10:00 AM–12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.44 Assessing the Faith Traditions of Southern Africa in Terms of Lesbian and Gay Inclusion Rev. Clayton Edmund Wakeford; Rev. Peter Oberholzer This presentation will asses the inclusiveness of South Africa's religious and spiritual traditions to gay and lesbian participation. This analysis will be followed by an exploration into how religious and spiritual communities can work together to promote a more inclusive atmosphere in South Africa for icsbians and gays. Rev Wakeford is the National Manager of the National NDS Convention of South Afrca (NACOSA). He was previously Parliamentary Lobbyist for the National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality. Rev. Oberholzer is the founder and Manager of Gay and Lesbian Christian Outreach (GLO). He is a prominent South African clergy person from the Reformed tradition.
10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN ENGINEERING 3.56 The Impact of Globalization on Our Lives and Spirituality Rev. Terry Provance The workshop will provide a brief examination of the various ways that corporate globalization is impacting our daily living. social structures and spirituality. How religious communities are responding and what might be new and creative strategies will be analyzed in this workshop. Harve Cox's article in March's Atlantic Monthly entitled "The Market As God" will be a reference point. No biographical statement available at time of printing.
10:00 AM–12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 Discerning Spirit From Matter His Divine Grace Bhakti Swarupa Tirtha Maharaja; This lecture intends to show people how to discern reality from illusion, spirit from matter, the eternal from ephemeral to expose faults of materialism, and offer guidance in the vedic technique of spiritual life. Bhakti Swaroopa Teertha Goswami Maharaja is the spiritual preceptor of Transcendental Science, which teaches the essence of Vedic wisdom.
10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN PODIUM HALL Mahatma Gandhi and the South African Struggle Ms. Ela Gandhi This lecture will explore the relationship between the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi and the freedom struggle in South Africa. This presentation will also describe Gandhi's personal transformation, and how that impacted South Africa's struggle against apartheid. Ela Gandhi is a MP representing the African National Congress in South Africa. She is a renowned social worker, political activist, and follower of Gandhian ideals.
10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN ENGINEERING 3.15 Ecology as Experience in African Religions Dr. Edward Phillip Antonio The lecture will explore different ways in which the indigenous ecologies practiced in the traditional religions of Africa can make a positive and significant contribution to humanity's current research for solutions to the menacing environmental problem, which besets its dealings with nature. In the lecture, Dr. Antonio will argue that African traditional religions embody a unique moral economy that is founded upon a recognition of the essential interconnectedness of humans, nature, and the gods, and thus prescribes a holistic and integrated approach to life on earth. Edward Antonio is originally from Zimbabwe. He was educated at Universities in England and Scotland. He holds a Ph.D. degree from Cambridge University. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Theology and Social Theory at lliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado.
10:00 AM–12:00 PM IN THEATER 6 National Integrity Strategy for South Africa Dr. Daryl Balia; Prof. James Cochrane; Rev. Roxanne Jordaan; Dr. Stiaan vander Merwe Presenters in this workshop will discuss their individual work insofar as it relates to the development of the National Integrity Strategy which is being coordinated by the government in the context of its anti-corruption programme. The workshop will offer participants an opportunity to make input into the development of the National Strategy to promote the moral reconstruction of society, and possibly discuss formation of a National Ethics Coalition. Dr. Daryl Balla is the Chief Director of the Public Service Commission in South Africa. Prof. James Cochrane is a faculty member of the University of Cape Town Rev. Roxanne Jordaan is the Programme Officer of the Church Community Leadership Trust. Dr. Stiaan van der Merwe is a member of the Uniting Reformed Church of South Africa and the Chief Executive Officer of Transparency International in South Africa.
Critical Issues
10:00 AM–12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.68 The First Seven Years of Childhood: Foundations for the Rest of Life Mr. Peter van Alphen Whether a child will become a moral world-citizen or a criminal is determined during the first seven years of childhood. How a child is treated during this time, how a child is educated during this time, is everything. Moderated by Peter van Alpen, a group of people working in the townships around Cape Town speak about their educational approach and their experiences in a community upliftment programme. Using the principles of Waldorf (Rudolph Steiner) Education, this group is striving to transform the lives of some 1,500 children living in poverty conditions Peter van Alphen was a Waldorf teacher for 16 years. Subsequently, as a teacher-trainer, he co-founded the Centre for Creative Education, now a vibrant Waldorf training centre in South Africa. Peter started several projects with poor township communities, providing teacher training and the development of enriched pre- and primary schools.
10:00 AM–12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.13 The Spirit of Human Rights Ms. Charmaine C. Crockett; Dr. Kristi Rudelius-Paimer This lively discussion will focus on matters of spirit and its relation to human rights. What does spirit mean and what is its relevance to human rights activism in our daily lives? Participants will be given a brief overview of human rights Materials from the Spirit of Human Rights 2000 and the Human Rights Resource Center will be distributed. Charmaine Crockett is a human rights activist, writer, and research analyst. She has been active in issues ranging from globalization to spirituality and human rights. She is currently editing a human rights anthology with Dr. Charles Fishman and is working on A Daily Guide to the Revolution, a book to revitalize the spirit and spur all to action. Kristi Rudelius-Palmer is the co-director of the Human Rights center at the University of Minnesota and the founder and director of the Human Rights USA Resource Center, a national clearinghouse for human rights education materials and training. In 1992, Kristi became the founding
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