the role of spirituality therein. Discussions, presentations, and workshops will be given by young people from the following geographic regions: 1) New York City 2) Chicago 3) Japan 4) Rio de Janeiro 5) Bombay 6) Saudi Arabia 7) Cape Town 8) Durban 9) Johannesburg 10) Kashi Ashram- Florida This gathering is an opportunity for young people form around the world to answer the questions, "What makes your community unique or special?" and "How are religion and spirituality both vibrant and active in your community? Presenters have been invited to share their unique vision of community through discussion, poetry, music, and dance. An on-site painting project involving young Capetonian artists will also be launched at this program. Day Two: RELIGIONS REALIZATION OF THE NEW DAY THE NEXT GENERATION RESPONDS TO THE CALL Friday December 3, 1999 2:00-5:30 PM Hear young academics, scholars, and social activists respond to the Parliament's signature document, A Call to Our Guiding Institutions. As the document states, the Call is addressed to Guiding Institutions - religion, government, commerceindustry-labor, education, arts and communications media, science-medicine, international intergovernmental organizations, and organizations of civil society - and asks these institutions to reflect on and redefine their roles at the threshold of the next century and the new millennium.
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT Young people of diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds from around the world have been asked to answer the following questions. * Why is it important for young people to respond the Call? What is unique about the perspective of youth on the Call? * What in your religious/spiritual tradition compels your interest in the Call? * What ways can young people take responsibility for implementing the Call? anam Day Three: O F Through both presentation and guided discussion young people will provide their unique answers to these questions as they dialogue with other thoughtful young people about practical application and creative engagement. REDISCOVERING THE CONTINUUM HONORING OUR INTERGENERATIONAL BONDS Saturday December 4, 1999 2:00-5:30 PM Youth provide links between a defining past, an uncertain present and an unknown future. This gathering re-examines concepts of ancestry and works to revive vital connections between spiritual elders and the next generation of leadership. Here is a sample of what participants might expect when they attend the Rediscovering the Continuum gathering. # Participate in one of the world's largest appreciative inquiry sessions between elders and young people. * Listen to presentations from young people and their spiritual guides *Engage in dialogue with the children and grandchildren of the world's most important spiritual leaders about continuing ongoing struggles. * Talk with professionals as they discuss spirit and vocation. Share spiritual practices that help young people connect to their ancestry. Participants of all ages are invited to engage in an afternoon of intergenerational dialogue and discussion. Honor and celebrate the inspiring nature of both young people and spiritual elders as they connect with past and look towards the future. 2010_03 THE WORLD S RELIGION S Day Four: PUSHING THE BOUNDARIES OF CREATIVE ENGAGEMENT YOUTH INITIATIVES THAT WORK Sunday December 5 2:00-5:30 PM Young people are at the forefront of nurturing transformative communities across the globe. This gathering is an opportunity to see and hear how young people are enriching their communities through a variety of creative means. This program offers an exhibition atmosphere, punctuated by major presentations, and is designed to bolster best practices and inspire new initiatives. Some of the dozens of groups from both South Africa and around the world that will be participating in this event are: Peace Jam International Play for Peace International * Western Cape Youth Council # World Vision's Youth Ambassadors * Pole to Pole International * Youth for Understanding * Religious Youth Service The River Foundation # Center for Ubuntu # The Seed Foundation * SHAWCO Healing the Memories Program * Muslim Youth Movement * Conquest for Life * Viva Rio # Tosonanga Youth Club * City Year Its Your Move Youth Group Through youth development organizations, religious institutions, and other youth oriented groups, young people are a powerful force in effecting positive change. Here young people have the unique opportunity to dialogue about the best practices and discuss how successful projects might be replicated throughout the world. This will also be a powerful opportunity support the Next Generation in the future and to develop new initiatives within the global arena. 19
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLDS RELIGIONS TES Day 5: Day Six: HONORING DISTRICT 6 NURTURING TRANSFORMATIVE COMMUNITIES IN THE FUTURE THE NEXT GENERATION'S EXCHANGE PROGRAM Monday December 6 2:00 - 5:00 PM AN OPEN SPACE CONFERENCE Tuesday December 7, 1999 2:00-5:00 PM The objective of this program is to offer young people an opportunity to experience of the social history and contemporary life of Cape Town. We will focus on the District 6 removal and the township of Mannenberg on the Cape Flats, where District 6 residents were displaced to over 30 years ago. In the morning, forty members of the Next Generation will visit SHAWCO youth center in Mannenberg. Youth Ambassadors from District 6 will give tours to the Next Generation of the District 6 museum, and in the afternoon we will bring together all members of the Next Generation and young people from Mannenberg for a ceremony to heal and honor the land. The Next Generation's capstone event, this program will build upon lessons learned and initiatives inspired over the preceding days. Unstructured in the sense that there is no pre planned agenda, this gathering allows young people to engage with others in lively dialogue about expanding the Parliament's spirit throughout the world. In the end young people are invited to take charge of facilitating interfaith cooperation and social service in their own communities. 20 2010_03 mational 2010_03
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________________ 1 999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS R A R I I A M E N T O U M R O S I A YMPOSIA BUSINESS BEYOND 2000: A SYMPOSIUM ON ETHICS, VALUES, & SPIRITUALITY IN THE WORKPLACE THURSDAY, 2 DECEMBER KEYNOTE ADDRESS, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Spirit in Business or Business in Spirit? University of Cape Town, Leslie Building, Room 2C 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thursday, December 2nd, and Friday, December 3rd University of Cape Town, Leslie Social Sciences Building Dr. Mehrtens is a highly acclaimed international futurist and president of the Potiatch Group, a research organisation specialising in the analysis of business trends related to global evolutions and social change. She is a former university professor and author, co-author or editor of a number of books, among them The Fourth Wave: Business in the 21st Century, The LeapFrog Option and intuitive Imagery. She has a special interest in the future of South Africa, believing that the law of retarding lead is a key factor in understanding South Africa's potential positions in future global developments. CONCURRENT SESSIONS, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Intuitive Imagery Dr. Sue Mehrtens Authentic change requires a fundamental paradigm shift in the hearts and minds of individuals. It also relies upon people who walk their talk, people who are inspired, involved and empowered, people who have passion... People who bring Spirit back into business! During this two-day Business Beyond 2000 symposium, you will: join... with over 300 local and international business leaders, workers, unionists, change agents and religious and spiritual dignitaries to . partake... in a stimulating exploration of the ways in which we can bring ethics, values and spirit back into business, particularly in South Africa, and leave... with new understanding, vision, insight and commitment "Why do many people in organisations feel discouraged and fearful about the future? Why does despair only increase as the fads fly by, more costly in each attempt to improve? Why have the best efforts to create significant and enduring change resulted in so many failures?" - Margaret Wheatley, The Irresistible Future of Organising Knowledge Management: A Catalyst for New Business Principles? Lorinda Ellis, Learning Resources Andre Venter, Founder of Anvitech Gwynn Pricket, Strategy Consultant Making Religious and Cultural Values Functional in a Business Context Professor Bernard Lategan, Values and Policy Studies, University of Stellenbosch Ethical and Spiritual Motivations for Good Business Practice Professor Martin Prozesky, Director, Unilever Centre for Ethics International Trends in Business and Consciousness Vicky Coates, Renaissance Business Associates A CALL TO OUR GUIDING INSTITUTIONS THE CHALLENGE TO COMMERCE, INDUSTRY & LABOUR We invite you to share a vision of a world in which our productive activities are creative and vital and give meaning to our lives, high moral standards and trustworthiness guide all interactions in the marketplace and the workplace, economic, social and physical well-being are not the exception but the normal condition for all humans beings, commercial exchange, industrial development, and labour relations are just, harmonious and culturally enriching. business, industry and investment are conducted with constant thoughtful regard for the vitality of Earth and life, the essential needs of all are met in a manner that can be sustained well into the future. - an extract from A Call to Our Guiding Institutions 21 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLDS RELIGIONS R A R L I A M E N T O U M R O S I A Finding Meaning at Work, and Living Purposefully Elna Trautman, Organizational Psychologist FRIDAY, 3 DECEMBER KEYNOTE ADDRESS, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Women and Business in the 21st Century University of Cape Town, Leslie Building, Room 2C Wendy Luhabe Ms. Luhabe left the BMW group in 1991 to start Bridging the Gap, a human capital development practice that offers services in strategic alignment of human resources policies and procedures. In 1994 she pioneered the founding of Women Investment Portfolio Holdings, Ms. Luhabe has been honored by the World Economic Forum as a Global Leader for Tomorrow, by the Sunday Times as one of the 20 most powerful women in South Africa and recently, as one of the 50 Leading Women Entrepreneurs of the World Between the Lines of Failure and Success - Lessons that Magazine Publishing has Taught Me Debbie Edelstein, Editor of Quality Life Magazine The Theory and Practice of Just Leadership in Organisations Etsko Schutema, Schutema Associates Graham Edwards, CEO of African Explosives PERFORMANCE, 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM KEYNOTE ADDRESS, 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM The Challenge of Incorporating African Spirits in our Organisations University of Cape Town, Leslie Building. Room 2C Professor Lovemore Mbigi Lovemore Mbigi is widely recognised as an exciting and creative thinker, strategising in the areas of management transformation in southern Africa. He has been a director of Nampak Corrugated, Nampak Sacks and Competitive Capabilities Africa. For many years Rainmaker Management Consultants, which he currently heads, has assisted corporations and public sector institutions develop management systems and the skills necessary to transform them into high-performance, value driven institutions. He lectures at several university business schools and holds an MBA from Northeastern University, Boston, USA. CONCURRENT SESSIONS, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Business Meets the Next Generation Wendy Luhabe, Bridging the Gap Leanne van der Westhuizen The Leap-frog Option in Practice: How South African can Avoid Playing Catch Up Elizabeth Milne, The Resource Mobilization Group Spirit In Transformation Karin Osler, Centre for Conscious Change Amanda Hambrook, Human Resource Development for Woolworths Ruth Mattison, Human Resource Development for BoE CONCURRENT SESSIONS, 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM The Challenge of Incorporating African Spirits in our Organisations Professor Lovemore Mbigi, Rainmaker Management Consultants. Judy Bekker, Renaissance Business Associates Leadership in a Thinking Environment Margaret Legum, Founder Caras Foundation The Personal Challenges of Incorporating Spirit in Business Pat Gorvalla, Business Entrepreneur Communicative Awareness Models Dr. Anna Slabbert, Intenta Communications - Maryna Kruger, Intenta Communications Divine Diversity Phillip Krawitz, CEO, Cape Union Mart CONCURRENT SESSIONS, 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Mindfullness Rodney Downey, MD of Foschini Empowering Marginalised Communities Judy Weber, 1999 Recipient of Mercedes Benz Business Partners Women in Business Award Leadership: Choosing to Serve Gwynn Prickett, Strategy Consultant - Mpho Makwana, Executive Director, IPM Willem Barnard, CEO, KW . Professor Nick Binedell, Director of the Gordon Institute of Business Science Liberating the Corporate Soul: Practical Tools Richards Barret's, Corps Tools A New Sales Paradigm: Adding Spirit to the Bottom Line Sharon Drew Morgen, Founder of Te International Does Business Promote Enduring Human Values More Effectively than Religion Dr Jannie Hofmeyer, Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town Personal and Organisational Wholeness: Creating Organisations that are Friendly to Human Life Christo Nel. Partner with Arthur Andersen Kerry Sandison, The Natural Step Visions, Values and Energy in Business in Africa Barry Nesbitt, CEO of Fashat CLOSING PERFORMANCE, 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM 22 2010_03
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________________ 19 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS PARLIAMENT SYMPOSIA THE EARTH CHARTER The Very Reverend James Parks Morton, Director, Interfaith Center of New York Karan Singh, Chair of Board, Temple of Understanding Dr. L. M. Singhvi, World Faiths Development Dialogue Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, President, the Hope Foundation The Earth Charter is a global initiative working to draft a common statement of ethical and practical considerations for the care of the earth and the human family. It has drawn together guiding institutions from around the world to work together in collaborative common action for the shared concern for the environment and equitable human development -a concern shared by people around the world. This symposium is sponsored by the Interfaith Center of New York, The Earth Council, the Center for Respect of Life and Environment, and the Forum on Religion and Ecology. This symposium will consist of the following six major presentations: Mary Evelyn Tucker, Coordinator, Forum on Religion and Ecology Dada Vaswani, Head, Sadhu Vaswani Mission Tu Weiming, Director, Harvard Yenching Institute The Earth Charter Draft and Process 4 December, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM University of Cape Town, Leslie Building, Room 2B The Earth Charter in Action: Promoting Sustainability in Personal Lifestyles, Communities, and Social Policy December 4, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM University of Cape Town, Leslie Building. Room 2B In this presentation members of the Drafting Committee and the leaders of the Earth Charter Campaign will explore the sources and implications of Earth Charter principles. The presentation will describe the history of the Earth Charter drafting process, and will share the religious and spiritual dimensions of the key principles of the Earth Charter In addition to representatives from national Earth Charter committees, presenters in this session include: In this presentation, panelists will illustrate concrete examples of how the Earth Charter has contributed to creating justice and sustainability in personal, professional, community, and national life in its use of education for sustainability. In addition to representatives from national Earth Charter Committees, panelists for this session include: Kamla Chowdhry, Earth Charter Commissioner Richard Clugston, Executive Director, Center for Respect of Life and the Environment Bawa Jain, Director, United Nations and International Affairs, Interfaith Center of New York Maximo Kalaw, Executive Director, the Earth Council Maximo Kalaw, Executive Director, the Earth Council Brendan Mackey, Professor, Australian National University Mary Evelyn Tucker, Coordinator, Forum on Religion and Ecology Steven Rockefeller. Head, Earth Charter Drafting Committee The Earth Charter and the Global Ethic 5 December, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM University of Cape Town, Leslie Building, Room 2B Prominent Religious Leaders Respond the Earth Charter 4 December, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM University of Cape Town, Leslie Building, Room 2B In this session, prominent representatives of different religious and spiritual traditions reflect on the ethics and implications of the Earth Charter from their own ethical tradition Panelists will illustrate principles of the Earth Charter which are in convergence with their own tradition, and will discuss the potential of the Earth Charter to serve as an ethical common ground for global action to promote a sustainable and compassionate future for the earth community. Mary Evelyn Tucker will moderate the discussion. Panelists for this session include: In this session, Professor Rockefeller will host and moderate a discussion with the several respondents on the document Towards a Global Ethic; an Initial Declaration, which served as the centerpiece of the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions. Discussion will focus on shared ethical principles shared by religious and spiritual traditions around the world, and how these core principles inform the work of the Earth Charter Invited panelists for this session include: Bawa Jain, Director, United Nations and International Affairs, Interfaith Center of New York Jim Kenney, International Director, Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions Al Albergate, Soka Gakkai USA Nahid Angha, Director, International Association of Sufism Hans Kung, Principal author, Towards a Global Ethic Laurence Arturo, Baha'i community 23 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS R A R I I A M E N T S U M R O S I A INTERFAITH IN ACTION IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT Healing Wounds: What can Religious People do Together to Help a Peace Process? Thursday, December 2 This session will explore how participants can develop the inner peace and the external conditions to be peace-workers Panelists will explore the possible implications of greater cooperation between interfaith organizations. Panelists represent the following organizations: Rio Interfaith Network Middle East Abrahamic Forum United Religions Initiative World Fellowship of Inter-religious Councils Peace Council World Conference on Religion and Peace To increase awareness of the value of interfaith cooperation and to explore how such action can be more effective, this symposium will give participants illustrations of how people involved in interfaith activity are working for a better world: By supporting peace building efforts in areas of conflict, both within local communities and between nations, . By working together to relieve suffering; By calling for justice and moral values in the political and economic structures of national and world societies, By studying together to increase mutual understanding, and to overcome religious intolerance and prejudice: . By working together to protect the environment, and; . By praying together for inner peace and peace in the world. A variety of experienced interfaith workers from different organizations, religions, and countries will be interviewed by some of the next generation of leaders in this field. Participants will be representatives of the following international interfaith organizations: International Association for Religious Freedom United Religions Initiative Rio Interfaith Initiative World Congress of Faiths World Fellowship of Inter-religious Councils Middle East Abrahamic Forum World Thanksgiving World Conference on Religion and Peace Peace Council Temple of Understanding Interfaith Center of New York World Faith Development Dialogue Global Ethic Foundation Rissho Kosei Kai Interfaith Youth Corps International Council for Community and Justice Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions International Interfaith Centre The organizers hope that the Symposium, through its creative engagement, will make an important contribution to the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions' Call to Our Guiding Institutions, and help in the unfolding of new ways of meeting and cooperating in the spirit of the Call The sessions will be interactive, and include an introduction, panel interviews, plenary, open discussion, and summing up Participants are encouraged to contribute from their own experience as well as to learn what others in the field are working to achieve. The Symposium will meet on the University of Cape Town Campus, Leslie Building, Room 3A on three afternoons from 2:00-5:30, with a break for refreshments. The sessions in this symposium are: The Voice of the Voiceless: A Call for Justice Friday, December 3 This session will explore how people and communities speak and work, as communities and as organizations, for local and international equity. Panelists will discuss the complex issues of how ethical values help to shape our lives together. Panelists represent the following organizations World Conference on Religion and Peace International Association for Religious Freedom Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions Temple of Understanding Interfaith Center of New York World Congress of Faiths Global Ethic Foundation World Faiths Development Dialogue Rissho Kosei Kai New Hopes and Visions Saturday, December 4 This session will explore the visions and hopes of young interfaith workers. Panelists will discuss what lessons and principles can learn from the interfaith movement so far, and how various local, national, and international interfaith groups and organizations can be more effective in turning these hopes and visions into reality. Panelists represent the following organizations: World Conference on Religion and Peace International Association for Religious Freedom Rissho Kosei Kai Interfaith Youth Corp Parliament of the World's Religions Next Generation 24 2010_03 _03 For Priva
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS PARLIAMENT SYMPOSIA Specific actions we desire the Religious leaders to undertake: At the Parliament: . Endorsement of microcredit as a gift of services to humanity . All sign a call to action to the World Bank and world governments to support poverty redemption and community transformation through MED After the Parliament: . Advocacy within their religious communities by passing a resolution supporting microcredit Awareness building by including a session/symposium on microcredit during a new conference in 2000 . Funding through their denominational structures . Endorsement of funding on the part of individuals and churches/religious institutions * Support for regulatory reform in their countries to provide the legal protection for microcredit organizations . Publicity of the call to action to the World Bank and world governments This symposium will take place at the University of Cape Town, Leslie Building, Room 3 B on Saturday, December 4. The Microcredit Symposium will consist of the following four presentations: MICROCREDIT: A Way for Religious and Spiritual Communities to Eradicate Poverty This symposium is sponsored by the Institute for World Spirituality, which was founded by an interreligious group concerned about the spirit of intolerance, competitiveness and prejudice which too often dominates relationships among the world's religious communities. Since 1987, the IWS has held annual faith retreats and sponsored events at the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions, sponsored a series of books on Jungian psychology and spirituality, and compiled data for an international directory of religions. In 1996, resources were acquired for expanding its programs. The following Brochure highlights these expanding programs of the Institute. The IWS is grounded in the belief that religious and spiritual dimensions of life are essential for healthy communities and individuals. Tribalisms and special interests separate us and too often lead to alienation, conflict, and violence. Thee must be overcome if we are to meet the challenges of the future. Courses of action focused on specific issues are needed to solve the systematic problems facing us. We envision living partnerships among religious and spiritual communities and civic organizations around specific strategies for solving particular problems. A more just and compassionate future for our planet will only be secured by creating international communities committed to cooperative action. To that end, the Strategy of the IWS is to provide tools and models for transformation, to gather people together, and to provide ways to encourage and facilitate partnerships. Microcredit is based upon the idea that with small loans and access to various financial services, it is possible to create expand small businesses. Investments made through microcredit services result in amazing returns. Microentrepeneurs not only move themselves beyond poverty. they also improve the lives of family members while strengthening their communities. The Microcredit Symposium will educate Parliament attendees about microenterprise development and encourage them to get involved through their religious, spiritual, and civic communities. The Micro credit Symposium is inspired by the concept of gifts of service to humanity in the recognition that one of the greatest gifts we can offer is the alleviation of chronic poverty in the world. The purpose of the Micro-credit Symposium is to educate religious cornmunities about micro-enterprise development and to encourage them to get involved through funding, advocacy, and encouragement of their constituencies as potential clients and resources. We believe religious communities can play a vital role in shaping the microenterprise development movement by ensuring that the highest values of personal and community transformation are realized. Currently, the field of MED is focused on financial efficiency. Religious communities could play a significant role in advocating for an approach to MED that includes not only financial indicators of success, but also personal and community transformation. These indicators are also needed to ensure that the focus remains on the extremely poor. The purpose of the Microcredit Symposium is therefore to educate religious communities about microenterprise development and to encourage them to get involved through funding, advocacy, and encouragement of their constituencies as potential clients and resources. 10:00 AM - 11:30 PM Microcredit, Transformation and the Role of Religious Organizations Dr. Makonen Getu Deputy Regional Director, Opportunity International The workshop will involve lecture, followed by discussions. Utilizing case studies, this workshop will analyze and discuss the following: 1. the dynamics and essentials of microcredit 2. its role in alleviating poverty and transforming the lives of the poor in the 2nd/3rd world 3. the meaning and indicators of transformational development 4. the challenges and constraints faced by microcredit institutions 5. strategic recommendations for guiding the future 6. the role to be played by religious organizations in responding to the needs of the poor and those who serve the poor through microcredit. Dr. Makonen Getu is currently Deputy Regional Director of the Opportunity International Africa Office. He has worked for about 20 years in the field of development in Ethiopia, Lesotho, Zambia, Australia and Zimbabwe with such organizations as UNDP, SIDA and World Vision. He has also served as a lecturer in development economics at the University of Stockholm. 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Microenterprise Development: Where Dignity and Compassion Meet Mr. Larry Reed Managing Director, Opportunity International Network Across the globe people of many faiths are uniting behind a common approach to alleviating poverty. This approach, called microenterprise development, provides loans and business training to those who have been shut out by the prevailing market system. It allows people in need to provide for themselves and their families. It is also one of the few 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT O F PARLIAMENT development strategies that can pay its own way, that is, can generate enough income to cover its costs. This workshop will review some of the current impact being made by microenterprise development programs around the world. It will also review the history of the modern microenterprise movement, showing how we have moved from experimental efforts to the place where microenterprise development has begun to revolutionize the banking and finance industries. But what does all this have to do with the world's religions? A deeper look into the microenterprise movement shows that it has its roots in many of the great religious traditions of the world. In fact, almost all religions which advocate compassion for the poor and preserving the dignity of the individual have longstanding traditions of enterprise development. Combining compassion with dignity means providing means for people to help themselves, to generate their own employment so they are not dependent on anyone. The workshop will conclude by looking at ways that people of different faiths can work together by using microenterprise development as a common tool in the fight to eradicate poverty. Larry Reed has worked with the Opportunity International Network (OIN) since 1984 and for the last two years has served as managing director. OIN is a membership organization of the microenterprise organizations in over 30 countries. He has been the Director of Venture Investments, Founder and Director of Africa Regional Office in Zimbabwe from 1991-1996, and vice president of Programs for OIN-US. He holds a MA in Public Policy from JFK School of Government at Harvard and a BA in Social Sciences and Biblical Studies from Wheaton College. 2:00 PM 3:30 PM Impact of Macro-economic Environment on Microcredit Dr. Theresa Moyo, University of Zimbabwe This workshop will involve a lecture, followed by discussions. The presentation will discuss the impact of high interest rates, inflation, currency depreciation, and regulatory instruments, among others, on the capacity of microcredit to meet the needs of the poor. SYMPOSIA Dr. Theresa Moyo is a lecturer in the Department of Economics at the University of Zimbabwe. She is a Board member of Zambuko Trust, a leading microcredit institution in Zimbabwe that currently reaches over 18,000 clients. She is also an appointed board member of the Agricultural Finance Corporation, the biggest agricultural organization in the country. 26 2010_03 THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS 3:30 PM 5:00 PM The Microcredit Summit Campaign: A vehicle for fulfilling religious communities' commitment to the eradication of poverty Mr. Larry Reed Managing Director, Opportunity International Network Within the context of the symposium on microcredit, this session will give participants an understanding of the Microcredit Summit Campaign's history, its goals, its core themes, and how religious institutions can take an active role in helping to ensure that 100 million of the world's poorest families, especially the women of those families, receive credit for self-employment and other financial and business services by the year 2005. Larry Reed has worked with the Opportunity International Network (OIN) since 1984 and for the last two years has served as managing director. OIN is a membership organization of the microenterprise organizations in over 30 countries. He has been the Director of Venture Investments, Founder and Director of Africa Regional Office in Zimbabwe from 1991-1996, and vice president of Programs for OIN-US. He holds a MA in Public Policy from JFK School of Government at Harvard and a BA in Social Sciences and Biblical Studies from Wheaton College.
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT AMERICA'S SHADOW STRUGGLE O F Native American Religious Freedom In this symposium, Professor Huston Smith interviews Native American elders on the complex issues of America's dark history, and the struggle on behalf of Native American's for Religious Freedom in their land. These eloquent and insightful elders will discuss the history and the struggle with Professor Smith, who world renowned contemporary authority on the history of religions. He has taught at Washington University, MIT and Syracuse University, and most recently as visiting Professor at The University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of many books including. The World's Religions, and is the subject of a recent Bill Moyers' television series, The Wisdom Of Faith. All presentations in this symposium will take place in Lecture Theater Two. 2 December, 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Freedom From Fear: Persecution of Native American Religions - Past and Present In this session, Walter Echo-Hawk and Professor Smith will review the history of oppression on the Indigenous religions in the United States and outline current concerns and potential remedies. This session will lay the groundwork for all the future sessions. Walter Echo-Hawk (Pawnee) is an Attorney, lobbyist, tribal judge, scholar and a leader in the legal struggles for American Indian religious freedom. He is a Senior Staff Attorney of The Native American Rights Fund of Boulder, Colorado, and author of the book Battlefields and Burial Grounds; The Indian Struggle To Protect Ancestral Graves in the United States. 2 December, 11:00-11:45 a.m. The Triumph of the Native American Church - A Reason For Hope In this session, Frank Dayish, Jr. and Professor Smith will summarize the recent triumphant struggle of The Native American Church for religious freedom as documented in Professor Smith's book, One Nation Under God. They'll discuss the current ramifications for the other religions of America and ponder potential future problems. SYMPOSIA Frank Dayish, Jr. (Dine) is the former President of the Native American Church of North America, and a leader in the triumphant struggle to overturn the infamous U.S. Supreme Court Smith Decision, which threatened the religious freedom of 250,000 N.A.C. church members, and which was overturned by a 1994 act of U.S. Congress. 3 December, 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. A Place to Pray: Mother Earth, the Virgin Mother In this session Winona LaDuke and Professor Smith discuss the interdependence of Native religions and Mother Earth. They'll consider pollution and clear cutting as religious persecution. and suggest respect for the creation as the remedy. Winona LaDuke (Anishinaabeg) is an internationally acclaimed environmental and human rights activist, and a visionary for political, spiritual and ecological transformation. She is currently the Director of the Honor the Earth Fund, and a Founding Director of both the White Earth Land Recovery Project and the Indigenous Women's Network. She is also the author of All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life. 3 December, 11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Sacred Sites: Issues of Access and Protection 2010_03 In this session Charlotte Black Elk and Professor Smith discuss the significance of the Black Hills of South Dakota on her people's religion, and they'll propose solutions to protect prayer sites and provide unlimited access for Native peoples. Charlotte Black Elk (Oglala Lakota) is the primary advocate for THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS protection of, and Native access to, the Black Hills of South Dakota. She is an authority in the verification of the Lakota oral tradition. She is the Great granddaughter of Nicholas Black Eik, the subject of John Neihardt's book, Black Elk Speaks. 4 December, 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Destruction of Native Languages and its Effect on Ceremony In this session Oren Lyons and Professor Smith discuss the history of governmental efforts to destroy Native languages and the resulting damage to Native ceremonies. Chief Lyons will describe current efforts to save what has not yet been lost. Oren Lyons (Onondaga) is the Faith Keeper of The Turtle Clan. He is a world renowned voice of Indigenous wisdom, and author of the book, Exiled In The Land Of The Free. He is the Director of Native American Studies, State University of New York at Buffalo, and subject of the Bill Moyer's television special, The Faithkeeper. 4 December, 11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Prisioner's Rights: Access to Ceremonies In this session Lenny Foster and Professor Smith discuss current injustices faced by incarcerated Native Americans, which no other race or religion in the U.S. faces. Mr. Foster will describe the situation inside prisons, and will propose remedies. Lenny Foster (Dine) is co-author of numerous pieces of legislation that make possible the practice of Native spiritual and religious practices in prisons. He is Spiritual Advisor to Native Americans in 89 Federal and State prisons. He is currently the Director of the Navajo Nation Corrections Project, and Coordinator of the National Native American Prisoners Rights Advocates Coalition. 5 December, 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. The Threat of Scientism: The Jesuit Astrophysicists say "That Mountain is Not Sacred" In this session, Anthony Guy Lopez and Professor Smith will discuss the dangers of organized religion partnering with science, as in the case of the Vatican Observatory constructing telescopes on the summit of Mount Graham in Arizona against the wishes of the Apache people, who know it as a sacred place. Anthony Guy Lopez (Crow Creek Sioux) is the National organizer for the Student Environmental Action Coalition's struggle against construction of the Vatican Observatory atop Mount Graham, Arizona. He is the Program Director of the American Indian Endangered Species and policy analyst at The Center for Biological Diversity in Tucson. 5 December, 11:00 a.m. 11:45 a.m. The Human Genome Diversity Project: a Fundamental Lack of Respect In this session Tonya Gonnella Frichner and Professor Smith will trace the chronological roots of disrespect for Indigenous religions from the infamous Papal Bull declaring Indian people as sub-human, to the Human Genome Diversity Project where scientists decide certain Indigenous populations are close to extinction and react by gathering blood, hair and tissue samples for use in genetic research, patents and profits. Tonya Gonnella Frichner (Onondaga) is the Founder and President of the American Indian Law Alliance of New York City. She is also a delegate to the United Nations Sub-Committee on Human Rights/Working Group on Indigenous Populations, and a leader in international advocacy on behalf of Indigenous Peoples. 7 December, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. A Prayer for the New Millennium This session allows participants to ask questions to all the symposium panelists. The symposium will culminate in this session with a ceremony intended to help purge the sorrows of the past, and express a collective vision for religious freedom for Indigenous people's worldwide. 27
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIA MENT PARLIAMENT SOUTH AFRICA FORUM Religion, Liberation and Transformation: the South African Experience O F South Africa is a microcosm of the world. Living together are major communities of black and white people experiencing affluence or poverty, western development or third world need of it, forces of oppression and of liberation, and most of the world's major religions. During thirty years a revolution has occurred in which the people have liberated themselves from political oppression, and now seek to transform society. How did it happen? What is happening now? 2 December, 10:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Apartheid Oppression was Rooted in the Guiding Institutions The nine seminars are presented jointly by the South African Chapter of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, and the Religious Studies Department of the University of Cape Town. All presentations in this symposium will take place in Commerce Auditorium 2.58. The Parliament of the World's Religions has identified eight "Guiding Institutions which influence the character and course of human society." These are Religion; Government; Commerce, Industry, and Labor, Education: Science and Medicine; Arts and Communications Media; International Intergovernmental Organizations; and Organisations of Civil Society. Apartheid oppression was produced through these Guiding Institutions. Oppression was inflicted by good people who sincerely believed the colonial tradition that white western supremacy was the instrument of world salvation. Beneath this doctrine was their determination to retain economic power (wealth) in their own hands. These attitudes still rule many Guiding Institutions in the world today. SYMPOSIA In this session, a panel of prominent South African leaders will explore how the guiding institutions produced and supported the oppression of South Africans. Panelists: Dr. Franz Auerbach, World Conference on Religion and Peace Professor Mamphela Ramphela, Vice-Chancellor, University of Cape Town Mr. Popo S. Molefe, Premeir of North West Province, Mafikeng Pastor Ray McCauley, President IFCC (Rhema) Church Bishop Paul Verryn, Methodist Church, Johannesburg 2 December, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Religious Resistance to Oppression Apartheid oppression was crushed by a long process in which liberated political and religious forces cooperated. Beneath this was a driving force towards theological renewal and economic justice. In this session, the panelists representing some of South Africa's religious and spiritual communities will address the current challenges. communities. Reverend Bernard Spong, South Africa Council of Churches Father Albert Nolan, Challenge Magazine Sheik Ebrahim Gabriels, Muslim Judicial Council Professor Milton Shain, Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at the University of Cape Town Pastor Sipho Tshelane, African Independent Churches Reverend Charity Majiza, General Secretary of the South African Council of Churches 28 2010_03 THE WORLD S RELIGIONS 3 December, 10:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Contentious Issues for Religion and Transformation The South African struggle raised contentious issues which still confront religious activists concerned to transform the world. In a discussion moderated by Mr. Moss Nthia of the Evangelical Alliance of South Africa, the panelists will focus on economic pressure, non-violence, protest and pacifism, and self-discovery as tools for social transformation. Dr. Daryl Baila, Public Service Commission Ms. Ela Gandhi, Member of Parliament Dr. Molefe Tsele, ESSET Reverend Douglass Torr, Church of the Province of South Africa Ms. Jacqueline Williams 3 December, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. From Resistance to Reconstruction: Analysing the "South African Miracle" The transition in South Africa has been seen internationally as a social and political miracle. Yet deep-seated problems, many with global parallels, affect the project of building a new democracy. This seminar explores issues confronting religion in this new situation. Panelists: Professor David Chidester, Professor of Comparative Religion University of Cape Town Professor Jakes Gerwel, University of the Western Cape: formerly Director General of Professor Tinyiko Maluleke, University of Natal Imam Rashied Omar, World Conference on Religion and Peace, South African Chapter Ebrahim Rasool, Leader of the African National Congress in the Western Cape 4 December, 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Tolerance and Democracy: Human Rights Across the Chasms A nation historically divided along racial, cultural, economic, and gender lines presents powerful challenges to religious visions of reconciliation and political practices of toleration. Panelists: Professor Denise Ackerman, University of Western Cape Dr. Daryl Balai, Chair, Public Service Commission Professor Amands Gouws, University of Stellenbosch Dr. Chireva Kwenda, African Religion Centre at the University of Cape Town Professor, Amina Mama, African Gender Institute at the University of Cape Town Genda Wildschut, Truth and Reconciliation Commission 4 December, 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Faith and Politics Working Together in the Emergence of the New South Africa In this session, a panel of distinguished South Africans who were involved in the struggle against apartheid share stories of the past, and visions and strategies for the future. In a discussion moderated by Mary Burton, the panelists will recount how political and religious forces combined in the struggle to end apartheid oppression, and explore how could they both contribute to building transformed society. Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris, Union of Orthodox Synagogues Professor K. Kritzinger, University of South Africa Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa, Deputy of Education and ANC
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________________ 1 9 9 9 P A R L I A M E NT PARLIAM ENT Commission for Religious Affairs Dr. Faizel Randera, Truth and Reconciliation Commissioner O F Ms. Welikazi Sokutu, Umtata Women's Group 5 December, 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The Two-Thirds World has AIDS: Deconstructing the Politics of Health and Medicine HIV/AIDS is wreaking havoc across Africa and much of the developing world. It confronts health care workers and religious people with complex cultural, sexual, and moral questions, intensified by globalising political and economic forces. Ms. Nomsa Hani, Research Institute of the University of Cape Town Mr. Chris Mbude, Job Creation for HIV Positive People Ms. Sarojini Nadir, Chair of the Centre for Study of Religion at the University of Cape Town Dr. Manto Tshabala-Msimang, Minister of Health Ms. Bongi Zenele, Thandanani AIDS group in KwaZulu Natal 5 December, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Magicians of the Market Professor Bernard Lategan, Chair of the University of Stellenbosch The triumph of the market economy has been hailed by some and criticized by others. Can the market really solve our problems and enhance our life-worlds? This is an issue religions cannot afford to ignore. Mr. Jeremy Cronin, South Africa's Communist Party Professor Pieter Le Roux, University of Western Cape Reverend Caesar Molebatsi, Television presenter Mr. Neville Gabriel, South Africa Director for Jubilee 2000 5 December, 4:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. African Renaissance A powerful panel discussion of one of the most important ideas now shaping the future of the continent, which finds particular expression in the Presidency of Thabo Mbeki. Panelists to be announced. 7 December, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Interfaith Participation in the Transformation of Society Despite the attitudes of ingrained conservatism of many religious and political practitioners, and interfaith and interdisciplinary cooperation is emerging in the quest to transform society. In this presentation, many distinguished panelists will share the stories of projects that are working to transform society in South Africa. Dr. Kyalushi Koka, Kara Heritage Institute Reverend Cedric Mayson, Commission for Religious Affairs for the African National Congress 2010_03 THE S Y M P OSIA Professor Martin Prozesky, Unilever Research Institute at the University of Natal Melanie Verwoerd, Member of Parliament in South Africa WORLD S RELIGION S SCIENCE AND RELIGION AT HOME IN THE UNIVERSE a symposium on the developing dialogue between science and religion: 1. The Universe Story: Science at the New Millennium, II. The Emerging Alliance of Religion and Ecology, and III. Science and Religion: Resource and Challenge for Each Other in the Coming Millennium. Sessions will be held at the University of Cape Town, Leslie Building, on December 2,3,4,5 from 10:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. daily (with a lunch break from noon to 2:00 P.M.). I. The Universe Story: Science at the New Millennium begins on Thursday, December 2, 1999 Origins, a whole-day dialogue of current ideas on the origin and evolution of matter, life and mind. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Our Universe in Space and Time Eric Carlson, Adler Planetarium and Astronomical Museum, Chicago 11:00 a.m. The Origin of Life on Earth Clifford Matthews, University of Illinois at Chicago 12:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Earthdance: Living Systems in Evolution Elisabet Sahtouris, Living Systems Design 3:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. The Appearance of Humankind Matt Cartmill, Duke University 4:00 p.m. 4:45 p.m. Searching for Our Ancestors Ronald Clarke, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 4:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. The Co-evolution of Language and the Brain Terrence Deacon, Boston University Friday, December 3, 1999 The Universe Story continues with Questions Arising? concerning cultural evolution, consciousness and creativity, with presentations by: KORAN RAJA OBALA (MARS (95) 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Science and Faith George Johnson, the New York Times, author of Fire in the Mind: Science, Faith and the Search for Order 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Cosmology and Religion George Ellis, University of Cape Town, co-author of On the Moral Nature of the Universe: Theology, Cosmology and Ethics 29
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS R A R L I A M E N T O U M R O S I A 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Space and Spirit Margaret Wertheim, producer of the Public Television documentary on Faith and Reason, and author of The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace: A History of Space from Dante to the Internet 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Images of Enlightenment/Slanted Truth Clifford Matthews, University of Illinois at Chicago, co-editor of Cosmic Beginnings and Human Ends: Where Science and Religion Meet 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Resources and Challenges Solomon Katz, anthropologist, University of Pennsylvania: Jewish A scientist's questions for the millennium; how religion can be a resource/challenge for science. Philip Hefner, theologian, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Christian A theologian's questions for the millennium; how science can be a resource/challenge for religion. Hamam Hadi, medicine, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia: Muslim Religion as a resource for science. Pinit Ratanakul, religious studies, Mahidol University, Bangkok Buddhist Religion and science in a Buddhist perspective. Viggo Mortensen, theology, Aarhus University, Denmark; Christian A model for dialogue; how the inter-religious dialogue is a model for the religion-science dialogue WS 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Cosmic Beginnings and Human Ends: Where do We Come From? What are We? Where are We Going? II. The Emerging Alliance of Religion and Ecology YO Saturday, December 4, 1999 Organized by the Forum on Religion and Ecology to highlight the important roles religions play in constructing moral frameworks underlying human interactions with the environment. What are the promises and the problems with regard to this alliance? What can each religious tradition add to our global environmental ethic? Brief opening statements by panelists with different religious backgrounds will be followed by moderated panel discussions. 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Chair and Discussant: John Grim, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA Panelists - Judaism: Mark Jacobs, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life Christianity: Stephen Scharper, University of Toronto Islam: Nargis Virani, Harvard University 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Methods and Issues of Dialogue between Science and Religion Satoto, medicine, Diponegro University Research Institute, Indonesia; Muslim Integrating scientific and religious paradigms for understanding the world. V.V. Raman, physics, Rochester (New York) Institute of Technology, native of India; Hindu Science and the spiritual vision; how science and spirituality can be related. Ghulam-Haider Aasi, religious studies, American College of Islam, Chicago, native of Pakistan, Muslim Science and the Qu'ran: how scientific knowledge can be interrelated with the Qu'ran. Norbert Samuelson, religious studies, Arizona State University Jewish Minds, emotions, and human beings: a Jewish perspective; focus on the life sciences. Ingrid Shafer, philosophy, University of the Arts and Sciences of Oklahoma, native of Austria; Roman Catholic What does it mean to be human Resources from the dialogue of religions and sciences. 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Chair and Discussant: Mary Evelyn Tucker, Bucknell University Panelists - Hinduism: Vasudha Narayanan, University of Florida Jainism: Christopher Chapple, Loyola Marymount University Buddhism: Kenneth Kraft, Lehigh University 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Chair and Discussant: Mary Evelyn Tucker, Bucknell University Panelists-Confucianism: Tu Weiming. Harvard University Indigenous Traditions: Teresia Hinga, De Paul University II. Science and Religion: Resource and Challenge for Each Other in the Coming Millennium Sunday, December 5, 1999 Organized by the Zygon Center for Religion and Science and the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science to explore the possibility that long-evolved religious wisdom combined with significant scientific discoveries about the world and human nature can provide valid and effective guidance for enhancing human life. Presentations on this timely topic from different religious perspectives will consist of 20-minute summaries of papers that will be available to participants. 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. The Religion and Science Dialogue as a Gift to the Parliament and to the World Panel and group discussion will refer especially to the "Call to Guiding Institutions of the Parliament. Leaders: George Ellis, Mathematics, University of Cape Town: Christian Dhigboti K. Fiawoo, Anthropology, University of Lagos, Nigeria Ursula Goodenough, biology, Washington University, St. Louis, religious naturalist William Lesher, church leader and pastor, New Day International Foundation; Christian Andrea Ng'weshemi, chaplain, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Christian Karl Peters, philosophy, religious studies, Rollins College: Unitarian Universalist Ghulam-Heider Aasi, Solomon Katz, V.V. Raman, Satoto, and Ingrid Shafer (as listed above). 30 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS R A R L I A M E N T S U M R O S I A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: A Religious Perspective on Integrating Ecology, Economy and Community The future of the Earth depends upon our ability to create a new balance between ecology, economy, and communitywhat we now call sustainable development. We must move from the exploitation of people and the rest of nature to a relationship of cooperation and interdependence. Religious communities are where this kind of learning and reflection needs to occur, but there are many unanswered questions: * How can religious congregations mine the depths of their own traditions as sources of understanding and motivation for compelling visions of sustainability? How can those visions be turned into a comprehensive program of transformation? What is the particular role of cities in moving toward a sustainable world? This symposium provides an opportunity for an inclusive discussion of sustainable development from many different perspectives. It will explore common goals and potentially. greater cooperation on specific action agendas. Because cities are increasingly where the world's peoples live, specific focus will be given to issues of urban sustainability. Schedule and Location: This symposium will take place at the University of Cape Town, Leslie Building, on the following dates: Saturday, December 4 2:00 pm - 5:30 p.m. Sunday, December 5 2:00 p.m. -5:30 p.m. 4 December, 10:00 am - 11:00 a.m., Room 2D Major Presentation Nature: Nice or Necessity? In this session Dr. Brendan Mackey shares his understanding that the underpinning concept of Sustainable Development is the notion that human well-being is ultimately dependent on a healthy Biosphere. This is often defined in terms of the need to protect global life-support systems. But what exactly are these systems, how are they being degraded, and if they are to be protected what kinds of constraints does this impose on the human enterprise? These questions are addressed with reference to the hydrological and carbon cycles. The implications for rural and urban life in the new millennium are also examined. Dr. Mackey is a Reader in Ecology and Environmental Science at the Australian National University. His current main field of research is the role of forests in the global carbon cycle. He is also Associate Editor for Environmental Conservation, an international journal of environmental science published by Cambridge University Press. Mackey is also involved in the Earth Charter Project. Concurrent Sesssions 4 December, 11:15 am - 12:15 am Session A: Lecture Room A Training Clergy: Educating for Sustainability Richard Clugston, USA Director, Earth Charter Campaign, Director, Center for Respect for Life and the Environment, Washington, D.C., USA Session B: Lecture Room B Green Nuns: Religious Women and Congregations as Creators of Sustainable Development On Their Lands Prof. Rosemary Ruether, Georgia Harkness Professor of Applied Theology, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Evanston, IL, USA. In this presentation Rosemary Ruether, feminist ecological theologian will review some of the history of monasticism in relation to harmony with nature to show resources for ecological communtarianism today. She will then discuss some of the development of eco-justice centers among American women religious, both in their theoretical roots, and spirituality and in their current practices. Session C: Lecture Room C Corporate Social Responsibility Dr. David W. Chappell, Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa In this workshop, Dr. Chapple will outline the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States, and outline the reasons for its death in the 1980s (globalization, new technologies and informed customers). Discussions will then commence on the programs and organizations business leaders have created and supported, in transforming their companies, both within the United States and in developing countries, to become partners with, and not exploiters of communities, as well as caretakers of the environment. 4 December, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., Room 2D Major Presentation The Particular Contribution that Religions Have to Make to Development In this presentation, Ms. Tyndale will address the practical contributions which religions make to sustainable development (such as, their closeness to and thus intimate knowledge of the poor and their sense of service and willingness to give voluntary help). She will also address some of the problems like religious tradition's diversion from their true role which development work can sometimes cause and the temptation to use development work to recruit people. Finally, she will explore the spiritual contribution that religious institutions make to sustainable development. Ms. Wendy Tyndale is the co-coordinator of the World Faiths Development Dialogue. From 1986-1994 she was head of the Latin America and Caribbean Department of Christian Aid. She then spent two years in Guatemala coordinating a joint Central American office of five major European ecumenical agencies. In 1998, she was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury to become the co-coordinator of the World Faiths Development Dialogue. Wendy Tyndale has also worked as a free lance journalist and has published many articles on development and social issues Concurrent Sesssions 4 December, 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 pm Session A: Lecture Room A Global Financial Markets Kimberly Powers, Students for Responsible Business, Vice President, Net Impact, University of Hawaii at Manoa. The world economy increasingly affects the quality of life for more people than any other single factor. However, as George Soros has observed, global financial markets are amoral at best, and are capable of threatening entire economies. How can religious communities keep informed, help to evaluate, and work to influence multinational corporations and global financial practices? Discussion will focus both on general principles and practical methods. 31 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENTO F THE WORLD S RELIGIONS R A R L I A M E N T S U M R O S I A Session B: Lecture Room B The Internet, Religious Communities, and Sustainable Development Brent Reynolds, Intern, Web of Creation, Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago, IL USA In this workshop, we will discuss using the Internet as a tool for learning about and connecting with others who are engaged in religiously based environmental activism/sustainable development. What resources are currently available? How might they be utilized by local religious communities? Session C: Lecture Room C Sustainable Agriculture in the City Job Ebenezer, Director for Environmental Stewardship. Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Chicago, IL USA 4 December, 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., Room 2D Major Presentation Sustainable Development: the Story of South Africa In this session, The Most Reverend Ndungane will speak to the issues and dynamics of Sustainable Development in South Africa The Most Reverend Njongonkulu W. H. Ndungane is the Head of the Anglican Church of the Province of Southern Africa. This includes South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Angola, and the island of St. Helena 5 December, 10:00 am - 11:00 a.m., Room 2D Major Presentation The Natural Step: A Guide Towards Sustainability In this session, Dr. Karl Henrik Henrik-Robert will share his experience in working for sustainable development as chairman of The Natural Step. Dr. Karl Henrik-Robert, M.D., Ph.D., is founder and chairman of The Natural Step, a non-profit organization which provides a framework for societal sustainability from its branches in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Africa. Dr. Robert is also Adjunct Professor of Resource Theory, University of Gothenburg, Member of the College of Sciences Advisory Board at Georgia Institute of Technology and fellow of the World Business Academy. Concurrent Sesssions 5 December, 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m, Session A: Lecture Room A The Earth Charter: Ethics of Sustainability In this session, Professor Rockefeller will share with participants the principles and ethics of the Earth Charter, which has sustainability as a core value. Prof. Steven Rockefeller is Chair of the Drafting Committee, Earth Charter Campaign. He is also a Professor of Religion at Middlebury College, Vermont, USA Session B: Lecture Room B Engaging Religious Communities in Sustainable Development Stephen A. Perkins, Director, Interreligious Sustainability Project, Chicago, IL USA if the transition to sustainable development is to occur, it needs to connect to and be motivated by our deepest beliefs and commitments. Every religious tradition calls its members to their highest self and supports thern in converting that striving into action. How can religious congregations plum the depths of their own traditions as a source of understanding and motivation for a compelling vision of sustainability? How can that vision be turned into a comprehensive program? 5 December, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., Room 2D Major Presentation Spiritual Citizenship and Social Work in Rio de Janeiro In order to share the experience of Viva Rio, Mr. Porto will focus on the following issues: Community Development: Public Safety and Human Rights; Education for Youth and Adults: Peacemaking Campaigns and Events;- Interfaith Network. Then briefly there will be an overview on the connection of social service and spirituality in Brazil in order to explore the meaning of spiritual citizenship. Mr. Andre Porto is a 28 year old Brazilian, and has coordinated interfaith initiatives in Rio de Janeiro, since 1992. During the Earth Summit, he produced an all night interfaith vigil called One Day for the Earth. He produced a documentary video about the Parliament of the World's Religions in 1993 in Chicago. Since 1997, Mr. Porto has represented the United Religions Initiative in Brazil. Since its inception in 1993, he has also worked as the producer of Viva Rio, an NGO, active in the fields of human rights, community development, and actions for peace. Concurrent Sesssions 5 December, 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Session A Lecture Room A Urban Sustainability: Scriptural Understandings of the City Rev. Richard Luecke, Lutheran minister, Board Member, Parliament of the World's Religions, Chicago, IL, USA "No destiny can possibly be conceived in the world, or even out of it, other than that of a city - Oliver O-Donovan, The Desire of the Nations. This can be argued on demographic, economic, ecological and cultural grounds but is most passionately, graphically and perennially affirmed in the scriptures of the world's religions. This dialogue will explore how a scriptural recovery of profound judgment and imaginative vision lends significance to what people now do in their cities, and to the style with which they do it. Session B: Lecture Room B Justice in the Land: Religious Responses to Environmental Racism Marie Leaner, Community Activist, Chicago, IL USA 5 December, 4:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m., Room 2D Major Presentation Sustainable Development? The Choice Is Ours In this session, Mr. Shilling will share with participants his experience as head of the Environment and Sustainability Program at the World Bank. He will share lessons learned from the work of the World Bank, and will urge participants to see Sustainable Development as a choice -- a challenge we must meet for the care of the Earth and the human community. Mr. Jed Shilling is head of the Environment and Sustainability Program at the World Bank. He joined the World Bank in 1973 after serving as an economic advisor to the Prime Minister of Morocco and teaching economics at Boston College. He initially worked in the World Bank's Economic Analysis and Projections Department and later in the East Asia Department. Mr. Shilling has also been involved in a number of Bank-wide activities promoting information technology and improving economic analysis. He has also served as served as senior advisor to external organizations on economic and environmental issues. 32 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS R A R L I A M E N T S U M R O S I A Patricia Dorga Student at Martin Van Buren High School in New York, and member of the New York Executive Committee for the Parliament of the World's Religions Connel Fraley Student at Bronx Law, Government, and Justice High School Reverend Marguerite P. Goodall President of the Brooklyn Truth Center and member of the New York Executive Committee for the Parliament of the World's Religions Nickolai Kipp Parker Member of the World Movement for Nonviolence Task Force Joseph Romanoff Student at Marymount Manhattan College Rick Uffick Founder of We, The World Diane Williams Coordinator of the World Movement for Nonviolence at the Interfaith Center of New York Building a World Movement for Nonviolence Friday 3 December, 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM University of Cape Town, Leslie Building, Theater A THE WORLD MOVEMENT FOR NONVIOLENCE The World Movement for Nonviolence was founded in 1998 to raise awareness of the critical importance of practicing nonviolence in today's world. It's goal is to prevent violence in every form by promoting the use of nonviolent means for resolving conflict, and to show how nonviolence is applicable to events and situations in everyday life, among all sectors of society. The World Movement for Nonviolence has forged partnerships and alliances with individuals and organizations worldwide in the belief that a united effort will strengthen the commitment toward a more peaceful world. The World Movement for Nonviolence commemorates the period from January 30th to April 4th as the Season for Nonviolence, a time when cities around the world develop educational and cultural programs that promote the principles of nonviolence. With the support of over six hundred cosponsoring organizations, hundreds of initiatives and special events are created during this period. These dates mark the anniversaries of the assassinations of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., two great champions of nonviolence in the modern age. To educate people on the principles of nonviolence, The World Movement for Nonviolence has developed programs, workshops, retreats, conferences, and task forces for youth and adults that deal with conflict resolution and prevention. The World Movement for Nonviolence will soon be developing curriculum for many grade levels, and will create models for the formation of youth peace teams in communities around the world. It also hosts special programs at the United Nations where religious, political, Civic, academic, and youth leaders speak on practical applications of nonviolence. The World Movement for Nonviolence has forged partnerships and alliances with individuals and organizations worldwide in the belief that a united effort will strengthen the commitment toward a more peaceful world. This symposium will illustrate the history of The World Movement for Nonviolence, and will share with participants the learning and methods it has developed. The symposium will include the following two major presentations. In this presentation religious and spiritual leaders from around the world will address the complex issue of violence, which is increasing worldwide at an alarming rate. Ethnic cleansing. religious warfare, violence in the home and in schools are issues dealt with in every community around the world. The presenters will share their thoughts on what role religious and spiritual people can play in creating a culture of peace and nonviolence In this seminar, participants will hear testimonies from individuals who have dedicated their lives to the ideals and principles of great champions of nonviolence such as Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Invited guest panelists include: Reverend Michael Beckwith Founder of the AGAPE International Center of Truth Ela Gandhi Parliament Member of the South African Parliament Venerable Samdech Preah Maha Ghosananda Supreme Patriarch of Buddhism for the kingdom of Cambodia Goldie Hawn Actress, and International Ambassador for the World Movement for Nonviolence Juliet Hollister Founder of the Temple of Understanding Bawa Jain Director of International and United Nations Affairs for the Interfaith Center of New York Reverend Mary Morissey President of the Association for Global New Thought The Very Reverend James Parks Morton President of the Interfaith Center of New York Arti Ramgobin Great Granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi Dr. Karan Singh Chairperson of the Temple of Understanding Dr. L. M. Singhvi Member of the Upper House of Parliament of India, and Jain and Hindu scholar Rabbi Awaraham Soetendorp Initiator of Hope for Children Dada J. P. Vaswani President of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission C. T. Vivian Chairperson of the Center for Democratic Renewal Working to Foster a World of Nonviolence Friday 3 December, 10:00AM - 12:00 PM University of Cape Town, Leslie Building, Theater A This workshop will explore the dynamics of nonviolence as a means to achieve inner and outer peace. Special emphasis will be placed on "The Power of One" individual to make a difference. The participants of this workshop will gain practical tools and strategies for personal transformation and social change. Examples from great spiritual leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will be illustrated. Through interactive exercises and visualizations, participants will gain insights on how to achieve mutually beneficial solutions to conflict. The session will be facilitated by youth and adult leaders of the World Movement for Nonviolence Task Force and members of the New York Executive Committee for the Parliament of the World's Religions. This session will be facilitated by: Ajani Benjamin Student at Martin Van Buren High School in New York, and member of the New York Executive Committee for the Parliament of the World's Religions Joan Biesel Director of United Youth International 33 2010_03
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________________ 199 9 PARLIAMENT O F THE WORLD'S RELIGION S PERFORMANCES PERFOR ERFORMANCES divine nature of the Earth and finding their personal connection with it. We will sing and dance together using primarily songs from the American and Western European Pagan and earth-spirituality traditions. The simple songs and dances will be taught to all those that attend. No experience is necessary and people of all faiths are invited. The 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions is not just lectures, workshops, seminars, and dialogues. It's also performances: music, dance, poetry, and dramal You'll find a tremendous variety of performance offerings taking place in four main venues (in addition to the performances that will enrich each Evening Plenary in the Good Hope Centre): The Old City Hall will be the principal performance site, with nearly continuous offerings, from 10:00-12:00 noon, and again from 2:00-5:30 p.m., 2-7 December. On the morning of 8 December, City Hall will also host performances, from 10:00-12:00 noon. The Cape Technikon Amphitheater at the Cape Technikon will host a number of performances each day, with the Noontime Concert Series as the highlight (each day, except Friday, 3 December, from 12:00-2:00 p.m. The District Six Stage will provide a powerful setting for the a rich variety of performances each day, with a special emphasis on the Afternoon Concerts, beginning at 2:00 daily. St. Mark's Church on the Technikon campus, will be a particularly lovely venue for a number of performances during the week. Don't miss the opportunity to visit St. Mark's for one or more of the very special performances scheduled here. CAPE TECHNIKON AMPHITHEATER Performance Schedule The Technikon Amphitheater will host a number of performances (in addition to workshops and other presentations listed in the regular programme schedule). Each day, at various times, performances will take place. Please consult the list below for times and descriptions. Between 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. daily (except Friday, 3 December), the Amphitheater will feature the Noontime Concerts series, with instrumentalists, singers, drummers, dancers, and an exciting range of musical and cultural styles. Technikon Amphitheater Performances 34 2010_03 CBSA THURSDAY, 2 DECEMBER 10:00-10:30 A.M. Celebrate the Spirit of the Earth with Ritual, Dance, and Song Deirdre Pulgram Arthen Participants in this event will create a sacred space together with the intention of opening to the mentions Deirdre Pulgram Arthen is Director of EarthSpirit, one of the largest and longest lived Pagan organizations in the USA. 2:00-3:45 P.M. Circle / Peace Dancing for All Maxine Wood A group of dancers will encourage delegates to join in simple dances. These are danced holding hands in a line or joined in a circle and celebrate many different cultures & spiritual traditions from around the world. Some are choreographed to traditional music & some to contemporary music. These dances offer the opportunity to heal the planet and ourselves. Maxine Wood has been leading & teaching circle/peace dancing for many years. This group has a regular core group of up to thirty dancers. FRIDAY, 3 DECEMBER 10:00-11:00 A.M. The Lighthouse of the Body: Moving Energy for Healing Sarah Pletts Through indigenous dance, yoga and chi gong, we center, open and strengthen ourselves - mastering the flow of energy through our bodies. We identify and feel basic yin and yang properties as they enter us and clarify our intention. We practice radiance and rest, releasing old patterns such as "defend" and "attack." This is the practice of a living peace. We enjoy serving our highest good. This is a conscious, physical class that renews. Loose, comfortable clothing is good. Sarah Pletts was trained in the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo form. She went on to the NY School of Ballet & Merce Cunningham. She holds a BFA from Pratt Institute & performs/teaches worldwide. For three years she's worked as an intuitive practitioner at the University of New England. 11:00-11:15 A.M. A Song to Bless Jesus Lesago Mannathoko Rev. Mannathoko is a Minister and singer from St. Faith's Holy Church in Botswana, and she will sing a devotional song from her tradition.
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS PERFORMANCES SATURDAY, 4 DECEMBER 3:00-3:30 P.M. Tai Chi Demonstration Tony Mulligan Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese art for youthfulness, health, long life & peace of mind. It is also a form of moving meditation, physical & mental exercise & self-defense. Tai Chi has been known to have certain healing effects on various diseases. It is taught in most schools & hospitals in China. Demonstrations will include Chi Kung Exercises, Short Yang form, Tai Chi Sword, Tai Chi Broadsword, and Push Hands Form. Tony Mulligan started Tai Chi 1979, and now teaches with the International Tai Chi Society; his teacher is Sigung Eddie Jardine. Tony teaches in Cape Town, and he also practises Ryu Kyu Kobujutsua system of armed and unarmed martial art. THURSDAY, 2 DECEMBER 12:00-12:45 Kwan Seum Bosal - Kido Chanting Heila and Rodney Downey Kido is a form of chanting dating back to ancient China. The combination of a large number of people (30-100), loud chanting, and the use of percussion instruments enables participants to cut off all thinking so that a clear mind can be attained in a very short space of time. A kido needs lots of percussion instruments - a large drum, tambourines, small drums, triangles etc. - So bring your own instrument or your voice. Heila Downey, with her partner Rodney, founder, The Dharma Centre--the only fully fledged Zen Centre in South Africa. SUNDAY, 5 DECEMBER 3:00-4:30 P.M. Biodanza: The Celebration of Human Encounter Carolina Churba This performance will provide a space in a circle where participants from the different faith communities gathered at the Parliament of the World's Religions could come together to form a living circle. This performance will invite participants to do simple exercises of human encounter, ending in a celebration of life! 1:00-2:00 Sharing Spiritual Traditions From Japan Shinji Shumeikai Shumei Taiko Ensemble The Ensemble will perform traditional selections, using the famous Japanese taiko drums. The performers represent Shinji Shumeikai, a Japanese spiritual organization attending the Parliament with over 150 members! The Shumei Taiko Ensemble performers and staff have performed at the Lincoln Center, the United Nations in New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong. Europe, and Japan, FRIDAY, 3 DECEMBER No Noontime Concert today. Instead, listen and join in as "Cape Talk," Radio 567, broadcasts live from the Parliament MONDAY, 6 DECEMBER 3:00-3:45 P.M Recitation of Kassidas Kassidas (poems) by the Musical Unit of the Sufi School of the Venerated Master Cheikh Abdoulaye Dieye, accompanied by various musical instruments. TUESDAY, 7 DECEMBER 3:00-3:30 P.M. Sacred Songs and Chants of the Aumist Religion Christine Amory A series of musical songs and chants inspired by the religious and spiritual traditions of the world. 4:00-4:30 P.M. Sacred Dance Art - Bhangra Dance Performance Itta Ravi Kaur An expression of the spirit within, dance is a physical visible manifestation of all that is divine within us. We, as dancers, use our bodies to speak our own sacred language. SATURDAY, 4 DECEMBER 12:00 - 12:45 Spiritual Gospel. Afro Gospel, Zulu Dances Lerato's Choir A group of about fifty choir members will be singing gospel music and other African traditional songs. Another group of twenty youths will sing spiritual gospel. Afro gospel and do Zulu dancing Lerato Scherpenhuyzen, African traditional healer and sangoma, is the group's leader. She has been involved with rural communities for many years, running upliftment programmes. 1:00-2:00 Zulu Dance Isandlwana Zulu Dancers A talented group of children from the Isandlwana area will dance in the traditional Zulu style. NOONTIME CONCERTS SUNDAY, 5 DECEMBER 12:00-12:45 A Celebration of Gospel Music Angels of God Gospel Choir The Angels of God choir will be singing in Sotho, Xhosa & English The Technikon Amphitheater 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. daily (2-8 December) 35 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLI AMENT PERFORM 1:00-2:00 Arlo Guthrie in Concert Arlo Guthrie In this noon-time performance, world-renowned recording artist Arlo Guthrie will share his music with attendees. Arlo will offer a selection of new, traditional, and original work. 1:00-2:00 MONDAY, 6 DECEMBER 12:00-12:45 Brass Ensemble Themba Music Project Youth performers in Brass Ensemble; marimba and traditional dancing. O F ANCES TO BE ANNOUNCED TUESDAY, 7 DECEMBER 12:00-12:45 WEDNESDAY, 8 DECEMBER 12:00-1:00 y Qkumba Zoo - Dancing All the Way Home While in many traditions sacred music is contemplative and slow in tempo, other traditions use strong rhythm and up-beat grooves to express sacred celebration. In this performance. Okumba Zoo presents a set of spiritual dance music that helps get what's happening in your heart and soul right into your feet. Wear comfortable shoes! Shake out your bones and refresh yourself for all the other seated sessions you'll be attending at the Parliament. A Long African Journey Pops Mohamed "If you lose your culture, you lose your identity and self-respect as a human being. It also means there is a hole in your soul." Ishmael ("Pops") Mohamed-Jan will mix ancient and modern music and meld the third world with the first. The concert will include performances by the Ngqoko Singers and a group San musicians. Pops Mohamed is a dedicated and diversely talented emissary of African cultural identity. He uses a variety of traditions musical instruments and disciplines that have brought to his music a unique sense of spirituality. ST. MARK'S TH E CHURCH Performance Schedule The pastor and congregation of the beautiful St. Mark's Anglican Church, located just opposite the Multi-Purpose Hall (Registration Headquarters) on the campus of the Cape Technikon, have graciously offered their lovely house of worship as a space for a variety of Parliament programmes. In addition to lectures, panel discussions, and other presentations listed in the regular programme schedule, St. Mark's will also host a number of performances. Be sure to visit 36 2010_03 WORL D the church often during your stay, and enjoy it's lovely ambience and acoustics. <
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS PERFORMANCES 3:00-3:50 P.M. Biblical Cultural Renaissance Andrew Komane, Director This play, including music, dance, and sketches, draws parallels between the journey of the Israelites out of Egypt and the lives of post-apartheid South Africans. Andrew Komane is Pastor, Zion Christian Church, Brits, Northern Province. This dramatic presentation was created from the auspicious experiences of the Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage, a twelve month journey retracing the route of the transatlantic slave trade. Through music, dance, and drarna, we will tell stories of struggle and liberation that will transport us through time and memory to a place of truth and hope. Ingrid Askew is Coordinating Director for The Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage as well as an actress, stage director and cultural activist, whose work has spanned 18 years in the New England area. Ms. Askew is one of two founders of the Interfaith Pilgrimage along with Sister Clare Carter of the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist order. 4:00-5:00 P.M. Becoming Human Rev. Bob Commin, Director This poetic performance is rooted in the Christian Eucharist. Performed by seven people, this performance is both entertaining and serious. This performance also uses rituals to explore political and human transformation, 11:00-11:45 A.M. Songs and Dances Broadminders Through song and rhythmic movement, the Broadminders portray the negative side of child, drug and alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancy, crime, gangsterism and the positive side of peace and working together in our country and encouraging our youth to be role models. MONDAY, 6 DECEMBER 2:00-3:00 P.M. Indian Classical Music by South African Artists Poobhalan Pillay, Director The spectrum of Indian music from the North and the South of India is performed. The object is to show the talent that exists outside of India in this field. Indians in South Africa have not lost their cultural heritage despite being out of the motherland for many years. Each item presented is preceded by a brief explanation Prof. Poobhalan Pillay is a Professor in the Mathematics Department at the University of Durban-Westville. His association with the Divine Life Society stretches back to 1982. where he is an organiser for the Divine Life Society's monthly Yoga Camp. He has also been the Society's past Chairman. 2:00-2:45 P.M. The Black Experience- A Cry for World Peace Ladjamaya Green Mahoney A collage of poetry, prose, drama and song which depicts the African American experience, beginning with slavery. It is an experiential happening that solicits audience participation and emphasizes the need for racial unity as a prerequisite to world peace. Ladjamaya Green Mahoney is a creative actress, director, and vocalist who performs intricately woven, artistic presentations which speak to and from the heart. Audiences, young and old, throughout the United States, and in Canada, Trinidad, Tobago, the former Soviet Union, and Beijing have enjoyed the warmth, joy, intensity, and involvement of her presentations of rich imagery and powerful emotions. 3:00-3:45 P.M. Celebrating Life and Its Possibilities Lucy Norton, Teacher Twenty-four pupils from Michael Oak Waldorf School (age 11 - 12 years) present three items from their eurythmy curriculum: Evoe (ancient Greek Greeting). Alla Menuetto (by E. Grieg), and Prayer of St. Francis and Ballade by F. Chopin. Lucy Norton is an experienced teacher and accompanist who holds music qualifications from UCT, Trinity College, London and the ABRSM. She is a part-time accompanist at Michael Oak School 4:00-4:30 P.M. Satsang Devotional Singing Art of Living Foundation Devotional singing is an ancient healing art wherein high frequency vibrations elevate our consciousness. Praising and celebrating the divine glorifies our true inner self and nature. This devotional singing extends universal love and joy to all beings. 10:00-12:00 NOON Sufi Service of Universal Worship Latiefa Grotepass This presentation will allow participants to observe the Universal Worship Service of the Sufi Movement of South Africa. The service begins with the lighting of a candle to represent the creator. Thereafter one candle each is lit for the Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Jewish and Islamic religions. Finally, the 7th candle is lit symbolically representing all others. After the lighting of the candles, a brief Scripture selections will be read from each of the above mentioned religions. This reading will be followed by a Sermon and blessing delivered by South African Sufi, Dr. Latiefa Grotepass. Dr. Latiefa Grotepass is the National Representative of Sufi Movement in South Africa. She is also a Medical Doctor, Homeopath and Spiritual Leader. TUESDAY, 7 DECEMBER 10:00-10:45 A.M. Passages Ingrid Askew Jain Education Interational 2010_03 37
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________________ 1 999 PARLIAMENT PERFORMANCE S DISTRICT SIX STAGE Performance Schedule Each day (2-7 December), the District Six Stage will feature a number of performances (in addition to other presentations and workshops listed in the regular programme schedule. Each afternoon, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., the Stage will host a special series performances. It's a wonderful opportunity to enjoy music and drama in a very beautiful and very special setting. +25 THURSDAY, 2 DECEMBER 2:00-4:00 P.M. FRIDAY, 3 DECEMBER 3:00-5:00 P.M. O F SAVE ANA SATURDAY, 4 DECEMBER 10:00-11:00 A.M. World Peace Prayer Ceremony Debra Moldow Pato Banton in Concert Internationally renowned Reggae star Pato Banton is tentatively scheduled to appear, with local Cape Town performers, in concert on the Stage. Excited by the concept of the Parliament. Pato has written a new song in its honor, entitled, "A New Day Dawning." TO BE ANNOUNCED (1890-220PREST | TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED The World Peace Prayer Ceremony invites people of all faiths and nationalities to say a simple prayer for each country of the world as its flag is raised. The prayer celebrates humanity's oneness through the prayer: "May Peace Prevail on Earth." This ceremony has been presented all over the world in settings of all sizes, including the General Assembly of the UN. A moving, interactive, celebration of the possibilities of peace. Deborah Moldow is the Director of the World Peace Prayer Society world headquarters in New York City. She represents the Society at the United Nations, where she co-chairs the Values Caucus. She is also an Interfaith Minister, and works with the United Religions Initiative. 38 2010_03 2:00-4:00 P.M. A Malay Celebration Oemaniya Qasida Music from Cape Town's Malay culture recalling the vanished life of District Six. Oemaniya Qasida is the oldest South African Malay-Arabic band, led by Salie Jacobs. 4:00-4:30 P.M. Dances from the Groover Girls A program of dances from a multi-talented group of young women, expressing the realities, hopes, and dreams of their lives in the new South Africa. THE WORLD WASONG SUNDAY, 5 DECEMBER 2:00-2:45 P.M. 3:00-4:00 P.M. Unity in Action S Brass Ensemble Themba Music Project Exciting young performers in a brass ensemble, with marimba and traditional dancing. RELIGIONS Igzhaiber Members of two South African Rastafarian groups join in this offering of songs of praise and glory in the spirit of the Parliament. THES, S MONDAY, 6 DECEMBER 2:00-5:00 P.M. The Next Generation Honors District Six slediem mozhno TUESDAY, 7 DECEMBER 11:00-11:45 A.M. This afternoon, join hundreds of young people from all over the world-youth representatives at the Parliament of the World's Religions as they gather in a moving ceremony of honoring and healing in District Six. 2:00-2:45 P.M. St. Louis Steelband Messages to the World-"Tis of Thee I Sing"-Canto 14 Diana Marto An outdoors sacred ceremony in honor of Mother Earth and this moment in her story. Dance as prayer, sacred instruments, and audience participation with the singing or toning of their " messages to the world" are the components for this ceremony. Visual and performance artist Diana Marto has presented her Canto series, her epic spirit play with paper and dance since 1982. Her work has been experienced in South East Asia, the Middle East, and North America. Her work describes the sacred teachings she receives from the earth. David Wickham, Director A performance by the St. Louis Primary School (Langa) Steelband of Caribbean and African Songs on the steel pan. This experienced band has 15 members and performs festive and celebratory music. 3:00-3:45 P.M. The Sounds of Burundi Drums Burundian Drum Team Energetic drum and dance performance. Performers will be joined by Gavin Coppenhall, Cape Town musician and academic specializing in African spiritual traditions. The team is made up of traditional drummers and dancers from Burundi, twelve in total, refugees living in Cape Town.
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS PERFORMANCES OLD CITY HALL An introductory demonstration and performance of extracts from sacred texts of different religions and cultures will be presented. Founded in 1912 by Rudolf Steiner, this modern art of movement brings to expression the spoken word as well as music. Each sound in speech and tone in music has its own corresponding gesture. Performance Schedule Cape Town's Old City Hall, with its magnificent concert auditorium, will be the busiest performance venue at the Parliament. Daily (2-8 December), City Hall will host a tremendous variety of exciting performances representing the world's cultural, religious, and spiritual traditions. Just take the Shuttle Bus to the City Hall stop and sample the rich musical and dramatic fare. ETTET FRIDAY, 3 DECEMBER 10:00-10:30 A.M. Hula: Sacred Dance and Music of Hawaii Pualani Kanaka 'ole Kanahele Performance and explanation of the hula as an expression of the ancient sacred spiritual traditions of Hawaii Pualani Kanaka comes from a lineage of hula masters and kahuna who have preserved authentic ancient traditions, songs, dances and practices within their family down to the present day. She heads one of the most traditional and respected halau hula (huia schools), succeeding her mother. She is acknowledged by many as "the" cultural authority for Hawaiian family religious practices and spirituality today. THURSDAY, 2 DECEMBER 10:00-11:30 A.M. Lisa Wagner Haunted by God is a one-woman show about Dorothy Day, Cofounder of the Catholic Worker movement. Hailed in Sojourner's magazine as a "wonderfully uplifting.... theater experience" this dramatic portrait tells the story of the woman the New York Times eulogized as a powerful woman of immense conviction who found herself jailed many times because she stood up for her beliefs. In New York in 1933, she and French-born itinerant philosopher Peter Maurin confounded the Catholic Worker, a living movement that has been responsible for feeding and housing the homeless while maintaining a monthly, nationally read newspaper. Lisa Wagner founded Still Point Theater Collective in 1993 and currently acts as Co-director of the company. She holds a BSE in speech and theater from Emporia State University, Kansas. She conceived and researched the play "Points of Arrival: A Jean Donovan Journey" and currently portrays the title role in the touring production. 11:00-11:30 A.M. A Veenai Recital Thirumugam Murugan A Veenai solo performance wherein various songs will be played, accompanied by a mirthangam (drum) player, Ms. Thirumugam Murugan studied Veenai in India and currently performs at cultural and religious festivals in Durban, She also holds Veenai classes for students and is the author of 16 publications. 12:00-2:00 P.M. BREAK 2:00-2:30 P.M. Interfaith Celebration Fr. Stefan Hippler and friends A medley of Common Prayer, Music, Song, and Benedictions. Fr. Stephen Hippler was ordained in 1986, and has since worked as a priest in different communities in Germany, in a hospital for terminal cancer patients & at the Airport in Frankfurt/Germany. Since 1997, he has been the Chaplain of the German speaking Catholic Community of the Cape Peninsula within the Archdiocese of Cape Town. 12:00-2:00 P.M. BREAK 2:00-2:45 P.M. Flute Recital Rhonda Larson Ms. Larson will perform original flute music representing various cultures using a multitude of wooden, crystal, and metal flutes. Her repertoire includes arrangements of classical, sacred, and indigenous music. Her performance includes the sharing of her life story as it relates to her personal search for God in her life and how His presence has directed her personal and professional journey. Grammy Award winner, Rhonda Larson entered the national music scene by winning the coveted National Flute Association Young Artist Competition for classical musicians. Her subsequent six years with the Paul Winter Consort included performances throughout North America, Western Europe, Russia, Japan, and Central America. Larson's versatility has not only established her as a virtuoso, but as a foremost ethnic flutist encompassing traditions from around the world. Larson continues to be recognized as an international leader in contemporary flute composition and performance. She is currently producing her second recording following the success of her widely acclaimed Free as a Bird release in 1996. She is a native of Bozeman, Montana. 3:00-3:45 P.M. Concert, Inspired by Ancient Jewish Music Eva Ben Zvi This concert choir will perform a variety of Jewish music, including cantorial, synagogue, Hebrew, and other forms. Eva Ben Zvi is an Israeli soprano. She will perform with Lituanian composer, Anatolijus Senderovas, in a concert inspired by Ancient Jewish music. 4:00-4:45 P.M. Sacred Texts in Eurhythmy The Eurhythmy Association of South Africa 39 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS PERFORMANCES 3:00-3:45 P.M. Gumboot Dancing President's Award Dance Company Presenting gumboot dancing, which has its roots in a form taken from the Bwaca people of the Eastern Cape to the gold mines. Introducing the group through mime; the story and spirit of gumboot dancing, which covers our lives including sport, conflict and reconciliation, struggle, worship. Towards a Global Ethic (the signature document of the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Merrill Collins earned her Masters Degree at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music on a full scholarship. Merrill's career has expanded from concert performances to multimedia pieces and humanitarian projects. She has produced performances of original music for many major events and broadcasts, including the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations (1995) 3:00-4:00 P.M. Harmonic Encounters Nestor Kornblum and Michel Averard This performance combines voice and sacred instruments from many different cultures. A musical and meditative experience with overtone singing, Tibetan and Mongolian "deep voice" chanting, wordless toning, and songs drawing from different cultures and religions. This is primarily a demonstration of the unity/ harmony of humanity through sound. Nestor Kornblum is co-director with his wife Michele of The Association of Sound Therapy and Harmonic Studies. He is a sound therapist, teacher, musician and lecturer. Nestor has conducted courses on the healing power of sound and overtone singing in Spain, UK, France and South Africa. His specialty is the ancient and powerful healing practice of Overtone singing, and Tibetan "Deep Voice" chanting. 3:00-4:00 P.M. Peace Education Program Margaret Simons and Shari Brown This presentation will focus on the values of peace promoted in schools by the Quaker Peace Centre. Highlighted in this programme will be performances by students from schools the Centre has worked with; including the Hawston Primary choir, the Helderkruin Primary flag dance; Weltevreden Primary performance of the music of Chris de Burgh; and the Westville Primary choir. Margaret Simons is a Peace Educator and Senior Trainer within the Quaker Peace Centre. She was involved in teacher training for many years. As a member of the Peace Education Programme she provides leadership training and inservices for school development work in Eerste Rivier and Hawston. Shari Brown is Manager of the Peace Education Programme. She is a secondary school educator who taught German, Lifeskills and English as a Second Language. Her present post involves training learners and educators and co-ordinating the work of the peace Education Programme. SATURDAY, 4 DECEMBER 10:00-11:00 A.M. Spiritual Gospel, Afro Gospel, Zulu Dances Lerato's Choir A group of about fifty choir members will be singing gospel music and other African traditional songs. Another group of twenty youths will sing spiritual gospel. Afro gospel and do Zulu dancing. Lorato Scherpenhuyzen has been involved with rural communities for many years, running upliftment programmes. African traditional healer and sangoma. 11:00-11:30 A.M. Tai Chi Demonstration Tony Mulligan Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese art for youthfulness, health, long life & peace of mind. It is also a form of moving meditation, physical & mental exercise & self-defence. Tai Chi has been known to have certain healing effects on various diseases. It is taught in most schools & hospitals in China. Demonstrations will include Chi Kung Exercises, Short Yang form, Tai Chi Sword, Tai Chi Broadsword, and Push Hands Form. Tony Mulligan started Tai Chi in 1979, and now teaches with the International Tai Chi Society: his teacher is Sigung Eddie Jardine. Tony teaches in Cape Town, and he also practises Ryu Kyu Kobujutsu-a system of armed and unarmed martial art. 4:00-5:30 P.M. A Woman and Her Words: The Story of Tahirin Muhtadia Rice A theatrical music drama. This true saga conveys the story of Tahirin, an uncommon woman who lived a dramatic and remarkable life. She was a 19th century poet and scholar of law and theology. Known as the "Joan of Arc" of the Eastern world, Tahirih called for religious freedom and women's equality in the early and mid-1800's. Admired for her stunning beauty, brilliant poetry, and great intellect, her mission was to welcome a new religious revelation. Muhtadia Rice has been recognized as a multi-talented professional who has enjoyed careers in business, entertainment, and international relations. Recognized for her extensive human rights work, she has also been deeply involved with women's issues. Using music and narrative, Muhtadia has combined the timeless poetry of Tahirin with an entrancing poetic and musical journey to a time little know to the Western world, in a place far away, where a very special woman lived a very historic life. 12:00-2:00 P.M. BREAK 2:00-2:35 P.M. Every Man, Woman, and Child Merrill Collins A performance of an original composition based on the text of 4 0 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIA MENT OF PERFOR MANCES ACCE TEPPERERIKANars SUNDAY, 5 DECEMBER 10:00-10:30 A.M. South Africa in Music and Drama Mina Nawe Drama Group Their performance portrays a history of conflict and peace in South Africa through drama and music. Their goal is for the audience to connect with their South African heritage. Mina Nawe Drama Group performs a number of productions that focus on the story of South Africa and they encourage the audience to take responsibility for changing the future of the country. The group works alongside the Institute for Healing of Memories and plays a crucial role in the beginning of the workshops. 11:00-12:00 NOON Sharing Spiritual Traditions From Japan Shinji Shumeikai Shumei Taiko Ensemble The Ensemble will perform traditional selections, using the famous Japanese taiko drums. The performers represent Shinji Shumeikai, a Japanese spiritual organization attending the Parliament with over 150 members! The Shumei Taiko Ensemble performers and staff have performed at the Lincoln Center, the United Nations in New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Europe, and Japan. 12:00-2:00 P.M. 2:00-2:45 P.M. The Red Dazzlers Phillip Dlabantu and Group The Red Dazzlers are an African group of 6 members specialising in Scatamiya music. Having originally come from Hanover and Colesburg, they now all reside in Somerset West and Strand (Lwandle Township). Their concert programmes are a combination of Gospel and Traditional music with lots of colour, movement, rhythm, exuberance and humour. They sing in the Acapella style. Mr Philip Dlabantu, the dynamic lead singer, composer and founder of the group, says of the music they sing: "Our music is called Scatamiya Music. It started in the mines, practised by men who had left their families to work in the gold and diamond mines, men alone in strange places... yearning for home. Scatamiya Music incorporates a kind of dance by walking on ones toes, softly and touch the floor while they are singing." BREAK 3:00-4:00 P.M. Sounds of District Six Moravian Church Brass Band and Choir Traditional music of District Six, performed by a 30-piece brass band and an 30-voice choir. 4:00-4:45 P.M. In Love... Will Our Tolerance Be Found 2010_03 Sarita Stern This performance uses music to create a meditative atmosphere for the audience. The music during the performance will primarily consist of voice solos and a string quintet. THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS Ms. Sarita Stern is a mezzo soprano, a voice teacher, an opera singer and a concert lecturer. The composer and arranger is Christian Vander Vyuer. who also an arranger of sufi songs for the string quintet. MONDAY, 6 DECEMBER 10:00-10:30 A.M. Dance For Peace Deborah Testa Bennett Deborah Testa Bennett's South African Dance Troupe, composed of sixteen youths from various ethnic religious backgrounds, will present a fifteen minute program of dance and meditation that will include a prayer for peace. Led by the children, the program will conclude with the entire congregation sitting in silent meditation for three minutes. The dance theme is drinking spiritual nectar together, at the level of soul we are all one. Deborah Testa Bennett was born in South Africa and began dance training at age three in Johannesburg. She received her BA from University of Natal, Durban, South Africa in 1980. Ms. Bennett started teaching at Fairview Academy at sixteen. In 1982, she opened her own ballet School in Soweto. Later, she moved to America and opened her own ballet school in New Jersey. In 1994, the dance company she founded performed at the Conference on World Religions in Queens. New York. Currently, she teaches at M&S Studio of the Performing Arts. Fredericksburg, Maryland. 10:00-11:30 A.M. Dance the Cosmic Way Dada Madhusudan This performance will feature Kaoshiki, a dance is based on an ancient yogin dance developed by Sadashiva's companion, Parvati. Kaoshiki refers to the sanskrit term kos'as, which means "layers of mind". Through repeating the steps in this dance, various layers of the mind are opened up until the subtlest layers are discovered. It will also feature Tandava, which is also an ancient yogi dance developed by Sadashiva himself. This dance is danced by males only. Traditionally, this tantric dance is performed in the cremation ground/cemetery with a skull placed in the left hand and a dagger in the right. The skull represents death/staticity and the dagger represents the overcoming of death/staticity through a pactless fight. The dance is a celebration of death as life. Dada Madhusudan is a full-time teacher of Ananda Marga Yoga and meditation. 12:00-2:00 P.M. 2:00-2:30 P.M. Traditional Jain Raas The Jains In traditional attire, Jain women will perform the stick dance of Gujarat called the Raas. The striking of sticks complements the prerecorded music which will be played in the background at the time of performance. The Jain women perform this dance with tremendous grace and rhythm. BREAK Presenters are Mrs. N. Shah, Mrs. Sudha Kapashi, Mrs. Sonali Mehta, Mrs. Meena Chandaria, Mrs. Usha Shah, Mrs. Ila Mehta, Mrs. Mina Mehta, Mrs. Kumud Chandaria and others. 41
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS PERFORMANCES 3:00-3:45 Music from Isibane Isibane Youth Choir Beautiful and inspiring traditional music-singing and dancing-performed by the youth choir of ISIBANE-Light & Unity of African Independent Churches. 12:00-2:00 P.M. BREAK 2:00-2:30 P.M. African Christian Choir from Guguletu St. Mary Magdalene Church Choir The group, from Guguletu Township, will perform a moving selection of devotional music. 4:00-5:00 P.M. Women Crusade Against Rape Thembile Pepeteka This drama portrays responses of young women on the issue of rape. Ten young women, who feel very strongly about the issue, perform the play. To quote from the play, "the mama who is molested at the street corner will be me tomorrow .. women have a right to be protected by the law, if the law does not protect women, women must protect themselves." Thembile Pepeteka, the director, earned her BA and Performers Diploma in Speech and Drama at the University of Cape Town She also earned a Post Graduate Diploma in African Studies from the University of Cape Town. She has won several awards including The Nelson Mandela Poetry Award, the Best Director Award, and the BBC Poetry and Africa Arts competition. 3:00-4:00 P.M. TO BE ANNOUNCED 4:00-5:30 P.M. Gujarati Ras Garba K. Lalla and Dance Companies A joint performance by Indian dancers from the United Kingdom and Cape Town areas, accompanied by musicians and singers. WEDNESDAY, 8 DECEMBER 10:00-10:45 A.M. Live Your Dreams Jamira Santinelli A performance by Jamira Santinelli of selections from her acclaimed CD recording, Live Your Dreams. Yamira Santielli is an internationally known performing and recording artist. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 10:00-11:00 A.M. Selections from "Mass for the 21st Century" Carman Moore Carman Moore's "Mass for the 21st Century" was commissioned by New York's Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and performed there in 1994 at the Out of Doors Festival for over 10,000 listeners. In this performance of selections from the Mass, Carman Moore is joined by the ERUB Children's Choir (Director Rosamunde van Zitters) and a Cape Town adult choir. Carman Moore's works have been performed world-wide. 1986-1996, composer-director of the American Dance Festival's composer/choreographer program. Artist-in-Residence for several years at New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine. 11:00-12:00 NOON Sharing Spiritual Traditions From Japan Shinji Shumeikai Shumei Taiko Ensemble The Ensemble will perform traditional selections, using the famous Japanese taiko drums. The performers represent Shinji Shumeikai, a Japanese spiritual organization attendir Parliament with over 150 membersi The Shumei Taiko Ensemble performers and staff have performed at the Lincoln Center, the United Nations in New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Europe, and Japan. 11:00-12:00 NOON Kali's Follies: Mid-Life at the Millennium Lou Montgomery This one-woman performance of original theater will humorously address a woman's confrontation with the spiritual and psychological dimensions of aging, facing loss, and becoming an advocate and spokeswoman for global and environmental issues. A journey through life's mid-life changes will encompass mythological motifs about spiritual eldering; as well as, exploring contemporary issues around discrimination toward aging women. The performance promises to be provocative, funny, and inspiring. Lou Montgomery is an actress, singer, playwright, and psychotherapist with twenty years experience performing and conducting groups and workshops internationally. Authored and toured with "Family Baggage," an original play about healing addictions and family trauma. She has facilitated psychodrama groups around the world, and is completing her Ph.D. in Psychology 42 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIA MENT FILM VENUE ONE ENGINEERING 115 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2ND 10:00AM Millennium Series No1 & VIDEO FESTIVAL Duration 120 min. Producer/Director: David Maybury-Lewis, England/USA The very influential television series. Traditional tribal leaders from around the world address the problems facing the Earth from the perspectives of their traditional wisdoms. 2:00PM The Interfaith Message of the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions Duration 33 min. Producer/Director; Andre Porto, Brazil Andre Porto's document gives a direct feeling for the spirit of brotherhood and sharing at the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions. We are One Duration 11 min. Producer/Director: Len Morris and U.R.Romano A Galen Films Production produced for The Temple of Understanding O F The compelling spiritual journey of a remarkable woman, Juliet Hollister. In 1960, Juliet established the Temple of Understanding, a global interfaith organization, dedicated to promoting harmony and understanding among people of all religions. With footage shot around the world, this timely program also features comments from her friends and supporters including the XIV Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Albert Schweitzer, Anwar Sadat, Carl Sagan, Kofi Annan, Jesse Jackson, Arun Gandhi and Queen Noor of Jordan. Narrated in English by Academy Award Winner, Ellen Burstyn. 3:00PM There Should be no Poverty! (12) Duration 12 min. Producer/Director: Ralph Singh, India/USA Cultivating our neglected resources and providing opportunities for those who society has cast out - allows both human and natural resources to become productive thereby creating a climate for peace. This video short, originally produced at the request of the Chicago Parliament, spotlights Baba Virsa Singh's agriculturally based models for social and economic uplift. Recognize all People as One Manas ki Jat Human Race Duration 36 min. Producer/Director: Ralph Singh, India/USA Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 Documents how multi-faith celebrations help breakdown our man-made barriers to peace and blunt fundamentalist violence. The video highlights the pioneering work of His Holiness Baba Virsa Singh of Gobind Sadan, India in creating a model for THE WORLD S pluralism in a world rife with religious strife. It includes a variety of cultural and religious motifs as well as a brief "tour" of the selfsufficient agriculturally based programs for overcoming poverty. 4:00PM Sukhavati: Place of Bliss Duration 80 min. With Joseph Campbell, USA A journey tracing mythological symbols from Stonehenge and Glastonbury to Tibet and Nepal. By reawakening the myths that have been lost to us, Joseph Campbell gives us a message of spiritual significance for our times RELIGIONS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3RD 10:00AM Millennium Series No2 Duration 120 min. Producer/Director: David Maybury-Lewis, England/USA The very influential television series. Traditional tribal leaders from around the world address the problems facing the Earth from the perspectives of their traditional wisdoms. 2:00PM Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti Duration 52 min. Producer/Director: Maya Deren, USA 3:00PM A Spirit Here Today Duration 44 min. Producer: The Gei Zanzinger The famous experimental filmmaker Maya Deren made this insightful document of the Rada, Petro, and Congo cults of Haiti "whose devotees communicate with cosmic powers through invocations, voodoo dances and ritual ceremonies". cise This program documents the beautiful sounds of the Chopi's xylophone music and shows how the stages of Chopi education are tied to dance and age, with the ultimate being the performance in the xylophone. This helps to rebuild the material and cultural lives of the people. Duration 70 min. Director: Gary Rhine Produced by DreamCatchers, USA 4:00PM RAMATISTULVe Your Humble Serpent; the Wisdom of Reuben Snake A portrait of a unique contemporary Native American leader speaking out on ecology, sacredness and intuitive thinking. "Displays an intimacy that is rarely seen, even in film. Here is the Reuben Snake who turned humor and humility into leadership, practicing what he preached, that leadership emanates from respect, humor and compassion." - Native Americas Journal, Fall 1996 43
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________________ 199 9 FILM & VIDEO FESTIVAL PARLIAMENT KADROME, PYSTKO PECIFIKASI BAS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4TH 10:00AM Y A Dialogue on World Peace Duration 15 min. Producer/Director: Don Riedel, USA This video of a symposium on world peace was produced for the Miho Museum in Japan. One Day for the Earth Duration 30 min. Producer/Director: Andre Porto, Brazil We are present for the overnight "Vigil for the Earth" held in conjunction with the Rio conference on the environment. 11:00AM Atlantic Negro Duration 54 min. Producer/Director: Renato Barbieri, Brazil The strong continuity in Afro-Brazilian spirituality can be traced in parallel cultures in Bahia, Brazil and West Africa, from the time of slavery to 20th century migrations of Brazilians back to Africa, and today. O F WASTE MANA 2:00PM River of Memory Himba Chronicles for the Millennium Duration 54 min. Produced/Directed by Joelle Cheselet and Craig Mathews of Doxa Productions, SA A fascinating look at the nomadic Himba people in northern Namibia and their struggle to prevent the river their lives revolve around from being dammed. This carefully coordinated film presents one of the major challenges of the 21st century: the survival of cultural identity in the face of rampant globalisation. 3:00PM Himbacid Duration 5 min. Produced/Directed by Joelle Cheselet and Craig Mathews of Doxa Productions, SA Aba Duration 4 min. Producer/Director: Raquel Gerber, Brazil The evocative and mesmerising audio and visual sampling of a Himba woman singing that led to the creation of River of Memory. Yle Xoroque Duration 30 min. Producer/Director: Raquel Gerber, Brazil W A highly visually evocative short work expressing the cosmic energies evoked by Afro-Brazilian ritual and cosmogony. CHANNE 44 2010_03 VEROORSAYS (SOME Religion, ritual, and resistance in the process of building an African sense of identity and concept of the world in Brazil. 4:00PM Ori Duration 90 min. Producer/Director: Raquel Gerber, Brazil About the continuity of black culture and spirituality in Brazil and Africa, especially as it is carried by religious ritual. THE WORLDS PERCROSS ARMO SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5TH 10:00AM RELIGIONS PM Mall Page #46
________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT FILM & VIDEO FESTIVAL 5:00PM Seven Religions Today: Interfaith Perspectives World Premiere Duration 30 min. Produced and Directed by U.R. Romano and Len Morris A Galen Films/Romano Production This program explores how the spiritual quest is fundamental to human beings. Educators, artists, psychologists and clergy experience the spiritual and meditative practices of seven great religions today, Jainism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity,Islam and Native American spirituality). The insight for all is a common truth, that the practice of each tradition fosters physical and mental health and wholeness. The program discovers that at the deepest level there is a spiritual common ground: the philosophy of universal love. Based on a year-long program on Spirituality and different Religious Traditions sponsored by The Auburn Theological Seminary and The Temple of Understanding. MONDAY, DECEMBER 6TH 10:00AM VARA GIT LED PERSON ORION 1, SPROVE Y Millennium Series No3 Duration 120 min. Producer/Director: David Maybury-Lewis, England/USA The very influential television series. Traditional tribal leaders from around the world address the problems facing the Earth from the perspectives of their traditional wisdoms. 2:00PM tcherpent WWW.TAT Wiping the Tears of Seven Generations Duration 57 min. Director: Gary Rhine Produced by DreamCatchers, USA. O F THE Y Tells the story of the Si Tanka Wokiksuye, "The Bigfoot Memorial Ride." At first a small group, but eventually 300 Lakota Sioux Indian horseback riders with support crews of hundreds more, rode for two weeks through bitter, sub-zero winter weather, reverently praying and mourning over the lives lost exactly 100 years earlier at The Wounded Knee Massacre. "More than film 3:00PM Word The Power of Prayer Duration 30 min. Produced and Directed by Suzanne and Mark Bamford it is history as it unfolds... Shows an inherent strength in tribal people not even they suspected. Thank God we have it on film." -Professor Vine Deloria, Author of "Custer Died For Your Sins" The Power of Race Unity Duration 30 min. Produced and Directed by Suzanne and Mark Bamford Profiles of people from all walks of life discussing the practical use of prayer in their lives to transform them and to overcome daily challenges. The documentary also describes tenets of the Baha'i Faith interspersed with the human interest stories. Profiles of people of all walks of life who are Baha'is and are addressing the problem of racism through positive action. The documentary also describes the major tenets of the Baha'i Faith interspersed with these human interest stories. 4:00PM The Seven Talents Duration 76 min. Producer/Director Tanja Frank, Germany/Kenya Folk healing and shamanic traditions in a Kenyan village are 2010_03 WO RLD S described by the villagers, local healers, and Kenyan authorities on the shamanic tradition. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7TH 10:00AM Millennium Series No4 R ELIGIONS Duration 120 min. Producer/Director: David Maybury-Lewis, England/USA The very influential television series. Traditional tribal leaders from around the world address the problems facing the Earth from the perspectives of their traditional wisdoms. 2:00PM Sun Bear: Earth Changes Duration 65 min. Produced by Bear Tribe, USA Ojibwa, descended Sun Bear, talks about the great Earth Changes prophesied in many Native American traditions and the need to live in a harmonious and sacred manner in response to the present situation. 3:00PM Lost Borders Coming of Age in the Wilderness Duration 56 min. Producer/ Director: Kim Sheldon of Two Shoes Productions A moving documentary on eco-therapy and rites of passage. This is an account of the personal journeys of a group of adolescents, who undergo a vision fast in the wilderness. The film probes at the heart of the modern adolescent dilemma with gentle, lyrical, heart-wrenching strokes, as it reveals a new, yet very old way for youth and their parents to celebrate their coming of age. "Lost Borders, Coming of Age in the Wilderness" illustrates the exceptional work done in the last 27 years, by Steven Foster and Meridith Little, who are considered leaders in the field of vision fasts and wilderness rites of passage for adults and youth. Duration 90 min. Director: Gary Rhine Produced by DreamCatchers, USA 4:00PM ONNERRERA* Uber The Red Road to Sobriety co Examines the Contemporary Native American Sobriety Movement currently flourishing in the Indian communities of North America. This vital cultural movement combines ancient spiritual traditions with modern medical approaches to substance abuse recovery. "Nothing short of remarkable both in scope and content... honest and sensitive, sometimes painful, yet filled with hope." - Multicultural Review. 3/96 10:00AM Millennium series No5 DRESYO A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8TH Duration 120 min. Producer/Director David Maybury-Lewis, England/USA The very influential television series. Traditional tribal leaders from around the world address the problems facing the Earth from the perspectives of their traditional wisdoms. 45
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS FILM & VIDEO FESTIVAL VENUE 2 ENGINEERING 132 3:00PM Did you hear? Conversations on the Metaphysics of Race Duration 26 min. Produced by Maganthrie Pillay and Dingi Ntuli of Hybrid Films As we enter the next millennium issues of race continue to rage on. Can we be separate from God and each other? What lessons can we draw from Apartheid and World War II7 This film asserts that what we all need to do is choose again. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2ND 10:00AM When God is Gone Duration 25 min. Director Sally Smith for SABC Issues of Faith To be introduced by Rev. Barry Gray of the Center for Christian Spirituality This video covers personal accounts of dealing with the experience of the apparent absence of God. It portrays a true story of a personal faith journey issuing in the individuals reconciliatory introduction to the South African social scene. 4:00PM The Age of Choice in Religion Duration 60 min. A video lecture by Ryuho Okawa with an introduction by Brian Rycroft. 11:00AM Crossing the Divide - A Six Part Series Producers: Kagiso Educational TV Coco Cachalia, and Leora Rajak Crossing the Divide aims to bring ordinary people of different religions and communities together and expose them to each other's lives. We go on a journey from birth and death and explore festivals and rituals that make up our everyday lives. Six of the programs will be screened. The series is introduced by Coco Cachalia FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3RD 10:00AM Ernest Mancoba at Home Duration 30 min. Director/producer: Bridget Thompson Production Company: Tomas Films Ernest Mancoba uses the genre of modern oil painting to reflect on the ancestral values transmitted to him by his mother who was a traditional potter. He was a key member of the Cobra movement and his work is in major international galleries. This documentary was filmed in Paris and Johannesburg in 1994, 56 years after Mancoba left South Africa to study in Paris. It features his unique philosophy of life and art and traces his first steps home after a long exile. Naming Duration 24 min In this first program of the new series we find out how babies are welcomed into their respective faiths. Through the eyes of Jill, a Catholic mother, we learn about the religion of Islam. Holy Days Duration 24 min. Bassit, a Muslim, and Rael, a Jew, share their Sabbath day with each other. They are businessmen who fit their respective religious obligations into their busy life. Rael goes to mosque for Juma prayers and has lunch with the Muslim family. Basit visits a synagogue on Shabbat and shares the Saturday with Rael. 11:00AM Crossing the Divide -- SABC Duration 24 min. Producers: Kagiso Educational TV Coco Cachalia and Leora Rajak Marriage Leanne is a recently married Jewish woman. She travels to the Northern Province to meet Florence, a Tsonga-Shangaan, and attends Florence's traditional wedding. These two women discuss their wedding's and the various ceremonies and rituals involved in each. In so doing they come to understand each other's religions and cultures better. Ancestral Voices Duration 24 min. Guru Krishna and Sangoma Philip met each other and discussed their understanding of the ancestors and how each prepare their people for death and the life thereafter. 2:00PM Crossing the Divide -- SABC Duration 24 min. Producers: Kagiso Educational TV Coco Cachalia and Leora Rajak initiation In this program a young Jewish boy. Jarred, who has just celebrated his coming of age at his bar mitzvah, visits a new friend, Brian, in rural Mpumalanga. We meet Brian as he returns from his Ingoma (initiation). Jarred participates in the welcoming ceremony and invites Brian to Johannesburg to visit his synagogue. Homefires Duration 24 min. In this program we explore the role of the home and the surrounding community in people's spiritual lives. Pramilla and Shireen both grew up in District 6 but they come from very different religious backgrounds. The two women cross the divide' between the Hindu and Muslim faiths by exploring and trying to understand each other's home lives. 2:00PM The Two Rivers Duration 58 min. Director: Mark Newman and Edwin Wes The narrator and the co-writer of the film, Rashaka Rastshitanga, spent twenty years working as a narrator in Johannesburg. Today he works as a gardener and building superintendent in former Venda, Rashinga is also a writer and poet. He was detained by the South African security police on three occasions for prolonged periods following his opposition to apartheid policies. In The Two Rivers', Ratshitanga takes us on a journey across time. We learn about the history and culture of his people and his land, stretching from before the first European Settlers to the present day. 4 6 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS FILM & VIDEO FESTIVAL Living on the Edge Duration 52 min. Scriptwriter: Jan Horn, Cathy ODowd, and lan Woodall Director: Jan Horn Producer: lan Woodali Methodist Minister Andre Le Roux tells of his hopes and fears, and his relationship with God and the church, during his epic battle with the elements while attempting to climb Mount Everest, the highest Mountain in the world, situated in the foreign world of Hinduism and Buddhism. 4:00PM If God Be For Us Duration 55 min. Director: Kevin Harris This documentary video looks at role of the church in the political struggle for a united and democratic South Africa. 4.00PM Sacred Hunger Duration 75 min. In this beautiful tape Gangaji, an enlightened spiritual master who lives and teaches in America, talks about how we have all looked to religion to satisfy our hunger for religion...and then away from religion and then back to religion. What this sacred hunger is, is for us to know who we are. 5:00PM Up in Smoke Duration 26 min. Produced by Maganthrie Pillay and Dingi Ntuli of Hybrid Films This documentary examines the legal battle of Gareth Prince, a Rastafarian and lawyer, with the Constitutional Rights Court and the Law Society, it also demystifies the rastafari movement, a world-wide movement whose holy sacrament is cannabis. The rights of minority religions in South Africa are explored. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5TH 10:00AM Promise of the Moon Duration 24 min. Producer/Director: Jan Horn for SABC Issues of Faith Are discovery of the spirituality of the San through their rock art and oral tradition. Men Amongst Men Duration 24 min. Producer/Director: Jan Horn for SABC Issues of Faith Producer Jan Horn explores the almost forgotten mythology of the Bushmen and discovers fascinating similarities between that and Christianity's account of Creation. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4TH 10:00AM The Ways of Our Fathers Duration 4 x 26 min. Produced by Maarten Turkstra who will be present to address questions. 1 - Overview of African Traditional Spirituality: Seven distinctive qualities of the ways of our fathers. Discussion of the African conception of Divinity, myths of origin and the thereafter. 2 - The Community: Initiation rites; the role of the kgotla (the tribal elders) and of the chiefs: Ubuntu (we belong therefore I am). 3- The Ancestors: the rites of passage and their socio religious functions. 4- Sacred Practitioners: Sangomas, Inyangas, Dingakas their calling, training and function in the community. 2:00PM Unfinished Business Duration 24 min. x2 Producer/Director: Kevin Harris for SABC Issues of Faith A two-part documentary which follows the search by Joe Seremane for truth and reconciliation as he tries to uncover the facts surrounding the execution of his brother by the ANC at Ouattro. This program speaks directly to the anguish of forgiveness 11:00AM The Sacred Spaces Duration 23 min. Ten years of TV documentary filming with the SAN people of Southern Africa have taught Jan Horn the values of the Sacred Spaces practiced by these -- the first-people. Climbing Mount Everest in 1998, he found these values mirrored in the shrines of Tibet and Nepal. MOUSSE In God's Places Duration 28 min. Directed by Richard Whickstead An exploration of the spiritual and cultural legacy of the bushmen in the southern Drakensberg. 3:00PM This Crazy Thing Called Grace: Desmond Tutu and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Duration 40 min. Produced/Directed by Joelle Cheselet and Craig Mathews of Doxa Productions, SA The aim of this documentary is to communicate the synthesis Desmond Tutu has made in his own mind of politics, liberation, African-ness and the practice and dedicated interpretation of the Christian faith in the context of a South Africa in full transition. 2:00PM The Great Dance Duration 52 min., with a brief introduction by the director Craig Fosters. Craig Foster (Earthwise Films) and Damon Foster (Liquid Pictures) specialize in an organic style of filmmaking designed ulate the viewers deep sense of animals, landscape and fellow human beings. The Great Dance focuses on trackers of the Kalahari (Co-produced with Discovery, National Geographic and TBS) which has led to the use of miniature cameras mounted in unusual places, sometimes on animals. The idea was inspired by the Gwi trackers' extreme ability to project their minds into the animals they hunt. Craig and Damon work closely with executive producers Ellen Jain Education Interational 2010_03 47
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________________ 1 9 99 P FILM & ARLIAMENT O F VIDEO FESTIVAL Windemuth and James Hersov in an ongoing process of shooting and editing, slowly nurturing the film into shape over a period of two years. They will be present to address questions at the screening of an extract of this visually stunning, provocative and, at times, disturbing film. 3:00PM Sangoma Duration 54 min. Director: Peter Davies Producer: Peter Davis and Harvey Mckinnon In South Africa one of the legacies of apartheid is a two-tiered health system that heavily favors the white population. Inyangas and Sangomas - the traditional healers- have always been regarded with suspicion by practitioners of western medicine. Dubbed "witchdoctors" their methods have been dismissed as mumbo-jumbo. New efforts to integrate traditional healers into primary health care, nutritional education and AIDS work holds some promise for a public health system under siege. Homeopathy and holistic healing are gaining acceptance as therapeutic concepts that make no distinction between mind and body, individual and society. 4:00PM Brides of Christ World Premiere Duration 52 min. Directed by Sharon Farr and Lee Otten Produced for ETV by Shoot the Breeze Productions (First screening 9/12/1999) GANEGA ZENENGAN The Brides of Christ reveals the reality of life for Catholic sisters in South Africa. Exploring issues such as celibacy, relevance. stereotyping and spirituality in the new millennium, this documentary provides poignant insight into the lives of women living the vows in and beyond the covenant walls. 5:00PM Seven Religions Today: Interfaith Perspectives World Premiere Duration 30 min. Produced and Directed by U.R. Romano and Len Morris A Galen Films/Romano Production This programme explores how the spiritual quest is fundamental to human beings. Educators, artists, psychologists and clergy experience the spiritual and meditative practices of seven great religions today, (Jainism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Native American spirituality). The insight for all is a common truth, that the practice of each tradition fosters physical and mental health and wholeness. The programme discovers that at the deepest level there is a spiritual common ground: the philosophy of universal love. Based on a year-long programme on Spirituality and different Religious Traditions sponsored by The Auburn Theological Seminary and The Temple of Understanding. MONDAY, DECEMBER 6TH 10:00AM The Kavady Ritual as Practised at the Shree Siva Duration 60 min. The Kavady ritual as practiced in Brake Village Tongaat, KwaZulu Natal - seen from the perspective of the preservation and perpetuation of traditional Hinduism. The historical on gurus of the ritual as well as the aspect of trance will be discussed. 48 2010_03 THE W ORLD S RELIGION S 11:00AM The Life of Oneness Duration 20 min. Director Keith Cunningham, USA, This is an intimate and poetic introduction to the life and philosophy of Rev. Gyomay Kubose, one of the authentic pioneers of American Buddhism. Produced in cooperation with the American Buddhist Association. ENDUROY MONEY The Fox Has Four Eyes Duration 24 min. Director: Johannes Jarnie Uys Producer: The Apartheid State Narrated in a pseudo African accent, it is an effort to discredit traditional African beliefs. A man, Masava, wishing to gain strength consuits a witch doctor. He is advised to kill a young girl. a twin, and eat her heart. The tale is taken up by the girl's father. We learn of his unsuccessful attempt to take revenge on Masava and his subsequent incarceration that witchdoctors have no real power. It is awesome to reflect upon the arrogance of the film makers to believe that rural Africans would be convinced by such a plot. 2:00PM Music of the Ancestors Duration 50 min. Director: Richard Wicksteed Producer: Mbira Productions Esta pla 3:00PM It's Your Move Duration 35 min. Produced by Maganthrie Pillay and Dingi Ntuli of Hybrid Films This is a compelling film on the life and music of Rambisay Stella Chiweshe, Zimbabwe queen of Mbira. Rambisay has played her music in many African and Third World countries. She has a large following in Europe where she has the band EARTHQUAKE. Rambisay delivers exciting live music, mixing traditional Mbira drums and marimba brings Zimbabwe history and culture alive. Like all Mbira musicians, she is always mindful of her ancestor's powerful spirits and the struggle in the 1890s. Through Rambisay's music we embark on a voyage to the soul of her culture. 4:00PM 2000 Days to Save the Planet Duration 30 min. Produced by Judy Sole ORANING TROPA VESTE An informative and fun video that motivates and inspires young people. While it looks at how drugs and substance abuse can destroy lives, it also gives young people options. Developed with youth, their voices resonate throughout this video as they travel on a journey. YO A 27-minute film to alert the viewer as to how the planet functions and what man is doing that is destroying the life support system and the miraculous web of life on this planet. A call to everyone to take up the role of 'custodian of the earth' in the understanding of the connectedness between all life and in love of all life.
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT O F THE WORLDS RELIGIONS FILM & & VIDEO FESTIVAL 5:00PM Kuthumba Ecovillage Duration 24 min. Directed/Produced by Jane Kennedy and Diana Keam The documentary looks at intentional community as an alternative way forward for our planet. We also see some of its challenges within the context of Kuthumba, an ecovillage in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7TH 10:00 AM The Legacy of Siti Duration 30 min. Director/Producer: Abdulkadir Ahmed Said and Bridget Thompson Production Company: Acacia Entertainment and Tomas Films This half hour documentary explores the musical legacy of Siti Binti Saad, Zanzibari tarab performer extraordinaire. Siti Binti Saad died in 1950 but from the time of her first recordings, made in the 1920's in Bombay until her death in 1950 she had a major impact on tarab music. Her songs and influence are alive in the lives of Zanzibari women today. PEINVIA BEK 11:00AM People of Light: Portrait of a White Medicine Man Duration 26 min. Director: Maryanne WhiteHouse Producer: Keith Shirlaw This is the story of Christopher Reid, a white big city horticulturist and ex-model, who opted for a total life-style turnaround and became a qualified sangoma (witchdoctor) living in the former Transkei. This is a documentary, which shows a perfect model of a cultural bridge in motion. 2:00PM Back to Faith Duration 24 min. Producer/Director: Marian Segal for SABC Issues of Faith As the twentieth century draws to a close, we're witnessing a dramatic shift in religious commitment... especially among the younger generation. These are young people tired of plastic values. They want to be part of a deeply spiritual community. To find it, they're reaching back to their religious roots. This programme examines the souls of a young Muslim, a Christian and a Jew- all of whom have returned to faith. 3:00PM Spirit of the People Duration 52 min. Director: Simon Bright Producer: Ingrid Sinclair, Kristina Tuura The irresistible beat of Zimbabwean music is reaching out to people all over the world. Many of the rhythms and melodies derive from the mbira, a small traditional instrument with flat metal keys. From the traditional rituals of music and dance, through the stirring chorus of the liberation war, to the songs of the popular stars and farmer's choirs today, the people of Zimbabwe present their music. 2010_03 4:00PM Heart and Stone Duration 90 min., with an introduction by the director. Director/producer: Bridget Thompson Production Company: Tomas Films The history of the Xhosa people is a tale of great men and women whose personal stories are integral to the fabric of the South African nation. Govan Mbeki is such a man. Born to a peasant family in 1910, Mbeki was a key figure in the building of black intellectual and political resistance to apartheid. Imprisoned with Nelson Mandela on Robben Island, he was released in 1987 after 24 years and played a vital role in the new South African parliament. In his warm and inimitable way. Govan uses Xhosa storytelling techniques in this film to tell his own story and that of the South African people. "Heart and Stone" is a lyrical documentary on the life and times of this extraordinary man from a very special generation. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8TH 10:00 AM Sea Shell Duration 30 min. Director/Producer: Abdulkadir Ahmed Said Production company: COE A young woman stands on the beach, painting the ruins of a village. She picks up a seashell and hears the voice of a little girl from that village who tells her their story. Tree of Life Duration 30 min. Director/Producer: Abdulkadir Ahmed Said Production company: Buffalo Films A man sets out to chop down a tree. This has consequences unforeseen by him and he learns a lesson about life and ecology. 11:00AM Citron, Fruit of Splendor Duration 30 min Director/Producer: Izza Genini, France/Morocco C As the Jews were spread across the Mediterranean world during the Diaspora, they took their food, their household objects, and their sacred customs with them. The citron's ritual importance is shown to us, as we are taken to remote valleys in Southern Morocco where, for generations, very special citrons have been grown to be shipped to Israel for sacred ceremonial use. Hymns of Praise Duration 30 min. Producer/Director: Izza Genini, France/Morocco COUN Bands of itinerant female singers travel from one saint's festival to another in Morocco, singing ecstatic songs of the saint's life. During the festival of Moulay Idriss, song, rhythm, and dance act together to bring about states of religious ecstasy. 49
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS OS. RAYER & MEDITATION The following is a list of just a few of the types of sessions that will be offered during the week: ach morning (2-8 December, 9:00-9:30 a.m.) Parliament participants can choose from several different sessions of prayer and/or meditation. It's a wonderful opportunity to deepen your personal spiritual practice, or to observe the practice of another community. All will be welcome at any of the sessions listed in the "Guide to Morning Prayer and Meditation Sessions," which will be available at the Registration Centre in the Multi-Purpose Hall on the campus of the Cape Technikon. * kido Chanting (Buddhist) * Jewish Meditation on the Neshamah . Circle Peace Dancing * Guided Meditation - Kundalini Yoga * Baha'i Prayers and Sacred Readings . Zion Christian Church Service . Zen Meditation . Lectio Divina Holy Reading NTERRELIGIOUS CELBRATIONS 1 - 7 December, 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. ach evening Parliament participants may gather at the District Six Stage, with its spectacular mountain and ocean views for a moving interreligious celebration. Not to be confused with group worship, these interreligious celebrations are occasions when persons of different faiths can come together in a spirit of mutual respect and common concerns. Each evening readings and musical selections from various traditions will create a special space of understanding and shared spiritual uplift. It's a wonderful way to prepare for the Evening Plenary Session 50 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS RENARYS LENARY SESSIONS EVENING PLENARY SESSIONS Thursday, 2 December PURSUING UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS Each evening, from 8:00-10:00, Parliament participants will gather in the Good Hope Centre for a plenary celebration of religion, spirituality, and interreligious encounter, dialogue, and cooperative common action. Each plenary will be unique and yet all will combine music, multi-media presentations, blessings from spiritual leaders from all over the world, This evening will combine music, poetry, song, and narrative in a powerful expression of the continuing struggle for human rights. Fittingly, the presentation will have a strong South African focus. (This Plenary Session has been designed by friends of the Parliament in Gauteng.) The 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions resonates with the idea of giving. From the Parliament Book of Gifts to the work of the Parliament Assembly, participants will encounter the theme of Gifts of Service to the World throughout the event. Each Evening Plenary Session will celebrate one unique way of giving, one special form of service. Each will also highlight one or more appropriate gifts/projects--selected from the Parliament Book of Gifts--that exemplify the evening's theme. Friday, 3 December Every Evening Plenary Session will be vibrant, evocative, and, of course, highly entertaining! BUILDING BRIDGES OF UNDERSTANDING AND COOPERATION Wednesday, 1 December This session will focus on interreligious and intercultural bridge building efforts in the KwaZulu-Natal region. It will offer a powerful and evocative, yet entertaining glimpse of one of the most important ways of giving: celebrating diversity. (This Plenary Session has been designed by friends of the Parliament in KwaZulu-Natal-through the efforts of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, SA-KwaZulu-Natal Chapter.) OFFERING SACRED PRACTICE This moving evening focuses on the theme of the Sacred Meal, as a spiritual practice cherished in most of the world's spiritual traditions. Music, dance, storytelling will bring to life the power of ritual, liturgy, celebration, and worship as modes of giving to one's own community and to others. Jain Education Interational 2010_03 51
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS Saturday, 4 December Tuesday, 7 December CELEBRATING LIFE AND ITS POSSIBILITIES NURTURING TRANSFORMATIVE COMMUNITY This presentation celebrates art, music, dance, and other forms of human expression, as transformative gifts that touch and enrich the human spirit. (This Plenary Session has been designed by friends of the Parliament in Cape Town.) The final Evening Plenary Session, appropriately, has been created by the Next Generation, the young people who have contributed so much to the shaping of the 1999 Parliament. This exciting presentation will explore the real meaning of community and the spirit of service. Sunday, 5 December FOSTERING CREATIVE ENGAGEMENT This evening celebrates the gift of cooperative and creative engagement between and among the world's guiding institutions (religion, government, business, education, media, etc.) It is with great pride that the 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions presents, as this evening's featured speaker, the Honorable Nelson Mandela, former President of the Republic of South Africa. Monday, 6 December MEETING ESSENTIAL NEEDS Tonight's presentation focuses on the gift of meeting the most basic needs of the human community and the Earth. Music, story telling, and a moving ritual of thanksgiving will combine to express a powerful message. 52 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS 54 2010_03 AJOR PRESENTATIONS For Private Personal Use Only
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________________ 1 999 MAJOR PRESENTATIONS PARLIAMENT OF 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATER 5 Global Commitment to the Culture of Nonviolence: The Jain View Dr. N.P. Jain This presentation is an elucidation of the intrinsic content of the wide comprehensive perspective of the culture of non-violence as per the Jain religion. The Jain religion regards non-violence as the Supreme Religion and lays down its principles and practices for adherence not only by individuals for his/her own survival but in terms of his/her relationships with others in society. Mahatma Gandhi's translation of the Jain culture of non-violence and its strategy of the Indian struggle and desirability are relevant for tackling global issues such as peace and war, interfaith disharmony, racial prejudices, and inequality. Nonviolence is a culture to be used as an effective weapon in the challenging task of not only protecting the environment but also in upgrading it. Dr. N.P. Jain is the former ambassador of India to the European Union, United Nations, Mexico, and Nepal. He is also the former Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs. He is a member of the World Spiritual Assembly, a writer, poet, economist and environmentalist. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATER 8 Islamic Law (Shariah) in a Pluralist Society: the Indian Experiment D@N MINI ANKAR Mawlana Mujahidul Islam Qasmi Ijtihad is, in fact, a collective understanding of the Islamic sources of guidance in changing human situations. It is a continuing process of scholars in the global Muslim community working out solutions for our new emerging problems. The presenter will review the great work done in India, by the Figh Academy during the last decade, with the cooperation of all schools (madhahib) of Islamic jurisprudence (figh). S Mujahidul Islam Qasimi is a renowned 'alim (religious leader) from India. He is a Secretary General of All India Milli Council, the Director of the Figh Academy of India and he is Amir (President) Imarat-e Shariah in Bihar, India. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN THEATER 5 Human Values and Human Rights in the 21st Century Mr. Nitin Limaye Mr. Limaye will speak on behalf of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (who unfortunately had to cancel his planned Parliament appearance) on the deterioration of values in the world as the root cause of societies' problems. He believes in the necessity to reestablish a caring and compassionate society where all life is valued and respected and religious and cultural differences of all kinds are accepted and service to others is the norm. Moreover, the survival of the planet itself depends on the development of "eco-friendly" habitats, instead of unabated exploitation of resources for personal gain. Thus, even human development is rooted in resurgence of human values. Mr. Limaye is the personal assistant to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who was the founder of the International Association for Human Values, a nonprofit educational organization recognized and lauded in over 95 country's all over the world. Shankar's programs have worked with the United Nations, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, governments, companies and NGO's dedicated to similar beliefs. 2010_03 THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 BEST MESSAGES 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.60 The Challenge of Globalisation Suleman Dangor In this presentation Dr. Dangor will analyse the impact of Globalisation on Muslim society. Associate Professor of Religious Studies with a Specialisation and special interest in: Islam in Africa, Islam in South Africa, Islamic Education, Islamic Revivalists Movements in Africa and Globalisation. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN PODIUM HALL The Feasibility of a Universal Religion in the Next Millennium Acharya Shambushivanada Avadhuta At a time when the world is divided by race, religion, color, language and nation-states, one wonders whether the vision of a universal religion is a utopia or a necessity. This lecture will explore the possibilities in the next millennium and the ways we can move towards the creation of One Human Society. Acharya Avadhuta is the recipient of International Mahatma Gandhi Award and Karya Shiromani Award and is a celebrated speaker on Yoga and contemporary Issues. He is currently the Kulapari (Chancellor) of International Gurukula Network based in Anondanogar, India. His latest talks on co-creating Public Philosophy are now being published by the University of Tokyo Press. He is also author of several books: Proof Economics, Cardinal Human Values, and Gurukul Education and Planning.....Interventions in Developing Countries. 2:00 PM-2:30 PM IN THEATER 5 Future of Faith Traditions and the State of the Future Dr. L.M. Singhvi The historical and sociological perspectives on the rise and decline of faith traditions are of crucial relevance in cosmopolitan contemporary society. Multiculturalism and the precept of interfaith amity based on opposition to intolerance and discrimination provide a confluence point for a creative conception of the future of faith tradition. Humankind may have become less religious in the traditional sense but we cannot afford to allow ourselves to be less ethical or less spiritual. Therefore, we need to reshape our present to preserve the best of the past and to build an ethically relevant and spiritually meaningful future. We also need to match the so called secular movements with a sense of the sacred, as well as to match the emphasis on rights with an equal emphasis on duties and responsibilities. Patron of the Institute of Jainology and leading scholar of Jainism and of Vedic and Indic religions. Member of World Faiths Development Dialogue Steering Group. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 8 Global Aspects of Forgiveness, Spirituality, and Attitudinal Healing in over 30 countries. Dr. Gerald G. Jampolsky; Dr. Diane V. Cirincione Since the first Center for Attitudinal Healing was founded by Dr. Jampolsky in 1975 in Tiburon, California, there has been a grass-roots spread of these independent centers. There are now over 150 centers offering free support groups in over 30 places, such as Ghana, Kingdom of Tonga, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, Australia, and The Netherlands. We will share our experiences on how attitudinal healing is being used in government so that people can rediscover their spiritual core as a way of finding new ways of communicating with each other. Gerald Jampolsky Diane Cirincione Major Presentations 55
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WRLD'S RELIGIONS MAJOR PRESENTATIONS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 BILEN BER 2 Major Presentations Leone, West Africa, in 1996. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA The Golden Age Begins with Ourselves by Direct 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Contact with God The Jain Principle of Anekant and Human Survival Master Suma Ching Hai Dr. Sohanlal Jain Gandhi This lecture teaches the Great Way of Enlightenment, the Ultimate Path of Liberation and Truth, and the Way to Bring Human history is replete with violent feuds, conflict, and wars. Heaven to Earth. This workshop offers everyone a chance to wars, ironically, have been fought in the name of religion, discover and experience for themselves the Divine Awakening, which is meant to be used as an instrument for individual and the Pure Ocean of God's Love within. Explore with Master purification and spiritual elevation. The Jain principle of Ching Hai the meaning of her statement. "Heaven is only the Anekant, however, has in it the potential to end all quarrels beginning, see God while living". and conflicts. It stresses the unity of all religions and excludes Master Ching Hai is a symbol of spintual wisdom and guidance for disputation, or refutation of other beliefs, from its periphery. hundreds and thousands of people around the world. Although not Anekant advocates non-absolutism and teaches us to respect seeking acknowledgement of any kind, Master Ching Hai has become different viewpoints and beliefs. If the Anekant approach is internationally recognized for her spiritual, humanitarian and disaster adopted in our day-to-day dealings we can still hope for relief activities worldwide. survival, or else fanaticism may annihilate human civilization all together. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 3 Dr. S.L. Gandhi, the former Vice-Principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, is the Dean of the Faculty of Peace and Nonviolence Studies, The Interfaith Movement - Where Are We Now at the Intercultural Open University, Opeinde, the Netherlands. He is the And Where Are We Going? Project Director of the Institute of Jainology UK and has written, and edited, several books relating to Jainism and ahimsa. Ms. Kusumita P Pederson The speaker will present an overview and analysis of the 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 interfaith movement in the world today. trying to determine Rebuilding European Jewry what we actually know about Il the different kinds of work being done in different contexts. The interfaith movement is Rabbi Sjalom Awraham Soetendorp entering a new phase -- what is new about it? Major problems and challenges will be identified, as well as the opening of In this lecture, Rabbi Soetendorp will explore his experience as new possibilities. The presentation is intended to stimulate a survivor of the shoah, and how that experience was full of destruction and despair. He will also describe his work in the constructive discussion. Netherlands and the former Soviet Union to rebuild Kusumita P. Pederson is Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at St. Francis College in New York. She was previously Executive Director of communities. He will also present the lessons which can be the Project on Religion and Human Rights, Joint Secretary for religious drawn from his experience for a more humane future, as affairs of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on represented in his new initiative, Hope for Children. Human Survival and Executive Director of the Temple of Understanding She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Council for a Parliament Rabbi Soetendorp is currently the Rabbi of the Reform Jewish Community of the Hague, and Rabbi of the Union of Dutch Reform Jewish of the World's Religions. Communities. A survivor of the Holocaust, he has been a long standing Human Rights activist. He frequently lectures at many Universities and Centers around the world. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Islam and Other Religions: Issues and Directions 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 6 for the Next Century Secular Globalization and Cultural Pluralism: The Dr. Muzzamil Siddiqi: Sheik Kamil al-Sharif; Dr. Mawlani Question of Existentiality of Religious Traditions Khalilur Rahman Sajjad Nomani; Prof. Amir Al-Islam The panelists will examine issues on the global level and Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu suggest how a better picture will emerge in the 21st century This lecture looks at preparing an intellectual ground to validate through better understanding and cooperation between Islam the existence of religious traditions in the contemporary world. and other religions. They will mainly consider the possibility of Dr. Davutoglu will critically examine the emptiness of secular peace loving people from different faith communities rising (that is anti-religious) humanism in this concern. He will above their communal interests and working together for social conclude the lecture by proposing a better alternative. and economic justice. Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu has written extensively on contemporary political Dr. Muzzamil Siddigi graduated from the Islamic University of Medinah and philosophical issues. He teaches at the Dept of Political Sicence, and Harvard (Ph.D). He is currently President of the Islamic Society of Marmare University, Istanbul, and heads the Foundation of the Studies in North America (SNA). He is Imam and Director of the Islamic Society of Arts and Science, Istanbul, Turkey. He is the author of Alternative Orange County, California and teaches at California State University at Paradigms (University Press of America, 1994) and Civilizational Fullerton. Transformation and the Muslim World (Quill, 1994) Sheik al-Sharif is a well known Islamic scholar from the Middle East. Director General of International Institute of Dawanand Relief with offices 3100 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 in Amman Jordan). Jeddah Saudi Arabia), and Cairo (Egypt) In the field of dawah and working with people of other faiths. Mawlani Foundations of Shinto Nomani is the most influential Muslim religious leader ('alim), having international repute Rev. Munemichi Kurozumi Amir Al-Islam is a Professor of African American History at Medgar Evers Rev. Kurozumi, the first son of the present Chief Patriarch of College, in Brooklyn, New York, where he also serves as the Associate Director of the Dr. Betty Shabazz Center for Global Affairs, named after Kurozumikyo Shinto, will present an overview of the history, the late wife of Malcolm X Mr. Al-Islam was the former Secretary General worldview, and major figures in Shinto. of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, USA an international: Rev. Munemichi Kurozumi is the first son of the present Chief Patriarch of interfaith organization affiliated with the United Nations. Through his Kurozumikyo Shinto, and will therefore be the Seventh Chief Patriarch work at the WCRP/USA Prof. Al-Islam participated in several interfaith He also represents the Religious NGO Network (RNN), a local crossinitiatives at the international level, such as the UN conference on Social religious network which promotes and engages in humanitarian efforts Development in Copenhagen, Habitat ll in Istanbul, and the World worldwide Conference of Religious Leaders at the Vatican in 1995. Prof. Al-islam was instrumental in establishing one of the first interfaith councils in Sierra 5 6 2010_03 dini araduated from President of the Islamic Society of
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS MAJOR PRESENTATIONS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 Religions on the threshold of the 21st century. Patron of the Institute of Jainology and leading scholar of Jainism and of Vedic and Indic religions. Member of World Faiths Development Dialogue Steering Group. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA International Debt Relief The Most Rev. Njongonkulu W.H. Ndungane In this presentation, Archbishop Ndungane will address the complex issue of International Debt Relief. Njongonkulu W.H. Ndungane is the Head of the Anglican Church of the Province of Southern Africa. This includes South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Angola, and the island of St. Helena 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 5 Pole To Pole 2000, Inspiring Action in Service Mr. Martyn Williams Pole to Pole 2000 is a joining of 18 youth from 6 countries, diverse religions and spiritual connections, and races who set out to travel the globe exploring the social and environmental issues and initiatives that are shaping the world in the next millennium. As they travel they are asking everyone they meet to join them in taking an action -- no matter how small -- to improve the fabric of the planet. Martyn Williams is an internationally renowned explorer. He is the first person in the world to lead expeditions to the North Pole, South Pole and Mount Everest. He is also working at the national level on environmental and sustainability issues. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 True Rascal Mystery School Ms. Caroline W. Casey In this presentation, world-renowned astrologer Caroline Casey brings alive the unique trickster, storyteller, lover, radical, compassionate heroic activist who resides in all of us. Guided by the exquisite language of astrology, the presenter will delineate the description and strategic instructions for participants at this pivotal historical time. Caroline Casey is a world-renowned visionary and activist who uses the language of astrology to wed spiritual magic and compassionate social action. She is the author of Making the Gods Work for You, which was recently released in South Africa, and the host of the popular Visionary Activist Show on Pacifica Radio. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN THEATER 6 Universal and Eternal Religion of Man in the New Millennium Mr. Sadhu Rangarajan Venugopalan The religion that we need in the new millennium is a universal and cternal religion of man which will establish harmony between man and nature, man and man, and man and God. i.e., the supreme consciousness which manifests in all names and forms. This religion will embrace all that is best in all the religious paths propounded by all noble souls and proclaim acceptance, not mere tolerance, as the foundation for the unity of religions and universal brotherhood of man. All religions of the world can survive only by breathing the life giving message of the universality, oneness, and human brotherhood preached by the ancient seers of Bharatavarsha. Sadhu Venugopalan is the Founder and Trustee of Sister Nivedita Academy, an international institute of Hindu thought and culture, founded in 1977, in Chennai, India. He has set up branches of the Academy in various parts of South Africa and Botswana to propagate Indian thought and culture in a scientific and rational manner. He has also been the recipient of the Wisdom Award for his writings on the patriots and freedom fighters of India. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 3 The Seminal Contribution of Zoroastrianism to the Religions of the World Mr. Keki R. Bhote Zoroastrianism, as the mother of all monotheistic religions is the quintessence of the ecumenism that binds all religions together. This presentation depicts the enormous influence that Zarathushtra's teachings have had in the cradle of civilization - Egypt, Sumeria, Babylon, Canaan, Greece and Rome and extending to India and China. This presentation also highlights the principles that Zarathustra articulated in the holy text known as "The Gathas of the Prophet" which found their way into Judaism - and through Judaism into Christianity. This presentation further asserts and will demonstrate that The Gathas is both the oldest religious literature and, at the same time, the youngest in terms of its applicability to modern man. Mr. Keki R. Bhote is a life long student of Zoroastrian theology and history and is a pioneer in furthering Zoroastriarism in North America A founding influence in both the Zoroastrian association of America and of the Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitan Chicago, he has served these organizations as President and Trustee, respectively. Mr. Bhote chaired the 2nd Zoroastrian Symposium of North America. A much sought after lecturer, he has presented at over 100 church groups and, most notably, at the Parliament for the World's Religion's Centennial Gathering in Chicago in 1993, as well as, at the 3rd World Zoroastrian Conference Major Presentations 3:00 PM-3:30 PM IN THEATER 8 Spirituality and Global Ethics - The Hyphen that Joins and the Buckle that Binds Dr. L.M. Singhvi In the clash of ideas and in the midst of competing faiths, there is a ray of hope in the resurgence of spirituality and global ethics, which joins us all through our common humanity and leads us to a common agenda. Faith traditions must engage with each other to find a substratum of shared values. concerns, and methodologies in order to move towards an optimum framework of mutual consultation, collaboration, spirituality, and global ethics. An agenda, an action program, and habits of working together have to be evolved. We made a beginning in 1993 in Chicago and must carry it to fulfillment and fruition. The presentation will emphasize that this must be the millennium message of the Parliament of the World's 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Cooperation between Abrahamic Faiths: 25 Years of Muslim Interfaith Work in Europe and America Prof. Amir Al-Islam; Justice P.K. Shamshuddin In the 21st century, we are looking forward to more cooperation among the followers of the three monotheistic Abrahamic faiths. The presenters will use their past experiences in interfaith work to show that successful attempts have been made in Europe and America. Their hope is that others may learn from their experiences. There will be time for discussion at the end of the session. Amir Al-Islam is a Professor of African American History at Medgar Evers College, in Brooklyn, New York, where he also serves as the Associate Director of the Dr. Betty Shabazz Center for Global Affairs, named after the late wife of Malcolm X Mr. Al-Islam was the former Secretary General of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, USA an international interfaith organization affiliated with the United Nations. Through his work at the WCRP/USA Prof. Al-Islam participated in several interfaith initiatives at the international level, such as the UN conference on Social Development in Copenhagen, Habitat ll in Istanbul, and the World Conference of Religious Leaders at the Vatican in 1995. Prof. Al-Islam was instrumental in establishing one of the first interfaith councils in Sierra Leone, West Africa, in 1996. namshuddin is a Muslim leader in India; prominent former High Court justice, involved for many years in interfaith work. 2010_03 57
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________________ Major Presentations 1 9 99 PARLIAMENT MAJOR PRESENTATIONS O F 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN PODIUM HALL Dialogue and Spirituality: Can We Pray Together? Dr. S. Wesley Ariarajah As people of different traditions meet together, the question of interfaith prayer has become an important issue. Can people of different religious traditions pray together? Should they? The lecture will be an exploration of answers to these questions and concerns. There will also be time for questions and discussion. Dr. S. Wesley Ariarajah is professor of Ecumenical Theology at Drew University, School of Theology, Madison, NJ, USA. Before becoming professor, he was the Director of the Dialogue Program of the World Council of Churches for over ten years. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 8 Ethical Conception for International Living -The Zoroastrian Viewpoint Mr. Ervad Parvez M. Bajan Mr. Bajan is presenting a paper on the present course of humankind and its relationship with religion as described by the great prophet Zarathustra. His presentation will give particular attention to the evolution of mankind in contemporary society. Mr. Bajan (M.A., LL.M.) is presently the Assistant Head Priest at the Seth B.M. Fire Temple and spent many years as a Bank Officer (now retired). Mr. Bajan has also been active as an academic lecturer and writer on religious topics. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA Foundations of Hinduism CH-D Swami Chidananda Saraswati In this presentation, Swami Chidananda will explore the history. scriptures, and basic teachings of the Hindu religion. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji Maharaj left his home at 8 years old. in order to live a life devoted to God and to the service of His people. Nine years of meditation, seclusion and silence in the Himalayas prepared Him for this divine life. Pujya Swamiji is President of Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India, one of the largest institutions in India. and he is Founder/chairman of India Heritage Research Foundation, an international, non-profit, humanitarian foundation. He is also the founder and inspiration behind innumerable temples, health care projects, educational institutions and ecological programs across the globe. 58 2010_03 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 6 Islamic Concept of Universal Justice Mawlana Taqi Usmani The presenter will explain how, in Islam, social and economic justice necessarily follows from tawhidic foundations. He will mainly explain how the Islamic belief in one God, who is Lord of all human beings, cuts the roots of religious discrimination. Internationally known Islamic scholar, Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani is a member of Shariah Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He is also Deputy Chairman of OIC's Islamic Fiqh Academy (Jeddah) and Vice President of Darul Ulum, Karachi, Pakistan. THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 YOR 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 1 Religious Pluralism in Post Apartheid South Africa Imam Rashied Omar On the 2nd of June 1999, South Africa went to the polls for only the second time in their history. This lecture will illustrate the a unique history South Africans have experienced of interreligious solidarity in the struggle against Apartheid. In recognition of this reality the democratically elected African National Congress government, led by President Nelson Mandela, committed itself to pursuing a public policy of genuine religious pluralism. This lecture will explore how the South African State's overt policy on religious pluralism has influenced and affected the quality of religious coexistence during the first five years of post-Apartheid South Africa. Imam Rashied Omar is an Imam at a Mosque in the City of Cape Town, and is Co-Chair of Parliament of the World's Religions, South Africa. He is also the national Secretary of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, and has a Masters Degree in Comparative Religion from the University of Cape Town. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER Z The Spiritual Dimension of Man His Eminence Shaykh As-Sayyid Muhammad Nazim Adil Al-Qubrisi Al-Haqqani Although human beings die, their spirits are ever-living. Every faith has a spiritual dimension which provides man the opportunity to ascend above his lower self. How does one cultivate his spiritual nature? What practices are involved and how essential is this to obtaining balance in one's life? Learn the answer to these and many more questions from a renowned Sufi master who has brought spirituality to the lives of thousands of people worldwide. Shayhk Muhammad Nazim Adil al Haqqani is one of the foremost Islamic authorities in Turkey and Cyprus, and is the worldwide leader and Sufi master of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order. He has worked tirelessly to revive Islam in the Muslim world and to introduce Islam to the western world in a universal way. In addition to his duties as a religious leader in Turkey and Cyprus, Shaykh Nazim is the spiritual advisor to students worldwide. many of whom are social, cultural, and political leaders.
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT MAJOR PRESENTATIONS O F 10:00 AM-11:00 AM GOOD HOPE ARENA A Peaceful, Just, and Sustainable Future: The Challenge of the 21st Century for Religion Dr. Gerald O. Barney The 21st century could become a very difficult path or a path to a peaceful, just, and sustainable future (see The Challenge and Opportunity of the 21st Century in the registration packet). The fundamental challenge humans face is identity and story. It is here that the world's religions, together with science, have much to contribute. Executive Director - Millennium Institute, Author of Global 2000: Report to the President (to President Jimmy Carter) and the 1993 report to the Parliament, Global 2000 Revisited: What Shall We Do?. Formerly head of National Program, Rockefeller Brothers Fund. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER 1 The African Religion Prof. Gabriel Setiloane An introduction to the Indigenous religion of Africa. The African concept of God. The realities of ancestor worship will also be explored. Mr. Setiloane is a Professor of Religious Studies at University of Cape Town, and was previously a Professor of Religious Studies at University of Botswana. He is currently the Reverend Missionary Secretary to the Swiss Mission in South Africa, and the General Secretary of Youth to the Commission for the All Africa Conference. He is also the author of African Theology - An Introduction. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATRE 3 The Concept of Limited Human Responsibility in Islam Dr. Abdul Malik Mujahid Whereas the Qur'an encourages limitless human endeavor, the teaching of takalluf is an important concept which aims to stop human beings from excesses (zulm) against the choices of other beings. Dr. Mujahid will take a comprehensive look at this issue. With Islamic studies from Darululoom Shah Waliullah and political Science from the Univ of Chicago, Abdul Malik Mujahid is a writer, producer and Friday Imam for Chicago Muslim Community in the USA. He is president of Sound Vision and the National Coordinator of Kosava Task Force, USA, an alliance of 16 national Muslim organizations in America. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 5 Inter-Faith Dialogue: A New Relevance Dr. Thillayvel Naidoo This presentation will explain how the number of religions in South Africa appears to be growing. In a situation such as that offered by the Parliament of the World's Religions, people will present themselves as followers of the belief that all religions are true. Despite what people may say, many do not subscribe to this. The presenter will explore the need to provoke people to come to terms with the real, existential issues we face everyday. The presenter will also challenge participants to face the real relevance of interfaith dialogue. Dr. Thillayvel Naidoo was a lecturer in the Department of Science and Religion at the University of Durban-Westville, and has recently retired. 2010_03 RELIGIONS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 THE WORLDS 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN PODIUM HALL Pathways of the Sun Mr. Dean Liprini This lecture will describe the process of unveiling the hidden mysteries of Table Mountain and the Cape Peninsula. The presenter will illustrate how Table Mountain is an amazing Archeo-Astronomical and Geo-Mystical phenomenon that honours the vital force of the African spirit. Dean Liprini Ddiscovered the Pathways of the Sun and has over 10 years of research and experience of this phenomenon. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER 8 Rajayoga. and God Experiencing the Essence of Peace Sr. Jayanti Kripalani Raja Yoga is the path to inner peace and union with the Supreme Being. This presentation explores the basic steps to experiencing inner peace and union in everyday life. Sister Jayanti is the Director of the London International Center of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. She is an international lecturer and the University's representative at the UN in Geneva. She has been practicing Raja Yoga for over 35 years. COVER MENU 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 6 Religion and the New World Order Dr. Sulayman Nyang; Saleha Mahmood Abedin; Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu This panel deals with the challenges facing religions in the emerging world order. Panelists are asked to focus on questions relating to the following issues: identity and culture, socioeconomic power relations between groups, religious values and social justice in the New World Order, inter-religious cooperation and conflict in the New World Order. Dr. Sulayman S. Nyang teaches African and Islamic Studies at Howard University in Washington, D.C. He is well known in academic and interfaith circles and is a past President of the InterFaith Conference. His best known works are Islam, Christianity, and African Identity, and Islam in the USA. Dr. Saleha S. Mahmood is the Chairperson of the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child, the Director of the institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, London, and Chief Editor of the scholarly biannual publication Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. She is also a professor of sociology with a specialization in population and demography. Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu has written extensively on contemporary political and philosophical issues. He teaches at the Dept. of Political Sicence. Marmare University, Istanbul, and heads the Foundation of the Studies in Arts and Science, Istanbul, Turkey. He is the author of Alternative Paradigms (University Press of America, 1994) and Civilizational Transformation and the Muslim World (Quill, 1994). aura 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATER 4 Women in Islam: Sufi Women and Human Rights Dr. Seyedeh Nahid Angha The lecture will begin with a brief discussion of the historical role of women in Islam. Dr. Angha will then address current conceptual issues within the Muslim world, such as its cultural and religious values. Looking toward the next century and the increasing opportunities for women, she will introduce the Sufi Women Organizations (SWO), as a humanitarian, non-political, non-sectarian organization. Dr. Seyedeh Nahid Angha, Ph.D., is the co-founder and co-director of the International Association of Sufism (IAS), founder of Sufi Women Organization (SWO), the executive editor of Sufism: An Inquiry, (an international quarterly journal), and the main NGO representative of the IAS to the United Nations. She is an internationally known author and a major Muslim Sufi teacher. She is President of the San Francisco's Interfaith Center at the Presidio. Major Presentations 59
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________________ Major Presentations. 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT MAJOR PRESENTATIONS O F 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 3 Confucianism and Ethnicity: A South African Perspective Prof. Arthur Song This lecture explores Confucianism as a peculiarly Chinese philosophical outlook on life. The presenter will examine the possibility of applying Confucian principles to the complex problems being experienced in South Africa. Prof. Arthur Song is the Dean of the Faculty of Theology and Religion Studies. He is Chinese, and was born in South Africa. Stor 11:00 AM-12:00 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA How to Meet the Challenges of Life Dr. Dada J.P. Vaswani The right way to meet the challenges of life is to meet them with courage, hope, and love-the courage born of the realization that the man is never alone, God is always with him; the hope that the best is yet to come; and the love that turns every winter into spring. Scientist and philosopher, humanitarian, and teacher, eminent practicalist and modern day saint. Dada J.P. Vaswani is one of the great spiritual leaders of modern India, a mantle inherited from his mentr Sadhu T.L Vaswani, a spiritual and intellectual giant of modern India. sn Sandwe AR31 Cheshirer 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 1 Religion, Secularism, and God Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan Language, according to religion, is a phenomenon that is both human and natural in its connection with God. Some other languages (e.g. that of science) are also needed for our practical and intellectual purposes. God will not mind this temporary descent/abstraction from His vicinity if humans do not forget to come back to Him. Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan, a graduate of science (1952), Muslim Theology(1956) and Western Philosophy (Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois at Chicago), taught Western and Islamic Philosophy at Aligarh Muslim University, India, and various academic institutions in the US. He is a Trustee of CPWR and the International Peace Council and convener of International Association of Muslims for Inter-Religious Relations. S 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 5 Are We Beyond the Limits to Growth? Mr. John A. Harris This is an update of Beyond the Limits, which will be published in 1999-2000. The original computer study Limits To Growth, written in 1972 (which sold over 9 million copies in over 30 languages) predicted that, if trends in world population, food production, industrialization, and pollution continued, the limits to growth on this planet would be reached within the next 100 (now 70) years. These projections have proven correct. Mr. Harris has spent the last 30 years giving his time and money to organizations in the environmental, population, energy efficiency. agriculture and peace fields. Mr. Harris has served on several Boards of Directors, and occasionally chaired these groups. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Connections & Confluences Among The Meditation Paths Swami Veda Bharati Direct personal experience of the transcendent, whether or not given the name God, is the Source, Essence and Goal common to all religions. The processes and paths leading the realization of this source, essence and goal, are termed meditation. The presentation will give a summary of these parallels and 60 2010_03 THE WORLD S RELIGIONS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 confluences among the spiritual practices of various religions, those that are now prevalent as well as those that are now extinct. Maha-mandaleshvara Swami Veda Bharati, formerly known as Usharbudh Arya D. Litt., was raised in the five-thousand-year-old tradition of Sanskrit-speaking scholars of India. He has been teaching and lecturing for the last 52 years. From 1952 to 1967, he served various communities in Africa, South America and elsewhere as a pandit and spiritual guide. From 1967 to 1972, he was professor of Sanskrit at the University of Minnesota, USA where he received the Distinguished Teacher Award. In 1996 he was appointed Spiritual Guide of the Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences in Dehradun, President and Spiritual Guide of the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy in India, and President and Spiritual Director of Swami Rama's Ashram (Sadhana Mandir) in Rishikesh where he resides. On March 15, 1999, he was honored by the Swamis of India who conferred on him the title of Maha-mandaleshvara, placing him among the top 30 or so leading Swamis of India. poved za ne 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 2 From Dialogue to Relationship: An Interfaith Women's Journey Mrs. Diane D'Souza; Mr. Bruce Gregersen The Interfaith Women's Journey was a joint project of the Henry Martyn Institute and the United Church of Canada involving nine women from Canada and India of Muslim, Christian, Indigenous, and Hindu traditions. The group traveled together first in India and then in Canada, with a dual objective of exploring interfaith perspectives on women's issues and a women's analysis of interfaith dialogue. This workshop will share the learnings of the journey including the importance of a women's agenda for interfaith enagagement and the significance of the journey model. Diane D'souza is the assistant director at the Henry Martyn Institute in Charge of practical outreach and engagements. She is involved in the academic study of religion, as well as being an artist, and a student of the Bharatnatayam Dance Form. Rev. Dr. Bruce Gregersen, Interfaith and South Asia/Pacific Secretary for the United Church of Canada, the Rev. Kerry Craig, Chairperson of the InterChurch Interfaith Committee of the United Church of Canada and the Rev. Rob Hankinson, a United Church minister and leader in Interfaith organizations including the Edmonton Centre for Interfaith Action and Education. All three have contributed towards the development of the document and continue to work extensively in Canada for interfaith action and awareness. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 7 From Ummah to Ubuntu Prof. Fatima Meer In this presentation, Fatima Meer of the Institute of Black Research will describe and explain the concepts of Ummah and Ubuntu, and explore their meaning in the South African context. No biographical statement available at time of printing. P 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.13 Neo-Buddhism and Rising Activism for Human Rights in India in Dr. Rahul Deepankar, M.D. This paper describes the historical and current condition of exuntouchables in India, who number about 200 million people. Their search for equality and human dignity has resulted in the rise of Neo-Buddhism. The paper also addresses issues of increasing struggle for human rights, with particular emphasis on the role of Neo-Buddhism in the success and failure of activism aimed at improving human rights for these people in India. The writer also advocates that the rise of Buddhism creates conditions conducive for increased social harmony and peace. Dr. Deepankar has been a practicing physician in the Chicago area for
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT MAJOR PRESENTATIONS the past 18 years. He is currently the Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Mary's Hospital in Kankakee, Illinois. In his nonprofessional life he has been engaged in the struggle for human rights and justice for Dalits "ex-untouchables," Neo-Buddhist, Muslims, Christians, and other minorities for the 21st century. Dr. Deepankar is also President of the New Republic of India International, and Vice President of the Association of Indians in America. O F 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 1 Ngaga Christ Paradigm Gomang Seratwa Ntloedibe-Kuswani This lecture asks why the Nganga Paradigm has not been noticed, acknowledged or exploited by African theologians. The lecture will explore the Nganga paradigm with specific reference to Botswana, and proposes "Nganga (healer in Setswana) as Christ" - the savior of her or his people. The 'Ngaka Christ' proposal is made because health and well-being are the core concern of African religions. No biographical statement available at time of printing. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 6 Without Land, How Will the Spiritual Helpers Know Me? Prof. Jennifer R. Joe The federal government's settlement of a century-year-old land dispute in Arizona, not only displaced and dispossessed numerous Navajo families, but it also impacted their health and spiritual well-being. In this presentation, Dr. Joe will discuss some of the human and spiritual consequences for these families after being forced from their homes. Dr. Jenny Joe is a member of the Dine (Navajo) Nation of Northern Arizona. She is a Professor in the Dept. of Family Medicine, a Medical Anthropologist, and the Director of the Native American Research and Training Center at the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ. She conducts research on American Indian physical and mental health issues. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 African Origins and Unity of Religious Thought Prof. Dr. Mathole Motshekga This lecture traces the evolution of religious thought from predynastic Egypt through dynastic Egypt, the Hyksos, Libyan, Persian, Greco-Roman and Islamic periods. In essence, it shows how modern religions - both Western and Eastern religionswere derived from or at least influenced by ancient African Religions. This lecture strives to show the common origins of all religions, and to illustrate the potential harmony of religions which is a prerequisite for peace, security and development. No biographical statement available at time of printing. CURATI MATRAS ZUTAB PAKSUDAH PERSO 3:00 PM-4:30 PM IN THEATER 1 Foundations of Sikhism Dr. Balwant Singh Hansra Dr. Hansra will present the history and fundamentals of Sikhism by highlighting the lives of Sikh gurus and their contributions toward improving the spiritual, social, political, and economic conditions in India. The presentation will also examine the social, political, and religious climate at the time of Guru Nanal's birth. Dr. Balwant Singh Hansra is a Professor of Physical Sciences at City Colleges of Chicago. He is former President of the Sikh Religious Society of Chicago; Trustee of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religion (CPWR). Vice-Chair of CPWR: and Chair of IIPC CPWR. 2010_03 THE RELIGION S FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 WORLD S 3:00 PM-3:35 PM IN THEATRE 3 Gathic Mysticism and Interfaith Harmony Dr. Homi Dhalla There have been many causes that have divided religions, which has gradually led to conflicts. Today, when we are on the threshold of a new millennium, it is necessary that religions work together. Comprehending and appreciating the mystical element in the various religious traditions could foster tolerance and greater understanding amongst them. This paper attempts to shed some light on the mystical dimension of Prophet Zarathushtra's message and how this could enhance inter-faith harmony. A researcher in the Zarathushti religion and Parsi History. Dr. Dhalla has represented the Parsi community at various international conferences for many years and presented papers on religion, ecology, peace, and interfaith dialogue. As the Founder and President of the World Zarathushti Cultural Foundation, Dr. Dhalla has initiated various projects for the preservation and spread of its culture and heritage. Ob 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 7 How to Make Life Significant Shri Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanuji This universe in which we find ourselves is a vast home. There are more planets in our Galaxy than there are people on the earth. Of what significance can this small span of 90 or even 100 years be in the midst of the vastness? The significance can be made by living a life with an open outlook in the world to what we see and experience. This presentation intends to demonstrate how life can be significant and purposeful by being charitable to all living beings, practicing Ahimsa (reverence for life), and not burdening the earth. Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanuji is one of the leaders of 20 million Jains. In sequence, he is the founder and the president of The Divine Knowledge Society in India: founder and president of The Jain Meditation International Center in Manhattan, New York, USA; founder and President of The Vegetarian Society in India, and founder of JAINA Jain Association in North America) which has a membership of 57 Jain Centers and 80, 000 members in North America. He was the First Jain monk to address the Summit Conference at Geneva, Switzerland in 1970, and at Harvard Divinity School in 1971. He transcended his cloistered life to carry his message of Ahimsa (reverence for life) to all of mankind, as a global citizen. He is now known as "A Man with a Global Vision." 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 2 Mending the World: An Ecumenical Vision for Healing and Reconciliation Mr. Bruce Gregersen Mending the World introduces the concept of Whole World Ecumenism, and calls the United Church of Canada into a new understanding of ecumenical relationships. In the context of exploding bombs, fragile atmosphere, polluted waters, and myriad expressions of violence, the church is called to make common cause with peoples of other faith and ideologies for the sake of the healing of creation. The workshop will explore the meaning of Whole World Ecumenism, its implications for the historic understandings of ecumenism, and for the agenda of communities of faith in today's world. Rev. Dr. Bruce Gregersen, Interfaith and South Asia/Pacific Secretary for the United Church of Canada, the Rev. Kerry Craig, Chairperson of the InterChurch Interfaith Committee of the United Church of Canada and the Rev. Rob Hankinson, a United Church minister and leader in Interfaith organizations including the Edmonton Centre for Interfaith Action and Education. All three have contributed towards the development of the document and continue to work extensively in Canada for interfaith action and awareness. Major Presentations
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________________ Major Presentations 1999 MAJOR PRESENTATIONS PARLIAMENT O F 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.60 Religion Ahead: Relevance or Growing Irrelevance Fr. Msizi Garth Michelson This lecture will explore the role of religion in the next century. The presenter will illustrate the current issues and concerns about the role of religion in a secular world. The presenter will explain what the religions of the world must do to meet this challenge, such as respecting differences, seeking common ground for dialogue and collaborating with God for the common good. The presenter will also describe one such interreligious community of reconciliation that has answered that challenge. This community was founded in South Africa at the height of structural oppression of apartheid and the violent resistance for liberation it spurred. Fr. Michaelson was born in South Africa of a Roman Catholic father and a Methodist mother. He completed five years of tertiary education in Rome, during the period of Second Vatican Council, and was awarded a Doctorate in Theology from Pontifical Gregorian University. He has been involved over 3 decades in ecumenism and interreligious encounter, and is currently a member of the Commission for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the South African Catholic Bishops Conference. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN THEATER 6 Religion and Ethics: A Millennial Audit MA Prof. Martin Prozesky This lecture takes stock of the immense contributions, and the shortcomings, of our religions in relation to the ethical upliftment of humanity. The presenter will explore and prescribe ways in which our religions can make a profound future contribution to global well-being. Director of the Unilever Center for Comparative and Applied Ethics at the University of Natal. He was formerly a Professor of Religious Studies and author of several books in this field. No i takogo otbival' 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 5 Religious and Spiritual Resources for Responding to Adversity Bishop Willy Romelus Bishop Romelus will present on the past and current hardships that the Haitian people face and the strides that the Catholic Church has made in helping the people of Haiti prevent future problems. Bishop Romelus will show how the Church of Haiti is attempting to establish a self sustainable society in Haiti that relies upon positive community spirit and communication. Bishop Romelus was ordained as a priest on July 13, 1958 in Les Cayes, Haiti. Since his ordination, he has been active in creating support services for the people of Haiti. A leading voice on human rights in Haiti, Bishop Romelus was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1994 for his work with and for the oppressed peoples of Haiti during the military coup. Bishop Romelus has been responsible for building most of the infrastructure in his Diocese of Grande Anse. 62 2010_03 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN PODIUM HALL Repatriation: Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Mr. Herman Agoyo; Dr. George Kanentiio Sacred spiritual objects of the American Indians are stored and held in Museums and Universities. These items need to be returned to their rightful owners, the American Indians. It is estimated that the human remains of over 500,000 American Indian people have been dug up and removed from their burial sites. Repatriation means that these institutions return the sacred objects to the rightful owners, the American Indian Nations, and that the American Indians will have access to traditional sites for reburial of the remains of those stolen ancestors and the items buried with them. Herman Agoyo will THE WORLD RELIGIONS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 S provide a brief history of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), a case study of the Jemez Pueblo, and the on-going consultation process. Douglas George Kenentiio will discuss the efforts directed at reclaiming and repatriating sacred objects, and more specifically, the return of the Wampum Belts to his nation, the Mohawk Nation. Herman Agoyo, San Juan Pueblo, is active in repatriation issues in his community. He is a life time councilman, 4 times Lt. Governor, 1 term Governor, and term Chairman of All Indian Pueblo Council for the Pueblo and New Mexico Indian Tribes. Mr. Kanentio, a Mohawk, is the Director of Round Dance Productions, and he is also columnist for the Syracuse Herald Journal. 3:00 PM-5:00 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA Spirituality, Sexuality and World Transformation Ms. Pregs Govender It's "inferiority" has been justified by the belief systems of patriarchal religions- the resulting oppression of especially the violence against and is directly connected to the ideas about our bodies, our sexuality, our being. There is an alternativecan the partriarchal religion have the courage to take up the challenge and help end the violence against people and children. Ms Govender was a political activist in students or civic structures and orgs, trade union mkt. in 70's, 80's and 90's against apartheid. A school teacher and UDW. Educator (national) -SACTU head-1st workers college in SA, headed WNC charter, ANC MP, Chair of Comm. on quality of life and status of and through JSCOF-initiated SA's and budget. Change laws IRT violence AG and cust law, maintenance etc. Through getting these prioritised by Parliament. Mother of Parusha. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 4 The United Religions Initiative Rev. Charles P. Gibbs; Ms. Sally M. Ackerly Members of the United Religions Initiative will share the history of this global effort to create a permanent forum where people of diverse faith gather in mutual respect to pursue justice, healing, and peace, with reverence for all life and engage in a discussion about this vision. For the past three and a half years. Canon Charles Gibbs has served as Executive Director of the United Religions Initiative, a global movement where people of the world's religious, spiritual, and indigenous communities gather in mutual respect, dialogue, and cooperative action to end religious violence and create cultures of peace and justice as a sacred trust for future generations. The URI is based in San Francisco and active on every continent. Before coming to the URI, he served as the Rector of the Episcopal Church of the incarnation in San Francisco, CA and before that as Executive Director of the San Rafael Canal Ministry, an interfaith service organization working primarily with immigrants and refugees. Sally Mahe Ackerly is a full-time project manager with the United Religions Initiative, with offices in the San Francisco Presidio. She holds an M.Ed. from Harvard and also a Masters degree in Spiritual Direction from General Episcopal Seminary in New York City. She taught civics for twelve years, during which time she created a textbook series for junior high school students entitled, Law in Action, West Publishing Co., 1975, 1980. For ten years she worked as a spiritual counselor focusing on spiritual education for adults and children. Sally has worked with the United Religions Initiative since its inception, and serves in the area of organizational development. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 6 Basic Ideas and Teachings of Judaism Rabbi Herman Schaalman This is an introductory lecture on the fundamentals of the Jewish faith as it has developed over the last three thousand years. Major religious teachings regarding G-d, revelation, covenant, birth and death, and major festive occasions will be touched on. After the lecture there will be a question and answer session. Rabbi Herman E. Schaalman, Emeritus Rabbi of Emanuel Congregation
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS MAJOR PRESENTATIONS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 in Chicago, was ordained at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1941. He began his studies in Berlin, Germany in 1935 having been born in Munich, Germany during World War I Rabbi Schaalman teaches at the Garret Evangelical Methodist Seminary in Evanston, IL. and at the Chicago Theological Seminary. He is a member of the Executive Committee for the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions, and is a board member for the Millennium Institute in Washington, D.C. He is also a member of the Education Committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN PODIUM HALL Remembrance, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation Rev. Marcus C. R. Braybrooke History has too often been marked by religious prejudice and persecution. We may not be responsible for the actions of our forefathers, but we are often imprisoned by the legacy of religious hatred which they have left us. Forgiveness is not forgetting, only when past evil is acknowledged and confessed can we move on. Our religions should inspire us to seek reconciliation and to acknowledge our human unity. If religious people can say "I'm sorry, they can set an example of hope which will free the people of the world to enter the new Millennium without the heavy baggage of the past. Marcus Braybrooke is a Trustee of the International Interfaith Centre and President of the World Congress of Faiths as well as author of several books on interfaith work and co-editor of All in Good Faith, a resource book for multifaith. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 5 Partnership: A Development Methodology for Equity and Community Building North & South Sr. Margaret M. Diener, O.P. Katalysis' Partnership, doing international microcredit development in four Central American countries with seven nationally-based NGOs, has developed and lived the Partnership methodology presented here over the past 15 years. This is the story of development based on partnership values and community building by way of creating equity primarily for and among women through micro-financing of microentrepeneurs, of the 22,000 Katalysis and Partners clients 85% are women. The transfer of resources and formation of "human capital" occur at all levels of the partnership network. Both business and organizational training of women and men is rooted in creating a community of support for the micro entrepeneurs, so that the transfer of economic resources will actually mature and become sustainable. The emphasis is on creating economic and "human capital" within the concept of community. This presentation will review the story, the evolution, and impact of this methodoloav. with reference to the transformation occurring for southerners and northerners Marget Diener, O.P., is a Dominican Sister of San Rafael, California, and Director of Administration for Katalysis Partnership, an international nonprofit committed to the economic and sustainable development of its southern partners and their clients. Margaret's efforts are directed to organizational and human resources development within the context of the larger development efforts of Katalysis. She has over 25 years experience in education, administration, and spirituality. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 4 The Three Faiths Forum: Towards an Understanding between the Abrahamic Faiths Mr. Sidney Shipton The Three Faiths Forum, a Muslim/Christian/Jewish Council, is dedicated to promoting dialogue between the world's three major religions (Judaism, Islam, and Christianity) that trace their origins to the Patriarch Abraham. The lecture will address the Three Faiths Forum's efforts to encourage friendship, goodwill, and understanding between the three Abrahamic monotheistic faiths in the UK and elsewhere. Sidney Shipton is a solicitor by profession, a Bachelor of Laws, LL.B, a Master of Business Administration, MBA, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, FRSA, a Fellow of the Institute of Management, FIMgt, and a Freeman of the City of London. He has been involved in communal and voluntary organizations all his life and is the coordinator of the Three Faiths Forum, a council of Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Presentations 2010_03 www.63
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________________ Major Presentations 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT MAJOR PRESENTATIONS 0 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN PODIUM HALL A Moral Imperative: Pathways to Global Security and Ending the Threat of Nuclear Annihilation Mr. Jonathan Granoff (Ahmad Muhaiyaddeen); Jacob Selebi; Dr. Wally N'Dow; Sr. Joan Kirby Over 5,000 nuclear warheads remain on high alert threatening all life on earth. It is a moral imperative to end this threat and pursue security through other more spiritually and ethically coherent means. This presentation has three world recognized experts in the fields of diplomacy, law, disarmament and human development. Ambassador Selebi will explain how we can move to a nuclear weapon free world. Mr. Granoff will present a statement for endorsement by the world's religious leaders. Dr. N'Dow will address human security issues. F Jonathan Granoff (Ahmad Muhaiyaddeen) is an attorney, author, awardwinning screenwriter, and a public advocate for the legal, ethical, and spiritual dimension of human development and peace. He has studied with the Sufi Master Bawa Muhaiyaddeen since his youth and is honored with his namesake. He is an executive of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, the Temple of Understanding, and the Middle Powers Initiative as well as an advisor to the International Association of Sufism and Inner Directions. He is the UN Representative of Lawyer's Alliance for World Security and State of the World Forum, and Vice Pres. of the NGO Committee on Disarmament at the UN. Ambassador Jacob Selebi is an internationally recognized diplomat and a leader in disarmament. He is presently serving as the Director General of the Department of Foreign Affairs of South Africa and is the President Elect of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 2000 Review Conference. He has served in the following capacities: Member of Parliament of South Africa, Chairman of United Nations Human Rights Commission, Executive Committee and Leader of African National Congress Youth League, South African Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva. He has been a leading negotiator in both the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Anti Personnel Landmines Convention. Dr. Wally N'Dow is a leader in the global effort to help make human settlements liveable and sustainable, with adequate and safe shelter for all. He has served as a Presidential Advisor in his own country and has been actively engaged in numerous international development programs in positions such as Secretary General of Habitat II Conference on Human Settlements and Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and Head of United Nations Center for Human Settlements (Habitat). He is Special Advisor to the Administrator of UNDP in New York. Sr. Joan Kirby, a member of the Sacred Heart, has been Executive Director of the Temple of Understanding since 1994. She has developed educational interfaith programs for people of different faith traditions. At present she is collaborating with Auburn Theological Seminary and the Psychotherapy and Spirituality Institute on a program of immersion in Seven Different Religious Traditions. She is a member of the Assembly of the Parliament of the World's Religions. Before coming to the Temple she worked with homeless families and mentally ill homeless. den 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Empowerment of Women in Hinduism Dr. M Lakshmi Kumari Owing to various historical and social compulsions, a number of negative forces have worked against Hindu women. These destructive forces are the very antithesis of Hinduism. This lecture will explore how Hinduism has an abundance of measures that could empower and emancipate women. Dr. M. Lakshmi Kumari holds a Ph.D. in Botany from Madras University. She also completed a two-year post-doctoral Fellowship at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in the erstwhile USSR. She has been associated with the Vivekananda Kendra in India for the past three decades and has served as its President. She is an eminent religious and social worker in India. 64 2010_03 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN ST. MARKS Liberation Theology in Action at the Beginning of a New Century Bishop Don Samuel Ruiz Garcia In this presentation, Bishop Don Samuel Ruiz Garcia of Chiapas, Mexico, will explore the role and of Liberation Theology in the THE WORLD R E LIGION S SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 S coming century. Bishop Garcia will focus on how Liberation Theology can provide a basis for social justice action in Latin America, and throughout the world. Bishop Don Samuel Ruiz Garcia is the Bishop of the Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas, Mexico. He has been the principal negotiator for several years in peace talks between the government of Mexico and the Mayan Zapatistas. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM GOOD HOPE ARENA Religions for Social Justice Swami Agnivesh This lecture will introduce Religions for Social Justice, a multireligious spiritual movement. Religions for Social Justice was born out of the conviction that commitment to justice is the spiritual core of all religions. It aims at the regeneration of religion and society alike. It also seeks to harness the prodigious energies of social spirituality to the enterprise of nation building and social regeneration. Swami Agnivesh is the founder of Religions for Social Justice. He is an activist against child labor, supporter of women's rights issues, and conducts extensive tours throughout India to promote self confidence among the most vulnerable sections of society. He is also the recipient of the Anti-Slavery International Award (London 1990) and the Freedom and Human Rights Award (Berne, Switzerland, 1994). R 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 4 Seeking the Common Core that Binds Us as One Prof. Thomas D. Lynch; Dr. Ewert Cousins; Dr. Leonard Swidler; Ashok Gangadean This panel explores how to seek the common core that binds us as one. There will be three presenters who will speak 10-15 minutes each. The panel will open itself to an open discussion with the audience and the panel on the topic. Thomas D. Lynch is a Professor of Public Administrations at Louisiana State University. Dr. Ewert Cousins is Professor of Theology at Fordham University. Dr. Cousins has been Visiting Professor at Columbia University and New York University as well as Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is the editor of the important twenty-five volume series World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest. He is author of World Spirituality: The Meeting of Mystical Paths and Christ of the 21st Century. Dr. Cousins is a leader in spiritual dialogue and he is Honorary Chair of GDI. Dr. Leonard Swidler. Professor of Catholic Thought and Interreligious Dialogue at Temple University since 1966, is recognized internationally as a leader in ecumenical and interreligious dialogue and the articulation of global ethics. He is an author of about sixty books and CoFounder/Director of Global Dialogue Institute (GDI). He and his wife Arlene founded in 1963, and he continues to edit the "Journal of Ecumenical Studies", a scholarly quarterly widely regarded as the most important ecumenical, interreligious and interideological publication in the world. Dr. Ashok Gangadean is Professor of Philosophy at Haverford College where he has taught for the past thirty one years. He was the first Director of the Gest Center for Cross-Cultural Study of Religion and has focused throughout his career on clarifying the dynamics of dialogue and discourse between diverse worldviews and polarized perspectives. He has sought to bring out the foundations of rationality between worlds in his books Meditative Reason: Towards Universal Grammar and Between Worlds: The Energence of Global Reason. He is also CoFounder/Director of GDI.. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER 5 Youth Priorities for the New Millennium Mr. David R. Woollcombe The Millennium Young People's Congress will bring together 1,000 people from every country on earth to discuss youth priorities for the new millennium. In particular, delegates will focus on what issues are vital to the sustainability of life on this planet. Prior to this Congress, thousands of young people had taken part in National Prepcoms in over 100 countries. The results that will presented by 3 young delegates from the
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS MAJOR PRESENTATIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 Congress and the Congress Director, David Woollcombe, represent a fair approximation of what is foremost on the minds of the next generation as we enter the 21st Century David Woolicombe is the founder and president of Peace Child, and the Coordinator and editor at Rescue 2000 Congress Youth Delegates servinf his third term. 12 years and in public schools for five. A recipient of the Association for Experiential Education's 1995 Michael Stratton Award, Mr. Dobkin is Board President for Youth Biz, an entrepreneurial business program for Denver's inner city youth. Craig holds a M. Ed. from the University of Pittsburgh. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA Buddhism in the 21st Century Dharma Master Hsin Tao An exploration of twenty-six centuries of Buddhist thought. A consideration of the influence of Buddhist thought on other belief and thought systems (religious, scientific, political, etc.) and their influences on Buddhism. Finally, a discussion of the ever more urgent need for all positive forces to work together for salvation of humankind, all living creatures, and the Earth itself. Dharma Master Hsin Tao was born in Burma in 1948, came to Taiwan at age 13, educated in the Buddhist order at age 25, spent 8 years in ascetic practice, founded Ling chiu shan monastic community in Fu long in 1983. Established the WRM development foundation with branches in Taipei and New York in 1991. The Museum is due to open in Dec. 2000. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 1 Quest for Truth: Critical Reflections on Interfaith Cooperation Dr. Robert Traer In this presentation the Secretary General of the International Association for Religious Freedom, Dr. Robert Traer, will present some of the ideas from his recently published book entitled Quest for Truth: Critical Reflections on Interfaith Cooperation. Following this presentation, Dr. Traer will moderate a discussion on the topic. Dr. Robert Traer is the General Secretary of the International Association for Religious Freedom, which was founded in 1900, and he is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USAJ. He has a Ph.D in Comparative Religious Studies from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, a D. Min. from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, and a J.D. from the Martin Luther King, Jr. School of Law at the University of California at Davis 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN THEATER 5 Religion in Zen Perspective Dr. Osamu Rosan Yoshida Zen originally meant meditation, then it took on more meaning as the total full functioning of the limitless life source in meditation. From this vantage point, the true significance of meditation, and religion in general, will be critically and creatively questioned and clarified. Dr. Yoshida is the Founder and Director of the Missouri Zen Center, USA. He is an ordained priest of the Soto Zen Tradition. He is also Professor of Philosophy at Tokyo Univ. Jr. College, in Japan. Presentations Majo 11:00 AM-12:30 AM IN ST. MARKS Entering the New Millennium with New Energy H. E. Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Ji In the new millennium, people will have new dimensions and energy. It will coincide with a globally prevailing fast-paced human life style. A person has to express and value their own creative capability beyond that which can be measured artificial intelligence, ever present computers. If his or her energy is below the computer's performance, insanity prevails and results in a profound feeling of inferiority. To avoid this hellish human catastrophe, we have to prepare ourselves to be heavenly elevated and supremely excellent. His Holiness the Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi also known as Yogi Bhajan Ph.D. is the chief religious and administrative authority for the Ministry of Sikh Dharma in the Western Hemisphere. In 1969 he founded 3HO Foundation a nonprofit organization, dedicated to the advancement of the individual through education, science and religion. Actively involved with inter-religious dialogue he was a member of the Parliament's Assembly of Religious and Spiritual Leaders since 1993. In Junc of 1985 he established the first International Peace Prayer Day. Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D., is also a gifted Doctor of Psychology, counselor, and yogic therapist. He is currently the Chief Management Advisor (CMA) for 14 corporations worldwide which supply goods and services in health food manufacturing, computer and security services. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 6 Interfaith Peacemaking: The Work of the Fellowship of Reconciliation Prof. John D. Copenhaver, Jr. The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) is the largest, oldest interfaith peace and justice organization in the United States and in the world. The International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), founded in 1914, has over a half million members in forty countries. The FOR "envisions a world of justice, peace, and freedom. It is a revolutionary vision of a beloved community where differences are respected, conflicts addressed nonviolently, oppressive structures dismantled, and where people live in harmony with the earth, nurtured by diverse spiritual traditions that foster compassion, solidarity, and reconciliation." This presentation and exhibit will feature some of the current initiatives of the FOR. John Copenhaver, a University Professor and United Methodist Clergy. has served on the National Council of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (USA) for three years and Chairs its Interfaith Committee. He has been involved in Interfaith dialogue and peacemaking for twenty years. He is the author of Prayerful Responsibility, a book examining the religious thought of Douglas Steere, a Quaker pioneer in interfaith spirituality 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN ENGINEERING 3.60 Play for Peace Mr. Michael Terrian; Craig Dobkin Experience fun and dynamic ways to use cooperative play to help children from conflicting cultures develop positive relationships. This presentation will highlight one of the Parliament's most creative and exciting Gifts of Service: the Play for Peace program which changes the lives of children in areas of conflict around the world. Michael Terrian is the co-founder of Play for Peace, Michael is Presid the Geneva Group, Inc., a consulting firm focused on organizational learning. Michael was Associate Director of the Outdoor Wisconsin chool where he developed the College's Wilderness Counsel Program serving youth at risk in the state of Wisconsin. He has served the Association for Experiential Education as board member and regional president and was given their 1999 Service Leader Award. Michael graduated from George Williams College and has received a Certificate in Executive Education from Harvard. Craig Dobkin is the co-founder of Play for Peace and is also the program coordinator at the West Pines Training Center, an experiential-based Community building resource. Craig taught at Towson State University for 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 3 Is This a New Din-e-llahi? Muslims' Quest for and Questions of Interfaith Dialogue Dr. Ataullah Siddiqui Mughal Emperor Akbar's unique concept of coexistence resulted in creating the new religion of Din-llahi in India. While creating a more tolerant society, it also generated a strong mistrust and resentment among Muslims. Dr. Siddiqui's paper, 2010_03 65
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________________ Major Presentations 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT MAJOR PRESENTATIONS using this historic experiment as an example, will explore contemporary Muslim apprehensions in, and the opportunities of interfaith dialogue. Dr. Siddiqui is a Research Fellow at the Islamic Foundation, Leicester and visiting Fellow at the Centre for the History of Religions, Interfaith Dialogue and Pluralism, Leicester University. He is the author of ChristianMuslims Dialogue in the Twentieth Century (London/New York: Macmillan/St. Martin's Press 1997) and Co-editor of Encounters: Journal of Intercultural Perspectives. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA Living Your Tao: Ancient Wisdom For Modern Living O F Mr. Chunglaing Al Huang Through performance (flute and tai ji), storytelling and audience engagement in movement, the body/mind wisdom is evoked. Chungliang Al Huang is a philosopher, performing artist, and internationally accliamed Tao Master, and is the founding president of the Living Tao Foundation. In addition to his many awards, Mr. Al Huang is the author of several accliamed, best-selling books, including: Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain; Quantum Soup; and most recently The Chinese Book of Animal Powers. "MA MALE VIS DAN KETE A SING 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN THEATER 5 Buddhist Ethic for World Peace Dr. Achahn Phangcham This lecture will address the objectives of Buddhist morality based on the Buddhist Ethic Train which consists of five precepts: not to kill or cause to kill, not to take what is not given, not to commit adultery and sexual miscoduct, not to lie and avoid false speech, and not to take intoxicating drinks and harmful drugs. Ven. Dr. Phangcham was the president of the Buddhist Council of the Midwest (BCM), from 1993-1997 and is currently president emeritus of the BCM. He has been on the Board of Trustees for the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions (CPWR) since 1993. He is also consultant to the International Buddhist Committee and coordinator of International Visahka Festival in Washington D.C. 1999. Ven. Dr. Phangcham received his BA from Muhachular Buddhist University and, a M.Ed., a M.Phil. (1982), Ph.D. in Education (1985) from Delhi University. Delhi, India. Ven. Dr. Phangcham has been an educator for over three decades and a Buddhist Monk since he was 19. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN THEATER 6 End of History: Clash of Civilizations, or Transformation of Civilization Dr. Abdullah al-Ahsan At the end of the century, and the millennium, ideas such as the end of history, decline of the West, and the clash of civilizations have become subjects of popular debate. Do religions have any say on these debates? Dr. al-Ahsan will examine the relevance of religion in society for the next millennium. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA Interfaith Harmony in the 21st Century KACTICIN Dr. Abdullah al-Ahsan graduated from McGill University, in Montreal, Canada, and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Ph.D.). He is currently teaching at the Department of History and Civilization at the International Islamic University, Malaysia. He has written extensively on contemporary civilizational issues. 66 2010_03 Rafae Dr. Karan Singh The presentation will highlight the fact that the 20th century has been the most lethal in human history and that religious clashes have been responsible for wide-scale death and destruction. This continues down to the present day. Unless we establish inter-religious harmony, we will never succeed in THE WORLD S RELIGIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 ensuring world peace. The emergence of a sane and harmonious global society depends largely upon the interfaith movement. Dr. Karan Singh is the former Indian Ambassador to the United States. An educator, statesman, and scholar, Dr. Singh is a renowned thinker and speaker on philosophy, religion, culture, politics, and the environment. He is the Chairman of the Temple's Board of Directors and has established several Temple of Understanding chapters throughout India. INTAINED 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 1 The Mystics Speak: Christian Mysticism and Social Commitment Sr. Susan Rakoczy The Christian mystical tradition contains rich resources for grounding a commitment to the work of justice and peace. The insights of Catherine of Siena, Ignatius of Loyola and Evelyn Underhill on the unity of prayer and action will be presented. The presenter will also explore the implications of their teachings for active engagement on social and political issues. Susan Rakoczy, IHM, holds a Ph.D. and lectures in spirituality and systematic theology at St. Joseph's Theological Institute, in Cedara, South Africa. Her publications include Common Journey, Different Paths, Spiritual Direction in Cross Cultural Perspective and numerous articles on spirituality. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 One God - Many Interpretations Prof. Dr. J. A. Bobby Loubser; Gerhard Heever At the 1993 Parliament of the Worlds Religions, a document was issued entitled Towards a Global Ethic. This presentation will illustrate how such a global ethic can be supported from a Reformed Christian perspective. The presenter will also explain how the monotheism expressed in the Reformed confessions prove to be a powerful incentive to search for a global ethic. J. A. (Bobby) Loubser teaches New Testament as a faculty member of the Department of Theology and Religion Studies at the University of Zululand. He received his doctorate in 1980 from Stellenbosch University. but also studied in Germany, the Netherlands and the USA. In 1986 he published The Apartheid Bible a critical review of racial theology in South Africa. He is currently the President of the South African Academy of Religion. Gerhard Heever is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Theology, UNISA He has a particular interest in the interaction between religion and culture in the first century in the Near Eastern World. VERGONHDELAATIOTALDIADALIKANA ROZANG 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATRE 3 Peace and Human Unity in the New Millennium Dr. Margaret Czerny Meditation cuts across cultural, professional, and social boundaries. More and more people all over the world, realizing that professional success is no guarantee of personal happiness, are seeking their own transformational experience through spirituality. Dr. Czerny will speak about meditation as a way to balance personal and professional life with spiritual vision. She speaks from her experience as an internationally recognized economist and a person who has been meditating for many years. Dr. Czerny is an economic scientist and economic policy advisor to the Austrian government and the European Union Presidency. She is head of the department of East-West Relations, infrastructure, housing policy, and comparative international economics of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research. She has organized conferences for OECD, World Bank, the European Union and other national and international organizations.
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF MAJOR PRESENTATIONS 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 4 Beliefs and Concepts Zoroastrians Share with Other Faiths Dr. Dastoor Kersey Antia The Zoroastrians have a number of beliefs, concepts, and practices in common with other faiths. These include the belief in the almighty God, theology, the problem of evil, life after death, the importance of ethics, resurrection, environment, immortality of soul, and the higher destiny of man. Dr. Antia has been high priest of the Zarathushti community in the Chicago area since 1977, when he was awarded the Dastur's shawl by ZAC He has been a fully ordained priest since 1950. Dr. Antia has lectured widely since he was 17, and is the author of numerous papers on religion and psychology. He is a licensed clinical and management psychologist in full time private practice in Illinois and is also affiliated with several hospitals. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA The Christian Evangelical in Today's World Rev. Barry Isaacs A bold view of the Evangelical position as it impacts on the church and on the world. Executive Director, Cape Town City Mission; Chairman, The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa (TEASA), in the Western Cape. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 8 Human Rights Norms and Islam Prof. Iqbal A. Ansari The assumption of universality of human rights standards is sometimes questioned by specific religious and ethnic groups. The paper will try to explore the Islamic position on 1) the right to equality and nondiscrimination on the basis of gender; 2) the right to freedom of expression, of conscience and religion; and 3) the right not to be subjected to cruel or inhuman punishment. Professor Ansari's attempt will be to harmonize the specific Islamic religio-cultural norms with universal human rights standards, which may help greater acceptance as well as actual realization of human rights in the future. Professor Ansari is a former Professor of English at Aligarh Muslim University, and is closely associated with human rights movement in India. He has edited books on Human Rights in India, on Minorities, and on the concept of Man in comparative perspectives. He edits a quarterly Human Rights Today. He is the founder and Secretary General of the Minorities Council of India 2010_03 THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Mythology and the Millennium: An Introduction to Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth Mr. Robert Walter This will be a panel discussion on Campbell's legacy with responses. Audience questions will be addressed. Video clips may be shared. Robert Walter is the Executive Director of the Joseph Campbell Foundation and was Campbell's editor on The Atlas of World Mythology. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 5 War and Peace: Role of Religion Living One's Faith in Charity and Tolerance on the Eve of the Third Millennium Bishop Jean Marie Roger Kozik; Brigitte Marie Bravo; Philippe Marie Meuret; Marie Sabine Legrand A lecture will be given on this topic, that will be supported by videos and/or a slide show. A question and answer session will follow, in relation to the needs of religious freedom, improved harmony among peoples, and respect for their traditions. There will be a strong emphasis on people's right to believe and think according to their conscience. Bishop Jean Marie Roger Kozik is the Founder and Superior General of Fraternite Notre Dame, a religious and humanitarian organization in consultative status with ECOSOC, which is also correspondent with UNICEF and has over a hundred religious members in several countries around the world including the USA, France, Africa, Mongolia and Haiti. He has solid experience in ecumenical programs and a strong charisma to promote peace, tolerance and unity among people from varied backgrounds, and has initiated countless projects in neglected areas (like the Harlem or Austin neighborhoods, in New York City and Chicago respectively) and developing countries (several are on the African Continent), to relieve the plight of the poor, the sick and all those who are rejected. The Most Reverend is greatly appreciated by, and has become the special advisor of many prominent persons both in the public and private arenas on the international level, including Heads of States, Ministers and Ambassadors. Sister Brigitte Marie Bravo is a graduate from one of France's well-known Universities and also served as a teacher and head of school in the past. Her main skills are languages, history and economics. She now dedicates her entire life to helping orphans, the blind, and lepers in Niger, Western Africa. Using her amazing experience in education, she is very active in fighting against adult and children's illiteracy in that country. Father Philippe Maris Mauret has been working with Bishop Kozik for 15 years and is now one of his advisors; he served as a missionary priest in a number of projects around the globe (the USA, Cameroon and Rwanda, Mongolia, etc.) and acquired a fair experience in many areas including the poor, the sick, those afflicted with AIDS, and prisoners. He also serves as the Bishop's interpreter in lectures and meetings and as his representative at the UN in New York. Sister Marie Sabine Legrand is a graduate in speech therapy and head of a private school in South Western France. She is the Organization's UN representative in Geneva and is very active in areas like human rights, children and woman's rights and the protection of minorities. She also served as a missionary in foreign countries where people struggle against discrimination and poverty. Major Presentations 6
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________________ Major Presentations 1999 PARLIAMENT MAJOR PRESENTATIONS O F 10:00 AM-11:00 AM GOOD HOPE ARENA A New Religious Discourse for a Rapidly Changing World Mr. Ebrahim Rasool In this presentation, Mr. Rasool, the leader of the African National Congress for the Western Cape, will explore the challenge of steering a course between religious apathy and extremism. THERE Mr. Rasool is the leader of the African National Congress (Party) for the Western Cape. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.56 The Faith of Modernity and Traditional Religions: Conflict or Creative Engagement Rabbi Herb Bronstein The premise for this presentation is that the Parliament should have the opportunity to process our world religious situation after the critique of modernity. The session is based on the following premises: first, Modernity can be considered a faith which originated in Western Europe and is considered by some dichotomous with traditional religious faiths of various kinds. It has its creed, its constructs and its salvific vision. Second, the core faith of Modernity, which is that reason, science, and technology could bring earthly salvation on all levels material and social and that empiricism is the source of all truths, is no longer viable. Indeed, some intellectuals ascribe to the constructs and premises of western Modernity, with its emphasis on development, many of the problems and oppressions of our time. Third, it is important for various religious traditions to assess the new religious situation and the challenges to indigenous and 'axial' spiritualities now that the faith of Modernity is being roundly criticized. Herbert Bronstein teaches Comparative Religion at Lake Forest College and has been a Senior Scholar at the North Shore Congregation Israel in Glencoe, Illinois for over 25 years. He has combined a successful vocation as a congregational rabbi with life long achievements in scholarship, academic teaching, and lecturing at various universities. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Liberation Theology and Freedom of Religion in Postcolonial South Africa Ms. Nokuzola Mndende The Bill of Rights asserts that everyone has the right to freedom of Religion. This lecture discusses the extent to which African Religions have been liberated and unclothed from colonial and apartheid interpretations. The presenter will also explore how capitalism and Christianisation have been used to further marginalise and humiliate those who are poor. The presenter will also illustrate how Africans are still made objects of study by outside researchers. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER 1 Peace: For Ourselves, For the World Ms. Nokuzola Mndende (practitioner of African indigenous religion and scholar at the South Africa University of Cape Town: National Chairperson of the National Council of African Traditional Religion. 68 2010_03 Swami Chidananda Saraswati This Major Presentation will focus on how the insights of the Hindu tradition can help bring internal, inter-familial, national, international and universal harmony. Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji Maharaj will explain how the Indian cultural tradition has universal (secular) answers to the violence, disharmony, and disillusionment of the world today. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji Maharaj left his home at 8 years old, in order to live a life devoted to God and to the service of His people. THE WORLD S RELIGIONS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 Nine years of meditation, seclusion and silence in the Himalayas prepared Him for this divine life. Pujya Swamiji is President of Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India, one of the largest institutions in India, and he is Founder/chairman of India Heritage Research Foundation, an international, non-profit, humanitarian foundation. He is also the founder and inspiration behind innumerable temples, health care projects, educational institutions and ecological programs across the globe. PRAIRIENHVER VE 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN PODIUM HALL The Qur'anic Concept of Universal Principles Mawlana Mujahidul Islam Qasmi The Qur'an is an embodiment of the will of God, which provides universal guidance on principles of justice. This presentation illustrates these principles that can provide guidelines for universal justice in the global family. Mujahidul Islam Qasimi is a reknowned 'alim (religious leader) from India. He is a Secretary General of All India Milli Council, the Director of the Figh Academy of India and he is Amir (President) Imarat-e Shariah in Bihar, India. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 3 Trends, Models, Paradigms of Change: Preparing for Life in the 21st Century Dr. Linda Groff This presentation will have four parts, with each part looking at a deeper level of analysis and change. The presentation will begin with a brief introduction to Future Studies, including characteristics of a futurist perspective. Next, Dr. Groff will discuss key trends in different areas. She will propose a number of models of processes of change transforming our world, with examples of each, which collectively provide an overview of much future literature. A summary of new scientific paradigms, or overarching world views, including common characteristics of such paradigms, will be followed by a look at cultural paradigms or world views. This will follow with a discussion of how such changes are impacting all of our lives, and how we can be proactive, instead of reactive, in dealing with change. Linda Groff is Professor of Political Science & Future Studies at California State University. Dominguez Hills, in Carson, California for over 26 years. She is also the Director of Global Options Consulting. Linda teaches, writes, consults, and gives talks and workshops on global, futures, evolution, peace, conflict resolution, intercultural, interreligious, spiritual, and Internet topics to a wide range of educational, community, business, and government groups, and has published over 25 articles on such subjects. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN ST. MARKS Beyond Dialogue - Interfaith Solidarity for Reconstruction and Reconciliation Dr. Farid Esack In this presentation Farid Esack, Commissioner for Gender Equality of South Africa, will offer his reflections on the history of the interfaith movement and the challenges confronting it if the movement is to make a meaningful contribution to the lives of ordinary people. This presentation will focus on marginalization and interfaith action to confront this issue. Dr. Farid Esack is a Commissioner for Gender Equality in the South African government and Senior Researcher at the Institute of Religion, Identity and Culture at the University of the Western Cape. He is a Muslim theologian who has studied in Pakistan, the United Kingdom and South Africa. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM GOOD HOPE ARENA Jubilee: The Teaching of Compassion Rabbi Sjalom Awraham Soetendorp Rabbi Soetendorp will describe his experiences with the Jubliee Year campaign, which works to cancel the crushing debt owed by third world countries.
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________________ 1 999 MAJOR PRESENTATIONS PARLIAMENT OF Rabbi Soetendorp is currently the Rabbi of the Reform Jewish Community of the Hague, and Rabbi of the Union of Dutch Reform Jewish Communities. A survivor of the Holocaust, he has been a long standing Human Rights activist. He frequently lectures at many Universities and Centers around the world. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Spiritual and Moral Roles in the New Millenium A Baha'i Review Mrs. Shohreh Rawhani This lecture will explore what humanity has achieved up to now, and what can be achieved in the coming millennium. She will also discuss the potential of humanity, with particular emphasis on technological and moral advances. Mrs. Shohreh Rawhani holds a M.Phil in Psychology, and is married with three children. For the past 10 years she has been an elected member of the National Spiritual Assembly of The Baha'is of South Africa. She is currently serving as its General Secretary. THAT IM |_ C 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN PODIUM HALL Sri Ramakrishna and the Vibrancy of Religious Pluralism Swami Saradananda This lecture will illustrate the example of Sri Ramakrishna (18361886) Hinduism's ultimate answer to the enigma of religious unity. He lived and practiced Hinduism, Islam and Christianity in the most sincere and enlightened way. With unparalleled mystical insight and a spontaneous expression of these truths, he evolved an original pattern for the peaceful coexistence of all Faiths. Swami Saradananda was born in Durban, South Africa. He has been involved for nearly three decades in spiritual, welfare and interfaith work in South Africa, especially when its people were enfeebled by apartheid. He holds an MA from the Department of Divinity. Rhodes University. Since 1994 he has been the President of the Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa. 2:00 PM-5:30 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA African Renaissance: The Role of the Religious Communities Imam Rashied Omar A panel presentation featuring South African religious, spiritual, political, and cultural leaders discussing the idea and the reality of African Renaissance. Imam Rashied Omar is an Imam at a Mosque in the City of Cape Town. and is Co-Chair of Parliament of the World's Religions, South Africa. He is also the national Secretary of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, and has a Masters Degree in Comparative Religion from the University of Cape Town. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 8 An Interior Pilgrimage: Remedy for the Year 2000 and Beyond Swami Murugananda Saraswathi Educational institutions are active to introduce the science to see the outer, which does not contribute towards establishing the inner contact. Sight is a faculty but seeing is an art. If this vision is introduced in the systems of our education, then the world will come to know that you and I are not two, but one person. This is the secret for peace on this planet. Everything is present every time, everywhere in every condition because of the oneness in our deepest being. To awaken ourselves towards this unique understanding, we must humbly embark on an inner pilgrimage which could direct the human resources to participate in the glory of perfection. Swami Saraswathi began his spiritual quest when he left his family home in 1969. After training with Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj in the 2010_03 THE WORLD S RELIGIONS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 Himalayas for 16 years. Swami Saraswathi began giving discourses on the great treasure of vedic knowledge. In 1989, Swamiji started The Arunachala Unique Mountain Trust, which assists young students in their pursuit of higher education and spiritual guidance. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 4 Human Rights and Obligations: The Qur'anic Perspective Dr. Zafar Ishaq Ansari The presentation will look at the potential of how Man-God relationships may help foster peaceful human relations. Dr. Ansari shows that people may achieve greater social harmony through an insightful interpretation of the Qur'an. Professor Zafar Ishaq Ansari graduated from the University of Karachi (MA) and McGill University (Ph.D.). He has published extensively, and now heads the prestigious Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN PODIUM HALL Interfaith Concord Chief Rabbi C. K. Harris In this lecture, Chief Rabbi C. K. Harris will explore the meaning and power of an "Interfaith Concord," which has begun to materialize through the efforts of The Religious Charter and the Moral Summit. This lecture will address a range of vital areas in need of interfaith cooperation such as religious education in schools, the collective fight against crime, the need to promote community development, the importance of lobbying against euthanasia, and fighting AIDS. Born in Glasgow in 1936. Educated in London at London University and Jews' College. From 1958 until 1987 served as spiritual leader of three of the largest synagogues in London. Appointed Chief Rabbi of the Union of Orthodox Synagogues of South Africa in 1988. Founder of Tikkun, the Jewish community's upliftment programme for the disadvantaged. Executive member of the National Religious Leaders' Forum. Served on the first Religious Broadcasting Panel of the SABC in 1996. SHARE HAMA WAZIRI WA 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATRE 3 Jihad and Human Rights in Islam Prof. Anis Ahmad Jihad is commonly understood as the use of violence for religious purposes, hence, it is translated as "holy war." The Qur'an and the Sunnah use this term in a wider connotation. The paper will make an effort to understand how Islam looks at human rights and examine the role of Jihad as a corrective method. Dr. Ahmad is presently Professor of Comparative Religion and Director General of Da wah Academy of the International Islamic University, in Islamabad, Pakistan. Dr. Ahmad has held the positions of Vice President, IIU; Dean, Faculty of Usul al Din, IIU: Dean, Faculty of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences, IIU, Malaysia; President, Association of Muslim Social Scientists, USA. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 5 Poverty Alleviation: A Spiritual Outlook Mr. Paramahansa Prajnanananda This presentation explores the use of religious beliefs to put an end to poverty. The Vedantic approach to remove poverty is through a distribution of benevolent resources, ideas of universal brotherhood, and religious involvement. Paramahansa Prajnanananda was born in 1960, Orissa, India. He is the Vice President of Kriya Yoga Institute, USA; Kriya Yoga Zentrum, Vienna and Kriya Yoga Ashram, India. He is the designated spiritual successor of the only living God-Realised Kriya Yoga master Paramahansa Ilariharanandaji. He holds MA in Economics. He is teaching Kriya Yoga in India, Europe, North & South America and Australia. He is well-versed in all of the worlds Scriptures-Vedas, Upanishads. Bible. Torah and Qur'an. Mr. Prajnanananda is an accomplished orator, philosopher, author and editor of many books. He is also proficient in many languages. Major Presentations 69
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS MAJOR PRESENTATIONS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 2:00 PM-3:15 PM IN THEATER 1 The Worldly Spirituality of the Lotus Sutra Dr. Gene Reeves The modern world is increasingly plagued by the three-fold problem of rapid population growth, depletion of the earth's resources, and pollution. The Buddhist Lotus Sutra, many believe, provides a spiritual basis for overcoming this environmental crisis. What is especially interesting about the Sutra in this connection is its use of stories, especially highly imaginative, fantastic stories to express a special affirmation of this world. We will consider two of these stories in an effort to understand this spirituality as both earthly and cosmic. Retired from University of Tsukuba Japan: former head, Meadville/Lombard Theological School at the University of Chicago. He regularly writes and speaks about the Lotus Sutra. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 2 The Beauty of all Religions Dr. S.N. Subha Rao The lecture will concentrate on how religious fanaticism has historically caused hatred, and consequently intellectuals have reacted by calling for the abolition of all religions. Countries who went on to abolish religions soon realized after a few decades that there was a need for religions. Dr. Rao will address the significance of religions and the need for them in world provided they are not used to hate. No biographical statement available at time of printing 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 5 The Family In Today's Society Dennis E. Simmons The presentation explores and outlines The Family: A Proclamation To The World, issued Sept. 23, 1995 by the First Presidency and The Quorum of The Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Elder Simmons looks at the state of the family in contemporary society Elder Simmons received a B.S. from Utah State University and a JD from George Washington University Law School. He was a Commissioned Officer in the United States Air Force; a Legislative Assistant to US. Senator Alan Bible, Bishop, Stake President, Mission President, General Authority, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Days Saints. He has had a private law Practice in Las Vegas, Nevada for the past 27 Years. He is married with 6 children and 10 grandchildren 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATRE 3 How the Hindus Define "Soul" during Lifetime and after Death Prof. Nepal Lodh This presentation shows that Hindus, by using yoga and religious practice will overcome fear of death, and as a consequence, attain salvation of the soul. Furthermore, by paralleling these practices to their day-to-day work, the Hindus can occupy themselves intensely with the question of death. The Hindu death ritual inevitably unites the soul of the deceased with the universal soul. Nepal Lodh, of Indian birth, grew up in two cultures (Indian and German). He is a social scientist and collcgc lecturer with the status of Professor and Coordinator for cooperation between Indian and German colleges. Dr. Lodh is a master of yoga and President of the Indo-German Hindu Society Major Presentations 3:00 PM-4:30 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 Voices into the Millennium: the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt Cleve Jones; H. H. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati The display of the AIDS Memorial Quilt is a powerful, emotional, and spiritual reminder of the enormity of the AIDS pandemic. Cleve Jones and Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati will speak about the impact of AIDS in the world. The experience of the Quilt provides a creative means for remembrance and healing. Each participant at this event will feel the "call to remember and to serve what the Quilt engenders. This presentation and display will coincide with World AIDS Day and AIDS Awareness Week, December 1-8. 1999. South Africa is among those nations hardest hit by the pandemic disease with over 14% of population of 32 million estimated to be infected with HIV. AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa has already orphaned over eight million children. The Quilt, like the Parliament, is a tapestry that both connects us to one another and transcends all boundaries The AIDS Quilt exhibit is presented by the River Fund and sponsored by the Green Family Foundation Cleve Jones is a AIDS Activist and Founder of NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Ouilt Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati is the founder of Kashi Ashram an interfaith spiritual community that embraces the sacred practices of many traditions. Ma's teachings are based upon a commitment to humanity through service She founded the River Fund dedicated to serving people with AIDS and other life challenging illnesses and the River School which educates students in an environment that weaves spirituality and service into the curriculum. Ma is a Trustee of the Parliament of the World's Religions and works with other religious and spiritual leaders to promote interfaith dialogue and global cooperation for peace. In 1997. Ma established World Tibet Day to raise awareness of the plight of the Tibetan people and support for international freedom of religion for everyone. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 6 The Forgotten Why Mr. Jonathan Granoff (Ahmad Muhaiyaddeen) Public institutions derive their authority from fulfilling the human calling to becoming fully human. This is particularly true for religions. We live in a time in which methodology show] has overshadowed purpose (why). The manifestation in philosophy is postmodernism and the manifestation in government is insensitive bureaucracy. Religion has a particular specialized function to remind us of our universal and higher calling. There is simply no social development possible without spiritual awakening. If we are to have a global civilization that treats the living biosystem as more important then we must affirm the underlying principles of grace, mystery, and beauty we know as sacred and which define the purpose of all human initiatives. The ethical and political implications required to attain this will be the focus of this inspirational presentation Jonathan Granoff Whmad Muhayaddeen) is an attorney, author, awardwinning screenwriter, and a public advocate for the legal, ethical, and spiritual dimension of human development and peace. He has studied with the Sufi Master Bawa Muhaiyaddeen since his youth and is honored with his namesake. He is an executive of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship. the Temple of Understanding, and the Middle Powers Initiative as well as an advisor to the International Association of Sufism and Inner Directions 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 4 Quest for Peace and Cooperation among Faith Communities: Case of the Balkans Dr. Mustafa Ceric The presentation examines the experience and achievement of Bosnia-Herzegovina statehood. It extends the discussion on the current level of cooperation among Croat, Muslim, and Serb communities in the country, and examines its applicability in other Balkan countries. Prof. Mustafa Ceric is a graduate of the University of Chicago(Ph.D.) and has taught at various institutions including the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is the current Rais al-Ulama in the Republic of Bosnia-Harzegovina Jain EducaYon International 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS MAJOR PRESENTATIONS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy and the Development of Humanity Mr. John Roux This lecture will describe stages in the evolution of consciousness in society and individuals, with a particular focus on the meaning of reincarnation and destiny as principles which underlie this progression. He will illustrate how Anthroposophy, as a spiritual science, is a modern initiation path based on understanding "thinking as a spiritual activity. He will then illustrate Anthroposophy's applications and results in practical life - from the renewal of the arts, sciences and religion, to Anthroposophical medicine, architecture, and biodynamic agriculture. John Roux has degrees in Philosophy and Psychology from the University of Cape Town. He is a Waldorf Teacher and offers management training in Black Education. He is also an Organisational Development Consultant and evaluator. He is currently the Chairperson of the South Africa New Economics Foundation, and has been involved in Anthroposophy since 1974. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN PODIUM HALL Shabad Guru-The Technology of Spiritual Integration in the New Millennium Dr. Bibiji Inderjit Kaur; S. S. Shiva Singh Khalsa Dr. Bibiji Inderjit Kaur provides a stirring treatise on our spiritual "disconnection" and "disintegration" as side effects of the information age. As our technology and the use of all kinds of electronic interaction continue to increase, she explains the importance of developing the intuitive mind to handle the increased frequency and sheer volume of communications. The mental and emotional pressures from this information invasion have become unbearable for many as we move ever closer towards the new millennium. Dr. Kaur explains how the human psyche can function neutrally, optimally, and intuitively in this environment through the technology of "Shabd Guru" or "sound current" meditation. Dr. Guru Terath kaur will then lead a guided meditation during the final segment of the presentation. The meditation will provide an experience of consciousness through the group practice of "sound current projection to heighten intuition and the power to function in the neutral mind. Although rooted in the Sikh tradition, the technology of "Shabd Guru" is offered to all people of all religions, so that each may receive a deep and personal experience of his or her own religion. Dr. Bibij Inderjit Kaur is known and loved by thousands all over the world. She is the wife of Yogi Bhajan, the Siri Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere. She holds the distinguished position of "Bhai Sahibd" and has authored numerous books and other publications to instruct people in the Sikh teachings. She has been a presenter at numerous world conferences including the United Nations Fourth World Mecting on the Status of Women, the White House Outreach Round Table for Women, and the World Interfaith Conference in Rome, Italy S.S. Shiva Singh Khalsa is the Director of 3HO Foundation of Winois, and an ordained Minister of the Sikh Dharma. Active in the interreligious community, he is part of the CPWR International Planning Committee and on the steering committee for the Creating Community Vision Project in Chicago. He has 20 years of clinical experience as a pastoral counselor. He is also a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 7 Sacred Traditions of Hula and Kahuna Ms. Pualani Kanaka 'ole Kanahele The lecturer will discuss the origins and sacred practice of the indigenous people of Hawaii. Video clips will be shared. Pualani Kanaka comes from a lineage of hula masters and kahuna who have preserved authentic ancient traditions, songs, dances and practices within their family down to the present day. She heads one of the most traditional and respected halau hula (hula schools), succeeding her mother. She is acknowledged by many as "the" cultural authority for Hawaiian family religious practices and spirituality today. Major Presentations Jain Education Intermational 2010_03 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ Major Presentations 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT MAJOR PRESENTATIONS 1 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 2.70 "Dharma" University of the Sublime Values of Human Life Bhupendra Kumar Modi Respect of all religions is Dharma. Dharma applies to all human beings. It sustains life. It does not create conflict. The word 'Dharma' cannot be defined. It can only be explained. Religions pass away. Dharma does not change. O F Chairman and President, Modicorp, Working President, Vishva Hindu Parishad; Vice President, Mahabodhi Society of India, representing Buddhists in India. Author of several books. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER 6 What is Scientology? Heber C. Jentzsch Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one's spiritual nature, one's relationship with self, family, groups, mankind, all life forms, the material universe, spiritual universe, and the Supreme Being, or infinity. President of the Church of Scientology International since 1982, has lectured on L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology internationally through media and at several universities. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 5 IBBY Builds Bridges Through Children's Books Mr. Jay Heale This lecture will provide an overview of the past, present, and future missions of IBBY and its sixty five member countries. It will also address what IBBY is aiming to do in Africa in the future. Jay Heale is the president of the 2000 Hans Christian Andersen Jury for IBBY. He is also the founding member of the South African section of IBBY the South African Children's Book Forum), and the congress organizer for the 2004 IBBY Congress in Cape Town. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 La Decouverte de Soi: Discovery of the Self Abdoulaye Dieye No description available at press time. Professional landscape architect and urbanist: research worker, writer, and lecturer of international standing. Cehiky Abdoulaye Dieye is the spiritual guide of the Mouridiyya, a Sufi Tariqaa or "path." Member of "Les Gens du Livre" (People of the Book), whose aim is to awaken the consciousness of people to the transcendent unity of all revealed religions. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 3 The Message in Our Time: Global Spirituality Nigel Hamilton Global Spirituality is emerging in all of the different religious traditions at this time. It can be seen in most cultures, religions, and even in people not involved in religion. It supercedes the boundaries of the different religions. This can be seen as an awakening to the divinity within human beings. Now as people of varying religions get together, they begin to recognize a common spirit in one another. International Representative for the Sufi Order for the United Kingdom; Director of the London Sufi Center; and Director of the Center for Counseling and Psychotherapy Education, which trains licensed psychotherapists to work from a spiritual perspective. 72 2010_03 THE WORLD S RELIGIONS MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 So 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 5 A Common Enemies Facing Faith Communities H. E. Sayyed Musawi Common dangers facing the human society at large are the real enemy of all religious groups. Some examples of these perils are immoral wars, drugs, crime, and the misuse of religion for political gains. The presentation will focus on the need for Faith communities to cooperate and join efforts to tackle such common dangers. Sayyed Musawi is head of a worldwide Shiite Muslim organization covering 5 continents. He was head of the Interfaith Council of India, and he is now head of Interfaith International, which is an NGO at the United Nations. 3:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Giving By Reducing One's Share: Toward Closing the Gap Between the Haves and Have-Nots Dr. Martin Verhoeven The richest fifth of the world's people consumes 86% of all goods and services, while the poorest fifth consumes just 1.3%. Any viable solution to this growing crisis must include some measure of restraint by the "overdeveloped" nations, as the earth cannot sustain its present consumption frenzy. Nor can the "developing nations" be expected to limit their rising expectations unilaterally, while the richest fifth continues to overindulge. Thus, it would seem that some call to action that exhorted people in the more developed nations to give by reducing their share would be in keeping with basic tenets of most faiths: to eschew greed and cherish giving. Whether expressed as giving, sharing, simplicity, moderation, the sacredness of life, compassion, or sane stewardship of creation - the basic idea is something all religions could endorse. Martin Verhoeven received his Ph.D. from the University of WisconsinMadison on the American encounter with Asian religions. He is currently Associate Professor of History and Asian Religion at the Institute for World Religions in Berkeley, California and Adjunct Professor of History & Religion at the Pacific School of Religion, Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 6 Introducing Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) Mr. Richard Steele; Mr. Byron Steele What religious beliefs and social practices follow the experience of the Inner Light in Quaker (Friends) understanding? This presentation will cover Quaker History, principles and practices, the Inner Light, experimental worship, pacifism, and combined Christian and universalist sympathies. Richard Steele is a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). He is an active member of his monthly meeting, Live Oak Friends Meeting of Houston where he is active with the high school age youth as a Friendly Adult Presence (FAP). Byron Steele is a sophomore at Lamar High School in Houston, Texas. He is active in the youth groups of his monthly meeting, Live Oak Friends Meeting, and South Central Yearly Meeting. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.44 Islam and World Peace Dr. Maneh Hammad Al-Johani Islam is a religion of "peace." It is "submission to the will of God" which leads the believers to the service of Mankind. However, the present condition of the world calls for concern in a number of ways. In this presentation, Dr. Al-Johani emphasizes that Islam take a greater religious responsibility to act as a "peace force" for the world. Dr. Maneh Al-Johani is Secretary General of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, an independent International Muslim youth organization and a NGO associated with UNO,
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT MAJOR PRESENTATIONS O F 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 4 Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter and Global Problems Dr. Rosemary R. Ruether; Mr. Sulak Sivaraksa; Dr. David W. Chappell; Dr. Sehul Ogden; Ven. Dr. Yifa Six members from the International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter will reflect on their sixteen-year experience of dialogue and their joint work on issues of ecology, world peace, and the global economy. Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether is the Georgia Harkness Professor of Applied Theology at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, and the author or editor of 35 books and many articles in the area of feminist, liberation and ecological theologies and interreligious and intercultural relations. Sulak Sivaraksa is a world-renowned Thai Buddhist social activist. Sulak is the author of Seeds of Peace: A Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society and Global Healing and is the founder of the International Network of Engaged Buddhists and is actively involved in the Buddhism and Social Welfare Project in South and Southeast Asia. JIT David W. Chappell is the Director of the East-West Religions Project, a founding member and past president(1993-95) of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies and is currently a professor and Graduate Chair of the Religion Department at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Sehul Ogden is a University Distinguished Professor of Theology Emeritus at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX., where he taught for thirty-four years. His most recent books are Is There Only One True Religion Or Are There Many? and Doing Theology Today. Ven. Yifa is a Fo Guang Shan Humanistic Buddhist Order, Bhikkhuni. Ven. Yifa received her Ph.D. from Yale University, USA. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Democracy, Liberalism, and Secularism -- an Islamic Perspective Prof. Syed Salman Nadvi; Dr. Zafar Ishaq Ansari; Advocate A.B. Mahomed It is important to seek clarity about the definition of the terms Democracy, Liberalism and Secularism; as they play a fundamental role in the western political system and politics. This presentation will answer the question whether the differences between the Islamic perspective and that of the West are so fundamental that they cannot be bridged. The implications of the answer will also be explored. Prof. Syed Salman Nadvi received his PH.D. from the University of Chicago in Islamic Studies. Presently, he is the Deputy Dean, and formerly the head of Islamic Studies, at the University of Durban Westville in South Africa. He also serves on the editorial boards of several Academic Journals, and is the author of many research articles. Professor Zafar Ishaq Ansari graduated from the University of Karachi (MA) and McGill University (Ph.D.). He has published extensively, and now heads the prestigious Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. AB. Mahomed is a prominent Mulsim community leader, an attorney and author. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER 5 Get Together: Festival of Faiths Ms. Michelle Staggs Doninger; Ms. Christina Lee Brown The lecture will begin with a brief history on the founding of The Cathedral Heritage Foundation and its role as a spiritual center for the community, which set in motion the revitalization of an urban community. The lecture will also touch upon the concept development, four year progression and international recognition of its Festival of Faiths. The presenters will discuss the strides that have been made with guiding institution partnerships with media and education. Lastly, there will be some discussion of the Cathedral Heritage Foundation's agenda for the future. Michelle Staggs Doninger has been the Executive Director of Cathedral Heritage Foundation since 1997. Michelle, along with Christina Lee Brown, and hundreds of volunteers are responsible for developing and 2010_03 THE WORLDS RELIGIONS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 implementing the restoration and revitalization plans for CHF into one of the most significant cathedral projects in the country, and an internationally acclaimed festival celebrating the diversity and unity of our faiths. Christina Lee Brown is the current president of the Cathedral Heritage Foundation and serves on its Board of Directors. She is a cofounder of CHF and has taken a leadership role since its beginning in 1985. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 8 The Journey: Fall and Rise of Man Mr. Roy LittleSun Roy LittleSun will describe the cycle of consciousness, which will ignite the memory of oneness from each cell of our Being. He will share how participants can find the beginning and the end within themselves - dissolving illusionary boundaries. This lecture will also explore the Circle of Hearts Medicine Wheel and the Hopi message of peace. Roy LittleSun initiated the Circle of Hearts, and has been traveling around the world to help build it. His spiritual quest led to his studies with Titus Quomayumptewa, a Hopi elder and shaman. He has also created several ceremonies which activate the Wheel and offers complementary teachings depending on people's desire for involvement. NA VRATAJAGA TEGAL SALA 10:00 AM-11:00 AM GOOD HOPE ARENA The Promise of Tomorrow in the Meeting of Generations Dadi Janki This lecture calls young people to explore spiritual values that are needed to create a harmonious and powerful tomorrow. The workshop will culminate in an open conversation with two elders, who are role models of a values-based leadership through their own spirituality. One of the founding members of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, IMt. Abu, India. Spiritual teacher from 1971. One of the teachers of wisdom selected to participate in the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. TORKAN 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 3 Religious Activities of the African Indigenous Churches at the Durban Beaches DAN "YOREY Prof. GC Oosthuizen This presentation will use video and commentary to illustrate why the Independent/Indigenous/Self-Initiated church is the most dynamic church movement in South Africa. Prof. Oosthuizen will describe the scope of the churches - one of which is presently the largest Christian denomination in South Africa. He will also explore the reasons for their popularity, which include the fact that they are self-supporting, selfgoverning and self-expanding. These churches also gain from being engaged in the the African Renaissance for more than a century establishing their own church orders in the African Indigenous context, their own hymns, liturgy, and church government. Prof. Oosthuizen has studied and interacted with African Indigenous Churches for the past 30 years. He has studied in and received Senior Degrees in South Africa, Holland, and the United States. He has also lectured in Germany, the United States, Holland and South Africa. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATER 6 Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj's Message of Peace and Unity: A Vision of Personal Transformation for the New Millennium Dr. Carlos Lozano; Mr. Raymond Holmes; Prof. Arthur Stein; Ms. Ernestina Thomas; Prof. Andrew Vidich Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj is head of Swan Kirpal Ruhani Mission/Science of Spirituality. The Message of love, peace, and lasting happiness is achieved through meditation. His teachings Major Presentations 73
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THEWORLD'S RELIGIONS MAJOR PRESENTATIONS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 appeal to people everywhere. At its core is the promise of direct personal inner experience. Recognizing the transcendent oneness at the heart of all religions, he emphasizes prayer and meditation as the true building blocks for achieving both inner and outer peace. He works tirelessly toward the fulfillment of his vision: personal transformation, coupled with spiritual growth, leading to a spiritual renaissance in the next millennium. This program will include a video presentation. Mr. Carlos Lozano Angel is a lawyer and a diplomat and has had twentyfive years public and private administration experience, including eight years as consul general of Colombia to the government of India and two years in Egypt with the Colombian embassy. He has coordinated many major conferences in South America, focused on spirituality and interfaith understanding Raymond Holmes currently works as a senior Paralegal Supervisor for the U.S. Department of Justice. During his twelve years of service with the U.S. Army, Mr. Holmes first studied meditation on the inner Light and Sound with Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj. He now studies under the quidance of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, head of Swan Kirpal Ruhani Mission/Science of Spirituality. Mr. Holmes also founded Quintessence and The Academy of Inversion Scientist, a spiritual institute located in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Arthur Stein teaches Peace Studies and Comparative Religion at the University of Rhode Island. He has written extensively in these areas. including several books to his credit, and is a co-founder of the new Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies at the University of Rhode Island. He has been a student of meditation and other contemplative practices for many years Ernestina Thomas is an entrepreneur, real estate developer, and lecturer. She holds an MBA in Finance and Marketing from the University of Chicago. Ms. Thomas owns and runs E.T. International Consulting Group, a consulting, investment and real estate development company, which she started in 1982. She has been a practitioner of various types of Yoga and meditation for over twenty years. Andrew Vidich, is currently teaching as an assistant professor of Religion at lona College of New Rochelle. He is the author of Love Is a Secret 11990), co-author of The Heart of the Healer, which sold more than twenty thousand copies. He is currently the executive co-chair of the interfaith Council of New York. Andrew has been a practitioner of meditation for over two and a half decades under the guidance of three great spiritual Masters of our time, Sant Kirpal Singh, Sant Darshan Singha, and Sant Rajinder Singh. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN THEATER 5 Religion and War Prof. Ephraim Isaac Messages of peace are practically universal in religion. However, religion continues to be a major cause of conflicts nd wars--of almost all the conflicts and wars taking place in our own time. Some thinkers believe that the situation will be worse in the coming millennium. Organized religions will assist the cause of wars that will result in dramatic bloody conflicts. Individuals seeking power will use religion as an excuse to satisfy their private ends. The issues of war and peace will cease to be but mere abstractions. We will explore the structure of religion and suggest ways of understanding that can limit the use of religion in service to warring. Ph.D: author of numerous articles and books on Late Second Temple Jewish life and thought founder, Ethiopian National Literacy Campaign; currently, international Chairman, Board of Peace and Development for Ethiopia and the horn of Africa, and President, Yemenite Jewish Federation of America. Major Presentations WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN ENGINEERING 3.60 Wilderness and the African Spirit Dr. lan Player Program description not available at press time. An internationally reknowned conservationist; founder, The Wilderness Movement in Africa. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN THEATER 8 Myth, Dream, and Movie Mr. Keith Cunningham Keith Cunningham, coordinator of this Parliament's film festival, addresses this century's new art form, film, and its impact on our perceptions of self and the world. Keith Cunningham is a screenwriter, filmmaker, and a producer of the CPWR film and video festival. A former professor at Columbia College, he has worked with Joseph Campbell and is currently presenting seminars in Germany, Italy, France, and the United States. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.60 Debt Relief Prof. Fatima Meer In this presentation, Fatima Meer of the Institute of Black Research will explore the complex issue of Debt Relief. No biographical statement available at time of printing 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN GOOD HOPE ARENA Naam Simran - The key to Living H. H. Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji Human beings go to great lengths to acheive academic degrees to attain materialistic needs - whether real or perceived. Due to this dilemna, the pressenter urges all humans need to do Naam Simran to attain their real spiritual needs. He also urges participants to consider the time and effort spent on academic degrees, and will illustrate how a. similar effort needs to be spent on ones spiritual development. His Holiness Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji is the supreme spiritual head of the Namdhari Sikhs since 1959. He is the successor to Satguru Partap Singh, holding the continuation of the lineage to Satguru Ram Singh, who was exiled in 1872 for his activities in India's struggle for independence. He currently resides in the Punjab state of India. 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENTO F THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS Jennin DENTITY Programmes listed in this section address topics related to religious, spiritual, and cultural identity and practice. In these presentations, religious, spiritual, and cultural traditions and communities have the opportunity to answer several basic and yet essential questions. Who are we? How do we believe and how do we practice? How do we address the transcendent? What is our hope for the future? What message do we have to share with the world? Most programmes in the Identity Section will be held in the Science Building on the Cape Technikon campus. Jain Education Interational 2010_03 75
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________________ Identity 1999 PARLIAMENT O F IDENTITY 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN SCIENCE 3.47 A Day in the Life of a Navajo Healer Ms. Linda Ross Much is known or written about the healing ceremonies of the Navajos but less is known about the practitioners, especially contemporary practitioners. The roles of traditional healers (who also serve as religious leaders) have continued to diminish in the face of increased utilization of modern medicine. This presentation gives an overview on some of the types of health problems afflicting Navajos; the consultation still sought by Navajos; and, those who remain to seek the help of contemporary Navajo women healers. Ms. Linda Ross is a Navajo Healer who incorporates the Navajo. Christian, and Native American Church in her healing practice. She works with her people and others who seek her assistance. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 3.45 A Mini Spiritual Growth Experience Through the Psychology of Taoism THURSDAY, Ms. Myrna Wajsman; Greg Lewis In today's world a path to spiritual growth and transformation can be found through resolving diversity issues. Each individual, group, organisation and society consciously needs to take up this challenge. In South Africa the issues of racism and sexism are specifically relevant. The question is how? This workshop is facilitated by psychologists using Taoist/psychology, so that participants can experience the steps in Deep democracy, a basic tool used in this transformation process. Myrna Wajsman is a psychologist who has studied Process-oriented Psychology in the United Sates and Switzerland. For the past eight years she has facilitated and taught in both community and corporate environments about methods to resolve diversity issues. She has worked both nationally and internationally, with local work directed towards people empowerment and overcoming racism and gender issues. Greg Lewis is a psychologist who has studied Process-oriented Psychology in the United Sates and Switzerland. For the past eight years he has facilitated and taught in both community and corporate environments about methods to resolve diversity issues. He has worked both nationally and internationally, with local work directed towards people empowerment and overcoming racism and gender issues. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN ST. MARKS Centre for Ubuntu: Storytelling and District Six Stan Abrahams; Mr. Abduraachman Parker In this presentation, Trustees of the District Six museum in Cape Town will explore using storytelling as a means of healing the wounds of Apartheid. The presenters will illustrate how storytelling allows us to remember the past in a way that helps us prevent past mistakes. Stan Abrahams is a lay Pastor of the Central Methodist Mission. He is a Trustee of the District Six Museum and also a member of the committee overseeing the integrated redevelopment of District Six. He grew up in District Six and in the Buitenkant Street Methodist Church, and now has 70 years of experience in the community and the church. Mr. Parker is a Trustee of the District Six Beneficiary Trust. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Dreams and Spirituality Rev. Selena Fox; Dr. Dennis Carpenter After a brief overview of their topic and a short introduction to their backgrounds in personal and professional dream work, the presenters will guide workshop participants in a dream recall exercise. They will each discuss approaches to remembering and working with dreams as spiritual practice. They will then guide a dream symbol interpretation exercise and discuss ways of deriving spiritual understanding from 76 2010_03 TH WORLD S RELIGIONS DECEMBER 2 dreams. The last part of this workshop will be an interactive question and answer session with workshop participants. Rev. Selena Fox is high priestess of Circle Sanctuary and Co-executive Director of Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve in southwestern Wisconsin, USA. A Wiccan priestess, interreligious ecospirituality minister, and clinical psychotherapist, she travels internationally as part of her work, presenting workshops and facilitating ceremonial experiences of healing. spiritual growth, and celebration of Nature. Dr. Dennis Carpenter is the co-executive director of Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve near Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin, USA, and is senior editor of CIRCLE Magazine, an international quarterly journal of Nature Spirituality. A research psychologist and scholar, Dr. Carpenter's articles have appeared in a variety of publications. He also travels internationally presenting papers and workshops on consciousness studies, contemporary Pagan culture, Ecospirituality, and related topics. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 3.81 The Eneagram: A Tool for Freedom and Reconciliation Sr. Bernadette Wilczkiewicz This workshop will describe the ancient spiritual and psychological wisdom inherent in the Enneagram, and illustrate its power as a tool for understanding oneself, others and Reality. This workshop will offer ways towards transformation and transcending the delusions of the ego, and consequently coming into spiritual freedom. Sr. Bernadette Wilczkiewicz is a member of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (I.B.V.M). She is a Teacher by profession, and she is currently teaching at Catholic National Seminary. She has presented Enneagram workshops for over 10 years. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Finding the Freedom Within Thi LAGERERSURREYA AU 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATER 5 Global Commitment to the Culture of Nonviolence: The Jain View Ms. Paulette Agnew This workshop offers practical ways to overcome stress and emotional pain. As a direct experience of body, heart, and mind methods, senior International Life Foundation trainer Paulette Agnew will guide the participants with techniques that include gentle, flowing movements, hand gestures, relaxation, affirmations, visualisation and introspection. No blographical statement available at time of printing. Nha d Dr. N.P. Jain This presentation is an elucidation of the intrinsic content of the wide comprehensive perspective of the culture of non-violence as per the Jain religion. The Jain religion regards non-violence as the Supreme Religion and lays down its principles and practices for adherence not only by individuals for his/her own survival but in terms of his/her relationships with others in society. Mahatma Gandhi's translation of the Jain culture of non-violence and its strategy of the Indian struggle and desirability are relevant for tackling global issues such as peace and war, interfaith disharmony, racial prejudices, and inequality. Nonviolence is a culture to be used as an effective weapon in the challenging task of not only protecting the environment but also in upgrading it. Dr. N.P. Jain is the former ambassador of India to the European Union, United Nations, Mexico, and Nepal. He is also the former Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs. He is a member of the World Spiritual Assembly, a writer, poet, economist and environmentalist.
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________________ 1999 PARLIA MENT IDENTITY 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Human Instinct - A Way to Experience God TEA Rev. Dr. Michael van Heerden This lecture will describe a philosophic approach to the existence of, and encounter with, God. This workshop will also explore the "Humble Argument" of C.S. Peirce, with the presenters theological reflections. OF THE Rev. Dr. Michael van Heerden was born 1961, and is a Roman Catholic priest of the Cape Town Diocese. He holds a Doctorate in Philosophy from Leuwen University in Belgium, and a Licentiate in Theology from Unisa. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATER 8 Islamic Law (Shariah) in a Pluralist Society: the Indian Experiment Mawlana Mujahidul Islam Qasmi Ijtihad is, in fact, a collective understanding of the Islamic sources of guidance in changing human situations. It is a continuing process of scholars in the global Muslim community working out solutions for our new emerging problems. The presenter will review the great work done in India, by the Figh Academy during the last decade, with the cooperation of all schools (madhahib) of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). Mujahidul Islam Qasimi is a reknowned 'alim (religious leader) from India. He is a Secretary General of All India Milli Council, the Director of the Figh Academy of India and he is Amir (President) Imarat-e Shariah in Bihar, India. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 7 Jewish Feminism in South Africa - "You Must be Kidding Doll!" THURSDAY, Jes Rabbi David Hoffman Based on Susannah Heschel's reader On Being a Jewish Feminist, this lecture will examine the condition of Jewish Feminism in South Africa today. Rabbi David Hoffman recently celebrated his 10th anniversary with the Cape Town Progressive Congregation. He is a delegate to the Vaad Hapoel Hatzioni, the co-Chairman of the South African Association of Progressive Rabbis, and the National Chairman of Arzenu Southern Africa. He is also a member of the Assembly of the Parliament of the World's Religions. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Millennium Prophecy Heralding a Golden Age Dr. Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam The presenter will explain how the present civilization will come to an end and a New Day will dawn. On the basis of his mystic insight and religious knowledge, he foretells quite a few future events in the third millennium. He explains how peace and justice will be established on earth when followers of the prophet will join and become one family of the servants of God. Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam is the President of the World Spiritual Assembly, and Chief Khalifa of the Dayera Sharif Sufi Dynasty, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 New Equations for the New Millennium: Teaching the Language of the Soul 2010_03 Mr. Alan Sheets; Ms. Barbara Tovey You have a soul that expresses one of nine equally important spiritual truths. Each of the world's religions has adopted one of these truths as the foundation of its spirituality. New Equations has found a simple and elegant way for people to WORLD'S RELIGIONS learn and give forth their spiritual truth and honor and receive the other eight. Using discussion, music, film presentations, and a simple physical practice with volunteers from the audience, the presenters will demonstrate the expression of each participant's soul. DECEMBER 2 Alan Sheets and Barbara Tovey are life partners and developers of the work they named New Equations: Mastering the Language of the Soul. Alan is a former research scientist, is certified in the Feldenkrais Method, and is an accomplished martial artist- he holds a black belt in Aikido. Barbara is a former business manager and consultant, artist, and is certified in Aston-Patterning. vratnikom agentstva nisk 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Perennial Wisdom and Emanuel Swedenborg - Session I bezde kak ia ne Rev. Drake Hunter McMorland Kaiser; Dr. Olle Hjern; Dr. Andrei Veshestov; Rev. Paul Booth In these two sessions, on the mornings of 2 and 3 December, five scholars will present papers about Emanuel Swedenborg and his contribution to religious thought and life, particularly in respect to perennial and universal religion. The programs offer an extraordinary opportunity to encounter one of the greatest sages of the post-Medieval period. (Each session will be selfcontained.) Drake Kaiser studied comparative religion, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin at the Academy of the New Church (Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania) and Edinburgh University (Scotland). He serves as Associate Director of the Swedenborg Association, and Associate Editor of Arcana: Inner Dimensions of Spirituality, a Journal devoted to studies in comparative religion and the theology of Emanuel Swedenborg. Olle Hjern, educated at Uppsala University, is widely regarded as one of the world's leading experts on Emanuel Swedenborg. He has published many books, and edits Varlarnas Mote, one of the world's oldest Swedenborgian Journals. Andrei Vashestov studied medieval history and the history of philosophy at Moscow University (Ph. D. 1985) and comparative religion at the Academy of the New Church (Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania) and Temple University (Philadelphia); and has taught philosophy, medieval history, and religion at various universities. Paul Booth is a Swedenborgian Minister who was educated at City College in Washington State and served in the United States Army for twenty years before being ordained. He serves as pastor for both the Asheville (North Carolina) and The Hague (Holland) congregations of the Lord's New Church. He also serves as chairman of the Raad Van Beheer in Holland, and Chairman of the International Council of Priests of the Lord's New Church. CAL 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 1 The Relevance of Hinduism and Vedanta for Modern Times Swami Amarananda Hinduism is not restricted in scope nor without application to the present realities or future challenges. Its rich heritage is brought ino sharp focus upon global issues, and can become one of the formative elements of human progress. navsk Swami Amarananda was born in West Bengal, India. He graduated with a degree in Engineering (civil) from the University of Calcutta, following which he joined the Ramakrishna Order as a monk. Since 1988 he has been the Head of the Centre Vedantique Ramakrishna, Geneva, Switzerland. The Swami is involved in interfaith work in Europe. A 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Spiritual Direction: A Christian Spiritual Practice Ms. Patricia M. Bombard, BVM; Mr. Thomas Torinus; Sr. Mary MeladyOSB; Kathleen Bridge, SND; Dabula Mpako This demonstration will start with a brief presentation on the history of spiritual direction in the Christian tradition. Following the brief presentation on Christian history, there will be a description and demonstration of the current spiritual direction by representatives of the Institute for Spiritual Leadership. Identity 77
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 URSDAY DECEMBE Finally, a panel of Institute representatives discuss their experiences using spiritual direction in various cultural and religious settings. A bibliography and a list of resources will be on hand.) Patricia Bombard, B.V.M., is an Executive Director of the Institute for Spiritual Leadership, Chicago, IL, USA She is a Roman Catholic, and is currently working on a Doctorate of Ministry Degree at Chicago Theological Seminary Thomas Torinus is a 1989 graduate of ISL and a former journalist and businessman. He is a member of the United Church of Christ and currently is involved in spiritual companioning, community-building work and teaching spirituality Mary Melady, O.S.B., D. Min., a Roman Catholic, is a spiritual director and certified focusing trainer. She is on the staff of the Institute for Spiritual Leadership Kathleen Bridge, S.N.D. is a Roman Catholic and a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She is a native of South Africa, and currently does religious formation work in her congregation. She attended ISL in 1987-88 Dabula Mpako is a Roman Catholic Priest with the Archdiocese of Pretoria and a native of South Africa. He is Pastor of a parish and is involved in spiritual direction work. untenable material growth, ecological catastrophe, and the destruction of community. This world view in its entirety, is manifestly unsustainable materially, ecologically, psychologically and spiritually. Human spiritual endeavor is the single most influential force for the transformation of this world view. This presentation offers a pragmatic path towards harmony amongst diverse spiritual traditions through joint action towards a new vision for the future of the earth. Rita Dasgupta Sherma has lectured extensively on religion, and presented numerous academic papers on sacred art and iconography. ecology, and science and religion. She is a professional artist who has won numerous awards. Her publications include "Sacred Immanence in Purifying the Earthy Body of God, ed. Lance Nelson: Sa Ham-I am She: Woman as Goddess," in Feminism and the Hindu Goddess, ed. Kathleen Erndle forthcoming). 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 The Buddhist Comes to Africa Mr. Louis H. Van Loon This presentation will illustrate the migration of Buddhism to Africa, using a slide and photo display. The presenter will also lecture on the relevance of Buddhism in the transformation of South Africa. Mr. Louis H Van Loon is the Resident teacher at the Buddhist Retreat Centre in Lxopo. He is a disciple of the great Thai meditation master. Ajahn Chah, and was ordained as a monk in 1977. He has lived for twelve years at the Chithurst and Amaravati monasteries 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN COMMERCE 3.55 Creativity within Christian Prayer - Creating with Clay 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Spiritual Paths in the Wilderness: Marking Life Stages with Reverence and Solitude Mrs. Judy Bekker; Ms. Valerie Morris For each of us there are numerous life transitions. Some are deeply personal while others relate to our professional lives, or our fields of service in the world. Few of us give ourselves permission, or time, to deeply reflect upon, release, integrate, or mark these changes. This workshop will highlight the profound learnings made possible when we turn to nature and wilderness to help us commune, ask our questions, and hear our answers. It will include a moving documentary on eco therapy and rites of passage. Judy Bekker, Director of Renaissance Business Associates, has been a facilitator for 18 years working with youth and adults, both corporately and in the informal sector. Her great loves are people, wilderness and personal development work, particularly Rites of Passage circles. Valerie Morris, founder of Renaissance Business Associates in South Africa, brings her total comfortability in the wilderness, love of the land, and spirit of adventure and fun for life into all that she does. She is also a facilitator of large group process and team building in the corporate and organizational arena. Identity Mrs. Louise Cull Creating with clay will provide a chance to use clay in a trusting way to allow our personal experience to find form. We will have a taste of how working in this way can allow our own creative and healing powers to respond to what emerges - images of the painful past or of what holds us back on our journey. In the process we may get in touch with our own experience of reconciliation. This will provide the grounding in personal experience needed for real discussion. Participants will be encouraged, if they wish, to share their experience. Louise Cuil has a background in both the Fine Arts and Spirituality. She has given workshops using art materials in a prayerful way to discover and free our creativity 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 World Peace and Tamil Siva Yoga Siddhatham Yogi S.A.A. Ramiah This workshop will Promote World Peace (SHANTI -- physical, vital, mental, intellectual and spiritual - through Tamil Siva Yoga Siddhatham of Kriya BABAJI with ASANAS, PRANAYAM, DHYANAM, MANTRAS and BHAKTI and call for a replacement of Atomic bombs with the ATOMIC BALM of KRIYA YOGA Professor YOGI SAA Ramiah is a physical therapist, yogic therapist, and a college lecturer Imperial Valley College, Arizona Western College). Prof. Ramaiah is a yoga teacher 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN PODIUM HALL The Feasibility of a Universal Religion in the Next Millennium Acharya Shambushivanada Avadhuta At a time when the world is divided by race, religion, color, language and nation-states, one wonders whether the vision of a universal religion is a utopia or a necessity. This lecture will explore the possibilities in the next millennium and the ways we can move towards the creation of One Human Society Acharya Avadhuta is the recipient of International Mahatma Gandhi Award and Karya Shiromanl Award and is a celebrated speaker on Yoga and contemporary Issues. He is currently the Kulapari (Chancellor of International Gurukula Network based in Anondanogar, India. He is the author of several books: Proof Economics, Cardinal Human Values, andGurukul Education and Planning Interventions in Developing Countries 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 An Encounter in the Heart of The Divine Darkness: South Africa's Significance for a Global Theology of Reconciliation Ms. Rita Dasgupta Sherma This presentation will outline a far-reaching vision for a Faith Alliance for Environment and Community, to integrat message of South Africa and the mission of this world conference, towards action for an interfaith community and environment regeneration. The values that form the basis of our present global consumerist monoculture have led to 78 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT O F. THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS I DENTITY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 8 Global Aspects of Forgiveness, Spirituality, and Attitudinal Healing in over 30 countries. Dr. Gerald G. Jampolsky; Dr. Diane V. Cirincione Since the first Center for Attitudinal Healing was founded by Dr. Jampolsky in 1975 in Tiburon, California, there has been a grass-roots spread of these independent centers. There are now over 150 centers offering free support groups in over 30 places, such as Ghana, Kingdom of Tonga, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, Australia, and The Netherlands. We will share our experiences on how attitudinal healing is being used in government so that people can rediscover their spiritual core as a way of finding new ways of communicating with each other. Gerald Jampolsky Diane Cirincione 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 The Jain Principle of Anekant and Human Survival Dr. Sohanlal Jain Gandhi Human history is replete with violent feuds, conflict, and wars. Most wars, ironically, have been fought in the name of religion, which is meant to be used as an instrument for individual purification and spiritual elevation. The Jain principle of Anekant, however, has in it the potential to end all quarrels and conflicts. It stresses the unity of all religions and excludes disputation, or refutation of other beliefs, from its periphery. Anekant advocates non-absolutism and teaches us to respect different viewpoints and beliefs. If the Anekant approach is adopted in our day to day dealings we can still hope for survival, or else fanaticism may annihilate human civilization all together Dr. S.L. Gandhi, the former Vice-Principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, is the Dean of the Faculty of Peace and Nonviolence Studies, at the Intercultural Open University, Opeinde, the Netherlands. He is the Project Director of the Institute of Jainology UK and has written, and edited, several books relating to Jainism and ahimsa 2:00 PM-2:45 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA The Golden Age Begins with Ourselves by Direct Contact with God Master Suma Ching Hai This lecture teaches the Great Way of Enlightenment, the Ultimate Path of Liberation and Truth, and the Way to Bring Heaven to Earth. This workshop offers everyone a chance to discover and experience for themselves the Divine Awakening, and the Pure Ocean of God's Love within. Explore with Master Ching Hai the meaning of her statement, "Heaven is only the beginning, see God while living". Master Ching Hai is a symbol of spiritual wisdom and guidance for hundreds and thousands of people around the world. Although not seeking acknowledgement of any kind, Master Ching Hai has become internationally recognized for her spiritual, humanitarian and disaster relief activities worldwide. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ST. MARKS Models of Unity Dr. Robert Henderson The lecture will be an informative overview of the studies of "Models of Unity" that have been conducted throughout the United States. The project began in Chicago to find examples of efforts that have successfully brought different groups of people together in every sector of daily life. Established by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and the Human Relations Foundation of Chicago, the project was designed to study patterns of cooperation, problem solving, and social change among diverse peoples to learn how different and sometimes conflicting groups rise above conflict to achieve harmony and unity. Robert C. Henderson is secretary-General of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. His initiation of the study, "Models of Unity-Racial, Ethnic and Religious resulted in a landmark analysis of intergroup unity in the Chicago metropolitan area. Identity U tom 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Gratitude as an Interreligious Dynamic Among Second-Generation Japanese Americans Rev. Peter Yuichi Clark The lecture will examine the importance of gratitude as a religious value in the lives of second-generation (Nisei) Japanese Americans. It will be argued that, for this group of people who identify themselves using a well-defined generational construct, gratitude serves as a key dynamic for shaping their life experiences as they grow older, regardless of whether individuals hold Christian or Buddhist faith affirmations Rev. Peter Yuichi Clark is an ordained American Baptist minister, a Doctoral candidate at Emory University in Atlanta, and a Chaplain at St. Mary's Medical Center in San Francisco. His research interests are in Asian American religions and aging populations 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Nothing is the Matter Ms. Rosemary Kearney This lecture will feature a video with Gangaji, a self-realized spiritual teacher from America. This teacher will challenge participants to recognise their true nature. Rosemary Kearney is a contemplative and psychotherapist with a special interest in self realization and the evolution of human consciousness. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Griqua National Conference Rev. Mossie Willemse This lecture will introduce participants to the work of the Griqua National Conference under Paramount Chief A A S. Le Fleur Il. This lecture will also include a short history on the religion of the Griqua people, the Khoi-Khoi, and the San. Rev. Mossie Willemse has been a Minister for nineteen years at the Uniting Reformed Church in Kimberley, South Africa 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Paul: Follower or Founder? Dr. Ronald H. Miller New research is challenging the traditional role of Paul in the development of Christianity. Some no longer see him as the apostle to the Gentiles, the man who took the message of Jesus to the non-Jewish world. They see him as the creator of a distinct religion, the religion known as Christianity today, one shared by Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant Christians. What is the validity of this new assessment of Paul's status? Dr. Ron Miller is the Chair of the Religion Department at Lake Forest College. He is also the Co-founder and Co-director of Common Ground, and has a Ph.D. in Comparative Religions from Northwestern University 2010_03 79
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________________ Identity 1 9 9 9 PA RLIAMENT IDENTITY GYVATELIGERE TI KALAU TAK SA T 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.56 Roman Catholicism in Dialogue Rev. Roger Hickley In this presentation, Father Hickley of the Centre for Christian Spirituality will explore Catholicism's role in Interreligious Dialogue. He will focus particularly on his own experience as a Catholic in South Africa. O F vchik poka na sto miliona ot 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 The Sacred Spaces Fr. Roger Hickley, a Roman Catholic priest was born in 1941. He holds a licentiate in Theology from Gregorian University. W O R L D THURSDAY, Mr. Jan Horn This lecture and video presentation will explore the values and sacred practices of the San people of South Africa - the first peoples of this country. Also explored will be how ten years of TV documentary filming with the San have taught the presenter values and practices he found mirrored in the shrines of Tibet and Nepal when he climbed Mount Everest in 1998. Mr. Jan Horn has been producing documentaries for 25 years on the topics of archaeology, ancient civilisations and mountaineering. He also received training in nuclear and solid state physics from the University of Stellenbosch. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Spirituality and Social Change Ms. Kosha Shah The lecture will largely contain perspectives from Sri Aurobindo's books The Human Cycle and The Ideal of Human Unity, which is a social and political philosophy with a spiritual basis and goal. There will be a brief word on the Sri Aurobindo Research Foundation's history and its philosophy of how all spiritual paths can help bring about social change. A great deal of attention will also be spent on how spirituality need not be divorced from any other aspect of life and how spirituality is something entirely different from morality, ethics, and religion. Some examples from Indian History suggest future possibilities for like minded people from different spiritual backgrounds to come together and work with a deeper perspective on the problems faced by humanity today. Ms. Kosha Shah, director of the Sri Aurobindo, is looking to develop the and apply the social, political, economic, and educational thought of Sri Aurobindo in the context of the problems faced by humanity today. She recently organized a seminar on the Indian Constitution based upon her thesis, which is also offered as a Gift of Service at the Parliament. She is interested in networking with like-minded people from different spiritual paths. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Two Trees Planted in the Midst of an Enigmatic Garden: A Study of the Biblical Archetype of Centre 80 2010_03 Rabbi Yosef Wosk An original investigation of " the centre" from four points of view: academic critical, comparative religion and mythology, traditional Jewish sources, and narrative kinesthetic will be discussed in this lecture. It is based upon Genesis 2:8-9, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. Rabbi Wosk holds doctorates in interdisciplinary Studies (Religion and Literature) and in Psychology, as well as Masters degrees from Harvard Divinity School and Yeshiva University. He has served as a Rabbi for more than twenty years and taught all ages, from preschool through university. He is also a published author and former host of a television series. TH E R E L I GION S DECEMBER 2 S ww 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 ANERNAL MARRIS=1 World Vaishnava Association and the Presentation of Monotheism in Hinduism Mr. Acharya Das; Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti It started in Bengal, when Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared 500 years ago. He predicted that the meditation in the holy names of Krishna would spread to every town and village of the world. In 1995 many missions of the Guadiya Vaisnavas joined together to form the World Vaishnava Association. A decentralized tradition of Guru Disciple relationship brings members of different branches together to help each other in many ways. Acharya Das was born in New Zealand and became a monk at the age of 19. He is currently the secretary of the WVA, a member of WVA environmental committee, and travels the world in the service of the Chaitanya mission. Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti is the coordinator of the WVA committee, and is Siddhanta-Guru Varga Dignity Member of WVA Environmental committee. A monk since 1971, Swami Ba Paramadvaiti started the Vrinda Mission in South America, which now includes centers in 20 other countries. 3:00 PM-4:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.56 A Kaleidoscope of Christian Spirituality: Celtic Spirituality and its Relevance to Africa Prof. Margaret Donaldson There are many interesting parallels between Celtic Spirituality and African Spirituality. Moreover, the spirituality of Celtic Christianity in Ireland, Wales and Scotland was deeply influenced by pre-Christian Celtic culture, which was appropriated and 'baptised' rather than stamped out. This is in contrast to the African experience of the 19th century when missionaries, as men of their times, sought to destroy rather than preserve and transform the indigenous cultures. Thus Celtic Spirituality: reminds us of the need for reverence for the created world; and of the need for a holistic, all-embracing Christian faith; and presents a model for cultural continuity and transformation at a time when many churches are seeking ways to make Christianity more "African". Margaret Donaldson lectures in Ecclesiastical History in the Divinity Department of Rhodes University, from 1975-1995. Her teaching included both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in 19th and 20th century South African church & missionary history, the Anglo-Saxon church, Celtic Christianity and Christian Spirituality. Now retired, she continues to engage in teaching, workshops and retreats on Celtic spirituality. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 The Challenge of Being a Baha'i During Apartheid Ms. Tahirih Matthee This lecture will share with listeners the experiences of the presenter as a child growing up in a very poor neighborhood (Bonteheuwel, Cape Town) during the era of apartheid. The presenter illustrates how her experience with the Baha'i faith, which teaches the oneness of the human race, was in stark contrast to the government's apartheid policies. Tahirih Matthee is a member of Baha'i Council of Western Cape and a member of the Inter-religious Commission on Crime and Violence in the Western Cape. Tahirih also serves as a Trustee of the PWR board. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Cloak The Earth Ms. Louise Todd Cope The workshop will allow participants to learn about the Cloak the Earth project, which seeks to wrap a continuous collection of prayer flags around the Earth. Participants in this workshop
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 will be invited to participate in the Cloak the Earth project by creating a prayer flag as a group. Louise Todd Cope has had a long career as a professional artist and a teacher. She is committed to issues of social justice and holds a deep belief in the Inward Artist which resides in all people. Art for Louise Todd Cope is a necessary part of community having the power to heal both self and society. She is the founder of the Cloak the Earth project. Mr. Neal O'Donnell is a Registered Nurse with a Philosophy degree ile currently has his own private practice as a counselor specialising in sexuality therapy He has been researching the effect of Spirit in therapy for the past ten years. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 The Metaphysics of Sound and Consciousness Sri Jasomatinandan Jaso Das The lecture will consist of a concise presentation on essential self hood through the access of untapped and latent personal potential via sound-mantra, drums, music, etc. Music in this workshop will range from original tribal or ethnic practice to most contemporary digitally induced trance sounds Born Julian Horack in Cape Town, Sri Jasomatinandan Jaso Das has studied ten years with ISKCON (Hare Krishna Movement. A core volunteer for the Parliament of the World's Religions in South Africa. 3:00 PM-3:30 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Compassion to Animals Dr. Kumarpal Desai Nonviolence is at the heart of Jain Philosophy but it is not to be understood in its narrow sense. It is to be extended to the animal world, as well. The essence of knowledge is to avoid violence in every form. It enjoins that we should not only kill or harm animals but avoid using items made out of bones and hides of animals. There are, therefore, places such as pounds. for the protection of animals, birds, and even insects where they are cared for. Since this is one of the fundamental tenets, a Jain monk or a householder makes certain not to harm even a tiny insect. It not only forbids violence but frowns upon those who keep relations with one who practices violence It also forbids violence of speech. Thus, the whole approach has been catholic, broad, and compassionate. Dr Kumarpal Desai is a renowned columnist, with 75 publications to his credit. He is also a scholar on Jain philosophy and religion, editor of several periodicals, a widely traveled lecturer, and is actively associated with many social and literary organizations 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Peace of Spirit: A Spiritual Dimension to the Culture of Peace - An Indian Perspective Dr. Ramu Manivannan The presenter will focus on how spiritual people are truly citizens of the world. The spiritual mind is the most unifying and uplifting of all influences. The most outstanding character of the spiritual mind is its universality. A spiritual mind is the mind of mankind. Dr Ramu Manivannan teaches political science in Hindu College at the University of Delhi. He is now a men:ber and co-convenor of the Nonviolence Commission of the International Peace Research Association. He is an activist scholar who is committed to a holistic perspective of Peace in Life 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Foundations of Shinto Rev. Munemichi Kurozumi Rev. Kurozumi, the first son of the present Chief Patriarch of Kurozurnikyo Shinto, will present an overview of the history, worldview, and major figures in Shinto. Rev. Munemichi Kurozumi is the first son of the present Chief Patriarch of Kurozumikyo Shinto, and will therefore be the Seventh Chief Patriarch He also represents the Religious NGO Network (RNN), a local crossreligious network which promotes and engages in humanitarian efforts worldwide Identity 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 The Pleradian Light Body DNA Activation Gill Patterson This workshop will offer participants an explanation of the Pleradian Light Body DNA Activation program. The presenters will also offer participants a guided visualisation meditation from the program. Gil Patterson is South African and has lived in England since August of 1996. She is clairsentiant and intuitive. Although she no longer has a private healing practice, Gill has had the privilege of working with both people and race horses with the assistance of Light Beings and nature intelligence. She is deeply honoured to have worked with these and many different and wonderful Light Beings on an experiential basis for the last couple of years. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Interfaith Dialogue for Multi-Cultural Education: A Vedantic Perspective Dr. Ram Naresh Singh, D.S.W In the modern shrinking and hurting world, the need for bringing different faiths and religious systems closer together through multi-cultural education can hardly be overemphasized. In this lecture significant concepts of Vedanta will be highlighted. These concepts effectively demonstrate how different religions can engage in an open-minded dialogue leading to multi-cultural education, and eventually, to the development of a congenial global village No biographical statement available at time of printing. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Maya - 20th Century Goddess Mr. Neal Garth Mandy O'Donnell Maya is the Vedic term which is generally translated to mean the "veil" of ignorance that permeates the human condition. The spiritual life of the ordinary individual living in the 20th tentury has been clouded to the point where God has disappeared behind a wash of ego-centered abstraction and materialism. This presentation will show how Maya has been Elevated to the rank of Goddess, and how the scriptures can counteract it. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 3 The Seminal Contribution of Zoroastrianism to the Religions of the World Mr. Keki R. Bhote Zoroastrianism, as the mother of all monotheistic religions, is the quintessence of the ecumenism that binds all religions together. This presentation depicts the enormous influence that Zarathushtra's teachings have had in the cradle of civilization -- Egypt, Sumeria, Babylon, Canaan, Greece and Rome and extending to India and China. This presentation also highlights the principles that Zarathustra articulated in the holy text known as "The Gathas of the Prophet" which found their way into Judaism - and through Judaism into Christianity. This presentation further asserts and will demonstrate that the Gathas is both the oldest religious literature and, at the same time, the youngest in terms of its applicability to modern man. Mr. Keki R. Bhote is a life long student of Zoroastrian theology and history and is a pioneer in furthering Zoroastrianism in North America. A founding influence in both the Zoroastrian association of America and of the Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitan Chicago. 81 2010_03
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________________ Identity P ARLIAMENT O F IDENTITY 1 9 9 9 3:00 PM-3:30 PM IN THEATER 8 Spirituality and Global Ethics - The Hyphen that Joins and the Buckle that Binds Dr. L.M. Singhvi In the clash of ideas and in the midst of competing faiths, there is a ray of hope in the resurgence of spirituality and global ethics, which joins us all through our common humanity and leads us to a common agenda. Faith traditions must engage with each other to find a substratum of shared values, concerns, and methodologies in order to move towards an optimum framework of mutual consultation, collaboration, spirituality, and global ethics. An agenda, an action program, and habits of working together have to be evolved. We made a beginning in 1993 in Chicago and must carry it to fulfillment and fruition. The presentation will emphasize that this must be the millennium message of the Parliament of the World's Religions on the threshold of the 21st century. Patron of the Institute of Jainology and leading scholar of Jainism and of Vedic and Indic religions. Member of World Faiths Development Dialogue Steering Group. Pedalo pranoko 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Swami Sivananda's Mission in South Africa LIPINTE Dr. Kercy Dhavaraj This lecture will cover the community development work done by the Divine Life Society of South Africa. This work has a focus on the construction of schools and service in the rural African townships. The theme of the work is reaching out to an ethnic community other than one's own, and building bridges of understanding with them. THURSDAY, Dr. Kercy Dhavaraj is a specialist obstetrician and gynecologist in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal. He has a special interest in Ayurvedic Science and has founded the "Body, Mind and Soul" clinic in Pietermaritzbrg. He has been Chairman of the Pietermaritzburg branch of the Divine Life Society, and is currently on its Board of Management. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Toward an Islamic Theory of Environmental Ethics: A Qur'anic Perspective Dr. Ibrahim Ozdemir This lecture deals with nature and man from the Qur'anic perspective. It is therefore concerned with the Qur'anic value system, which contains the necessary elements for developing and constructing an environmental ethic. In this ethic, the meaning of nature is explained not only in relation to man but also to the Creator. Nature's order, balance, and beauty should be treated with respect. Dr. Ozdemir teaches at the Dept. of the History of Philosophy, Divinity School of Ankara University. Turkey. He received his Ph.D. from the Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Social Science. He is involved in the development of Islamic environmental ethics. He is the coauthor of Cevre ve Din (Environment and Religion) Ankara:DYB, 1995. DA BANI POLI 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 True Rascal Mystery School Ms. Caroline W. Casey In this presentation, world-renowned astrologer Caroline Casey brings alive the unique trickster, storyteller, lover, radical, compassionate heroic activist who resides in all of us. Guided by the exquisite language of astrology, the presenter will delineate the description and strategic instructions for participants at this pivotal historical time. 82 2010_03 Caroline Casey is a world-renowned visionary and activist who uses the language of astrology to wed spiritual magic and compassionate social action. She is the author of Making the Gods Work for You, which was recently released in South Africa, and the host of the popular Visionary Activist Show on Pacifica Radio. THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DECEMBER 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN THEATER 6 Universal and Eternal Religion of Man in the New Millennium Mr. Sadhu Rangarajan Venugopalan The religion that we need in the new millennium is a universal and eternal religion of man which will establish harmony between man and nature, man and man, and man and God. i.e., the supreme consciousness which manifests in all names and forms. This religion will embrace all that is best in all the religious paths propounded by all noble souls and proclaim acceptance, not mere tolerance, as the foundation for the unity of religions and universal brotherhood of man. All religions of the world can survive only by breathing the life giving message of the universality, oneness, and human brotherhood preached by the ancient seers of Bharatavarsha. Sadhu Venugopalan is the Founder and Trustee of Sister Nivedita Academy, an international institute of Hindu thought and culture, founded in 1977, in Chennai, India. He has set up branches of the Academy in various parts of South Africa and Botswana to propagate Indian thought and culture in a scientific and rational manner. PAGEMODELS (SA 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 fouw A Spiritual Horizon Has Dawned Mrs. Dorothy Dipuo Maubane This presentation will explore the meaning of spirituality for the presenter. In her lecture, she will explain how the ultimate thirst and search for what we truly are, and our purpose in life, is spiritual. She will challenge participants to explore a world beyond the material which we have not yet fully realised - the world of spirit. Dorothy Maubane, a Native South African, has experienced prayer-based protection and courage during apartheid's years of oppression and racial hatred. Prior to dedicating her life to the practice of spiritual healing and teaching. Dorothy served as General Secretary for the Black Consumer Union of South Africa, and was Vice-President for the Women's Black Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Today Dorothy bases her practice in Gauteng, South Africa, teaches a class on Christian Science healing annually, and lectures throughout the world. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 7 American Indian Contemporary Women's Issues Ms. Omie Baldwin; Ms. Darlene St. Clair This panel creates an opportunity for several Native American women to discuss concerns and share ideas regarding the roles, responsibilities, and realities of Native American women today. Ms. Baldwin (Dine) is the Program Manager of University Services at the University Of Wisconsin. She is actively involved in education, environmental, and spiritual issues regarding Native Americans. Ms. St. Clair (Dakota) is the Media Center Coordinator at the Indian Community School in Milwaukee, WI. KEEPINNATE A CA 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 8 Ethical Conception for International Living -The Zoroastrian Viewpoint Mr. Ervad Parvez M. Bajan Mr. Bajan is presenting a paper on the present course of humankind and its relationship with religion as described by the great prophet Zarathustra. His presentation will spend particular attention to the evolution of mankind in contemporary society. Mr. Bajan (M.A, LL.M.) is presently the Assistant Head Priest at the Seth B.M. Fire Temple and spent many years as a Bank Officer (now retired). Mr. Bajan has also been active as an academic lecturer and writer on religious topics.
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 4:00 PM-5:00 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA Foundations of Hinduism Swami Chidananda Saraswati In this presentation, Swami Chidananda will explore the history, scriptures, and basic teachings of the Hindu religion. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji Maharaj left his home at 8 years old, in order to live a life devoted to God and to the service of His people. Nine years of meditation, seclusion and silence in the Himalayas prepared Him for this divine life. Puiya Swamiji is President of Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India, one of the largest institutions in India, and he is Founder/chairman of india Heritage Research Foundation, an international, non-profit, humanitarian foundation. psychological and health points of view. Jain faith envisages vegetarianism as a vital and potentially highly promising tool to propagating nonviolence in thought, word and deed. Vegetarianism is a meaningful step to restore harmonious balance among nature, humans and other living beings, and as an esteemed tool in the protection of cruelty to animals. Dr. N.P. Jain is the former ambassador of India to the European Union, United Nations, Mexico, and Nepal. He is also the former Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs. He is a member of the World Spiritual Assembly, a writer, poet, economist and environmentalist. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 The Gracious Light - A Spiritual Legacy Mrs. P. Murugan This lecture will describe how most religions are based on the Gracious Merciful Creator, who made this great beautiful world for our habitation. Despite common religious and spiritual bonds, havoc is often caused by useless, endless ethnic and religious wars. Humanity looks above for answers and finds the gracious love of the Almighty, which has a place in the hearts of all people. Love is an instrument which conquers all fears, breaks barriers and brings people together by building bridges and leading the way for cooperation. The divine love of Sivam, which is purity and spiritual bliss, was experienced by God and humans in the form of the gracious light. Ms. Thirumugam Murugan studied Veenai in India and currently performs at cultural and religious festivals in Durban. She also holds Veenai classes for students and is the author of 16 publications. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Journeying Towards Life's Horizon Rev. Peter Fox; Carol Richter This workshop will explore the topic of overcoming the fears of the unknown through reviewing our lives and making peace with ourselves, others and God. The presenters will show how these fears are part of the challenge facing us at the end of our lives, which can be rectified through finding new hope, perspective and trust. Rev. Peter Fox is a minister in the Presbyterian Church and works as a Hospice Chaplain, where he provides spiritual counselling to patients of all faiths. He has been at St. Luke's Hospice, Cape Town, since 1996, and is a Trustee of the Centre for Christian Spirituality. During the 1980's he worked in township mediation and reconciliation ministry for the National Initiative for Reconciliation. Carol Richter is a Aromatherapist, Reflexologist and a Spiritual Counsellor running various spiritual formation courses which include teaching Christian meditation and contemplation. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 The Labyrinth: Rediscovering a Sacred Path Ms. Sandra Comeau Explore the history of this ancient meditation tool. Through a slide presentation we'll examine labyrinths throughout the world. The lecture considers ancient archetypes and metaphors as they relate to this mystical ritual. Emphasis is on the process of using this powerful tool for transformation of individuals and communities. Sandra Comeau is a facilitator for Veriditas, a World-Wide Labyrinth Project at Grace Cathedral. She brings to the "labyrinth experience her extensive training in ancient cultures, sacred geometry, spiritual counscling, and various other healing traditions, as well as a degree in Cross-Cultural Studies 4:00 PM-4:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Human Rights and Jainism Dr. Kumarpal Desai Jainism had advocated unity of mankind, shunning discrimination based on cast, creed, or color. It respects human dignity and lays equal emphasis on equal rights. It believes in free flow of communication of thought as much as it believes in giving quarter to opposite point of view. This approach is embedded in its philosophy of anekanant, which stresses the fact that no one must think that one's own view is the right view but consideration be given to others' point of view also. Dr. Kumarpal Desai is a renowned columnist, with 75 publications to his credit. He is also a scholar on Jain philosophy and religion, editor of several periodicals, a widely traveled lecturer, and is actively associated with many social and literary organizations Identity 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 6 Islamic Concept of Universal Justice Mawlana Taqi Usmani The presenter will explain how, in Islam, social and economic justice necessarily follows from tawhidic foundations. He will mainly explain how the Islamic belief in one God, who is Lord of all human beings, cuts the roots of religious discrimination. Internationally known Islamic scholar, Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani is a member of Shariah Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He is also Deputy Chairman of OIC's Islamic Fiqh Academy Peddah) and Vice President of Darul Ulum, Karachi, Pakistan. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Maintaining the American Indian Culture for the Seventh Generation Chief Oren R. Lyons The presentation speaks of the future for indigenous people worldwide. There will be discussion on the problems that face indigenous people today and how these problems may be avoided in the future. Oren R. Lyons is a Faithkeeper and a chief of the Onondaga Nation is also a Councilor of Traditional Circle of Indian Elders and Youth. He is very active in national and international indigenous and environmental affairs. He is one of the principle speakers for native rights around the world. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 5 The Jain Experience of Vegetarianism Dr. N.P. Jain The workshop is devoted to the Jain experience of vegetarianism from religious, ethical, philosophical, 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 On the Seventh Day-Leisure and Spirituality Mr. Lee J. deLisle Leisure and its use is an integral part of all religious cultures. The use of leisure has historically been influenced by the religious context of each particular society. This presentation will trace the interrelationship between leisure and religious belief and practice in a number of religious traditions. Strategies 83 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS IDENTITY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 for optimal use of leisure will be explored as to how they can foster and support the positive spritual growth of individuals and cornmunities. Lee J. deLisle is the Director of Parks & Recreation in Groton, CT. Lee has a Ph.D. ABD in Recreational Administration from the University of Connecticut. Lee's publications include. The Story of Leisure, and articles published in the Connecticut Parks and Recreation Association. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN TECHNIKON AMPHITHEATER Relaxation Workshop: Stress Management Through Yoga Therapy Mr. Brian Eriksson This workshop will offer an introduction to the causes of mental and emotional stress and its impact on the nervous systems, followed by a relaxation workshop. The workshop includes contraction and release of the physical body, slow motion movements, harmonised breathing, and generation of positive energy to induce a wonderful and lasting feeling of calm and peace. Vasant Giri Brian Eriksson, Y.T.I.C) 1992, has been a Yoga practitioner for 33 years. He is also qualified as a Yoga Therapy Instructor with certification from the Vivekanada kendra International in India in 1999 He is the founder of the Vivekanada Kendra International in South Africa 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 2 The Spiritual Dimension of Man His Eminence Shaykh As-Sayyid Muhammad Nazim Adil Al-Qubrisi Al-Haqqani Although human beings die, their spirits are ever-living. Every faith has a spiritual dimension which provides man the opportunity to ascend above his lower self. How does one cultivate his spiritual nature? What practices are involved and how essential is this to obtaining balance in one's life? Learn the answer to these and many more questions from a renowned Sufi master who has brought spirituality to the lives of thousands of people worldwide. Shaynk Muhammad Nazim Adil ai Haqqani is one of the foremost Islamic authorities in Turkey and Cyprus, and is the worldwide leader and Sufi master of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Tibetan Buddhism and its Relevance for Africa in the Next Millennium Prof. Rob Nairn This lecture explores Why Buddhism is flexible in its capacity to adapt to different cultural contexts. Rob Nairn helped found several major centres for the Kagyu lineage in Africa, and spends time at these centres each year. Rob Nairn resigned his post as Professor in Criminology at University of Cape Town in 1980 to commit himself to the practice of Buddhism and meditation. His training combined with his understanding of modern psychology produces an interpretation of ancient eastern wisdom in concepts accessible to Westerners. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 The Resplendent Vision of Zarathustra As Profiled in His Gathas-A World Legacy Identity Mr. Keki R. Bhote The Gathas represent the oldest, monotheistic, scholarly quintessential religious literature in the world. They remain a virtual revelation by God to Zarathustra - a Rossetta Stone for later religious leaders to decipher the universality of his message. This lecture outlines 12 principles that Zarathustra details, making Zoroastrianism a rational and non-prescriptive religion - ideally suited for the yearnings of the modern man. Mr. Keki R. Bhote is a founding influence in both the Zoroastrian association of America and of the Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitan Chicago, he has served these organizations as President and Trustee, respectively 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Workshop on Preksha Meditation and Yoga Mr. Saman Sthitpragya Mediation is a powerful tool for the development of human values such as, non-violence, tolerance, amity etc. Once we develop human values in individuals by meditation, we can establish permanent world peace. Saman Sthitpragya is Jain monk, disciple of Anushasta Qanadhipati Shroe Tulsi. He is from the Jain Vishva Bharati Institute Jain University) at Ladnun, Rajasthan in India. A Saman represents punty, equanimity and self restraint. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Seswantology: African Science Spiritual Mathematics Dr. Ashley Totana-Mashego This lecture will describe the African science of spiritual mathematics known as Seswanthology. The presenter will provide an analysis of the religious words, arithmetic, African Symbols and Dreams used in this science. Dr. Ashley Totana-Mashego is both a Doctor and Traditional Medicine Man in South Africa. 84 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 atemational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT IDENTITY 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 256 A Kaleidoscope of Christian Spirituality: A Dominican Feminist Theologian - Catherine of Siena - and Her Relevance for Us in 1999 Sr. Agnes Finn The theme of the workshop will be on Catherine of Siena as woman of action and contemplative prayer. An outline of her life, ministry, and mystical prayer will be presented. This lecture will also explore her relevance for women's spirituality today. Sr. Agnes Finn, a Dominican Missionary Sister, has lived in South Africa for thirty years. For many years she taught Biblical Studies in adult night schools and religion in secondary schools. She is presently involved in Spiritual Direction, retreats, women's issues and preaching. VINNAVALITEEEEEE AP 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER OF ALHAT The African Religion Prof. Gabriel Setiloane An introduction to the Indigenous religion of Africa. The African concept of God. The realities of ancestor worship will also be explored. Mr. Setiloane is a Professor of Religious Studies at University of Cape Town. He is currently the Reverend Missionary Secretary to the Swiss Mission in South Africa, and the General Secretary of Youth to the Commission for the All Africa Conference. He is also the author of African Theology-An Introduction. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATRE 3 The Concept of Limited Human Responsibility in Islam Dr. Abdul Malik Mujahid Whereas the Qur'an encourages limitless human endeavor, the teaching of takailuf is an important concept which aims to stop human beings from excesses (zuim) against the choices of other beings. Dr. Mujahid will take a comprehensive look at this issue. With Islamic studies from Darululoom Shah Waliullah and political Science from the Univ. of Chicago, Abdul Malik Mujahid is a writer, producer and Friday Imam for Chicago Muslim Community in the USA. He is president of Sound Vision and the National Coordinator of Kosava Task Force, USA, an alliance of 16 national Muslim organizations in America. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Contextualisation of Theology Rev. Dr. McGlory Speckman; Ms. Puleng Lenka-Bula; Rev. Dr. Wesley Mabuza Institute for Contextual Theology encourages all religions to engage in contextual analytical approaches in reflecting on their theology. The presenters will illustrate how contextual analysis between religious and spiritual communities can link life experiences of people with their faith, and hence to improve the quality of life. Rev. Dr. McGlory Speckman: Main Presenter Ms. Puleng Lenka-Bula: Panelist Rev. Dr. Wesley Mabuza: Panelist CHINJAGAA STRAHISKON 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Focusing: A Tool for the Inner Journey Ms. Patricia M. Bombard, BVM; Mr. Thomas Torinus; Dabula Mpako; Sr. Mary MeladyOSB; Kathleen Bridge, SND Representatives of the Institute for Spiritual Leadership will lead a program that includes a description and demonstration of the technique of Focusing, a holistic process, which unites body. 2010_03 THE WORLD FRIDAY, S mind, and spirit. The program invites people to live in an integrated fashion. RELIGIONS Patricia Bombard, B.V.M., is an Executive Director of the Institute for Spiritual Leadership, Chicago, IL, USA. She is a Roman Catholic, and is currently working on a Doctorate of Ministry Degree at Chicago Theological Seminary. DECEMBER 3 Thomas Torinus is a 1989 graduate of ISL and a former journalist and businessman. He is a member of the United Church of Christ and currently is involved in spiritual companioning, community-building work and teaching spirituality. Dabula Mpako is a Roman Catholic Priest with the Archdiocese of Pretoria and a native of South Africa. He is Pastor of a parish and is involved in spiritual direction work. Mary Melady, O.S.B., D.Min, a Roman Catholic, is a spiritual director and certified focusing trainer. She is on the staff of the Institute for Spiritual Leadership. Kathleen Bridge, S.N.D. is a Roman Catholic and a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She is a native of South Africa, and currently does religious formation work in her congregation. She attended ISL in 1987-88 La Ve Sa 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 The Gift Within: Working with the Extraordinary Powers of Etheric Healing Mr. Eric Garbe Vormanns The "Gift Within" workshop will teach participants Eric Vormann's Etheric Healing Method. Etheric Healing is an ancient method of preventative treatment that taps into energy for extraordinary healing of body, mind, and spirit. Etheric healing is a simple, painless, and loving process that can help you heal yourself and others. m Eric was born in a tiny village in Ghana, West Africa. During this first seven years, Eric gained a reputation in his community for being able to tell people many hidden things about their lives and health. He also received spiritual instruction in the gathering and application of plants and leaves that could be use as a talisman to protect an individual. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Healing Relationships Norma Simon; Howard Dunbar "Healing Relationships" is an exercise in creative engagement with the audience, aimed at fostering self-transformation as a prerequisite to global healing. A philosophical premise for the argument will precede a short "body-speak" meditation. The presenters will enact a sequence of psychodramas, followed by role playing the main relationship issues arising from the meditation. Each drama will focus on one of the 7 basic energy centers, highlighting the predominant body-messages (illness) and dream metaphors. Norma Simon is a counselor, aroma therapist, and clair-sentient, trained in the arts of energy healer, shiatsu, reflexology, guided visualization, meditation and clay therapy. She has been practicing in Cape Town for seven years. Howard Dunbar is a Counselor with men's support groups. He is also a coach, exercise and nutrition consultant, wilderness experiential educator and clay therapist. He has been practicing in Cape Town for seven years. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Lectio Divina- Prayer of the Church Sr. Dympna Travers; Brother Joseph Bell A presentation of the manner in which the Scriptures were read and prayed during the first 100 years of the church's history. This is a simple but most enriching method of praying the Scriptures and allowing the healing power of the Word to activate in our lives. Sr. Dympna Travers is a 61 year old professional Catholic from birth, committed to spreading the word of God by her profession of teaching as a Dominican Sister for 32 years. Sr. Travers has been working full-time for five years at the Catholic Biblical Foundation in Cape Town's 77 Parishes. Identity 85
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS IDENTITY FRIDAY DECEMBER 3 Identity Brother Joseph Bell is a professional person aged 68 years who is practiced these innovative behavioral health techniques to Catholic from birth and committed to spreading the word of God by his improve immune system functioning and relieve symptoms and profession of teaching as a Christian Brother for fifty years. He has been working full time for two years in the Catholic Biblical Foundation in side effects of medical treatment. Simple, safe and effective, Cape Town these yogically based self-care techniques are medically sound. Easily learned, they are available at no cost and can be used at any time by the person with the illness. This workshop is 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN SCIENCE 3.47 designed for health care providers, and people with all stages Path, Forest, Mountain: Writing my Spiritual of HIV disease, cancer or chronic fatigue and their family Journey members S.S Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa Ph.D. is the Director of Guru Ram Das Dr. Dorian Haarhof Center for Medicine and Humanology in Espanola, New Mexcio. originator of the Immune Fitness Program, and an ordained minister of Participants will write the story of their spiritual journey through Sikh Dharma reflecting on their evolving beliefs. This workshop deals with creativity, imagination and crafting, and is influenced by creation spirituality and narrative therapy. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER 8 Dorian Haarhof is a published writer and a former Namibian Professor of Rajayoga - Experiencing the Essence of Peace & English Literature with a deep belief in the power of stories. He has God conducted many workshops in different parts of Africa. His text, The Writer's voice: A workbook for Writers in Africa, was published in 1998. Sr. Jayanti Kripalani Raja Yoga is the path to inner peace and union with the 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN PODIUM HALL Supreme Being. This presentation explores the basic steps to Pathways of the Sun experiencing inner peace and union in everyday life. Sister Jayanti is the Director of the London International Center of the Mr. Dean Liprini Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. She is an international lecturer and the University's representative at the UN in Geneva. She has been This lecture will describe the process of unveiling the hidden practicing Raja Yoga for over 35 years mysteries of Table Mountain and the Cape Peninsula. The presenter will illustrate how Table Mountain is an amazing Archeo Astronomical and Geo-Mystical phenomenon that 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN SCIENCE 2.73 honours the vital force of the African spirit Spiritual Journey of a Crow Indian Dean Liprini discovered the Pathways of the Sun and has over 10 years of research and experience of this phenomenon. Mr. Burton Pretty On Top Burton Pretty on Top worked closely with the late Thomas 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.46 Yellowtail, the Crow medicine man and spiritual leader of the Crow Nation. Burton is now the Spiritual leader for the Crow Perennial Wisdom and Emanuel Swedenborg Nation and is also a Catholic. His talk will focus on his life Session 1] experience and how he is able to integrate his two spiritual Rev. Drake Hunter McMorland Kaiser; Rev. Leonard Fox; orientations. Dr. Olle Hjern; Dr. Andrei Veshestov; Rev. Paul Booth Burton is the spiritual leader for the Crow Nation. He is currently the Cultural Director for his Nation's government. He has been active in In these two sessions, on the mornings of 2 and 3 December, world peace efforts by working with various organizations since 1979 five scholars will present papers about Emanuel Swedenborg and his contribution to religious thought and life, particularly in 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.13 respect to perennial and universal religion. The programs offer an extraordinary opportunity to encounter one of the greatest Subjugation, Serfdom, Slavery, and Swedenborg sages of the post-Medieval period. (Each session will be self Thought contained.) Drake Kaiser studied comparative religion, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin at Dr. Anders Hallengren the Academy of the New Church (Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania) and For 250 years, the works of the Swedish philosopher and Edinburgh University (Scotland). He serves as Associate Director of the theosophist Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) have Swedenborg Association. influenced writers, artists, composers, thinkers, as well as lesserLeonard Fox is the editor of Arcana: Inner Dimensions of Spirituality, a Journal devoted to studies in comparative religion and the theology of known individuals who contributed to social change within Emanuel Swedenborg. their communities. His followers, some of whom are forming a Olle Hjern, educated at Uppsala University, is widely regarded as one of church called the New Church, have had an impact on social the world's leading experts on Emanuel Swedenborg. He has published issues and human rights movements. Even today, his influence many books, and edits Varlarnas Mote, one of the world's oldest is still brought to the forefront in many parts of the world. This Swedenborgian Journals. is focused upon in Hallengren's new book, Gallery of Mirrors: Andrei Vashestov currently serves as Associate Pastor of the Lord's New Reflections of Swedenborgian Thought (1998). Church in Charleston, South Carolina. He has published and translated books and articles on the history of philosophy, comparative religion, and Anders Hallengren is a Swedish author and historian. He is the managing editor of the Swedish literary journal Parnass, President of the Stockholm the theology of Emanuel Swedenborg Association of Humanities, and the Coordinator of the American-Russian Paul Booth is a Swedenborgian Minister who serves as pastor for both Transnational Institute. the Asheville (North Carolina) and The Hague (Holland) congregations of the Lord's New Church. He also serves as chairman of the Raad Van Beheer in Holland, and Chairman of the International Council of Priests of 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN SCIENCE 2.71 the Lord's New Church Tasawwuf (Spirituality): The Heart of Islam 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 His Eminence Shaykh As-Sayyid Muhammad Nazim Adil Raising the Spirit: Immune System Self-Care for a Al-Qubrisi Al-Haqqani New Millennium There is a very famous tradition in the teachings of Islam where the Archangel Gabriel comes to Earth to teach the religion of Dr. S.S. Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa peace through the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Since 1986, thousands of people with HIV disease have He is asked what is Islam (submission), what is true faith (Iman) 86 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT IDENTITY and what is the perfection of faith (Ishan). The heart of Islam is in the perfection of faith, which is obtained through spirituality. "It is to worship God as if you see him, and if you see Him not, he nevertheless sees you." Learn about the spiritual aspect of Islam from a renowned spiritual leader who will detail issues of purification of the self, meditation, and pure worship, with a short dhikr (remembrance of God) to follow. Shayhk Muhammad Nazim Adil al Haqqani is one of the foremost Islamic authorities in Turkey and Cyprus, and is the worldwide leader and Sufi master of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order. Shaykh Nazim is the spiritual advisor to students worldwide, many of whom are social, cultural, and political leaders. PRATEN DALAM SANG HERKEGI 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Truth and Tradition OF MIRA CARRER I GALA MENERIMA DEN Ms. Nana A. Makhanya This workshop will invite participants to answer the question "What is Truth" from the perspective of their own tradition or experience. This conversation will provide the basis for discussions on personal beliefs, attitudes and understandings. Miss Nana Angel Makhanya is a gifted and dedicated woman who is a Roman Catholic and a traditional healer employed by DOH. She utilises her training as a traditional healer to work on issues of HIV and AIDS in South Africa. MARANG ANDA 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Walking the Way 1: Five Aspects of Buddhist Practice PAROMA Rev. Heng Sure; Bhikshuni Heng Liang: Dr. Snjezana Akpinar; Dr. Martin Verhoeven; Mr. Bhikshuni Heng Ch'ih; Mr. Bhikshuni Heng Tung Rev. Sure will explore the practice of Buddhist sutras and the ethical guidelines essential to this practice. The role of esoteric practices in Buddhism in general and the relevance of devotional practices will also be addressed. Five Sessions -each a modular unit; attendees are welcome at one class or all classes. Reverend Heng Sure is the Director of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery in Berkeley, CA and serves as a Board member of the United Religions Initiative. Bhikshuni Heng Liang is an American Buddhist nun. She has been a Disciple for 20 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. She has her M.A. from Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Dr. Snjezana Akpinar is a Chancellor at Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Dr. Snjezana has Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the University of Istanbul. Martin Verhoeven was a Buddhist monk for 18 years and is currently Associate Professor of History and Asian Religion at the Institute for World Religions in Berkeley, California. Bhikshuni Heng Chih is an American Buddhist nun. Heng Ch'ih has been a Disciple for 30 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. She has her M.A. from Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Bhikshuni Heng Tung is a Taiwanese Buddhist nun, Disciple for 10 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. Heng Tung has B.A. in Chinese Studies from Fu Jen University, Taiwan. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.15 Wilderness Within - The Spirit of Wilderness 2010_03 Mr. Gavin Robertson; Phillip van Zyl For many years wilderness trails in South Africa have been used to facilitate contact with our "inner world" or psyche or soul. This experience is often very powerful and healing for people who go on trail, particularly for those who have had traumatic experiences in their lives. For example, one of the groups where this has been used in is youth at risk, e.g. first time offenders, street gangs, street children, youth from disadvantaged communities and with military personnel involved in the process of change. There are various theories relating to the power of the natural environment or the Spirit of THE WORLD FRIDAY S RELIGIONS DECEMBER 3 Place and its link to the human psyche or the wilderness within. This lecture will explore the various ways wilderness trails have been used to promote health and healing in South Africa and their potential for other applications. Gavin Robertson is a psychologist with the National Peace Accord Trust. He currently runs wilderness experiences for ex-combatants and militarized youths; wilderness adventure therapy programs for traumatized children; and adolescent wilderness rites of passage. Philip van Zyl is a psychologist attached to the University of Cape Town. He has worked widely in the area of ceremony and ritual as tools for organizational and personal change, consolidation, and transformation. ang mg 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN ST. MARKS Women and Spirituality: The Role of Women as Spiritual Leaders and Practitioners in the 21st Century H. H. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati; Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey; Dr. Bibiji Inderjit Kaur; H. H. Guru Maa J. Saraswati; Sr. Joan Chatfield; Ms. Fatima Khan; Ms. Nokuzola Mndende Women have the power to bring the true heart of spirituality into existence regardless of the obstacles life places in front of them. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati along with other women of diverse faith traditions and spiritual backgrounds will share their teachings and insights into the spiritual issues facing women in the 21st century. How do women answer the universal spiritual question "who am I? Religion, race or sexual orientation doesn't matter when you are seeking the truth of who you are. By not allowing anyone to define us, women will create a shift in the next millennium. The true strength of being a woman is in the power of love. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati is the founder of Kashi Ashram an interfaith spiritual community that embraces the sacred practices of many traditions. Ma's teachings are based upon a commitment to humanity through service. Ma is a Trustee of the Parliament of the World's Religions and works to promote interfaith dialogue and global cooperation for peace. Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey is co-founder and Senior Minister of the Living Enrichment Center in Portland, Oregon. She is also the president of the Association for Global New Thought. She is the best-selling author of Building Your Field of Dreams. Dr. Bibiji Inderjit Kaur holds the distinguished position of "Bhai Sahiba" and has authored numerous books and other publications to instruct people in the Sikh teachings. Bibiji has been a presenter at numerous world conferences including the United Nations Fourth World Meeting on the Status of Women, the White House Outreach Round Table for Women, and the World Interfaith Conference in Rome, Italy. Guru Maa Jyotishanand Saraswati is the Founder of the Vedic Heritage Foundation, and Director of the Sri Hanuman Mandir. Sister Joan Chatfield is a Catholic Nun and the director of research and planning for the Marinol Sisters. Director, Muslim Women's Federation, Cape Town. Ms. Nokuzola Mndende (practitioner of African indigenous religion and scholar at the South Africa University of Cape Town, National Chairperson of the National Council of African Traditional Religion. REALES GENEWS/Www 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 3 Confucianism and Ethnicity: A South African Perspective Es Prof. Arthur Song This lecture explores Confucianism as a peculiarly Chinese philosophical outlook on life. The presenter will examine the possibility of applying Confucian principles to the complex problems being experienced in South Africa. Prof. Arthur Song is the Dean of the Faculty of Theology and Religion Studies. He is Chinese, and was born in South Africa. Identity 87
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN THEATER 9 E pluribus Unum Project Ms. Beth Rocker; Mr. Paul Kraus; Ms. Colleen Rost This lecture will introduce the history and goals of the E Pluribus Unum Project. The focus will be on: academics, community service, spiritual arts and worship, volunteer service, and programs for educators, social activists, and clergy members. Beth Rocker is an undergraduate student at Capital University and Ohio State University. She is also a 1998 graduate of the E Pluribus Unum Project No biographical statement available for Mr. Kraus or Ms. Rost at time of printing 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.56 A Kaleidoscope of Christian Spirituality: African Spirituality Dr. Mongezi Guma; Ethel Mguli This workshop will examine the foundations and hallmarks of African Spirituality with a particular focus on African ideas about healing, reconciliation, and the building of community. Further, the presenters will explore how African Spirituality can inform and enrich initiatives to bring about healing of memories and reconciliation of differences. The challenge is to facilitatc a dialogic encounter between African spirituality and our faith. The presenters will also examine the spiritual dimension of the connection between self and land in African cosmology. This workshop will close with a liturgical ritual of cleansing, purification, and building of community. Dr. Mongezi Guma is an Anglican priest and works with the School for International Training. He holds a Doctorate in Ethics from Chicago Seminary. He is currently priest in charge of Holy Cross, Nyanga parish in South Africa Ethel Mguli is a staff member of the Centre for Christian Spirituality where she offers spiritual direction and assists in the spiritual care of terminally ill, Xhosa spcaking patients at St. Luke's Hospice, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA How to Meet the Challenges of Life Dr. Dada J.P. Vaswani The right way to meet the challenges of life is to meet them with courage, hope, and love the courage born of the realization that the man is never alone. God is always with him: the hope that the best is yet to come, and the love that turns every winter into spring Scientist and philosopher, humanitarian, and teacher, eminent practicalist and modern day saint, Dada J.P. Vaswani is one of the great spiritual leaders of modern India, a mantle inherited from his mentr Sadhu T.L. Vaswani, a spiritual and intellectual giant of modern India. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Anekantvada - The Axis of Jainism: An Extraordinary Doctrine to Understand a Multiplicity of Views Dr. Sadhvishri Shitapiji Tirthankara Mahavira said that it is hard to experience the ultimate truth and it is even harder to express this truth. We have seen through the ages that the truth expressed by different prophets in various contexts was understood differently. Perhaps this has given rise to many religions in the world. Tirthankara Mahavira taught the doctrine of Anekantavada - (a methodology to understand truth from different angles) the adoption of which will immediately demonstrate respect for other traditions. Sadhvishri Shilapiji is a Jain nun from Veerayatan, a Jain socio-religious institution located at Rajgir in the State of Bihar in north eastern India. She attained diksha (renunciation) in 1991. She joined King's College in London in 1995 and completed her master's degree in comparative Indian Religions. She is presently undertaking a Ph.D. at King's College, 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Muslims Facing the New Millennium Dr. Farid Esack In this presentation, the Commissioner for Gender Equality in South Africa, Farid Esack, will offer his reflections on the sociopolitcal amd theological challenges facing Muslims across the world as they enter the new millennium in a world irrevocably intertwined. Dr. Farid Esack is a Commissioner for Gender Equality in the South African government and Senior Researcher at the Institute of Religion, Identity and Culture at the University of the Western Cape. He is a Muslim theologian who has studied in Pakistan, the United Kingdom and South Africa Idei 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Universal Peace - The Covenant of the World Rev. Dr. Sheila Marie Benjamin Peace is the breath of our spirit. It wells up from within the depths of our being to refresh, to heal to inspire. Peace is our birthright. Its eternal presence exists within us as a memory of where we have come from and as a vision of where we yearn to go. Come learn how you can participate in creating world peace. Rev. Dr. Sheila Marie Benjamin is the President of the School of Metaphysics, a worldwide educational and spiritual organization. She has been a teacher for 20 years, is a minister in the Interfaith Church of Metaphysics, a counselor, and most of all, a friend. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 The Cultural Unconscious and the Female Psyche: Religious Factors in the Liberation of the Female Self. Dr. Margaret Shanahan The presenter will address the contemporary challenge of healing the female psyche. A psychoanalytic approach will be used to examine the factors which effect the female psyche. The conclusion of this lecture will engage the pathological constructions of the feminine. This program is sponsored by the Institute for World Spirituality. Dr. Shanahan is a Jungian psychoanalyst and Co-director of the Program in Jung and Spirituality at the Institute for World Spirituality. She teaches at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago and Chicago Theological Seminary. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Where Judaism Differs Rabbi David Hoffman Using the Festival of Hanukkah as a basis, this lecture will explore the uniqueness of Classical and Rabbinic Judaism vis a vis the Pantheons of antiquity. The debate on the origins of anti-semitism will also be discussed. Rabbi David Hoffnan recently celebrated his 10th anniversary with the Cape Town Progressive Congregation. He is the National Chairman of Arzenu Southern Africa. He is also a member of the Assembly of the Parliament of the World's Religions. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Ecumenical Aspects of Guru Granth Dr. Harbans Lal Guru Granth is the eternal Guru of the Sikhs but its ecumenical composition protests religious strife, dogmatism, factionalism, and fanaticism. Divine reformers of all religious traditions contributed verses written in Mid-Eastern languages. Dr. Lal intends to show how seekers of unity among religions and 8 8 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLDS RELIGIONS IDENTITY FRIDAY DECEMBER 3 interfaith approaches to spirituality may benefit from the stands among the highest professional callings in the insights of Guru Granth. theoretical and practical healing arts within the Islamic Lal, Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, the framework. Dr. Hamarneh will also talk about the history of University of North Texas Health Science Center, is known for his research Islamic Medicine and how it originates from many cultures, in the areas of behavioral medicine, substance abuse, and on ethnic groups, and communities. prolongation of healthy life spans. During his academic career, he published over 400 research papers, 20 books, several research reviews, Dr. Sami Khalaf Hamarneh was born in Madaba-Jordan, and he migrated and 56 chapters in technical books. to USA in 1952. He received his Ph. D. in 1959, and served from 1959 to 1977 at the Smithsoniam Institution, Washington, DC Since 1978, he has taught as a Professor, and published 24 books on the history of 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 7 medicine, pharmacy, and ethics. From Ummah to Ubuntu 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Prof. Fatima Meer The Power of Unity: A Baha'i Perspective In this presentation, Fatima Meer of the Institute of Black Research will describe and explain the concepts of Umman and Dr. Philip Christensen Ubuntu, and explore their meaning in the South African context. Since the days of the Old Testament humanity has struggled to No biographical statement available at time of printing have "brethren dwell together in unity." The century just ending has been the bloodiest in human history. Yet the Baha'i 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN PODIUM HALL Writings single it out as a "blessed century' which has laid the foundations of a unity which they promise, can and will be The Kairos Document: Faith and Politics in South achieved. This presentation will explore this seeming Africa diction by examining the meaning of unity from a Baha'l perspective at the internal, interpersonal and world levels, and Mr. Albert Nolan suggesting some of the steps required to achieve it. This presentation will outline the content and history of the Since 1980 Dr. Christensen has lived and served in Africa, where he has Kairos Document, a powerful statement of condemnation of managed four multi-million dollar, donor-funded educational Apartheid. This document was signed by 150 prominent developrnent projects in as many countries. Currently Dr. Christensen serves as Education Director for Cyberschool Africa, a private sector Christians, and became a rallying point for the Christian Internet-based education initiative. struggle against Apartheid from 1985 onwards. Father Albert Nolan is a Roman Catholic Priest of the Dominican Order He is currently the Editor of Challenge Magazine 2100 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Protestant Christian Mystic Spirituality in 20th 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATRE 3 Century America The Korean Buddhist Ch'ont'ae Order and the Rev. Dr. E.Lynn Harris Avalokitesvara Meditation This presentation will begin with a definition of mysticism and a Supreme Ven. Jeon Chong-Yoon brief explanation of its nature. Next, the presenter will consider the factors as to why there has not been a major development This lecture will introduce the Korean Buddhist Ch'ont'ae Order of mysticisiri in Protestantism. Only two conservative Protestant (KBCO) to the world community and will make known its denominations have had a significant mystical focus: the meditation and social activities in Korea. The topics to be Quakers, and The Christian and Missionary Alliance. The discussed during this lecture are the following: A Brief History presentation will conclude with the hope that there will develop of KBCO; The Life of the Most Venerable Sangwol; The during the 21st century a wider awareness of mystic spirituality Founding Spirits of KBCO; Where KBCO stands, and The in the Protestant world and in other settings and that there will Avalokitesvara Meditation as the Fundamental Practice. be a new day dawning, a flourishing of mystic spirituality Chong-yoon Jeon is President of the Executive Council of the Korean ddhist Chontae Order (KBCO). In 1966 he became a Buddhist monk Rev. Dr. E. Lynn Harris recently wrote a book on mystical spirituality. A Ph.D. from New York University: Doctor of Ministery from Chicago as a disciple of the Most Venerable Sangwol-wongak Theological Seminary: are but a few of her degrees. She was ordained in the United Church of Christ in 1987. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 1 Ngaga Christ Paradigm 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Gomang Seratwa Ntloedibe-Kuswani The Roots of Indigenous Southern African Religions This lecture asks why the Nganga Paradigm has not been noticed, acknowledged or exploited by African theologians. Dr. Cyril Andrew Hromnik The lecture will explore the Nganga paradigm with specific Decades of scholarly searching for the roots of African reference to Botswana, and proposes "Nganga (healer in Indigenous religions have produced disappointing results. Today Setswana) as Christ - the savior of her or his people. The we do not know more about these religions than we knew a gaka Christ' proposal is made because health and well-being century ago and chances of discovering their roots through the are the core concern of African religions. surviving oral traditions are fast fading. The main cause of this No biographical statement available at time of printing. failure to learn about Africa's religious roots rests in the presumption that Africa's indigenous religions are fundamentally 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 home-made-that they emerged spontaneously from the mists of Africa's past and remained uninfluenced by the religious Perspectives on Islamic Medicine in the Golden ferments of Europe and Asia. This lecture argues that the deepest Age and Modern Times roots of the religious beliefs of the peoples of Southern Africa can Dr. Sami Khalaf Hamarneh be found in the sacred books of ancient India. Dr. Cyril Andrew Hromnik, an American historian, earned a Ph.D. in Dr. Hamarneh will talk about why Islamic Medicine is African, South Asian and Latin American History from Syracuse University considered one of the most noble branches of the natural, in New York (1977). He is currently the Director of Research into Early History of Africa Anglo American and De Beers), and Director of History philosophical, scientific, and technical professions. It presently in the Veid Project at the Mgwenya College of Education 8 9 2010_03 Identity
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS I DENTITY FRIDAY DECEMBER 3 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Suffering Is Not the Enemy: How the Shared Wisdom of Buddhists and Christians Can Humanize Modernity The Rev. Canon James Farwell As societies modernize, they fall in love with "progress," assuming that progress will eventually heal us of everything from illness to inconvenience. Though this drive for progress sometimes relieves suffering, it also teaches us to fear suffering. This can have frightening effects: at worst, we repress the suffering of our own psyches, turning it outward in violence and intolerance. Thus, modernity's fear of suffering only increases suffering. Is there any way to modernize without increasing suffering? Buddhism and Christianity offer rich traditions of spiritual practice that can help address this problem. Rev. James Farwell is a Ph.D. candidate at Emory University, with expertise in Christian theology, social ethics and Buddhist Christian comparative Theology He is a priest in the Episcopal Church, USA. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Brigid: Celtic Goddess, Celtic Saint Rev. Selena Fox The presenter will begin by reading a 19th century Scottish blessing of Brigid, followed by a 20th century Brigid chant. The presenter will then give a talk on some of the spiritual traditions, lore, symbols, and customs associated with Brigid in ancient and contemporary times, in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, America, and elsewhere. She will talk about her own personal experiences working with Brigid and her descent from the ancient keepers of Brigid's scared site at Abernethy, Fite, and Scotland. The presenter will also guide a Brigid meditation, followed by a discussion of sacred personal and group work with Brigid for healing and inspiration. The workshop ends with an interactive question and answer session with participants. Rev. Selena Fox is high priestess of Circle Sanctuary and Co-executive Director of Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve in southwestern Wisconsin, USA. She is a Wiccan priestess, interreligious ecospirituality minister, and clinical psychotherapist. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Unfolding the Essential Self Ms. Arife Ellen Hammerle Sufism is a complete system of self-understanding through inner awareness and balance of body, mind, and spirit. This lecture and workshop provides an introduction to Sufi principles and practices of meditation. We will create inner harmony and compassion as members of the global, spiritual, and interfaith community. Anife Ellen Hammerle, a sufi teacher of Shah Maghsoudieh Ba'tenien from the Oveysi lineage, is a psychotherapist. She has given numerous lectures and workshops, and has written extensively on Sufism 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Children of the Gariep Mr. Jesse Strauss This lecture explores the history of the people of the Northern Cape, with particular focus on the Khiosan. This lecture will describe and relate the history of the indigenous people in this area. This history is important to share, because in many textbooks and historical surveys this history is missing Mr. Suauss spent fourteen years in the field of education as both a history teacher and a Principal of a high school. He also spent a year as a Pilot Manager of the South African Government's Land Reform Programme in the Northern Cape. He was involved in the anti-Apartheid struggle since 1976. Identity 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 The Ways of Our Fathers Mr. Maarten Turkstra This lecture will provide an overview of African Traditional Spirituality, with a particular focus on the seven distinctive qualities of the ways of our fathers and the African conception of Divinity. The presenter will also describe the community initiation rites and the role of the Kyotla (the tribal elders). He will also explain the role of Ancestors in the rites of passage, as well as their socio religious functions. Mr. Maarten Turkstra has spent 25 vears traveling the world, stud and practicing the major religious traditions and their holy languages During this time, he has lived and studied in Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, Jewish and Native American communities. 3100 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Emissaries of Light: Who and What are we? Ms. Charlene Hunter; Ms. Vicky Coates; Mr. Phil Richardson This presentation will illustrate the principles and history of the Emissaries of Divine Light, a world-wide spiritual organization established in 1993. The Emissaries function as a network of people whose primary purpose is to encourage the experience and expression of divine identity. This presentation will focus on describing the worship, attunement, education, and practice of creating community in the Emissaries. Charlene Hunter is Director of Operations for the Emissaries of Divine Light. She has been on the Board of Trustees for over 20 years. Vicky Coates is currently serving on the South African Board of the Emissaries, and is their representative to teh Emissary International Congress Phil Richardson is Board Member of the Emissaries of Divine light in South Africa. He has been a long standing member of the Emisseries, and is a trained facilitator of workshops. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Women and Witches in Cross-Cultural Discussion Ms. Jane Thompson This lecture will feature a cross-cultural discussion between representatives of Wicca, Pagan and African Traditional communities. This presentation will explore the concept of Witchcraft and the misogynist attitudes which underlie the burning of women as 'witches' from medieval times to contemporary Africa. Jane Thompson is a volunteer for the Parliament of the World's Religions office in South Africa She is also a Pagan eclectic. 3:00 PM-4:30 PM IN THEATER 1 Foundations of Sikhism Dr. Balwant Singh Hansra Dr. Hansra will present the history and fundamentals of Sikhism by highlighting the lives of Sikh gurus and their contributions toward improving the spiritual, social, political, and economic conditions in India. The presentation will also examine the social, political, and religious climate at the time of Guru Nanal's birth. Dr. Balwant Singh Hansra is a Professor of Physical Sciences at City Colleges of Chicago. He is former President of the Sikh Religious Society of Chicago: Trustee of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religion (CPWR), Vice-Chair of CPWR: and Chair of HIPC CPWR. Jain .ion International 2010_03
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________________ 19 9 9 PA R L 1 A MENT IDENTITY O F 3:00 PM-3:35 PM IN THEATRE 3 Gathic Mysticism and Interfaith Harmony Dr. Homi Dhalla There have been many causes that have divided religions, which has gradually led to conflicts. Today, when we are on the threshold of a new millennium, it is necessary that religions work together. Comprehending and appreciating the mystical element in the various religious traditions could foster tolerance and greater understanding amongst them. This paper attempts to shed some light on the mystical dimension of Prophet Zarathushtra's message and how this could enhance inter-faith harmony. A researcher in the Zarathushti religion and Parsi History, Dr. Dhalla has represented the Parsi community at various international conferences for many years and presented papers on religion, ecology, peace, and interfaith dialogue. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Getting in Touch with Your Higher Self: A New Educational Perspective Dr. Mae MacDonald Hunter Dr. Hunter will speak on how to empower yourself by exploring techniques and methodologies that will allow you to gain a higher level of personal spiritual fulfillment. During this engaging presentation, you will also learn how to meditate on your inner light. Dr. Hunter was an educator with Chicago Public Schools for thirty-eight years. She holds a doctorate in Education from the University of Sarasota, Florida. Her honors include being selected as "Mother of the Year" by the Indigo Newspaper. Dr. Hunter is also a vivid student of Mysticism, studying various spiritual perspectives and integrating them into her evolving view of the world and God. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 7 How to Make Life Significant Shri Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanuji This universe in which we find ourselves is a vast home. There are more planets in our Galaxy than there are people on the earth. Of what significance can this small span of 90 or even 100 years be in the midst of the vastness? The significance can be made by living a life with an open outlook in the world to what we see and experience. This presentation intends to demonstrate how life can be significant and purposeful by being charitable to all living beings, practicing Ahimsa (reverence for life), and not burdening the earth. Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanuji is one of the leaders of 20 million Jains. In sequence, he is the founder and the president of The Divine Knowledge Society in India, founder and president of The Jain Meditation International Center in Manhattan, New York, USA; founder and President of The Vegetarian Society in India; and founder of JAINA Jain Association in North America) which has a membership of 57 Jain Centers and 80,000 members in North America. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Kriyayoga: The Sacred Practice for Evolving and Uniting Humanity Dr. Patricia M Doyle This lecture outlines the sacred practice of the Kriyayoga Teachings and Techniques, which embrace a particular system that imparts harmony and equilibrium to all the forces and faculties that operate for the perfection of body, mind, and soul. The art of meditation taught through the practice of Kriyayoga teaches one how to actually contact God or Cosmic consciousness by the application of the science of spiritual law. The Kriyayoga methods of body and mind perfection are universally applicable, uniting, and utilizing the highest 2010_03 THE W O R L D FRIDAY S RE L I G IONS DECEMBER contributions of both East and West in material and spiritual realms, through a spirit of good fellowship for all-sided development. Dr. Patricia M. Doyle has been teaching and conducting meditation and healing classes for over 20 years in the spiritual traditions. She has been associated with Amrita Foundation, Inc. since 1995, and has specifically worked as an associate with Amrita Foundation's Tour Programs. 3 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 The Mystic Heart Br. Wayne Teasdale; Professor Huston Smith; Mr. Robert Jesse The lecture will be an exploration of the possibility of a Universal Spirituality, by identifying the common ground of the mystical traditions within the World's Religions. Each person has a mystic heart, or is a mystic. It is from this deeply human truth that spirituality and religion are born. We will explore the nature of the mystic heart in all its major expressions, and consider the universal elements scattered among all the traditions. Brother Wayne Teasdale is a Christian sannyasi, or renunciate (lay monk) in the lineage of Father Bede Griffiths, O.S.B. Cam. He is an adjunct professor at DePaul University, Columbia College and Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He serves on the board of directors of the Parliament of the World's Religions, writes, and lectures widely. His new book is The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World's Religions. Huston Smith is Professor Emeritus at Syracuse University, and a visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of many books including. The World's Religions, and is a subject of a recent Bill Moyers television series, The Wisdom Of Faith. Robert Jesse serves as President of the Council on Spiritual Practices in the U.S. (, a collaboration among spiritual guides, scientists, and scholars studying primary religious experience, with special interest in the entheogens. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 The Original Exercises Taught By Daruma, Founder of Zen Buddhism Dr. Gaspar Garcia It is generally accepted that around the year 527 AD, an Indian Monk named Bodhidharma (Ta Mo in Chinese) came to the Shaolin Monastery in Henan Province, China to spread the teaching of Buddha and became the founder of Zen Buddhism. It is also accepted that he taught a set of exercises based partly on Buddhist Yoga, fitness art, and his own observation of animal behavior in nature to strengthen the body of his disciples, stretch their muscles and tendons, and drain the energy channels to withstand the long meditation periods. The presenter will demonstrate these exercises that have long been kept secret, and offer it to the Zen community and to anyone who practices Zazen (Sitting Meditation). Dr. Gasper Garcia, MD, is the Vice-President World Academic Society of Medical Qigong-Highest representative of the Luohan System in the West. Has been practicing Chinese disciplines for more than 25 years. Expert in Bodhidharma's exercises The Hands of the 18 Luohans." 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 The Power of Our Own Thoughts Dr. Sadhvishri Shilapiji Our entire world has been created by our own thoughts. By thinking we create the world around us, negative or positive. Dr. Shilapiji asserts in her presentation that it makes sense for us to think the very highest of thoughts, the purest of thoughts, so that the world we create is of a corresponding quality. Sadhvishri Shilapiji is a Jain nun from Veerayatan, a Jain socio-religious institution located at Rajgir in the State of Bihar in north eastern India. She attained diksha (renunciation) in 1991. She joined King's College in London in 1995 and completed her master's degree in comparative Indian Religions. She is presently undertaking a Ph.D. at King's College. Identity 91
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS IDENTITY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Religion and the Hindu Diaspora Mr. P. Pratap Kumar This lecture will present an overview of the nature, magnitude, and development of the Hindu practice in South Africa. The lecturer will also explore issues of Ritual Hinduism and Philosophical Hinduism as they are understood in South Africa. Dr. Pratap kumar is a Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Durban-Westville in Durban, South Africa. He holds a doctorate in Comparative Religions and his specialization is Hindusim. Born in India, Dr. Kumar studied at the University of California and Harvard. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 The Struggle to Retain Our Languages, Our Identities Ms. Patricia Locke This presentation will describe the antiquity and validity of American Indian languages and culture. There will also be some an examination of how spirituality is inherent in the world view of indigenous people. Patricia Locke is a Hunk Papa, Lakota/Dakota-White Earth Chippewa. She currently teaches at the University of Southern Maine. She is the author of 29 publications/papers. As a McArthur Fellow, she worked to help indigenous people recover their language and self-determination in education. She was Chair of the Indigenous Women's Caucus at the Women's Conference in Beijing. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN THEATER 8 Sacred Psychology: A Tool to Enhance the Spirituality of All Faiths Mr. Ram Giri The optimal resolution of suffering is spiritual transformation. By recognizing this higher potential of the human quest, a spiritual psychology can be a potent force helping individuals find true transformation and a deepening commitment to their faith. This lecture will outline steps of how individuals can be assisted toward a deeper recognition of their innate spirituality and toward the expression of their potential for compassionate action. Mr. Ram Giri, Ph.D. has been a student of the legendary Neem Karoli Baba and Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati for three decades. He integrates his experience of mystical Christianity. Hinduism and Buddhism with his work as a psychotherapist, healer and spiritual mentor. He has been a member of Kashi Ashram since its inception and holds advanced degrees in counseling and transpersonal psychology. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Yearning for Love, Searching for Truth, and Finding the Light Mr. Wulfing von Rohr This lecture will address how mutual tolerance and human unity can be achieved through social commitment, humanitarian efforts, economic necessities, ecological concerns, scientific research, and mystical experiences. Wulfing von Rohr is a television producer, journalist, yoga teacher, and author of more than 50 books. He tours widely throughout German speaking countries, France, USA and Poland. He lectures and offers meditation courses in parishes, yoga centers, psychology conventions, and holistic conferences Identity 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Spirituality of African Initiated Churches Rev. T.M. Nobula This lecture will explore the spirituality of the African Initiated Churches, which upholds a strong belief and faith in God's active force through the Holy Spirit. He will illustrate how spiritual things cannot be seen, but with faith they can happen. ill also describe how, when one is being controlled by spirit, the flesh simply desires to die, as they are overpowered by the Spirit. Lastly, he will describe the many forms of Spirit, like the Spirit of Demons, which cannot overpower the Holy Spirit Rev. T. M. Nobula was born in 1956 at Indwe in the Eastern Cape. He obtained a Junior Certificate in 1974 at Arthur Mfebe school, and attended Senior Secondary School in the Eastern Cape. He became Spiritually anointed in 1991. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 300th Anniversary of the Creation of Khalsa (1699-1999) Mr. Rajinder Singh Mago This presentation will elaborate on the meaning of Khalsa. The story of the creation of Khalsa in 1699, tercentennial celebrations in 1999, and what lies ahead for Sikh Diaspora will all be addressed in this presentation. Mr. Mago is the Senior Development Engineer for Navistar International Transportation Corporation. He is the founder of the Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago, a board of trustee of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions, and is a member and special events coordinator for the Sikh Religious Society of Chicago. 3:00 PM-5:00 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA Spirituality, Sexuality and World Transformation Ms. Pregs Govender It's "inferiority" has been justified by the belief systems of patriarchal religions the resulting oppression of especially the violence against and is directly connected to the ideas about our bodies, our sexuality, our being. There is an alternative -- can the partriarchal religion have the courage to take up the challenge and help end the violence against people and children. Ms Govender was a political activist in students or civic structures and orgs, trade union mkt. In 70's, 80's and 90's against apartheid. A school teacher and UDW, Educator national) - SACTU head - 1 st workers college in SA headed WNC charter, ANC MP, Chair of Comm. on quality of life and status of and through JSCOF - initiated S.A's and budget. Change laws IRT violence AG and, maintenance etc. Through getting these prioritised by Parliament Mother of Parusha 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 6 Basic Ideas and Teachings of Judaism Rabbi Herman Schaalman This is an introductory lecture on the fundamentals of the Jewish faith as it has developed over the last three thousand years. Major religious teachings regarding G-d, revelation, covenant, birth and death, and major festive occasions will be touched on. After the lecture there will be a question and answer session. Rabbi Herman E. Schaalman, Emeritus Rabbi of Emanuel Congregation in Chicago, was ordained at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1941. He began his studies in Berlin, Germany in 1935 having been born in Munich, Germany during World War I. Rabbi Schaalman teaches at the Garret Evangelical Methodist Seminary in Evanston, IL and at the Chicago Theological Seminary. He is a member of the Executive Committee for the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions, and is a board member for the Millennium Institute in Washington, D.C. He is also a member of the Education Committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. 9 2 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT O F IDENTITY 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Creativity in Christian Prayer - Imaginative Prayer Session Dr. Monty Jooste This workshop will offer participants a brief presentation describing a method of prayer using meditation either on biblical material or in the form of a visualisation using one's imagination. This method can lead to a deeper experience of one's own spirit, and a response to and from God. Dr. Jooste treats terminal patients and gives spiritual guidance to patients of all faiths at a local addiction centre. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 The Fragrance of Friendship Ms. Camille Helminski Within the human journey it is often the friendship of kindred spirits that inspires us and renews our courage to continue in our efforts to enhance and expand the light that we know. During these moments, we will explore some of the possibilities of friendship elucidated within the path of Sufism, particularly through the words of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, " For God is the best of friends." Camille Helminski is the Co-director of the Threshold Society. Threshold Productions, and has worked within the Mevlevi tradition of Sufism for 25 years. She has translated a number of classic Sufi texts into English, including two volumes of selections of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi's Mathnawi: Rumi Daylight and Jewels of Remembrance. ZAMESTNADENIAB 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Islam and Peace Mr. Ejaz Ahmed Aslam According to War-Ethics in Islam, terrorism is completely unjustified. It is necessary that the term 'terrorism' is clearly defined and the Islamic approach is also clearly worked out in this connection. Various forms of terrorism will be examined in this lecture. Mr. Aijaz Aslam is a renowned Muslim religious leader in India. Currently, he is Assistant Secretary General of Jamaat-islami, India. WWWNY 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN THEATER 2 Mariannhill: 100 Years of Mission in KwaZulu Natal Sr. Agnes Grasboeck This lecture will use African ethnic dance and music as well as a video and slide presentation to describe the history and ministry of the Catholic Mission in South Africa. Participants will learn that the Marianhill Mission, founded in 1882 by Abbot Franz Pfanner of Austria, was at one time the largest Trappist Abbey in the world boasting a coomunity of 285 monks. Its pioneering work among the African people, in the religious, social, cultural, health and educational fields has had far reaching influence, providing lawyers, teachers, school principals, government ministers and such luminaries as the Zulu poet and linguist, Dr. B. W. Vilakasi. Sr. Agnes Grasboeck CPS is a nun in the Order of the Precious Blood at Marianhill, KwaZulu Natal. She performs pastoral and social work in South Africa. 2010_03 THE WORLD S FRIDAY RELIGIONS 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Matthew for the Millennium Dr. Ronald H. Miller Matthew's gospel was chosen by the Christian community to be the first book of the Christian Testament. It has been understood as the book that defines the Church. This gospel also contains the largest collection of sayings attributed to Jesus. How should we read this document as we enter this new millennium? This is the question that will be addressed in this presentation. DECEMBER 3 Dr. Ron Miller is the Chair of the Religion Department at Lake Forest College. He is also the Co-founder and Co director of Common Ground, and has a Ph.D. in Comparative Religions from Northwestern University. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Meditation for World Peace Dr. Achahn Phangcham Buddhists believe that peace can not be established until we establish peace in our own mind. Therefore, meditation instruction and practice can be used to create world peace. World peace can not be found through weapon production, as we do today. Buddhism teaches us not to go two ways to the extreme, mainly, material comfort and indulge oneself in physical pleasure. Buddhism also provides the world with a key to the Middle Way, known as the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path is the way to balance the world towards spiritual and material advancement. Ass Ven. Dr. Phangcham was the president of the Buddhist Council of the Midwest (BCM), from 1993-1997 and is currently president emeritus of the BCM. He has been on the Board of Trustees for the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions (CPWR) since 1993. He is also consultant to the International Buddhist Committee and coordinator of International Visahka Festival in Washington D.C. 1999. W 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Native American Culture and Spirituality John Twobirds This program looks at Native American Myths, legends, prophecies, rituals and ceremonies. The presenter brings his message and vision by teaching others how to carry the sacred medicine pipe, and through the ritual of the medicine lodge ceremony. He invites participants to learn how to be in balance, live in harmony, and walk in beauty. John was born in 1942, and was taught the medicine and ways of several tribes: Choctaw, Ojibway, Navajo, Lakota, Creek, Sawnee, Aztec, Toltec and Maya. His teachings have been given to him through visions and by his own Elders. They do not belong to any particular tribe, but are generic, and therefore available to all people regardless of gender, race, colour or nationality. ORE C 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Ngaka Christ Paradigm Gomang Seratwa Ntloedibe-Kuswani The workshop will explore Ngaka's (healers) relationship to Christ. Ngakas are very important in much of Africa because health and well-being are core concerns of African religions. There will also be some special attention given to Botswana (divine-healer) and how divination makes a healer complete and powerful. Finally, the workshop will look at the spiritual character of African traditions. Gomang Seratwa has a M. Th. from Edinburgh University, U. K. and is a lecturer at the University of Botswana. His areas of study are religion, theology, history and education and he has done research in the phenomenological study of African traditions. Identity 93
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________________ Identity 1999 PARLIAMENT O F IDENTITY 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Ramalinga Savamigal: The Relevance of His Mission in the New Millennium Guru Krishna This lecture will introduce the history, teachings and relevance of Ramalinga Savamigal. The presenter will describe the context from which Ramalinga Savamigal came, explaining the conflicts amongst the different schools of belief, discrimination on the basis of caste, and differences in religious practice and worship. He will also show how Ramalinga's teachings addressed these issues, and how he synthesised the Hindu faith into a conscious whole. Guru Krishna is a Priest from an Orthodox Brahman family in India. He is the Spiritual Head of the Siva Aulayam community in Cape Town. He is also a member of the Inter-Religious Commission on Crime and Violence in the Western Cape. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Rastafari: Growth through Resistance Ras Gareth Prince This lecture will illustrate how Rastafari's attempt at asserting their own identity has been met with a growing resistance on all levels. The presenter will also describe how, despite this opposition, Rastafari has grown to become a worldwide phenomenon permeating all levels of society. Ras Prince attended National Conference on Culture, Religion and Language as a representative of Rastafari. He is also a member of a music band, an amateur herbalist, Mountaineer, and Anthropologist. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN THEATER 3 Religion and Sexuality Shamila Wilson In this presentation, which is part of a series, the Commission on Gender Equality in South Africa will bring together three distinguished panelists from diverse backgrounds to discuss the complex relationship of religion and sexuality. Shamila is the Acting Provincial Manager of the Commission on Gender Equlaity for the Western Cape. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Sharing the Flame Ms. Paulette Agnew As a celebration of the light of spirit, wisdom and life for the new millennium, this workshop features a guided meditation in which The World Flame, merged from the live flames from five continents, is given to participants with a dedication for peace and hope. No biographical statement available at time of printing. 94 2010_03 THE WORL D FRIDAY, S RELIGIONS DECEMBER 3 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 7 The Story of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: From Sectarian Violence to the Pursuit of Peace Mr. Andrew Bolton; Bunda C. Chibwe; Ms. Mary Atieno Ooko; Mr. W. Grant McMurray The church was begun in 1830 under the leadership of Joseph Smith, Jr. in the state of New York, USA. Its sectarian and increasingly militant nature resulted in persecution, retaliation and finally the assassination of Joseph Smith in 1844. The Reorganized Church, which gathered around Joseph Smith III, son of the first prophet, has sought a more peaceful path. This is currently symbolized by its presence in 40 nations and, in 1994, the dedication of a temple for the pursuit of peace. reconciliation and healing of the spirit. Mr. Andrew Bolton is a Coordinator for Peace and Justice Ministries at the church's international headquarters. A native of England, he taught multi-faith religious education in a Leicester school from 1985-94, a senior lecturer in multi-faith Religious Education at Westminster College. Oxford, 1994-1997, and was religious education adviser for Leicester city schools from 1997-1998. Bunda Chibwe is an associate regional administrator for the church in Africa with specific responsibility for Zambia and Lubumbashi area in the Congo. Born in Mwense, Zambia, he has worked as a minister for the church since 1982. Ms. Mary Ooko is a missionary for the church in South Africa. She was born in Kisumu, Kenya and her current ministerial work includes developing a young peacemakers club with children. Previously, she trained and then worked as a teacher with children who are hearing impaired. Mr. W. Grant McMurray is the seventh president of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints and the first who is not a direct descendent of the church's founder, Joseph Smith Jr. He is a native of Toronto, Canada and he has worked since 1971 at the international headquarters of the church in Independence, Missouri, USA. Slovakiia ot olon khoniny 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Thanks-Giving: Prism for the Millennium Dr. Elizabeth Espersen There will be a video presentation on the Thanksgiving Square Foundation. The report on the Global Thanksgiving Questionnaire and the report on the Thanksgiving Study and Call to Action (33 nations on 5 continents) will also be presented. Interactive discussions and ritual closings will end this informational workshop. Elizabeth Espersen is currently the Executive Director and Executive Vice President of the Thanksgiving Foundation. She recently published Meeting in Faith (Sage International: 1996) and has written extensively on religion and the spiritual life. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 What is Shinji Shumeikai? Mr. Eugene Imai The lecture will present Shinji Shumeikai and the teachings of Meishusama. Meishusama taught us the principle of global citizenship, the importance of the arts for enrichment of life, the benefits of natural agriculture for maintaining health, harmony with the earth, and the ability of the individual to draw upon a subtle universal energy for the advancement of one's physical, mental, and spiritual well-being in the years preceding WWII. We try to dedicate to the enhancement of life by practicing Meishusama's teachings. We believe individual welfare makes a good society and such societies create a peaceful world, like heaven on earth. Eugene Imai was born in Osaka, Japan in 1949. In 1972, he became a staff member of Shinji Shumeikai and has been a director of Shinji Shumeikai of America since 1975.
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 Linda Groff is Professor of Political Science & Future Studies at California State University in Carson, California. She is also the Director of Global Options Consulting, Linda teaches, writes, consults, and gives talks and workshops on global futures, evolution, peace, conflict resolution, intercultural, interreligious, spiritual, and Internet topics 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.56 A Kaleidoscope of Christian Spirituality: Evangelical Spirituality Mrs. Jean Knighton-Fitt During this workshop the outline story of Jesus will be covered, with defintions of religious terms used. Also explored will be the history of the Evangelical Movement overseas, with particular attention to South Africa. The speaker will say why this approach to Christianity is particularly meaningful to her. She will also suggest how it can address and meet the needs of the human predicament, especially in South Africa, at this point in our history Jean Knighton-Fitts is by training a high school teacher and by choice a wife, mother and homemaker. The Knighton-Fitts home is an open-home Christian community, where hospitality and lively dialogue characterize the lifestyle. Jean is particularly interested in the empowerment and fulfillment of women in the challenging art of homemaking 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Empowerment of Women in Hinduism Dr. M Lakshmi Kumari Owing to various historical and social compulsions, a number of negative forces have worked against Hindu women. These destructive forces are the very antithesis of Hinduism. This lecture will explore how Hinduism has an abundance of measures that could empower and emancipate women. Dr. M. Lakshmi Kumari holds a Ph.D. in Botany from Madras University She also completed a two year post-doctoral Fellowship at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in the erstwhile USSR. She has been associated with the Vivekananda Kendra in India for the past three decades and has served as its President. She is an eminent religious and social worker in India 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Asteriods and Reeds: A MexicaSacrificial Ethic for Today Dr. Kay A. Read The Mexica (Aztecs) have long been portrayed in popular literature as nasty barbarians, interested only in ripping out people's hearts to blindly feed an omnipotent sun god. Their portrayal in academic circles, until very recently, has not been much better. In this lecture, Professor Read will explore the Mexica sacraficial concepts as lived in a complex cosmovision, and will illustrate they founded ethical norms. She will also illustrate how these understandings can provide a path for modern societies to move towards a solution for today's ethical problems with diversity, Professor Kay Read teaches courses on Native American and Meso American indigenous peoples at DePaul University, USA 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Enlightenment in the 21st Century: Four Doors to Spiritual Illumination Prof. Andrew Vidich This lecture gives the secrets to unlocking the door of spiritual perception and experiencing the ocean of Divine Light within. It explains, according to the Path of the Masters, the basic theoretical understanding necessary, the role of ethical behavior as a foundation for spiritual path, and the techniques of spiritual practices that were required on daily basis. Lastly it explains the role, purpose, and necessity of the spiritual guide, in order to continue progressing on the spiritual path. Andrew Vidich, is currently teaching as an assistant professor of Religion at lona College of New Rocheile. He is currently the executive co-chair of the Interfaith Council of New York. Andrew has been a practitioner of meditation for over two and a half decades under the guidance of three great spiritual Masters of our time, Sant Kirpal Singh, Sant Darshan Singha, and Sant Rajinder Singh Identity 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Breaking Down Barriers to Peace Mr. Ralph Singh In this workshop, Ralph Singh will show a new video documenting the work of His Holiness Baba Virsa Singh Ji's work for justice in India. The video presentation will be followed by a facilitated dialogue about issues arising from the video, and will explore how sustainable agriculture can provide a basis for cultivating mutual respect and eliminate poverty. Ralph Singh is an American Sikh, and is a Trustee of the North American Interfaith Network 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Crossing Boundaries: Spiritual Journeys in Search of the Sacred Dr. Linda Groff Constructive models for dealing with religious diversity in today's interdependent world willbe explored, based on indepth interviews with people from different age groups, as well as diverse ethnic, religious, and national backgrounds, who have explored at least two or more different spiritual/religious traditions. Dr. Groff will look at their motivations and how they have integrated these traditions into their lives. She will then present a summary of these spiritual journeys, although each is unique, she will offer four+ models of such journeys and share certain characteristics they have in common. Dr. Groff will also discuss the importance of, and principles for conducting, interreligious dialogue today. This session will also be experiential, with participants sharing their spiritual journeys in pairs and then with the larger group. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER 1 Foundations of Zoroastrianism: Their Imperative for Interfaith Work in the Modern Age Mr. Rohinton M. Rivetna; Mr. Ervad Parvez M. Bajan; Dr. Dastoor Kersey Antia The basic tenets of Zoroastrianism will be examined, working to identify their imperative for interfaith work and respect for diversity by bringing forth their value in the context of the present age of diversity. The presenter makes a plea for other faiths to examine their own in preparation of the coming "Age of Diversity." Rohinton M. Rivetna is a founding member of the Zoroastrian Association of Chicago, Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America, Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions and a spirit for the formation of United Religions Organizations. Mr. Bajan MA, LL.M.) is presently the Assistant Head Priest at the Seth B.M. Fire Temple and spent many years as a Bank Officer fnow retired) Mr. Bajan has also been active as an academic lecturer and writer on religious topics Dr. Antia has been high priest of the Zarathushti community in the Chicago area since 1977, when he was awarded the Dastur's shawl by ZAC. Dr. Antia is the author of numerous papers on religion and psychology 2010_03 9 5
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD S RELIGIONS IDENTITY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 If You Are A Friend Of God, Fire Is Your Water (Rumi) Ms. Michal Golan When we fulfill our life's purpose and live with spiritual integrity, the whole world comes into alignment. In this dynamic, experiential workshop the archetypal energies of the 5 elements (ether, air, fire, water, and earth) are explored as a blue print for lifes creative journey. The alchemical transformation from fire into water occurs when a dream becomes real through our desire to create and our commitment to be. With clarity of vision, focus of intention, freedom of creativity, authentic presence, courage, and commitment to service we merge with the eternal flame within us; we drink from the fountain of Life and it is then, that we truly begin to serve. It is not our privilege, it is our responsibility Michal Golan, RSCP, RPP demonstrates the expanded possibilities for humanity when spiritual principles are incorporated. She is a founding member of A Season for Nonviolence-LA and served as the program coordinator for its first campaign in 1998. She is the Co founder of Fire into Water, a transformational program for the realization of one's life vision. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN COMMERCE 2.60 Muslims in Post-Apartheid South Africa Mr. Adli Jacobs This program will give a historical overview of Muslims under apartheid and perpsectives on Muslims living in a postapartheid society. The role of Muslims as a part of a broader citizenry rather than as a religious minority will be analyzed Their role in response to the media and the economy will be discussed. Finally, Mr. Jacobs will reflect on variou socioreligious movements--such as PAGAD--in South Africa, in terms of a particular response to post-apartheid realities. Director, Typeface Media, Editor, Al Hujaj magazine. Founding member of both the Call of Islam and the World Conference for Religion and Peace, South African Chapter 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 8 Nurturing the Flame: Keeping the Spirit Alive for Individual and Organizational Transformation Mr. H. Timothy Ewing; Ms. Anne M. Harbison; Mr. Stephen L. Ruedisili This program addresses the growing need to find meaning and purpose through the organizations in which we work. Considering both eastern and western models, this session reflects on the potential for organizational transformation through the spiritual development of its members, vocational calling of individuals and organizations, how organizations can kindle or smother our spirits, and the meaning of work. Mr. H. Timothy Ewing is an adjunct faculty member at the School for International Training in Brattleboro, VT As a facilitator for domestic and international multicultural understanding and team building, he has worked for profit and non-profit organizations in Australia, Mexico, Germany, and Bermuda Ms. Anne M. Harbison is currently completing her doctorate at Harvard University. She has done rescarch at the Harvard Divinity School and on the teaching staff of the Leadership Project at the Kurnedy School of Government. Mr. Stephen L. Ruedisil. Esq. is a trial attorney and advocacy instructor who specializes in international negotiations and cross cultural communications. He has taught at the University of Zambia in a Peace Corps pilot project entitled "Lawyers for Africa and ran the Environmental Law Trial Advocacy program for the Environmental Council of Zambia 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Introduction to Centering Prayer Mr. Urs Geiges; Mrs. Sylvia Collier; Mr. Brian Podesta This workshop offers an introduction to the Christian Contemplative Tradition, with a particular focus on the practices and writings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers of carly Christiandom. It is precisely their teachings that provided the building stones for bridges leading to interfaith dialogue during the latter part of this century. This workshop will teach the method of Centering Prayer, which is taught in the context of Lectio Divina (Sacred Reading) and as such is a contemporary form of an ancient prayer practice and puts a certain order and regularity to it. Swiss by birth-South African by choice since 1995. Urs has been practicing Centering Prayer since 1992. She is a founding member of COSA and is an accredited Facilitator of Centering Prayer retreats Sylvia has been practicing Centering Prayer for eight years. She was a founding member and National Secretary of Contemplative Outreach South Africa. She is an accredited presenter for Contemplative Outreach, a leader of Centering Prayer retreats, and a practicing teacher of Alexander technique. Mr. Podesta is the retired manager of education for Contemplative Outreach South Africa. He has been practicing Centering Prayer for six years. He is an accredited presenter of introductory workshops and trainer of presenters. He is also a member of the regional steering committee. Identity 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN ST. MARKS Liberation Theology in Action at the Beginning of a New Century Bishop Don Samuel Ruiz Garcia In this presentation, Bishop Don Samuel Ruiz Garcia of Chiapas, Mexico, will explore the role and of Liberation Theology in the coming century. Bishop Garcia will focus on how Liberation Theology can provide a basis for social justice action in Latin America, and throughout the world. Bishop Don Samuel Ruiz Garcia is the Bishop of the Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas, Mexico. He has been the principal negotiator for several years in peace talks between the government of Mexico and the Mayan Zapatistas 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Owners Manual for the Human Body Mr. Singh Sahib Most people regularly tune-up their cars for peak performance and long life - but not so with their own physical body. People forget that their own bodies need the same devoted attention and maintenance to give us the energy and well-being necessary for living a full and happy life. Kundalini yoga is an ancient science with the technology to maintain and tune-up the human body so that it can achieve peak performance at every age and stage of life. The presenters hope that you'll get a chuckle out of their format, and take to heart the idea that your body is very important and needs regular daily tune-up. Singh Sahib Avtar Singh Khalsa, a minister of Sikh Dharma, has been practising yoga for over 30 years. For the past 27 years he has been directly involved with Kundalini Yoga. His current assignment is that of Africa 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 3.81 The Psychoneuroimmune Network: Conceptual Overview and Relevance for Self-Regulation Dr. Simon Whitesman The field of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) explores the relationship between the mind, brain and immune systems. 96 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIA MENT IDENTITY O F This presentation will provide an overview of this information, so that participants may conceptualize the Mind/Body as a dynamic, integrated system, which continuously self-regulates in response to information from both itself and the environment. With this theoretical context, the presenter will illustrate the role of self-regulation as a therapeutic strategy (within healthcare), using mindfulness meditation as a model. An experiential introduction to eating and breath-based meditation will be undertaken. Dr. Simon Whitesman has a deep interest in the clinical application of Behavioral Medicine. He is currently undertaking a post-graduate Dissertation at the University of Cape Town. he is currently working as Faculty of the Health Sciences Department, where he is investigating the role of self-regulatory therapeutic interventions and stress reduction on chronic illness. worse. 37 20 TROY 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 3 The Rebirth of Buddha Mr. Brian Rycroft This workshop will invite participants to join in a meditation session after a lecture and video by Ryuho Okawa. The lecture will focus on the concept of the Rebirth of Buddha, and will invite participants to meditate on this subject. The video shown is entitled The Age of Choice in Religion. SATURDAY, Brian is a volunteer worker for Kofuku-no-Kagaku (The Institute for Research in Human Happiness), a religious organisation which aims to create utopia on earth. He was born in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal, has traveled the world extensively, and recently joined the Institute in London. cabic Al SONAL GAT 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 The Spiritual Outlook of African Bushman Mr. Michael Shann Ferreira This lecture will present a concise, six point description of the spiritual outlook of Bushman gathered through personal interaction. Particular attention will also be paid to their spiritual In look,' or trance practices. These findings will explain the Bushmen's approach to representation at events such as the Parliament of the World's Religions. PAGEEN MENCO 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Vrindavan - The Land of Krishna Mr. Michael Shann Ferreira has learned healing methods and practices with a group of native Bushman since 1976. This contact and interaction with the Bushman has consisted of short but intensive encounters in their wilderness retreats, and has spread over 20 years and with two generations. Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti A presentation of the historical and ecological condition of the holy place of Vrindavan. As one of the most visited holy places of the Hindus, it is the home of more than 5,000 temples and innumerable ashrams. Important to Hindus and in particular, devotees of Krishna from all over the world, Vrindavan's visitors are ever-increasing in number. Swami Paramadvaiti is involved in the restoration projects of ancient temples and sacred sights and directs various ashrams in Vrindavan. He is also involved in the development of solutions for various ecological problems in the area. He will present the actual situation of Vrindavan and also give an introduction to the history and importance of this holy place. Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti is the coordinator of the WWA committee, and is Siddhanta-Guru Varga Dignity Member of WVA Environmental committee. A monk since 1971, Swami Ba Paramadvaiti started the Vrinda Mission in South America, which now includes centers in 20 other Countries. THE WORLD 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Walking the Way II: Five Aspects of Buddhist Practice SRELIGIONS Rev. Heng Sure; Bhikshuni Heng Liang; Dr. Snjezana Akpinar; Dr. Martin Verhoeven; Mr. Bhikshuni Heng Ch'ih; Mr. Bhikshuni Heng Tung DECEMBER Rev. Sure will explore the practice of Buddhist sutras and the ethical guidelines essential to this practice. The role of esoteric practices in Buddhism in general and the relevance of devotional practices will also be addressed. There will be five sessions. Attendees are welcome at one class or all classes. Reverend Heng Sure is the Director of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery in Berkeley, CA and serves as a Board member of the United Religions Initiative. Bhikshuni Heng Liang is an American Buddhist nun. She has been a Disciple for 20 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. She has her M.A from Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Dr. Snjezana Akpinar is a Chancellor at Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Dr.Snjezana has Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the University of Istanbul. RAY Martin Verhoeven received his Ph.D. from the University of WisconsinMadison on the American encounter with Asian religions. He was a Buddhist monk for 18 years and is currently Associate Professor of History and Asian Religion at the Institute for World Religions in Berkeley. California. He is also an Adjunct Professor of History & Religion at the Pacific School of Religion, Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. Bhikshuni Heng Ch'ih is an American Buddhist nun. Heng Ch'ih has been a Disciple for 30 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. She has her M.A. from Dharma Realm Buddhist University. 4 Bhikshuni Heng Tung is a Taiwanese Buddhist nun, Disciple for 10 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. Heng Tung has B.A. in Chinese Studies from Fu Jen University, Taiwan. SENDOLINE 11:00 AM-12:00 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA Buddhism in the 21st Century Dharma Master Hsin Tao An exploration of twenty-six centuries of Buddhist thought. A consideration of the influence of Buddhist thought on other belief and thought systems (religious, scientific, political, etc.) and their influences on Buddhism. Finally, a discussion of the ever more urgent need for all positive forces to work together for salvation of humankind, all living creatures, and the Earth itself. Dharma Master Hsin Tao was born in Burma in 1948, educated in the Buddhist order at age 25, spent 8 years in ascetic practice, founded Lingchiu shan monastic community in Fu-long in 1983. Established the WRM development foundation with branches in Taipei and New York in 1991. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Creating Alternative High Schools and Charter Schools Ms. Nancy Jackson The Prologue Alternative High School model, a Chicago, grassroots based educational initiative has been effectively educating drop out youth, adult, and young adult beginning readers. and learning diabled students since 1973. The initiative is inspired by Freire's social criticism, and is a part of the Freedom Schools movement. Executive Director of a Chicago-based non-profit organization which works to empower people through education, developing critical thinking skills, economic development, and active citizenship. She has completed graduate studies at Wayne State University and Johns Marshall Law School. She is the founding Director of the Girl's Best Friend Foundation. Identity 97
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________________ Identity 1 9 9 9 PA R L IDENTITY MENT F 11:00 AM-12:30 AM IN ST. MARKS Entering the New Millennium with New Energy H. E. Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Ji In the new millennium, people will have new dimensions and energy. It will coincide with a globally prevailing fast-paced human life style. A person has to express and value their own creative capability beyond that which can be measured by artificial intelligence, ever present computers. If his or her energy is below the computer's performance, insanity prevails and results in a profound feeling of inferiority. To avoid this hellish human catastrophe, we have to prepare ourselves to be heavenly elevated and supremely excellent. His Holiness the Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Ji also known as Yogi Bhajan Ph.D. is the chief religious and administrative authority for the Ministry of Sikh Dharma in the Western Hemisphere. In 1969 he founded 3HO Foundation a nonprofit organization, dedicated to the advancement of the individual through education, science and religion. Actively involved with inter-religious dialogue he was a member of the Parliament's Assembly of Religious and Spiritual Leaders since 1993. In June of 1985 he established the first International Peace Prayer Day. Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D., is also a gifted Doctor of Psychology, counselor, and yogic therapist. He is currently the Chief Management Advisor (CMA) for 14 corporations worldwide which supply goods and services in health food manufacturing, computer and security services. HABANG ALLEN, SIB@TI 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN THEATER 5 Religion in Zen Perspective Dr. Osamu Rosan Yoshida Zen originally meant meditation, then it took on more meaning as the total full functioning of the limitless life source in profound pure meditation. From this vantage point, the true significance of meditation, and religion in general, will be critically and creatively questioned and clarified. SATURDAY Dr. Yoshida is the Founder and Director of the Missouri Zen Center, USA. He is an ordained priest of the Soto Zen Tradition. He is also Professor of Philosophy at Tokyo Univ. Jr. College, in Japan. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN SCIENCE 2.71 The Universal Personality of Sivananda Dr. Mawalall Chatrooghoon This talk introduces the life of the great 20th century saint of India, Swami Sivananda, founder of the worldwide Divine Life Society, and one of the foremost exponents of universality. Great emphasis is placed on the saint's characteristics of selfiess service, spirit of humility, fiery renunciation, universal idealism, the training of disciples, and his lasting impact on the West. Dr. Chatrooghoon has an MA cum laude in Drama, a Ph.D in Drama and a certificate in Radio Broadcasting. He is presently the Departmental Chief Education Specialist (Examinations) in KwaZulu Natal. In the Divine Life Society. Dr. Chatrooghoon is the Principal of the Yoga Camp Children's Wing. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 The Wonder of Ancient Civilizations: Bridging EastWest Unity 98 2010_03 Prof. James Hurtak An overview of recently explored ancient temples reveals the similarities of world cultures which show complementary patterns of development, especially in relation to sacred architecture, temple building, as well as cosmology. This lecture will present an analysis of interesting archeological findings in remote regions and a film examination of discoveries beneath the waters of Egypt and Japan. James Hurtak, Ph.D. is a social scientist, environmentalist, futurist, and remote-sensing specialist who has worked for cross-cultural THE WORL D S RELIGIONS DECEMBER 4 understanding. He has lectured before major universities in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, and holds two international film awards. He is a Director of the AFFS Corporation (USA, South Africa), an international organization that supports cultural and philosophical unity. 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.56 A Kaleidoscope of Christian Spirituality: Course on Ignation Spirituality Mr. Dermot Preston This lecture will provide participants with an introduction to, and experience of, Ignation Spirituality. The presenter will illustrate the need for prayerful reflection on the ways that God moves and interacts with the human heart in our day-to-day experience. He will then lead participants through a guided prayer exercise. Participants will then be invited to share and discuss the experience and the underlying concepts. Dermot Preston was born in the U.K. in 1957. He joined the Jesuit Novitiate in Birmingham (1979-81) and was ordained as a priest in 1990. He was the Vocation Director of British Jesuits and Retreat Director at the Jesuit Retreat House between 1990 and 1995 and spent his final year of spiritual formation in the Philippines. He has been the University Chaplain at the University of Cape Town since 1996. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Affirming the Dignity and Presence of Womanhood 1522 Ms. Magauta Ngdetjane A journey and reflection of the faces, places, voices, footprints. and hands of womanhood. The principal focus is on WomanCentrism! Trainer; activist; motivational speaker; counselor, artist. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Creating Ritual 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Creation, Spontaneity and Purpose Rev. Stephanie Clarke The presenter will show how to bring the sacred into everyday life. By creating live and spontaneous rituals, which mark and honor gateways and transitions in the human journey through life, Rev. Clarke will weave together all religions and cultural traditions. These rituals will include all members of the global community. Religious Science Minister, Stephanie Clarke, teaches classes, facilitates workshops and writes for International publications in the field of spiritual psychology and metaphysics. Stephanie is returning to S. Africa to establish an interracial non-denominational ministry. Prof. Rama Rao Pappu; Dr. K. R. Sundararajan; Dr. Sarada Sonty; Dr. K.L.Seshagiri Rao; Dr. Sriram Sonty; Dr. Subba Rao Cherukuri st The panel Creation, Spontaneity, and Purpose is comprised of three paper presenters, one chair, and two commentators. Professor K.R. Sundararajan will present his paper "Playful Creation and Purposive Creation: A Comparative Study of Hinduism and Christianity." Professor S.S. Rama Rao Pappu will present his paper "Creation and Destruction as Divine Lila: A Study of Krishna Lilas in Srimadbhagavatam." Dr. Sarada Sonty will present her paper "Divine Lila in South Indian Literature." Dr. Sriram Sonty and Dr. Subba Rao Cherukuri will act as commentators of the panel and Professor Emeritus K.L. Seshagiri Rao will act as Chair of the Panel. S.S. Rama Rao Pappu is a Professor of Philosophy at Miami University and Associate Editor (Philosophy) for the Encyclopedia of Hinduism. A Dr. Sundararajan is a Professor of Theology at St. Bonaventure University. New York. Currently, he is the chief editorial coordinator in the
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 Encyclopedia of Hinduism Project. Sarada Sonty lives in Chicago and holds a Ph.D in Telugu Literature. She is a teacher, a writer, a literary critic and a poet. KL Seshagiri Rao is Professor Ementus of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia and Chief Editor of the 18 volume Encyclopedia of Hinduism to be published by the University of South Carolina Press Sriram Sonty, M.D. practices Opthamology in Chicago. He is a Hindu religious worker and played a key role in organizing the Second Parliament of The World's Religions in Chicago in 1993. Dr. Cherukuri is a M.D. and practices urology in Cleveland in his nonprofessional life he has been actively involved with Hindu Temple organizations in Cleveland, Ohio, and has a Vedic view of life, 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Human Beings - Who Are We? A Latter-Day Saint (Mormon) View Dr. Roger R. Keller The lecture looks at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' (Mormons) belief that human beings lived in the presence of God before they came to earth. In the heavenly realms, we began the process of spiritual growth, but upon entry into mortality our memories of the prior life vanish, and we become dependent upon the Spirit to relearn who we are and to grow spiritually. Mormons believe that the goal of all life experiences, before, during, and after mortality, is to become like Jesus Christ and to live a life like His and that of His Father Dr. Roger R. Keller is the Richard L Evans Professor of Religious Understanding at Brigham Young University in the USA He teaches world religions, is a Bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, and is the author of three books and various articles on world religions and Mormon issues. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Cultural Continuity -- Working with American Indian Youth Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Doris Leader Charge The Leader Charges continue to work toward the preservation of Lakota language and culture. Their efforts footsteps of many Indian people who have fought to retain and preserve their culture in the 21st century Doris and Fred Leader Charge are educators at Sinte Gleska College in South Dakota Their continuous efforts toward preservation of Lakota language and culture inspire those who work to protect the knowledge and traditions of indigenous communities world wide. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Freemasonry For All -- No Gender, No Race? Mrs. Margaret Seal This lecture will describe the background and principles of the International Co-Freemasonry workshop. As a member of this community, the presenter will field questions from participants and answer them from her personal experience. Mrs. Margaret Seal is an African American woman who arrived in South Africa in 1978, near the height of the apartheid era. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Inspiration Knows No Boundaries Mr. Amyn Dahya Amyn Dahya, author of Reflections from the Origin and Parables from the Origin, describes in detail how he received inspirations from the Origin: the Source of Everything. presented in the books above. After escaping a near-fatal motorcycle accident in Kashmir in 1986, Amyn Dahya went through a spiritual transformation that awakened him to receive knowledge in the form of inspired writings. The core theme of these revelations is the universality of humanityfrom religion to business, cultures, government, ethics, attitudes, and ways of living in a harmonious global context. Aryn Dahya, P. Eng, is an international businessinan, technology inventor, and inspirational author. The provision of sate drinking water, restoration of pollution damaged environments, and sharing the inspirational knowledge he has received remain the primary focus of his life Identity 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 8 Holy Foolishness: A Christology for the New Millennium Dr. Elizabeth Anne Stewart This presentation, based on Stewart's book, Jesus the Holy Fool (Sheed & Ward, Fall 1999), will suggest that "Holy Fool" is a valid Christological title. It is Stewart's premise that the words and actions of the gospel Jesus, as well as the negative reactions he evoked from the establishment, provide a biblical basis for naming Jesus as Holy Fool. While this Christological title is implied rather than explicit, there is ample evidence that Jesus was willing to appear as a fool for the sake of God's reign, moreover, his teachings advocate a way of life that is grounded in Holy Foolishness. Through an archetypal examination of the fool motif as it applies to the gospel Jesus, this presentation will attempt to reconcile folly and holiness: firstly, to offer new insights into Christology: and secondly to explore the pastoral ramifications of this Christology for the third millennium. Dr. Elizabeth Anne Stewart holds a joint appointment with both Religious Studies and University Ministry at DePaul University, Chicago. The author of more than 80 articles on spirituality and a regular contributor to the quarterly LIVING FAITH, Stewart gives presentations and retreats across the country and internationally. A spiritual director and alternative healer, Stewart has published two books of original research on the use of imagery in healing contexts, as well as three collections of poetry, and several books on the inner life. Dr. Stewart received her Ph.D. from the University of Malta, Europe. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 3 Is This a New Din-e-Ilahi? Muslims' Quest for and Questions of Interfaith Dialogue Dr. Ataullah Siddiqui Mughal Emperor Akbar's unique concept of coexistence resulted in creating the new religion of Din-llahi in India. While creating a more tolerant society, it also generated a strong mistrust and resentment among Muslims. Dr. Siddiquis paper, using this historic experiment as an example, will explore contemporary Muslim apprehensions in, and the opportunities of, interfaith dialogue. Dr. Siddiqui is a Research Fellow at the Islamic Foundation, Leicester and visiting Fellow at the Centre for the History of Religions, Interfaith Dialogue and Pluralism, Leicester University. He is the author of Christian Muslims Dialogue in the Twentieth Century and Co-editor of Encounters: Journal of Intercultural Perspectives 2:00 PM-2:45 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA Living Your Tao: Ancient Wisdom For Modern Living Mr. Chunglaing AlHuang Through performance (flute and tai j), storytelling and audience engagement in movement the body/mind wisdom is evoked. Chungliang Al Huang is a philosopher, performing artist, internationally acclaimed Tao Master, and is the founding president of the Living Tao Foundation Mr. Al Huang is the author of several books, including: Embrace Tiger. Return to Mountain; Quantum Soup, and most recently The Chinese Book of Animal Powers. Jain Education Interational 2010_03 99
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________________ Identity 1 9 9 9 PA R LI AMENT O F IDENTITY 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 1 The Mystics Speak: Christian Mysticism and Social Commitment Sr. Susan Rakoczy The Christian mystical tradition contains rich resources for grounding a commitment to the work of justice and peace. The insights of Catherine of Siena, Ignatius of Loyola and Evelyn Underhill on the unity of prayer and action will be presented. The presenter will also explore the implications of their teachings for active engagement on social and political issues. Susan Rakoczy, IHM, holds a Ph.D. and lectures in spirituality and systematic theology at St. Joseph's Theological Institute, in Cedara, South Africa. Her publications include Common Journey. Different Paths, Spiritual Direction in Cross Cultural Perspective and numerous articles on spirituality. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Poor School Children Speak Ms. Margaret Elsworth In this presentation, children's letters from South African schools are read by different voices, while the letters themselves are shown on overhead projector. Margaret Elsworth is the organizer of the Poor School Children Speak project in South Africa. SATURDAY, 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Significance of the Bhagavad Gita for the New Millennium Dr. Ashok Malhotra The presentation will demonstrate the significance and the message of the Bhagavad Gita for the 20th and 21st centuries through its numerous translations and interpretations. A dozen interpretations, including those of Shankara, Tilak, Gandhi, Radhakrisnan, Hitler, T. S. Eliot, Bhaktivedanta, and Christian missionaries such as Weber, Garbe, and Farquhar will be discussed. Bhagavad Gita sets forth a religion of tolerating differences, which was not only suitable for past generations, but can also be a guide for the New Millennium. Dr. Ashok Malhotra is Professor and Acting Chairman of the Philosophy Department at the University of New York, at Oneonta. He has published six books and more than fifty articles on Asian and comparative Philosophy. He is the director of the SUNY Learn and Serve Study Abroad Program in India. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 The Spirit of Peace Ms. Alison Elizabeth Cameron; Ms. Jessie Kaur Singh This workshop will assist us in coming into deeper contact with our spiritual essence so we can carry out our higher purpose in the cosmos. Techniques used will include the use of sound, color, and vibration through multi-chanting, meditation, and affirmation. The workshop will be facilitated by two world peace advocates, Jessie Kaur Singh and Alison Cameron, who are both experienced international workshop facilitators. counselors, and spiritual guides. Together, they display a rare and beautiful diversity and synergy as East meets West and young and elder share the wisdom of the ages. At the age of 21, Alison is a qualified counselor, healer, and spiritual psychologist. She has worked as a volunteer with disadvantaged youths, runs a successful practice as a counselor and healer, has facilitated public meditations for over 150 people, and runs regular personal empowerment courses. She is also an experienced public speaker, a member of the Multifaith Association of South Australia and coordinator for an Adelaide millennium event called "World Peace 2000." This is an Adelaide event running as a part of the 72 hr. peace building project initiated by the United Religions Initiative and is being presented at this conference as a "Gift of Service to the World." 100 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 THE WORLD S RELIGIONS DECEMBER Jessie Kaur Singh is the first President of the Multifaith Association of South Australia, an Associate Rights Advocate of S.A., and a member of the International Women's Committee of S.A. She is also a qualified health counselor at the University of South Australia, a spiritual teacher, facilitating meditation and personal development internationally, and a world peace advocate. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Spiritual Transformation in this Age Rev. Dr. Norma Sackhein This lecture explores the teachings of Earnest Holmes, particularly his teaching on cause and effect. This lecture will emphasize personal transformation and self-healing. vvrTS Norma currently lectures, ministers and counsels full-time in South Africa, UK and USA. In 1986 she founded the Sandton Church, receiving her ministerial ordination in 1989. In 1998 she was awarded her Doctorate (USA), and published first book Priviledge of Choice. 2:00 PM-5:30 PM IN PODIUM HALL Walk Through Time: Living on the Edge of Evolution Ms. Janet Boggia; Ms. Karen Harwell; Mr. Joe Kresse: Mr. Richard Rathbun; Dr. Amy Beare This workshop addresses the significance of the times in which we live in the context of concepts from the wisdom traditions and cutting edge science. Also addressed are the ways in which one can become an effective, spiritually-based agent of change. Janet Boggia has been a Public Entity Risk Manager for 19 years. She recently spent a month in the Transcaucasia helping to facilitate the fourth dialogue among professionals from the two warring countries. Karen Harwell, biologist and educator in evolutionary dynamics, creates workshops, seminars and courses for engagement into reinventing ourselves as humans within a more expansive context. Joe Kresse is a retired partner of Arthur Anderson. For the last 10 years. Joe has been a full-time volunteer for FGC. 4 Richard Rathbun, a former architect and current President of FGC, is actively involved in developing curriculum and planning new activities for the Foundation for Global Community. Dr. Amy Beare, a mother of two sons, is a leader in her local community. She has designed and facilitated numerous courses, seminars, and group activities focused on enabling people to address current global challenges. PERGROTEN" SARMOR NO War 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN THEATER 5 Buddhist Ethic for World Peace Dr. Achahn Phangcham This lecture will address the objectives of Buddhist morality based on the Buddhist Ethic Train which consists of five precepts: not to kill or cause to kill, not to take what is not given, not to commit adultery and sexual misconduct, not to lie and avoid false speech, and not to take intoxicating drinks and harmful drugs. Ven. Dr. Phangcham is currently president emeritus of the Buddhist Council of the Midwest. He has been on the Board of Trustees for the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions (CPWR) since 1993. He has been an educator for over three decades and a Buddhist Monk since he was 19. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Decolonising the Mind - Africa's Spiritual Gift to the World Mr. Neal Garth Mandy O'Donnell This lecture will explore how Africa is still in the throes of removing the shackles of colonisation. Significant reconstruction efforts continue on an economic level, however, the spiritual effect of the colonisation of the mind is sidelined. This presentation highlights this effect, and shows how Africa
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 has the ability to exhibit the spiritual mind necessary for future generations. Mr Neal O'Donnell is a Registered Nurse with a Philosophy degree. He currently has his own private practice as a counselor specialising in sexuality therapy 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Divine Will and the Destiny of Mankind Sheik Mahmood H. Rashid This lecture will address the dimensions of the Divine Will revealed in the Quran and how they are understood by man in relation to his destiny. It will discuss the perfection of mankind through spiritual development and understanding the Divine Will During the past two decades Sheikh Mahmood Rashid has participated in numerous dialogues in various countries and has written over thirty articles and books. Currently. Sheik Rashid is the Director of the Spiritual and Cultural Mission in England. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 The Science of Mantras in Jain Religion Mr. Vinod Kapashi In this lecture, the Science of Mantras and Yantra (Mandala) in Jain texts will be explained and analyzed. An in-depth study of some important recitations (stotras) and the gradual development of worship practices using Mantras and Yantras will be explained with slides and charts. The effect of such worship practices on day to day life will be explored. Mr. Vinod Kapashi is the author of several books on Jainism, Mr. Kapashi is President of Mahavir Foundation in the UK and Chairman of Jain Education Board of the Institute of Jainology 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Hinduism - A South African Perspective Sagri Dhavaraj This lecture will highlight the universal appeal of Hinduism, and its relationship to the ideals of the Parliament of the World's Religions. The high watermark of an ancient civilization is traced to the philosophy of Vedanta as taught in India's ancient texts Special focus is made on the application of these teachings in present day South Africa. Sagri Dhavaraj is a Yoga Camp teacher at the Sivananda International Cultural Centre in La Mercy (near Durban) South Africa. She is the founder of both the Yoga Asana class and the Sivananda Sewing Circle in Pietermaritzburg, which engages women in creative activity Ulal benefits the underprivileged communities 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 The Stories of Unitarians in South Africa's History Wayne A. M. Visser This lecture will focus on the role that the church, and particularly individual Unitarians, have played in contributing to constructive change in South Africa's past. This lecture will teli the stories of major Unitarian figures in South Africa, including D.P. Faure, Victor Carpenter, Bob Steyn, Mary Livingstone and Gordon Oliver. Wayne A. M. Visser is Cofounder and board member of the SANE Foundation and writer of "Moncy Values," a regular column about the challenges of creating an ethical economy. He is also a member of the Unitarian Church. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 What Does It Mean to Believe in a Universal Spirit? Prof. James S. Nelson The lecture will present ways in which the sacred, as ultimate presence, is experienced in several of the world's religions. The question of a common core and diversities of experiences and expression will be investigated. The relation of the experiences of universal spirit to social justice and ethical concerns will be investigated as well. James S. Nelson, Ph.D. is a professor of Religion at North Park University, Chicago, IL He is a board member of the Parliament of the World's Religions. Identity 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 The Image of the Woman and Spirituality in Hindu Teaching Prof. Nepal Lodh This lecture emphasizes that the visions of a human future are dependent upon the advancement of women's spirituality Women represent a mental and physical potential which needs to be set free and advanced. The spiritual form of expression in female life requires more consideration in the effort of securing physical, mental, and social well being. The female spiritual energy will contribute considerably to wholesome healing and peace. Nepal Lodh is a social scientist and college lecturer with the status of Professor and Coordinator for cooperation between Indian and German colleges. Dr. Lodh is a master of yoga and President of the Indo-German Hindu Society 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.56 A Kaleidoscope of Christian Spirituality: Christian Mysticism Rev. Roger Hickley This lecture will give a brief overview of some outstanding mystics in Christian history. There will also be a reflection on the experience of God and our context in South Africa today, Fr. Roger Hickley, a Roman Catholic priest was born in 1941. He holds a licentiate in Theology from Gregorian University 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATRE 3 Peace and Human Unity in the New Millennium Dr. Margaret Czerny Meditation cuts across cultural, professional, and social boundaries. More and more people all over the world, realizing that professional success is no guarantee of personal happiness, are seeking their own transformational experience through spirituality. Dr. Czerny will speak about meditation as a way to balance personal and professional life with spiritual vision. She speaks from her experience as an internationally ed economist and a person who has been meditating for many years. Dr. Czerny is an economic scientist and economic policy advisor to the Austrian government and the European Union Presidency. She is head of the department of East West Relations, infrastructure, housing policy, and comparative international economics of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA The Christian Evangelical in Today's World Rev. Barry Isaacs A bold view of the Evangelical position as it impacts on the church and on the world. Executive Director, Cape Town City Mission Chairman, The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa (TEASA), in the Western Cape Jain Education Interational 2010_03 101
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________________ Identity 1 999 PARLIAMENT IDENTITY V mes 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Concept of God Head His Divine Grace Bhakti Swarupa Tirtha Maharaja Everyone claims God is great. How great is he? Or where is he? How does he create and annihilate? What does he look like? What are his characteristics? Is God a person? Where does he reside? These are some of the questions and themes the presenter will address. Bhakti Swaroopa Teertha Goswami Maharaja is the spiritual preceptor of Transcendental Science, which teaches the essence of Vedic wisdom. 4:00 PM-5:15 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Creating Sacred Family, Techniques for Intimate Relationships O F Dr. Terath Kaur Khalsa This workshop focuses primarily on areas of the family, beginning with the intimate relationship forged between a husband and a wife as its foundation. It will introduce specific yogic techniques that will acknowledge the divine and enhance the sacred life within the family circle. Guru Terath Kaur Khalsa has a Ph.D. in psychotherapy and counseling and is a licensed counselor, Certified Kundalini Yoga instructor and Minister of Sikh Dharma. As a published author and teacher she focuses on areas of marriage and family. C BENIN 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Creativity Within Christian Prayer Gift Mrs. Sally Argent This Prayer Workshop on writing journals and poetry will include a poem by Sally Argent and an interactive response. This will be followed by instruction on prayer (our relating to God) and an exploration on writing as both a creative expression and as a process. Participants will be invited to write their own poems, journals, and stories. SATURDAY, -- 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN THEATER 3 Feminist Theology Revisited South African Perspectives 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 8 Human Rights Norms & Islam 102 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 The Writer's Sally Argent is the author of "Discovering Indigenous Forests at Kirstenbosch," Trail Guides, Environmental Articles and children's stories. She is also a wife and mother of three children. 200 Shamila Wilson In this presentation, which is part of a series, the Commission on Gender Equality in South Africa will bring together three distinguished panelists from diverse backgrounds to discuss the Feminist Theology, and will explore the topic from a South African perspective. Shamila is the Acting Provincial Manager of the Commission on Gender Equlaity for the Western Cape. Prof. Iqbal A. Ansari The assumption of universality of human rights standards is sometimes questioned by specific religious and ethnic groups. The paper will try to explore the Islamic position on 1) the right to equality and nondiscrimination on the basis of gender; 2) the right to freedom of expression, of conscience and religion; and 3) the right not to be subjected to cruel or inhuman punishment. Professor Ansari's attempt will be to harmonize the specific Islamic religio-cultural norms with universal human THE WORLD S RELIGIONS DECEMBER 4 rights standards, which may help greater acceptance as well as actual realization of human rights in the future. Professor Ansari is closely associated with human rights movement in India. He edits the quarterly Human Rights Today. He is the founder and Secretary General of the Minorities Council of India. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 The Movement of Spiritual Inner AwarenessFulfilling the Spiritual Promise Rev. John Morton The message of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) is that "God is in heaven, that there are greater realms, that you don't have to die to experience them, and that you can know the divine reality while you live on this earth." MSIA's basic tenet of "Out of God comes all things. God loves all of creation and Not one Soul will be lost" will be discussed. MSIA has no moral code per se; we provide some simple guidelines by which we strive to conduct our lives in this world and the leading intention of all we do is loving. Rev. John Morton is the Spiritual Director of MSIA. Since 1979, Rev. John Morton has spoken and conducted workshops for MSIA, the Institute for Individual and World Peace (IWP), and other organizations dedicated to improving people's lives. He is on the Board of Directors of IWP, the University of Santa Monica and the New Visions Foundation. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Mythology and the Millennium: An Introduction to Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth Mr. Robert Walter This will be a panel discussion on Campbell's legacy with responses. Audience questions will be addressed. Video clips may be shared. Robert Walter is the Executive Director of the Joseph Campbell Foundation and was Campbell's editor on The Atlas of World Mythology. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Psychoactive Sacraments Mr. Robert Jesse Several religious traditions worldwide make sacramental use of psychoactive plants, sometimes called entheogens, as catalysts of mystical or visionary experience. Examples will be presented, including the Native American Church and shamanic entheogen practices, as well as contemporary use by individuals and spiritual groups outside of an established entheogenic tradition. Robert Jesse serves as President of the Council on Spiritual Practices in the U.S., a collaboration among spiritual guides, scientists, and scholars studying primary religious experience, with special interest in the entheogens. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Rites of Passage: Cycles of Life... the Way of the Circle Mrs. Judy Bekker; Marian Goodman Lost to the children in most western societies is the teaching and guidance of elders: those who might consciously facilitate understanding of the exciting and complex journeys through adolescence, and young adulthood into maturity. Motivated by a strong desire to provide more for our daughters, a circle of women gathered several years ago to create a modern-day rite of passage for young women. You are invited to learn about the fruits of those labours and to gain insights and practical ideas about leading young women into deeper awareness of the stages and cycles of life, from conception to birth to aging and dying.
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 Judy Bekker. Director of Renaissance Business Associates, has been a facilitator for 18 years working with youth and adults, both corporately and in the informal sector. Marian Goodman, National Director of Educo School of Africa, has been facilitating learning and growth for young people for many years. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Sheng Zhen Experiential Qigong Workshop Mrs. Sheri Johnson This workshop will begin with a short introductory talk on Qigong, describing the benefits to body, mind and spirit. Particular attention will be on the specific work of Sheng Zhen Oigong. The lecture will be followed by a demonstration of the movements of Qigong, and an invitation for audience participation. It will close with a meditation. Sheri Johnson is a QiGong Instructor for the international Sheng Zhen Society, based in the Philipines, under the training of Master Li Jun Feng She is also an instructor for the International Taijiquan and Shaolin Wushu Association under the training of Sun Leslie Reed 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Trembling Souls Mrs. Parvaneh Farhangpour Trembling souls is a creative expression of the story of humanity, and describes the world through the mirror of history. This lecture is a poetic account of humanity, as it has been endowed with divine potentialities and qualities, and with great dreams and expectations. But the world humankind has created for itself is in contrast to its dreams and ideals. This presentation will explore the sufferings of the human world, the agony and misery it is going through, and its spiritual starvation juxtaposed against its divine potentials. Head of the Department of Professional Studies at the Hebron College of Education. Co-Author of the book "Managerial Activities for a Teacher" in addition to several papers she has presented at workshops and international conferences 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 The Sufi Path of Love Mr. Jonathan Granoff (Ahmad Muhaiyaddeen) This lecture will address the fundamental principles of transformation found in traditional Sufism. Some of the central themes are knowing oneself as a means of knowing God, the dynamics of the divine attributes, and levels of human consciousness. Jonathan Granoff Ahmad Muhalyaddeen) is an attorney, author, and award-winning screenwriter. He is the UN Representative of Lawyer's Alliance for World Security and State of the World Forum, and Vice Pres. of the NGO Committee on Disarmament at the UN. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Zoroastrianism and the Ethics of Leadership Mr. Keki R. Bhote Zarathustra launched into this world a code of principles, ethics and leadership that has been replicated by the great prophets that followed him and by the charismatic leaders of nations and peoples. This paper and presentation lists the attributes of such leadership based upon the principles and ethics as Zarathustra taught and practiced them. Furthermore, it compares how well the leaders of Zoroastrianism's long history and the leaders of modern industry have adhered to these attributes, but how the managers --- as distinguished from the leaders of today have sullied these attributes. Mr. Keki R. Bhote is a founding influence in both the Zoroastrian association of America and of the Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitan Chicago, he has served these organizations as President and Trustee, respectively Identity Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 103
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 yoga/meditation practice into their faith and find there a rich and meaningful expression of it. Rev Thomas Ryan, a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Paulist Fathers, is founder and director of Unitas, an ecumenical center for spirituality and Christian meditation in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He is the author of several books, most recently. Prayer of Heart and Body and Disciplines for Christian Living 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Amen - A Spiritual Approach to Peace as Creation Dr. Hagitte Gal'ed The lecture will be an inquiry into how the Hebrew word-root "A.M.N" brings into convergence such notions as: faith, creation/art/craft, education, covenant/treaty, and trustworthiness. Hagitte Galed, MA, ABD has extensive experience in art, education production and research. Hagitte teaches at the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion in New York, and is the founder of "Garden of Peace International." 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 3.47 How to Master Change in Your Life Hospice Djohoun; Phyllis Trollip This workshop focuses on handling change from a spiritual perspective. Topics to be discussed include the following: the four stages of spiritually successfui change; spiritual techniques Lo obtain divine help. goal setting from the inside out, rather than the outside in, and gathering spiritual tools to handle future changes with grace and enthusiasm. Hospice Djohoun is a member of the Eckankar Clergy in South Africa, Phyllis Trollip is an Eck Initiate in South Africa 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER 1 Peace: For Ourselves, For the World Swami Chidananda Saraswati This Major Presentation will focus on how the insights of the Hindu tradition can help bring internal, inter-familial, national, international and universal harmony. Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji Maharaj will explain how the Indian cultural tradition has universal (secular) answers to the violence, disharmony, and disillusionment of the world today. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji Maharaj is President of Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India, and he is Founder/chairman of India Heritage Research Foundation, an international, non-profit, humanitarian foundation. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 8 Islamic Approach to Interfaith Relations Mr. Ejaz Ahmed Aslam What is the future model of interfaith relations and how have the Muslims perceived this model in history? The presenter suggests that Muslims should critically analyze their present relationships to various faith communities, and consider their future approach to interfaith relations. Mr. Ajaz Aslam is a renowned Muslim religious leader in India. Currently he is Assistant Secretary General of Jamaat-i-Islami, India. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATER 9 Play for Peace Mr. Michael Terrian; Craig Dobkin This workshop will cover the Play for Peace purpose, methodology and process. Come prepared to play as you learn about how Play for Peace works and how it benefits communities Michael Terrian is the co-founder of Play for Peace, President of the Geneva Group, Inc., a consulting firm focused on organizational learning, served the Association for Experiential Education as board member and regional president and was given their 1999 Service Leader Award, Michael graduated from George Williams College and has received a Certificate in Executive Education from Harvard Craig Dobkin is the co-founder of Play for Peace and the program coordinator at the West Pines Training Center. Craig taught at Towson State University for 12 years and in public schools for five. A recipient of the Association for Experiential Education's 1995 Michael Stratton Award, Mr. Dobkin is Board President for Youth Biz, an entrepreneurial business program for Denver's inner city youth Craig holds a M. Ed, from the University of Pittsburgh. Identity 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Liberation Theology and Freedom of Religion in Postcolonial South Africa Ms. Nokuzola Mndende The Bill of Rights asserts that everyone has the right to freedom of Religion. This lecture discusses the extent to which African Religions have been liberated and unclothed from colonial and apartheid interpretations. The presenter will also explore how capitalism and Christianisation have been used to further marginalise and humiliate those who are poor and will illustrate how Africans are still made objects of study by outside researchers Ms. Nokuzola Mndende is a practitioner of African indigerious religion and scholar at the South Africa University of Cape Town, National Chairperson of the National Council of African Traditional Religion. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN PODIUM HALL The Qur'anic Concept of Universal Principles Mawlana Mujahidul Islam Oasmi The Qur'an is an embodiment of the will of God, which provides universal guidance on principles of justice. This presentation illustrates these principles that can provide guidelines for universal justice in the global family Mujahidul Islam Qasimi is a reknowned alim freligious leader) from India, He is a Secretary General of All India Milli Council, the Director of the Figh Academy of India and he is Amir (President) Imarat-e Shariah in Bihar, India. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 7 Meditation and Yoga as Christian Spiritual Practice Rev. Thomas Patrick Ryan, CPS A growing number of Christians practice yoga and meditation and experience real benefits. Often, they do not talk about it to their church friends because they fear being viewed with suspicion or responded to with lack of understanding. They themselves are somewhat at a loss to make the points of connection between their Christian faith and their meditation/yoga practice. This session aims at making the links which enable Christians to fully and consciously integrate their 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Religion and its Role in Africa at the Turn of the Century Ms. Wendy Mashologu This lecture will explore the role of religion in Africa at the turn of the century. The presenter will explain how religion will be a primary force leading Africa into the next century. Ms. Wendy Mashologu is a Teacher residing in the Exibeleni Township, She has been a member of the Baha'i Farth for 16 years. She is also a mother of 5 boys aged 16-24, with 3 sons studying in Universities 104 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 The Role of the Guru in Spiritual Practice H. H. Yogini Sri Chandra Kaliprasada Mataji A teacher is required to have worldly and spiritual knowledge to know the real self. This lecture will discuss the importance of the teacher, guide, and/or guru's role in helping the spiritual seeker find truth by renouncing material possessions and worldly success. Through the guidance of a guru, the spiritual seeker will find that God alone is the sole source of true joy. Her Holiness Yogini Sri Chandra Kaliprasada Mataji is the head of Sri Kali Gardens Ashram at Nambur in Andhra Pradesh, India. The Ashram was established by His Holiness Sri Harurdir Kah Vara Prasada Babuji Maharaj in 1972. She was chosen by Sri Babuji to be His successor Mataji dedicated her life to spreading Sri Babuji's eternal message around the world. Sri Mataji has expanded the Ashrarn facilities and activities. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 3 Trends, Models, Paradigms of Change: Preparing for Life in the 21st Century Dr. Linda Groff This presentation will have four parts, with each part looking at a deeper level of analysis and change. The presentation will begin with a brief introduction to Future Studies, including characteristics of a futurist perspective. Next, Dr. Groff will discuss key trends in different areas. She will propose a number of models of processes of change transforming our world, with examples of each, which collectively provide an overview of much future literature. A summary of new scientific paradigms. or overarching world views, including common characteristics of such paradigms, will be followed by a look at cultural adigms or world views. This will follow with a discussion of how such changes are impacting all of our lives, and how we can be proactive, instead of reactive, in dealing with change. Linda Groff is Professor of Political Science & Future Studies at California State University, Carson, California. She is also the Director of Global Options Consulting. Linda teaches, writes, consults, and gives talks and workshops on global, futures, evolution, peace, conflict resolution, intercultural, interreligious, spiritual, and Internet topics. LEONE 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 The Spirit in Psyche and Image, Transforming Faith and Culture Ms. Ethne Bertram Gray This seminar will explore the spiritual aspects of the individual and cultural process of Individuation as described by C. G. Jung. We will focus on how the spontaneous images of art, dreams, and imagination carry the transformative spirit of the psyche (soul). 'Ethne Gray is a Jungian Analyst, art therapist, and Interfaith minister. She was born in South Africa and returns frequently to lecture and teach. She has a private practice as a Jungian Analytical Art Therapist in Newton, MA, USA 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Universal Principle of Life in the Go-game Ms. Mariko Inori The board game of GO is a crystal of Oriental wisdom which was born on the Silk Road, with Sanskrit terminology. connected with Chinese astronomy, sophisticated in Japan. It has become so popular that participants for the annual World Amateur Championship come to Japan from more than 50 countries. Through this program, you will perceive about the mysteries of life and interfaith images, for example, the birth of variety relates the beginning of death in DNA. Some colourful objects, pictures and episodes will complement to express the ideas. (The Exhibit of "Interfaith Colours by MOMO" is also available.) Mariko Inori was born and lives in Japan, and is deeply influenced by the teachings of Shinji Shumei-kai for the past 10 years. She was the Go game female student Champion in Japan in 1990 and now works as Go garne instructor. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Spiritual Warrior -- The Art of Spiritual Living Rev. John Morton What is a Spiritual Warrior? "Even when confronted with adversity, the classic warrior holds to his values and principles. But while most warriors march off to subdue a perceived enemy, the Spiritual Warrior follows a different path -- marching into their innermost center. They strive to perfect the internal discipline that will keep them attuned to God as they journey through this world." The workshop will show participants how to become a Spiritual Warrior. Rey, John Morton is the Spiritual Director of MSIA. Since 1979. Rev. John Morton has spoken and conducted workshops for MSIA the institute for Individual and World Peace (WP), and other organizations dedicated to improving people's lives. He is on the Board of Directors of IWP, the University of Santa Monica and the New Visions Foundation, Identity 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Walking the Way III: Five Aspects of Buddhist Practice 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 The Tree of Life: the Central Symbol of the Kabbala Dr. Michael Wetzler This lecture will explore the symbol of the tree of life, and explain its place in Judaic mystical thouant as well as its relationship to other mystical tools. It will also be used as a meditation tool and the group will be guided through a visualisaton evoking the blessing of the Higher Worlds. Michael Wetzler is a Medical Doctor with a wide interest in alternative medicine. He has looked at various religious disciplines, but his core map remains the Tree of Life at the centre of his Jewish mystical hentage. Rev. Heng Sure; Bhikshuni Heng Liang: Dr. Snjezana Akpinar; Dr. Martin Verhoeven; Mr. Bhikshuni Heng Ch'ih; Mr. Bhikshuni Heng Tung Rev. Sure will explore the practice of Buddhist sutras and the ethical guidelines essential to this practice. The role of esoteric practices in Buddhism in general and the relevance of devotional practices will also be addressed. Five Sessions -each a modular unit: attendees are welcome at one class or ali classes. Reverend Heng Sure is the Director of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery in Berkeley, CA and serves as a Board member of the United Religions Initiative Bhikshuni Heng Liang is an American Buddhist nun. She has been a Disciple for 20 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. She has her M.A. from Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Dr. Snjezana Akpinar is a Chancellor at Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Dr. Snjezana has Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the University of Istanbul. Martin Verhoeven, Ph.D. was a Buddhist monk for 18 years and is currently Associate Professor of History and Asian Religion at the Institute for World Religions in Berkeley. California. He is also an Adjunct Professor of History & Religion at the Pacific School of Religion, Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. Jain Education Interational 2010_03 105
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________________ Identity 1 9 9 9 PARL I A MENT IDENTITY Bhikshuni Heng Ch'ih is an American Buddhist nun. Heng Ch'ih has been a Disciple for 30 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. She has her M.A. from Dharma Realm Buddhist University. O F Bhikshuni Heng Tung is a Taiwanese Buddhist nun, Disciple for 10 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. Heng Tung has B.A. in Chinese Studies from Fu Jen University, Taiwan. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Witches in the United States and South Africa: A Nuanced Comparison. Ms. Judith Grove Harris The lecture will begin with a brief presentation on the growth of Paganism in the U.S., which includes Witchcraft in feminism and other contexts. The presenters will move to identity issues and compare these issues to the construction of witchcraft in the South African context. Some possible questions will be, "Who are contemporary witches and what do they see themselves as doing?" and "What is their social role?" Grove Harris has researched Paganism in the US. for the Pluralism Project at Harvard University. Her work appears on the CD-ROM On Common Ground: World Religions in America. She is a Priestess of Feminist Wicca and received her M Div. from Harvard in 1996. HE SPIKARAN arm 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN THEATER 9 Clinics: the Gift of the Islamic Medical Association Dr. MC Solwa Talk on the activities of the Islamic Medical Association, with special focus on the Primary Health Care Clinics; with slide presentation. No biographical statement available at time of printing. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Integration of Individual and Social Values in Sikhism Dr. Balwant Singh The birth of Khalsa is a unique event in the history of mankind. Its tercentenary was celebrated throughout the world in 1999. The concept of Khalsa integrates the individual and social values to develop self-esteem and dignity among individuals, and generate social responsibility to protect not only individuals, but improve social interaction among diversified communities. Khalsa raises social consciousness and elevates humans to a higher level of spirituality and frees your mind from fear. The concept of Panth is based on democratic principles, sharing responsibility and collective thinking. It eliminates discrimination from the mind, biases of different kinds, and hatred towards other human beings. Sikhism as preached by Guru Gobind Singh, founder of the Khalsa Panth, is free from gender and racial biases, promotes equality among human beings, and teaches tolerance. It was the creation of a more compassionate, more tolerant, self respecting, and benevolent society based on spirituality. Dr. Singh taught at the University of Delhi, Panjab University and Old Dominion University. He was appointed as Professor Emeritus on his retirement in 1993. He has written articles on Sikhism and related areas in distinguished papers and journals. He was a delegate to the 1993 Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions. ANA 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Jainism: Understanding Karma Philosophy and its Application Mr. Pravin K. Shah This presentation explains the fundamental concepts of Karma, the process of bondage, and the process of separation. A practical application of this philosophy is discussed using various real life examples. 106 2010_03 THE WORLD SUNDAY, S RELIGIO N S 5 DECEMBER Pravin K. Shah is a founding Minister of the Jain Study Center of North Carolina and the Director of the Federation of Jain Associations. He is the author of a comparative religion book, Essence of World Religion, and has written many articles on Jainism. He maintains the Jain Literature Website (, which has more than 10,000 pages of information. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Spiritual and Moral Roles in the New Millenium A Baha'i Review Mrs. Shohreh Rawhani This lecture will explore what humanity has achieved up to now, and what can be achieved in the coming millennium. She will also discuss the potential of humanity, with particular emphasis on technological and moral advances. Mr. Mewa Ramgobin holds a M.Phil in Psychology, and is married with three children. For the past 10 years she has been an elected member of the National Spiritual Assembly of The Baha'is of South Africa. She is currently serving as its General Secretary. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN PODIUM HALL Sri Ramakrishna and the Vibrancy of Religious Pluralism Swami Saradananda This lecture will illustrate the example of Sri Ramakrishna (18361886) Hinduism's ultimate answer to the enigma of religious unity. He lived and practiced Hinduism, Islam and Christianity in the most sincere and enlightened way. With unparalleled mystical insight and a spontaneous expression of these truths, he evolved an original pattern for the peaceful coexistence of all faiths. Swami Saradananda has been involved for nearly three decades in spiritual, welfare and interfaith work in South Africa, especially when its people were enfeebled by apartheid. He holds an MA from the Department of Divinity. Rhodes University. Since 1994 he has been the President of the Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa. 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.56 A Kaleidoscope of Christian Spirituality: Franciscan Spirituality as a Spirituality for All Times and All People. Sr. Rita Baptista The facilitator will give a brief overview of Francis of Assisi as lover, mystic, poet, artist, ecologist, feminist, Taoist, fool, Saint, rebel, itinerant, Prophet, eternal youth, disciple and poor one. Franciscan Spirituality will be understood in the context of the 13th century and its relevance to the critical issues affecting our world today will be explored. Symbol and music will express the dimensions of beauty and sacredness integral to Franciscan Spirituality. There will be opportunities for individual reflection, group discussion, and a concluding plenary. Rita Baptista is a Franciscan nun and a Reiki Tai-Chi Master. She is part of a Spiritual Retreat Centre - Temenos in McGregor, Western Cape. She was involved in Women's Space and Time Assembly of the World Council of Religions held in Canberra, Australia 1990. Up to 2:00 PM-2:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.60 An Explanation of Navijote: A Zoroastrian Initiation Ceremony Dr. Dastoor Kersey Antia Dr. Antia will show how the Navijote, along with the Hindu's Junior ceremony, are the earliest, if not prehistoric, religious initiation ceremonies. The Navijote is full of symbolism, which is the essence of Zoroastrianism. It is short and sweet yet very profound in its impact on all those involved. Dr. Antia has been high priest of the Zarathushti community in the Chicago area since 1977, when he was awarded the Dastur's shawl by
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT IDENTITY SE ZAC. He has been a fully ordained priest since 1950. Dr. Antia has lectured widely since he was 17, and is the author of numerous papers on religion and psychology. He is a licensed clinical and management psychologist in full time private practice in Illinois and is also affiliated with several hospitals. O F 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 8 An Interior Pilgrimage: Remedy for the Year 2000 and Beyond Swami Murugananda Saraswathi Educational institutions are active to introduce the science to see the outer, which does not contribute towards establishing the inner contact. Sight is a faculty but seeing is an art. If this vision is introduced in the systems of our education, then the world will come to know that you and I are not two, but one person. This is the secret for peace on this planet. Everything is present every time, everywhere in every condition because of the oneness in our deepest being. To awaken ourselves towards this unique understanding, we must humbly embark on an inner pilgrimage which could direct the human resources to participate in the glory of perfection. Swami Saraswathi began his spiritual quest when he left his family home in 1969. After training with Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj in the Himalayas for 16 years, Swami Saraswathi began giving discourses on the great treasure of vedic knowledge. In 1989, Swamiji started The Arunachala Unique Mountain Trust, which assists young students in their pursuit of higher education and spiritual guidance. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Celebrating the Witness of Ethiopian Christianity Rev. Sipho Tshelane Since 50 AD Ethiopian Christianity has been practiced. This lecture will outline the history of this church group, demonstrating how this discipline has grown since its inception. The presenter will also explore Ethiopian Christianity's impact on social life and how it is involved in interreligious understanding and cooperation. Rev. Tshelane was ordained in 1977 as a Minister of Religion, and is presently the Pastor of the United National Church. He serves in organisations of the African Independent Churches and on several Ecumenical Groups. He served in the Institute for Contextual Theology for nine years, and is currently the coordinator of the World Conference on Religion and Peace in South Africa. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Concept of Aparigarha in Jain Thought Mr. Niraj Jain "Parigraha" (attachment to worldly things and unlimited wants) is the main cause of bondage of Karma. Therefore, wantlessness is the base of Jain philosophy and a symbol of a path towards purification of the soul in the Jain system of thoughts. Mr. Jain is the author of 25 books on religion, history, and philosophy. He has been a radio and television commentator and has given lectures on Jain philosophy and comparative religions at several institutions in the USA, Canada, India, and other countries. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Cooperation Plus Tolerance Equals Peace: A New Universal Moral Law Dr. Jonathan Condit While Avatar Adi Da Samraj is widely acknowledged to be one of humanity's foremost spiritual realizer, he has also authored several highly influential works of social criticism. That work is summarized in the universal moral law presented in the title of this workshop. We will take a close look at the first public statement Avatar Adi Da has ever issued an extraordinary 2010_03 THE WORLD SUNDAY, S RELIGION S 5 DECEMBER prophetic warning that humanity must immediately end war and other forms of gross competition between nations. Jonathan Condit is Avatar Adi Da's senior manuscripts editor. He is an authority on Korean music and has an extensive background in Buddhist religious practice. He has also been an intimate witness to Adi Da's recent warnings about the perilous state of human affairs. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 The Dreams of the Mother Earth Rev. Selena Fox This lecture will introduce Wolvenwold Sanctuary and its contribution to a vision of global peace. The discussion will include the exciting concept of "Earthship Homes," alternative energy sources, cottage industry, and community, as it relates to nature spirituality. The ideas of Paganism and Wicca will be introduced as a way of life. This will be a lecture of the possibilities of leaving our vision with our future's children. Rev. Selena Fox is high priestess of Circle Sanctuary and Co-executive Director of Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve in southwestern Wisconsin, USA. A Wiccan priestess, interreligious ecospirituality minister, and clinical psychotherapist, she travels internationally as part of her work, presenting workshops and facilitating ceremonial experiences of healing. spiritual growth, and celebration of Nature. igr kak sobiral'n 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Five Hundred Years of Nonviolence & Peacemaking - The Other History of the Sikhs T S. S. Shiva Singh Khalsa The history of the Sikhs of the Punjab typically speaks of their valor, loyalty, and fierceness in battle. Many western historians were initially exposed to the Sikhs by their contact with Punjabis in the World Wars, who heroically served the British Empire, or by limited readings in the English language. In this presentation, Mr. Shiva Singh seeks to expose the audience to a variety of events from Sikh History, as well as, examples of the Sikh written word from diverse sources and the sacred scriptures, respectfully known as Siri Guru Granth Sahib. This will reveal the Sikh essential character, philosophy, and commitment and sacrifice to peacemaking from the 15th century, through the struggles for independence and human rights. SS Shiva Singh Khalsa is the Director of 3HO Foundation of Illinois, and an ordained Minister of the Sikh Dharma. He is part of the CPWR International Planning Committee and on the steering committee for the Creating Community Vision Project in Chicago. He is also a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher. sepelit 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 God is One Rati Manjara Dasi God is one, with many names. We all belong to the same God, but address God in different ways, according to time, place and circumstance. Despite our many differences, true unity is possible on the spiritual platform. Recognising our true relationship with God enables us to find unity in diversity. Rati Manjari Dasi is a ten-year initiate in the practice of Bhakti Yoga with the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Rati Dasi has spent time studying and teaching the science of Bhakti Yoga in India, and has conducted numerous retreats, seminars and lectures in South Africa over the past six years. Identity 107
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________________ Identity 1999 PARLIAMENT O F IDENTITY 2:00 PM-4:00 PM IN TECHNIKON AMPHITHEATRE Hatha Yoga: Integrating Body, Breath, Mind and Spirit Mrs. Pramilla Vassen This workshop invites participants to explore and observe the conscious movement of body, breath and mind, and to tune into the deeper levels of consciousness. Dive into the creative openness of mind and discover how to energise your body in a way that refreshes your whole being. This workshop will lead participants in body alignment, quiet attention, intense awareness, visualisation, relaxation and a meditative journey into the heart of your true nature. Diploma in Remedial (Therapeutic) Yoga, and trained at Ananda Kutir Ashram as a Remedial Yoga Teacher. She is the Chairperson of South Africa's Remedial Yoga Teachers Association. She is also the Chairperson of the Hindu Association of the Western Cape, where she coordinates seventeen organisations. She is currently the Deputy Chair of the Parliament of the World's Religions South Africa, and a member of the Ayurvedic Liaison Committee." HES S te 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 4 poveche Human Rights and Obligations: The Qur'anic Perspective Dr. Zafar Ishaq Ansari The presentation will look at the potential of how Man-God relationships may help foster peaceful human relations. Dr. Ansari shows that people may achieve greater social harmony through an insightful interpretation of the Qur'an. Professor Zafar Ishaq Ansari graduated from the University of Karachi (MA) and McGill University (Ph.D.). He has published extensively, and now heads the prestigious Islamic Research Institute. International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. talas' v na 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATRE 3 Jihad and Human Rights in Islam Prof. Anis Ahmad Jihad is commonly understood as the use of violence for religious purposes, hence, it is translated as "holy war." The Qur'an and the Sunnah use this term in a wider connotation. The paper will make an effort to understand how Islam looks at human rights and examine the role of Jihad as a corrective method. Dr. Ahmad is presently Professor of Comparative Religion and Director General of Da 'wah Academy of the International Islamic University, in Islamabad, Pakistan. Dr. Ahmad has held the positions of Vice President, IIU; Dean, Faculty of Usul al Din, IIU, Dean, Faculty of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences, IIU, Malaysia; President, Association of Muslim Social Scientists, USA. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Searching for God in an Age of Secularity Rabbi David Sherman This lecture will explore the issues surrounding modern day Judaism and its response to its largely secular surrounding culture. The presenter will share with participants a new theology for modern Jews, which is based on the outlook of Progressive Judaism. Born in Boston, Mass, in 1909. Rabbi David Sherman earned his Bachelor of Science Degree from Boston University in 1930. He is the Founding Rabbi of the Cape Town Progressive Jewish Congregation, and Chairman of Cape Town Interfaith Forum. He is also the author of the book Pioneer for Reform; Judaism Confronts Modernity 108 2010_03 THE WORLD'S SUNDAY, RELIGIONS DECEMBER 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Sufi Meditation - The Method of the Continual Remembrance of God (Zikr) Mr. Jonathan Granoff (Ahmad Muhaiyaddeen) As Bawa Muhaiyaddeen says, "God lives in Man, Man lives in God." This lecture will introduce the Sufi method of breathing, contemplation, and meditation for the purpose of merging with God. Jonathan Granoff (Ahmad Muhaiyaddeen) is an attorney, author, awardwinning screenwriter, and a public advocate for the legal, ethical, and spiritual dimension of human development and peace. An executive of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, the Temple of Understanding, and the Middle Powers Initiative as well as an advisor to the International Association of Sufism and Inner Directions. He is the UN Representative of Lawyer's Alliance for World Security and State of the World Forum, and Vice Pres. of the NGO Committee on Disarmament at the UN 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Thirumurais - Tamil Literature 5 Mr. Marie Pillay This lecture will explore the meaning and power of the poems contained in Thevarum, Thiruvasam, Arupta and Thirukkural. The speaker will show the relationship of these writings to life as practiced today. He will illustrate how the teachings contained in these writing can, if applied, can bring peace and harmony in South Africa, and enhance interreligious dialogue. Marie Pillay is the Guru at Siva Ghana Sabbay. He is also the Founder of the Siva Ghana Sabbay, and the Representative of Tamil People at International Conferences in India. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Translating Faith... Approaching Hinduism from the West Mr. Lawrence W. Brown The New Age Movement in the West represents an eclectic search for spiritual options. This lecture will discuss some ways in which the West approaches Hinduism and will focus on the questions: Who is God and what does God want? Are the traditional gods of India indispensable to Hinduism? How do we understand Karma and reincarnation? What are Hinduism's ethical fundamentals, especially nonviolence and spiritual tolerance. Also discussed will be the path of Gandhi, and his movement from personal spirituality to social transformation. Lawrence Brown has been a life-long student of the world's religions. Since his conversion to Hinduism, he has published Bodhi Beautiful, How to be a Hindu in America, with Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in India. Lawrence Brown teaches geography and ancient history at Cape Cod Academy in Massachusetts. He is an editorialist for his local newspaper, produces and moderates an interfaith TV forum, has assisted in a successful domestic-violence prevention program with an interfaith group of clergy, the press, and local law enforcement, and has also published five books. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 7 Universal Man and Universal Religion Mr. Ram Jee Singh, Ph.D., D.Litt; His Holiness Sahi Swamiji Maharaj; His Holiness Swami Chaturanandji Maharaj; Sri M.R. Agrawal; Sri Pradeep Kumar Every religion has its own mission. In the divine scheme, each of them has been assigned special functions. Thus the existence of the different faiths work as a spiritual division of labor. Hence, to treat our own religion as superior and the rest as inferior is a sacrilege and undivine act. The externalization of spirituality can be only in terms of morality, purity, love, brotherhood, service and sacrifice. There is an essential unity among the teachings of religion. No biographical statement available by time of printing.
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 The URANTIA Book & Our Guiding Institutions Mr. Frank Gard Jameson, Jr.; Mr. Marvin Gawryn The URANTIA book presents a wealth of insight into the origins of our guiding institutions, their nature and their destiny. The authors of The URANTIA Book provide a visionary ideal for these institutions based upon a deep spiritual foundation, Gard Jameson is a Trustee of URANTIA Foundation, the publisher of The URANTIA Book. He is on the board of the North American Interfaith Network, the Southern Nevada Interfaith Council and the National Conference For Community and Justice. Marvin Gawryn is a board member of the URANTIA Book Fellowship. He is the Chairman of the Fellowship's Fraternal Relations Committee. He has been reading The URANTIA Book for nearly 30 years. form of prayer beads, and in this intensive workshop we will explore the ways in which holding and wearing beads can uncover personal prayer. Through her own meditation practice, Eleanor has created Contemporary Prayer Beads used for seeking the divine. During this highly experiential time together, each of us will complete a set of personal prayer beads providing us with a tactile approach to present moment practice, allowing us to live our lives with interest, curiosity, and compassion Materials will be supplied, but please bring any personal beads, trinkets, and amulets you would like to incorporate Eleanor Wiley is an artist/meditation teacher who has been creating personal prayer beads and teaching their use to people of many faiths for the past five years. Meditation has been part of her life for 35 years. Eleanor sits with both a Christian and a Buddhist community and has studied with masters of many paths. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Why Myths Matter: Joseph Campbell Ms. Rebecca Armstrong The Roundtable leaders from the Joseph Campbell Foundation will share stories of how the recognition of one's personal mythology has deepened the experience of life and brought a sense of vision, mission and creative engagement with the world. Rebecca Armstrong is the International Outreach Director for the Joseph Campbell Foundation, a storyteller and Humanist Minister 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATRE 3 How the Hindus Define "Soul" during Lifetime and after Death Prof. Nepal Lodh This presentation shows that Hindus, by using yoga and religious practice will overcome fear of death, and as a consequence, attain salvation of the soul. Furthermore, by paralleling these practices to their day-to-day work, the Hindus can occupy themselves intensely with the question of death. The Hindu death ritual inevitably unites the soul of the deceased with the universal soul. Nepal Lodh, of Indian birth, grew up in two cultures (Indian and German). He is a social scientist and college lecturer with the status of Professor and Coordinator for cooperation between Indian and German colleges. Dr. Lodh is a master of yoga and President of the Indo-German Hindu Society 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Youth Ambassadors from the World Dr. Jerry C.L. Chang The speaker will bring five World Vision Youth Ambassadors, from a total of 250, to talk about how they lived in a global Village setting for 12 weeks along with 50 other youth from 50 different nations. Jerry CL Chang has a BS, MS, D.Sc. in Engineering, and a Masters in Public and International Affairs. He has been a Chief Design Engineer and Professor in the U.S., Advisor in Nigeria and Ecuador, Vice President of Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok and of East West Center in Honolulu: United Nations Representative in Paraguay with rank of Ambassador; Ex. Dir. of World Vision Taiwan and V.P. at Large of World Vision International. He has traveled to about 100 countries. Born and raised in China, Dr. Chang is now a US citizen and married with four children Identity 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 The Khoi-Khoi, Christianity, and Land - A Serious South African Dilemma Dr. Willa Boezak This lecture will provide an in-depth focus on the crucial issue of indigenous people's right to land, and explore the colonial history of dispossession with particular attention to the role of Christian missionaries. Also discussed will be the Khoi understanding of God and land ownership, the present issue of economic and social justice via reparations, and restitution (the land claim of the Nama as a case study). Masters degree in Theology from the University of Western Cape and a Masters degree from the Free University of Amsterdam. Ph.D, University of Cape Town, and author of the book "God's Wrathful Children." Theologian and National Coordinator of Khoi Religion 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN PODIUM HALL The Concept of Hanuman in Vedas H. H. Guru Maa J. Saraswati Hanuman is described as the Supreme Power or energy in the Vedas. He is the son of the wind god. The wind god is the first perceptible energy and one of the five elements. He is the incarnation of Shiva. He came to help Rama and considered Rama as his deity. Over a period, he became popular as Ra servant. There is enough material in the Vedas, Puranas, and scriptures to show that Hanuman is the Supreme Power, he is lever present. Guru Maa Jyotishanand Saraswati is the Founder of the Vedic Heritage Foundation, and Director of the Sri Hanuman Mandir. 3:00 PM-4100 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 The Modern Mystic: Mahdi Messiah Maitreya Mr. Stephen Peter Salmon This presentation will trace Mysticism through the ages as it evolved and manifested itself at different stages into different faiths and religions. The presenter will also explore how mysticism can bring humanity to an acceptance of our common spiritual heritage, and thus to the common goal and objective of God-consciousness. Mr. Stephen Peter Salmon was a reborn Christian in 1971, and then embraced Islam in 1973. He underwent Islamic Missionary training in India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. He went on to do Islamic Missionary work in Namibia, Europe, the United States and South Africa. 8:00 PM-4:00 PM IN THEATER 8 Contemporary Prayer Beads: A Metaphor for Life Ms. Eleanor Wiley The word bead is derived from the Anglo-Saxon bidden (to prayl and beads (prayer), and the use of beads to count prayers originated with the Hindus in India over 1,500 years ego. Today, two-thirds of the world's population utilize some Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 109
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________________ 1999.. PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 New Thought: By Altering your Attitude and Mind, You can Alter your Life Rev. Marietjie Venter New Thought, a blend of religion and philosophy, originated in the 19th century in New England - and is now a worldwide movement. New Thought is more an influence than an institution, as it influences society with its discovery and application of the fact that a person can alter his or her life by altering their attitude and mind. The presenter illustrates how New Thought offers an alternative religious experience to many spiritual-minded seekers. She will also describe how, in times of major change and adjustment in South Africa, it can provide a positive bridge between different cultures, languages, religious and political beliefs. Rev. Marietjie Venter is an independent New Thought Minister in Cape Town, has two Masters Degrees, and is a qualified teacher and yoga instructor. She is a member of INTA and a member of The Society for the Study of Metaphysical Religion, The Educational Standards and Accreditation Committee, and The Old Testament Society of South Africa 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Savita - The Sun of Gayatri Chhandam of the Sages of the East Mrs. Ines Lawler The Sun's expanse over the earth is an expression of nature which contains, in itself, creation, sustenance and destruction. In its three aspects, the Sun illuminates all kinds of life, both within and without. Humankind's observation of nature, with keen senses and a reflective mind, will convince us that nature worship cannot contradict anything - rather it could create a global family that will live and act in the interest of its environment and restoration to balance. This lecture will illustrate how this understanding is a panacea for all humanity irrespective of religions, ethnicity or color. As a theosophist, Ines Lawler has given a number of lectures over several years at the Theosophical Society in Cape Town. She is a disciple of Tapasi Baba Avadhoot, who resides in Pune, India. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 5 Qur'an and Religious Pluralism Dr. Ghulam-Haider Aasi The Qur'anic approach to the issue of religious pluralism provides an insightful foundation. The presenter's goal is to elucidate the Qur'anic perspectives on the subject of religious pluralism, which stands for freedom of religion, and to explain how the Qur'an gives every individual the same right to follow his/her conscience. Dr. Aasi has a MA and Ph.D. in Comparative Religion. He teaches at Loyola University, DePaul University, and is also LSTC. He is currently Professor and Chair of Islamic Studies at American Islamic College. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 The Spirit of Relatedness and Connectedness in the African Culture Fr. Mkheseni Xulu For the gospel to take root in the indigenous African way of life, true dialogue between the gospel and African culture has to take place. The end result of this process is that an African Christian is born. This process is called inculturation, but the presenter will illustrate how it can also be seen as relatedness and connectedness Mkheseni Xulu, a Roman Catholic priest in KwaZulu Natal in the Diocese of Eshowe, has been on a journey since his student days in the seminary to be and to pray like an African before God. He has found that his community in KwaZulu Natal encourages people to be themselves before God. Identity 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Sacred Passage: A Model for Psychospiritual Transformation Dr. Douglas Canterbury-Counts, Ph.D., MDIV Ecopsychology is a model that interprets the human condition, both healthy and pathological, in relationship to the living Earth, known as Gaia. Sacred Passage is a contemporary experiential program that provides a safe container for radical psychospiritual transformation in an 11-day model. This experience occurs in a 108 pace circle in sacred places throughout the world. The participant is prepared for a sevenday solo experience in silence with no distractions. The enter will use his own experiences, and that of his therapy clients, to describe the invariant process of psychological death and rebirth that occurs in the Sacred Passage basic program. Dr. Douglas Canterbury-Counts is a clinical psychologist and adjunct Florida Atlantic University professor. He is the founder of the Center for Sacred Psychology, a member of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, the Center for Jungian Studies of SE Florida, and listed in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World. He is a spiritual student of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati and lives with his family at Kashi Ashram, Florida. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 The Tarot as a Guide for Your Spiritual Journey Dr. Audrey Savage Using oversized tarot cards, this presentation will take you through a journey of twenty-two Archetypal images on four different levels of learning. Level 1: How you relate to the world. Level 2: How you relate to your mind, emotions, and feelings. Level 3: How you relate spiritually. Level 4: How all of these relate, one to another. Dr. Audrey Savage, Ph.D., author of The Dance of Life Tarot Cards, has spent 22 years as a Gestalt therapist and workshop leader in the United States and Europe. Currently, she is the Training Director for the North American School of Gestalt and Experiential Teaching in San Francisco, and teacher for the Indianapolis Gestalt Institute, Indianapolis, IN 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Saivism Into the Next Millennium 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Vedanta and the Role of Humankind in the Cosmos Dr. Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami The lecture will focus on the scientific principles of Vedantic Cosmology and the Mission of Humankind. A synthetic view of science and religious traditions will also be presented in the light of Vedanta. Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami, Ph.D. in Physical Organic Chemistry, University of California, Irvine. He organized First and Second World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion in 1986 (Bombay) and in 1997 Calcutta). He is the President of the University of Bhagavata Culture in Manipur, India. He has been involved with United Religious Initiative since 1997, He has been the governing board of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and the Director of the Bhaktivedanta Institute since 1974 Swami Sivanandhi Adikalaar This lecture will introduce Saivism as it is propagated globaly the various methods that can be utilized in order to move Saivism forward into the next millennium. No biographical statement available at time of printing 110 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.56 A Kaleidoscope of Christian Spirituality: The Benedictine Way: The Joy of Being Ordinary Dr. Timothy Jolley St. Benedict, in his sixth century rule, taught his monks: "Do not aspire to be called holy before you really are, but first be holy that you may more truly be called so." This workshop invites participants to explore together this ancient challenge to live in the sanctity of the present moment, learning to accept ourselves as we are as those made in the image of a loving God. Br. Timothy Jolley OHC is an Anglican Benedictine monk (for twenty-five years, and has taught numerous courses on prayer using sacred texts 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN THEATER & Honoring the Great Soul: Gandhi's Relevance for the New Millennium The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey H. Utter The presentation will highlight the life and work of Mahatma K Gandhi; describe how one interfaith group, the San Fernando Valley Interfaith Council of Los Angeles, has sought to keep his memory alive, and, raise questions about the ongoing relevance of Gandhi in various First and Third World settings. The key ideas of nonviolence, experimenting with truth, and living simply will be dealt with in an interactive way by encouraging contributions from participants. Dr. Jeff Utter, past president of the San Fernando Valley Interfaith Council of Los Angeles, and cofounder of the Council's annual Gandhi Day event. He is a minister in the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), USA 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Applying Buddhist Values in Building a Culture of Peace Mr. Toshinori Iwazumi Our lives are constantly developing in a dynamic way, in a synergy of the internal causes within our own life and the external conditions and relations around us. All things, mutually supportive and related, form a living cosmos, a single living whole. When we realize the extent of the myriad interconnections which link us to all other life, we then nderstand that it is impossible to build our own happiness on e unhappiness of others. As Nichiren wrote, "If you light a lamp for another, your own way will be lit". Toshinori Iwazumi is the Vice President and Deputy Executive Director of Soka Gakkai International. He was the editor of Cries for Peace, a 90volume series of testamonials from atomic bomb victims in Nagasaki and He earned his Bachelors of Science in Engineering at Tokyo University 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 India: Glimpses of Eternity Dr. Robert Arnett An inspiring and uplifting slide presentation featuring Robert Arnett's internationally acclaimed spiritual photography of India. Mr. Arnett's understanding of India's eternal wisdom enables him to reveal the underlying unity of all religions hidden behind the complex and seemingly different symbology of India's diverse culture. Robert Arnett has a Master's Degree in History from Indiana University and has taught History of Western Civilization for the University of Maryland, European Division. He spent over 20 months in India and is the author of the internationally acclaimed illustrated book with text India Unveiled. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Baha'i Prayer and Meditation Let's Experience God Ms. Tahirih Matthee; Mr. Gregory P. Matthee Sr. Pratima Desai This lecture will feature a selection of prayers from the Baha'i Everyone has experiences in life that have moved them to Faith, as well as other sacred readings deeper levels of faith and belief that there is an energy (a Tahirih Matthee is a member of Bahar Council of Western Cape and a power beyond us) that is powerful, yet loving and caring. This member of the Inter religious Commission on Crime and Violence in the experiential workshop will allow participants the opportunity to Western Cape. Tahirin also serves as a Trustee of the PWR board. find a safe space to open a discussion about those experiences Gregory Matthee is a member of the spiritual assembly of the Baha'is of Sister Pratima is the Director of Brahma Kumaris in Chicago and is a Oostenberg Trustee of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions She has been a teacher in Raja Yoga Meditation for over 25 years. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Holistic Health Ministry and Parish Nursing in Your Community of Faith Our Spiritual Journey in an Unfolding Universe Ms. Karen Ingvoldstad Ms. Patricia M. Bombard, BVM; Kathleen Bridge, SND; Mr. Thomas Torinus; Dabula Mpako This workshop will give a brief history of health care and its relationship to the worshiping community. Why is this model of Representatives of the Institute for Spiritual Leadership will lead nursing growing so fast in the USA? What is parish nursing? a reflective and experiential program on the spiritual How does it work? What are the roles of a parish nurse? How implications of the Epic of Evolution of the Universe now is health ministry different from parish nursing? These and coming to us from contemporary science. The program will other questions will be addressed in this workshop. include a ritual, known as "The Cosmic Walk," and group Ms Karen ingvoldstad + is a Registered Nurse with global experience as a reflection on the experience of the ritual. volunteer with Remote Area Medical, the Peace Corps, Vista, South Africa Patricia Bombard, B.V.M., is an Executive Director of the Institute for Sister Community Program, and Exchange Peace Mission in Braunsweig. Spiritual Leadership, Chicago, IL, USA. She is a Roman Catholic, and is Germany. She is currently a Parish Nurse for various congregations in Currently working on a Doctorate of Ministry Degree at Chicago Detroit, MI and Milwaukee, WI. Theological Seminary Kathleen Bridge, S.N.D. is a Roman Catholic and a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She is a native of South Africa, and currently does religious formation work in her congregation. Thomas Torinus is a member of the United Church of Christ and currently is involved in spiritual companioning, community building work and teaching spirituality. Dabula Mpako is a Roman Catholic Priest with the Archdiocese of Pretoria and a native of South Africa He is Pastor of a parish and is involved in spiritual direction work, 111 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy and the Development of Humanity Mr. John Roux This lecture will describe stages in the evolution of consciousness in society and individuals, with a particular focus on the meaning of reincarnation and destiny as principles which underlie this progression. He will illustrate how Anthroposophy, as a spiritual science, is a modern initiation path based on understanding "thinking as a spiritual activity. He will then illustrate Anthroposophy's applications and results in practical life - from the renewal of the arts, sciences and religion, to Anthroposophical medicine, architecture, and biodynamic agriculture John Roux has degrees in Philosophy and Psychology from the University of Cape Town He is a Waldorf Teacher and offers management training in Black Education. He is currently the Chairperson of the South Africa New Economics Foundation, and has been involved in Anthroposophy since 1974. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN PODIUM HALL Shabad Guru The Technology of Spiritual Integration in the New Millennium Dr. Bibiji Inderjit Kaur; S. S. Shiva Singh Khalsa Dr. Bibiji Inderjit Kaur provides a stirring treatise on our spiritual "disconnection" and "disintegration" as side effects of the information age. As our technology and the use of all kinds of electronic interaction continue to increase, she explains the importance of developing the intuitive mind to handle the increased frequency and sheer volume of communications. The mental and emotional pressures from this information invasion have become unbearable for many as we move ever closer towards the new millennium. Dr. Kaur explains how the human psyche can function neutrally, optimally, and intuitively in this environment through the technology of "Shabd Guru or "sound current" meditation. Dr. Guru Terath Kaur will then lead a guided meditation during the final segment of the presentation. The meditation will provide an experience of consciousness through the group practice of "sound current projection to heighten intuition and the power to function in the neutral mind. Although rooted in the Sikh tradition, the technology of "Shabd Guru is offered to all people of all religions, so that each may receive a deep and personal experience of his or her own religion. Dr. Bibit Inderjit Kaur holds the distinguished position of "Bhai Sahiba and has authored numerous books and other publications to instruct people in the Sikh teachings. Bibiji sits on the Khalsa Council of Sikh Dharma as the "Bhai Sahiba" or "Chief Religious Minister to guide the Council's proceedings according to the Sikh Rehit Maryada or the Sikh code of living. Bibiji is the head of the N.G.O. delegation for 3HO Foundation to the United Nations and has been a presenter at numerous world conferences S.S. Shiva Singh Khalsa is the Director of 3HO Foundation of Mlinois, and an ordained Minister of the Sikh Dharma Active in the interreligious community, he is part of the CPWR International Planning Committee and on the steering committee for the Creating Community Vision Project in Chicago. He has 20 years of clinical experience as a pastoral counselor. He is also a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher. Shiva Singh has taught and lectured on Sikh philosophy and practice, yoga and meditation, in a wide variety of venues. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Sacred Initiations of the Congo Rainforests Mr. Dan Lieberman This lecture discusses the Congo-based Bwiti initiations, which brings the initiate into sacred knowledge, using the sacramental plant Iboga. The presenter will describe the Bwiti ancestral belief system, and compares their experience of death and the rites surrounding it with those of the Tibetan Buddhism and the Aboriginal Dreamtime. The presenter will explore how these similarities point to a fundamental nature underlying all religious experience and the universality of the sacred. Mr Dan Lieberman is an ethnobotanical researcher with an interest in the transpersonal nature of the shamanic experience, and has undergone the initiation experience in both a South American and African setting Identity 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 7 Sacred Traditions of Hula and Kahuna Ms. Pualani Kanaka 'ole Kanahele The lecturer will discuss the origins and sacred practice of the indigenous people of Hawaii. Video clips will be shared. Pualani Kanaka comes from a lineage of hula masters and kahuna who have preserved authentic ancient traditions, songs, dances and practices within their family down to the present day. She heads one of the most traditional and respected halau hula hula schools), succeeding her mother. She is acknowledged by many as the cultural authority for Hawaiian family religious practices and spirituality today. She wrote a short piece for Smithsonian Institution book This Path We Travel: Celebrations of Contemporary Native American Creativity. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Women in Sikhism Ms. Surinder Kaur Singh The lecture will address the status, equality, participation, and contribution of women in the history of the Sikh religion. No biographical statement available at time of printing. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Saivism: A World Faith Mr. Wolaganatha Pillay This lecture will address the origins of Saivism, its philosophy. fundamental teachings and practices. The presenter will illustrate key aspects of Saivism through discussing the Harrapa and Mohenyo Daro Ruins Mr. Wolaganatha Pilay is a committee member of the Tamil Federation Gauteng and the World Saiva Council She is 68 years old, retired, an interfaith supporter, and a lecturer on Saivism at all temple functions. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Yoga as Prayer Mrs. Judith Baker Miller The participants will be instructed and guided in a prayer in which a simple flow of yoga asanas is joined with the words of the Lord's Prayer. This group prayer offering will be an expression of gratitude to the tradition of Hatha Yoga, the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the many paths to the one truth It will be an experience of prayer as defined by Hildegaarde of Bingen: "Breathing in and breathing out the one breath of the Universe." Judith Baker Miller is a transpersonal counselor and yoga teacher. She is a lover of Africa who seeks a means of connecting with and being in service to South Africa She currently lives in Portland, Oregon, and she has practiced and taught "Yoga as Prayer" in classes and workshops for nifteen years. She offers the practice as an expression of love and means of knowing unity in body, mind, and spirit 112 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 19 9 9 M PARLI A MENT IDENTITY 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 5 A Citizen in the City of God Rev. William Walbrugh This panel presentation will explore the experience of God from different perspectives. Panelists will describe their experiences of the different ways that God came to them, setting them free from ancient paradigms and making beliefs relevant for them in the new century. W. P. Walbrugh - Main Presenter; Dr. Willa Boesak and Dr. Karel Anthonissen - Panelists 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Awakened Life - Awakened World O F Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey; Rev. Howard E. Caesar; Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith; Rev. Richard D. Rogers; Rev. Sharon Connors; Rev. Dr. Christian Sorensen; Rev. Carol Carnes; Dr. David J. Walker The New Thought movement has a radical and significant history in the American expression of Christianity. Called the "religion of healthy mindedness" by Harvard philosopher William James, the tradition was born nearly 150 years ago as a revolt against the rigid and repressive dogmas so prevalent in New England churches of that day. Movement founders and proponents were among the very first in this country to study metaphysical systems and draw significantly upon eastern philosophical influences. This presentation to leaders and constituents of all religious traditions will represent the leading edge of the New Thought lineage, coming together on this Occasion as the Association for Global New Thought (AGNT). founded in 1996. Among its constituent member churches are Unity, Religious Science, and non-denominational NT movements engaged in educational and social programs that are rooted in strong spiritual communities. The panel will explore the rapid expansion of these modern ministries, which have offered models for church growth, personal commitment to spiritual practice and activist contributions by these congregations to communities at large. Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey is co-founder and Senior Minister of the Living Enrichment Center in Portland, Oregon. She is also the president of the Association for Global New Thought and serves on the Board of Directors for Radio for Peace International, New Dimensions Radio and Global Renaissance Alliance. She is the author of Building Your Field of Dreams. Rev. Howard E. Caesar is a Senior Minister of Unity Church of Christianity in Houston, Texas, since 1983. He is the recipient of the 1997 Voice of Unity award for his excellence in 20 years in radio and television butreach. Dr. Michael Beckwith is a meditation teacher, creator and facilitator of the fe Visioning Process. He is also the founder and Senior Minister of Agape International Center of Truth, a 7,000 member church, and one the nation's largest multicultural, transdenominational, spiritual Communities. ev. Richard Rogers is the Senior Minister of Unity of Phoenix. Through is leadership, passion and commitment, Unity of Phoenix has grown om 200 to approximately 1,500 people each week. Richard sees his trength as a speaker, teacher and counselor. haron Connors has served as the Senior Minister of Unity Christ Church San Francisco for the past seven years. She is currently Chair of the oard of Trustees of the Association of Unity Churches he Rev. Dr. Sorensen was born into Religious Science and is a lifelong udent of Metaphysics. He hosted a TV show for four years called Winds from the Sea" which was aired on the east and west coasts. He is e author of Catch the Spirit- Riding the Waves of Life and its recent quel, Catch the Spirit- Flying through Life. rol Carnes has been the ordained Minister of Religious Science ernational for 12 years. She is the Senior Minister of the Center for sitive Living in Sarasota, Fl. She has also served on the Board of rectors of RSI. David Walker is the Pastor of the Los Angeles Church of Religious dience and President of Religious Science international. He is a writer for reative Thought Magazine, Religious Science International, and his bok, The Encouraging Word, is about to go into its second printing. 2010_03 THE WORLD'S MONDAY, RELIGIONS DECEMBER 6 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Circle of Hearts Mr. Roy LittleSun Creation of the global common ground through the Circle of Hearts Medicine Wheel can be independently initiated by any individual. Complementary teachings based on the One Law of Creation. Roy LittleSun initiated the Circle of Hearts, and has been traveling around the world to help build it. His spiritual quest led to his studies with Titus Quomayumptewa, a Hopi elder and shaman. He has also created several ceremonies which activate the Wheel and offers complementary teachings depending on people's desire for involvement. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN TECHNIKON AMPHITHEATRE Creativity within Christian Prayer: Stillness in Movement Mrs. Lindsay Wakeford This workshop will invite participants to engage in prayer to different kinds of music. These individual prayers will be followed by very simple dances which the group will do together. The dance will be followed by a guided meditation. This workshop offers participants a chance to reflect on their common experiences, and share in supportive listening groups. Lindsay Wakeford has always loved movement and dancing. Trained in Zambia, she has taught ballet, tap and jazz dance. She currently leads groups in prayer through movement to music included dunng retreats, and guided meditations for the Foundation Course in Christian Spirituality at the Centre for Christian Spirituality in Cape Town. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 2.70 "Dharma" University of the Sublime Values of Human Life Bhupendra Kumar Modi Respect of all religions is Dharma. Dharma applies to all human beings. It sustains life. It does not create conflict. The word 'Dharma' cannot be defined. It can only be explained. Religions pass away. Dharma does not change. Chairman and President, Modicorp: Working President, Vishva Hindu Parishad; Vice President, Mahabodhi Society of India, representing Buddhists in India. Author of several books. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Earth Spirit of Africa Wayne A. M. Visser This lecture will explore the African Traditions and Cultures attitudes and beliefs regarding the sacredness of the Earth. This exploration will unfold through stories, myths, rituals, and description of belief systems. This lecture hopes to counteract the stereotypical association of Africans with environmental degradation. Wayne A. M. Visser earned hie Master's in Human Ecology from Edinburgh in 1995. He is Cofounder and board member of the SANE Foundation. Writer of "Money Values," a regular column about the challenges of creating and ethical economy. Currently he is the environmental manager of the KPMG group of business consultants. He is also a member of the Unitarian Church. vedeniia uroka ja neumali chto 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN SCIENCE 2.65 The Five-Step Journey to Inner Peace Dr. Kim Le The turning of the century denotes the inner shift of consciousness, especially to those who seek to bring balance to their lives while on the spiritual path. Participants will learn the Identity 113
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 Identity principles of Personal Mastery, which utilizes a powerful European-American woman whose New England Puritan and method of emotional release. Through the Five-Step Journey, Irish Catholic forebears suffered, or perpetuated various they can achieve a state of unshakable inner peace, radiant religious persecutions, including a witch execution, in the health, prosperity, and clear understanding of their destiny name of an exclusively male God. Although she is scapegoated Kim Le is a third generation Chinese practitioner and holistic healer. She is and abused from an early age, she is determined to create a an author of 5 books, health educator, aqi-gong practitioner, feng-shui life and a family of her own without continuing the negativity consultant, and international speaker. n her individual and ancestral histories. Along the way, she finds joy and healing in the discovery and rediscovery that her 1 0:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 3.81 real Source is surprisingly different from anything she had ever been led to believe. Freedom From Limitations: Living with Spirit Mary Krane Derr is a poet and nonfiction writer whose work has appeared in a variety of religious, literary, and social justice magazines, Ms. Alison Elizabeth Cameron including: Sacred Journey, The Roll, Daughters of Sarah, Pudding, This lecture will be a talk on the essence of the divine spark Ragged Edge, Ruah, Switched-on Gutenberg. Harmony. The American Feminist, and Feminism and Nonviolence Studies Journal within us all as encountered through many cultures and spiritual traditions. The expression of this spark demands that we free ourselves from limitation and surrender to divine 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER & unconditional love. The lecture will be followed by a meditation session on the release of limitation so the true expression of our Sacred Roots: Rediscovering the Wisdom Tradition essence can be a light to the world. of the Aramaic Jesus At the age of 21, Alison is a qualified counselor, healer, and spiritual Br. Joseph Kilikevice, O.P. psychologist. She has worked as a volunteer with disadvantaged youths, runs a successful practice as a counselor and healer, has facilitated public The workshop will begin with some introductory remarks on meditations for over 150 people, and runs regular personal Aramaic languages and scholarship which will be followed by empowerment courses. She is also an experienced public speaker, a an examination of the prayer Jesus taught. This examination member of the Multifaith Association of South Australia and coordinator for an Adelaide millennium event called "World Peace 2000." This is an will concentrate on the translations, spirituality and Adelaide event running as a part of the 72 hr. peace building project pronunciation of Jesus' prayer. The workshop will end with initiated by the United Religions Initiative and is being presented at this closing remarks and meditation. conference as a "Gift of Service to the World." Brother Joseph Kilikevice, OP. a Dominican friar, founded the SHEM Center for Interfaith Spirituality during the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions. He has directed interfaith retreats since 1980 Musicians and 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 1 others connected with recent work done on the Aramaic words of Jesus will be present Lessons from African Traditional Religions Prof. Taban LoLiyong 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 This lecture will will describe African Traditional Religions, with a particular focus on major features that they share with other Synthesizing Being and Doing - The Wholly religious and spiritual traditions. The presenter will also address Matrimony possible reasons why "experts" on African Traditional Religions Ms. Michal Golan often come from outside these traditions. NyahwehSkano! Thank you for being, say the Northern Indian Taban Lo Liyong has worked as a researcher at Nairobi University's Institute of African Studies, and has also taught in Papua New Guinea Tribes. Just Do It, says Nike. How do you do? we ask each the Sudan, Japan and Australia. He is currently the Director of the Centre other. Is your doing an expression of your spirit? There is only for African Studies at the University of Venda, Thohoyando, South Africa. one power that can transform the world and that is the power He is an expert on African Traditional Religion and has published over 20 of who we are. This workshop facilitates a greater mastery of books, including Homage to Onyame: An African God spiritual action, the art of deep listening and presence out of which appropriate action arises. We give the dreamer and the 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 3.49 artist within us permission to express. We let the doer and activist bring discipline and function into People of the Light: Breaking the Barriers of integrate these inner aspects, we plant seeds of peace in the Cultural, Racial and Individual Separation fertile soil of the universe whereby spirituality and commerce Rebecca (Nomanadlozi) Rogerson unite in a wholly matrimony, and we harvest a world that is safe for our children. This workshop will explore the different rituals and cultural Michal Golan, RSCP, RPP. As a creative healer, an inspirational writer and practices performed today, and illustrate the commonality of a visionary activist, she dernonstrates the expanded possibilities for different cultures healing and spiritual practices. The presenter humanity when spiritual principles are incorporated. Born and raised in will explain the Spirit World and how one can connect with it. Israel, Michal traveled extensively and her work synthesizes the richness Particular attention will be given to the practices of Traditional of diverse spiritual and cultural traditions. She is a founding member of A Season for Nonviolence LA and served as the program coordinator for its African Healers with respect to their rituals honoring their first campaign in 1998. She is the co-founder of Fire Into Water, a Ancestors transformational program for the realization of one's life vision. Michal Originally born and raised in Canada, Nomanadlozi Rogerson now facilitates retreats throughout the US, teaches and practices Polarity resides in South Africa. After a debilitating illness she returned to Canada, Therapy, serves as a spiritual practitioner with the Agape International where she began to heal through learning the ways of the Red Road - Center of Truth and as trainer and counselor with the Career Planning the Sacred Native Canadian/Anerican teachings. Upon returning to Center in Los Angeles, CA Michal fulfills her commitment to world peace South Africa, she was led to become a Sngoma Traditional African through authentic presence, personal integrity and effective action. Healer, and she now practices these teachings. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 3.46 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Walking the Way IV: Five Aspects of Buddhist The Raveling Back into the Text of Her Genesis: Practice Poetry About A Woman's Way Home to the Divine Feminine Rev. Heng Sure; Bhikshuni Heng Liang; Dr. Snjezana Akpinar; Dr. Martin Verhoeven; Mr. Bhikshuni Heng Ms. Mary Krane Derr Ch'ih; Mr. Bhikshuni Heng Tung Selections from a poem cycle will be read about a disabled Rev. Sure will explore the practice of Buddhist sutras and the 114 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PA R L I A M ENT IDENTITY ethical guidelines essential to this practice. The role of esoteric practices in Buddhism in general and the relevance of devotional practices will also be addressed. Five Sessions -each a modular unit;attendees are welcome at one class or all classes. Reverend Heng Sure is the Director of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery in Berkeley, CA and serves as a Board member of the United Religions Initiative. OF Bhikshuni Heng Liang is an American Buddhist nun. She has been a Disciple for 20 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. She has her MA from Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Dr. Snjezana Akpinar is a Chancellor at Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Dr.Snjezana has Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the University of Istanbul. Martin Verhoeven received his Ph.D. from the University of WisconsinMadison on the American encounter with Asian religions. He was a Buddhist monk for 18 years and is currently Associate Professor of History and Asian Religion at the Institute for World Religions in Berkeley. California. He is also an Adjunct Professor of History & Religion at the Pacific School of Religion, Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. Bhikshuni Heng Ch'ih is an American Buddhist nun. Heng Ch'ih has been a Disciple for 30 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. She has her M.A. from Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Bhikshuni Heng Tung is a Taiwanese Buddhist nun, Disciple for 10 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. Heng Tung has B.A. in Chinese Studies from Fu Jen University, Taiwan. A Mc 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER 6 What is Scientology? Heber C. Jentzsch Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one's spiritual nature, one's relationship with self, family, groups, mankind, all life forms, the material universe, spiritual universe, and the Supreme Being, or infinity. President of the Church of Scientology International since 1982, has lectured on L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology internationally through media and at several universities. It! 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Experience the Spirit of Success in the Workplace Mr. Bharat Shirur This self-management program dramatically improves human performance in the workplace by reducing company stress, creating a greater sense of commitment and team unity, and enhancing overall quality of life. Through this workshop, both managers and employees can experience unshakable calmness and inner clarity in the midst of any business challenge or crisis. This workshop offer practical techniques with tangible results. Bharat Shirur is a Senior Teacher of the Art of Living in India. Bharat has left a building contracting business in Bombay to dedicate his time to teaching Art of Living Healing Breath workshops and advanced courses in countries around the world. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Introduction to Temple Beautiful Mr. Christopher Erasmus This workshop will offer an introduction to Temple Beautiful and the Ascended Masters, and will provide an overview and demonstration of channeling. The presenter will allow time for questions and answers, and will allow for the opportunity for a Master to be channeled. Mr. Erasmus is a journalist and foreign correspondent who began channeling over five years ago under the direction of Temple Beautiful in the United States. He has also been involved in the Mystery School for over ten years. 2010_03 WOR L D MONDAY, THE RE LI G IONS DECEMBER 6 S 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Transmitting Religious Credo Down Generations Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Zekry In this lecture, Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Zekry explores the religious "generation gap". He will explore how to bridge the breech between parents and children, which effects religious leaders, teachers, parents, and groups from previous generations. Dr. Pinchas Zekry is a Rabbi with the Great Synagogue in South Africa. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 A World without Hate: Proposals for the New Millennium Mr. Fred Scheaffer Throughout history, when societies have tried to fight hatred, it is usually by appealing to goodness in its various forms: ethical appeals (religious or secular), appeals to tolerance, cultural diversity, inclusion, love, etc. Yet hate persists as a significant force. For all the good ethical appeals have undoubtedly accomplished, something more is needed. This talk explores various ways hatred can be fought by direct, explicit appeals to the perfect complement to ethical appeals, namely, appeals to self-interest and self-preservation. These basic motivating forces in human behavior can and should be utilized in the ongoing war against hatred. Fred Scheaffer was engaged in doctoral work in American religious history at the University of Illinois. He has lectured at various churches and synagogues in the Chicago area on hate movements and terrorism. He has also prepared working drafts of papers on various subjects for the Anti-Defamation League, and among recent publications, his article on Anti-Semitic terrorism was published in the New York Post. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Art and Dreamwork as Spiritual Practice Ms. Ethne Bertram Gray The workshop will offer an opportunity for conference participants to tell each other their dreams and explore their symbols and dream images via spontaneous drawing, and dream interpretation based on the principles of the psychology of C. G. Jung, as well as other methods for understanding dreams as "the language of God." Ethne Gray is a Jungian Analyst, art therapist, and Interfaith minister, with considerable experience of living and learning from the various religions, myths, arts, and healing practices in several different countries and cultures. She was born in South Africa and returns frequently to lecture and teach. She has a private practice as a Jungian Analytical Art Therapist in Newton, MA, USA. 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Awakening to the Oneness of All Things: Personal Transformation Leading to Unity Consciousness Part I Ms. Leslie Temple-Thurston In this first section of Leslie Temple-Thurston's presentation, she will explore the principles of awakening (within a psychological and non-denominational context of the western world). What is spiritual awakeness and how do we find it? By doing the work of reorganizing awareness into more balanced states, we eventually awaken to Oneness with the Infinite. Inner transformation deeply affects our relationship with the outer world. Outer peace happens when we awaken to our true nature by healing the inner separations and polarization's. We will discuss: the importance of witnessing our patterns; dissolution of ego patterns; instituting the permanent opening of the heart; and dissolving the veils of duality. Ms. Leslie Temple-Thurston was born and raised in South Africa, and she currently lives and works in the United States. As a Western yogi, she Identity 115
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THEWORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 teaches the principles of personal transformation and spiritual awakening. She is author of the book The Marriage of Spirit, and is the founder of the non-profit organization Corelight, which is dedicated to humanitarian service and to fostering world peace through developing personal inner peace. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 La Decouverte de Soi: Discovery of the Self Abdoulaye Dieye No description available at press time. Professional landscape architect and urbanist, research worker, writer and lecturer of international standing. Cehiky Abdoulaye Dieye is the spiritual guide of the Mouridiyya, a Sufi Tariqaa or "path" Member of "Les Gens du Livre" (People of the Book), whose aim is to awaken the consciousness of people to the transcendent unity of all revealed religions. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM JN SCIENCE 3.46 Becoming Your True Self: Spiritual Growth from a Baha'i Perspective Dr. Philip Christensen The fundamental purpose of religion is transformation - both personal and societal. The history, especially the early history, of every world religion demonstrates religion's power to change radically the hearts, minds and behavior of humankind. The Bahar Faith teaches that in this day religion will also become the chief instrument through which world order and world peace will ultimately be established. This presentation examines from a Baha'i perspective some of the tools available for releasing human potential and carrying forward an everadvancing civilisation. A graduate of Harvard University and the University of Massachusetts, Dr. Christensen worked first in the United States and then Canada. Since 1980 he has lived and served in Africa, where he has managed four multi-million dollar, donor-funded educational development projects in as many countries. Currently Dr. Christensen serves as Education Director for Cyberschool Africa, a private sector Internet-based education initiative 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 The Common Path of Spiritual Liberation Dr. Wopke Van Hoorn Man's evolution from a physical to a highly spiritual being follows a certain pattern. Examples are found in Buddhist and Biblical teachings. Greek Mythology. Astrology, and Scientific Theories. This lecture will describe the role humans play, and explores the Cosmic influences which act as catalysts in this great evolutionary process Dr. Van Hoorn is a Dutch Pediatric Surgeon who has been in South Africa for over 20 years. His search for the answers to congenital abnormalities led him to discover seven major paths to spiritual liberation 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 7 The Life and Work of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah, Founder of the Aumist Religion. Dr. Christine Amory; Vedhyas Wedana; Vedhyas Dhimat; Vedhyas Nerada; Vedhyas Mardava; Vedhyas Vishti The panel will present on the life of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah, the holy city of Mandarom Shambhasalem, and the Doctrine of the Golden age: the 22 books of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah. Christine Amory works closely with the Association of Triumphant Vajra. Vedhyas Wedana has been an initiated disciple of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manaran for 13 years, is a first Aumist Bishop of Africa, is a honorary President of the Centrom of Pointe Noire Aumist Church in Congo), and is a member of the Association of Triumphant Vajra (France). Vedhyas Wedana lectures throughout Europe and Africa, Vedhyas Wedana is a doctor of Pharmacy and is a cherriist. Vedhyas Dhimat has been an initiated disciple of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manaran for 18 years, and is a Bishop of the Aumist Church, member of the Triumphant Vajra (France). Vedhyas Dhimat lectures throughout France. Tai Ji Quan Professor, translator, and interpreter. Vedhyas Nerada has been an initiated disciple of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah for 22 years, is a Bishop of the Aumist Church, is a member of the Association of Triumphant Vajra (France), is a chief of the Centrom of Pau Aumist Church in France). Vedhyas Nerada has lectured throughout France. Vedhyas Mardava has been an initiated disciple of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah for 8 years, is Choirmaster of the Aumist Choir of Congo, is an Aumist Bishop, and is a member of the Association of Triumphant Vajra (France) Vedhyas Mardava has BA in Biology and is currently working as Laboratory assistant. Vedhyas Vishti has been an initiated disciple of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah for 13 years. Vedhyas is a Chairwoman of the association of the Triumphant Vajra in the Holy City of Mandarom Shambhasalem (France), is a worldwide headquarters of the Aumist Religion, and is Bishop of the Aumist Church. Vedhyas Visht lectures throughout Europe and North America and is also a Physicist Researcher Identity 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 The Gift/Curse of "Second Sight": Exploring "Blackness" As a Shamanic Category in the Myth of White Supremacy Dr. James W. Perkinson This presentation will explore the possibilities of a modern or even post-modern form of shamanism that emerges precisely at the point of the peculiarities of racialization in the changing context of a historically supremacist culture like the U.S., as a case study in the interaction between race and religion that may have wider global significance. James W. Perkinson holds a Ph.D. in theology from the University of Chicago, his studies focus on questions of race, class and gender. He spent 15 years as an activist with an inner city Christian community in Detroit and currently teaches world religions, social ethics and theology at Ecumenical Theological Seminary and Marygrove College. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Lord Jagannath: an Epitome of Cultural Synthesis Bhagabat C. Sahu, M.D. Jagannath philosophy draws from the faith of aborigines, tribals, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians in India. A unique concept of universal brotherhood is presented. Founder of Jagannath Society of Americas, Dr. Sahu is also the Chairman and founder of Hindu Cultural Center of North Alabama. Dr. Sahu is a physician by Occupation, with a deep interest in the pursuit of theology. Vendanta, and public education lle is known for international philanthropic activities 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Human Consciousness and World Religions Ms. Rosemary Kearney This workshop will invite participants to explore the role of religion in the evolution of Human Consciousness Rosemary Kearney is a contemplative and psychotherapist with a special interest in self-realization and the evolution of human consciousness 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 The Making of South African Jewry Prof. Milton Shain This lecture will examine the making of South African Jewry. beginning with the emergence of a formal community in 1941. Emphasis will be on the structure of the community, the nature of Jewish identity in South Africa, and political behavior and attitudes to the "new" South Africa. 116 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT O F IDENTITY Professor of Modern Jewish History and Director of the Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Cape Town. He is also the author of numerous books and scholarly publications. One of his books, The Roots of Jews in South Africa, won the University of Cape Town book award in 1996. E 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Meditation: Secular in Form, Spiritual in Content Mr. Ram Jee Singh, Ph.D., D.Litt Different faiths have discovered different methods of meditation and there should not be any quarrel between them. The first step towards meditation in the Santa Mata tradition is to recite the holy name of one's spiritual teacher to facilitate concentration. This is mental, not verbal. After this, we have to fix our mind and attention to the form and figure of our spiritual teacher to deepen our meditation. Then we fix our mind on the point of light between our two eyes and then we hear a divine sound. This may not be clear at first, but after practice, the meditation becomes easier and blissful. No biographical statement available by time of printing. 20 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 3 The Message in Our Time: Global Spirituality Nigel Hamilton Global Spirituality is emerging in all of the different religious traditions at this time. It can be seen in most cultures, religions, and even in people not involved in religion. It supercedes the boundaries of the different religions. This can be seen as an awakening to the divinity within human beings. Now as people of varying religions get together, they begin to recognize a common spirit in one another. nternational Representative for the Sufi Order for the United Kingdom, Director of the London Suti Center; and Director of the Center for Counseling and Psychotherapy Education, which trains licensed sychotherapists to work from a spiritual perspective. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 8 Paganism: Serious Religion or Fantasy and Child's Play? Dr. Michael York The contemporary Western pagan movement presented a high and often contentious profile during the Chicago gathering of the Parliament of the World's Religions. Many attendants were shocked and horrified by some of the pagan 'antics"Occasioning even the departure of the Greek Orthodox Church from the proceedings themselves. This address investigates the theological considerations beneath the range of expression and practice among today's contemporary Western paganism in which the traditional dichotomy between the spiritual and the profane is denied, disallowed or at least, de-emphasized. Michael York lectures for the Study of Religions Department of the Bath Spa University College and co-directs the London-based Academy for Cultural and Educational Studies which sponsors intercultural dialogue in Britain and educational programs in India. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Theosophical Reflections on the Making of a Mahatma Mr. John Govender This lecture will illustrate how the theosophical tradition constituted a major and decisive influence on the life of Gandhi through broadening his religious and philosophical perspective. The lecturer will show how Gandhi's achievements as a leading spiritual teacher could be perceived as a remarkable effort to translate, at the level of the collective human consciousness, the universal and ancient wisdom of 2010_03 THE WORLDS RELIGIONS MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 theosophy. Mr. John Govender is the elected Vice-president of the Theosophical Society of South Africa in Durban. He is also a practising Attorney at Law, with Right of Appearance in the High Court and Constitutional Court. He is also the Director and Founder of the Oriental Research Institute of Southern Africa located in Durban, and a Member of the World Conference of Religions and Peace, Durban Chapter. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 The Tradition of Devotion to the Adept Mr. James Steinberg Although Adept-Realizers are at the heart of every great religious and spiritual tradition, in today's Western world, their role and function is rarely understood or appreciated. This seminar examines the role of the spiritual teacher in several religious traditions, the types and varieties of teachers, the traditional laws of relating to them, the pitfalls of religious cultism, and their central role in human spiritual evolution. James Steinberg is the author of Love of the God-Man, Divine Distraction. and numerous magazine articles. He is one of the world's foremost authorities on the nature and role of the spiritual teacher. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 A Baptist vision for religious freedom Dr. Kevin Roy Baptists tend to be exclusivist (One way to God) rather than inclusivist (many ways, or all ways lead to God) in their religious approach. Both exclusivist and inclusivist are people of religious conviction who would like to persuade others, and convert them to a better way. The desire to convert others is not intrinsically a manifestation of a spirit of intolerance. This presentation will illustrate ways in which Baptists stand for religious freedom and deplore coercion and persecution. Kevin Roy, born in Zambia 1948, was educated in Zimbabwe and the U.K. (at Bristol University). He entered the Christian ministry 1972, and has since been a Pastor at various Baptist churches. He is a Lecturer at UNISA, and has served in Koinonia and for the National Initiative for Reconciliation. He is currently a lecturer at Baptist College in Cape Town. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 A Solution for Humanity Dr. Hum D. Bui, M.D. Dr. Bui will present the noble efforts of Cao Dai to unite all of humanity through a common vision of the Supreme Being, whatever their minor differences, in order to promote peace and understanding throughout the world. He will discuss their understanding that all religions leads to the conclusion that all religions are one, not in their historical accuracy or separate customs, but in their essential message: All of humanity is one common family; all religions come from one divine source; all ethics are essentially contained in the Golden Rule; divinity can be experienced and realized in the individual through prayer/meditation/contemplation; good deeds are rewarded, evil deeds are punished; etc. Dr. Hum Bui was born in Vietnam in 1943. He received his MD in 1968 and served as a Military Surgeon of the Vietnam Army between 19691974. He was a member of the City Council at Tayninh between 19741975. Dr. Bui moved to the USA in 1975 and has served as General Secretary of Cao Dai Overseas since 1993. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Egoism: A Great Barrier Between Humans and God Identity Dr. Sangat Singh, MD. Egoism creates a great veil of illusion that keeps consciousness restricted to the physical, phenomenal world and makes us unable to see the light of God. Dr. Sangat shows that through 117
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 the grace of God this veil of illusion can be lifted, and the ego loses its control over consciousness. Dr Singh is a retired Brigadier General of Indian Army and Consultant Psychiatrist to the Armed Forces (India) Additionally, he is former Professor and Department Head of Psychiatry, Armed Forces Medical College in Pune, India, Board Certified from Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and London in Neurology and Psychiatry, Senior Vice President of the Guru Nanak Foundation, New Delhi, India. Trustee of the Sikh Cultural Society, Richmond Hill, New York. Vice President of Interfaith Council of Southwest, Queens, New York. Member of the Long Island Multifaith Forum, New York 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.60 Organ Transplants, Genetic Engineering and Cloning: An Islamic Perspective Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed The introduction of new technology in theareas of organ transplants, genetic engineering, and cloning, have presented new questions and affect the lives of Muslims all over the world. In this presentation, which will use color slides. Dr. Syed presents the results of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy study of these scientific breakthroughs based on the two principles of Shari'ah: (1) necessity makes permissible what is prohibited and (2) choose the lesser of the two evils if they are both avoidable. Dr. Ibrahim Syed is the founder and president of the Islamic research Foundation. He has published 90 articles on various subjects of Islam, particularly Qur'an and science. He is the foremost expert in the world for the interpretation of the Qur'an in the context of modern knowledge. He is publisher and associate editor of AALIM the Official Publication of Islamic Research Foundation 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Emergence of Saivism in South Africa Thiru Mannie Perumal The propagation of Saivism in South Africa on an organised basis started in 1937 with the establishment of the Saiva Sithanta Sungum. The founder and ecclesiastical head of this organisation was a mystical saint who was even buried alive on two occasions for one hour each time to demonstrate the power of spirituality. The lecture will focus on the life of this spiritual giant and how he established the Sun Gum which now has 23 branches (Spiritual Centres) throughout the country. Spiritual leader of Greenbury Branch of the Saiva Sithantha Sungum. Trustee and Executive Council member of SSS On Hindu Advisory Board of Ministry of Defence and Safety & Securily. Principal Environmental Officer at Durban City Council. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Sukyo Mahikari: A Means of Helping to Integrate the Faiths of the World Dr. Andris Tebecis Sukyo Mahikari is concerned with helping establish a better world through improving the quality of life for all living creatures and all things. The presenter will explore how this can be achieved by the Light of the Creator God, and by practicing fundamental principles of the universe. The presente will also explain how participants can harness the power of the Light of God, or True Light (Mahikari), which can be radiated from the hand after completing a three-day primary Mahikari course and upon receiving a sacred locket (Omitama). Before his involvement with Hanikari, Dr. Tebecis published more than seventy scientific papers on brain research, as well as a book. Transmitters and identifier Neurons in the Mammalian Central Nervous System. As President of Mahikani Australia his present activities involve conveying the teachings of Mahikani to both professional and lay peop on Australia and several countries overseas. 3:00 PM 4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Gender Relations in Islam Dr. Zeenath Kausar; Dr. Fatima Omer Naseef This presentation deals with the status and role of men and women in human life. It studies their relations in family and society as: husband and wife, father and mother, son and daughter, brother and sister, and co-workers in public places. Dr. Zeenath Kausar is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at International Islamic University, Malaysia. She has published two books on feminism and politics and written many articles Dr. Fatima Naseef is an accomplished and renowned scholar, speaker, author, academic, educationist and social worker. She holds a Doctorate in Shari'ah from Ummul Qura University in Makkah Al-Mukarramah. She has published a number of books relating to Islarnic shariah and the position and status of women in society. Identity 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 6 Introducing Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) Mr. Richard Steele; Mr. Byron Steele What religious beliefs and social practices follow the experience of the Inner Light in Quaker (Friends) understanding? This presentation will cover Quaker History, principles and practices. the Inner Light, experimental worship. pacifism, and combined Christian and universalist sympathies. Richard Steele is a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) He is an active member of his monthly meeting, Live Oak Friends Meeting of Houston. He is also active in the South Central Yearly Meeting of The Religious Society of Friends as well as Friends General Conference where he serves on the Christian and Interfaith Relations Committee. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in geology and a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree in common law. He works as a counselor at law and mediator Byron Steele is a sophomore at Lamar High School in Houston, Texas He is active in the youth groups of his monthly meeting, Live Oak Friends Meeting, and South Central Yearly Meeting He has attended Friends General Conference Gathering of Friends and participated in the youth activities. He is presently working with the youth of his meeting arranging a service project for the endangered whooping cranes at their refuge on the Texas coast 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Survival of Saivism in South Africa in the New Millennium Mr. Thamizh Thillai Koothan Veerabadren This lecture will describe Saivism - the ultimate logical conclusion which appeals to all. The presenter explains why Saivism is especially open to young people, as is non-ritualisti n-dogmatic, and non-ceremonial. This lecture will be teeming with references, and presents a monotheistic way of life that recognizing the origin of life as emerging from inanimate matter. Mr. Thamizh Thillai Koothan Veerabadren has addressed meetings in Canada, India, Australia and the United Kingdom on issues of human rights. He has also addressed religious discourses in India and at various Centres in South Africa. 3:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Traditional Medicine and Traditional Healers Mr. Phillip Sobantu Kubukeli This presentation will feature a slide show illustrating the traditional practice and ancestral call of traditional healers in South Africa. This presentation will also show how novices are trained. A lecture will explore African attitudes to illness and medicinal plants. Mr. Phillip Sobantu kubukeli was born in Bethlehem 69 years ago. He is currently the President of the Traditional Healers Association. He has Jain .1 Son International 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 been a practising Traditional Healer for 30 years, and was trained in the Eastern Cape at Transkei. i truly what is the practice of this Universalist religion. Through this universal meditation, all humans, whatever their beliefs and religion, may gather together in a real spirit of Unity, through various chants, blessings and visualizations favoring spiritual evolution Christine Amory works closely with the Association of Triumphant Vajra. Vedhyas Suteja, initiated disciple of His Holiness Hamsah Manarah for 16 years, was an Aumist nun living in the Holy City of Mandarom Shambhasalem (France) for 10 years, which is worldwide headquarters of the Aumist Religion. She is head of the Ashram, member of the Association of Triumphant Vajra. She has BA in Psychology, and a holder of a diploma of the Ecole Superieure d'Astrologi of Paris. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Women of Faith Working Towards Transformation in the New Millennium Ms. Anne Hope; Samkele Marrengane; Nabs Wessels The session will begin with the video Inspired Lives, which was shown recently on Australian television, during which five women, two Australians (one white, one aborigine), one Dutch, one Tanzanian and one Portuguese, share their search for transformative living faith. This will lead into a discussion of the search for meaning and transcendence in all of our lives, the new insights that feminism has brought to faith, and the contribution that women of faith can bring to a new global ethic. The session will close with poetry. music and prayer. Anne Hope is a member of international Presidential Team of The Grail, a trainer, and co-author of the book Training for Transformation. Samkele Marrengane is a senior trainer of economic literacy programmes and a member of staff at the Grail Centre in Kleinmond Nabs Wessels is the Acting Director of the Delta Womens program. She is also the Director of the Detainees Support Committee and WCC womens programmes. She is currently the Director of the Grail Centre 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN COMMERCE 416 Eurythmy - the Art of Movement Sigrid Quednau This workshop will illustrate and describe Eurythmy, an art of movement employing the physical and spiritual faculties of participants. An introduction will be given into the basics of the various sounds in language. The lecture will be followed by a demonstration, which will give participants further insight into this holistic and spiritual art form. Sigrid Ouednau is the Founder of the Cape Town School of Eurythmy and its Director since in 1979. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Zion Christian Church - Sacred Prophecy as Reality Rev. Selamo Molisiwa This lecture will illustrate and analyse the ability of the Zion Christian Church to attract millions of adherents through the power of prophetic and sacred practice. Throughout the one hundred years since the church was founded by Bishop Engenas Lekganyane, this power to attract and heal has been present Rev. Molisiwa is a theologian who studied with the World Bible School of Theology in the United States, and with Khanya African Independent Churches Theological Institute. At present he is directing the ALC. Development Programme. He is General Secretary for the Council of African Instituted 7 Independent Churches, and he is also the Ecumenical Envoy for the Zion Christian Church 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Flesh: Thoughts on the Role of the Body in African American Religions Dr. Anthony B. Pinn In recent years, scholars have begun to recognize that African American religion is not only Christianity but also Islam, Santaria, Vodou, Black spiritual churches and other forms of orientation. Although the diversity and multilayered nature of African American religious experience has begun to receive scholarly attention, very little of this work is comparative in nature. The aim of this presentation is to explore ways in which a comparative study of these vibrant religious traditions can occur. Using the methodological concerns and approaches in liberation theology and ritual studies (particularly Ronald Grimes), this paper explores the importance given to the body in each tradition Slides highlighting the ritual importance of the body will be shown. The presentation will encourage efforts to move from descriptive studies to comparative analysis and to foster connections between practitioners of these various traditions. Dr. Anthony B. Pinn was born in Buffalo, NY. He received his BA from Columbia University, his Master of Divinity, and Ph.D. in Constructive Theology from Harvard University. I le is currently an Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Coordinator of the African American Studies Program at Macalester College. His publications include Why Lord? Suffering and Evil in Black Theology 1995) and Varieties of African American Religious Experience (1998). 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 A Call To Forgiveness Rev. John Morton Forgiving ourselves certainly seems to go against the grain of our human conditioning. Even the idea can bring up feelings of unworthiness and skepticism that it could possibly work. Yet, if we recognize that we are, indeed, divine beings made in God's image, the idea does not seem too far-fetched and as we look at life from that higher perspective, the idea of holding on to judgments and seeking revenge or retribution begins to seem the far odder approach. Rev. John Morton will talk about forgiveness the key to the kingdom, and will lead the participants in a forgiveness prayer. Rev. John Morton is the Spiritual Director of MSIA. Since 1979. Rev. John Morton has spoken and conducted workshops all over the world for MSIA the Institute for Individual and World Peace (IWP), and other organizations dedicated to improving people's lives. He is on the Board of Directors of IWP, the University of Santa Monica and the New Visions Foundation 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 The Gift of Pain: Transforming Hurt Into Healing Ms. Barbara Altemus In this workshop. Ms. Altemus introduces the groundbreaking concept of the transformative power of pain based on her book, The Gift of Pain', which weaves together her personal journey of discovery with the parallel experiences of world renowned visionaries, healers, artists and peacemakers who have themselves found transformation in pain. In analyzing and redefining traditional perceptions of pain as well as the process of transformation, Barbara also draws on her own rich periences with ancient and alternative forms of healing available today. She explores anger, loss, hurt, grief, physical and spiritual distress, and arrives at a powerful and universal affirmation that all kinds of pain can indeed be transformed. 4:00 PM-4:30 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Aumist Meditation Dr. Christine Amory; Ms. Vedhyas Suteja This meditation, created many years ago by His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah, Founder of the Aumist Religion, shows Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 119
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 Barbara Altemus is the author of The Gift of Pain -Transforming Hurt Into Healing. She holds Masters degrees in both Psychology and Latin American Studies and has taught at Antioch University and Pacific Oaks College. For over 15 years she has worked with at-risk youth and has taught at inner-city high schools in Los Angeles, working with gangs. drug addiction, and suicide prevention. For more than 30 years she has been an activist for peace participating in human and land rights movements in addition to working with indigenous people on their own s. She has worked in the healing arts for over 25 years and, as a dancer, has performed in numerous dance/theater productions focusing on healing our planet. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN THEATER 3 Religion and Masculinity Shamila Wilson In this presentation, which is part of a series, the Commission on Gender Equality in South Africa will bring together three distinguished panelists from diverse backgrounds to discuss the complex relationship of religion and masculinity. Shamila is the Acting Provincial Manager of the Commission on Gender Equlaity for the Western Cape 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Kriyayoga: The Sacred Practice for Evolving and Uniting Humanity Mr. Shibendu Lahiri Kriya Yoga brings about a mutation, an alchemical change, an evolution in the body, which generates harmony with the wholeness of life. It integrates centripetal action of insight with the centrifugal activities of ideas. It is the science of inner being in which no belief system is needed. Hence, no bigotry, brutality or battle in the name of religion. It is realized through Kriya Yoga that only a single heart beats in the breast of whole humanity. Shibendu Lahiri is the great grandson of lahiri Mahashay, the famous householder Yogi who lived in Benares, India from 1828 to 1895 and known as the "Father of Kriyayoga". He has the sacred mission to spread the Krivayoga of Lahiri Mahashay to the world, having the distinction of receiving the authentic, original Kriya Process in the age old Rishitradition of India, that is from father to son, generation after generation. Thus, the process passed here through knowledge and genes, from Shyama Charan to Tinkori to Satya Charan to Shibendu who was initiated in 1960 by his late father Satya Charan at the Satyalok Temple in Benares, india. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Shrimad Rajchandra and Philosophy of Soul Mr. Vinod Kapashi This lecture will explain the philosophy of Shrimad Rajchandra who was born in November 1867 and died at the age of 33. In his short life span, Shrimad Rajchandra had a great impact on the philosophical viewpoints of modern day Jains. His famous poem about soul and emancipation (Atmasiddhi Sashtra), will be analyzed in this lecture. Mr. Vinod Kapashi was born in India in the state of Gujarat. He is a Civil Engineer by profession and has lived in the United Kingdom (UK) for the past 30 years. He is the author of several books on Jainism and has done extensive research on the life of Jain Acharya Hernachandra. He has also published several papers including one for the Parliament of the World's Religions centenary celebration at Chicago in 1993. Mr. Kapashi is President of Mahavir Foundation in the UK and Chairman of Jain Education Board of the Institute of Jainology. He teaches Jainism as a special course at the University of London. He is associated with Jain organizations in the UK Identity 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Psychotherapy And Prayer: A Path Toward Spiritual Unity Mr. Peter G. Azrak As a psychotherapist in private practice it has become clear to me that psychotherapy, one process toward healing the soul, requires prayer as an essential part in the healing process. Not one of the religious traditions can exist without acknowledging the two essentials of prayer and meditation: humility and gratitude. Humility asks us to look within ourselves and notice the log in our own eye" as we offer compassion to the "speck in our neighbor's eye." Gratitude asks us to walk in a humble manner, seeing the Divine within every moment. Psychotherapy, the modern confessional of the Western world, has a definite place in the continuum of spiritual direction Psychotherapy offers a unique perspective as a practice of "walking the walk of spiritual development. One can only speak of success in therapy when a person leaves theory and ideas behind in favor of a humble and grateful life. This workshop intends to be both informational and experiential. Peter G. Azrak, MA MSW, is psychotherapist in private practice. He has received Master's degrees in the fields of Religious Studies and Social Work. Along with his practice he offers prayer services and retreats to those interested in community prayer. His most recent presentation at Sufi Books in New York City was entitled, Judaism and Christianity A Psycho-Spiritual Search for Unity. 1 20 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 International 2010_03 For
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 The Art of Mastering Movement to Harmonize Body, Soul and Spirit Dr. Christiane May-Ropers Any attempt to form a complete image of a person's characteristics aims ultimately at the comprehension of his individuality. We find ourselves today in a situation in which all that is implied in the world's religions and religiosity is no longer the only concern of faith. The life of all human beings is finally about awareness and transcendence, which belongs to the realm of experience. Through various easy-to-do exercises, Dr. May Ropers will invite her audience to re-harmonize and reintegrate body, soul and spirit through movement from the center. Dr. Christiane May-Ropers, born 1952 in Kreuth/Bavaria/Germany is a doctor in General Medicine, and a specialist in Physical Rehabilitation Medicine and Naturopathic Treatment. She has had many years of training and experience in Germany, Tibet. Nepal, India, Thailand and the USA She received spiritual training from the Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry/ in India and in various outh outstanding masters. She was chief medical doctor of a famous private clinic for rehabilitation and today runs an international Institute for Balance and Movement. She has particpated in world wide lectures and scminars and has authored many books and articles. She is inspired and supported by Lord Yehudi Menuhin. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Buddhist Doctrines of Conditioned Arising and Karma: Their Relevance to the Healing and Reconciliation of South Africa Mr. A Mazel The Buddhist doctrine of conditioned arising states that all of life, whether manifested as self or other, arises simultaneously according to certain causes and conditions. Likewise, all life passes away according to certain causes and conditions. The Law of Karma also states that all beings are responsible for their own life situations, and one's situation is influenced by his or her actions in a past life. This workshop will focus on the implications of these doctrines for South Africa, for healing the wounds of the past, and for creating a peaceful prosperous future for all. Abraham Mazel is the founding teacher of the insight Meditation Centre, in Cape Town. The IMC combines Buddhist principles and meditation techniques with psychological insights and holistic healing. The IMC follows a nonsectarian approach drawing on the Theravada, Zen and Tibetan Buddhist Traditions - adapting them to local culture, thereby meeting contemporary needs for emotional healing and spiritual development. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Creativity within Christian Prayer - Lectio Divina 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Artistic Expressions of Islamic Spirituality Dr. Abdullkader Tayob; Other Presenters To Be Announced A Presentation of Islamic Spirituality in different forms: recitation of the Qur'an, painting poetry, and music. Panelists will present their work as they speak about its relation to Islam. Well known Islamic scholar in the fields of Islamic historiography, Islamic movements and contemporary Islamic thought, Deputy Director of the Center for Contemporary Islam at the University of Cape Town No biographical statement available at time of printing Dr. Timothy Jolley The search for God in the sacred writings of religions is as ancient as the art of writing itself. Indeed, religious texts were composed for that very purpose. This lecture will explore ways in which participants can engage sacred texts in order to learn more about who they are. Br. Timothy Jolley OHC is an Anglican Benedictine monk for twenty-five years), and has taught numerous courses on prayer using sacred texts. Identity 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATER 9 Global Hospital & Research Center Br. Brijmohan A presentation on the Brahma Kumaris' wonderful Global Hospital at Mt. Abu in India. Brother Brijmohan is a teacher at Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University at Mount Abu in India. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Awakening to Change A Guide to Transformation and Self-Empowerment in the Next Millennium Ms. Soozi Holbeche The 1990s are a time for change. The world is changing so fast that it is hard to cope Constant warnings of ecological disaster, economic collapse, epidemics and increasing world instability make us feel helpless and out of control. In "Awakening to Change", Soozi helps us to overcome our fear of change. She enables us to understand what is happening and why, and suggests ways, from meditation, dream interpretation, drawing, the use of sound, color and visualization to aura cleansing, chakra balancing, spiritual nutrition, exercise, breath control, balancing male/female and left/right sides of the brain, to heal mind and body, spirit and emotion, and to move into the future. Soozi Holbeche was born in Sri Lanka, grew up a Buddhist, was educated at a Roman Catholic convent in the UK, became a Sufi, and then became assistant to Paul Solomon minister and metaphysical teacher in the USA). She spent time with the Findhorn Foundation and gave seminars at the Edgar Cayce summer school. She has traveled world-wide as a teacher, healer and counselor and worked with Aboriginals, Native Americans, and Africans in South Africa. She works with the chronically poor and deprived in the townships around Cape Town and Soozi is an intuitive diagnostician and author of a number of books. She is regarded as a key spokeswoman in the human potential movernent. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 1 Islam and the World's Religions: An Open Forum Mawlana Mujahidul Islam Qasmi; Dr. Mawlani Khalilur Rahman Sajjad Nomani "Our experience in the field of human services has prompted us to integrate religious institutions into our work for humanity and peace in India." These distinguished religious leaders will share their spiritually inspiring experiences in a number of discourses which will be of great interest to people of different faith communities. The spirit of this session is openness, dialogue, and creative exchange between religions. Mujahidul Islam Qasimi is a reknowned 'alim (religious leader) from India. He is a Secretary General of All India Milli Council, the Director of the Fiqh ny of India and he is Amir (President) Imarat-e Shaniah in Bihar, India. In the field of dawah and working with people of other faiths, Mawlani Nomani is the most influential Muslim religious leader l'alim), having international repute. Jain Education Interational 2010_03 ww1 2
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 8 The Journey: Fall and Rise of Man Mr. Roy LittleSun Roy LittleSun will describe the cycle of consciousness, which will ignite the memory of oneness from each cell of our Being. He will share how participants can find the beginning and the end within themselves - dissolving illusionary boundaries. This lecture will also explore the Circle of Hearts Medicine Wheel and the Hopi message of peace. Roy LittleSun initiated the Circle of Hearts, and has been traveling around the world to help build it His spiritual quest led to his studies with Titus Quomayumptewa, a Hopi elder and shaman. He has also created several remonies which activate the wheel and Ollers complementary teachings depending on people's desire for involvement. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM GOOD HOPE ARENA The Promise of Tomorrow in the Meeting of Generations Dadi Janki This lecture calls young people to explore spiritual values that are needed to create a harmonious and powerful tomorrow. The workshop will culminate in an open conversation with two elders, who are role models of a values-based leadership through their own spirituality. One of the founding members of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, IMt. Abu, India. Spiritual teacher from 1971. One of the teachers of wisdom selected to participate in the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Psychotherapy, Spirituality and the Body Mr. Marc Feitelberg This lecture will explore the essence of depth psychotherapy and the interface between psychotherapy and spirituality. Also explored will be the role of body symptoms as a vehicle for creating meaning and connecting with spirit. Director of the South African College of Applied Psychology and a clinical and organisational practice in Cape Town. He also has a keen interest in alternative ways of working with body symptoms, and adopts a processorientated, Jungian based model in his work with clients and organisations. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Lest the Lord that Built the House... Ms. Valerie Morris; Mrs. Judy Bekker With a conscious understanding of letting Life guide their way, two enterprising and brave women invited their friends to build with them an entity of beauty. This deeply ecologically sound old English tradition of house-building is happening in the mountains just 2 1/2 hours outside of Cape Town. The art of cobbing is about re-connecting with a long-forgotten and most basic skill-creating shelter and hand-sculpting a home. Built of clay, sand and straw, this will be more than a "a little mud hut tucked away in the mountains. It will be a place of aesthetic beauty and a fully functioning retreat; it is currently more than halfway complete. This slide presentation with discussion looks at the building process, and highlights the sustainat economy (under R5 000 for materials) of building in this way. Valerie Morris and Judy Bekker are beginning to explore the deeper implications of sustainable living and looking closely at changes that will surely be required in lifestyles, the nature of work, service to community and much more, as the world prepares for the year 2000. This form of building and all the learning the project has provided seemed a natural step for them. Valerie Morris, founder of Renaissance Business Associates in South Africa, brings her total comfortability in the wilderness, love of the land, and spirit of adventure and fun for life into all that she does. She is also a facilitator of large group process and team building in the corporate and organizational arena . Judy Bekker, Director of Renaissance Business Associates, has been a facilitator for 18 years working with youth and adults, both corporately and in the informal sector. Her great loves are people, wilderness and personal development work, particularly Rites of Passage circles Identity 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Ramtha and the God Within Dr. J. Gordon Melton; Dr. Micheal Ledwith, Ph.D; Dr. Joseph Dispenza This presentation will include a video demonstration and a panel discussion of the gnosticism inherent in the work of Ramtha the Enlightened One. Dr. J. Gordon Melton will be joined by students of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment to discuss the message of Ramtha. Dr. J. Gordon Melton is the Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion (Santa Barbara, California) and the research director of the Institute of World Spirituality (Chicago, IL). He is the author of more than 30 books on contemporary religion and is the author/editor of the multi-volume International Directory of the World's Religions, the first volume of which appeared in 1998 Micheal Ledwith was born in Ireland in 1942 and attended university from 1960 to 1971, specializing in philosophy and theology. After completing postgraduate studies, he was appointed lecturer in General Theology in 1971 at Ireland's Maynooth University, and Professor of Systematic Theology in 1976; Ireland's national seminary is also located at Maynooth. He served ten years as the university's President until 1994. His forthcoming book is The Ascent to God: The Soui's Journey Within Dr. Joseph Dispenza has been a student at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment for over ten years. His undergraduate training was at Rutgers University where he majored in biochemistry. He received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree at Life University. His postgraduate continuing education has been in neurology, neurophysiology, and brain function. Over the course of the last four years, Dr. Dispenza has lectured to the student body at RSE, complementing and validating much of the scientific subject matter Ramtha has discussed relating to consciousness. His forthcoming book is on the subject of genetics, the molecules of emotion, brain anatomy and physiology, and neuroscience. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Primal Religions of the World Prof. Gabriel Setiloane In this presentation, Dr. Setiloane will host a dialogue with representatives of other indigenous traditions, enabling both encounter and an exploration of common ground that their traditions share, Mr. Setiloane is a Professor of Religious Studies at University of Cape Town, and was previously a Professor of Religious Studies at University of Botswana. He is currently the Reverend Missionary Secretary to the Swiss Mission in South Africa, and the General Secretary of Youth to the Commission for the All Africa Conference. He is also the author of African Theology - An Introduction. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 3 Religious Activities of the African Indigenous Churches at the Durban Beaches Prof. GC Oosthuizen This presentation will use video and commentary to illustrate why the Independent/Indigenous/Self-Initiated church is the most dynamic church movement in South Africa. Prof. Oosthuizen will describe the scope of the churches - one of 1 2 2 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 Marti Anderson is an American from Vermont currently living in Gaborone, Botswana, Marti is an educator by profession, and a student of world spiritual traditions as a passion. She is currently completing a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Integral Studies with a focus on "Psychic Activism: How thought and subtle energies expressed through prayer, meditation and intention impact the world around us". which is presently the largest Christian denomination in South Africa. He will also explore the reasons for their popularity. which include the fact that they are self-supporting, selfgoverning and self-expanding. These churches also gain from being engaged in the the African Renaissance for more than a century - establishing their own church orders in the African Indigenous context, their own hymns, liturgy, and church government. Prof. Oosthuizen has studied and interacted with African Indigenous Churches for the past 30 years. He has studied in and received Senior Degrees in South Africa, Holland, and the United States. He has also lectured in Germany, the United States, Holland and South Africa. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.15 The ( Whole Within: Celebrating the Inner Diversity of Soul, Spirit, Mind and Body Kerry Sandison; Christo Nel This highly interactive lecture provides participants with a framework that explores the totality of human existence. It draws on the important contributions made by nations in the West, East, North and South - with particular attention to Africa and South Africa. The presenters will invite participants to evaluate their personal ( whole diversity as an expression of soul, spirit, mind and body. Practical anecdotes that illustrate the full range of life's experiences and human diversity enable participants to identify their personal (wholes and holes'. Participants interact with one another to share their personal observations and reflect on the challenges they face to express and honour their wholeness. Kerry Sandison is a business and management consultant with more than 15 years of experience in organisational change, business and leadership development. Kerry has a background in social work, whereafter she became a Training Manager for Old Mutual. Since the mid 90's, she has operated as an independent consultant. She is also the co-founder of The Natural Step' in South Africa. Christo Sandison is co-author of the internationally published book The Agc of Participation, as well as several dozen articles in both South African and international magazines and journals. He is a partner of Arthur Anderson, and is regarded as one of the leading organisational and leadership consultants and speakers in South Africa. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATER 6 Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj's Message of Peace and Unity: A Vision of Personal Transformation for the New Millennium Dr. Carlos Lozano; Mr. Raymond Holmes; Prof. Arthur Stein; Ms. Ernestina Thomas; Prof. Andrew Vidich Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj is head of Swan Kirpal Ruhani Mission/Science of Spirituality. The Message of love, peace, and lasting happiness is achieved through meditation. His teachings appeal to people everywhere. At its core is the promise of direct personal inner experience. Recognizing the transcendent oneness at the heart of all religions, he emphasizes prayer and meditation as the true building blocks for achieving both inner and outer peace. He works tirelessly toward the fulfillment of his vision: personal transformation, coupled with spiritual growth, leading to a spiritual renaissance in the next millennium. This program will include a video presentation. Mr. Carlos Lozano Angel is a lawyer and a diplomat and has had twentyfive years public and private administration experience, including eight years as consul general of Colombia to the government of India and two years in Egypt with the Colombian embassy. He is currently employed as a corporate executive consultant. He has been a member of Swan Kirpal Ruhani Mission/ Science of Spirituality for three decades. Raymond Holmes received his BS in Paralegal Studies from the University of Maryland and currently works as a senior Paralegal Supervisor for the U.S Department of Justice. During his twelve years of service with the U.S Army, Mr. Holmes first studied meditation on the inner Light and Sound with Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj. Dr. Arthur Stein teaches Peace Studies and Comparative Religion at the University of Rhode Island. He has written extensively in these areas, including several books to his credit, and is a co-founder of the new Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies at the University of Rhode Island, Ernestina Thomas is an entrepreneur, real estate developer, and lecturer She holds an MBA in Finance and Marketing from the University of Chicago. Ms. Thomas owns and runs E.T. International Consulting Group, a consulting, investment and real estate development company, which she started in 1982. Andrew Vidich, MA in comparative religions, MS in Education is currently teaching as an assistant professor of Religion at lona College of New Rochelle. Professor Vidich also teaches history and creative writing at an alternative high school in New York City. He is the author of Love Is a Secret (1990). co-author of The Heart of the Healer, which sold more than twenty thousand copies. He is currently the executive co-chair of the Interfaith Council of New York. Identity 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Walking the Way V: Five Aspects of Buddhist Practice Rev. Heng Sure; Bhikshuni Heng Liang; Dr. Snjezana Akpinar; Dr. Martin Verhoeven; Mr. Bhikshuni Heng Ch'ih; Mr. Bhikshuni Heng Tung Rev. Sure will explore the practice of Buddhist sutras and the ethical guidelines essential to this practice. The role of esoteric practices in Buddhism in general and the relevance of devotional practices will also be addressed. Five Sessions each a modular unit;attendees are welcome at one class or all classes. Reverend Heng Sure is the Director of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery in Berkeley, CA and serves as a Board member of the United Religions Initiative. Bhikshuni Heng Liang is an American Buddhist nun. She has been a r 20 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. She has her M.A. from Dharma Realm Buddhist University Dr. Snjezana Akpinar is a Chancellor at Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Dr. Snjezana has Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the University of Istanbul. Martin Verhoeven received his Ph.D. from the University of WisconsinMadison on the American encounter with Asian religions. He was a Buddhist monk for 18 years and is currently Associate Professor of History and Asian Religion at the Institute for World Religions in Berkeley. California. He is also an Adjunct Professor of History & Religion at the Pacific School of Religion, Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. Bhikshuni Heng Ch'in is an American Buddhist nun, Heng Chih has been a Disciple for 30 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua. She has her MA from Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Bhikshuni Heng Tung is a Taiwanese Buddhist nun, Disciple for 10 years of the late Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua Heng Tung has BA in Chinese Studies from Fu Jen University, Taiwan. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Thought, Meditation and Prayer as Tools for Social Action Ms. Marti Anderson In this workshop, participants will explore the various ways that humans send and receive energy leg. thought, meditation, prayer, intention). Together we will discuss and experience how these spiritual and secular practices can be directed toward the social issues that concern us all. The workshop will include background and theoretical information as well as an opportunity to experience together the power of our directed thoughts and human energy. Jain Education Interational 2010_03 ww! 2
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________________ Identity 1999 PARLIAMENT O F IDENTITY 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 What is Vedanta? Swami Atmatattwananda Vedanta is one of the paths of mysticism which are found in every religion. Love and joy in the unity of God and the spirit is the destination. Thus, Vedanta seeks to be of service to every faith. Swami Atmatattwananda received a B.A. in Philosophy from Yale in 1951. Later, he attended the University of Chicago Divinity School. Today, he is a monk with the Ramakrishna Order of India and the Vedanta Society of Southern California. AKD@ ZVEZDARASA TURINY 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN ENGINEERING 3.60 Wilderness and the African Spirit Dr. Ian Player An internationally reknowned conservationist; founder, The Wilderness Movement in Africa. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA Naam Simran - The Key to Living H. H. Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji Human beings go to great lengths to acheive academic degrees to attain materialistic needs - whether real or perceived. Due to this dilemna, the pressenter urges all humans need to do Naam Simran to attain their real spiritual needs. He also urges participants to consider the time and effort spent on academic degrees, and will illustrate how a similar effort needs to be spent on ones spiritual development. His Holiness Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji is the supreme spiritual head of the Namdhari Sikhs since 1959. He is the successor to Satguru Partap Singh, holding the continuation of the lineage to Satguru Ram Singh, who was exiled in 1872 for his activities in India's struggle for independence. He currently resides in the Punjab state of India. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Progress of Industrialism and Eternity of the Soul Dr. Rigmor Robert The advance of technology has transformed the biosphere, but what of the soul? The soul is not modern, it has nothing to do with irony, critical investigation, opinions and arguments. Instead, the soul is ancient, and tends towards values of mildness and listening which are eroding in the modern life. This presentation will explore the plight of the soul in the modern world. Dr. Robert is a Swedish Medical Doctor and Analytical Psychologist. She has studied in Sweden and Switzerland, and has taught psychology in Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States, India, and Egypt. She is the co-author of several books, and is currently working on a documentary film. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 6 The Rise of Mother Kali in the 21st Century: a Practical and Esoteric Experience of the Hindu Goddess H. H. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati will offer her teachings and insights into the merge of the masculine and feminine through the Goddess Mother Kali and how this can initiate change in the 21st Century. Ma's unique expression of God and the mystical asks us to live in the moment consciously, be of service, and wake up to the call. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati is the founder of Kashi Ashram an interfaith spiritual community that embraces the sacred practices of many traditions. Ma's teachings are based upon a commitment to humanity through service. She founded the River Fund dedicated to serving people with AIDS and other life challenging illnesses and the River School which 124 2010_03 THE WORLD TUESDAY, S RELIGIONS DECEMBER 7 educates students in an environment that weaves spirituality and service into the curriculum. Ma is a Trustee of the Parliament of the World's Religions and works with other religious and spiritual leaders to promote interfaith dialogue and global cooperation for peace. In 1997, Ma established World Tibet Day to raise awareness of the plight of the Tibetan people and support for international freedom of religion for everyone. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Africa's Gift to the World Rev. Elizabeth A. Hin This lecture explores the gift of Africa's Soul, Heart and Consciousness to the world community with academic, historic, mythic and personal references and reflections. Elizabeth A. Hin, MA Chand. is a mystic and renowned instructor & counselor of comparitive religion, mysticism and peace. She has travelled & taught internationally as the founding president of The White Rose Foundation, an American educational non-profit organization dedicated to the harmony & unity present at the heart of all religions. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 The Black Mother: the Essential Archetype for a New Millennium Dr. Douglas Canterbury-Counts, Ph.D., MDIV In the 1930s the psychologist Carl Jung wrote that if contemporary civilization did not rediscover the importance of the Feminine and integrate this archetype into our lives there would be no hope for the existence of humanity. Dr. Jean Houston has offered that one of the most significant events that makes this period in history unique is the emergence and honoring of the Feminine. The archetype of the Mother will be discussed with its psycho spiritual implications. A particular emphasis will be placed on the Black Mother, Kali, and the wisdom She offers us. The psychological technique of the identification and integration of shadow projection is discussed as a practical means of using the "fierce love" of this Black Mother. Dr. Douglas Canterbury Counts is a clinical psychologist and adjunct Florida Atlantic University professor. He is the founder of the Center for Sacred Psychology, a member of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, the Center for Jungian Studies of SE Florida, and listed in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World. He is a spiritual student of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati and lives with his family at Kashi Ashram, Florida. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Clairvoyance and One's Spiritual Life: How It Works Vr. Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Hull Bostwick This presentation will offer techniques for self-guided meditation that enable one to access their spiritual abilities, such as clairvoyance, and show how one can use these abilities in everyday life. VRR Dr. Susan Huil Bostwick is CEO of the Church of Divine Man and its Seminary: The Berkeley Psychic Institute. President of Deja vu Publishing co.: Managing Editor of The Psychic Reader (a newspaper); Founder of the Yin Yang School for Psychic Children. CATTLE CRISP VIDALISEER 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Desiring the Kisses of his Mouth: Transfiguring the Body in Midrashic and Kabbalistic Commentaries to the Song of Songs. Dr. Yudit Kornberg Greenberg The embodied yet sublime poetry of 'Song of Songs' express not only the desire and longing for intimacy between lovers, but also the sensuality and perfection of their bodies set amidst nature's beauty and delight. Such fecundity as represented in
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 the Song holds great promise for contemplating the divine embodiment in the physical form. This would be especially true in light of the meaning of the 'Song as the speech of love and intimacy between the devotee and the divine. However, we find the Midrashic and Kabbalistic commentaries to the 'Song' a transfiguration of the body and the textualization of erotic desire. In this paper I select several commentaries to the verse, "May he kiss me with the kisses of the mouth" and trace the hermeneutical moves of these commentaries in conceptualizing the signification of the mouth and the kiss. I explicate how the body is abstracted and conceptualized as the language of the Torah, and how Eros is contextualized in the Talmud. Finally, I discuss the implications of such semiotics for the body and sexuality in the Jewish tradition. Dr. Yudit Kornberg Greenberg has been a professor of religious studies at Rollins College for the past 13 years. A native of Israel with academic specialization in Jewish studies, women's studies, and cross-cultural concepts of the body. Dr. Greenberg has been a very active voice and presence in the religious and spiritual life of the Central Florida community 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 5 The New and True World: Religion of Adidam Dr. Carolyn Lee No spiritual master in human history has ever had his life and work so closely observed and thoroughly documented as the contemporary Spiritual Master Avatar Adi Da Samraj. In hearing the story of his own extraordinary birth, we receive a uniquely detailed and intimate picture of the meeting between a contemporary Divine Incarnation and an increasingly secularized global culture. This workshop brings Avatar Adi Da's fully current by presenting to us creative struggles whereby Adidam, the international community of Adi Da's devotees, are attempting to make a great esoteric spiritual practice universally available to a world in crisis. Carolyn Lee, Ph.D., is the author of the acclaimed full length biography of Avatar Adi Da Samraj. The Promised God-Man is Here. She has spent much of the last decade directly observing him instruct and bless aspirants from all over the world. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Health: Sacred Possibilities Dr. Iqbal Badat This presentation proposes the creation of a health forum, comprised of all the different religious traditions, to guide us towards health and well-being. Also explored will be the sacred possibilities for health care as outlined in the Qur'an, specifically Prophetic Medicine (Tibbun-Nabawi). Dr. Badat is qualified in various types of natural medicine, with particular expertise in spiritual and energy medicine. He also runs a magnetotherapy clinic for the disadvantaged in Cape Town, 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 The Role of the Body in Prayer Rev. Thomas Patrick Ryan, CPS All the affective charges we hold in our bodies from the stresses of daily living can derail our efforts to pray. If we persist in trying to pray all the while ignoring the body and thinking that prayer is just a matter of the mind, our efforts will lead to frustration and mental struggle. This session focuses on the body as the environment of the mind and demonstrates how even working minimally with your body to release tension and stress before times of prayer will palpably deepen your corporeal quietude and mental tranquility. When body, mind, and spirit are harmonized, the mystery residing in our deep being comes through more clearly. Rev. Thomas Ryan, a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Paulist Fathers, is founder and director of Unitas, an ecumenical center for spirituality and Christian meditation in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He is the author of several books, most recently, Prayer of Heart and Body and Disciplines for Christian Living. Identity 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 6 Islam, Modernity, and the Family Dr. Huda Abbas Afshi; Ms. Suehir Al-Qurashi Ideas of modernity have challenged many traditional values, and family values are among them. The panelists will critically review these ideas. In addition, they will look at the way in which Islam confronts these challenges. Dr. Arshi teaches English Literature at the Girl's College of Education in Riyadh. She was head of the Department of English and also the Vice Dean of the College for five years. She received her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature. Ms. Suheir Al Qurashi is the Dean and administrative hcad of a pioneering and premiere institution of higher learning. Dar Al Hekma Private College for Women in Jeddah. She is a specialist with a MA in management and quality control and an active contributor to the women's and youth programs, and a promoter of women's education. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Transformative Insight Imagery: Conflict Resolution Dr. Charlotte A. Smith This experiential workshop, through an imagery process, will identify various parts of ourselves that contribute to internal and external conflict. We will find a way to release these parts that hold anger, strife, disharmony, or competition to a sacred place within. Conflict resolution is a commitment to living truthfully and is an expression of our willingness to release the control drama. Charlotte A Smith, Ph.D., has engaged in individual, marital, and family psychotherapy in private practice for over thirty years. Her Doctoral studies at Northwestern University successfully researched the effects of rain activity. She is a certihed transformative insight imagery Trainer and has been facilitating imagery groups for twenty years. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Moving Forward in Unity Rev. John A.V. Strickland The lecture will be an overview of the origins of the Unity Church, its current state, and its future. More specifically, there will be an introduction to the basic philosophy and teachings of Unity, the development of its philosophical tenets, current worldwide organization, and Unity's agenda for the future. The Unity Church is based on the concept of using spirituality in a practical approach to life in the here and now; Unity reverends study all religions and find points of agreement; furthermore, Unity seeks to help people better their lives in whatever religion they worship. John A V. Strickland, an ordained Unity Minister, currently serves as Senior Minister at Unity Church of Hawaii in Honolulu, He is the iTunediate past Chair of the Board of the Worldwide Association of Unity Churches, with headquarters in Lee's Summit, Missouri, Mr. Strickland served as Director of Silent Unity. Board Member and Vice President of the Unity School of Christianity, and Board Member of the Kansas City Museum 2:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 The World Behind Your Eyes Ms. Brenda Kali This workshop will teach participants how to cope with loss, trauma, heartbreak, death and betrayal through the philosophy and practices of Buddhism. Ms. Brenda Kali is the Head of programmes for South African Broadcast Corporation, and is both a writer and philosopher. 125 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Y2K Yes to the Kingdom - A Voice and a Choice Sr. Mary Anne Laughlin In this threshold moment between the almost, no longer, and the not yet, voices of doom cry out, "Beware." Deep within the human heart the gentle voice of the spirit whispers, "Be aware." This presentation will explore the far reaching wisdom, the power, and the promise of choosing the latter. Sr. Mary Anne Laughlin is a sister of Notre Dame de Namur, with fifty years of teaching experience at the high school and college level. She is a founder and director of Joseph House. She gives lectures and directs retreats in the United States and Canada, and is an adjunct professor at the College for Lifelong Learning, a division of the University of NH where she also teaches comparative religions. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Alternative Spirituality in a Transforming Culture Mr. Rod Suskin This lecture examines alternative spiritualities from the unique perspective of one who is both a Sangoma and an Astrologer The presenter will describe a worldview which allows these spiritualities to be viewed more inclusively. Rod Suskin has been a Sangoma since 1982 and an Astrologer since 1989, having studied Astrology since 1974. He has also studied and taught widely in metaphysics and related fields. He also teaches meditation 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Yoga Meditation: Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Mr. Brian Eriksson This session serves as an introduction to Patanjalis Yoga Sutras as a paradigm for meditation and realisation of the Self or Divine Nature. It will be followed by a meditation structured according to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Vasant Giri Brian Eriksson, Y.T.I.C 1992, has been a Yoga practitioner for 33 years. He is also qualified as a Yoga Therapy Instructor with certification from the Vivekanada Kendra International in India in 1999 He is the founder of the Vivekanada kendra International in South Africa. 3:00 PM-3:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Creating Peace And Harmony Within Ourselves Through Buddhist Meditation Ven. T.Kenjitsu Nakagaki This program will consist of breathing exercises, silent meditation guided by bells and short chanting. Ven. Nakagaki is the Head Minister of the New York Buddhist Church and Vice President of the Buddhist Council of New York. He is actively involved with the Interfaith Center of New York, World Conference on Religions and Peace, and the Interfaith Council of Greater New York. He is also on the Board of Directors for the Japanese American Association of New York Identity 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Yoga - The Future Hope for Mankind Mr. Paramahansa Prajnanananda What is the universality of yoga? This lecture plans to show how yoga has positive effects on its practitioners and how it may be practiced by people of all faiths. Paramahansa Prainanananda was born in 1960. Orissa, India. He is the Vice President of Kriya Yoga Institute, USA Kriya Yoga Zentrum, Vienna and Kriya Yoga Ashram, India. He is the designated spiritual successor of the only living God-Realised Kriya Yoga master Paramahansa Hariharanandaji. He holds MA in Economics. He is teaching Kriya Yoga in India, Europe, North & South America and Australia. He is well-versed in all of the worlds Scriptures-Vedas, Upanishads, Bible, Torah and Our'an. Mr. Prajnanananda is an accomplished orator, philosopher, author and editor of many books. He is also proficient in many languages 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Croning Rituals: Affirming Older Women Ms. Claudia Dancing, MSW, LCSW The wisdom of elders, especially women, is not highly valued in Western society when the experience and knowledge they have to offer is greatly needed. Women's spirituality groups are using the ritual of croning to validate and nurture older women, and those about to become older women, in a community setting. We use the term crone to recapture some earlier positive meanings of wise woman associated with the triple goddess archetype of Maiden-Mother-Crone. We hope women will journey to a deeper, freer experience of themselves, accept their own power, and lend their strength and wisdom to the world. Claudia Dancing practices social work in a private counseling practice, a hospital, and retirement home She facilitates croning rituals for individuals and groups. She is a past board member of the Central Midwest District's Women and Religion Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Association. She is a member of the Unitarian Church of Evanston (L). serving on committees and the Board of Trustees Claudia holds LCSW and ACSW certifications and is an NASW Diplomate in Clinical Social Work. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 A History of the Theosophical Society in Southern Africa Mr. Thomas George Davis The Theosophical Society was the first non-sectarian society to be established in South Africa in 1898 with outstanding people assisting in the growth of the society in South Africa such as Mahatma Gandhi and Clara Codd, the great British suffragette Our first objective, which is "to form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood without distinction of race, creed, sex, cast or colour" created serious difficulties for our society during the "apartheid" era. The new disposition in South Africa has opened up the way to a brighter future for all in this region. TG Davis is a retired automotive engineer who was born in England. He was deeply involved with youth groups in England, Europe and South Africa before becoming the General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Southern Africa in 1992. He has lectured extensively in many countries. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN THEATER 8 Dancing with the Divine: the Role of the Imagination on our Spiritual Journeys Ms. Diana C. Douglas The imagination is to the soul what breath is to the physical body. What is this that we call imagination? How is the imagination different from creativity? How do each of us our imaginations? Do we dance with the Divine? How are we imagining the future? Through questions and participants dialogue, it is the intent of this workshop to awaken the awareness of the imagination and how it can become the sacred imagination. Ms. Douglas was author/illustrator of How to Bring Angels to Earth and Angel Playtime (published 1998). Co-author with Clare Buckland of Always Becoming Forever: A Journal of Conscious Dying. Soul witness to others' Spiritual Journeys: 1985-present. She has been a creativity consultant since 1995. 126 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 3:00 PM-4:30 PM IN THEATER 5 Experiencing the Soul; From Belief to knowing Rev. Eliot Jay Rosen, LISW, ACSW A multimedia presentation featuring excerpts from the Mr. Rosen's private film interviews with the Dalai Lama, Sant Rajinder Singh, Sri Daya Mata as well as riveting testimony of scientific researchers, near-death experiencers, people in the process of dying, all having had profound spiritual experiences. Based on themes found in presenter's Los Angles Times bestselling book Experiencing the Soul-Before Birth During Life After Death, he will show the essential unity of the five major categories of soul experiences and the universality of the "human experience of the numinous" across religions and cultures. Experiential components of the presentation will include fascinating science experiments, humor, music, poetry, slides, interactive wisdom-sharing with participants. There will also be a demonstration of a universal form of meditation, which promotes inner and outer peace irrespective of one's belief and religious affiliation. Eliot Jay Rosen is the author of the Los Angeles Times best selling book, Experiencing the Soul and a licensed hospice social worker and filmmaker. He also founded the nonprofit charitable and educational organization For A World We Choose Foundation 1501C3). As an educator, he was on the teaching faculty of the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Hospice, Grief Counseling, and Death Education Program at Northern New Mexico College. As a spiritual aspirant, in 1975 he was initiated by Sant Darshan Singh (1921-1989) and presently seeks spiritual guidance from the living spiritual teacher, Sant Rajinder Singh. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 The Journey to Wholeness: Intergrating the Inner and Outer Worlds According to the Mahayana Buddhist Tradition Mr. A Mazel This lecture will focus on the training of the Bodhisattva, a spiritually compassionate being whose aspiration to enlightenment was based on the manifestation of lovingkindness to others. Underlying this path is the realisation of the unity of all life. According to the Mahayana tradition, living with love and compassion is as important in the individuals journey to enlightenment as meditation and the search for knowledge. This is the integration of the inner and outer worlds, a process of wholeness, founded on ethical principles and openheartedness. The lecture will include a short meditation session manifesting healing for self and others. Abraham Mazel is the founding teacher of the Insight Meditation Centre, in Cape Town. The IMC combines Buddhist principles and meditation techniques with psychological insights and holistic healing. The IMC follows a nonsectarian approach drawing on the Theravada, Zen and Tibetan Buddhist Traditions - adapting them to local culture, thereby meeting contemporary needs for emotional healing and spiritual development. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 The Focolare Spirituality of Unity in Teaching World Religions Ms. Constance L. Benson The Focolare spirituality is an interpersonal praxis oriented towards making oneself one with the other. It provides a framework for understanding and valuing religious and other cultural differences. As such, this spirituairty gives rise to a distinctive hermeneutic of world religions that is both faithbased and genuinely pluralistic Constance L. Benson is a research associate at the City University of New York's Center on Violence and Human Survival, and author of God and Cacsar with a foreword by Cornell West. She holds an M.Div. from Harvard Divinity School and a M.Phil. from Columbia University and Union Seminary in New York. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Role of the Aged in the Preservation and Perpetuation of Religious and Cultural Values in Hindu Family Life Dr. Dorasamy Moodley in South Africa, the traditional Hindu family consists of the extended kinship system that often spreads across several generations. This presentation will illustrate how this system provides the social, economic, and religious structures for the needs of its members from the cradle to the grave. In this system, the elders had a particular social status as the creators and carriers of the family heritage and were therefore treated with great reverence by all the family members. This lecture will explore how, over the past few decades, the increasing westernization and nuclearization of the family has lead to poor treatment of elders. Dr. Moodley has been associated with the University of Durban - Westville in the Department of Geography for over 30 years. In 1998 he was awarded his doctorate on a thesis entitled A Religio-cultural perspective on some problems arising in Hindu families in Durban, Identity 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Greater Things Than These Shall You Do... Christ The Clairvoyant, The Healer Vr. Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Hull Bostwick This lecture and demonstration will offer a historical Christian perspective of clairvoyance and spiritual healing, as practiced by Jesus Christ and proclaimed by the apostle Paul. VRR Dr. Susan Hull Bostwick is CEO of the Church of Divine Man and its Seminary: The Berkeley Psychic Institute. President of Deja vu Publishing Co., Managing Editor of The Psychic Reader la newspapery: Founder of the Yin Yang School for Psychic Children. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 The "Work of the Cell" and the World's "Heart Work" in Thomas Merton's Confessional Writing Mr. Jonathan Montaldo Thomas Merton's private journal writing (recently published in seven volumes) is a testament of "confession and witness to the Cistercian monk's practice of an "inner ecumenism" as he listened for and dialogued with the voices of the 'Strangers." the resident aliens at the center of his interior life. This interior ecumenical movement was Merton's "heart work." It produced his openness and compassion toward a world-wide communion of saints. Merton models for us in his autobiographical writing an inner work in solitude, which is foundational to companioned work with others for peace, justice, and a non-violent world community Jonathan Montaldo is Director of the Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine College in Louisville, Kentucky, USA which archives the most important and extensive Collection of Merton's literary, artistic and spiritual legacy. Hc cditcd Volume 2 of Merton's Journals, Entering the Silence and co-edited a compendium volume of Merton's Journals with brother Patrick Hart of Gethsemani: The Intimate Thomas Merton: His Life from His Journals. 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Humanistic Buddhist Nuns: An Introduction Ven. Dr. Yifa This lecture will introduce the Fo Guang Shan Humanistic Bikkhuni Order and its history, present state, and future. Ven. Yifa is a Fo Guang Shan Humanistic Buddhist Order, Bhikkhuni. Ven. Yifa received her Ph.D. from Yale University, USA 2010_03 127
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________________ Identity 1 9 9 9 PARLIA MEN T IDENTITY HEMISESKONURN O F GERAKANO SAW 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN ST. MARKS Zion Christian Church - Spiritual and Prophetic Faith Rev. Selamo Molisiwa This lecture will describe the Zion Christian Church, with a particular focus on its liturgical service. Through this lecture, participants will learn how the Zion Church service manifests its spiritual power with individual, God-chosen prophets. Rev. Molisiwa is a theologian who studied with the World Bible School of Theology in the United States, and with Khanya African Independent Churches Theological Institute. At present he is directing the A.I.C. Development Programme. He is General Secretary for the Council of African Instituted / Independent Churches, and he is also the Ecumenical Envoy for the Zion Christian Church. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 An Aumist Hatha-Yoga Class Following the Teachings of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah Dr. Christine Amory; Vedhyas Vishti; Vedhyas Nerada; Vedhyas Dhimat; Vedhyas Mardava; Vedhyas Wedana As a purna-yogi, His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah teaches us through Hatha-Yoga, the mastery of the body with a view to perfection of the Soul. This session is based on traditional practices such as postures, breathing, concentration, and visualizations. In addition, Dr. Amory will focus on the identification with Divine Consciousness, the revelation of vibratory techniques to purify the various bodies and centers of energy, and the progressive opening of centers of consciousness of heart and mind. Christine Amory works closely with the Association of Triumphant Vajra. Vedhyas Vishti has been an initiated disciple of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah for 13 years. Vedhyas is a Chairwoman of the association of the Triumphant Vajra in the Holy City of Mandarom Shambhasalem (France), is a worldwide headquarters of the Aumist Religion, and is Bishop of the Aumist Church. Vedhyas Vishti lectures throughout Europe and North America and is also a Physicist Researcher. Vedhyas Nerada has been an initiated disciple of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah for 22 years, is a Bishop of the Aumist Church, is a member of the Association of Triumphant Vajra (France), is a chief of the Centrom of Pau (Aumist Church in France). Vedhyas Nerada has lectured on the teachings of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah throughout France. Vedhyas Dhimat has been an initiated disciple of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah for 18 years, and is a Bishop of the Aumist Church, member of the Triumphant Vajra (France). Vedhyas Dhimat lectures throughout France. Tai Ji Quan Professor, translator, and interpreter. Vedhyas Mardava has been an initiated disciple of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah for 8 years, is Choirmaster of the Aumist Choir of Congo, is an Aumist Bishop, and is a member of the Association of Triumphant Vajra (France). Vedhyas Mardava has BA in Biology and is currently working as Laboratory assistant. Vedhyas Wedana has been an initiated disciple of His Holiness the Lord Hamsah Manarah for 13 years, is a first Aumist Bishop of Africa, is a honorary President of the Centrom of Pointe Noire (Aumist Church in Congo), and is a member of the Association of Triumphant Vajra (France). Vedhyas Wedana lectures throughout Europe and Africa. Vedhyas Wedana is a doctor of Pharmacy and is a chemist. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 Balancing From the Core Mrs. Rita Edwards This workshop offers participants an opportunity to experience their personal power. The presenter will explore how participants can harness their personal power to create balance in mind, body and spirit. 128 2010_03 Rita Edwards is an Educational Kinesiologist who works with creating dynamic changes in lifestyles. THE WORLD'S TUESDAY, RELIGIONS 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Divine Love DECEMBER 7 Jane Blecher A direct transmission of light, experiencing Divine Joy, opening to the Divine Self. Awakening our inner bliss. The process of surrendering to the Divine Will. The realisation of self. There is only light and love. Being in the moment. Letting go in the presence of The Divine. Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Lightworker with the Centre of Light International. Jane is currently teaching across the United States, South Africa and other places on an International World Tour. DOT IN 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 3.47 Practical Guide to Living "Human Oneness" Without Compromising Individual Expression Ms. Jann Weiss South Africa, more than any other country in the world, is struggling with the concept of 'Oneness'. The slogan "We are One" is seen everywhere. Just how can a country with so many diverse cultures live as "One"? The fear of losing one's uniqueness and individuality is as strong as the fear of being dominated by strangers who don't understand what other people might need. South Africa's struggle is the Planet's struggle, as cultures and religious clashes continue to destroy lives in many countries around the world. This presentation will address the issue of a common bond through all the diversity. Although an American by birth, Jann considers herself to be a resident of Planet Earth. Her work as a psychic and Spiritual Teacher has kept her traveling and living in many parts of the world over the last 10 years. She is the Director of The Living in Truth Institute headquartered in the US, and it is through this organization that she shares The Weiss Transformation Processes, her self-empowerment techniques. AGAI 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Qur'anic Recital Dr. Iqbal Badat Dr. Iqbal Badat will recite from the first chapter of the Qur'an. Dr. Badat is qualified in various types of natural medicine, with particular expertise in spiritual and energy medicine. He also runs a magnetotherapy clinic for the disadvantaged in Cape Town. PUTATURER 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 The River School: A Model for Education in the 21st Century Ms. Anjani Cirillo; Mr. Kashi Frank; Ms. Sita Blakeslee For over twenty years, the River School's unique methods have provided quality education for the whole child. River School teachers, students, and alumni invite you to learn about their school and to participate in some of these techniques such as Brain Gym, Conflict Resolution, and Tae Kwon Do, which promote learning in new ways. The school's programs emphasizing service and intergenerational cooperation will be discussed. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati founded the school to protect human rights and promote kindness in education. The River School continues to stand as a model for freedom and spirituality within the context of a strong academic curriculum. Anjani Cirillo has a degree in education from Brockport State University (New York). In 1967 she joined the U. S. Peace Corps and served in the school system of the Philippines as a teacher trainer. She taught high school English in public school and has been with the River School since its founding in 1979. Anjani became the school's principal in 1986 and received training at the Principal's Center of the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1995. She is a devotee of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati. Kashi Frank earned her B. A. in English from Hobart-William Smith College and her Master's degree in Counseling from the University of Massachusetts. She taught art in public elementary and high schools in New York and Massachusetts for 12 years. Kashi has been with the River
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS IDENTITY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 School since its beginning in 1979 and has been teaching and developing curriculum there ever since. She is a devotee of Baba Neem Karoli and Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati. Sita Blakeslee has a degree in Fine Arts from Long Island University. She was an original cast member of "The Arts in Education", a New York City program designed to bring about changes in education through the arts. Sita teaches at the River School and serves as an Arts Director and Artist-in-Residence. She is currently working on her certification in Educational KinesiologyBrain Gym. She is a devotee of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati and lives on kashi Ashram with her husband and daughter 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Theosophy: The Rebirth of Ancient Wisdom Mr. Thomas George Davis The essence of the "New Age" - with all its precautions - flows from the renaissance of the ancient traditions which is underpinning all major religions at their esoteric basis. This lecture will describe the teachings and history of the Theosophical Society which was founded by H. P. Blavatsky in 1875. T. G Davis is a retired automotive engineer who was born in England He was deeply involved with youth groups in England, Europe and South Africa before becoming the General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Southern Africa in 1992. He has lectured extensively in many countries 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 8 Sacred Text and Textualities in American Neo Paganism Ms. Sarah Avery The most important single religious text in the Neo-Pagan movement is the charge of the Goddess. This paper examines the Charge's unusual status as a perpetual work-in-progress, open to constant revision by many hands since its first known publication in 1898. If we use a mutable text open to new authorship as a case study, what new questions can we ask about the idea of sacred scripture? Sarah Avery is an initiated priestess in the Blue Star tradition of Wicca, member of Braided Stream Coven in New Jersey, USA She is also a doctoral candidate in English Literature at Rutgers University. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Ubuntu - An African Conception of Humanity Dr. Augustine Schutte This lecture will present 20 slides of photos (art) to illustrate the idea of ubuntu. While each slide is displayed in a darkened room, an interpretive poem is read. This is followed by a short explanatory lecture and a discussion of the slides and their meaning. This is followed by more general discussion of the concept. Dr. Augustine Schutte teaches in the Philosophy Department at the University of Cape Town. She is currently teaching courses on the Philosophy of Religious Ethics, Metaphysics, and the philosophy of mind. She is also on the staff of the Goedgedacht Forum (Catholici. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Scientology: Effective Solutions for a Secular World Mr. Al Buttnor; Rev. Earl Smith; Ms. Cathie Robertson The workshop will provide a brief historical background on well-known author and humanitarian L Ron Hubbard who founded the Scientology religion. The main focus of the workshop will be the effectiveness and growth of social betterment programs in the areas of drug rehabilitation, criminal reform, education, and moral rejuvenation applying principles derived from his work. Al Buttnor is a representative from the Church of Scientology and the Association for Better Living and Education. Rev Earl Smith is a representative from the Church of Scientology and the Association for Better Living and Education Cathie Robertson is a representative from the Church of Scientology and the Association for Better Living and Education. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Understanding Astrology Mrs. Monica Cromhout An introduction to astrology for the lay person, with a focus on astrology as a reflection of the natural cycles of the solar system. Monica Cromhout is Zimbabwe born, but a resident in South Africa since 1966. She obtained a BA degree at the University of Port Elizabeth while working as Director of Life Line in the Eastern Cape Started the publishing company, Options Publishers and Booksellers ten years ago which publishes the magazine, Writers World. Practices as an astrologer. and regularly teaches astrology at a beginner level throughout the Cape Identity 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46 Theological Considerations of the proto-IndoEuropeans Dr. Michael York What did the ancestors of present-day Indo-European-speaking peoples believe? How did they view the world? What understandings of godhead did they entertain? What is the relevancy of proto-Indo-European spiritual perceptions to today's world forum of religions? Michael York lectures for the Study of Religions Department of the Bath Spa University College and co-directs the London-based Academy for Cultural and Educational Studies which sponsors intercultural dialogue in Britain and educational programs in India. 2010_03 129
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________________ Identity 1 9 9 9 PAR LIAMENT OF THE IDENTITY 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 2.73 Awakening to the Oneness of All Things: Personal Transformation Leading to Unity Consciousness Part II Ms. Leslie Temple-Thurston In this second section of Leslie Temple-Thurston's program, she will explore practical techniques for awakening (meditation, samadhi and the reconciliation of opposites). Our world is a world of opposites and we are caught in the many dualities. For example: love and hate, war and peace, pain and pleasure, right and wrong, good and evil. By working to integrate the polarization's in the mind and the emotions, we will find the inherent unity of transcendent states. We will learn three simple techniques for balancing mind and emotions using the reconciliation of opposites. Leslie will give instruction on meditation and samadhi as ways of clearing past trauma, as well as a transmission to deepen your meditative practice. Ms. Leslie Temple-Thurston was born and raised in South Africa, and she currently lives and works in the United States. As a Western yogi, she teaches the principles of personal transformation and spiritual awakening. She is author of the book The Marriage of Spirit, and is the founder of the non-profit organization CoreLight, which is dedicated to humanitarian service and to fostering world peace through developing personal inner peace 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89 Biblical Taste Workshop Sr. Dympna Travers; Brother Joseph Bell This workshop will explore Scripture together with methodology that: widens and deepens participants knowledge and understanding of Scripture. The method utilized in the workshop is gentle, non-competitive, and respectful. It has proven to integrate learning into prayer and life, and helps build community, faith sharing and cooperative leadership. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8 Sr. Dympna Travers is a 61 year old professional Catholic from birth. committed to spreading the word of God by her profession of teaching as a Dominican Sister for 32 years. Sr. Travers has been working full-time for five years at the Catholic Biblical Foundation in Cape Town's 77 Parishes. Brother Joseph Bell is a professional person aged 68 years who is Catholic from birth and committed to spreading the word of God by his profession of teaching as a Christian Brother for fifty years. He has been working full time for two years in the Catholic Biblical Foundation in Cape Town. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Expressive Versus Ineffable Words: An Historical and Practical Overview of Sacred Texts in the Jewish Tradition Rabbi Yosef Wosk This lecture will highlight the oral and written traditions of Judaism, providing both a theoretical and practical background. It will also be richly illustrated with stories, melodies, chanting, ritual objects, and a handout. Rabbi Wosk holds doctorates in Interdisciplinary Studies (Religion and Literature) and in Psychology, as well as Masters degrees from Harvard Divinity School and Yeshiva University. He is also a published author and former host of a television series. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Father and Sons: A Quest for Vision and Values Mr. John Neave This open-centered circle process will invite experiential expression and exploration of the role of ritual and ceremony to bring closure to old perceptions and celebrate the spirituality of the father and son relationship. 130 2010_03 WORLD S REL IGIONS Mr. John Neave is the father of three step-sons and two daughters. His interests and experiences include wilderness therapy, Jungian Psychology, publishing, editing, film-making and story telling. ostali svoite 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Gaining Self-Insight Through Symbols Ms. Natalia Baker This workshop aims to teach participants how to access inner guidance through symbols, the language of the subconscious, and interpreting those symbols to gain insight into themselves and their life's path. This method can be very helpful for problem solving, decision making and understanding the source of physical and emotional conditions. Although there will be some sharing and input, the focus is mainly on gaining self-understanding through the symbols accessed in a receptive visualisation process. Natalia Baker teaches metaphysics in South Africa, Zimbabwe and London, specialising in meditation and Higher Self connection. Her life and work are committed to the healing of herself and others in order to call forth a profound realisation of spirit and the expression of our greatest potential through the open heart. MENELIAN RENSE, SOME passende mitam du 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.49 Making an African Bracelet Mrs. Judith Rouhani This experiential workshop will provide participants an introduction to wrapped threads, and will be invited to produce their own. Participants will be taught the technique of making a simple African bracelet using wrapped threads and beads. Mrs. Judith Rouhani is a Fiber Artist and lecturer. She earned a Higher Diploma with Honours in Creative Embroidery, plus Teaching Diploma. Her works exhibit internationally, and she has worked at Royal School of Needlework in London. A 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Slaves Adhering to the Religion of their Masters Tinyiko Sam Maluleke An exploration of the irony and paradox inherent in the fact and growth of Christianity in Africa, despite its colonial connections. The legacies and challenges presented by this history will be explored with a specific view to the role of Christianity in present day Africa. No biographical statement available at time of printing. ALLST 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN SCIENCE 3.80 Support for the South African San People Ms. Fiona Mary Archer; Izak Kruiper Ms. Archer will present examples of the work that the South African San Institute has been doing over the past three years. Some of the most important issues pertaining to the San people, among the first inhabitants of South Africa, will be discussed. No biographical statements available at time of printing. --- Rad 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.71 Vortex Alignment - How to Protect Yourself from the Toxic Environment and Heal the Earth Mr. Jeff Levin Mr. Levin's lecture considers the use of Vortex technology in order to protect oneself from harmful electromagnetic radiation and geopathic stress as well as pollutants in water, food, and air. The lecture will show ways of how to create a healing
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT IDENTITY environment, how to heal the earth, and how to heal one's self and others with Vortex technology. Jeff Levin, a former architect, has been involved with vibrational healing for the past 30 years and as an architect, began to research the effects of electromagnetic radiation and geopathic stress on the body. He spends 9 months of the year traveling around the world teaching. He developed "Body Alignment Technique," a unique system of energy healing that identifies the core of disease, and "Vortex Technology," which helps to protect us from our toxic environment as well as facilitating profound healing. Lak 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 What Is Wicca (Neopagan Witchcraft)? Rev. Donald H. Frew An explanation of the beliefs and practices of Neopagan Witchcraft or Wicca by several Elders of the Covenant of the Goddess (COG), the largest Wiccan religious organization in the world. Although Wicca is one of the fastest growing religions in the U.S., it is often misunderstood. This talk will introduce the basic concepts of the Craft and dispel some common myths. A Rev. Donald H. Frew has served two terms as president of COG and five as Public Information Officer. He is a COG's National Interfaith Representative. He will be joined by other members of the Covenant of the Goddess OF THE WEDNESDAY, 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN SCIENCE 3.45 Freedom from Limitations: Living with Spirit Ms. Alison Elizabeth Cameron The lecture examines the Spiritual Flame within all religions, all peoples, and all age groups. This spiritual flame demands that we break free of all limiting beliefs and concepts, and surrender to the divine within all life which brings acceptance, respect, and unconditional love for all beings. At the age of 21, Alison is a qualified counselor, healer, and spiritual psychologist. She has worked as a volunteer with disadvantaged youths. runs a successful practice as a counselor and healer, has facilitated public meditations for over 150 people, and runs regular personal empowerment courses. She is also an experienced public speaker, a member of the Multifaith Association of South Australia and coordinator for an Adelaide millennium event called "World Peace 2000." This is an Adelaide event running as a part of the 72 hr. peace building project initiated by the United Religions Initiative and is being presented at this conference as a "Gift of Service to the World." 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Metaphysical Foundations of Morality in Islam Prof Mohammad Muqim The lecture outlines the metaphysical foundations of morality in Islam. This foundation consists of 1) the status and position of Man in the world; 2) the concept of freedom and responsibility: and 3) God's pleasure as the Supreme Good. While studying metaphysical foundations of Morality in Islam, Professor Muqim will discuss at length the status and position of Man in the world. He will also explain what is involved in God's pleasure being the the supreme good in Islamic ethics. 2010_03 Dr. Muqim is an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy Aligarh Muslim University, India. He is also Secretary of the Crescent Charitable Trust, and coordinator of the Institute of Objective Studies. Professor Muqim was born in India and is 48 years old. WORLD'S RELIGIONS DECEMBER 8 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN THEATER 8 Myth, Dream, and Movie Mr. Keith Cunningham Keith Cunningham, coordinator of this Parliament's film festival, addresses this century's new art form, film, and its impact on our perceptions of self and the world. Keith Cunningham is a screenwriter, filmmaker, and a producer of the CPWR film and video festival. A former professor at Columbia College, he has worked with Joseph Campbell and is currently presenting seminars in Germany, Italy, France, and the United States. De me 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.46 Panchakosha Yoga Therapy Mr. Brian Eriksson This workshop is a unique combination of Yogic techniques to the five Panchakosha dimensions of our beings. The Karma, Bhakti, Jhana and Raja Yogas are applied to invoke awareness of our inner being, leading to heightened spiritual consciousness. Vasant Giri Brian Eriksson, (Y.T.I.C) 1992, has been a Yoga practitioner for 33 years. He is also qualified as a Yoga Therapy Instructor with certification from the Vivekanada Kendra International in india in 1999. He is the founder of the Vivekanada Kendra International in South Africa. 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.81 The Parliament for the Future: The Archives of the Parliament Ms. Kathryn DeGraff DePaul University Archives is privileged to house the archives of the 1993 Parliament. The records of 1993, the 1893 Parliament, and this in which we are participating help us to understand what we are doing and its importance in the future. The collections in Archives provide a foundation for how researchers, scholars, and interested public will be able to learn about what has happened. Ms. DeGraff will give a presentation on keeping these records, how people use them, and about how we can all participate in preserving and sharing the history of this and succeeding Parliaments. Kathryn DeGraff has a Masters in Library Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana, 1972. She has held the position of Department Head of the Special Collections and Archives at DePaul University since 1980. Ms. DeGraff coordinates the preservation program, exhibition program. and has worked with numerous groups within and outside DePaul to build local archival collections that reflect the interests of the University and provide lasting research resources. Identity 131
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT O F THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE 132 2010_03 Programmes listed in this section address topics related to: dialogue within a particular religious/spiritual community dialogue between different religious/spiritual communities dialogue between religious/spiritual communities and other disciplines, and institutions, such as government, education, science, media, etc. in these presentations, participants will take up challenging and important questions, including the following: * What do we have in common? * How and why do we differ? * What issues most concern us? How can we move from tolerance to understanding, and from understanding to mutual respect, admiration, and cooperation? # How can we help each another to grow? Most programmes in the Dialogue Section will be held in the Commerce Building on the Cape Technikon campus.
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 DECE principles of interfaith work that were derived from a study on 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 1.37 its contents. Christ, Gandhi, and King in Dialogue Dr. Hamid Abdul Hai is a writer, lecturer, physician, and he received his Islamic education in India. He was Chairman of the Islamic Group at Rev. Nelkupa V. John 1993 Parliament. He has been active in Interfaith work for many years.. and he is currently a Trustee of the Council for a Parliament of the The lecture will present the psychohistories of Jesus Christ, World's Religions. Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King. Why and how did Mr. Ishak Mohamed is a Vietnamese Muslim living in Chicago. He is an they challenge the conventional wisdom? There will also be Engineer by profession and is a serious Interfaith Islamic worker who some discussion on how we can continue their altruistic legacy participated in the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions and release new spiritual energies for the renewal of our Chicago area Muslim community leader. Very active in interfaith work, communities. and a CPWR Trustee nominee Rev. John is a peace activist and director of Community Wholistic Growth Center, Inc. He is a professor of education and is currently teaching the 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 cultural history of India at Washington University, St. Louis Liturgy: Master Key to Every Religion 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.60 Rabbi Herb Bronstein Christianity and Islam : Relationship and Dialogue The premise of this session is the belief that in the core-liturgy of a particular religious group from elaborate rites to methods of Dr. George N. Malek silent meditation is found the crystallization in precis of every This presentation will explore the relationship of Christianity and spirituality. The liturgy may even reveal the overarching story, Islam. The presenter will also describe the implications of this or narration, or master story of the religious journey according relationship in the context of other world religions and politics. to the spirituality from which it emerges. The presenter will Dr. George N. Malek is a United States Citizen born in Alexandria, Egypt. endeavor to set forth this idea using core liturgy of Judaism He is currently Director of the Economical Pastoral Institute Cape Town, and then will invite all those interested in liturgy from whatever and a Professor of Theology, Pastoral Care and Pathology at various religious background or outlook to test this in the context of institutions their own religious group and understanding of liturgy in general. Thus the session will become a group consultation on 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 the very meaning of liturgy itself. Herbert Bronstein teaches Comparative Religion at Lake Forest College Creation and Confluence: Story Telling from the and has been a Senior Scholar at the North Shore Congregation Israel in World's Faiths Glencoe, Illinois for over 25 years. He has combined a successful vocation as a congregational rabbi with life long achievements in Dr. Dorian Haarhof scholarship, academic teaching, and lecturing at various universities In this lecture the presenter will share stories from many of the world's religious and spiritual traditions, and will facilitate 10:00 AM-11:30 AM GOOD HOPE ARENA dialogue with the participants on the meaning of these stories. Stories chosen will highlight the concept of mystery - and this Resources for Multi-Faith Prayer session will celebrate that mystery Rev. Marcus C. R. Braybrooke; Fr.. Albert Dorian Haarhof is a published writer and a former Namibian Professor of Nambiaparambil; Dr. Elizabeth Espersen; Brahma Das; English Literature with a deep belief in the power of stories. He has conducted many workshops in different parts of Africa. His text. The Imam Abduljalil Sajid Writer's voice: A workbook for Writers in Africa, was published in 1998. The occasions when people of many religions join together for prayer are a powerful witness to our human unity as children 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 3.60 of God. They offer hope and affirm the call of all people of faith for justice, peace, an end to suffering, and to preserve the Global Ethic Ceremony Interfaith Liturgy - planet. Yet many religious people refuse to pray with neighbors Workshop of another religion. The resource book All in Good Faith looks Ms. Merrill Collins at the attitudes of people of several religions on praying together and gives examples of many such occasions. After an The workshop will be comprised of previously selected introduction to All in Good Faith, there will be time for people nterfaith leaders, speakers, and musicians. The workshop will to share their experiences of praying together and the effect it nclude a discussion on Global Ethic Principals and a choice of has had on participants. 1 creative project: Visual Art, Dance, Music, Media Outreach, Marcus Braybrooke is a Trustee of the international interfaith Centre and Culminating Event (a multi media presentation, combining all President of the World Congress of Faiths as well as author of several who prepared in the workshop), and sharing. books on interfaith work and co-editor of All in Good Faith, a resource book for multifaith. Merrill Collins earned her Masters Degree at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music on a full scholarship. Merrill's career has expanded Fr.. Nambiparambil is the Secretary of the CBCI. He is the author of rom concert performances to multimedia pieces and humanitarian Interreligious Dialogue My Pilgrimage of Hope in interreligious dialogue, projects. She has produced performances of original music for many Secretary of the World Fellowship of Interreligious Councils: Secretary of najor events and broadcasts, including the 50th Anniversary of the the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India. Attended the Global Forum on Jnited Nations (1995). She is currently working on Public Service Environment and Development for Survival (MOSCOW, January, 1990) as Innouncements to promote a Global Ethic. a Spiritual Leader. Elizabeth Espersen has devoted her life to the pursuit of the spiritual as a wellspring for practical and realistic contemporary living. Elizabeth is 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 4 currently the Executive Director and Executive Vice President of the Thanksgiving Foundation. She recently published Meeting in Faith (Sage The Interfaith Work of Prophet Muhammad International: 1996) Dr. Hamid Abdul Hai, M.D., FACC; Mr. Ishak Mohamed; Brahma Das is the Executive Director of the Council for World Tibet Day. He is serving as Media Director for two other organizations founded by yed Wahajuddin Ma Jaya and he was a Pulitzer Prize nominee in History, as well as a t is not widely known that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be National Correspondent from the U.S. Senate for Westinghouse Broadcasting. He is now a writer, editor, and consultant on various upon him) was an advocate and a practitioner of interfaith issues. He also teaches journalism and comparative religion at the River vork. The panel will discuss authentic ahadith (ie, recordings School, a small private School in Sebastian, Florida. of the words and deeds of Prophet Muhammad) and the basic AbduljahilSajid is the Director of the Islamic Centre at Brighton, UK. 133 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 Dialogue
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________________ Dialogue 1999 PARLIAMENT O F DIALOGUE 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.54 The Spiritual and Moral Development of Children: An Interfaith Perspective Ms. Clare Sartori Stein This interactive workshop will explore ways to help children more fully develop their moral and spiritual potential, within the home and at school. Presenters will draw upon current creative thought and resource materials in the field, and tap into our personal experiences. How, for example, can a positive school environment and curriculum contribute to the spiritual development of children from varied cultural, social and religious backgrounds? Ms. Clare Sartori- Stein is a school psychologist and holistic educator who teaches courses in child development at the University of Rhode Island. Also she is chairperson of the South County Interfaith Council of Rhode Island She has taught children and worked with families in rural areas of West Africa. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 3.70 Turn the Other Cheek But Make Sure It's a Kiss THURSDAY, Dr. Hemlata Pokharna; Mandakini Pokharna Anger is an alarm indicating that people are disconnected from ourselves and that their needs are not being met. Dealing with anger means restoring people's connection to themselves and making a choice of where to focus their attention. In this presentation, the presenters will understand where anger comes from, increase their awareness of anger, and learn ways of expressing their needs and feelings behind anger. Using skills and tools of compassionate communications, presenters will learn to hear and express anger compassionately without feeling guilty or blamed. The purpose of this workshop is to develop skills to maintain and strengthen peace within and without stressful situations, and resolve conflicts nonviolently into satisfying dialogues. Dr. Hemlata Pokharna, Ph.D. (Biochemistry) is a research associate at the University of Chicago. Dr. Pokharna trained at the Gestalt Institute and Focusing Institute. Dr. Pokharna teaches meditation, alternatives to violence and nonviolent communications to promote health, wholeness and disease prevention. Mandakini Pokharna MD. Practices Internal Medicine at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. Mandakini is also trained at the Focusing Institute and Center for Nonviolent Communication. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 The United Religions, An Organization Built by People, Determination, and the Liberty to Try Rev. Charles P. Gibbs; Ms. Sally M. Ackerly Given the right circumstances, from no more than dreams, determination and the liberty to try, ordinary people quite consistently do extraordinary things. From its beginning, the United Religions Initiative has been a vision and an invitation. The vision has been of an unprecedented level of global interreligious cooperation for the good of all. The invitation has been to people all over the world. If you share this vision, you are invited to join in making it real. The fruit of this effort, the birth of the United Religions in June 2000, is near. This workshop will invite people to take part in a concrete activity to imagine and to create models of how the UR might take root in local settings and specific interests. For the past three and a half years, Canon Charles Gibbs has served as Executive Director of the United Religions Initiative, a global movement where people of the world's religious, spiritual, and indigenous communities gather in mutual respect, dialogue, and cooperative action to end religious violence and create cultures of peace and justice as a sacred trust for future generations. Before URI, he served as the Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation in San Francisco, CA. Sally Mahe Ackerly is a full-time project manager with the United Religions Initiative, with offices in the San Francisco Presidio. She holds an M.Ed. from Harvard and also a Masters degree in Spiritual Direction from 134 2010_03 THE WORLDS RELIGIONS DECEMBER 2 General Episcopal Seminary in New York City. She taught civics for twelve years, during which time she created a textbook series for junior high school students entitled, Law in Action, West Publishing Co., 1975, 1980. STVARIO MEN 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 3.60 A Productive Cyberspace for Spirituality and Religion Dr. Paul Trafford The workshop will show how the internet may assist those engaged in spiritual and religious inquiry, study and dialogue. The program will highlight: 1) the scope of avenues available to support and enhance study and encounter; 2) describe means for locating relevant and helpful contacts and resources; 3) indicate added dimensions for projects in the real world. Discussion will be substantiated by, MultiFaithNet, a World Wide Web site for religious resource and research. Paul has been raised from birth in two traditions: Christianity and Buddhism. He works as an Internet developer at the University of Derby. where he is involved in the Multi Faith Center project as well as MultiFaithNet. He is a member of the International Interfaith Center's Advisory Committee. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Business and Spirituality: Soul at Work Ms. Elna Trautmann What does it mean to take my soul to work? Apart from my physical, mental and emotional presence at work, is there place for the spiritual me at work? This workshop explores the possible implications of moving beyond the information age's emphasis on knowledge and emotional intelligence to the Fourth Wave's implications of finding meaning at work and living purposefully. It addresses aspects of spirituality integral to one's work and life. It also focuses on possible ways of bringing the heart back into business. Elna Trautmann is an Organisation Psychologist with extensive organisation development experience in the private, non-governmental and governmental sectors with a focus on holistic and systematic organisational change management and transformation. Her current consulting focuses on business and spirituality; using ritual and ceremony to create opportunities for personal growth and bringing the heart back into business. 2:00 PM-4:00 PM IN THEATER 2 Cooperation for a Just and Peaceful World: Muslim and Buddhist Relations in the World Today Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf; Professor Chandra Muzaffar; Chaiwat Satha-Anand; Uthai Dulyakasem; Dr. Achahn Phangcham; Dr. Rahul Deepankar, M.D.; Prof. Muddathir Abdel Rahem; Ven. Samahito Bhikkhu The religious encounter between Islam and Buddhism is as old as the coming of Islam to Southeast Asia i.e. about 13 centuries. Dr. Yusuf will trace the religious encounters for interreligious dialogue and relations from the middle of the 7th Century. A panel will give Muslims and Buddhists the opportunity to reflect and comment upon the current state of understanding between their religions and how they can improve upon it. The goal of the seminar is to contribute to the spiritual, social, and moral development of this inter-religious relationship in a variety of positive ways. Dr. Yusuf graduated from Temple University Philadelphia and he has taught at a number of American and Thai Universities. He is currently teaching at Prince of Sonkra University in Thailand and actively involved in interfaith dialogues.. Prof. Chandra Muzaffar, a political scientist, graduated from the University of Singapore and written extensively on human rights issues Currently he heads a human rights NGO in Malaysia known as the International Movement for a Just World, its head office in Kuala Lumpur. Dr. Chaiwat Satha-Anand, teaches Political Science at Thammasat University Bangkok, Thailand. He is also a human rights activist.
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT DIALOGUE OF THE Prof. Uthai Dulyakasem, Buddhist, The Thailand Environment institute, Bangkok, Thailand Ven. Dr. Phangcham was the president of the Buddhist Council of the Midwest (BCM), from 1993-1997 and is currently president emeritus of the BCM. He has been on the Board of Trustees for the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions (CPWR) since 1993. He is also consultant to the international Buddhist Committee and coordinator of International Visahka Festival in Washington D.C. 1999. Ven. Dr. Phangcham received his BA from Muhachular Buddhist University and, a M.Ed., a M.Phil. (1982), Ph.D. in Education (1985) from Delhi University. Delhi, India. Ven. Dr. Phangcham has been an educator for over three decades and a Buddhist Monk since he was 19. Dr. Deepankar has been a practicing physician in the Chicago area for the past 18 years. He is currently the Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Mary's Hospital in Kankakee, Illinois. In his nonprofessional life he has been engaged in the struggle for human rights and justice for Dalits "ex-untouchables," Neo-Buddhist, Muslims. Christians, and other minorities for the 21st century. Dr. Deepankar is also President of the New Republic of India International, and Vice President of the Association of Indians in America. Prof. Rahem, Sudan, currently Professor of Political Science and Islamic Studies at the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization. Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. THURSDAY, The Ven. Samahito was ordained as a Buddhist Monk in 1965 and has been a lecturer on Thervada Buddhism for the past three decades. He has taken part in a number of interfaith groups, Buddhist organizations, and currently lectures at UCLA. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 3.70 The Death and Rebirth of Religious Studies: from 1893 to 1993 Mr. Robert Wilson-Black The 1890's in North America and Europe was a time of great scholarly interest in the practices and texts of "other" (nonWestern) religious traditions. But worldwide conflict, depressions and shifts in academic thought and interest created a great vacuum in the study of religions. Not until the 1940s -50s did academic institutions revitalize programs, and it wasn't until the 1980s that strong networks of scholars were developed. Why, how, with whom and where did this happen? 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 How our Definition of Success Influences our World Robert Wilson-Black is a member of the Xa Church (Disciples of Christ), a scholar at Disciples Divinity House and Ph.D. Candidate in American Religious History at the University of Chicago where he currently works in the administration. Editing a book on Ethnic identity within Denominations and a participant in the Pew Trust's Public Religions Project, Rob travels internationally on a regular basis, visiting institutions of higher education and he enjoys being a pastor's spouse in his free time. Ms. Charlene Hunter Every spiritual and religious tradition has, as its core, the understanding that success as human beings is characterized by union with the Divine. Yet westernized cultures have developed the belief that "success" comes from an accumulation of information, property and power that will ultimately lead to wealth, security and happiness, and this belief is spreading amongst indigenous cultures. This 2 hour forum will include comments from a diverse panel on how our westernized belief about success is impacting our world. How is this belief in conflict with our core spiritual/religious understanding? How can we individually and collectively address this belief to create a more sustainable and truly wholesome world? Charlene Hunter is Director of Operations for the Emissaries of Divine Light. She has been on the Board of Trustees for over 20 years. 2010_03 WORLD S RELI Panch 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 3 GIONS DECEMBER 2 The Interfaith Movement - Where Are We Now And Where Are We Going? Ms. Kusumita P Pederson The speaker will present an overview and analysis of the interfaith movement in the world today, trying to determine what we actually know about all the different kinds of work being done in different contexts. The interfaith movement is entering a new phase- what is new about it? Major problems and challenges will be identified, as well as the opening of new possibilities. The presentation is intended to stimulate constructive discussion. Kusumita P. Pederson is Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at St. Francis College in New York. She was previously Executive Director of the Project on Religion and Human Rights, Joint Secretary for religious affairs of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival and Executive Director of the Temple of Understanding. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 The Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage: Its History and Vision Ms. Ingrid C. Askew; Sr. Clare Carter; Elaine Kenseth Abel; Jacquelyn Smith Crooks Four different perspectives will be discussed by a panel who will share their involvement with the history and vision of the Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage- a twelve month journey retracing the history of the transatlantic slave trade. Ingrid Askew is Coordinating Director for The Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage as well as an actress, stage director and cultural activist, whose work has spanned 18 years in the New England area. Ms. Askew is one of two founders of the Interfaith Pilgrimage along with Sister Clare Carter of the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist order. Ms. Askew assisted in the development of educational theater components with participants of the Pilgrimage by focusing on themes relative to the Middle Passage and slavery. Sister Clare Carter is the co-creator of the Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage. in 1981 she was ordained as a Buddhist nun of the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist order at Mt. Kiyosumi, Japan. In addition to the building of Peace Pagodas, the order is internationally recognized for their initiation of Pilgrimages. It was Sister Clare's vision and spiritual commitment to World Peace and Justice that led to the creation of the Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage. Elaine Kenseth-Abel is an educator and activist whose work in reuniting Cambodian refugees with their families has brought her much honor and respect in her community in Western Massachusetts. Elaine assisted with the coordination of the Interfaith Pilgrimage walker orientation retreat, and the Pilgrimage opening ceremony logistics. She handled the numerous day to day challenges that always arise when undertaking a project of this magnitude. Jacquelyn Smith Crooks is an educator by profession and is currently studying at Andover Newton Theological School, where her focus is in the area of Faith, Healing and Spirituality. During the past year and a half, Jacquelyn has been working as Pilgrimage coordinator of the Newton/Metro West (Boston) Committee. She has worked extensively from stateside to assist the walkers through fundraising and established the Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage Resource Center, currently housed at Andover Newton Theological School in Newton, MA. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Islam & Other Religions: Issues and Directions for the Next Century Dr. Muzzamil Siddiqi; Sheik Kamil al-Sharif; Dr. Mawlani Khalilur Rahman Sajjad Nomani; Prof. Amir Al-Islam The panelists will examine issues on the global level and suggest how a better picture will emerge in the 21st century through better understanding and cooperation between Islam and other religions. They will mainly consider the possibility of peace-loving people from different faith communities rising above their communal interests and working together for social Dialoque 135
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________________ Dialogue 1 9 9 9 PARLIA MENT OF THE DIALOGUE and economic justice. Dr. Muzzamil Siddiqi graduated from the Islamic University of Medinah and Harvard (Ph.D). He is currently President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). He is Imam and Director of the Islamic Society of Orange County, California and teaches at California State University at Fullerton. Sheik al-Sharif is a well known Islamic scholar from the Middle East. Director General of International Institute of Dawahand Relief with offices in Amman (Jordan). Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), and Cairo (Egypt). In the field of dawah and working with people of other faiths, Mawlani Nomani is the most influential Muslim religious leader ('alim), having international repute. Amir Al-Islam is a Professor of African American History at Medgar Evers College, in Brooklyn, New York, where he also serves as the Associate Director of the Dr. Betty Shabazz Center for Global Affairs. Mr. AHslam was the former Secretary General of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, USA, an international interfaith organization affiliated with the United Nations. Prof. Al-Islam was instrumental in establishing one of the first interfaith councils in Sierra Leone, West Africa, in 1996. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 The Jains: The Role of Jainism in Promoting Interfaith Creative Engagement THURSDAY, Dr. N.P. Jain There are many practical areas where the Jain religion can contribute to interfaith engagement in regard to its wellarticulated and well-practiced faith promoting compassion, tolerance, coexistence, peaceful co-prosperity and elimination of tensions. Illustrating case studies of successful projects done in different countries, this lecture will explore evolving common programs of environmental protection and population. Dr. N.P. Jain is the former ambassador of India to the European Union, United Nations, Mexico, and Nepal. He is also the former Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs. He is a member of the World Spiritual Assembly, a writer, poet, economist and environmentalist. More Fo 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.60 The Politics of Religious Education in S.A. and Present Past Ms. Manila Soni Amin Religious Education has played a dominant role in South Africa since colonisation. This lecture briefly explores the tension between the dual role of the mission schools which on the one hand, brought literacy to many who had no other access to education, and on the other, often served to negate the religion, language and culture of the African population. This lecture will also explore the role of 'Religious Instruction' in apartheid education, with particular attention to the dynamics of the debate about religion and education since 1991. The main question this lecture will address is "What is the position of Religious Education today, and what are the realities with regard to its implementation?" 136 2010_03 Manila Amin is a lecturer at the University of the Western Cape, where she lectures in the Faculty of Education. She taught at South Africa's first truly multicultural school and was the first to teach multifaith Religious Education at the high school level. She serves on the Western Cape Department of Education's Curriculum Committee on Religious Education. She is coordinator and co-author of the book Rainbow Religions - A resource book for teachers and college students (1998). 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN THEATER 1 Testimonies To Mutual Irradiation -Session I Professor Huston Smith; Prof. Jennifer R. Joe; Rev. Dr. David R. Breed; Ms. Ann Kuhn; Flavio Soares; Ms. Flavia Seidl; The Very Rev. James P. Morton; Imam Rashied Omar; Dharma Master Hsin Tao; Ms. Maria Reis Habito "Mutual Irradiation' will be briefly described from the writing of Douglas Steere. After side-by-dide silence, persons from five continents will set forth a striking illumination gained in the presence of a teaching, devotional practice, ceremony, or a WORL D S RELIGIONS DECEMBER 2 holy (or horrific) site associated with a religion different from their own. Testimonies will include recovery of profound awe, of self-transcendence, benevolent gazing, regard for women, freedom from work, and enlivening adaptations of liturgynow translated in terms of the receivers. Each testimony will be followed by a response from the side of the the illuminating source or "the other." Huston Smith is Professor Emeritus at Syracuse University, and a visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of many books including, The World's Religions, and is a subject of a recent Bill Moyers television series, The Wisdom Of Faith. Dr. Jenny Joe is a member of the Dine (Navajo) Nation of Northern Arizona. She is a Professor in the Dept. of Family Medicine, a Medical Anthropologist, and the Director of the Native American Research and Training Center at the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ. She conducts research on American Indian physical and mental health issues. David Breed is a consultant, teacher, and writer. He has published Yoking Religion and Science: The Life and Thought of Ralph Wendell Burhoe. He serves on the Boards of The Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions and the Institute for World Spirituality. Ann Meisinger-Kuhn has a B. A. in Religious Studies and an M. A. in Spirituality. Thirteen years ago, she founded a small retreat house, OASIS, in Plano, IL. and is currently its director. She is a Spiritual Director, Retreat Facilitator, and a Covenant Member of the Wheaton Franciscans. Brazilian representative of the Parliament Next Generation group. Brazilian representative of the Parliament Next Generation group Dean Emeritus, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, President, Interfaith Center of New York. Imam Rashied Omar is an Imam at a Mosque in the City of Cape Town and is Co-Chair of Parliament of the World's Religions, South Africa. He is also the national Secretary of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, and has a Masters Degree in Comparative Religion from the University of Cape Town. Dharma Master Hsin Tao was born in Burma in 1948, came to Taiwan at age 13, educated in the Buddhist order at age 25, spent 8 years in ascetic practice, founded Ling-chiu shan monastic community in Fulong in 1983. Established the WRM development foundation with branches in Taipei and New York in 1991. The Museum is due to open in Dec. 2000. Maria Reis Habito was born in Cologne, Germany and raised Roman Catholic. Maria studied Chinese language and culture at Taipei Normal University from 1979 to 1981. She did her Doctoral Studies in Chinese Buddhism at Kyoto University from 1986-89 and received her Ph.D. from the University of Munich in 1990. She has practiced Zen Buddhism under the direction of Father Hugo Enomiya Lassalle and later under Yamada Koun Roshi of Kamakura, Japan. She is currently serving as a consultant for The World Religions Museum Preparatory Committee. E-TE W 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.20 Conversation and Religious Change: Problems of Identity Mr. P. Pratap Kumar This paper looks at the phenomenon of conversation in contemporary society. It also looks at the phenomenon from the standpoint of the issue of identity crisis as well as from the point of view of fundamental human rights. It provides an analysis and evaluation with a view to unpack broader questions of power (political/ economic). Dr. Pratap Kumar is a Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Durban-Westville in Durban, South Africa. He holds a doctorate in Comparative Religions and his specialization is Hindusim. Born in India, Dr. Kumar studied at the University of California and Harvard. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN PODIUM HALL Engaging Religions and Businesses in Sustainable Economic Empowerment Dr. Molefe Tsele Sakhisizwe Trust is an interfaith organization in South Africa which aims to use the networks and influence of the churches to alleviate poverty and promote employment and small enterprise development. It has developed a unique model of economic empowerment in South Africa. Molefe was born in Daveyton Township, Denoni, South Africa. He earned a Masters Degree and a Ph.D. in Political Ethics at the Lutheran
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________________ 1999 P ARLI AMENT DIALOGUE School of Theology in Chicago. He was recently appointed Executive Director of the newly established South African Council of Churches Desk on Economic Matter. He was a State of Emergency Detainee from 1986 to 1988 in South Africa. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Islam in the West and the Changing Nature of the History of Religions: The Case of Islam in American Religious History DAMLA-MILE 14-45 as 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 O F Prof. Patrice Brodeur American Religious History is a sub-discipline within the History of Religions. It has developed primarily out of the study of the unique historical developments undergone by various Christian communities (and more recently Jewish) implanted in the United States over the last five hundred years. With the new immigration laws of 1965, the United States has witnessed the growth in religious practices from around the world. How has this new religious pluralism, and especially the presence of Muslims, impacted the methodologies used in American Religious History? This lecture provides a brief overview of the growth of Islam in the United States. It then focuses on the recent training of Islamicists from various departments of Religious Studies to address this new phenomenon in American religious history as well as the recent academic production in this new sub-discipline of American Religious History. No biographical statement available at time of printing. 3:00 PM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Psychopathology and Religion Moral Development in the Pluralistic Society Dr. Robert Bruce McLaren It has become commonplace to note that the 20th century was born in on a tidal wave of optimism, due to the unprecedented advances in science, invention, commerce and other elements of culture. It is an equally threadbare truism that our era has devolved into a spate of wars (250 wars, holocausts and ethnic cleansing resulting in more than 180 million deaths, mostly civilian), with the specter of possible annihilation of all life on the planet. Optimism, for many, has given way to anxiety, cynicism and despair. We will explore the prospects for interfaith dialogue providing conditions for world peace. Robert B. McLaren, Ph.D., is Professor of Human Development, in the California State University, Fullerton, CA, and holds degrees in Psychology, Theology, Education, and Philosophy. He has taught Philosophy, World Religions, and Human Development; is author of five books, more than 60 articles, and has lectured in Canada, England, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and Russia. 4 THURSDAY, Dr. George N. Malek In this lecture, Dr. George Malek will explore Psychopathology and Religion. He will illustrate cases when Religion becomes Psychopathologic and when Pathology becomes Religious. Dr. George N. Malek is a United States citizen born in Alexandria, Egypt. He is currently Director of the Economical Pastoral Institute Cape Town, and a Professor of Theology. Pastoral Care and Pathology at various institutions. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 Sharing My Interfaith Experience Through 'Peace' Gathering Ven. T.Kenjitsu Nakagaki This presenter will offer descriptions of the annual Interfaith Peace' Gathering to commemorate the Hiroshima/Nagasaki atomic bombing memorial, sponsored by the New York Buddhist Church. The presenter will also discuss how peace 2010_03 THE WORLD'S RE L I GION S DECEMBER 2 gatherings have been eye-opening for him and a meaningful way to maintain peace on earth. Ven. Nakagaki is the Head Minister of the New York Buddhist Church and Vice President of the Buddhist Council of New York. He is actively involved with the Interfaith Center of New York, World Conference on Religions and Peace, and the Interfaith Council of Greater New York. He is also on the Board of Directors for the Japanese American Association of New York. 421431 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 3.60 The Way to Become Ecumenical in a Globalized World Mr. Luciano Meira This lecture intends to show how spiritual leaders can build harmonious relationships between each other by exploring differences between religious tolerance and ecumenism. Furthermore, the ecumenical code of ethics for all nations should be based on universal and spiritual principles to inaugurate the New Millennium. Lastly, the lecture emphasizes that Christians and non-Christians should understand that Jesus' message should not only be considered religious doctrine, but also a universal philosophy applicable to the economy, education, politics, art, sport, etc. Luciano Meira, poet and journalist is the advisor to the President of Legion of Good Will and Temple of Good Will, Jose de Paiva Netto. Meira is the liaison of the Legion to the United Nations and the chairman of the International Liaisons of the International Association of Educators for World Peace. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.70 When the Heart Is Right: Thomas Merton on the Contemplative's Contribution to Interreligious Dialogue Fr.. George Kilcourse As Thomas Merton matured in his Christian contemplative life, he awakened to new possibilities for interreligious dialogue with the contemplative traditions in Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. The presentation examines Merton's conviction that the comtemplative's experience of God unmasks the illusion of divided world religions. Merton developed an interreligious dialectic of being together in "intervals of silence" and entering a depth of spiritual conversation articulated in "honest and undogmatic speech." His own life encounters with contemplatives of other religions, culminating in his journey to Asia, pioneered a new paradigm for interreligious dialogue which is appraised in this presentation. In one of his poems, Merton described it: "When the heart is right/For and against are forgotten. George Kilcourse is Professor of Theology at Bellarmine College in Louisville, KY, USA. He is the author of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ, and editor of volumes 6, 9, and 11 of the Merton Annual. His essays on Merton have appeared in Cistercian Studies Quarterly, Cross Currents, Mid-Stream, Thought, and The Merton Annual. In the Fall of 1998, he was a Visiting Scholar at Tantur, the Ecumenical Institute, in Jerusalem.) 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Cooperation between Abrahamic Faiths: 25 Years of Muslim Interfaith Work in Europe and America Prof. Amir Al-Islam; Justice P.K. Shamshuddin In the 21st century, we are looking forward to more cooperation among the followers of the three monotheistic Abrahamic faiths. The presenters will use their past experiences in interfaith work to show that successful attempts have been made in Europe and America. Their hope is that others may learn from their experiences. There will be time for discussion at the end of the session. Amir Al-Islam is a Professor of African American History at Medgar Evers College, in Brooklyn, New York, where he also serves as the Associate Dialogue 137
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 Director of the Dr. Betty Shabazz Center for Global Affairs, named after the late wife of Malcolm X Mr. Al-Islam was the former Secretary General of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, USA an international interfaith organization affiliated with the United Nations. Through his work at the WCRP/USA Prof. Al-islam participated in several interfaith initiatives at the International level, such as the UN conference on Social Development in Copenhagen, Habitat ll in Istanbul, and the World Conference of Religious Leaders at the Vatican in 1995. Prof. Al-Islam was instrumental in establishing one of the first interfaith Councils in Sierra Leone, West Africa, in 1996. Muslim leader in India: prominent former High Court justice; involved for many years in interfaith work. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN PODIUM HALL Dialogue and Spirituality: Can We Pray Together? Dr. S. Wesley Ariarajah As people of different traditions meet together, the question of interfaith prayer has become an important issue. Can people of different religious traditions pray together? Should they? The lecture will be an exploration of answers to these questions and concerns. There will also be time for questions and discussion Dr S. Wesley Ariarajah is professor of Ecumenical Theology at Drew University, School of Theology, Madison, NJ, USA. Before becoming professor, he was the Director of the Dialogue Program of the World Council of Churches for over ten years. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 The Divine Comedy: Sharing the Interfaith Spirit Through Humor Rev. Aaron Zerah All the great souls have a delightful sense of humor. Jesus told humorous stories, and the Buddha laughed. Humor and laughter lift our spirits and transcend differences. The Rev. Dr. Billy Graham says a sense of humor "helps us to overlook the unbecoming, understand the unconventional, tolerate the unpleasant, and outlast the unbearable." Facilitated by Rev. Zerah, author of the upcoming Divine Comedy: The World's Most Heavenly Jokes & Stories, the session will include jokes, stories, delightful insights into "religions", good-natured humor, and friendship. Rev Aaron Zerah, is an ordained Interfaith minister and the Founder of the Interfaith Seminary in Santa Cruz, California. He is the author of the Soul's Almanac: A Year of Interfaith, Stories, Prayers and Wisdom for the up coming Age of Interfaith that it is virtually impossible to think of one without taking the other into account. The presentations in this session will focus on the following dimensions of this interaction at the U.N.O.: what role, if any, should religious voices play at the United Nations and what contributions, if any, could they make to the debate on current issues. Arvind Sharma, M.Th. Ph.D. is the Birks Professor of Comparative Religion Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill University in Montreal. He has been active in the interplay of Hinduism and human rights, and recently organized a session on human rights, world religion and human dignity for the World Conference on the Universal Declaration on Human Rights in Montreal in December, 1998. He is a member of the board of advisors of the Project on Religion and Human Rights at Emory University and an international consultant for the Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Dr. Nafis Sadik is the Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and holds the rank of Under Secretary General. On her appointment in 1987, she became the first woman to head one of the United Nations major voluntarily funded programs. Her contribution to improving the health of women and children of the global community has brought her many international awards and honors Denise M Ackermann, D. This professor of Christian theology at the University of the Western Cape. She has a particular interest in ferninist theology, and teaches courses on, among other topics, women's issues in pastoral care and Christian sexual ethics. She has published widely in these fields and is presently working on a book on women and lament in Africa She is a member of the American Academy of Religion, the International Academy for practical Theology, and the Circle for Concerned African Women Theologians, whose present project is research on violence against women and the search for healing in South Africa. Laurence O'Connell, PhD, STD, is president and chief executive officer of the Park Ridge Center for the Study of Health, Faith and Ethics, located in Chicago, IL. Prior to assuming this leadership position, Dr. O'Connell was vice president of theology, mission and ethics at the Catholic Health Association of the United States A frequent presenter and moderator at conferences concerning issues of faith, ethics, and public policy related to such health care issues as AIDS, and cross-cultural medical practices in health care reform, Dr. O'Connell was awarded the prestigious Golden Eurydice Award of the International Forum of Biophilosophy by the Danish Parliament in May, 1996 for his persistent work in organizing structures for bioethical debate and exceptional contribution to the understanding of sound ethical reasoning," Dr. O'Connell holds a Ph.D. from the University of Louvain, Belgium, where he also received an S.T.D.. I le is both a US and an Irish citizen. Teresia Mbari Hinga is assistant professor in the Department of Religious Studies at DePaul University in Chicago, IL She has written extensively on issues surrounding women and religion in Africa. Book Chapters have included Christianity and Female Puberty Rites in Africa: The Agikuyu Case, Between Colonization and Inculturation: Feminist Theologies in Africa Under a research grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Hinga produced a research report, The Role of Religious Networks in the Provision of Education to Women in Africa Frances Kissling is a writer, an advocate and a policy analyst, and she has been president of Catholics for a Free Choice since 1982 A highly regarded speaker and thinker on issues of religion, reproductive health, women's rights and population policy. Ms. Kissling's views combine a deep respect for the spiritual aspect of life-giving with a passionate commitment to the moral agency of women Ms Kissling has briefed parliamentarians and development professionals in a number of countries, including Brazil, the United Kingdom, Mexico, the Philippines Germany. Ireland, Poland, and throughout the United States Kusumita P. Pederson is Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at St. Francis College in New York. She was previously Executive Director of the Project on Religion and Human Rights, Joint Secretary for religious affairs of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival and Executive Director of the Temple of Understanding She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions. Joseph Runzo is Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Chapman University in California, USA and Life Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge University. He has published five books, is co-editor of The Meaning of Life in the World Religions (forthcoming and is currently working on a book entitled Religion Sex and Love Reflections of the Divine Nancy Martin is Assistant Professor in Religious Studies at Chapman University. Her research focuses on devotional Hinduism, women's religious lives and the religious traditions of low-caste groups in India. She is co editor of The Meaning of Life in the World Religions (forthcoming and is completing a book on the sixteenth-century woman Saint Mirabai Bawa Jain is a trustee and International Ambassador for the Parliament of the World's Religions. He is also the Director for International and United Nations Affairs at the Interfaith Center of New York. In this role, he has been responsible for a number of UN related programs, including the coordination of the annual United Nations Values Caucus and initiated Dialogue 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.20 'Law, Religion, and Morality' in Islam Dr. Yusuf Ziya Kavakci The presenter will explain how, in spite of its emphasis on the obedience of divine law, Islam is free of the evils of formalism. He will explain the significance of the Islamic moral code on which the legal system of Islam is based. The presenter will also discuss how Islam conceives of the Man God relationship. divine guidance, and man's accountability to God. Graduated from Univ. of Istanbul Law School (1965) and Institute of Higher Islamic Studies in Istanbul (1965) Received Ph.D. on Islamic Jurists and their works in Transaxonia(1967) Professor of Islamic Law, and the Dean of Islamic College in Ataturk University for 9 years). He has published extensively 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Religion at the United Nations Dr. Arvind Sharma; Nafis Sadik; Denise M. Ackerman; Dr. Laurence J. O'Connell; Dr. Teresia Hinga; Ms. Frances Kissling; Ms. Kusumita P Pederson; Dr. Joseph Runzo; Dr. Nancy Martin; Mr. Bawa Jain Religion and politics represent such significant global realities 138 2010_03
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________________ 1992 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 and served as Convener of the Jain and Nonviolence Studies Program of the Southern Asia Institute, Columbia University, where he has been a quest lecturer and speaker at numerous conferences. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 1 Religious Pluralism in Post Apartheid South Africa. Imam Rashied Omar On the 2nd of June 1999, South Africa went to the polls for only the second time in their history. This lecture will illustrate the a unique history South Africans have experienced of interreligious solidarity in the struggle against Apartheid. In recognition of this reality the democratically elected African National Congress government, led by President Nelson Mandela, committed itself to pursuing a public policy of genuine religious pluralism. This lecture will explore how the South African State's overt policy on religious pluralism has influenced and affected the quality of religious coexistence during the first five years of post-Apartheid South Africa. Imam Rashied Omar is an Imam at a Mosque in the City of Cape Town and is Co-Chair of Parliament of the World's Religions, South Africa. He is also the national Secretary of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, and has a Masters Degree in Comparative Religion from the University of Cape Town. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Stories from Home - People Everywhere Creating the United Religions Initiative Rev. Heng Sure The story of the unfolding of the United Religions Initiative is the story of many people from five continents and dozens of religious and spiritual traditions sharing dreams and taking sed upon their values and commitments. Come and listen to stories told by people who have been participating at the heart of URI developments around the world. The Rev. Heng Sure will be the moderator with various storytellers from the United Religious Initiative's global community Reverend Heng Sure is the Director of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery in Berkeley, CA and serves as a Board member of the United Religions Initiative Dialogue Jain Education Intermational 2010_03 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 www.13 9
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________________ Dialoque 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT O F DIALOGUE 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 3.70 Developing Interfaith Relationships Through Experiential Activities Mr. Rudy T. Pucel This workshop will offer participants an opportunity and practical tools for establishing and maintaining interfaith and cross-cultural relationships. The workshop will use a blend of action-based activities, relationship building theory, reflection and active dialogue. This will enable participants to identify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to initiate, establish, and maintain mutually beneficial interfaith and cross-cultural relationships. The workshop will also help participants identify common triggers of conflict, and strategies to prevent conflict in interfaith and cross-cultural relationships. Rudy Pucel, of Acorn Learning, designs, develops, and facilitates educational programs internationally with the aim of developing human potential on a personal and professional level. He has worked in, or for corporations, nonprofit agencies, government, community groups, and schools. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Global Forum on Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders Rabbi Sjalom Awraham Soetendorp In this lecture, Rabbi Soetendorp will describe the work of the Global Forum on Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders. Through relating personal experiences with the organization, the presenter will illustrate how this organization adds a new dimension to interreligious dialogue. Rabbi Soetendorp is currently the Rabbi of the Reform Jewish Community of the Hague, and Rabbi of the Union of Dutch Reform Jewish Communities. A survivor of the Holocaust, he has been a long standing Human Rights activist. He frequently lectures at many Universities and Centers around the world. MY SPOMAGA KARTON 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 4.20 The Heart of Our Values: Our Meeting Place Sister Chandru Human values open the heart and transform human nature so that life is filled with compassion and humility. Through constant awareness of inner values, a person develops the ability to discern truth and to follow the path of truth, within whichever religious frame of reference that person chooses. This workshop is an opportunity to bring into awareness and "cross-fertilize" the seeds of specific human values which make life meaningful. Participants are united on the basis of having a pure desire for and loving belief in the core values within each human being. They will experience the meeting place beyond the external differences of their religions while acknowledging the richness of each faith. They will also understand each other from the heart, where love is present, and making progress towards a better world will be possible. Two workshop coordinators will invoke the spirit of human values by presenting the core human values from an interfaith perspective, and by describing experiences of finding common ground in interfaith gatherings. This will be followed by an indepth exchange between the presenters and participants, and also among participants. The workshop coordinators will steer the discussion, offer feedback, and recognize different voices throughout the session. The workshop will conclude with time for silent reflection. B.K. Sister Chandru has been a full-time teacher with the Brahma Kumaris since 1964, and has been teaching and practicing Raja Yoga meditation for nearly three decades. She has administered Brahma Kumaris Center in Africa, Canada, and the United States, and is currently the Director of the regional main center in San Francisco, California. In addition to her administrative and teaching duties at the San Francisco center, she is a board member of the United Religions Initiative of San Francisco, and has 140 2010_03 THE WORLD S RELIGIONS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 played an administrative role in the 1997 and 1998 URI International Conferences at Stanford University. She is also the Vice Chair of the San Francisco Interfaith Council, and the retreats at the San Francisco Brahma Kumaris Center. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 5 Inter-Faith Dialogue: A New Relevance Dr. Thillayvel Naidoo This presentation will explain how the number of religions in South Africa appears to be growing. In a situation such as that offered by the Parliament of the World's Religions, people will present themselves as followers of the belief that all religions are true. Despite what people may say, many do not subscribe to this. The presenter will explore the need to provoke people to come to terms with the real, existential issues we face everyday. The presenter will also challenge participants to face the real relevance of interfaith dialogue. HARRASTEN Dr. Thillayvel Naidoo was a lecturer in the Department of Science and Religion at the University of Durban-Westville, and has recently retired. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.60 Interreligious Dialogue as the Bed Rock for IsraeliPalestinian Reconciliation. Dr. Ben Mollov; Mr. Khalid O. Awad This panel will concentrate on the importance of inter religious dialogue among Jews, Christians, and Muslims in creating a better life for everyone in Palestine/Israel. The panel is comprised of a Palestinian and an Israeli representative who will discuss contemporary inter-religious dialogue, its achievements, the difficulties that the dialogue is facing, and what may be lacking in these dialogue encounters. The panel will point out some of the similarities among the three monotheistic religions and why dialogue and encounter is the only solution to the conflict in Israel/Palestine. Dr. Ben Mollov is a lecturer in Political Science at Bar-llan University, Israel and coordinates the Project for Arab-Jewish Dialogue under the auspices of the University's Program for Conflict Resolution. He specializes in international relations with emphasis on intercultural communication. Mr. Khalid Awad received his Masters Degree in International Peace Studies from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. He is a co-founder with Dr. Ben Mollov of inter-religious Dialogue among Jewish Students from Bar lian University and Christian and Muslim Students from the Bethlehem and Hebron areas. He is a co-founder of Hebron Center for Friendship, Peace and Human Rights at the city of Hebron in Palestine. Currently, he is working for the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN THEATER 9 One City-Many Cultures Ryland Fisher Ryland Fisher will describe the extraordinary One City-Many Cultures programme of Cape Town's Cape Times morning newspaper. This project, presented as a Gift of Service to the World at the 1999 Parliament, focuses on bringing together the many cultures of the city as part of South Africa's process of transformation. One City-Many Cultures is a remarkable story of a newspaper's campaign to build understanding, respect, and insight amongst diverse cultures. Since 1996, Editor, Cape Times, an upmarket morning newspaper published in Cape Town. Since 1980, has worked at several newspapers in South Africa.
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 1 Religion, Secularism, and God 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Practicing Respectful Presence: A Reformed Christian Model for Interreligious Understanding and Cooperation Rev. Charles R. White Interfaith dialogue appears to be a model that has arisen in academic settings, beginning with the modern comparative study of religions. There is a need for an alternative model, one based on living experiences of persons in congregations. This workshop will demonstrate the possibility of respectful presence emerging as a model, at least in the North American context. The presenter has more than 20 years of experience in various interfaith engagements. Rev. Charles White is one of the founders of the North American Interfaith Network INAIN). He is a pastor and teacher with management experience in interfaith organizations. He has been an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church since 1968, and has been assisting this denomination to develop respectful presence as a model for interfaith understanding and cooperation. He is a member of the Interfaith Relations Commission of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan Language, according to religion, is a phenomenon that is both human and natural in its connection with God. Some other languages (eg that of science) are also needed for our practical and intellectual purposes. God will not mind this temporary descent/abstraction from His vicinity if humans do not forget to come back to Him. Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan, a graduate of science (1952), Muslim Theology 1956) and Western Philosophy (PhD, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago), taught Western and Islamic Philosophy at Aligarh Muslim University, India, and various academic institutions in the US. He is a Trustee of CPWR and the international Peace Council and convener of International Association of Muslims for Inter-Religious Relations 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN COMMERCE 3.60 United Religions 1993, 1999 and Beyond-A Progress Report and Formulation of Future Direction Mr. Rohinton M. Rivetna A recipe for the formation of a United Religions was offered at the Parliament in 1993. Since that time, considerable development has taken place. We shall examine the goals. present status and formulate future direction. Rohinton M. Rivetna is a founding member of the Zoroastrian Association of Chicago, Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America, Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions and a spirit for the formation of United Religions Organizations. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 A Christian Spirituality: A Gandhi Critique Dr. Michael Battle The presentation will examine the problems within conventional Western spirituality. More specifically, the presentation will echo some of Gandhi's criticisms of Christianity and call for a more communal spirituality. The presentation will conclude with some suggestions on how Western spirituality can be reconstructed as friore community based. Assistant Professor of Spirituality and Black Church Studies at Duke University in North Carolina, USA. A priest in the Episcopal Church, Michael Battle has taught spirituality and moral theology since 1995 at University of South's School of Theology. He is the author of Reconciliation. The Ubuntu Theology of Desmond Tutu (1997) and is currently at work on A Christian Spirituality of Forgiveness. A Ghandian Critique, a book co-authored with Arun Ghandi, the grandson of Mahatma Ghandi. He has worked as an inner city chaplain with Tony Carnpolo Ministries, and overseas in Uganda and Kenya with the Plowshares Institute. A participant and worship committee member of the Seventh Assembly of the World Council of Churches, he has served on its central committeees in Geneva and Johannesburg. A research fellow in residence with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Dr. Battle was ordained by the Archbishop in Cape Town, South Africa. He holds certification in spiritual direction from the Shaler Institute. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATER 4 Women in Islam: (Sufi Women and Human Rights) Dialogue Dr. Seyedeh Nahid Angha 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 The lecture will begin with a brief discussion of the historical A Way for Religion and Spirituality to Morph from role of women in Islam. Dr. Angha will then address current Root Cause of War to Culture of Peace: The Hague conceptual issues within the Muslim world, such as its cultural Agenda for Peace and Justice for the 21st Century and religious values. Looking toward the next century and the increasing opportunities for women, she will introduce the Sufi Ms. Kathy Uhler; Mr. Bawa Jain Preminder; Rev. Park Women Organizations (SWO), as a humanitarian, non-political, Hee Soo; Mr. Leonard Marks; Sr. Georgene Wilson non-sectarian organization. The panel discussants will present The Hague Agenda to the Dr. Sevedeh Nahid Angha, Ph.D., is the co-founder and co-director of Parliament of the World's Religions as a Gift of Service from the the International Association of Sufism (AS), founder of Sur Women Organization (SWO), the executive editor of Sufism: An Inquiry, lan thousands of participants of The Hague Appeal for Peace international quarterly journal), and the main NGO representative of the Conference (11-15 May 1999). Each panelist will highlight how IAS to the United Natioris. She is an internationally known author and a The Hague Agenda serves also as a Call to Religion to major Muslim Sufi teacher. She is President of the San Francisco's their adherents to work together-within and across Interfaith Center at the Presidio. traditions to address critical social issues of the day. Kathy Uhler is the Chair of The Hague Focus Group on Religion and Spirituality and Co-Director of Fransiscans International 11:00 AM-12:30 AM IN THEATER 4 Bawa Jain Preminder, an adherent of Jainism, is Director for International Calling from the Corners of the World: Dangers & UN Affairs for the Interfaith Center of New York, and Trustee for the and Opportunities for Indigenous Spiritual Parliament of the World's Religions. Traditions Rev. Park Hee Soo (Chung Sook) is a Won Buddhist abbess who serves in Seoul, Korea Mr. Robert Walter Leonard Marks has been teaching self-healing meditation classes for many years and was the editor of a meditation book entitled, Realize A panel of spokespersons for indigenous spiritual traditions to What You Are. He is a former U.S. Federal prosecutor, Watergate speak on the necessity of preserving all the sacred paths of the consultant, trial lawyer, and author of various newspaper articles. He is human family also the President of the New York Lawyers Alliance for World Security and the founder of the Co-Existence Center of Baruch College. Robert Walter is the Exccutive Director of the Joseph Campbell Foundation and was Campbell's editor on The Atlas of World Mythology. Sr. Georgene Wilson, Order of St. Francis, is both a facilitator and a witness in this lecture. She is a contemplative and a teacher of spirituality. who lives, moves, and has her being at Wisdom Webbings Anchorhold in Wheaton, Illinois, USA. 141 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 The Basket of Tolerance: A Profound New Tool of Interreligious Appreciation, Understanding, and Dialogue Mr. Jay Fienberg This lecture will present The Basket of Tolerance, an extensively annotated bibliography, listing approximately 5,000 books, articles, sound recordings, and video recordings. It is the world's first comprehensive and summary overview of not only the common secular and religious traditions, but also all of the principal esoteric techniques, paths, and philosophies, including the traditions of Spiritual Transmission and Gurudevotion. Jay Fienberg is curator of Adidam's American Trickster Library and senior consultant to The Basket of Tolerance, Avatar Adi Da's extensively annotated quide to the world's wisdom traditions. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.60 Towards a Modern Pilgrimage Rabbi Sjalom Awraham Soetendorp In this lecture, Rabbi Soetendorp will describe his experience in the former Soviet Union with other religious and spiritual traditions. He will also urge participants to begin "interreligious pilgrimages" to encounter and dialogue with persons of other religious and spiritual traditions. Rabbi Soetendorp is currently the Rabbi of the Reform Jewish Community of the Hague, and Rabbi of the Union of Dutch Reform Jewish Communities. A survivor of the Holocaust, he has been a long standing Human Rights activist. He frequently lectures al many Universities and Centers around the world. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Using The Internet for Gathering & Connecting People Mr. William C. Laufer There is little doubt that the Internet can be a powerful communication and connecting tool. Mr. Laufer will give examples of how it is working to link people today, and how it can empower you. There will be ample time for questions and answers during the workshop. William C. Laufer, MBA CPA is the cofounder of catholicnet. ( He is a graduate of Georgetown University, and is an active in various groups affiliated with the Cleveland Catholic Diocese 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Connections & Confluences Among The Meditation Paths Swami Veda Bharati Direct personal experience of the transcendent, whether or not given the name God, is the source, Essence and Goal common to all religions. The processes and paths leading the realization of this source, essence and goal, are termed meditation. The presentation will give a summary of these parallels and confluences among the spiritual practices of various religions, those that are now prevalent as well as those that are now extinct. Maha-mandaleshvara Swami Veda Bharati, formerly known as Usharbudh Arya D. Litt., has been teaching and lecturing for the last 52 years. From 1952 to 1967, he served various communities in Africa, South America and elsewhere as a pandit and spiritual guide. From 1967 to 1972, he was professor of Sanskrit at the University of Minnesota, USA where he received the Distinguished Teacher Award. In 1996 he was appointed Spiritual Guide of the Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences in Dehradun, President and Spiritual Guide of the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy in India, and President and Spiritual Director of Swami Rama's Ashram (Sadhana Mandir) in Rishikesh where he resides, On March 15, 1999, he was honored by the Swamis of India who conferred on him the title of Maha-mandaleshvara, placing him among the top 30 or so leading Swamis of India. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 African Origins and Unity of Religious Thought Prof. Dr. Mathole Motshekga This lecture traces the evolution of religious thought from predynastic Egypt through dynastic Egypt, the Hyksos, Libyan, Persian, Greco-Roman and Islamic periods. In essence, it shows how modern religions - both Western and Eastern religionswere derived from or at least influenced by ancient African Religions. This lecture strives to show the common origins of all religions, and to illustrate the potential harmony of religions which is a prerequisite for peace, security and development, No biographical statement available at time of printing. Dialogue 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 2 From Dialogue to Relationship: An Interfaith Women's Journey Mrs. Diane D'Souza; Mr. Bruce Gregersen The Interfaith Women's Journey was a joint project of the Henry Martyn Institute and the United Church of Canada olving nine women from Canada and India of Muslim, Christian, Indigenous, and Hindu traditions. The group traveled together first in India and then in Canada, with a dual objective of exploring interfaith perspectives on women's issues and a women's analysis of interfaith dialogue. This workshop will share the learnings of the journey including the importance of a women's agenda for interfaith enagagement and the significance of the journey model. Diane D'Souza is the assistant director at the Henry Martyn Institute in Charge of practical outreach and engagements. She is involved in the academic study of religion, as well as being an artist, and a student of the Bharatnatayam Dance Form Rev. Dr. Bruce Gregersen, Interfaith and South Asia/Pacific Secretary for the United Church of Canada, the Rev. Kerry Craig Chairperson of the InterChurch Interfaith Committee of the United Church of Canada and the Rev. Rob Hankinson, a United Church minister and leader in Interfaith organizations including the Edmonton Centre for Interfaith Action and Education. All three have contributed towards the development of the document and continue to work extensively in Canada for interfaith action and awareness. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.20 The Arts as Messengers: Imaginative Collaboration Toward Religious Tolerance Prof. Anne Calcagno During Eritrea's thirty year civil war, 700 cultural troupes were active behind battlefields and in nearby towns. Eritrea's Minister of Culture states: "We fought... with culture" Nine different ethnic groups and Muslims, Coptic Christians, and Catholics collaborated on stage and on a common national identity Why did this country embody the arts so fully, even during war? Can it provide a transferable model for increasing religious and ethnic tolerance elsewhere? Prof. Anne Calcagno teaches in the English Department at DePaul University in Chicago. She is the author of the short story collection Pray For Yourself (Tri Quarterly Books/Northwestern Univ. Press, 1993), which won NEA and IAC Fellowships, and the editor of Travelers Tales: Italy (O'Reily Publishers, 1998). She has written an ethnographic novel tracing Italian emigrations to Eritrea and Saudi Arabia, titled Struck By Dina and she has written for The New York Times, the Chicago Sun-Times and numerous other fiction publications. 142 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 Action and Education. All three have contributed towards the development of the document and continue to work extensively in Canada for interfaith action and awareness. 3:00 PM-4:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.60 Communicating with Each Other in a MultiReligious World: The International Religions Directory Project Dr. J. Gordon Melton In the pluralistic religious environment of the new millennium, religious leaders wishing to access the resources of the larger religious community and locate individuals of like mind and heart are faced with essential problems of communicating with colleagues, even nearby neighbors. The International Directory of the World's Religions, sponsored by The Institute of World Spirituality, will provide the necessary communication links that will facilitate interfaith contact in the future. The expansive directory, initially to be made available in a series of books, and soon afterwards to appear on the Internet, will provide contact with every religious community operating in each of the 275 countries of the world. This session will describe the Religions Directory Project and encourages participation from those that attend. This program is sponsored by the Institute for World Spirituality Dr. J. Gordon Melton is the Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion (Santa Barbara, California) and the research director of the Institute of World Spirituality (Chicago, IL). He is the author of more than 30 books on contemporary religion and is the author/editor of the multi-volume International Directory of the World's Religions, the first volume of which appeared in 1998 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Micro-Perspective of Inter-Religious Relations Rev. Henry Shinn A micro-perspective of the role of religion within a family unit, specifically, when the husband and wife have different religious beliefs. Several family units have broken down because the spouses have become dogmatic and opinionated regarding their religious beliefs. Therefore, a recommendation will be made to the world religious leaders to teach couples to respect and honor each others religious beliefs Rev. Henry Shinn is the President of the American Buddhist Congress, Chairperson of the Dharma Society, and a board member of Modern Buddhism. He is also an ordained minister of the Mahayana and Theravada traditions. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Spiritual Dialogue as a Pathway for Mid-East Peace Mr. Elyiahu McLean In this presentation, Eliyahu McLean will speak about his experience in working for reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians through interfaith dialogue. Participants will also learn about current efforts to establish peace talks, and grassroots interfaith projects. The presentation will also feature a slide presentatation of a Jewish-Muslim joint effort to clean-up a Muslim cemetary at King David's tomb on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. Eliyahu McLean is deeplu involved in grassroots efforts for Jewish Muslim dialogue for peace in the Middle East. He recently organized an interfaith clean-up effort of a Muslim cemetary at King David's tomb on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Humanistic Buddhism as Practiced at Fo Guang Shan Dr. Stuart Chandler Amongst Chinese Buddhists, the phrases "Humanistic Buddhism" and "Establishing a pureland on earth" have become popular as rallying calls for applying Buddhist teachings to the challenges of late twentieth-century life. One leader in this movement has been Master Hsing-yun who. along with the 1100 venerables and thousands of lay devotees who regard him as their teacher, has sought to transform Chan and Pureland practices so as to more directly benefit society. This presentation utilizes the master's organization, Fo kuangshan, as a case study of how Chinese Buddhists hope to transform our world into a better place for all living beings. Stuart Chandler is an academic liaison for the Buddha's Light International Association, the lay society started by Master Hsing Yun and associated with the Fo Guang Shan monastic order. Stuart is in the final stages of receiving his Ph.D. from Harvard University's Committee on the Study of Religion. He has written articles on Buddhism, Taoism, and Christian theology Dialogue 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 4 The United Religions Initiative Rev. Charles P. Gibbs; Ms. Sally M. Ackerly Members of the United Religions Initiative will share the history of this global effort to create a permanent forum where people of diverse faith gather in mutual respect to pursue justice, healing, and peace, with reverence for all life and engage in a discussion about this vision. For the past three and a half years, Canon Charles Gibbs has served as Executive Director of the United Religions Initiative, a global movement where people of the world's religious, spiritual, and indigenous communities gather in mutual respect dialoque, and cooperative action to end religious violence and create cultures of peace and justice as a sacred trust for future generations. The URI is based in San Francisco and active on every continent. Before coming to the URI, he served as the Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation in San Francisco, CA and before that as Executive Director of the San Rafael Canal Ministry, an interfaith service organization working primarily with immigrants and refugees Sally Mahe Ackerly is a full-time project manager with the United Religions Initiative, with offices in the San Francisco Presidio. She holds an M.Ed. from Harvard and also a Masters degree in Spiritual Direction from General Episcopal Seminary in New York City. She taught Civics for twelve years, during which time she created a textbook series for junior high school students entitled, Law in Action, West Publishing Co., 1975, 1980 For ten years she worked as a spiritual counselor focusing on spiritual education for adults and children. Sally has worked with the United Religions Initiative since its inception, and serves in the area of organizational development. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 2 Mending the World: An Ecumenical Vision for Healing and Reconciliation Mr. Bruce Gregersen Mending the World introduces the concept of Whole World Ecumenism, and calls the United Church of Canada into a new understanding of ecumenical relationships. In the context of exploding bombs, fragile atmosphere, polluted waters, and myriad expressions of violence, the church is called to make common cause with peoples of other faith and ideologies for the sake of the healing of creation. The workshop will explore the meaning of Whole World Ecumenism, its implications for the historic understandings of ecumenism, and for the agenda of communities of faith in today's world. Rev. Dr. Bruce Gregersen, Interfaith and South Asia/Pacific Secretary for he United Church of Canada, the Rev. Kerry Craig, Chairperson of the nterChurch Interfaith Committee of the United Church of Canada and he Rev. Rob Hankinson, a United Church minister and leader in nterfaith organizations including the Edmonton Centre for Interfaith 2010_03 143
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 A Global Body Arising from a Global Ethic? Dr. Edward Oyugi Summaries will be presented of the nearly seven-year dialogue, arising from a global perspective, ethos, and vision, between Kenyans and Americans, describing how it has benefited the enhancement of Civil society and the process of reform in Kenya. There will be exploration in workshops of the usefulness of our guiding principles for other localities, and the creation of a non power holding People's Global Body to facilitate, through dialogue, the movement of fundamental change in the individual and society. Dr. Edward Oyugi taught sociology at the University of Nairobi after completing his graduate work in Germany. Imprisoned twice under the Moi regime on unspecified charges, he then formed the Social Development Network (SODNET) in Nairobi, a consulting firm working with Kenyan and international organizations in civil society. briefly about her spiritual/artistic journey and introduce her Parliament Gift- a project of college art, images, music and prayers from various spiritual traditions to be published as a book of meditations. The majority of the workshop will be spent in the sharing of experiences and ideas relating to the arts and interfaith dialogue. Bring your ideas and creativity! Thaisia Maria Kolson, hmt is a practicing artist who is planning to enrich her spiritual/artistic training by studying the art of iconography in Russia. Thaisia has received monastic training in the Roman Catholic, Russian, Greek, Ukrainian, and Serbian Orthodoxy. Tibetan and Zen Buddhist, Sufi, and Hindu traditions. Currently. Thaisia spends three weeks of each month in a rural farmhouse hermitage where she lives in silence and solitude. During one week of each month she participates in Interreligious dialogue in Chicago. Thaisia participated in the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Empowering 14-18 Year-old Youth for Interreligious Leadership with Adults Rev. Dr. Clark Lobenstine The InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington, DC has successfully engaged about 100 youth from the Baha'i, Buddhist, Hindu and Jain, Islamic, Jewish, Latter-day Saints, Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Sikh faith communities in dialogue and action on their core values. They are now providing substantive leadership with adults of many faiths in ways that are very exciting for everyone involved. The model that was used, as well as examples of the results, will be given. Sharing from the experiences of youth and others with young people this age will also be encouraged. Rev Dr. Clark Lobenstine has served the broad religious community in the metropolitan Washington, DC area since 1979; he has been the only Executive Director of the InterFaith Conference (IFC). Its members include the Baha'i, Hindu and Jain, Islamic, Jewish, Latter-day Saints, Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Sikh faith communities. The InterFaith Conference is also one of the few such groups engaging diverse communities in working for social and economic justice and increasing understanding, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.56 Muslims and the Challenges of Religious Pluralism Saleha Mahmood Abedin; Mr. Saiyid Hamid This panel deals with the challenges of pluralism and the Muslim world's responses to them in the modern era. Panelists will identify these issues and discuss them in terms of conflict and co-existence among different faith communities. Dr. Saleha S. Mahmood is the Chairperson of the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child, the Director of the Institute of Muslim Miriority Affairs, London, and Chief Editor of the scholarly biannual publication Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. She is also a professor of sociology with a specialization in population and demography, Mr. Hamid spent 35 years in Indian Civil Service and has worked with Central and State Governments in various Ministries and Planning Commissions. He was Vice-Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University Presently, he is Chairman of the All India Education Movement and serves as Co-Chairman of the Trust for Promotion of Higher Education. Dialogue 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 3.70 Four Religious Visionaries: Socrates, St. Augustine, Maimonides, and Gandhi. Dr. Raymond W. Ciacci This presentation will briefly examine the lives and teachings of four major historical figures: Socrates, St. Augustine, Maimonides, and Gandhi. Each of them was involved in dialogue and have had a positive effect on their societies. Each of them struggled within the parameters of a restricted and sometime hostile culture. Their words, or those spoken about them, and their deeds manifest appropriate religious dialogue, which had value both in their time as well as today. Raymond Ciacci is the Director of the Master of Liberal Arts, Graduate Student-at-Large, and Returning Scholar programs as well as a lecturer in the Humanities Collegiate Division in the College at the University of Chicago. He began his teaching in the Basic Program in 1981 arid chaired the Basic Program from 1985-90. He received his Ph.D. from the Committee on the Ancient Mediterranean World in June 1990 and subsequently has taught "Human Being and Citizen," "Form, Problem, and Event," and "Greek Thought and Literature in the College. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Spirituality in Business: Bringing Our Hearts Into the Workplace Ms. Sharon Drew Morgen We spend 40 plus hours a week at work - most of our waking lives. Too often we must leave our hearts and beliefs at home, shutting our spirituality down to earn money. But there are changes happening in the world which are making it possible to be spiritual beings and make money. This workshop will discuss all of the innovations in business practices which are indeed encouraging spirit in the workplace. We will also address the communication behaviors which we can each adopt daily to encourage respect, trust, collaboration, rapport, relationship, and brother-/sisterhood in all areas of business The workshop will be run by Ms. Morgan alone funless others who are involved in the Spirit in Business movement would like to join me should they be at the Parliament Additional input is welcome!). Sharon Drew Morgan is the author of New York Times Bestseller Selling with Integrity which introduces the first spiritually based sales paradigm. Ms Morgan has written over 50 articles on Sales as a Spiritual Practice and teaches and speaks throughout the world to major corporations wishing to add spirituality into their workplaces through the sales function. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 4 The Three Faiths Forum: Towards an Understanding between the Abrahamic Faiths Mr. Sidney Shipton The Three Faiths Forum, a Muslim/ Christian/ Jewish Council, is dedicated to promoting dialogue between the world's three major religions (Judaism, Islam, and Christianity) that trace their origins to the Patriarch Abraham. The lecture will address the Three Faiths Forum's efforts to encourage friendship. goodwill, and understanding between the three Abrahamic monotheistic faiths in the UK and elsewhere. Sidney Shipton is a solicitor by profession, a Bachelor of Laws, LL.B., a Master of Business Administration, MBA, a Fellow of the Royal Society of 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 Inter-Faith Dialogue Through the Visual Arts Sr. Thaisia Marie Kolson, hmt In this workshop, participants will share their experiences in the arts and interfaith dialogue. Thaisia Maria Keyes, hmt. will speak 144 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT O F DIALOGUE Arts, FRSA, a Fellow of the Institute of Management, FIMgt, and a Freeman of the City of London. He has been involved in communal and voluntary organizations all his life and is the coordinator of the Three Faiths Forum, a council of Muslims, Christians, and Jews. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Towards a History of the Youth Involvement in Interfaith Dialogue Prof. Patrice Brodeur Interfaith Dialogue in its modern sense can be traced back to the 1893 World Parliament of Religions. The beginning of organized interfaith dialogue is linked to the creation of organizations dedicated to this new understanding of interreligious dialogue with, for example, the International Association of Religious Freedom (ARF) in 1900. However, youth involvement did not begin until much later, that is, in the 1970's. This lecture examines the rise of youth participation in a variety of international inter-religious organizations since then (IARF, Parliament of the World's Religions, etc.) with special focus on the Young Leadership Section of the International Council of Christians and Jews (ICC) and the Youth Section of the World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP). No biographical statement available at time of printing. 2010_03 THE WORLDS RELIGIONS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 Dialogue 145
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________________ Dialogue 1 9 9 9 PARLIA MENT DIALOGUE 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Artists' Call O F Ms. Barbara Kopit; Mr. Keith Cunningham; Cleve Jones; Mr. Carman Moore; Mr. Geoffrey Grundlingh This discussion will be an opportunity for artists from all disciplines, and all who are interested to meet informally. network, and reflect upon common concerns. A roundtable and open discussion follows, topics will include: personal expression and community responsibility, creativity and spirituality, celebration, the power of symbols, the artist's role: creative solutions to social conflict. (Presented by the Arts Project and ArtSpirit.) Barbara Kopit is a producer, writer, arts activist, and consultant to institutions promoting peace, environmental and interfaith initiatives. She was also the U.S. Director of PAND, an international network of concerned artists, performers, and filmmakers. Keith Cunningham is a screenwriter, filmmaker, and a producer of the CPWR film and video festival. A former professor at Columbia College, he has worked with Joseph Campbell and is currently presenting seminars in Germany, Italy, France, and the United States. Cleve Jones is a AIDS Activist and Founder of NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt. Carman Moore is a composer whose works have been performed worldwide. 1986-1996, composer-director of the American Dance Festival's composer/choreographer program. Artist-in-Residence for several years at New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Geoffrey Grundlingh is a photographer and professor of photography at the University of Cape Town. He is also an organizer of the recent "One City. Many Cultures" festival in Cape Town. OPENGLAN 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Interfaith Perspectives on Religious Freedom: European and American Perspectives Dr. J. Gordon Melton; Dr. Cole Durham; Massimo Introvigne SATURDAY, The program will feature presentations from around the world on the problems of diverse faith communities faced with religious discrimination and persecution. Session time will then be devoted to reflecting upon the manner in which interfaith dialogue and action can create a global climate favorable to religious liberty. Dr. Introvigne will speak about the religious liberty in the new Europe. Dr. Melton will speak about the global pluralism as a threat to religious freedom. Dr. Durham will speak about legal struggles for religious liberty. This program is sponsored by the Institute for World Spirituality. Dr. J. Gordon Melton is the Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion (Santa Barbara, California) and the research director of the Institute of World Spirituality (Chicago, IL). He is the author of more than 30 books on contemporary religion and is the author/editor of the multi-volume International Directory of the World's Religions, the first volume of which appeared in 1998. Dr. Cole received an AB 1972, and a JD 1975, from Harvard University. University Honors included managing editor, Harvard International Law Journal; note editor, Harvard Law Review. He was a law clerk for Judge Robert A. Ainsworth, Jr., U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, 1975-76; Max Rheinstein Fellow, West Germany, 1979; secretary and member, American Association for the Comparative Study of Law executive committee; chair, Comparative Law Section, American Association of Law Schools. 1993; chair, Law and Religion Section; member of several national advisory boards on church-state issues. Dr. Massimo Introvigne is the director of the Centre for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) in Turin, Italy, and the author of more than 20 books on New Religions. He has been active through the 1990s on the issues facing minority religions from government attempts at suppression. 10:00 AM-1:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Interreligious Work in South America and the Caribbean Rev. Luis M. Dolan, C.P. The presentation will discuss the influences of Christianity. 146 2010_03 THIE WORLD S RELIGION S 4 DECEMBER Buddhism, Hinduism and Baha'i in Latin America, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Trinidad, and it will discuss their influences on the indigenous spiritualities of these cultures. Topics will include the roles of the Sao Paulo group, CNBB, CONEI, the effectiveness of IRO in Trinidad and CISEI in the continent and the indigenous perspective in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, etc. Father Luis M. Dolan, C. P. is a Catholic Passionist priest from Argentina who has a MA in Global Spirituality. He has worked on interreligious dialogues and cooperation in over 85 countries. He represents the Center for World Thanksgiving as an N. G. O. at the UN headquarters. KODHE DERMPLETURT 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 4 Seeking the Common Core that Binds Us as One Prof. Thomas D. Lynch; Dr. Ewert Cousins; Dr. Leonard Swidler; Ashok Gangadean This panel explores how to seek the common core that binds us as one. Jonathan Granoff, of The Temple of Understanding. will chair the panel and there will be three presenters who will speak 10-15 minutes each. The panel will open itself to an open discussion with the audience and the panel on the topic. Thomas D. Lynch is a Professor of Public Administrations at Louisiana State University. Dr. Ewert Cousins is Professor of Theology at Fordham University. Dr. Cousins has been Visiting Professor at Columbia University and New York University as well as Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is the editor of the important twenty-five volume series World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest. He is author of World Spirituality: The Meeting of Mystical Paths and Christ of the 21st Century. Dr. Cousins is a leader in spiritual dialogue and Honorary Chair of GDI Dr. Leonard Swidler, Professor of Catholic Thought and Interreligious Dialogue at Temple University since 1966, is recognized internationally as a leader in ecumenical and interreligious dialogue and the articulation of global ethics. He is an author of about sixty books and Co-Founder/ Director of Global Dialogue Institute (GDI). He and his wife Arlene founded in 1963, and he continues to edit the "Journal of Ecumenical Studies", a scholarly quarterly widely regarded as the most important ecumenical, interreligious and interideological publication in the world. Dr. Ashok Gangadean is Professor of Philosophy at Haverford College where he has taught for the past thirty one years. He was the first Director of the Gest Center for Cross-Cultural Study of Religion and has focused throughout his career on clarifying the dynamics of dialogue and discourse between diverse worldviews and polarized perspectives. He has sought to bring out the foundations of rationality between worlds in his books Meditative Reason: Towards Universal Grammar and Between Worlds: The Energence of Global Reason. He is also CoFounder/Director of GDI. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 6 Testimonies To Mutual Irradiation-Session II Dr. Dick Luecke; Imam Rashied Omar; Rev. Marcus C. R. Braybrooke; Rabbi Herb Bronstein; H. H. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati; Sr. Pratima Desai; Ms. Sandya Rao; Mr. Donald Postema; Mr. Theodore Rojahn; Fr. George Kilcourse; Rev. Ken Phifer; Sr. Georgene Wilson; Dr. Achahn Phangcham The workshop starts with side by side silence with individuals in groups of 2's and 3's. This prompts a clarification of "Mutual Irradiation" through inter-religious encounter. (Distinguished from simple exclusion, inclusion, separate paths, separate cultural-linguistic houses.) The "Mutual Irradiation" process opens the door for the examination of validity and value in inter-religious relationships. The workshop will end when individuals come face-to-face with one another. Dick Luecke is a city pastor in Chicago USA, a philosophy teacher, a charter member of Ecumenical Institute of Spirituality, and a Director of Urban Studies on work, health, and the constitution of cities. He was an organizer of "Voices of the Dispossessed" for the 1993 Parliament. Imam Rashied Omar is an Imam at a Mosque in the City of Cape Town, and is Co-Chair of Parliament of the World's Religions, South Africa. He is also the national Secretary of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, and has a Masters Degree in Comparative Religion from the University of Cape Town.
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF T ILE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 some of the ideas from his recently published book entitled Quest for Truth: Critical Reflections on Interfaith Cooperation. Following this presentation, Dr. Traer will moderate a discussion on the topic Dr. Robert Traer is the General Secretary of the International Association for Religious Freedom, which was founded in 1900, and he is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He has a Ph.D. in Comparative Religious Studies from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, a D Min from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, and a J.D. from the Martin Luther King, Jr. School of Law at the University of California at Davis Marcus Braybrooke is a Trustee of the International Interfaith Centre and President of the World Congress of Faiths as well as author of several books on interfaith work and co-editor of All in Good Faith, a resource book for multifaith. Herbert Bronstein teaches Comparative Religion at Lake Forest College and has been a Senior Scholar at the North Shore Congregation Israel in Glencoe, Hlinois for over 25 years. He has combined a successful vocation as a congregational rabbi with life long achievements in scholarship, academic teaching, and lecturing at various universities Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati is the founder of Kashi Ashram an Interfaith spiritual community that embraces the sacred practices of many traditions. Ma's teachings are based upon a commitment to humanity through service. She founded the River Fund dedicated to serving people with AIDS and other life challenging illnesses and the River School which educates students in an environment that weaves spirituality and service into the curculum. Ma is a Trustee of the Parliament of the World's Religions and works with other religious and spiritual leaders to promote interfaith dialogue and global cooperation for peace. In 1997. Ma established World Tibet Day to raise awareness of the plight of the Tibetan people and support for international freedom of religion for everyone Sister Pratima is the Director of Brahma Kumaris in Chicago and is a Trustee of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions. She has been a teacher in Raja Yoga Meditation for over 25 years. Businesswoman; Trustee, Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions, representing Chicago's Hindu community. Dutch Calvinist minister. Trustee, Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions. Former CFO, Baxter Laboratories: Trustee, Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions George Kilcourse is Professor of Theulogy at Bellarmine College in Louisville, KY, USA. He is the author of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ, and editor of volumes 6, 9, and 11 of the Merton Annual. His essays on Merton have appeared in Cistercian Studies Quarterly, Cross Currents, Mid-Stream, Thought, and The Merton Annual In the Fall of 1998, he was a Visiting Scholar at Tantur, the Ecumenical Institute, in Jerusalem.) Senior Minister. First Unitarian Universalist Church and founding member, Interfaith Round Table, Ann Arbor, Michigan. St. Georgene Wilson, Order of St. Francis, is both a facilitator and a witness in this lecture. She is a contemplative and a teacher of spirituality, who lives, moves, and has her being at Wisdom Webbings Anchorhold in Wheaton, Illinois, USA Ven. Dr. Phangcham was the president of the Buddhist Council of the Midwest (BCM), from 1993-1997 and is currently president emeritus of the BCM. He has been on the Board of Trustees for the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions (CPWR) since 1993. He is also consultant to the International Buddhist Committee and coordinator of International Visahka Festival in Washington D.C. 1999. Ven. Dr Phangcham received his BA from Muhachular Buddhist University and a MEd, a M.Phil. (1982), Ph.D. in Education (1985) from Delhi University. Delhi, India Ven. Dr. Phangcham has been an educator for over three decades and a Buddhist Monk since he was 19. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN COMMERCE 2.60 Religion and Health Connections: Recent Research Dr. Harbans Lal There is an explosion of research demonstrating that spiritual belief and practices are beneficial to health. They reduce risk of developing a number of Ninesses and facilitate healing when combined with modern medicine. Religious people tend to cope better in life and generally live longer. These observations led a majority of the medical schools in the U.S.A. to start curriculums in spirituality and medicine. Implications for practice of religion in the next century will be discussed. Dr. Lal, Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, the University of North Texas Health Science Center, is a graduate of Punjab University. He received a Masters degree from the University of Kansas and a Doctoral degree from the University of Chicago. In academic Circles, he is known for his research in the areas of behavioral medicine, substance abuse, and on prolongation of healthy life spans. He serves on many national and international science advisory boards including serving for 14 years as the Editor of the monthly journal, Drug Development Research 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.20 A New Buckle on the Bible Belt: Interfaith Dialogue in Central Florida Dr. Yudit Kornberg Greenberg This presentation will describe and assess formal and informal activities in Central Florida in recent years that have contributed to interfaith cooperation and dialogue. In a rapidly changing religious environment, with a proliferation in the number of immigrants and religious centers, a major challenge for existing interfaith organizations and other institutions has been to embrace these new communities. As an affiliate of Harvard University's Pluralism Project, the Rollins research team has been conducting field work into the new religious demography in Central Florida, mapping out new religious centers and documenting the changes in demographics that are taking root in our community. Dr. Yudit Kornberg Greenberg has been a professor of religious studies at Rollins College for the past 13 years. A native of Israel with academic specialization in Jewish studies, women's studies, and cross-cultural concepts of the body. Dr. Greenberg has been a very active voice and presence in the religious and spiritual life of the Central Florida community Dialogue 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 3.55 Workshop on Peace Promotion Ms. Edna Rooth This interactive, hands-on workshop will focus on the promotion of peace. Participants will, through a multidimensional process of individual and group work, perform music, paint and play. This workshop is intended to move the participants from experiencing individual peace to thinking and working towards world peace. Edna Rooth has a Masters in Educational Psychology, with work experiences that include teaching and lecturing She taught in a rural Northern Province for seven years at Tsonga school, and lectured for four years at the University of Venda. Since 1989 she has been the Director of the Lifeskills Projects at the University of Cape Town. She is the author of several books and is currently working on further publications 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Divine Diversity Mr. Phillip J. Krawitz The lecture explores the benefits of businesses and organisations embracing the glorious diversity of our society This presentation will also stress the common principles of religious morality as a fundamental ethic in building a responsible business environment. Philip J. Krawitz is the Chief Executive of the Cape Union Mart Group of Companies, and was the Past President of the South African Chamber of Business, Director of the Cape Town 2004 Olympic Bid Company, and Past Chairman of the Cape Town Chapter of the Young Presidents Organization 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 1 Quest for Truth: Critical Reflections on Interfaith Cooperation Dr. Robert Traer In this presentation the Secretary General of the International Association for Religious Freedom, Dr. Robert Traer, will present 14 7 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARI. IA MENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 World's Religions. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Mr. Mohammed Abdul Hai is the Executive Director of the Islamic Center Grass-roots Interfaith Dialogue: Connecting at the of Chicago, and Chair of Muslims for the Parliament of the World's Religions. He is also the General Secretary of the National Dawah Heart Level Community, USA. He is also a Trustee of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions. Ms. Kay Lindahl The art of dialogue, speaking, and listening from the heart is at the core of interfaith understanding. For the past seven years, 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 the Alliance for Spiritual Community has hosted semimonthly Religions and Science: Is it time for Repentance? grassroots interfaith dialogue meetings. This workshop will introduce the concepts of the dialogue process, guidelines Rev. Dr. David R. Breed which open up a safe space for deep dialogue and our The relationship of science and religion is basically a religious meeting format. This approach provides an access to and spiritual problem. How is knowledge developed, nnecting with those not like us in a very powerful and cultivated, and used for the health and well-being of our profound way with its emphasis on listening and speaking to earthly home? Conflicts between religion and science and understand, not to agree with or believe. The more we among religious traditions arise out of limiting beliefs about understand, the less we fear; the less we fear the more we risk reality and embrace a more inclusive vision is a pathway to the more we risk the more we trust: the more we trust the repentance. Two aspects of this pathway will be discussed: more we love. transformations of knowledge and religious practice growing Kay Lindahl is the founder of the Alliance for Spiritual Community and out the mixing of traditions, and the emerging generalized The Listening Center. She leads workshops on Centering Prayer and The cosmic-vison of the sciences. This program is sponsored by the Sacred Art of Ustening. She serves on the Board of Directors of the North American Interfaith Network and is a regional coordinator for the United Institute for World Spirituality. Religions Initiative David Breed is a consultant, teacher, and writer. He has published Yoking Religion and Science. The Life and Thought of Ralph Wendell Burhoe. He serves on the Boards of The Council for a Parliament of the 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.60 World's Religions and the Institute for World Spirituality Integrating Spirituality and Business 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN THEATER 4 Mr. Martin Rutte We, The World: Building Global Solidarity in an It is now time for spirituality to be experienced and expressed in Alienated World vorkplace. Come and explore: how to combine your deep spiritual longing with your work. The presenler examines Mr. Rick Ulfik; Ms. Diane Williams; Ms. Joan Beisel; Mr. different examples from the workplace and other specific Ajani Benjamin; Mr. Bawa Jain; Ms. Charmaine C. actions that you can take to enhance spirituality in your Crockett; Ms. Deborah Moldow workplace. Through a series of international public events, a film release, Martin Rutte is an international speaker and consultant on spirituality in the workplace. He is President of Livelihood in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and other programs, We, The World seeks to raise global USA consciousness and awaken a spirit of caring in societies around the world. By engaging and inspiring people to join a global family of organizations and coalitions, we hope to more 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 effectively help bring about our collective social, ecological, and Muslim and Christian Relationships Promoting spiritual healing, Regional and Global Peace Rick Uifik is the director of We, The World. He is also the Co-chair of the National Board of Thc Foundation for Ethics and Meaning and is the Dr. Abdur Raman Madidi Bin Ali leader of its Media Task Force as well as co-leader of its Education Task Force He is an organizer and Task Force member for the annual Season There is dire need of cooperation between religions and an For Nonviolence Gandhi/King events at the United Nations and other Interfaith Center programs. He is also an accomplished composer and interreligious commitment to honor the terets of various media producer and has written and directed two films. traditions and uphold the intrinsic values of humanity. This Diane Williams has an MSW in social work and has coordinated presentation will illustrate how cooperation will help foster numerous social change projects in the U.S. and abroad. She serves on mutual cooperation and peace. the Advisory Board of World Artists for Tibet and was on the council for No biographical statement available at time of printing World Tibet Day. Currently, is the International and UN Affairs Coordinator for the Interfaith Center of New York. She is also the coauthor of the upcoming book: Revelations, Inspirations, and Soul Powerful Mobilization: A Revolutionary Roadmap. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 Joan Beisel, Director of United Youth International, has facilitated and Partisanship: The Antithesis of Spirituality trained teachers in the field of conflict resolution. Completing thirty years as a teacher for at-risk high school students in New York City, Joan is Dr. Hamid Abdul Hai, M.D., FACC; Mr. Mohammed presently negotiating with the United Nations to open a UN Youth Abdul Hai Outreach Office which would act as a hub for national and international youth organizations. The great founders of all religions considered all mankind as Ajani Benjamin is a student activist, workshop leader, and poet. He is a their brethren. They proclaimed "Equal Justice For All." Task Force member/organizer for the World Movement For Nonviolence However, historically, people who called themselves religious and works for the Progressive Home Healthcare Agency as well as several have often acted in a partisan manner, leading to incalculable other community service organizations. harm to the concept of spirituality and to the image of religions Bawa Jain is a trustee and International Ambassador for the Parliament of as peacemakers. Partisanship is an evil to be guarded against the World's Religions. He is also the Director for International and United Nations Affairs at the Interfaith Center of New York. In this role, he has by all truly spiritual people, especially those who aim to been responsible for a number of UN related programs, including the participate in interfaith work. With quotations and incidents coordination of the annual United Nations Values Caucus and initiated from the lives of the founders of all religions, the presenters and served as Convener of the Jain and Nonviolence Studies Program of explore these important issues. the Southern Asia Institute, Columbia University, where he has been a guest lecturer and speaker at numerous conferences. Dr. Hamid Abdul Hai is a writer, lecturer, physician, and he received his Islamic education in India. He was Chairman of the Islamic Group at Charmaine Crockett is a human rights activist, writer, and research 1993 Parliament. He has been active in Interfaith work for many years., analyst. She has been active in issues ranging from globalization to and he is currently a Trustee of the Council for a Parliament of the spirituality and human rights and has conducted workshops on the 148 2010_03 Dialogue
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 latter. She has also been active in United Nations NGO affairs. She is currently editing a human rights anthology with Dr. Charles Fishman and is working on A Daily Guide to the Revolution, a book to revitalize the spirit and spur all to action. Deborah Moldow is the Director of the World Peace Prayer Society world headquarters in New York City. She represents the Society at the United Nations, where she co-chairs the Values Caucus. She is also an Interfaith Minister, and works with the United Religions Initiative. legitimate object of European evangelization. This view legitimized European colonization of Africa and enslavement of Africans, which was being contested in Troeltsch's Germany by both Catholic and Socialist parties. Constance L. Benson is a research associate at the City University of New York's Center on Violence and Human Survival, and author of God and Caesar with a foreword by Cornell Wesl. She holds an M.Div. from Harvard Divinity School and a M.Phil. from Columbia University and Union Seminary in New York 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 The African American Religious Tradition: A Functional Model for Religious Pluralism Dr. Richard A. Rose A paper will be presented which examines the way in which African American religious leaders of the 20th Century have drawn on several religious traditions to express a theology of freedom and liberation. The religious philosophies of pivotal thinkers such as Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Howard Thurman, and Martin L. King Jr. will be used to illustrate the functional dynamics of this view. Particular attention will be given to the influence of Gandhi on the development of this tradition as expressed in the work of Howard Thurman and Martin L. King Jr. Dr. Richard Rose, Assistant Professor Religion and Philosophy, the University of LaVerne. He received his Ph.D. from The Claremont Graduate School in 1995. His dissertation centered upon "Howard Thurman's Life and Thought: Implications for Religious Pluralism and Interaith Dialogue" 3:00 PM-4:30 PM IN THEATER 7 Hindus and Muslims: Learning from the Past and Directions for the Future Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan; Ms. Sandya D. Dandamudi-Rao Given their religious ideals and aspirations, Hindus and Muslims have great potential for working together to make this world a better place. The two panelists will analyze why, sometimes in the past, they have failed to do so and how a brighter future is possible. Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan, a graduate of science (1952). Muslim Theology(1956) and Western Philosophy (Ph.D. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago), taught Western and Islamic Philosophy at Aligarh Muslim University, India, and various academic institutions in the US. He is a Trustee of CPWR and the International Peace Council and convener of International Association of Muslims for Inter-Religious Relations. Sandya Dandamudi Rao holds a Graduate degree in Cross-cultural Communications. She has been involved with the Parliament since 1992 She is a community leader in Chicago and has served as a Vice chair for the Parliament of World's Religions since 1995. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 3.70 The Anthropic Principle as a source for an Interreligious, Global Ethic Mr. James Kraft Foundational to the Anthropic Principle is the scientific confirmation of the incredible fine-tuning in the universe in order to produce intelligent life. fine-tuning all the way from the Big Bang to the formation of molecules The Anthropic Principle concludes that belief in an agent of design and purpose is perhaps more rational than believing the universe came to support rational life purely by chance. After presenting the Anthropic Principle in its most convincing form, the paper evaluates the ability of its conclusions to serve as a basis for a global ethic. If this Principle succeeds in saying something true about the universe as a whole and its purposeful creation, then it perhaps can be put further to use for a truly global ethic. James Kralt is a Ph.D. student at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, California He is working on a dissertation on universal truth claims in interreligious dialogue. He is interested in the relationship between faith and reason and the relationship betwen science and religion. He received an MA from GTU in 1991 with a thesis on Sartre's Understanding of God. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Intercultural Tolerance: A Personal Experience Mrs. Lerato Scherpenhuyzen The presenter teils a moving story about a black South African woman who marries a South African Hollander. During this period, the woman becomes a traditional sangoma and a spiritual healer Lorato Scherpenhuyzen has been involved with rural communities for many years, running upliftment programmes. African traditional healer and sangoma. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA Interfaith Harmony in the 21st Century Dr. Karan Singh The presentation will highlight the fact that the 20th century has been the most lethal in human history and that religious clashes have been responsible for wide scale death and destruction. This continues down to the present day. Unless we establish inter religious harmony, we will never succeed in ensuring world peace. The emergence of a sane and harmonious global society depends largely upon the interfaith movement. Dr. Karan Singh is the former Indian Ambassador to the United States. An educator, statesman, and scholar, Dr. Singh is a renowned thinker and speaker on philosophy, religion, culture, politics, and the environment He is the Chairman of the Temple's Board of Directors and has established several Temple of Understanding chapters throughout India 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN COMMERCE 3.60 Beyond Religious Apartheid: A Critique of Ernst Troeltsch on World Religions Ms. Constance L. Benson Ernst Troeltsch (1865-1923) is one of the most respected and renowned figures in mainstream Protestant thought. His religious relativism is commonly considered to be a contribution to religious equality and tolerance. However, this interpretation presupposes Enlightenment values that are actually foreign the eminent thinker, who subscribed to theories that would today be called racist. In his essay, "The Place of Christianity among the World Religions," (1923) Troeltsch argues that Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam are of value only for their own "races within their respective territories, dismissing the smaller cults of African and other "primitive races" as inferior and a 3:00 PM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Interfaith Perspectives on Religious Freedom: Asian and Middle Eastern Perspectives Dr. J. Gordon Melton; Bahiyyih G. Tahzib The program will feature presentations from around the world on the problems of diverse faith communities faced with religious discrimination and persecution. Session time will then be devoted to reflecting upon the manner in which interfaith 149 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 dialogue and action can create a global climate favorable to religious liberty. Dr. Tahzib will be talking about obstacles to religious freedom in the Middle East. This program is sponsored by the Institute for World Spirituality. Dr. Gordon Melton is the Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion (Santa Barbara, California) and the research director of the Institute of World Spirituality (Chicago, IL). He is the author of more than 30 books on contemporary religion and is the author/editor of the multi-volume International Directory of the World's Religions, the first volume of which appeared in 1998 No biographical statement available at time of printing. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Zoroastrianism's Reciprocity with Other World Religions and Civilizations Ms. Khorshed F. Jungalwala A concise historical dissertation of the theological, philosophical and ritualistic impact of Zoroastrianism on other world religions and cultures and their influence on Zoroastrianism as it has evolved through the ages. Our mission today should be to tie together the thread of commonality that binds all religions. respecting diversities, and giving ourselves the opportunity to come together for the betterment of humankind. Khorshed F. Jungalwala is the Chairperson of the Federation of Zoroastrian Association of North America Publication. She is the Director of the Third World Scholar's Consortium (Boston), the Director of the Zoroastrian Education & Research Society (USA), the past President of the Zoroastrian Association of the Greater Boston Area, and is President of the Metrowest International Concerts Association (Boston) 3:00 PM-4:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 One God - Many Interpretations Prof. Dr. J. A. Bobby Loubser; Gerhard Heever At the 1993 Parliament of the Worlds Religions, a docurrient was issued entitled Towards a Global Ethic. This presentation will illustrate how such a global ethic can be supported from a Reformed Christian perspective. The presenter will also explain how the monotheism expressed in the Reformed confessions prove to be a powerful incentive to search for a global ethic. J.A. (Bobby) Loubser teaches New Testament as a faculty member of the Department of Theology and Religion Studies at the University of Zululand. He received his doctorate in 1980 from Stellenbosch University In 1986 he published The Apartheid Bible a critical review of racial theology in South Africa. He is currently the President of the South African Academy of Religion Gerhard Heever is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Theology, UNISA He has a particular interest in the interaction between religion and culture in the first century in the Near Eastern World. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Are You Ready for the Apocalypse Now? Rabbi Herman Schaalman An inquiry into the possible meanings of the celebrations concerning the millennium and its historic and theological foundations. Over many centuries in Christian and Jewish traditions, messianic expectations have been intense and often been centered in given persons or moments in time. The coming observance of the millennium leads to contemplation's about these and related ideas that are at the heart of religious traditions in Western Civilization in particular Rabbi Herman E. Schaalman, Emeritus Rabbi of Emanuel Congregation in Chicago, was ordained at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1941. Rabbi Schaalman teaches at the Garret Cvangelical Methodist Seminary in Evanston, IL., and at the Chicago Theological Seminary. He is a member of the Executive Committee for the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions, and is a board member for the Millennium Institute in Washington, D.C. He is also a member of the Education Committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC 3:00 PM-4:30 PM IN ST. MARKS Spirituality and the World Bank: A Positive Engagement? Dialogue Ms. Wendy Tyndale, MS; Swami Agnivesh; Mr. Sulak Sivaraksa; Dr. L.M. Singhvi; Mr. Lawrence Arturo; Mr. Jed Shilling; The Most Rev. Njongonkulu W.H. Ndungane; Prof. Fatima Meer This workshop will present the case for the importance of a dialogue between the faith communities and the World Bank. The panel will discuss the World Faiths Development Dialogue's aim in the context of the critical situation of our planet, in which it is urgent to make alliances to ensure that "development strategies respond to the economic, social, cultural, and spiritual needs of humankind. Information will be provided about the World Faiths Development Dialogue, and participants will be given ideas for manageable things they might do to join in the dialogue. Wendy Tyndale is a Christian from U.K. She has a long experience of development and human rights in Latin America. Swami Agnivesh is the founder of Religions for Social Justice He is an activist against child labor, supporter of women's rights issues, and the recipient of the Anti-Slavery International Award (London 1990) and the Freedom and Human Rights Award (Berne, Switzerland, 1994) Sulak Sivaraksa is a world-renowned That Buddhist social activist. Sulak is the author of Seeds of Peace: A Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society and Global Healing and is the founder of the International Network of Engaged Buddhists and is actively involved in the Buddhism and Social Welfare Project in South and Southeast Asia. Patron of the Institute of Jainology and leading scholar of Jainism and of Vedic and Indic religions. Member of World Faiths Development Dialogue Steering Group. Lawrence Arturo is a Bahai from the United States, where he works at the international Bahai Community's centre in New York. Jed Shilling is from the United States and is Head of the Environment and Sustainability Programme of the World Bank. Niongonkulu W.H. Ndungane is the Head of the Anglican Church of the Province of Southern Africa. This includes South Africa, Narnibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Angola, and the island of St Helena Professor Fatima Meer is a leading Muslim scholar and human rights campaigner in South Africa 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Australians for Reconciliation Mrs. Jane Purkiss This lecture will present the journey of healing that Australians are making towards reconciliation between the indigenous and non indigenous communities that share the country. This presentation will focus on the theme of acknowledging the truth as a means of reconciliation, which enables the individual and the society to grow to its fullest capacity Jane Purkiss is a Representative of Australians for Reconciliation, and has been an educator of all ages-from Preschool to University levels 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 4 Beliefs and Concepts Zoroastrians Share with Other Faiths. Dr. Dastoor Kersey Antia The Zoroastrians have a number of beliefs, concepts, and practices in common with other faiths. These include the belief in the almighty God, theology, the problem of evil, life after death, the importance of ethics, resurrection, environment, immortality of soul, and the higher destiny of man. Dr. Antia has been high priest of the Zarathushti community in the Chicago area since 1977, when he was awarded the Dastur's shawl by ZAC. He has been a fully ordained priest since 1950. Dr. Antia has lectured widely since he was 17, and is the author of numerous papers on religion and psychology. He is a licensed clinical and management psychologist in full time private practice in Illinois and is also affiliated with several hospitals 150 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT O F DIALOGUE 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.70 The Contribution of Religious Education in UK Schools to Understanding a Diversity of Faiths Mrs. Gwyneth Little The place and purpose of Religious Education in the curriculum of UK schools has been much revised and developed in response to the need to understand the diversity of cultures and faiths present in Britain today. Does the UK model encourage a greater respect for people of faiths other than Christianity? Can something of value from the UK experience be offered to other countries as they seek to educate their children to become religiously aware citizens in a global context? The presenter will address these questions and related themes in this workshop. Gwyneth Little was for many years a teacher and lecturer in Religious Education and Religious Studies in UK schools and colleges. She has a deep interest in interfaith work and is a member of local groups and is a Trustee of The International Interfaith Center in Oxford, UK. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.20 There Is No Religion Higher Than Truth Mr. Rodolfo Don All religions claim to be true. Rodolfo Don will lecture on how absolute truth is undefinable and how important it is that we keep it pure, uncontaminated, and undefined. Truth must be the measuring stick of any religious belief. Our choices which result in our actions should always reflect our love and respect for honesty and truth. If we begin to act impersonally, impartially, with love for all, and no longer allow ourselves to be limited by our old belief systems, and live our lives in accordance with the spirit of truth, we may experience a profound change. Our belief systems will soon widen and improve. Mr. Don will begin the lecture with a reading from one of Krishnamurti's latest books, Krishnamurti to Himself, in which he explains that as long as Man is divided there will be violence in the world. Religious beliefs are among the most powerful causes of divisions. The speaker will offer a theory on how we can overcome these divisions for the sake of peace. Rodolfo Don was born in Camaguey, Cuba and came to the United States as a refugee in 1961. He has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1967. He retired from IBM in 1992, after working there 20 years. He attended the 1993 Parliament in Chicago and considers that event the highest spiritual point in his life. 2010_03 THE WORLDS RELIGIONS Dialoque 151
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENTO F THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 for twenty years. She has been a national coordinator for BiNet USA, a unionist, a writer, educator and organizational founder. She currently facilitates the National Religions Roundtable, and is a lay leader in her Jewish chavura. Her anthology of writings by Bisexual people of Faith will be published in the spring of 2000. As a tai chi practicing Jew, a bisexual feminist in an interfaith marriage with a man, and a professional consultant working with labor-management partnerships, Debra's life is a bridge between worlds 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.60 Becoming: Women's Circles, Women's Lives Ms. Peggy Sebera; Ms. Ronita Johnson This is a call for women around the world to enter into dialogue in small and large groups. In our conversation we will focus on two things. The first things is the unique challenges and opportunities of what it means to be a woman in various countries of the world today. The second thing is how we use our spiritual practices to contribute to the urgently needed healing of individuals, families, communities and the ecology of the earth. Peggy Sebera, MS, is an organizational consultant who has groups for more than 20 years in the USA Europe and Asia. She is a member of the Chakra Circle featured in the film Becoming: Women's Lives. Peggy's work focuses on Leadership Development Collaborative Team Work and Conflict Resolution. Peggy was a facilitator at the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions. Peggy has a Masters degree in Psychology, and practices Buddhist meditation, Yoga and prayer. Ronita Johnson is an organizational consultant who has facilitated groups for more than 20 years in the USA Europe, and Asia. She is a member of the Chakra Circle featured in the film Becoming: Women's Lives. She works as trainer, facilitator, and coach on multicultural workforce issues for corporations, organizations, and communities. Ronita has a BS in Psychology 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.56 The Faith of Modernity and Traditional Religions: Conflict or Creative Engagement Rabbi Herb Bronstein The premise for this presentation is that the Parliament should have the opportunity to process our world religious situation after the critique of modernity. The session would be based on the following premises: first, Modernity can be considered a faith which originated in Western Europe and is considered by some dichotomous with traditional religious faiths of various kinds. It has its creed, its constructs and its salvific vision. Second, the core faith of Modernity, which is that reason, science, and technology could bring earthly salvation on ali levels material and social and that empiricism is the source of all truths, is no longer viable. Indeed, some intellectuals ascribe to the constructs and premises of western Modernity, with its emphasis on development, many of the problems and oppressions of our time. Third, it is important for various religious traditions to assess the new religious situation and the challenges to indigenous and 'axial spiritualities now that the faith of Modernity is being roundly criticized. Herbert Bronstein teaches Comparative Religion at Lake Forest College and has been a Senior Scholar at the North Shore Congregation Israel in Glencoe, Illinois for over 25 years. He has combined a successful vocation as a congregational rabbi with life long achievements in scholarship, academic teaching, and lecturing at various universities 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 4.20 Current Problems Encountered in Interreligious Work in Latin America and the Caribbean Rev. Luis M. Dolan, C.P.; Mr. Andre Porto; Dr. Bernardo Jorge Nante; Ms. Marina VillalobosDiaz The presenter will discuss the lack of clear knowledge on interreligious work in Latin America and the Caribbean and the consequences of this problem. He will also discuss the topics of why members of Catholicism, Judaism, Protestantism and other religions leave their original institutions. He will ask is there one religion more important than others? Finally, the presenter concludes with his theory on how to work within the present context to deepen one's faith. Father Luis M. Dolan, C. P. is a Catholic Passionist priest from Argentina who has a MA in Global Spirituality. He has worked on interreligious dialogues and cooperation in over 85 countries. He represents the Center for World Thanksgiving as an N. G. O. at the UN headquarters. Andre Porto is the coordinator of the Interfaith Initiative in Rio de Janeiro Brazil since 1992. During the Earth Summit he produced an all night interfaith vigil called, One Day in the Earth. While attending the Parliament of the World's Religions in 1993, Andre produced a remarkable video about the event. He is also the United Religions Initiative representative since 1997 and works for Viva Rio, an NGO active in the fields of human rights, community development, and actions for peace. Dr. Nante is an Argentinean Professor of philosophy, anthropological philosophy, philosophy of religion, and history of religions at the Universidad del Salvador. He is also a writer and screenwriter, and is currently developing an interreligious program at the University Marina Villalobos Diaz is the President of the Civil Association for the Recognition of Indigenous Traditions (Undani) in Mexico. She is also the President of the interamerican Council of Indigenous Spirituality. Dialogue 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 3.60 Interfaith Cooperation: An Assessment and Agenda for the Future Prof. Iftekhar A. Hai; Dr. Ataullah Siddiqui The panel will discuss how it is important for people in all world's religions and spiritual movements to have common values and common goals. Our "One Creator had envisioned this age for peoples of different faiths to come together and move toward establishing peace with justice for all his creatures in all the corners of the world. iftekhar A Hai is the Director of Interfaith Relations at United Muslims of America(UMA). He is on the Board of Directors of 1 1 Interfaith Organizations in USA and teaches "Introductory Islam at a number of academic, religious, and political institutions. Dr. Siddiqui is a Research Fellow at the Islamic Foundation, Leicester and visiting Fellow at the Centre for the History of Religions, Interfaith Dialogue and Pluralism, Leicester University. He is the author of Christian Muslims Dialogue in the Twentieth Century (London New York: Macmillan/St. Martin's Press 1997) and Co editor of Encounters: Journal of Intercultural Perspectives 10:00 AM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 3.70 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Engaging From Oneness Interfaith Perspectives on Religious Freedom: African Perspectives Ms. Debra R. Kolodny Dr. J. Gordon Melton; Dr. Rosalind Hackett; Dr. Leaders and activists from the mystical traditions and from other Abdullkader Tayob; Prof. Abdullahi An-Na'im traditions, which rest on a theological foundation of oneness, will gather to create a vision of a world whose structures, The program will feature presentations from around the world relationships, laws, and resource distribution flow from this on the problems of diverse faith communities faced with principle. After fully exploring and creating a shared vision, religious discrimination and persecution Session time will then participants will identify specific projects, policies, or goals be devoted to reflecting upon the manner in which interfaith which they and their institutions can create or pursue in the dialogue and action can create a global climate favorable to furtherance of this vision. religious liberty. Dr. Hackett will speak about religious conflicts Debra Kolodny has been an activist in faith and social justice movements in Nigeria and Ghana. Professor An-Na'im will speak about 152 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 religions and human rights in Africa Dr. Tayob will speak about Islam and religious freedom in the new South Africa, 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 4 Dr. J. Gordon Melton is the Director of the Institute for the Study of Testing the Global Ethic American Religion (Santa Barbara, California) and the research director of the Institute of World Spirituality (Chicago, IL). He is the author of more Rev. Marcus C. R. Braybrooke than 30 books on contemporary religion and is the author/editor of the multi volume International Directory of the World's Religions, the first In Testing the Global Ethic, members of several religions volume of which appeared in 1998. explored the agreements and differences in the religious Rosalind IJ. Hackett is Lindsay Young Professor of the Humanities at the teaching on the Four Directives of The Declaration Toward a University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She teaches in the Department of Global Ethic and its relevance to both the moral education of Religious Studies, and is also an adjunct in the Department of Anthropology. She has published many articles and three books on young people and preparing them for citizenship in an different aspects of religion in Africa new religious movements, gender, Interdependent global society. The key points of Testing the art human rights, etc. She is currently working on "Nigeria: Religion in Global Ethic will be summarized, leading to a discussion of the the Balance" for the US Institute of Peace. Serving as Deputy Secretary best way to use the Declaration Toward A Global Ethic in the General of the International Association for the History of Religions and Treasurer and Founding Member of the African Association for the Study moral education of young people. Those active in the of Religions, she is also Program Chair for the next AHR Congress in education of young people in moral values and citizenship are Durban 2000. invited to share their experiences. Well known Islamic scholar in the fields of Islamic historiography, Islamic Marcus Braybrooke is a Trustee of the International Interfaith Centre and movements and contemporary Islamic thought: Deputy Director of the President of the World Congress of Faiths as well as author of several Center for Contemporary Islam at the University of Cape Town books on interfaith work and co-editor of All in Good Faith, a resource book for multifaith. Dr. Abdullahi An-Naim is an internationally recognized scholar of Islam and human rights, and human rights in cross-cultural perspectives Professor An-Na'im taught at the Faculty of Law, University of Khartoum, Sudan, until 1985. Since then, he has held a variety of positions, 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.54 including: visiting professor at UCLA School of Law, 1985-87: Fellow. Woodrow Wilson international Center for Scholars, Washington DC True Significance of Religion 1987-88, Ariel F. Sallows Professor of Human Rights at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada (1988-89); Olof Palme Visiting Professor at Dr. Osamu Rosan Yoshida Uppsala University, Sweden and Scholar-in-residence, The Ford In this workshop, Dr. Yoshida discusses how the true Foundation Office for the Middle East and North Africa (1992-92). Prior to joining the Faculty of Emory University School of Law, Dr. An-Na'im significance of religion in the history of life fits birth, was the Executive Director of Human Rights/Africa, 1993-95. Professor development, goal, principle and practice, etc.) is pursued in An-Na'im now teaches at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, USA order to promote the paths of religions for the future of our common world. Dr. Yoshida is the Founder and Director of the Missouri Zen Center, USA 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 He is an ordained priest of the Soto Zen Tradition. He is also Professor of Intra-Jewish Dialogue - Is It Possible? Philosophy at Tokyo Univ. Jr. College in Japan. Rabbi David Hoffman 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN ST. MARKS This workshop will explore the state of intra Jewish dialogue in South Africa and around the world. This exploration will use Beyond Dialogue - Interfaith Solidarity for the categories of Exclusivism, Inclusivism, and Pluralism to Reconstruction and Reconciliation describe the state of the dialogues. Particular focus will be on Dr. Farid Esack the unique South African Jewish sociology, and will propose that self-understanding is the key to improving intra-Jewish In this presentation Farid Esack, Commissioner for Gender connectedness. Equality of South Africa, will offer his reflections on the history Rabbi David I loffman recently celebrated his 10th anniversary with the of the interfaith movement and the challenges confronting it if Cape Town Progressive Congregation. He is a delegate to the Vaad the movement is to make a meaningful contribution to the lives Hapoel Hatzioni, the co-Chairman of the South African Association of of ordinary people. This presentation will focus on Progressive Rabbis, and the National Chairman of Arzenu Southern marginalization and interfaith action to confront this issue. Africa. He is also a member of the Assembly of the Parliament of the World's Religions. Dr. Farid Esack is a Commissioner for Gender Equality in the South African government and Senior Researcher at the Institute of Religion, Identity and Culture at the University of the Western Cape. He is a Muslim 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 2.70 theologian who has studied in Pakistan, the United Kingdom and South Africa Muslim and Sikhs : Learning from the Past and Directions for the Future 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.70 Dr. Balwant Singh Hansra; Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan 1993 and 1999: Assessments and Suggestions The relationship between Muslims and Sikhs has had its share from a Sociological Viewpoint of ups and downs throughout history. However, a critical evaluation of this relationship may lead to a common Dr. Michael York; Dr. J. Gordon Melton; Prof. Richard H. understanding for future cooperation. It is required that a Roberts commitment is made for a better relationship in the future. This presentation explores the possibilities by which the Dr. Balwant Singh Hansra is a Professor of Physical Sciences at City discipline of sociology as an institution beyond the borders of Colleges of Chicago. He is former President of the Sikh Religious Society religion per se might be able to promote a foundation for interof Chicago: Trustee of the Council for a Parliament of the World's religious cooperation. These suggestions are framed in terms of Religion (CPWR), Vice Chair of CPWR, and Chair of HPC CPWR. assessing the successes and failures of the 1993 Parliament in Dr Irfan Ahmad Khan, a graduate of science (1952), Muslim Theology 1956) and Western Philosophy (Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. Chicagoj, taught Western and Islamic Philosophy at Aligarh Muslim Michael York lectures for the Study of Religions Department of the Bath University, India, and various academic institutions in the US. He is a Spa University College and co-directs the London-based Acadenry for Trustee of CPWR and the International Peace Council and convener of Cultural and Educational Studies which sponsors intercultural dialogue in International Association of Muslims for Inter-Religious Relations. Britain and educational programs in India. Dr. J. Gordon Melton is the Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion Santa Barbara, California) and the research director of the Institute of World Spirituality (Chicago, I4. He is the author of more than 30 books on contemporary religion and is the author/editor of the 153 2010_03 Dialogue
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________________ Dialogue 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT DIALOGUE O F multi-volume International Directory of the World's Religions, the first volume of which appeared in 1998. Richard Roberts holds a Chair in Religious Studies at the University of Lancaster, England and prior to that held the Chair of Divinity at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Until recently he was President of Research Committee 22 (Sociology of Religion) of the International Sociological Association. He wrote a standard sociological study of the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions. 2:00 PM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Interactive Religious Space Dharma Master Hsin Tao; Rev. Marcus C. R. Braybrooke; Dr. Elizabeth Espersen; Mr. Eugene Imai; Dr. Roland R. Ropers, Ph.D.; Maria Reis-Habit The panel will discuss aspects and visions of Interactive Religious Space as embodied in various centers of interreligious dialogue such as the World Religions Museum in Taipei, the Interfaith Center in Oxford, Thanksgiving Square in Dallas, the Ashram founded by Bede Griffiths in Shantivarnam and the Miho Museum in Japan. Dharma Master Hsin Tao was born in Burma in 1948, came to Taiwan at age 13, educated in the Buddhist order at age 25, spent 8 years in ascetic practice, founded Ling-chiu shan monastic community in Fu-long in 1983. Established the WRM development foundation with branches in Taipei and New York in 1991. The Museum is due to open in Dec. 2000. Marcus Braybrooke is a Trustee of the International Interfaith Centre and President of the World Congress of Faiths as well as author of several books on interfaith work and co-editor of All in Good Faith, a resource book for multifaith. Elizabeth Espersen has devoted her life to the pursuit of the spiritual as a wellspring for practical and realistic contemporary living. Elizabeth is currently the Executive Director and Executive Vice President of the Thanksgiving Foundation. She recently published Meeting in Faith (Sage International: 1996) and has written extensively on religion and the spiritual life. Eugene Imai was born in Osaka, Japan in 1949. In 1972, he became a staff member of Shinji Shumeikai and has been a director of Shinji Shumeikai of America since 1975. Roland Ropers, President of the International Gandhi & Griffiths Society. worked for more than 25 years in international chemical business. He holds a Ph.D. (oriental philosophy) from the University of Colombo/ Sri Lanka. He is a disciple of the Zen-Master and German-Japanese Jesuit H.M. Enomiya-Lassalle (1898-1990) and scholar Professor Dr. Mult. Dr. Maria Reis-Habito (Maria Kannon Zen Center, Dallas, Texas). PLEAS 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Interfaith Ministry: A New Way of Service Rev. Aaron Zerah; Rev. Dr. Katherine O'Connell The presenters will lecture on how the movement to Interfaith and the need for a new kind of Minister has accelerated. The Interfaith Ministry began in 1980 with the creation of the world's first Interfaith Seminary. Today there are 8 seminaries and over 1400 Interfaith Ministers who serve as congregational leaders, chaplains, and global servants at the U.N. and elsewhere. Rev. Aaron Zerah, is an ordained Interfaith minister and the Founder of the Interfaith Seminary in Santa Cruz, California. I le is the author of the Soul's Almanac: A Year of Interfaith, Stories, Prayers and Wisdom for the up coming Age of Interfaith. Rev. Dr. Katherine R. O'Connell is an Interfaith Minister and the Chancellor of East-West Interfaith Seminary in Santa Cruz. Ca. Rev. O'Connell is also a Clinical Psychologist, Cosmologist, an author and a former policy consultant to a President of the United States. Part of her Ministry is to facilitate dialogue and healing in the areas of spirit, science, and medicine. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 The Spiritual Forum- An Architectural Approach Mr. Ingo Herrmann This lecture will discuss the Spiritual Forum as an architectural design that may serve as a framework for, and scaffolding to, 154 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS SUNDAY, DECEMBER dialogue between religions. The Spiritual Forum reflects today's conscience of understanding and mutual acceptance and draws the connection between science, religion, and nature. At it's location in the center of Berlin, the Spiritual Forum harmoniously extends the cultural life of the city. It gives a concept to the new capital of Germany, which reflects the spiritual and diverse aspects of cultures on a global scale. Mr. Ingo Herrmann grew up in east Berlin, and received his Diploma of Architecture at Dresden University of Technology and a Master of Architecture at Pratt Institute, New York. In his architectural work, he tries to explore the interplay of mediation and contrast in all levels of the field He currently works in Berlin on solar projects and ecological sustainable architecture. 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN COMMERCE 4.20 Spirituality and Different Religious Traditions Dr. Robert Reber; Sr. Joan Kirby; Joan Robinson Thorne Attendees will be shown an informative video of an exciting but challenging educational program which explores the importance of the spiritual quest. This video will show how spiritual and meditative practices foster physical and mental health and wholeness. During this video, we will be exposed to the spiritual and meditative practices of seven different religious traditions. Robert Reber is the Dean of Auburn Theological Seminary in New York City and the director of its interreligious programs. He has chaired the Education Committee of the Long Island Multi-Faith Forum and the design team for the year long course on Spirituality and the Different Religious Traditions that is offered jointly by Auburn Seminary, the Temple of Understanding, and the Psychotherapy and Spirituality Institute. He is also the author of Linking Faith and Daily Life and co-author of Wisdom in Action: A Handbook on Continuing Theological Education. Sr. Joan Kirby, a member of the Sacred Heart, has been Executive Director of the Temple of Understanding since 1994. She has developed educational interfaith programs for people of different faith traditions. At present she is collaborating with Auburn Theological Seminary and the Psychotherapy and Spirituality Institute on a program of immersion in Seven Different Religious Traditions. She is a member of the Assembly of the Parliament of the World's Religions. Before coming to the Temple she worked with homeless families and mentally ill homeless. Joan Robinson Thorne is a psychotherapist and teacher whose major interest is the role that spirituality plays in relation to mental health and wholeness. 5 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 3.60 Spirituality and the World of Business rear o Ms. Ernestina Thomas The workshop will explore how business and professional life can be conducted in accordance with timeless and ancient spiritual principles. Based on her experience as a meditation practitioner and a successful entrepreneur, Ms. Thomas will talk about a path of balance, harmony and self-empowerment. Ernestina Thomas is an entrepreneur, real estate developer, and lecturer. She holds an MBA in Finance and Marketing from the University of Chicago. Ms. Thomas owns and runs E.T. International Consulting Group, a consulting, investment and real estate development company, which she started in 1982. She has been a practitioner of various types of Yoga and meditation for over twenty years. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Storytelling - A Tradition for Knowledge and Spirituality Mr. Jim Wolf Story telling is an ancient tradition of sharing knowledge and faith. The workshop portrays this art form through performance, telling of folk tales, stories, myths, and legends. The tales originate from several cultures, ethnic groups and religious faiths, such as African American, Southern Appalachian, Thai, Lao, and Native American. These stories mainly focus on personal growth, healing and spiritual
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 enlightenment Jim Wolf, MSW, is a storyteller, clder, minister, dancer, folk artist, and 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 social activist. His worldwide travels include Laos, Malaysia. He spends Connecting Women in Ministry: the Story of the time learning, sharing, teaching programs/workshops for personal, spiritual and community growth peace, justice, environmental and Women's Institute in the Berkshires planetary issues. Rev. Dr. Allison Stokes; Ms. Theresa Anne O'Keefe The presenters are going to offer the story of the Women's 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMM 2.60 Interfaith Institute as one model for connecting women in A Rationale and Methodology for Interreligious ministry. They will describe how this organization of women in Dialogue at the Local, Non-Specialist Level leadership and ministry in Western Massachusetts has created opportunities for dialogue, education, and research. Their Dr. Benjamin J. Hubbard; Ms. Maura O'Neil purpose is to engage participants in a discussion of other While many parts of the world are increasing in ethnic, cultural experiences and models, and to promote networking for the and religious diversity, people of differing and sometimes future. conflicting faiths are often becoming more entrenched in Rev. Allison Stokes, Ph.D. is Founding Director of the Women's Interfaith Institute and a United Church of Christ Pastor. With degrees from Yale homogeneously grouped communities. Such people are and Harvard Divinity Schools, she is co-author of Defecting in Place, motivated by fear of prejudice and of being swayed from their Women Claiming Responsibility for their own spiritual Lives. beliefs by neighbors with very different religious convictions. Theresa Anne O'Keefe has been a Diocesan Consultant for Religious Stories of intolerance sometimes erupting into violence are Education for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts quite common in the media. The presenters suggest that the since 1990. She is involved in interfaith dialogue on the local level, and is establishment of interfaith dialogue groups in local a member of the Women's Interfaith Institute's Board of Directors congregational and communal settings could help aliay prejudice and violence, and promote mutual understanding 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 3.60 and tolerance. Using the United States as an example, this presentation will illustrate the need for participation in Islam, Muslims, and Religious Pluralism interreligious dialogue and how it should be conducted. Since these interfaith encounters are increasing in popularity and Ms. Fatima Seedat frequency in the US, they need to be studied more closely and Islarni's response/responses to the theological challenges of encouraged. Both of the presenters have studied and practiced inter- and intra-religious pluralism. A critique of the role of dialogue and have been promoting it in communal and Muslims in interfaith, both in South Africa and around the academic settings. They are interested in popularizing the work world. of pluralist religion scholars so as to create a more peaceful and Ms. Seedat Parliamentary officer of the South African Commission for tolerant local community. Gender Equality. She studies Islamic thought and issues of women in Islam Dr. Benjamin Hubbard chairs the Department of Comparative Religion at California State University Fullerton. He co authored America's Religions: An Educator's Guide to Beliefs and Practices (Libraries Unlimited, 1997) and is currently working on whose Religion is True? An Introduction to 3:00 PM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Religious Diversity New Perspective on Nonviolence: An Interfaith Dr. Maura O'Neil is professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Chaffey College, a two year community college in Southern California Dialogue on Prayer and Meditation She has studied interrreligious dialogue titled Women Spcaking, Women Listening in 1990. She has contributed with articles on interreligious Prof. Arthur Stein; Ms. Omie Baldwin; Br. Wayne dialogue to two collections: Pluralism and Oppression in 1988 and Teasdale; Ms. Ernestina Thomas; Dr. Achahn Models and Criteria for Interreligious Dialogue in 1993. Her articles on Phangcham; Robert V. Thompson; Prof. Andrew Vidich *Community" and "Celibacy appear in the recent Encyclopedia of Women in World Religions. She also has engaged in local community When we become nonviolent ourselves, we have a profound dialogues for the past ten years. effect on creating peace in the world. This interfaith dialogue will focus on ways to use our inner source of nonviolence and peace, accessed through prayer and meditation, as 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 experienced within our individual faith traditions. Panelists will The Challenge of Fundamentalism: The End of explore how becoming nonviolent human beings enables us to Modernity and the Future of Interreligious become more effective peace builders in our families and Dialogue communities, and draw upon their personal experiences. There will be interactive participation between panelists and the Dr. Peter A. Huff audience, and the session will end with a shared meditation Along with the rise of global interreligious dialogue, Dr. Arthur Stein teaches Peace Studies and Comparative Religion at the fundamentalism has been one of the most significant religious University of Rhode Island. He has written extensively in these areas, including several books to his credit, and is a co-founder of the new developments of the twentieth century. At the end of the Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies at the University of Rhode century, it energizes millions of people in their various religious Island. He has been a student of meditation and other contemplative commitments and identities while serving as a radically practices for many years. transforming force in all of the major religious traditions of the Ms. Baldwin (Dine) is the Program Manager of University Services at the world. Yet fundamentalists are rarely represented in University of Wisconsin. She is actively involved in education celebrations of interfaith encounter. At the end of modernity. environmental and spiritual issues regarding Native Americans the future of interreligious dialogue hinges on its ability to find Brother Wayne Teasdale is a Christian sannyasi, or renunciate (lay monk) common ground with fundamentalists in all world traditions. in the lineage of Father Bede Griffiths, O.S.B. Cam. He has a Ph.D. in theology from Fordham University, and is an adjunct professor at DePaul Peter A. Huff (Ph.D., Saint Louis University) is Assistant Professor of University, Columbia College and Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Historical Theology and Director of Catholic Studies at Saint Anselm He serves on the board of directors of the Parliament of the World's USA). He is author of Allen Tate and the Catholic Revival: Trace Religions, writes, lectures widely, including Common Ground in the of the Fugitive Gods (Paulist, 1996) and co-editor of Knowledge and Chicago area, and gives occasional retreats. His new book is The Mystic Belief in America Enlightenment Traditions and Modern Religious Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World's Religions. Thought (Cambridge, 1995). He is currently writing an introduction to Ernestina Thomas is an entrepreneur, real estate developer, and lecturer. the academic study of fundamentalism. She holds an MBA in Finance and Marketing from the University of Chicago. Ms. Thomas owns and runs ET International Consulting Group, a consulting, investment and real estate development company. which she started in 1982. She has been a practitioner of various types of 155 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 been active for over 20 years with philanthropic ventures focusing on medicine, peace, interfaith, education and the emerging role of women. She is the mother of 5 children and six grandchildren and lives simultaneously in Holland, Costa Rica, and the U.K. Please provide the names and backgrounds of the other participants in the roundtable discussion. Yoga and meditation for over twenty years Ven. Dr. Phangcham was the president of the Buddhist Council of the Midwest (BCM), from 1993-1997 and is currently president emeritus of the BCM. He has been on the Board of Trustees for the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions (CPWR) since 1993. He is also consultant to the International Buddhist Committee and coordinator of International Visahka Festival in Washington DC. 1999. Ven. Dr. Phangcham received his BA from Muhachular Buddhist University and, a M.Ed., a M.Phil. (1982), Ph.D. in Education (1985) from Delhi University, Delhi, India, Ven. Dr. Phangcham has been an educator for over three decades and a Buddhist Monk since he was 19. The Reverend Robert V. Thompson is the Senior Minister of the Lake Street Church in Evanston, Illinois, USA. He is also a trustee on the Board of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions. Andrew Vidich, MA in comparative religions, MS in Education, is currently teaching as an assistant professor of Religion at lona College of New Rochelle. Professor Vidich also teaches history and creative writing at an alternative high school in New York City. He is the author of Love is a Secret (1990). co-author of The Heart of the Healer, which sold more than twenty thousand copies. He is currently the executive co-chair of the Interfaith Council of New York. Andrew has been a practitioner of meditation for over two and a half decades under the quidance of three great spiritual Masters of our time, Sant Kirpal Singh, Sant Darshan Singha, and Sant Rajinder Singh. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 4 Our Interfaith Challenge: At the Beginning of the 21st Century Dr. Robert Traer Religious intolerance will not be overcome by interfaith cooperation that uncritically encourages religious propaganda. Interfaith organizations and activities, therefore, must now manifest a greater commitment to religious humility and to living more fully what is true and just. Dr. Robert Traer is the General Secretary of the International Association for Religious Freedom, which was founded in 1900, and he is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He has a Ph.D in Comparative Religious Studies from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, a D. Min from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, and a J.D. from the Martin Luther King Jr. School of Law at the University of California at Davis. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Towards the Establishment of an Interfaith Clergy Professional Organization Rev. Muthiah D. Appavoo; Giani Giani Swaran Singh; Mr. Pandit Prameya Chaitanya; Rev. Yasuo Izumi; Acharya Srinath Prasad Dwivedi; Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan To optimally serve the holistic needs of religious communities in urban North America, and other large immigration-oriented urban nations, the Clergy for Compassion and Harmony strives towards the establishment of a legitimate Clergy Professional Association for strengthening the roles of clergy from diverse historic faiths, especially those of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Sikhism. The goal is to develop training programs, accreditation, rigorous requirements of ordination/community recognition, provision for an adequate Clergy compensation, maintenance of high professional status, and dignity of the sacred office of ministry on a genuine interfaith basis. Born in Bangalore, India in 1927, served the Navy (1944-1955) in Britain and Indian waters. After the service, ha studied philosophy, history of religions, and Christian theology at the University of London (1956-60) Received a Ph.D. in Sociology Family and Religion) at York. Taught Sociology at universities in Ontario, Calgary, Saskatoon, Edmonton, and Alberta. Retired as an Associate Professor and Chair of sociology. Presently, President of the Clergy for Compassion and Harmony (CCM), a group of clergy in parish work from Anglican, Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Kabir Panth, Lutheran, Sikh, and the United Church of Canadian Traditions Born in Jullundar, Punjab in 1940. After FSC, he entered the Indian Government's Ministry of Cooperatives and served several districts as Bank Supervisor From 1960 onwards he has served as a non stipendiary Spiritual teacher in the Gurdwaras in Punjab. Immigrated to Canada in 1975 and served as the Head Giani of the Guru Nanak Sikh Temple, Surrey, B.C. until 1981. He continued to serve the Temple as a nonstipendiary Giani until 1998. Currently, Gianiji is a senior advisor to the Dashmesh Darbar Sikh Gurdwara, Surrey. Born In 1953 at Mangalore, Karnataka, India in an orthodox Hindu family. He was a spiritual teacher and lecturer in India after finishing his Theological studies at the Sandeepany Sadanalaya in Bombay Immigrated to Canada and appointed as the priest of the Vishva Hindu Parishad, Burnaby, B.C. in 1980. After serving as priest for ten years, in 1990 he established the Mahalakshmi Temple and Center for Study of classical Hindi language and literature, music, dance, and spitituality in Vancouver. The Temple congregation consists of 350 families Rev. Izumi did graduate work at the University of San Francisco in the 1960s. He has extensive parish experience in Vancouver, Toronto, and other areas including Japan. As Secretary of the CCH he was responsible for setting up the "Peace and Harmony Among the World Religions" prepatory conference in Vancouver (Sept. 26th). Archarya Dwivedi is a scholar, a counselor, teacher, guru, chaplain, priest, and ecumenical leader with years of experience. He was President of the Calgary Interfaith Association before taking up resident priesthood at the Vedic Hindu Mandir, a growing Hindu parish in Surrey, B.C. He is the vice president of the CCH for Hindu relations and chaplaincy issues. Archaryaj is also a Hindi poet. He publishes a journal of Poetry and conducts a seminar series on Hindi-Urdu poetry Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan, a graduate of science (1952), Muslim Theology(1956) and Western Philosophy (Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois at Chicago), taught Western and Islamic Philosophy at Aligarh Muslim University, India, and various academic institutions in the US. He is a Trustee of CPWR and the International Peace Council and convener of International Association of Muslims for inter-Religious Relations. Dialogue 3:00 PM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.70 Religion and Modernity Dr. Abdullkader Tayob; Dr. L.W. Mazamisa; Dr. Chirevo Kwenda This programme will be comprised of three presentations on the dialogue of religion with modernity. The first, by Prof. Tayob, will explore the revival of religion in spite of secularisation. This will be followed by an Africanist perspective by Dr. Chirevo Kwenda; and a biblical hermeneutic perspective from Dr. LW. Mazamisa. Well known Islamic scholar in the fields of Islamic historiography, Islamic movements and contemporary Islamic thought: Deputy Director of the Center for Contemporary Islam at the University of Cape Town. Lecturer, Religious Studies Dept., University of Cape Town Lecturer, Religious Studies Dept., University of Cape Town 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 The Special Role of Women in a Multi-Faith World Ms. Elinore Detiger The session is offered not as a presentation, but as a workshop for women and men to join in mutual discussion on the relevance of women within communities which honor diversity. Women all over the world are finding cach other and forming groups, circles, and networks from which some of the greatest acts and gifts of service have come. We will discuss and share how this Parliament can be taken into our immediate communities. Mrs. Elinore Detige trained as an art historian and educator. She has 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 2 The Beauty of all Religions Dr. S.N. Subha Rao The lecture will concentrate on how religious fanaticism has historically caused hatred, and consequently intellectuals have 156 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 reacted by calling for the abolition of all religions. Countries who went on to abolish religions soon realized after a few decades that there was a need for religions. Dr. Rao will address the significance of religions and the need for them in world provided they are not used to hate. No biographical statement available at time of printing PL 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 Experiencing Unity Through the Prayer of the Heart 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.20 Meeting of Heaven and Earth: Symbols of Unity Prof. James Hurtak This program will illustrate that at the heart of many of the great wisdom traditions there is often a profound symbol which can open one to the spiritual domain. From the Tibetan Tankas to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the heavenly manifestations in Eastern and Western mystical traditions reveal a series of profound symbols. Dr. Hurtak will explain how these symbols can serve as the basis for dialogue between religion and science in consciousness and cosmology James Hurtak Ph.D. is a social scientist, environmentalist, futurist, and remote-sensing specialist who has worked for cross-cultural understanding. He has lectured before major universities in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, and holds two international film awards. He is a Director of the AFFS Corporation (USA South Africa), an international organization that supports cultural and philosophical unity Rev. Barbara S. Carpenter The Prayer of the Heart is a spiritual meditation in which participants unite their minds with their hearts by repeating a sacred prayer word, preferably a Name of God such as Jesus. Yahweh, or Allah, to quiet the mind and experience the presence of God within. All thoughts, emotions, and images pass by without judgment. This often results in an experience of warmth and light, patience and understanding, peace and joy, and love and wisdom. By practicing this meditation daily. participants experience release of stress and tension, feel more generous and compassionate, find inner peace, and feel whole and awake. In this workshop, Rev. Carpenter will explain the Prayer of the Heart and then have the group experience it for themselves. Barbara S. Carpenter is a licensed clinical social worker. She has been a regular daily meditator since 1969 and has meditated for months at a time. She founded the Network of Light in 1979, an organization that honors and celebrates all paths to the light, which has hosted interfaith events for the Washington, D.C. area for 19 years. She has taught the "Prayer of the Heart' workshop around the world, at a United Nations conference, at the Women's Conference in Beijing, and at Habitat ll in Istanbul 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Pilgrimage: A Way to Inter-religious Understanding Rev. Dr. Clark Lobenstine Pilgrimage is at the heart of very diverse religious traditions. As a spiritual discipline, it is a place of common ground among people of many faiths. Sharing one's holy places with others and visiting their sacred sites provides wonderful opportunities for dialogue, deepening understanding, and connecting with others from the heart. This workshop will focus on local experiences of pilgrimages which could be replicated elsewhere. National and international pilgrimages will also be discussed. Rev. Dr. Clark Lobenstine has served the broad religious community in the metropolitan Washington, DC area since 1979, he has been the only Executive Director of the InterFaith Conference (IFC) its members invlude the Baha'i, Hindu and Jain, Islamic, Jewish, Latter-day Saints, Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Sikh faith communities. The InterFaith Conference is also one of the few such groups engaging diverse communities in working for social and economic justice as well as increasing understanding. The IFC is one of the most dynamic, diverse interreligious coalitions in the United States" (The Washington Post) 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.60 Exploring Religious Education in Curriculum 2005 Ms. Manila Soni Amin This panel will provide an discuss South Africa's new Curriculum 2005 and its approach to religious education. Each speaker will give a brief overview of their perspective on Religious curriculum. These presentations will be followed by discussion among the panelists and a question and answer period. Manila Amin is a lecturer at the University of the Western Cape, where she lectures in the Faculty of Education. She taught at South Africa's first truly multicultural school and was the first to teach multifaith Religious Education at the high school level. She serves on the Western Cape Department of Education's Curriculum Committee on Religious Education. She is coordinator and co-author of the book Rainbow Religions -A resource book for teachers and college students (1998). Dialogue 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 4 Quest for Peace and Cooperation among Faith Communities: Case of the Balkans Dr. Mustafa Ceric The presentation examines the experience and achievement of Bosnia-Herzegovina statehood. It extends the discussion on the current level of cooperation among Croat, Muslim, and Serb communities in the country, and examines its applicability in other Balkan countries. Prof. Mustafa Ceric is a graduate of the University of Chicago(Ph.D.) and has taught at various institutions including the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is the current Rais al-Ulama in the Republic of Bosnia-Harzegovina. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 How to Start a Multifaith Organization Mr. Leonard Marks; Ms. Juliet Hollister An excellent 25-minute video will focus on the importance of interfaith work, and how to address major issues including conflict resolution. The video also focuses on Juliet Hollister, the founder of New York's Temple of Understanding, and her meetings with several Popes, Thomas Merton, Albert Schweitzer, the Dalai La ma, Anwar Sadat, and Mother Theresa. Leonard Marks has been teaching self-healing meditation classes for many years and was the editor of a meditation book entitled. Realize What You Are. He is a former U.S. Federal prosecutor, Watergate consultant, trial lawyer, and author of various newspaper articles. He is also the President of the New York Lawyers Alliance for World Security and the founder of the Co-Existence Center of Baruch College. Juliet Hollister is the founder of the Temple of Understanding which is the oldest interfaith organization in the USA 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN THEATER 3 Tradition, Constitutionalism and Gender Equality Shamila Wilson In this presentation, which is part of a series, the Commission on Gender Equality in South Africa will bring together three distinguished panelists from diverse backgrounds to discuss the gender equality as it relates to tradition and constitutionalism. Sharnila is the Acting Provincial Manager of the Commission on Gender Equlaity for the Western Cape. 157 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the 19th and the 20th century South African church and missionary history, the Anglo-Saxon church, Celtic Christianity and Christian spirituality. Now retired, she continues to engage in teaching, workshops and retreats on Celtic spirituality 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Appreciative Interviews- Offering A Foundation of Friendship Ms. Sally M. Ackerly What exactly is it that happens in the intimacy of an appreciative inquiry interview that creates momentum for change often beyond people's expectations? Appreciative interviews create opportunities for people to speak from the heart about what is meaningful in their lives. The appreciative interview has proven extraordinarily successful as a way to build friendships among people from different backgrounds and to release the highest vision of what is possible. This workshop will invite people to experience an appreciative interview and reflect upon its value in creating a safe place for inter-religious cooperation. Sally Mahe Ackerly is a full-time project manager with the United Religions Initiative, with offices in the San Francisco Presidio. She holds an M.Ed. from Harvard and also a Masters degree in Spiritual Direction from General Episcopal Seminary in New York City. She taught Civics for twelve years, during which time she created a textbook series for junior high school students entitled, Law in Action, West Publishing Co., 1975, 1980. For ten years she worked as a spiritual counselor focusing on spiritual education for adults and children, Sally has worked with the United Religions Initiative since its inception, and serves in the area of organizational development. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN THEATER 9 Education: Entrust the Future Forward Ms. Suzanne Greenwald Teaching understanding and tolerance should be and must be more than just a celebration of heroes and holidays, because tolerance is a way of thinking, feeling, and acting towards ourselves and others. In Susie Greenwald's middle school classes, the emphasis is on thinking about one's own thinking. This process influences students to become more openminded, recognize their own assumptions, deal with complexity, accept ambiguity, and envision and work towards a better world. How can riddles, perceptual puzzles, poetry. and problem solving promote tolerance. What methods did her students use to successfully tackle problems in the Chicago area? This will be an interactive workshop presentation. The program will also highlight the SHALOM gift/project offered by Ms. Greenwald and her students. Susie Greenwald teaches Problem Solving in Highland Park, IL She believes when students get involved, self esteem soars, adults pay attention, children learn they can make a difference, and the world benefits. Her students have preserved the ravines, changed teen smoking laws, fed the hungry, and most recently joined hands with Israeli Problem Solvers in creating Project. Shalom, 10:00 AM-10:45 AM GOOD HOPE ARENA Bridging Medical Science, Healing and Spirituality: The MANTRA Study Project Mitchell W. Krucoff; Ms. Suzanne Crater Treatment of heart attacks involves the application of advanced medical technologies which have clearly benefited clinical outcomes. Despite the fact that patients suffer both physical and spiritual pain during such acute life and death illness, the role of human contact, compassion, relaxation and prayer have not been systematically examined as a part of health care in this setting. The MANTRA Study Project combines a prospective randomized clinical outcomes research model with the study of healing touch, imagery, stress relaxation and prayer in cardiac patients. Dr. Mitchell W. Krucoff is an interventional cardiologist at Duke University Medical Center, Director of the Cardiovascular Laboratories at the Durham VA Medical Center and Director of the Monitoring & Actualization of Noetic TRAinings (MANTRAJ Study Project at the Duke Clinical Research Institute in Durham, North Carolina He serves on the Board of Directors of the Sri Satya Sai Baba Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Puttaparthi India Suzanne Crater is a Nurse Practitioner in cardiology at Duke Medical Center. She has coordinated clinical research in patients with advanced coronary heart disease for 10 years. She has a Master's degree in nursing and is an advanced practitioner of healing touch and imagery. Ms. Crater is the Co-Director of the MANTRA Study Project. Dialogue 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Enhancing Trust and Vitality within and among Faith Communities Rev. Paul Chaffee 'Appreciative inquiry is a methodology developed by David Cooperrider and others in the field of organizational development. It has been used as the guiding approach of the United Religions Initiative and in a variety of ways at the Interfaith Center at the Presidio. As a Founding member of both these projects, the presenter has seen appreciative inquiry at work in various settings. He has also brought appreciative inquiry to congregations and clergy for use not only in their interfaith activities but within their individual faith families and in relations with various other communities. This workshop is a practical exercise focused on the best benefit of appreciative inquiry (for this presenter) and its ability to enhance trust and vitality within and among groups of people, beginning with our one-on-one relationships. The workshop would (1) briefly cover some basic principles and values in an appreciative approach; (2) offer time to 'do' appreciative inquiry instead of Just learning about it; (3) provide resources so people can continue learning about this discipline; and (4) leave some time for questions and to consider what's been learned before breaking up. The son of Presbyterian missionaries, Paul Chaffee grew up in Asia. He is ordained in the United Church of Christ (USAI, the founding Executive Director of the Interfaith Center at the Presidio, and member of the Board of Directors of the United Religious initiative. The revised edition of his Accountable Leadership A Resource Guide for Sustaining Legal, Financial and Ethical Integrity in Today's Congregations Jossey Bass) was published in 1997. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.70 Celtic Spirituality and its Relevance to Africa Prof. Margaret Donaldson An exploration of the parallel between Celtic spirituality and African spirituality. Spirituality in Ireland, Wales and Scotland was deeply influenced by pre-Christian Celtic culture which appropriated and "baptized" rather than stamped out This is in contrast to the African experience of the 19th century when missionaries sought to destroy rather than preserve and transform indigenous cultures. Thus Celtic culture reminds us of the need to revere the created world, the need for a holistic, all embracing Christian faith, and presents a model for cultural continuity and transformation at a time when many churches are seeking ways to make Christianity more "African." Professor Margaret Donaldson lectured in Ecclesiastical History at Rhodes University from 1975 to 1995. Her teaching included both 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.54 Islam, Muslims, and Media: Bridging the Gap Dr. Mohammad Ahmadullah Siddiqi Most Muslims look at media as a hostile institution misrepresenting Islam and Muslims, most contemporary media lack proper understanding of Islam, Muslims and their culture. 158 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT O F DIALOGUE Dr. Siddiqi will examine the portrayal of Islam and Muslims in Media (mostly U.S. and European), including examples of positive and negative coverage, and an analysis of the reasons for such coverage. Media kits and tools will also be discussed and presented. Dr. Siddiqi is a Professor of Journalism at Western Illinois University, Vice President, American Islamic College, Chicago. Secretary General of the North American Association of Muslim Professionals and Scholars (NAAMPS). He is on the editorial board of The Minaret (a monthly), and the Muslim Observer (a weekly); and the editor of Islam: A Contemporary Perspective(1993) and authored islam, Muslims and Media: Myths and Realities (1998). dropper 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN COMMERCE 2.56 Modern Psychospirituality Mr. Michael O'Brien There is a profound interface between modern psychotherapy and modern spirituality. Of particular importance is the renewed entry of metaphysics into both areas. This is of particular relevance to ethics based on the awareness of personal choice (integrity/integration) and the possibility of consciously creating reality and relationship to a higher self. Michael O'Brien is a former Dominican priest and clerical psychologist. He is the chairperson of Allied Health Professions Statutory Council and a member of various national health policy committees. He lectures extensively. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 4 We Left Our Hearts in South Africa-Building Bridges Between the U.S. and South Africa Ms. Leslie Temple-Thurston; Mrs. Christine Arundell; Mr. Brad Laughlin; Mrs. Judith Baker Miller; Ms. Barbara Blackwill Inspired by South Africa's commitment to truth, reconciliation and forgiveness, a group of presenters traveled there on a CoreLight Meditations For Peace journey. As pilgrims traveling throughout the country with the intention of honoring Mother Africa, we received many inspirational gifts from her, and we offered our gift of peaceful meditation and prayer. The presenters will share the inspirational gifts we have received from South Africa and her people. They will generate a discussion about how they propose to give something back to South Africa. Some of the possibilities are: a South African center offering humanitarian services and teaching programs; exchange programs; and bringing people together for spiritual communion. Presenters will invite participation and feedback from anyone. CoreLight is a non-profit organization dedicated to humanitarian service and to fostering outer peace in the world through developing inner peace. Ms. Leslie Temple-Thurston was born and raised in South Africa, and she currently lives and works in the United States. As a Western yogi, she teaches the principles of personal transformation and spiritual awakening. She is author of the book The Marriage of Spirit, and is the founder of the non-profit organization CoreLight, which is dedicated to humanitarian service and to fostering world peace through developing personal inner peace. Christine Arundell currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico and works with the non-profit organization CoreLight. She is deeply committed to the principles of selfless service and the Oneness of all creation. Mr. Brad Laughlin is the Executive Director of the non-profit organization CoreLight and is co-author of the book "Of Spirit and Matter". He currently lives and works in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Judith Baker Miller is a transpersonal counselor and yoga teacher. She is a lover of Africa who seeks a means of connecting with and being in service to South Africa. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon, and she has practiced and taught "Yoga as Prayer" in classes and workshops for fifteen years. Barbara Blackwill has been a transformational consultant for individuals and organizations for over 25 years. The work synthesizes the teachings of spiritual transformation and new science. She has twice traveled to South Africa with Corelight's Meditations for Peace and currently lives in California. 2010_03 THE WORLD'S RELIGION S 6 MONDAY, DECEMBER 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Reconciliation and Spiritual Renaissance Ms. Nancy Coker As children of the Divine, we are each gatekeepers to the rebirth of our souls and the world's. From inner to outer transformation, the limits to our greatness are self-imposed, but are we ready to sacrifice our precious collection of half-truths? This lecture will explore the journey which frees the peacemaker in our hearts, so that we may look towards a compassionate future. Nancy Coker is a staff member of The Theosophical Society, International Headquarters, Pasadena. She is also an author, international lecturer, businesswoman, community worker, and was a lecturer at 1993 CPWR in Chicago. 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN THEATER 4 A Neighborhood of World Religions: An Exploration of Collaborative Approaches to the Teaching of World Religions in a Pluralistic Society Mr. Joseph Michael Thometz; Richard Hunt; Ronald Y. Nakasone; Jennifer Howe Peace; Rev. Heng Sure Panelists experienced in teaching world religions in a variety of formal and informal venues employ a conversational pedagogy in settings where students are religiously and culturally diverse. Drawing from their collaborative approach to teaching, the speakers will share their method of how they incorporate into their respective curriculum the rich diversity of students' backgrounds. This conversational approach promotes a deepened awareness of the value and integrity all faith traditions by drawing out, in dialogue, the presuppositions students have of their own faith traditions, and how these presuppositions might mediate the understanding of their neighbor's faith. Joseph Thometz, a doctoral candidate at the Graduate Theological Union, has taught world religions at Notre Dame High School. Sherman Oaks, California, and recently served as lecturer in the Religious Studies Department at the University of San Francisco. I lis dissertation focuses on the dilemma of expressing ineffable religious truth through language. In words, it is a comparative study of Christian apophaticism and Indian Mahayana Buddhism. Richard Hunt, an ordained Methodist minister, is a doctoral candidate at the Graduate Theological Union. He holds an M. Div. from the school of Theology at Claremont, and an MFA in writing from the University of Montana. He is presently doing dissertation research on William Blake, the Bhagavad Gita, and the mysticism of non-duality. He intends to enter the Methodist minstry full-time upon completion of his doctoral studies. Rev. Ronald Y. Nakasone, Buddhist cleric, is a professor of Buddhist Studies at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. Rev. Nakasone studied Buddhist art and thought in Kyoto Japan, the University of Hawall, Harvard University and at the Univeristy of Wisconsin, where he took his doctorate in Buddhist studies. He has written extensively on bioethical issues, such as cloning, organ transplants, euthanasia, and the unique spirituality needs of ethnic elders. Jennifer Peace is the Curriculum Coordinator for the Center for Women and Religion at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, California. She also serves on the Board of Directors for the United Religions Inititative. Currently she is in the forth year of her doctoral studies in the Historical and Cultural Study of Religions at the GTU. Reverend Heng Sure is the Director of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery in Berkeley, CA and serves as a Board member of the United Religions Initiative. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.60 Bearing Faithful Witness: Challenging AntiSemitism Within the Christian Church Rev. Clint Mooney A major study underway within the United Church of Canada explores the nature of anti-semitism implicit within Christian scriptures and the practices of the church. The study document, which will be shared in this workshop, offers Dialogue
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 guidelines for the use of Scripture and challenges to a number of traditional theological understanding undergirding antisemitism. Rev. Clint Mooney is an ordained minister of The United Church of Canada (UCC), living in Calgary, Alberta. He serves on the UCC'S Interchurch Interfaith Committee, and was one of the writers and the editor for the study, Bearing Faithful Witness: United Church - Jewish Relations Today. He is an active member of the Canadian Council of Christians & Jews, Alberta Region, the Gandhi Society of Calgary, the Interfaith Action Committee of Calgary, and the Calgary Council of Churches. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 I Know What I Think You Mean, You Know What You Think I Mean - But What Do We Mean and How Do We Know? Ms. Min McLoughlin Opening with a simple 10 minute exercise, this presentation explains how human beings process information and how they end up with a feeling, a physiology and a behavior, as a result of what they think the other person means. These "states" can include fear, anger and suspicion. This seminar presents a powerful model of how human beings can take responsibility for their communication and their experience of dialogue. It also suggests some unusual ways of thinking that can be profoundly transformational Min McLoughlin is a positive, energetic and challenging public speaker and seminar Icader. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in English, Drama and Religious Studies, and a postgraduate Diploma for Educators of Adults, both from the University of Cape Town. She is also a Certified Trainer of Neuro Linquistic Programming (NLP), Time-line Therapy, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, and is a teacher of Tai Chi 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Sharing First People Wisdom (The Prairyerth Experience) Ms. Melinda Perrin Trapped in modernity, many of us have lost the ability to live in harmony with the Earth, acknowledging the unity of all life. We have forgotten the ceremonies that support all of Creation with our thanksgiving and help us synchronize with the rhythms of nature. In our forgetting, we have ceased to regard the Earth as sacred and in our arrogance seriously interfered with the health of our planet. Seeking to create harmony between the land and its people, a group of people in Chicago, Illinois banded together to work toward sustainability and natural healing through creating a link between First People wisdom and metropolitan reality. The Prairyerth Fellowship is an Earth-centered congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Ms. Melinda Perrin is a founding member and president of Prairyerth Fellowship. She has served on the Continental boards of the Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation, the UUA Seventh Principle Project, and the Midwest Women & Religion committee. She is a certified teacher of the Seneca indian Wolf Clan, a Plant Spirit Medicine practitioner, and is currently working on her degree in Natural Religion and Earth Law with an emphasis in Ethnobotany from Northeastern Minois University. Melinda has been a television producer for over 25 years, working for PBS, independent film companies, large advertising agencies, and Post Effects/Chicago 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 3.60 The World as "One Place": Globalization, Global Ethics and the Negotiation of Religious Difference Prof. Richard H. Roberts The economic and informational integration of the world through the globalization process promotes patterns of uniformity (through MacDonaldization and managerialism), yet it also frequently provokes a sharpening of local identities in the global/local matrix. Religion and spiritualities, as 'sacred markers' may aggravate such conflict, yet the mythical, ethical and experiential resolution of analogous tensions within religions may also provide a positive and indispensable cultural resource for the world. Richard Roberts holds a Chair in Religious Studies at the University of Lancaster, England and prior to that held the Chair of Divinity at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Until recently he was President of Research Committee 22 Sociology of Religion of the International Sociological Association Professor Roberts has a particular concern with social theory, globalization, 'nature religion', the renewal of ritual and ecology. He wrote a standard sociological study of the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Patriarchal Religions and Goddess Cultures: Time for a Truth Commission Ms. Annelie De Wet Addressing the practice of ancient (and not so ancient) Goddess worship has important ethical consequences for current spiritual and religious disciplines, as well as social and political attitudes. The existence of Goddess worship as an active, life generating and universal religion is often shrouded in mystery because of its pre-historic roots. This does not have to be so. Today we know that not only women, but that all of humankind and nature is suffering because it is prohibiting the female spirit from contributing to key areas in life. Annelie De Wet is a Philosophy Hons. graduate, ex-journalist and currently a scriptwriter and director of training and documentary videos She is also the administrator of a Trust fund for four indigenous Nama communities in the Richtersveld. Her work focuses on religious myths and practises which create gender warfare and inequality Dialogue 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 The 10 Principles of Sustainability on Which All Faiths Can Unite 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 The Sacred Art of Listening Ms. Kay Lindahl This workshop will elaborate on how listening is a creative force that transforms relationships. Listening to yourself elicits full self expression: speaking from your soul. Listening is being fully present to the Source, to self, and to others. Listening is a key element in interfaith work. It is more than simply hearing what another has to say. This workshop explores a spiritual approach to the sacred art of listening. Experience the healing power of listening fully to another and being fully listened to by others. Discover what it's like to be a listening presence. Kay Lindahl is the founder of the Alliance for Spiritual Community and The Listening Center. She leads workshops on Centering Prayer and The Sacred Art of Listening. She serves on the Board of Directors of the North American Interfaith Network and is a regional coordinator for the United Religions Initiative. Ms. Diana Schumacher All major decisions are now evaluated on a macro economic criteria, rather than on spiritual, environmental, or community related values. Whatever the religious, political, and social background of certain communities, the environment and sustainability are topics of concern shared by all. Diana Schumacher is a partner in the Schumacher Projects, a management and environmental consultancy and an executive director of Work Structuring Limited, a company focused on organizational change. She is also a frequent contributor to journals and magazines on the subject of energy and the environment. 160 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT O F DIALOGUE 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 5 Common Enemies Facing Faith Communities H. E. Sayyed Musawi Common dangers facing the human society at large are the real enemy of all religious groups. Some examples of these perils are immoral wars, drugs, crime, and the misuse of religion for political gains. The presentation will focus on the need for Faith communities to cooperate and join efforts to tackle such common dangers. Sayyed Musawi is head of a worldwide Shiite Muslim organization covering 5 continents. He was head of the Interfaith Council of India. and he is now head of Interfaith International, which is an NGO at the United Nations. Mr. Musawi continually works with heads of state and leaders of various religious and international organizations to make the world a better place. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.20 Compassionate Communication: How To Enjoy Painful Messages Rev. Stephanie Clarke During this workship. Rev. Clarke introduces skills for communicating compassionately across all lines: faith, race, gender, etc. We will first learn to recognize the forms of communicating which interfere with the meeting of needs. We will then develop and practice a new language of compassion which allows for everybody's needs to be met while promoting peace and harmony on an individual and global level. Religious Science Minister, Stephanie Clarke, teaches classes, facilitates workshops and writes for International publications in the field of spiritual psychology and metaphysics. She has a large private clientele as a licensed practitioner, reaching out across cultural and color lines. Stephanie is returning to S. Africa (12/99) to establish an interracial nondenominational ministry. BOB 338. "Some 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 3.70 DISCOVERY Prof. Kevin Sharpe This a fascinating look at religious thinkers of the past, and how their theologies responded to the secular and scientific challenges of their day. Their experiences have a lesson for all who feel spiritually 'adrift' in the modern world. Kevin Sharpe was born in 1950 in New Zealand, lived in the United States for sixteen years, and now resides in Oxford, England. He is a Professor in the Graduate College of the Union Institute, Cincinnati, a nontraditional distance learning program, where he supervises and advises doctoral studies. He is also a Visiting Fellow at the lan Ramsey Center, Oxford University. His academic background includes two doctorates, one in mathematics (from la Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia) and one in religious studies (from Boston University). Ecclesiastically, he is an Episcopal ( or Anglican) Priest. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 Global Civil Society: A Framework for a Dialogue of Religions Prof. Mervyn Frost In this lecture, the specific features of global civil society will be outlined which are of particular significance for a dialogue between religions. In particular, attention will be drawn to the fact that civil society has no borders, that it has no centralized government, therefore, can have no partisan policies, that membership is open to all, and that it is not based on national, tribal, ethnic, or cultural loyalties. The existence and growing strength of global civil society provides a most promising framework for a dialogue between religions in the forthcoming millennium. Mervyn Frost was educated at the Universities of Stellenbosch and Oxford. He is currently Professor of International Relations at the 2010_03 THE WORLD'S MONDAY, RELI GION S DECEMBER 6 University of Kent, in Canterbury, England. Some of his major published contributions to the study of ethics in world affairs are: Ethics in International Relations, The Role of Normative Theory in IR, Constituting a New World Order, Migrants, Civil Society and Sovereign States: Investigating and Ethical Hierarchy, and A Turn Not Taken: Ethics in IR at the Millennium. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.70 Relevance of Scientific Thought in Jainism Dr. Mahavir Raj Gelra Jain scriptures have provided a classical knowledge not only of life and mind but also of the external world, i.e. the description of the cosmos, dimensions of space, transition of soul during transmigration, existence of black holes, form, structure, and dynamics of Pudgala, etc. This scientific knowledge has placed Jain religion and Jain philosophy on firm footing to an extent that it has taken important suggestive leads for modern science in certain fields. Dr. Mahavir Raj Gelra has presented papers on Jainism and modern science at various national and international conferences. He is a former and founder Vice Chancellor of Jain Vishva Bharati Institute Ladnun, India. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Responding to Philosophical Criticisms of Universal Truth Claims in the Second and Third Parliaments of the World's Religions Mr. James Kraft This paper rigorously presents philosophical criticisms of the kinds of universal and ethical truth claims both that the Second Parliament of the World's Religions embraced and that the Third Parliament will espouse. After carefully laying out such criticisms, the paper responds to them with a scientifically sophisticated version of the age old design (or purpose) argument-i.e., the Anthropic Principle- which can perhaps support the kind of universal ethical truth claims that the latest Parliaments deem necessary. James Kraft is a Ph.D. student at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, California. He is working on a dissertation on universal truth claims in interreligious dialogue. He is interested in the relationship between faith and reason and the relationship betwen science and religion. He received an MA from GTU in 1991 with a thesis on Sartre's Understanding of God. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Discovering the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality Ms. Melissa Ellen Penn The workshop is an introduction to the techniques of "Art as (extrovert) meditation" and to the teachings of creation spirituality. Participants will experience the four paths individually and collectively through lecture, story, music, meditation, and art. In essence, participants will discover and participate with the four paths of creation spirituality: Via Positiva, Via Negativa, Via Creativa, and Via Transformativa. Melissa Ellen Penn, MA has been teaching women and spirituality classes for 20 years. She is a graduate of The Institute of Culture and Creation Spirituality and The Institute for Spiritual Direction. Ms. Penn's mission is to reunite both halves of Western Spirituality (Pagan and Christian) through story, art, movement, and truth. Dialogue 161
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________________ Dialoque 1999 PARLIAMENT O F DIALOGUE 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Pope John Paul II on Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism Prof. Harold Kasimow Pope John Paul II is the world's foremost spiritual leader. His views on the world's religions are of utmost importance for those committed to interfaith dialogue. The Pope sees his own tradition as sacred and as a divine message for all humanity. Precisely for this reason, his views are of such importance for non-Catholics; understanding them helps us to see the difficulties confronting those of us who are committed to serious interfaith relations. The presenter will focus on John Paul's vision of Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism, three nonChristian traditions on which the Pope offers commentary in his recent book, Crossing the Threshold of Hope. Harold Kasimow is the George Drake Professor of Religious Studies at Grinnell College where he teaches courses in Judaism, Islam, and Asian religions. He received a Bachelor of Hebrew Literature from the Jewish Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from Temple University in comparative religion. He has published articles dealing with Judaism and other religions and coedited, with Byron Sherwin, John Paul II and Interreligious Dialogue, published by Orbis Books, 1999. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 Promoting Dialogue and Education in a Grassroots Interreligious Organization: The Long Island MultiFaith Forum Dr. Matthew Foster; Robert Reber The purpose of this lecture and videotape presentation is to present information about, and reflection on, the work and experience of the Long Island Multi-Faith Forum, an example of a young grass roots organization created to facilitate mutual understanding among the religiously diverse members of the forum, and to educate local groups about Long Island's religious diversity and about the importance of promoting tolerance of, and appreciation for these religious communities. The lecture will be in five parts: an overview of the structure and activities of the Forum; the internal activity of the Forum; the external activity of the forum; reflections from the experiences of the Multi Faith Forum and a discussion with questions and answers. Dr. Matthew Foster, An American Christian, presently teaching religion and ethics at Molloy College. Raised by missionary parents in Japan. Member of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and of the Long Island MultiFaith Forum's Education Project. He received his Doctorate from the University of Chicago Divinity School, and he is the author of Gadamer and Practical Philosophy. Scholarly interests in: the practice of dialogue, the meaning of religious diversity, environmental ethics, and religion and science. Robert Reber is the Dean of Auburn Theological Seminary in New York City and the director of its interreligious programs. He has chaired the Education Committee of the Long Island Multi-Faith Forum and the design team for the year long course on Spirituality and the Different Religious Traditions that is offered jointly by Auburn Seminary, the Temple of Understanding, and the Psychotherapy and Spirituality Institute. He is also the author of Linking Faith and Daily Life and co-author of Wisdom in Action: A Handbook on Continuing Theological Education. 162 2010_03 THE WORLD'S MONDAY, RELIGION S 6 DECEMBER 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN THEATER 4 Syracuse USA: An Interrreligious City Rev. Bob Hanson; Dr. Richard Schwartz The panel will describe the Interreligious Council, the community-wide dialogue on race, and specialized dialogues (e.g., Fellowship of Congregations, Syracuse Area Middle East Dialogue). It will also describe faith based programs in housing. job connection, and family assistance. The audience will be asked to offer suggestions and comparisons. Bob Hanson is the newly appointed Executive Director of the Interreligious Council of Central New York. He comes to Syracuse from Michigan, where he was pastor of three interracial inner-city churches. Dr. Richard Schwartz holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from Yale. He has taught law and sociology at Yale and Northwestern. He co-founded the Law & Society Association and was Dean of the law school at SUNY/Buffalo. He is volunteer executive director of NESCO, the Near East Side CommunityDevelopment Organization of Syracuse.
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 implications of the answer will also be explored. Prof. Syed Salman Nadvi received his PH.D. from the University of Chicago in Islamic Studies. Presently, he is the Deputy Dean, and formerly the head of Islamic Studies, at the University of Durban Westville in South Africa. He also serves on the editorial boards of several Academic Journals, and is the author of many research articles. Professor Zafar Ishaq Ansari graduated from the University of Karachi (MA) and McGill University (Ph.D.). He has published extensively, and now heads the prestigious Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. A.B. Mahomed is a prominent Mulsim community leader, an attorney and author 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 4 Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter & Global Problems Dr. Rosemary R. Ruether; Mr. Sulak Sivaraksa; Dr. David W. Chappell; Dr. Sehul Ogden; Ven. Dr. Yifa Six members from the International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter will reflect on their sixteen-year experience of dialogue and their joint work on issues of ecology. world peace, and the global economy. Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether is the Georgia Harkness Professor of Applied Theology at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, and the author or editor of 35 books and many articles in the area of feminist, liberation and ecological theologies and interreligious and intercultural relations. Sulak Sivaraksa is a world-renowned Thai Buddhist social activist. Sutak is the author of Secds of Peace: A Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society and Global Healing and is the founder of the international Network of Engaged Buddhists and is actively involved in the Buddhism and Social Welfare Project in South and Southeast Asia. David W. Chappell has a PhD from Yale University. He is the Director of the East West Religions Project, a founding member and past president1993-95) of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies and is currently a professor and Graduate Chair of the Religion Department at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. With the convictions that what unites people is more than what divides them, he has focused his work not only on Christian, Buddhist and Taoist studies, but on exploring their boundaries and inter-connections in society. Sehul Ogden is a University Distinguished Professor of Theology Emeritus at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX., where he taught for thirty-four years. He earned an A.B. degree from Ohio Wesleyan University and his D.B. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago where he taught for three years. He has written seven books, contributed to some fifty more and translated and edited the writings of Rudolf Bultman His most recent books are is There Only One True Religion Or Are There many? and Doing Theology Today Ven Yifa is a Fo Guang Shan Humanistic Buddhist Order, Bhikkhuni. Ven. Yifa received her Ph.D. from Yale University, USA 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Dialogue and Action: An Interreligious Model from Washington, DC Rev. Dr. Clark Lobenstine; Mr. Anders Nyberg; Rev. Elizabeth Orens Since 1978, the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington (IFC) has been a pioneer in inter-religious dialogue and in collaborative work for social and economic justice. The workshop will share learning experiences and resources from more than 20 years of this work. It is believed to be the first staffed organization in the world with this dual purpose to involve the Islamic, Jewish, Protestant, and Roman Catholic faith communities and their leaders in a metropolitan area. The Baha'i, Hindu, Jain, Latter-day Saints, and Sikh communities are now also members and other traditions are applying to join. The IFC has been described by The Washington Post as "one of the most dynamic, diverse inter-religious coalitions in the United States." Rev. Dr. Clark Lobenstine has served the broad religious community in the metropolitan Washington, DC area since 1979, he has been the only Executive Director of the InterFaith Conference (IFC). Its members invlude the Baha'i, Hindu and Jain, Islamic, Jewish, Latter-day Saints, Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Sikh faith communities. The Inter Faith Conference is also one of the few such groups engaging diverse communities in working for social and economic justice and increasing understanding. Anders Nyberg is a choral conductor, arranger and composer. He has worked extensively conducting concerts and holding workshops all over the world. Rev. Elizabeth Orens is a chaplain of Washington National Cathedral School for Girls, teaches world religions there and is President of the IFC 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.56 Christian - Muslim Relations: Indonesian Case Study Rev. Djaka Soetapa; Prof. Dr. Burhanuddin Daja; Prof. E. Gerrit Singgih This panel will give a historical study of the relationship between Christians and Muslims in Indonesia. The panel will also provide an overview of the present state of this relationship, and it will explore attempts to show how this relationship could be based on theological grounds. Rev. Djaka Soetapa is professor of Islamic Studies in the Theological Faculty of Duta Wacana Christian University and Chairman of the Center for the Study of Religions in Yogyakarta. Prof. Dr. H. Burhanuddin Daja, born October 9, 1938 west of Sumatra, received a Ph.D. from VAN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Daja is a professor in the Comparative Study of Religion and Islamic Modern Thought. He lives in Yogyakarta together with his wife and three daughters. E. Gerrit Singgih is a lecturer on the Theological faculty of Duta Wacana Christian University and the Director of post-graduate studies in Theology Dialoque 1 0:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMM 2.60 Jewish-Christian Relations: A Model for the Interreligious Movement Br. Wayne Teasdale; Dr. John Pawlikowski; Rabbi Herb Bronstein This seminar looks at the stormy history of Jewish-Christian relations, lessons of the holocaust, and examines the Vatican's document on the holocaust from both a Catholic and Perspective. The seminar will essentially explore the applications of this relationship for the interfaith movement. Brother Wayne Teasdale is a Christian sannyasi, or renunciate (lay monk) in the lineage of Father Bede Griffiths, O.S.B. Cam. He has a Ph.D. in from Fordham University, and is an adjunct professor at DePaul University, Columbia College and Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He serves on the board of directors of the Parliament of the World's Religions, writes, lectures widely, including Common Ground in the Chicago area, and gives occasional retreats. His new book is The Mystic Heart. Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World's Religions. Professor Pawlikowski teaches Social Ethics at the Catholic Theological Union, which is part of an ecumenical cluster of theological schools at the University of Chicago. He is a Prest of the Servite Order. He is the author and editor of over ten books, and a contributor to numerous journals. Pawlikowski has devoted his life to supporting human rights Herbert Bronstein teaches Comparative Religion at Lake Forest College and has been a Scnior Scholar at the North Shore Congregation Israel in Glencoe, Illinois for over 25 years. He has combined a successful vocation as a congregational rabbi with life long achievements in scholarship, academic teaching, and lecturing at various universities 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Democracy, Liberalism, and Secularism - an Islamic Perspective Prof. Syed Salman Nadvi; Dr. Zafar Ishaq Ansari; Advocate A.B. Mahomed It is important to seek clarity about the definition of the terms Democracy, Liberalism and Secularism, as they play a fundamental role in the western political system and politics. This presentation will answer the question whether the differences between the Islamic perspective and that of the West are so fundamental that they cannot be bridged. The Jain Education Interational 2010_03 163
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 Buddhism, and Jainism. Pravin K Shah is a founding Minister of the Jain Study Center of North Carolina and the Director of the Federation of Jain Associations. He conducts Jain workshops to educate youths and adults of America on Jainism. He is the author of a comparative religion book, Essence of World Religion, and has written many articles on Jainism. He maintains the Jain Literature Website, which has more than 10,000 pages of information, 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN COMMERCE 3.60 Religion in Education Prof. Poobhalan Pillay This lecture will explore the urgent need for spiritualising the present educational system. Using his publication Enlightened Education as a guide, the speaker outlines Swami Sivanandas insightful views on how this transformation can be made a practical reality in this age. Prof. Poobhalan Pillay is a Professor in the Mathematics Department at the University of Durban-Westville. His association with the Divine Life Society stretches back to 1982, where he is an organiser for the Divine Life Society's monthly Yoga Camp. He has also been the Society's past Chairman 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.54 Telling Our Stories: Religion as Survivor, Perpetrator and Healer of Human Rights Abuses Ms. Charmaine C. Crockett; Dr. Kristi Rudelius-Palmer Religious institutions and individuals have been healers, perpetrators and survivors of contemporary human rights violations. This session will focus on our human story as a continued experience and narrative of despair, hope and liberation. Participants are urged to bring in their personal and collective stories. Materials will be provided. Charmaine Crockett is a human rights activist, writer, and research analyst. She has been active in issues ranging from globalization to spirituality and human rights and has conducted workshops on the latter. She has also been active in United Nations NGO affairs. She is currently editing a human rights anthology with Dr. Charles Fishman and is working on A Daily Guide to the Revolution, a book to revitalize the spirit and spur all to action US-Palmer is the co-director of the Human Rights center at the University of Minnesota and the founder and director of the Human Rights USA Resource Center, a national clearinghouse for human rights education materials and training. In 1992, Kristi became the founding director for the Partners in Human Rights Education Program, which to date has trained more than 1,000 lawyers, teachers and community advocates to teach approximately 25, 000 youth about their hurnan rights and responsibilities. She has presented at numerous national, regional, and local conferences and has designed and taught primary. secondary, university and community courses on human rights education 2:00 PM-4:00 PM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Conflict Resolution with Heart Ms. Carroll Boone, J.D., M.S.W. Many who pray for peace cannot resolve disagreements in their own families, churches, and communities. This 2 hour workshop offers a practical and transformative approach t address conflicts between individuals, religious organizations, communities, and nations. It can also be used to empower individuals and groups to cooperatively address critical present time needs which confront the human community. This healing brings people together by focusing on expressing and receiving universal feelings and needs, and making clear requests (not demands). The workshop is based on the model of nonviolent for compassionate) communication developed by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, founder and Education Director of the Center for Nonviolent Communication. Presenter, Carroll Boone, J.D., M.S.W. owns and runs a Coaching and Mediation service. Carroll is an active member of the center for Spiritual Living, empowerment groups and teaches "Communication from the Heart as a Spiritual Practice." Her mediation practice focuses on organization and community dispute resolution. 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN COMMERCE 2.54 Harmony of Science and Religion Dr. Farzin Aghdasi This presentation will examine the commonly held view that religion and science are opposing forces, and give objective evidence to the contrary. Truth can be found in both the dispassionate study of nature that results in scientific discoveries and also in revealed religions originating from Divine Wisdom. This lecture will illustrate that all religions are fundamentally and that this should lead to greater understanding and harmony among people of all faiths. Dr Farzin Aghdasi is a senior lecturer at the University of Witwatersrand, and a researcher in the application of computers in digital multimedia signal processing and artificial intelligence for pattern recognition with over 40 publications in technical journals. He has served on various Bahai Spiritual Assemblies, and has lectured internationally on the above subject Dialoaue 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.56 Christian Muslim Relations: Indonesian Case - The HISRH and Interreligious Dialogue in Indonesia Prof. Dr. Burhanuddin Daja Religious existence can become a source of the strength for humanity, justice, and peace movements. On the opposite side, religious spirit and religious duties can also cause legitimate dissensions, tensions, conflicts and violence. Everyone, including Indonesian citizens, has to avoid these opposite trends through developing religious dialogue traditions Prof. Dr. H. Burhanuddin Daja, born October 9, 1938 west of Sumatra. received a Ph.D. from IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Daja is a professor in the Comparative Study of Religion and Islamic Modern Thought. He lives in Yogyakarta together with his wife and three daughters. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.20 New Theological Categories For the Wider Ecumenism: A Challenge to Christians Sr. Carla Mae Streeter The lecture asks that Christians take a wider ecumenical approach to religion. This new theological approach, or category, proposed by the lecture is called Christology. There will be a thorough examination of the challenges ahead for this new context of interreligious dialogue. Carla Mae Streeter, OP is a member of the Order of the Preachers (OP). the Dominicans. She belongs to a woman's community in Racine, Wisconsin Dr. Streeter works on the campus of St. Louis University where she has taught systematic doctrinal) theology for thirteen years. She completed her Doctoral work at the Toronto school of Theology at Regis College in Canada. She is involved in Interfaith dialogue in St. Louis with the Christians, Jewish, and Islamic communities 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.70 Comparative Religions: East vs. West Mr. Pravin K. Shah The presentation will cover the main features such as human suffering, concept of hell and heaven, liberation, creation of the universe, mysticism, concept of God and His messenger, and the authority of scriptures of Eastern and Western religion, Also, a comparison will be made between Hinduism, 164 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT O F DIALOGUE 2:00 PM-5:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.19 Religion and Sport: 100 Years of the Olympic and Interfaith Movements Dr. Kurt Weis; Dr. David W. Chappell; Prof. Michael von Bruck; Dr. George Eisen; Prof. Moshe Zimmermann; Mr. Frans Cronje; Mr. Mike Alford; Mr. Chris Dirks Religion and sports, though obviously belonging to different worlds, are related in many ways. They are historically, culturally, socially, and politically connected. Modern sports and traditional religions are social institutions with parallel structures and functions. They are both "time-outs" in our societies and in some cases, have also been appropriated as state religions and state sports. They can complement, reinforce, reaffirm, and influence each other. Usually, they do not replace each other. However, sports as a modern institution has come to fulfill the five major social functions of religion. Presenters will discuss the relation of religion to sports in a variety of contexts. Kurt Weis: 100 Years of the Olympic and Interfaith Movements; a Comparision of Two Vision for a Better World (Introductory lecture); Respondent: David Chappell Michael von Bruck: Interculturality and Identity-the Perception of Religion in Preconceived Contexts George Eisen: Sport and Religion: Contradictions and Parallels Mike Alford and Chris Dirks: The Spirit of the Game (Oral and video presentation on how top American football players integrate their faith and sport) Frans Cronje: Top Christian Sportsmen as Role Models-Sportsmen Testifying that Jesus Christ is the Only Way to Salvation #Moshe Zimmerman: Religion and Nation in Jewish Sport.-Between Muscle Judaism and Talmud Judaism Dr. Kurt Weis received his S.J.D. from Harvard Law School and is Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Social Sciences, Institute of Sport Sciences, and Technical University of Munich, Germany. His areas of research and interest include: sociology of time, futures studies, technology, deviance, youth, culture, sports, and religion. David W. Chappell has a Ph.D. from Yale University. He is the Director of the East-West Religions Project, a founding member and past president(1993-95) of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies and is currently a professor and Graduate Chair of the Religion Department at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He has focused his work not only on Christian, Buddhist and Taoist studies, but on exploring their boundaries and inter-connections in society. Dr. Michael von Brueck is the Chair of the Comparative Religions Department and Dean of Evangelical Theological Faculty at Munich University, Germany. Author of books on Hinduism and Buddhism, and the Editor of the Dialog Der Religionen. He is also a practicing teacher of Yoga and Zen Buddhism. Dr. Eisen is the Director of the Center for International Education at Central Connecticut University in New Britain, CT. He is the product of three educational systems, Hungary, Israel and America and holds two Ph.D's in history and sociology. He has published extensively about religious issues and sport. Dr. Zimmermann is the Koebner Professor of German History in the Faculty of Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has publications on German Jews, Antisemitism and Jewish Nationalism. Frans Cronje is the Executive Head of SCAS- Sport for Christ Action South Africa and a former professional rugby and cricket player and coach. He is also a qualified physiotherapist and lives in Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa. Mike Alford coached and played baseball in the U.S.A. He is currently playing and coaching baseball in South Africa. He is the Director of Athletes in Action and has been a member for eleven years. He is also a member of Campus Crusade for Christ, nine years in the United States, and two years in Cape Town, South Africa. Chris Dirks is a former cross-country runner and action cricket player. Five years with Athletes in Action (the sports ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ), Johannesburg, South Africa. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Remembering Swiss Air 111 Canon Eric B. Beresford Following the crash of Swiss Air flight 111 off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, an interfaith service was organized. Restrictions were placed on some participants to avoid giving offense to 2010_03 THE WORLD'S TUESDAY, RELIGIONS DECEMBER 7 other traditions, which created a storm of protest. Therefore, several national interfaith groups became involved in drafting a response to the management of the event. The service and responses will provide the basis of a case study of the way in which pluralism and the particularities of community identity interact in the Canadian context. Canon Beresford was born in the U.K., educated at Liverpool, Oxford and McGill University. He was ordained in 1982 and has been living in Canada since 1985. He taught Ethics at McGill (1991-1996). He has been the Consultant for Ethics and interfaith Relations of the Anglican Church of Canada since 1996, a member of the Canadian Christian Jewish Consultation, chair of the National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee of Canada, and a member of the Interfaith Relations Committee of Canadian Council of Churches. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Science and Religion Prof. Varadaraja V. Raman In the impending century, religious leaders cannot afford to ignore the impacts of scientific knowledge in our values and belief systems; nor can be the scientific establishment ignore the relevance and significance of the religious framework for human sanity, society, and civilization. The lecture will be an elaboration of this thesis. Prof. V. V. Raman, author of several books and numerous articles and papers on science and its impact. He has also discussed the relationships between science and religion in various presentations. Prof. Raman holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Paris. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 Interfaith Cooperation in a Plural World: the Case of Malaysia Dr. Kamar Oniah Kamaruzaman In multi-ethnic and multi-religious Malaysia, it has already been established that progress can be ensured only through close cooperation among various faith communities. The presenter reviews what has already been achieved in Malaysia and recommends how more can be accomplished in the future. Dr. Kamar Oniah Kamaruzzaman graduated from Temple University. Philadelphia (M.A.) and the international Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, Kuala Lumpur (Ph.D.). She teaches comparative religions at International Islamic University, Malaysia. 3:00 PM-4:30 PM IN COMMERCE 1.33 Religion in the Quantum Age Dr. Micheal Ledwith, Ph.D To a degree rarely acknowledged by scientific theology and philosophy, fundamental religious beliefs come to us married to understandings of the nature of reality which have usually become hopelessly outmoded with the passage of time. To disentangle the beliefs themselves from their out-dated vehicles, and to further utilize contemporary insights into the nature of reality so as to produce a more profound understanding of belief, is a difficult task. While this has been attempted at a general level in some theological investigations, a re-statement of faith based on the revolutionary scientific understandings of the world current today is still awaited. This lecture attempts to tease out the fundamental categories of religion, (creation. redemption, what it means to grow spiritually, the nature of the human person, divine providence and free will, the Church, the Holy Spirit, and in what our destiny consists) in the light of quantum physics and relativity. Micheal Ledwith was born in Ireland in 1942 and attended university from 1960 to 1971, specializing in philosophy and theology. After completing postgraduate studies, he was appointed lecturer in General Theology in 1971 at Ireland's Maynooth University, and Professor of Systematic Theology in 1976; Ireland's national seminary is also located at Maynooth. He served ten years as the university's President until 1994. His forthcoming book is The Ascent to God: The Soul's Journey Within. 165
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DIALOGUE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN COMMERCE 2.70 Where Spirit and Justice Dwell: Tools for Interfaith Dialogue and Reflection Ms. Claudia Horwitz; Ms. Arrington Chambliss In this workshop, we will explore how commitments to justice can be fostered and deepened across religious lines through the use of specific spiritual practices. We will give an overview of tools which can be used to facilitate interfaith dialogue, action, and reflection: contemplative tools (silence, meditation, & prayer); creative tools (art, music, & movement); and community tools (relationships, circles, & celebration). We will practice two of these - silence and relationships - and look at their use in the context of interfaith work for justice. Claudia Horwitz is the founder and director of stone circles, a nonprofit organization that finds unique ways to integrate faith, spiritual practice, and social justice. She has twelve years of experience in community organizing and youth leadership development. She just finished her first book, A Stone's Throw: Living the Act of Faith. She holds a Master's of Public Policy from Duke University and lives in Durham, North Carolina. Arrington Chambliss just completed a Mator's of Divinity at Harvard University and a teaching certificate at the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University. Prior to Divinity School, she spent ten years working with young people and doing organizational development with ACCESS, Campus Outreach Opportunity League COOL and Project LEEO. Discerning for ordination as an Episcopal minister, she also maintains a strong meditation practice. She lives in Boston. Massachusetts 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.20 Creative Interchange Among the Religions and Nations Dr. David C. Oughton A brief description of Henry Nelson Wieman's philosophy of Creative Interchange will begin the lecture's focus on Creative Interchange as the goal and method of inter-religious dialogue, Examples of how Wieman's philosophy has been implemented in inter-religious dialogue will be shown. This lecture will also outline the sub-events of the process of creative interchange, and, furthermore, how the process is vital to achieving world peace. Dr. Oughton teaches religion, philosophy, world religions, Holocaust studies, and peace studies at Christian Brothers College High School in St. Louis, MO, U.S. He organizes the St. Louis' Dialogue Group of the World's Religions and Philosophies, an Interfaith Gathering for Peace around United Nations Day, and a bus tour pilgrimage to different houses of worship. His interdisciplinary doctoral program from St. Louis University was in "Philosophies and Theologies of Peace and Justice." His dissertation is titled "The Implications of Henry Nelson Wieman's Philosophy of Creative Interchange for World Peace." 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN THEATER 4 Chaos as a Source of Creation: A Spiritual Approach Ms. Barbara Blackwill We are living in a time of great uncertainty and rapid change. The new science of Chaos offers us the powerful understanding that these chaotic times are not to be feared, Rather they are an opening into rich new possibilities. Parallel to this scientific knowledge are spiritual teachings that speak of uncertainty and not knowing as gateways into the unfolding mystery of creation and transformation. This interactive seminar will present a clear, simple understanding of Chaos Theory and the parallel spiritual teachings. Participants then will be offered simple guidelines for developing a personal practice that allows them to relax into uncertainty and become more effective creators in response to chaos. Barbara Blackwill has been a transformational consultant for individuals and organizations for over 25 years. The work synthesizes the teachings of spiritual transformation and new science. She has twice traveled to South Africa with Corelight's Meditations for Peace and currently lives in California 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN COMMERCE 1.37 Modes of Religious Understanding Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies James Kirk All religions serve a variety of fundamental human interests, each in its own particular configuration. This lecture will show four of these configurations, which are: orientation in time, space and value; edifying accounts which carry the message of tradition, authenticating commitments and engagements; and transforming self- understanding to advance the authentic life. These four functions will be defined and illustrated throughout the lecture, Dr. Kirk has retired after 33 years as Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Denver. He has published studies of the 1893 Parliament: one such study was presented as a paper at the 1993 Parliament in Chicago. He is active in educational programs focused on interreligious understanding. Dr. Kirk is author of Stories of the Hindus and Religion and The Human Image. Dialogue 166 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 International 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE DIALOGUE 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.57 A New View of Christ and Christianity That Harmonizes with All Religions Rev. Julian Sleigh; Richard Goodall Christianity has been a world religion for 20 centuries, and the presenters will explore their hopes for Christianity in the coming century. The presenters will share their vision of Christianity harmonizing with all religions, with particular focus on Christianity's relationship with the Eastern traditions. This lecture will be followed by a group discussion facilitated by the presenters. WEDNESDAY, Julian Sleigh grew up in Italy and England, and emigrated to South Africa in 1958. He studied Political Science at the London School of Economics, where he earned his Bachelors of Science with Honors. He became an ordained Minister in the Christian Community in 1965, and was appointed as the Leading Minister for Southern Africa in 1985. He is the author of three books: Crisis Points, Thirteen to Nineteen, and Discovering the Light. Richard Goodall was born in Zululand to Anglican missionary parents. He grew up in various missionary and town-parish settings in the Transvaal, Lesotho and Transkei, and attended the St. Andrew's School for boys in Bloemfontein. He was ordained in 1993, and has since worked as a parish Priest in South Germany and Cape Town. I le presently serves the Christian Community congregation in Plumstead, Cape Town. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 7 The Arts: A Ladder for the Soul, Creative Process as Spiritual Journey Mrs. Suzanne Kay Bamford Come learn how two Hollywood screenwriters, husband and wife, took one year off to make a film closer to their hearts and more in line with their spiritual values. This lecture will begin with a short screening of their film to be followed by a talk and discussion with Mrs. Suzanne Kay Bamford. Suzanne will talk about the purpose of art (and media in general) in the 21st Century and the role/responsibility of the artist in this new millennium. She will also share her ideas as to how film and other arts can act as a means to unite mankind, uplift the human spirit, and promote (without proselytizing) spiritual qualities and values shared by all people of goodwill, regardless of faith. Other questions regarding aesthetics, society, and spirituality will be explored. Suzanne Kay received a Masters Degree in Journalism from Columbia University. She worked for CNN News in Atlanta and was an editor for an African-American woman's magazine. Later, she went into television and film writing. Most recently, she worked with her husband, director Mark Bamford, on the short film "Hero" which she co-wrote and produced. Suzanne is a member of the Baha'i faith. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.54 Can Another Religion Really Contribute to My Faith? Rev. Eileen L. Epperson; Rev. Barbara K. Ducharme If we can shift our approach to other religions from threat to value and be grounded in our own faith, we can encounter any religion as an opportunity for deep enrichment. In this workshop, we will look at a model which views any religion as a particular access to the Eternal or Divine or Real. How does each religion speak to basic human experiences of being lost and being found, being timeserving or time-transcending, being divided or being whole? How does each address questions such as: what is worth living and dying for? What constitutes sin (misdoing, mistakes)? The workshop uses two or three particular religious traditions in its inquiry. Rev. Elleen L. Epperson (Presbyterian) Interim Ministry specialist, yoga teacher. Engaged in interfaith ministries in school, hospital, parish settings, and interfaith dialogue for 30 years. She is committed to global interfaith partnerships and the sustainable end of all religious violence by 2020. Rev. Barbara K. Ducharme is Executive Director of the Nurse Practitioner Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 WORLD'S RELIGIONS DECEMBER 8 Associates for Continuing Education in the United States. She has earned her MBA and EdM, and has developed and delivered many effective communications workshops for church congregations. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN COMMERCE 4.20 Coming Out in a Faith Community: Personal and Political Challenges Mr. Mark Jacobs This workshop will provide an opportunity for gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals and their allies to discuss the personal and political challenges of coming out in their communities. An opportunity to share stories, build solidarity, and share strategies about confronting this human rights challenge within faith communities. Serving since 1994 as the director of COEJL, Mark Jacobs' work includes building a national network of Jewish environmental activists and educators, developing educational and programmatic materials on Judaism and ecology, and engaging national and local Jewish agencies in political advocacy through both COEJL and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. Mark appeared in the joint ABC TV/COEJL documentary, Visions of Eden: A Jewish Perspective on the Environment, and his columns on environmental issues appear regularly in Jewish papers around the country. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN COMMERCE 3.60 Cross-Tradition Participation: Reconfiguring the Terms of Interfaith Dialogue Dr. Claude N. Stulting Jr. Interfaith dialogue typically occurs among different religious traditions whose members see themselves as having exclusive allegiance to their own tradition. Those who belong to a tradition not their own are thus viewed as the "other," as those who stand over against us in potential conflict. Cross-traditions participation, such as we find among Muslims and Hindus in South India, can help lay the groundwork for revising these presuppositions regarding "otherness" and conflict, and thus facilitate a new model for interfaith dialogue. Dr. Claude N. Stulting Jr. is an Assistant Professor of Religion at Furman University in Greenville, SC. Most recently. Claude Stulting has been working with Diana Eck on the Harvard Pluralism Project as an Affiliate Researcher. He has also been involved in the creation of a new Interfaith organization in Greenville, S. C., Faith Communities united. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 4.15 Global Brotherhood: Building an Internet Church Rev. Dr. Honora Finkelstein; Ms. Susan Smily Part I will be a brief overview of interfaith spirituality, and the importance of respecting and supporting spiritual diversity. Part Il will be a demonstration of the strands to different links available on the World Wide Web, for example: sermons. newsletters, spiritual networks, resources, etc. Part III will offer a discussion of how to use the full benefit of what is already available Part IV will discuss how the Internet can be used to take the place of, or as an adjunct to, a physical church for a fraction of the cost. Honora Finkelstein, Ph.D. is a writer, teacher, heater, and interfaith minister. She is also a Reiki teacher/master and certified "Oneness" facilitator. She is qualified to run this workshop because of her experience of teaching workshops and giving lectures internationally (over 55 years of combined experience with Ms. Smily) and the development of a website of over 1000 pages ( Susan Smily, MA., is a writer, teacher, healer, and interfaith minister. She is a Reiki teacher/master and certified "Oneness" facilitator Dialogue 167
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________________ Dialogue 1999 PARLIAMENT O F DIALOGUE BSE BADUSSTORMERS 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.70 The Human Brain: Where Science and Religion Meet Dr. Joseph Dispenza This workshop explains in lay terms the workings of the human brain and follows with experiential field work in mind-overmatter techniques. Participants will gain the experience of accessing deeper portions of their mind as well as learning the science of enlightenment. Dr. Joseph Dispenza has been a student at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment for over ten years. His undergraduate training was at Rutgers University where he majored in biochemistry. He received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree at Life University. His postgraduate continuing education has been in neurology, neurophysiology, and brain function. Over the course of the last four years, Dr. Dispenza has lectured to the student body at RSE, complementing and validating much of the scientific subject matter Ramtha has discussed relating to consciousness. His forthcoming book is on the subject of genetics, the molecules of emotion, brain anatomy and physiology, and neuroscience. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN COMMERCE 3.70 Identity Politics and Identity Spiritualities: Soteriology at the Intersection of Race and Religion? WEDNESDAY, Dr. James W. Perkinson This project anticipates North America's immediate future as a battleground of creolized racial identities and, in light of that anticipation, seeks to contribute to understanding the relationship between spirituality and racialization. It will explore the ways in which religious symbols have been mobilized in discourses of racialization to "spiritualize" or contest particular forms of political identification. Ultimately, I want to help formulate ways in which spiritual identity can be constituted in collective commitments that maintain a clear practical distinction between the absolute wholeness towards which they aspire and the contingent approximations they actually achieve in history. James W. Perkinson holds a Ph.D. in theology from the University of Chicago; his studies focus on questions of race, class and gender. He spent 15 years as an activist with an inner city Christian community in Detroit and currently teaches world religions, social ethics and theology at Ecumenical Theological Seminary and Marygrove Colege. 10:00 AM-10:45 AM IN COMMERCE 2.60 Islam's Prophetic Model for 21st Century: Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation Imam Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid Imam 'Abdur-Rashid will give a historical and theological presentation on an actual ancient congress of the three religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, that took place in the city of Yathrib, now known as Medinah. Perhaps the perfect precursor to the Parliament itself, the gathering fourteen centuries ago has much to teach us. Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid is the Imam of the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood in New York. 168 2010_03 THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS DECEMBER 8 UK 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN COMMERCE 2.56 The Role of Religion and the Media Ms. Yashika Singh Yashika Singh will lead a panel discussion on the current critical issues for broadcast media, with a particular focus on its relationship with religion. The panelists will respond to the complex issues of how the guiding institution of media can help create a forum for bringing about harmony and peace with society, and how it can be a key roleplayer in in offering gifts of service to the world community. Yashika Singh is a graduate in Indian Philosophy and Hindu Studies for the University of Durban. She is the Vice President of the National Hindu Youth Federation of South Africa, and has been involved with the work of the United Religions Initiative and the World Conference on Religion and Peace. zh QUYET DUOC HAY KHI VOI KHONG LO 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN THEATER 4 Religious Pluralism Reconsidered: The Imperative and the Promise Prof. James Wiggins; Mr. Chester Gillis What's in a name? There will be a discussion of the comparative value of the terms "pluralism" and "diversity." The possible contributions to this question of pluralism and diversity from religious leaders, practicing believers, and scholars of religion will be discussed. Finally, some thought will be given to the move from theoria to praxis, and the likelihood for it to succeed in terms of theological and cultural discourse. James B. Wiggins is Remington Professor of Religion and Department Chair of the Department of Religion at Syracuse University. He was Executive Director of the American Academy of Religion from 1983-1992. He is author of In Praise of Religious Diversity. Chester Gillis is Associate Professor in the Theology Department at Georgetown University. He is the author of Pluralism: A New Paradigm for Theology and A Question of Final Belief: John Hick's Pluralistic Theory of Salvation. Pociva salsa Banase 11:00 AM-12:00 PM IN COMMERCE 2.60 Similarities Between African and Hindu Traditions Mr. Satish Komal This presentation explores the similarities between the lifestyle of Hindus and Africans with respect to their relationship with nature, God and people. This lecture has a particular focus on how these traditions understand the human being in its totality, as well as total humanity. Satish Komal is the President of the National Youth Federation of South Africa. He has worked with interfaith and inter-race youth groups, both nationally and internationally, for the past ten years. He attended the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago, and is active in youth development and political issues affecting youth in South Africa.
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS 2RITICAL ISSUES Programmes listed in this section address topics related to the range of critical issues, problems, and challenges that confront the human community and the Earth at the threshold of the 21st century. In these presentations, participants will explore a wide range of issues including but not limited to: - peace and non-violence * social and economic justice - rights * relations with others * globalization . environment, ecology, and sustainability * values Most programmes in the Critical issues Section will be held in the Engineering Building on the Cape Technikon campus. 169 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLDS RELIGIONS CRITICAL ISSUES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.44 Assessing the Faith Traditions of Southern Africa in Terms of Lesbian and Gay Inclusion Rev. Clayton Edmund Wakeford; Rev. Peter Oberholzer This presentation will asses the inclusiveness of South Africa's religious and spiritual traditions to gay and lesbian participation. This analysis will be followed by an exploration into how religious and spiritual communities can work together to promote a more inclusive atmosphere in South Africa for icsbians and gays. Rev Wakeford is the National Manager of the National NDS Convention of South Afrca (NACOSA). He was previously Parliamentary Lobbyist for the National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality. Rev. Oberholzer is the founder and Manager of Gay and Lesbian Christian Outreach (GLO). He is a prominent South African clergy person from the Reformed tradition. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN ENGINEERING 3.56 The Impact of Globalization on Our Lives and Spirituality Rev. Terry Provance The workshop will provide a brief examination of the various ways that corporate globalization is impacting our daily living. social structures and spirituality. How religious communities are responding and what might be new and creative strategies will be analyzed in this workshop. Harve Cox's article in March's Atlantic Monthly entitled "The Market As God" will be a reference point. No biographical statement available at time of printing. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 Discerning Spirit From Matter His Divine Grace Bhakti Swarupa Tirtha Maharaja; This lecture intends to show people how to discern reality from illusion, spirit from matter, the eternal from ephemeral to expose faults of materialism, and offer guidance in the vedic technique of spiritual life. Bhakti Swaroopa Teertha Goswami Maharaja is the spiritual preceptor of Transcendental Science, which teaches the essence of Vedic wisdom. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN PODIUM HALL Mahatma Gandhi and the South African Struggle Ms. Ela Gandhi This lecture will explore the relationship between the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi and the freedom struggle in South Africa. This presentation will also describe Gandhi's personal transformation, and how that impacted South Africa's struggle against apartheid. Ela Gandhi is a MP representing the African National Congress in South Africa. She is a renowned social worker, political activist, and follower of Gandhian ideals. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN ENGINEERING 3.15 Ecology as Experience in African Religions Dr. Edward Phillip Antonio The lecture will explore different ways in which the indigenous ecologies practiced in the traditional religions of Africa can make a positive and significant contribution to humanity's current research for solutions to the menacing environmental problem, which besets its dealings with nature. In the lecture, Dr. Antonio will argue that African traditional religions embody a unique moral economy that is founded upon a recognition of the essential interconnectedness of humans, nature, and the gods, and thus prescribes a holistic and integrated approach to life on earth. Edward Antonio is originally from Zimbabwe. He was educated at Universities in England and Scotland. He holds a Ph.D. degree from Cambridge University. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Theology and Social Theory at lliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 6 National Integrity Strategy for South Africa Dr. Daryl Balia; Prof. James Cochrane; Rev. Roxanne Jordaan; Dr. Stiaan vander Merwe Presenters in this workshop will discuss their individual work insofar as it relates to the development of the National Integrity Strategy which is being coordinated by the government in the context of its anti-corruption programme. The workshop will offer participants an opportunity to make input into the development of the National Strategy to promote the moral reconstruction of society, and possibly discuss formation of a National Ethics Coalition. Dr. Daryl Balla is the Chief Director of the Public Service Commission in South Africa. Prof. James Cochrane is a faculty member of the University of Cape Town Rev. Roxanne Jordaan is the Programme Officer of the Church Community Leadership Trust. Dr. Stiaan van der Merwe is a member of the Uniting Reformed Church of South Africa and the Chief Executive Officer of Transparency International in South Africa. Critical Issues 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.68 The First Seven Years of Childhood: Foundations for the Rest of Life Mr. Peter van Alphen Whether a child will become a moral world-citizen or a criminal is determined during the first seven years of childhood. How a child is treated during this time, how a child is educated during this time, is everything. Moderated by Peter van Alpen, a group of people working in the townships around Cape Town speak about their educational approach and their experiences in a community upliftment programme. Using the principles of Waldorf (Rudolph Steiner) Education, this group is striving to transform the lives of some 1,500 children living in poverty conditions Peter van Alphen was a Waldorf teacher for 16 years. Subsequently, as a teacher-trainer, he co-founded the Centre for Creative Education, now a vibrant Waldorf training centre in South Africa. Peter started several projects with poor township communities, providing teacher training and the development of enriched pre- and primary schools. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.13 The Spirit of Human Rights Ms. Charmaine C. Crockett; Dr. Kristi Rudelius-Paimer This lively discussion will focus on matters of spirit and its relation to human rights. What does spirit mean and what is its relevance to human rights activism in our daily lives? Participants will be given a brief overview of human rights Materials from the Spirit of Human Rights 2000 and the Human Rights Resource Center will be distributed. Charmaine Crockett is a human rights activist, writer, and research analyst. She has been active in issues ranging from globalization to spirituality and human rights. She is currently editing a human rights anthology with Dr. Charles Fishman and is working on A Daily Guide to the Revolution, a book to revitalize the spirit and spur all to action. Kristi Rudelius-Palmer is the co-director of the Human Rights center at the University of Minnesota and the founder and director of the Human Rights USA Resource Center, a national clearinghouse for human rights education materials and training. In 1992, Kristi became the founding 1 70 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1 999 PARLIAMEN CRITICAL ISSUES T director for the Partners in Human Rights Education Program, which to date has trained more than 1,000 lawyers, teachers and community advocates to teach approximately 25, 000 youth about their human rights and responsibilities. O F 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN THEATER 5 Human Values and Human Rights in the 21st Century Mr. Nitin Limaye Mr. Limaye will speak on behalf of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (who unfortunately had to cancel his planned Parliament appearance) on the deterioration of values in the world as the root cause of societies' problems. He believes in the necessity to reestablish a caring and compassionate society where all life is valued and respected and religious and cultural differences of all kinds are accepted and service to others is the norm. Moreover, the survival of the planet itself depends on the development of "eco-friendly" habitats, instead, of unabated exploitation of resources for personal gain. Thus, even human development is rooted in resurgence of human values. Mr. Limaye is the personal assistant to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who was the founder of the International Association for ! fuman Values, a nonprofit educational organization recognized and lauded in over 95 country's all over the world. Shankar's programs have worked with the United Nations, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, governments, companies and NGO's dedicated to similar beliefs. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN ENGINEERING 1.22 Two Wings of a Bird: The Equality of Women and Men Ms. Cynthia Thomas This workshop will provide a closer look at the statement, "Two Wings of a Bird: The Equality of Women and Men," written by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States. During the workshop, participants will gain a greater sense of what they can do to bring about the full equality of women and men. They will examine some of the key themes of the statement: the oneness of humanity, the full and equal participation of women in all spheres of life, the ties between education and motherhood, the connection between women and universal peace, and the roles and responsibilities of men in achieving full equality. Cynthia R. Thomas, B.A., Sociology, Morgan State University, Baltimore. M.A., Education, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Ms. Thomas' extensive experience has earned her a vast repertoire of skills, including group facilitation, multicultural training, administration and management motivation, conflict meditation and team building. She is presently a Career Counselor Supervisor at the University of California, Los Angeles. In addition, she serves as secretary of the National Committee for the Equality of Women and Men (for the Baha' is of the United States). 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.13 72 Hours 2010_03 Mr. Paul Shipman Andrews People of faith around the world will be participating in an extraordinary and unprecedented act of inter-religious cooperation-72 hours of interfaith peace building at the turn of the millennium from December 31 through January 2. Come hear about the wide range of specific projects that are underway at local and global levels, and explore how you can participate in this millennial gift of the United Religions Initiative. Paul Andrews is a Project Director for the 72 Hours Project, and a member of the United Religions Initiative staff. For the last three years, Mr. Andrews has been Conference Director for the United Religions Initiative Global Summit Conferences. He has worked with the United Religions Initiative since the fall of 1995. THE WORLD S THURSDAY, RELIGIONS DECEMBER 2 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.22 African Religion and Traditional Healers on HIV/AIDS and STD's in Africa. Ms. Merci Manci; Fai Fominyaen Ngu This presentation will illustrate how religion has often served as a means to explain those things about life which mystify people. The presenters will show how African Traditional Religions seek to answer the same fundamental questions as other traditions. The presentation will also describe the efforts of African Traditional Healers to combat the AIDS/HIV crisis in South Africa. Merci has been practicing Traditional Medicine and Healing in South Africa for 13 years. He initiated and implemented national programmes in HIV/AIDS and STDS education, and recently led training for 36 traditional healers to act as provincial coordinators in organisation and management of activities relating to fighting HIV/AIDS. Fal Fominyaen Ngu (Edward) Traditional Healer and Priest from Yaomide, Cameroon. Mai renai. 2:00 PM-5:00 PM IN THEATER 4 The Agony of Tibet and the World's Religions Brahma Das; Br. Wayne Teasdale This presentation examines the threat of cultural and religious extinction facing the Tibetan people and focuses on the response of the world's religions. The session will include a question and answer period, and features the world premier of Tibet's Stolen Child- an important new movie featuring interviews with six Nobel Laureates. Brahma Das is the Executive Director of the Council for World Tibet Day. He is serving as Media Director for two other organizations founded by Ma Jaya and he was a Pulitzer Prize nominee in History. (Across the Barricades, Lippincott, 1971) as well as a National Correspondent from the U.S. Senate for Westinghouse Broadcasting. He is now a writer, editor, and consultant on various issues. He also teaches journalism and comparative religion at the River School, a small private School in Sebastian, Florida. Brother Wayne Teasdale is a Christian sannyasi, or renunciate (lay monk) in the lineage of Father Bede Griffiths, O.S.B. Cam. He has a Ph.D. in theology from Fordham University, and is an adjunct professor at DePaul University, Columbia College and Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He serves on the board of directors of the Parliament of the World's Religions, writes, lectures widely, including Common Ground in the Chicago area, and gives occasional retreats. His new book is The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World's Religions. HEBRITY 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.60 The Challenge of Globalisation Suleman Dangor In this presentation Dr. Dangor will analyse the impact of Globalisation on Muslim society. Associate Professor of Religious Studies with a Specialisation and special interest in: Islam in Africa, Islam in South Africa, Islamic Education, Islamic Revivalists Movements in Africa and Globalisation. 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN THEATER 7 Economics of Care, Solidarity, and Accountability in Theological Perspective. Rev. Renate S. Rose; Hans Jecklin Global world economics today benefit the First World, but harm the people of the Third World and our planet Earth. The 'economics of Jesus' are distribution economics, not supply and demand economics. Distribution economics are economics of hospitality and care, and, according to Dr. Rose, are practiced among the poor of the Third World. Dr. Rose argues that among the poor everyone is accountable to his/her neighbor and to the whole community. There is no 'profit-making' aim involved, but the satisfaction of basic needs. Corporations, Critical Issues 171
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________________ Critical Issues 9 9 9 CRITICAL ISSUES 1 PARLIAMENT O F however, show very little accountability to the Third World and often exploit its citizens. There will be a panel discussion after the lecture presentation by Dr. Rose. Renate S. Rose studied economics and public policy in Germany. After receiving her Ph.D., she worked for twelve years in international organizations before moving to the USA where she studied theology at Harvard (Master of Divinity) and San Francisco Theological Seminary (Doctor of Ministry). Ordained by the United Church of Christ, she worked as a pastor in Hawaii and for seven years as Professor of New Testament in the Philippines. Hans Jecklin (1938) is a businessman Jacklin Music Company, Zurich, Switzerland). In addition, he assists individuals and groups on unfolding their consciousness and discovering meaning in their personal and business lives. As a collaborator of the Institute for Spiritual Development of Consciousness in Politics and the Economy (ISPE) at the Lassalle-House in Bad Schoenbrunn, Edibach ZG, Switzerland, he is in charge of the manifesto A Global Economy for the Benefit of the World Community. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.19 Environmental Issues in Indian Country Mr. Herman Agoyo; Ms. Patricia Locke; Mr. Rex Talousi American Indians continue to stand firm to protect Mother Earth. Many of the Indian Nations spend a great deal of energy to fight against the degradation of the planet. Pollution has had grave, negative affects on American Indian land and continues to cause great danger to the lives of American Indians. This presentation will focus on the efforts of American Indian environmentalists, as protectors of Mother Earth. Herman Agoyo, San Juan Pueblo, is active in repatriation issues in his community. He is a life time councilman, 4 times Lt. Governor. I term Governor, and term Chairman of All Indian Pueblo Council for the Pueblo and New Mexico Indian Tribes. Patricia Locke is a Hunk Papa. Lakota/Dakota-White Earth Chippewa and lives on the Standing Rock Reservation. She currently teaches at the University of Southern Maine. As a McArthur Fellow, she worked to help indigenous people recover their language and self determination in education. She was Chair of the Indigenous Women's Caucus at the Women's Conference in Beijing. She helped 17 American Indian Nations to initiate colleges on their reservation. Mr. Talousi is a spiritual leader for his nation and he is active within his foundation, the Red Rock Foundation. 2:00 PM-2:30 PM IN THEATER 5 Future of Faith Traditions and the State of the Future GEM Dr. L.M. Singhvi The historical and sociological perspectives on the rise and decline of faith traditions are of crucial relevance in cosmopolitan contemporary society. Multiculturalism and the precept of interfaith amity based on opposition to intolerance and discrimination provide a confluence point for a creative conception of the future of faith tradition. Humankind may have become less religious in the traditional sense but we cannot afford to allow ourselves to be less ethical or less spiritual. Therefore, we need to reshape our present to preserve the best of the past and to build an ethically relevant and spiritually meaningful future. We also need to match the so called secular movements with a sense of the sacred, as well as to match the emphasis on rights with an equal emphasis on duties and responsibilities. Patron of the Institute of Jainology and leading scholar of Jainism and of Vedic and Indic religions. Member of World Faiths Development Dialogue Steering Group. 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.44 The Importance of Spiritual and Cultural Rights in Human Rights Dr. Abdul G Elgoni Belief is a human necessity for personal and community social coherence and identity. In this lecture, Dr. Elgoni advocates the 172 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 THE WORLD S RELI THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 GIONS position that cultural and spiritual identity is a human right, and that there is a need to rewrite the human rights charter to address the importance of spiritual and cultural rights. He also calls for an international forum for mutual research and comparative religious studies to enrich our future and enhance the creation of balanced globalisation. Dr. Elgoni, M.B.B.S. and MSc., is a medical doctor and Muslim scholar who balances his professional and spiritual responsibilities. He has enjoyed and valued mutual understanding with other believers, and is promoting this understanding. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.56 The Medical Implications of Religious Moral Behaviors Dr. Paul W. Ulbrich Medical models and statistics show that half of the approximately two million deaths in the USA that occur each year were premature and could have been prevented by behavioral modifications of life styles. This lecture will show that most religious health care interventions are more preventative and efficacious than conventional pharmacological and surgical medical post hoc interventions for the prevention of premature mortality and morbidity. Religious voluntary moral behaviors have resulted in the prevention of an unknown but significant number of health problems, and certainly could be used for the prevention of a large number of other probable future medical problems. This program is sponsored by the Institute for World Spirituality. Dr. Paul Ulbrich is a board certified emergency Physician, both Osteopathic and Allopathic, who has practiced and instructed residences and students in emergency medicine on the south side of Chicago for the last 25 years. He is presently a visiting Scholar at the Chicago Center for Religion and Science, and a member of the First Unitarian Church of Chicago. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 Rebuilding European Jewry Never Rabbi Sjalom Awraham Soetendorp In this lecture, Rabbi Soetendorp will explore his experience as a survivor of the shoah, and how that experience was full of destruction and despair. He will also describe his work in the Netherlands and the former Soviet Union to rebuild communities. He will also present the lessons which can be drawn from his experience for a more humane future, as represented in his new initiative, Hope for Children. *COM.COM.Mors 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 6 Rabbi Soetendorp is currently the Rabbi of the Reform Jewish Community of the Hague, and Rabbi of the Union of Dutch Reform Jewish Communities. A survivor of the Holocaust, he has been a long standing Human Rights activist. He frequently lectures at many Universities and Centers around the world. BANGUN Secular Globalization and Cultural Pluralism: The Question of Existentiality of Religious Traditions Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu This lecture looks at preparing an intellectual ground to validate the existence of religious traditions in the contemporary world. Dr. Davutoglu will critically examine the emptiness of secular (that is anti-religious) humanism in this concern. He will conclude the lecture by proposing a better alternative. Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu has written extensively on contemporary political and philosophical issues. He teaches at the Dept. of Political Science, Marmare University, Istanbul, and heads the Foundation of the Studies in Arts and Science, Istanbul, Turkey. He is the author of Alternative Paradigms (University Press of America, 1994) and Civilizational Transformation and the Muslim World (Quill, 1994).
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS CRITICAL ISSUES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 Operations and Intrastate Conflict: The Sword or the Olive Branch? (Praeger, 1999). He has lectured widely on Bosnia and Kosovo and been a commentator on local television and radio. Dr. Mockaitis is also an ordained Presbyterian elder and an active member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) peacernaking program. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN COMMERCE 4.20 The World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation: A Call to Create a Holy Day of Justice and Peace Fr. Rod Reinhart; Fr. Edward Mullins Fr. Reinhart will lead a workshop on how we can and why we must create a new interfaith holy day called the World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation. This will be a day on which religious leaders may speak out for justice, equality and peace. This will be a day to reveal that most "religious" wars are really excuses for ethnic hatred and economic expansion. Fr. Reinhart will tell of plans to celebrate the first World Sabbath in Michigan and to call on religious and public institutions to join and further his efforts. Fr. Rod Reinhart is an Episcopal priest, school teacher and founder of the World Sabbath. He is a longtime peace activist. The main respondent will be Fr Edward Mullins. Fr. Rod Reinhart is the Interim rector of trinity Episcopal Church in Farmington Hills, Michigan. He is also the founder of the 'People Who Care About People with AIDS Christmas Healing Service Fr. Edward Mullins is the head pastor of Christ Church Cranbrook, one of Michigan's most visible and prestigious Churches. Father Mullins will be the first host to the World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation. He is a powerful and highly respected church leader who has been a strong supporter of the Churches Ministry to bring healing. justice, equality, and peace to the World 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.15 Environmental and Ecological Issues Practiced By Tirthankara Mahavira Dr. Sadhvishri Shilapiji Tirthankara Mahavira was an apostle of love for all forms of life. He developed a unique oneness with all facets of the environment. Dr. Shilapiji will show in her workshop that not only did he preach on environmental and ecological issues, but his entire life was an example of how to live in perfect harmony with the environment. Sadhvishri Shilapijt is a Jain nun from Veerayatan, a Jain socio religious institution located at Rajgir in the State of Bihar in north eastern India. She made Veerayatan her home in 1986 and the next five years of her life were a remarkable story of service and sacrifice, of devotion and dedication, and of a master-disciple relationship. She attained diksha frenunciation) in 1991. She joined King's College in London in 1995 and completed her master's degree in comparative Indian Religions. She is presently undertaking a Ph.D. at King's College, VYSTAL 3:00 PM-3:45 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA International Debt Relief The Most Rev. Njongonkulu W.H. Ndungane In this presentation, Archbishop Ndungane will address the complex issue of International Debt Relief. Niongonkulu W.H. Ndungane is the Head of the Anglican Church of the Province of Southern Africa. This includes South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Angola, and the island of St. Helena 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.22 A Theological View of Hinduism in a Comparative and Modernist Social Context Dr. Harilal G. Dewa This lecture aims to elucidate the fundamental concepts pertaining to the progressive democratization of Hindu thought and ethical praxis within a socio-cultural context. The constitutions of both India and South Africa are given consideration in relation to the issue of human rights and religious concerns. It is shown that the two concepts, dharma (on the Indian side). and ubuntu (on the African side) provide fertile soil for the development of interpersonal respect and fellowship, of caring and sharing, of solidarity and unity. is currently the Spiritual Head of the Vedanta Mission in South Africa and Director of the Academy for Research in Religion and Philosophy. He teaches of adults in the Philosophical Theology, Social Ethics and Sacred Texts. He is also the founder of the Department of Hindu Studies and Indian Philosophy at the University of Durban Westville. 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN THEATER 5 Pole To Pole 2000, Inspiring Action in Service Mr. Martyn Williams Pole to Pole 2000 is a joining of 18 youth from 6 countries, diverse religions and spiritual connections, and races who set out to travel the globe exploring the social and environmental issues and initiatives that are shaping the world in the next millennium. As they travel they are asking everyone they meet to join them in taking an action - no matter how small to improve the fabric of the planet. Martyn Williams is an internationally renowned explorer. He is the first person in the world to lead expeditions to the North Pole, South Pole and Mount Everest. He is also working at the national level on environmental and sustainability issues. Critical Issues 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.13 Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Crisis of Just War Theory Dr. Thomas R. Mockaitis Intrastate conflict confronts the international with ethical, legal, and practical problems unimagined by the framers of the UN Charter. Designed to prevent conflict between nations, the organization and its member states have been extremely reluctant to intervene in the affairs of a sovereign state. Ethnic cleansing demonstrated the bankruptcy of such a laissez faire approach. After four years of slaughter, the international community moved to stop the killing in Bosnia. KOSOVO presented both a clearer case for intervention on humanitarian grounds but a much more problematic one on legal grounds. NATO ultimately had to act outside the bounds of international law in order to end the genocide. The implications of this action have still to play out. The proposed lecture/paper will explore these issues and consider how "just war theory." espoused by many Christian denomination must be adapted to the changing circumstances of the post-Cold War world. Thomas R. Mockaitis is Chair of the History Department at DePaul University. He earned his BA from Allegheny College and his MA and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin- Madison. Dr. Mockaitis has written three books and numerous articles on civil conflict, including Peace 3:00 PM-3:30 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 Religious Attitudes Towards Organ Transplants Mrs. Mary Braybrooke The workshop will present the results of Mary Braybrooke's study on different religious attitudes toward organ transplant and will highlight the ethical questions it raises. There will be a call for a greater sensitivity by the medical profession to the attitudes and beliefs of those from differing cultures and as well as the need for a greater awareness and education on organ transplants. A discussion will follow. Mary Braybrook is an experienced medical social worker who has worked at the Renal Care Unit of Oxford and has made a special study of this subject. She is an active member of the World Congress of Faith and the International Interfaith Center. Jain Education Interational 2010_03 1 73
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________________ Critical Issues 1999 PARLIAMENT CRITICAL ISSUES O F 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.44 Spiritual Narcissism and Religious Tribalism: Perspectives from Contemporary Psychoanalysis Dr. Robert L. Moore The lecture will begin with the topic of narcissism recruiting religion into its service. It will touch on the dynamics of spiritual narcissism, and also the role of religious tribalism. The lecture will conclude with the imaging of a treatment plan to change narcissism into community. This program is sponsored by the Institute for World Spirituality. Dr. Robert Moore is a psychoanalyst and co-director of the program in Jung and Spirituality at the Institute for World spirituality. He is professor of psychology and spirituality at Chicago Theological Seminary and is founder and President of the Institute for World spirituality. 3:00 PM-3:30 PM IN THEATER 8 Spirituality and Global Ethics- The Hyphen that Joins and the Buckle that Binds Dr. L.M. Singhvi In the clash of ideas and in the midst of competing faiths, there is a ray of hope in the resurgence of spirituality and global ethics, which joins us all through our common humanity and leads us to a common agenda. Faith traditions must engage with each other to find a substratum of shared values, concerns, and methodologies in order to move towards an optimum framework of mutual consultation, collaboration, spirituality, and global ethics. An agenda, an action program, and habits of working together have to be evolved. We made a beginning in 1993 in Chicago and must carry it to fulfillment and fruition. The presentation will emphasize that this must be the millennium message of the Parliament of the World's Religions on the threshold of the 21st century. Patron of the Institute of Jainology and leading scholar of Jainism and of Vedic and Indic religions. Member of World Faiths Development Dialogue Steering Group. SAME FAJTE WERKEJU 3:00 PM-3:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.60 Sri Ramakrishna: Embracing the Divine Ms. Audrey E. Kitagawa Sri Ramakrishna said, "I am the string running through all the pearls," the pearls being the individual religions of the world. He taught universal respect and tolerance for all religions, and came to harmonize them. This is the essential theme of the presentation. Also, discussed will be the spiritual concepts of meditation, discrimination, renunciation and divine love and, the actual practice of moving through life daily from the heart, our center of divine love. Audrey E. Kitagawa was a practicing attorney for 20 years. She gave up her law career to fulfill a request that she carry Sri Ramakrishna's fight to the world. She publishes an internationally distributed newsletter called the SRK Spiritual Family News which includes testimonials about life transformations, essays about Sri Ramakrishna and his teachings, memoirs of Divine Mother, and accounts of spiritual family activities. She has been invited to lead meditation sessions and to deliver lectures at private homes of spiritual family members, conferences, universities, and various groups. The pace of her schedule is as hectic as was her legal career, and she spends much time traveling outside Hawaii. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.15 A Partnership in Faith Based African-American Community and Social Development: A New Paradigm for the 21st Century Rev. Mangedwa C. Nyathi This lecture will address the multiple factors which have led to significant declines in the quality of urban life in Detroit, Michigan. Furthermore, efforts to redevelop African American 174 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 THE WORLDS RELIGIONS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 communities, the social experiments which have taken place to correct the plight of people of African descent in American society, and the under-utilization of the Black Church (the community anchor, beacon, and guiding light) will also be discussed. However, the major focus of the lecture will be centered on "faith-based" social development, and the partnership created between Hartford Memorial Baptist Church and the Kmart Corporation of America which opened a 24 hour, seven-day-a-week, one-stop shopping, retail outlet in the Detroit, Michigan community served by Hartford Memorial Baptist Church. Rev. Nyathi was born on January 7, 1952 in a Western Native Township near Johannesburg, South Africa. In 1962 he and his family were forcibly removed to Soweto under South African racial segregation laws. In January 1971, he began his theological training at the AICA Theological Seminary in Alice and in July 1971, was ordained in Middledrift at the National Baptist Convention of South Africa. In December 1973, he received his diploma in Theology from the Southern Theological College of independent Churches. He was appointed Pastor of Kagiso Baptist Church in Krugersdorp, South Africa and remained there until his departure for the United States in January 1975. Rev. Nyathi serves as a consultant to churches on the formation of Social Service programs and has given lectures and conducted workshops on urban ministry at the local and national level. In 1990 at Nelson Mandela Rally Day, he was honored with a resolution by Detroit Mayor Coleman Young for his advocacy to abolish apartheid. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.68 Adolescent Moral Reasoning Dr. Salie Abrahams This lecture will explore adolescent moral reasoning and development and how it is influenced by context and culture. The presentation will illustrate Dr. Abrahams ethnographic research with African adolescents, and will highlight their thoughts and words. Dr. Salie Abrahams lives in South Africa, and has a Doctorate in Education from Harvard University. Her specialization is in Human Development and Psychology. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 Caring for Creation/Earth Day 2000 Worldwide Program Rev. Dr. Donald B. Conroy This seminar is designed to introduce religious and spiritual people to the worldwide Earth Day 2000 "Caring for Creation" theme, website, and action program. Each session will offer leaders free support materials, funding opportunities, and their own website on the World Wide Web/Internet as a key part of the "Caring for Creation" campaign and theme designated by the International Earth Day Network. Dr. Donald Conroy, president of the International Consortium on Religion and Ecology, is a widely known speaker, religious leader in interreligious and ecumenical affairs, and organizer of environmental/ecological programs. He is co-author of the forthcoming book, Earth At Risk, to be published by Prometheus Press for Earth Day 2000 (April, 2000) and he is a theologian, teaching at the Washington Theological Union (USA). 4:00 PM-4:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Human Rights and Jainism Dr. Kumarpal Desai Jainism had advocated unity of mankind, shunning discrimination based on cast, creed, or color. It respects human dignity and lays equal emphasis on equal rights. It believes in free flow of communication of thought as much as it believes in giving quarter to opposite point of view. This approach is embedded in its philosophy of anekanant, which stresses the fact that no one must think that one's own view is the right view but consideration be given to others' point of view also.
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________________ 19 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS CRITICAL ISSUES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 Dr Kumarpal Desai is a renowned columnist, with 75 publications to his credit. He is also a scholar on Jain philosophy and religion, editor of several periodicals, a widely traveled lecturer, and is actively associated with many social and literary organizations 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.56 Service to Humanity Through Travel Ms. Nancy Rivard This workshop will introduce the idea of "Traveling to Make a Difference", giving conference members real life ways that they can bring "compassion into action" and help build bonds of friendship between peoples and cultures. Nancy Rivard has 22 years as an employee of American Airlines. When her father died suddenly 15 years ago she returned to light attendant status to pursue God and the Nature of Reality. She is the founder of Airline Ambassadors international an N60, that is affiliated with the United Nations. 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.44 Moving Faith Into Action: Strategies for Building a Just World Dr. Mary L. Heidkamp There are a variety of strategies for developing local faith communities' capacities to deal effectively with social issues. Building on the book, Moving faith Into Action, Dr. Mary Heidkamp will share successful models for faith communities engaging in local and international issues which bring abc dignity and justice. She will also present models for religious institutions to impact public policy Mary Heidkamp has been working in Roman Catholic Social Justice Ministry since 1977. She is the Co-author of Moving Faith Into Action, with her husband, Jim Lund. They are the joint recipients of the 1996 Harry A Fagan Roundtable Award, a national award given for their contribution to Diocesan Social Action and they received the 1997 Cardinal Bernardin Award from the Association of Chicago Priests. Mary lived in South Africa during her high schools years and has served as a missionary in Japan and India. She received her Doctor of Ministry Degree in 1993 and is the mother of two teens. She is a member of the Grail, an international movement of Christian Lay women 4:00 PM-4:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.13 The Sikh Scriptures and the Environment Dr. Balwant Singh Hansra A three phase presentation will be made. First, a brief introduction to Sikh scriptures will be made. Second, environmental issues will be discussed. Third, solutions to save our environment based on Sikh scriptures will be proposed. Dr. Balwant Singh Hansra is a Professor of Physical Sciences at City Colleges of Chicago. He is former President of the Sikh Religious Society of Chicago, Trustee of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religion (CPWR), Vice Chair of CPWR, and Chair of HPC CPWR. 4:00 PM-5:30 PM IN THEATER 3 Religion and Gender Violence Shamila Wilson In this presentation, which is part of a series, the Commission on Gender Equality in South Africa will bring together three distinguished panelists from diverse backgrounds to discuss the complex relationship of religion and gender violence. Shamila is the Acting Provincial Manager of the Commission on Gender Equality for the Western Cape. 4:00 PM-5:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.22 Tellington-Touch for Companion Animals Ms. Eugenie Chopin This presentation looks at a gentle and holistic approach to working with animals to heal health and behavioral problems. Based on body work and ground exercise, this approach leads to a stronger and special bond between humans and animals Ms. Chopin has been an opera singer for 25 years, and is now the first Touch practitioner in South Africa. She was trained in Touch through a two year course in the U.S.A with Linda Tellington-Jones Critical Issues Jain Education Intermational 2010_03 Jain Education Interational 2010_03 1 75
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________________ Critical Issues 1 9 9 9 CRITICAL ISSUES PARLIAMENT O F 10:00 AM-11:00 AM GOOD HOPE ARENA A Peaceful, Just, and Sustainable Future: The Challenge of the 21st Century for Religion Dr. Gerald O. Barney The 21st century could become a very difficult path or a path to a peaceful, just, and sustainable future (see The Challenge and Opportunity of the 21st Century in the registration packet). The fundamental challenge humans face is identity and story. It is here that the world's religions, together with science, have much to contribute. Executive Director - Millennium Institute. Author of Global 2000: Report to the President (to President Jimmy Carter) and the 1993 report to the Parliament, Global 2000 Revisited: What Shall We Do?. Formerly head of National Program, Rockefeller Brothers Fund. 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.68 Adolescence: The Most Vulnerable Time Mr. Peter vanAlphen Every youth asks three vital questions: who am I? why am I here? what can I do with my life? If these questions are not met, the young person is lost. To many of the young the world seems meaningless, and can be driven to seek the answers to these fundamental questions through drugs, promiscuous sexuality and various "subcultures". From their own experience of teaching adolescents, a group of Waldorf (Rudolf Steiner) teachers speak on the theme of how education can meet the needs of the youth. Peter van Alphen was a Waldorf teacher for 16 years. Subsequently, as a teacher-trainer, he co-founded the Centre for Creative Education, now a vibrant Waldorf training centre in South Africa. Peter started several projects with poor township communities, providing teacher-training and the development of enriched pre- and primary schools. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN ENGINEERING 3.60 An Interreligious and Ethical Response to the Current Economic Crisis Dr. S. Wesley Ariarajah; Mrs. Shyamala Ariarajah; Mr. Jean-Francois Delteil There is widespread concern about the effects of economic globalization on nations and peoples. The prevalent unemployment, exclusion, and the social effects of depression, hopelessness, and even suicide has led many to seek a viable and credible response to the economic crisis. What is a sustainable and practical inter-religious and ethical response to this crisis? Panelists will discuss their findings and proposals. Dr. S. Wesley Ariarajah is professor of Ecumenical Theology at Drew University, School of Theology. Madison, NJ, USA. Before becoming professor, he was the Director of the Dialogue Program of the World Council of Churches for over ten years. Research Director, Kairos Global Association for an Investment Ethic, Geneva, Switzerland./ Research Director, Kairos Global Association for an Investment Ethic, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 Empowering Women in Muslim Society Ms. Merve Safa Kavakci Receiving her inspiration from Islamic sources of knowledge and guidance, Ms. Kavakci will suggest ways of empowering women both socially and culturally. She will also examine the present roles of women in various Muslim countries. Merve Safa Kavakci was born in Ankara, Turkey in 1968. She attended Medical school for 2 years and then, because of the difficulty of observing hijab (proper Islamic dress), she moved to Dallas, Texas and graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas. She memorized the Qur'an after her graduation. She was the Head of International Relations in the Welfare Party and is now 176 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 THE WORLD FRIDAY, DECEMBER S RELIGIONS continuing the same position with the Virtue Party. She is a member of the Turkish Parliament. 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN ENGINEERING 3.56 From Prisons to Community: Our Interreligious Challenge Dr. Robert E. Roberts This presentation will call for the attention of the religious community to the global situation of prisons and prisoners. The discussion will embody what the world's religious leaders need to know regarding issues of imprisonment and, using the case of prisons in the United States, will raise the issue of the significance of prisons to determine the quality of community in any country. Lastly, Dr. Roberts will submit a methodology for concrete transformation of persons and communities in the world's prison systems. This program is sponsored by the Institute for World Spirituality. For the past ten years, Bob Roberts has been actively involved in various aspects of community building programs across the country, in Europe and the former Soviet Union. Dr. Roberts is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor at Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and Executive Director of Project Return, a prison aftercare program that offers community building workshops; addiction treatment; training in conflict resolution, relationship skills, and communication; family and individual counseling: vocational counseling and job placement. Dr. Roberts has been much in demand as an instructor at workshops and conferences across the country and has been interviewed on numerous radio talk shows, including National Public Radio and has made dozens of appearances on various newscast and television talk shows on CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX, including the Ivanhoe nationally syndicated news broadcast. He currently resides in New Orleans, Louisiana. 3 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Growing in Community: How a Deeper Awareness Fosters Change in the World Ms. Krishnapriya; Rev. Marcus C. R. Braybrooke; Br. Wayne Teasdale; Sampuran K. Khalsa; Radhe Chan; Anastasia White Participants who have grown up in spiritual or religious communities will share their views on life in community. The panel will dialogue about the different aspects of growing up in a community and how this affected their development as people. They will discuss how this type of environment creates positive attributes that will change and impact the 21st Century. Krishnapriya is a member of the Kashi Ashram in Florida, USA, and a student of Ma Jaya. Marcus Braybrooke is a Trustee of the International Interfaith Centre and President of the World Congress of Faiths as well as author of several books on interfaith work and co-editor of All in Good Faith, a resource book for multifaith. Brother Wayne Teasdale is a Christian sannyasi, or renunciate (lay monk) in the lineage of Father Bede Griffiths, O.S.B. Cam. He has a Ph.D. in theology from Fordham University, and is an adjunct professor at DePaul University, Columbia College and Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He serves on the board of directors of the Parliament of the World's Religions, writes, lectures widely, including Common Ground in the Chicago area, and gives occasional retreats. His new book is The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World's Religions. Sampuran K. Khalsa is a member Sikh Darma International. Radhe is a member of the Kashi Ashram in Florida, USA, and is a student of Ma Jaya. Anastasia White works with the Wilgespruit Fellowship in Johannesburg. South Africa.
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS CRITICAL ISSUES FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 contemporary perspective. It will elaborate on how mutual 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 6 respect can positively affect people's behavior, in every aspect Religion and the New World Order of life. The lecture will identify tools available for people who wish to actively work toward more nonviolent communities, Dr. Sulayman Nyang; Saleha Mahmood Abedin; Dr. and also show how meditation can be an effective way to help Ahmet Davutoglu establish and spread peace, from the individual to the global This panel deals with the challenges facing religions in the level. emerging world order. Panelists are asked to focus on Dr. Arthur Stein teaches Peace Studies and Comparative Religion at the University of Rhode Island. He has written extensively in these areas, questions relating to the following issues: identity and culture, including several books to his credit, and is a co-founder of the new socioeconomic power relations between groups, religious Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies at the University of Rhode values and social justice in the New World Order, inter-religious Island. He has been a student of meditation and other contemplative cooperation and conflict in the New World Order practices for many years. Dr. Sulayman S. Nyang teaches African and Islamic Studies at Howard University in Washington, D.C. He is well known in academic and interfaith circles and is a past President of the interfaith Conference. His 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.19 best known works are Islam, Christianity, and African Identity, and Islam What Men Owe to Women: Positive Resources in the USA Dr. Saleha S. Mahmood is the Chairperson of the International Islamic From the World's Religions Committee for Woman and Child, the Director of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, London, and Chief Editor of the scholarly biannual Dr. John C. Raines publication Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. She is also a professor of This panel will share the findings of a research project involving sociology with a specialization in population and demography 12 male scholars who explored the positive resources Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu has written extensively on contemporary political supporting mutuality and human rights in male-female and philosophical issues. He teaches at the Dept. of Political Sicence. Marmare University, Istanbul, and heads the Foundation of the Studies in relationships in Islam, Christianity, Buddhism Judaism, Arts and Science, Istanbul, Turkey. He is the author of Alternative Hinduism, Native American, and African spiritual traditions. Paradigms (University Press of Amenca, 1994) and Civilizational Dr. John C. Raines teaches in the Department of Religion at Temple Transformation and the Muslim World (Quill, 1994). University in Philadelphia. He received his Ph. D. from Union Theological Seminary in 1967. He has written several books, including Islam and the West: A Coming Clash of Civilizations? (Petaling Jaya, 1995) and Modern 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 7 Work and Human Meaning (Westminster Press, 1986). Religious Leadership and Human Rights Dr. Arvind Sharma; Mr. Bawa Jain Preminder; Ms. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 Kusumita P Pederson; Dr. Nancy Martin; Dr. Joseph Economic Globalization and the Roman Catholic Runzo Social Justice Tradition The project consists of a Panel discussion for two hours on the Rev. Mark Allman challenges posed by human rights discourse to the religious leaders of the various communities, and how the leaders are The reality of economic globalization is the focus of this lecture, responding to the challenge. and, more specifically, the immediate responses that should be implemented to alleviate Third World debt and foster fair Arvind Sharma, M.Th. Ph.D. is the Birks Professor of Comparative Religion Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill University in Montreal. He has been regulatory practices internationally. There will also be some active in the interplay of Hinduism and human rights, and recently discussion of the methodological shifts as in abandoning the organized a session on human rights, world religion and human dignity Universal Ethic language for the language of Global Ethics. The for the World Conference on the Universal Declaration on Human Rights lecture will conclude by examining the Catholic social justice in Montreal in December, 1998. He is a member of the board of advisors of the Project on Religion and Human Rights at Emory University and an tradition and its role in economic globalization. international consultant for the Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Mark Allman is working on a Ph.D. in Christian Ethics at Loyola University Bawa Jain Preminder, an adherent of Jainism, is Director for International of Chicago. He is a strong advocate for peace and justice issues, has & UN Affairs for the interfaith Center of New York and Trustee for the extensive pastoral experience, and is a gifted public speaker His Parliament of the World's Religions. presentation at the Parliament is part of his future dissertation Kusumita P. Pederson is Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at St. Francis College in New York. She was previously Executive Director of 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 the Project on Religion and Human Rights. Joint Secretary for religious affairs of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on The 1% Solution Human Survival and Executive Director of the Temple of Understanding. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Council for a Parliament Mr. Mitchell Gold; Mr. Luciano Meira; Dr. Nina Lynn of the World's Religions. Meyerhof Nancy Martin is Assistant Professor in Religious Studies at Chapman University. Her research focuses on devotional Hinduism, women's Recognizing UNICEF's budget is only one billion dollars, and religious lives and the religious traditions of low-caste groups in India. knowing that there is enough money around the world to She is co-editor of The Meaning of Life in the World Religions fforthcoming) and is completing a book on the sixteenth-century woman fund necessary human needs, it was determined that it is Saint Mirabai necessary to organize a funding base that does not require Joseph Runzo is Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Chapman nation states, but rather corporations who are doing business University in California, US. A. and Life Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge in a new globalized world) to demonstrate responsibility for the University. He has published five books, is co-editor of The Meaning of global commons. The program develops from the grass roots Life in the World Religions (forthcoming) and is currently working on a where individuals will determine by the way they choose to book entitled Religion, Sex and Love Reflections of the Divine. spend their money, which corporations they will support. Those corporations that agree to pledge 1% of their gross 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN ENGINEERING 3.44 revenues to the 1% solution, will be allowed to attach the name of the program (1 % Solution) to their product. This will The Spiritual Roots of Nonviolence: Experiencing give these corporations a trading advantage over other Peace Through Meditation corporations in the local community. The awareness campaign will be carried by Peace Messengers from around the world to Prof. Arthur Stein the local constituency. We will develop an institutional model This participatory session will explore the religious, spiritual and that assures the public that this is an economically efficient, ethical roots of nonviolence, both historically and from a trustworthy, ethical, and healthy way of proceeding with their 177 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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________________ 1 9 9 9 PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLDSRELIGIONS CRITICAL ISSUES FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 lives. Our discussion will include concept, organization, process, and implementation strategies. Mitchell Gold is the Vice President of North American Affairs for the International Association of Educators for World Peace. He also conceptualized the 1% Solution and is carrying the idea forward as a part of an educational program teaching. The program is based upon the development of common core curriculum concepts demonstrating the inter-connectedness of all things. Luciano Meira, poet and journalist is the advisor to the President of Legion of Good Will and Temple of Good Will, Jose de Paiva Netto. Meira is the liaison of the Legion to the United Nations and the chairman of the International Liaisons of the International Association of Educators for World Peace. Dr. Nina Lynn Meyerhof is the founder of Children of the Earth. Her vision is to effect social change through conscious, holistic education. Working tirelessly as the Director of Special Education for 10 schools in Vermont, Nina travels the world bringing her perspective on necessary teachings to multidisciplinary models in order to build a culture of peace. in 1999-2000. The original computer study Limits To Growth written in 1972 (which sold over 9 million copies in over 30 languages) predicted that, if trends in world population, food production, industrialization, and pollution continued, the limits to growth on this planet would be reached within the next 100 Inow 70) years. These projections have proven correct. Mr. Harris has spent the last 30 years giving his time and money to organizations in the environmental population, energy efficiency agriculture and peace fields. Mr. Harris has served on several Boards of Directors, and occasionally chaired these groups. 2:00 PM-3:30 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 A Way for Religion and Spirituality to Morph from Root Cause of War to Culture of Peace: The Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the 21st Century Ms. Kathy Uhler: Mr. Bawa Jain Preminder; Rev. Park Hee Soo; Mr. Leonard Marks; Sr. Georgene Wilson The panel discussants will present The Hague Agenda to the Parliament of the World's Religions as a Gift of Service from the thousands of participants of The Hague Appeal for Peace Conference (11-15 May 1999). Each panelist will highlight how The Hague Agenda serves also as a Call to Religion to encourage their adherents to work together within and across traditions to address critical social issues of the day. Kathy Uhler is the Chair of The Hague Focus Group on Religion and Spirituality and Co-Director of Fransiscans International Bawa Jain Preminder, an adherent of Jainism, is Director for International & UN Affairs for the Interfaith Center of New York: and Trustee for the Parliament of the World's Religions. Rev. Park Hee Soo Chung Sook) is a Won Buddhist abbess who serves in Seoul, Korea. Leonard Marks has been teaching self-healing meditation classes for many years and edited a meditation book entitled, Realize What You Are . He is President of the New York Lawyers Alliance for World Security and founder of the Co-Existence Center of Baruch College. Sr. Georgene Wilson, Order of St. Francis, is both a facilitator and a witness in this lecture. She is a contemplative and a teacher of spirituality who lives, moves, and has her being at Wisdom Webbings Anchorhold in Wheaton, Illinois, USA 2:00 PM-5:30 PM IN ST. MARKS Becoming Global Citizens: The Contribution of Indigenous Religions to a Global Ethic Dr. Kay A. Read; Dr. Teresia Hinga; Dr. Laurenti Magesa; Prof. Tabitha Kanogo; Dr. Grace Wamue; Gerarl Wanjohi; Dr. Adam Chepkwony; Prof. Theodora Ayot This workshop will bring together representatives of indigenous peoples from around the world to reflect on which ways in which the wisdom of indigenous peoples can contribute to a global ethic as envisioned in the 1993 Parliament. The panelists will be drawn from concerned academics who began critically to engage indigenous world views as well as practitioners of indigenous religions as activists who argue for the case of applying indigenous wisdom as they respond to the multiple ethical issues that confront humanity today. Professor Kay Read teaches courses on Native American and Meso American indigenous peoples at DePaul University, USA. Teresia Mbari Hinga is assistant professor in the Department of Religious Studies at DePaul University in Chicago, IL She has written extensively on issues surrounding women and religion in Africa. Book Chapters have included Christianity and Female Puberty Rites in Africa: The Agikuyu Case, Between Colonization and inculturation: Feminist Theologies in Africa. Under a research grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Hinga produced a research report, The Role of Religious Networks in the Provision of Education to Women in Africa. Dr. Laurenti Magesa is Tanzanian Catholic Priest and author of African Religions: The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life Associate Professor of African History, University of California Berkeley Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Kenyatta University, Nairobi. Kenya. Professor of Philosophy, Nairobi University Chairperson, Department of Religion, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya. Theodore Ayot is an Associate Professor of African History at North Park College in the United States Critical Issues 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.44 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.19 An Interfaith Approach to HIV/AIDS Ministry Conflict Resolution: A Muslim Perspective Reverend Kenneth T. South Dr. Asad Husain This workshop will help participants to understand how various The world is full of conflicts, many of which are caused by or religious traditions including Christians, Jews, Hindus, and linked to interreligious confrontation. This presentation will Buddhists can work together to provide a range of responses focus on the role of the Council for a Parliament of the World's to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In particular, the workshop will Religions in bringing peace to a war torn world. explore how the AIDS National Interfaith Network of the United Asad Husain, Professor Emeritus, Northeastern Illinois University, and States has been successful in helping various traditions President of American Islamic College. He is also a founder of the London (UK) and Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) based Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, overcome those elements that have separated them in the past and a trustee of CPWR. to work together for a future where there is physical and spiritual healing of HIV/AIDS. Rev. Kenneth T. South is the former executive director of the ADS 2:00 PM-4:00 PM IN COMMERCE 3.55 National Interfaith Network where he served for 10 years. He has presented at numerous workshops and conferences across the US and at Education as Transformation: International the 1993 Parliament He has a BA in non-profit management and MDiv. Perspectives in theology. Hewas ordained in 1972 in the United Church of Christ. Dr. Peter Laurence; Rev. Victor H. Kazanian, Jr.; Ms. Diana Dana 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 5 This workshop is presented by the Education as Transformation Are We Beyond the Limits to Growth? Project at Wellesley College. The project has been working since 1996 to develop programs that address the rapidly Mr. John A. Harris increasing religious diversity among students on college and This is an update of Beyond the Limits, which will be published university campuses throughout the United States. Recently, 178 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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________________ 1999 PARLIAMENT CRITICAL ISSUES over 800 people attended a national gathering at Wellesley College to explore issues of religious pluralism and spirituality in American higher education. At this workshop, religionists and educators from various parts of the world will have an opportunity to discuss these themes from an international perspective, and to develop partnerships toward implementing related programs in their own cultures. Dr. Peter Laurence is Director of the Education as Transformation Project at Wellesley College and also serves as Chair of the Board of the North American Interfaith Network. O F THE The Rev. Victor H. Kazanian, Jr. is Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life at Wellesley College, and is Senior Advisor to the Education as Transformation Project. MABETIC Diane Dana is the coordinator of the EDUCATION as Transformation (East) Project. based at Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts, USA. She works with teams from institutions of higher education to explore religious pluralism and spirituality and to make changes to institutional structures and educational programs as called for through the process of exploration. Prior to coming to EasT, Ms. Dana was the founder and coordinator of the Massachusetts School-Based Community Service Learning (CSL) Program at the Massachusetts Department of Education, and was one of the early leaders in the community service movement in the United States. Ms. Dana is a graduate of Duke University, NC, USA. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.22 Freedom of Religion in a Pluralist World Ms. Elizabeth C. Warren Respect for the right of all the world's people to practice their religions freely was incorporated in a Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948. Over the past 50 years the nations of the world have come together a number of times to reaffirm this and other human rights for all people. Nevertheless, most of the religions of the world have encountered some form of discrimination or abuse, either by government or by other, usually dominant, religious organizations. This lecture will identify governmental practices and inter-religious group conflicts around the world as they impact the religious freedom of people, and will note available means to promote religious freedom and resolve conflicts. Elizabeth Warren received a B. A degree from Bryn Mawr College. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska in Political Science. Her special fields of interest are American government with emphasis on policy-making and urban studies. taras 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.68 May the New Millennium be Kinder to All Beings Mrs. Louise Van Der Merwe The lecture will offer an explanation of why animals need to be given priority in the new millennium. This lecture will explore how the Truth and Reconciliation Commission parallels of the oppression of animals and humans, and why humans need to free themselves from the burden of cruelty. Founder and Editor of Animal Voice, which has been in operation for a decade with a following of several thousand. Speak 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.13 Neo-Buddhism & Rising Activism for Human Rights in India 2010_03 Dr. Rahul Deepankar, M.D. This paper describes the historical and current condition of exuntouchables in India, who number about 200 million people. Their search for equality and human dignity has resulted in the rise of Neo-Buddhism. The paper also addresses issues of increasing struggle for human rights, with particular emphasis on the role of Neo-Buddhism in the success and failure of activism aimed at improving human rights for these people in India. The writer also advocates that the rise of Buddhism creates conditions conducive for increased social harmony and WORLD S FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 peace. Dr. Deepankar has been a practicing physician in the Chicago area for the past 18 years. He is currently the Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Mary's Hospital in Kankakee, Illinois. In his nonprofessional life he has been engaged in the struggle for human rights and justice for Dalits "ex-untouchables," Neo-Buddhist, Muslims, Christians, and other minorities for the 21st century. Dr. Deepankar is also President of the New Republic of India International, and Vice President of the Association of Indians in America. RELIGIONS 2:00 PM-3:00 PM IN THEATER 4 PROUT-A Socio-Economic Theory for a New Millennium Acharya Shambushivanada Avadhuta This program will address the five fundamental principles of PROUT (Progressive Utilization of Resources Theory) which calls for the progressive utilization and rational distribution of the physical, metaphysical and spiritual resources of the universe. It stresses the importance of first addressing the basic needs of all, before allowing superfluity for a few. Acharya Avadhuta is the recipient of International Mahatma Gandhi Award and Karya Shiromani Award and is a celebrated speaker on Yoga and contemporary Issues. He is currently the Kulapari (Chancellor) of International Gurukula Network based in Anondanogar, India. His latest talks on co-creating Public Philosophy are now being published by the University of Tokyo Press. He is also author of several books: Proof Economics, Cardinal Human Values, andGurukul Education and Planning.....Interventions in Developing Countries. = 1974 3+1 % CIRCA Mich 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.56 The Social Effects of Different Religions Mr. Frederic E. Lamond Religious beliefs and myths are general theories of life with which we structure our experiences and view of the Universe, and which influence our response to life. It follows that different belief and myth structures will influence their believers' behavior in different ways. In this lecture, a comparison will be made of the different effects that Protestant Christianity and Roman Catholicism have had on the countries in which they have each been the majority religion since the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. Some possible causes of these differences may be found in their belief and worship structures. Can a study of these differences and their social effects help us find the religious pattern most conducive to human survival in the third millennium? Frederic Lamond is a 68-year old economist and computer consultant. Comparative religion and the social and psychological effects of different religions have been hi