contemporary perspective. It will elaborate on how mutual 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN THEATER 6
respect can positively affect people's behavior, in every aspect Religion and the New World Order
of life. The lecture will identify tools available for people who
wish to actively work toward more nonviolent communities, Dr. Sulayman Nyang; Saleha Mahmood Abedin; Dr.
and also show how meditation can be an effective way to help Ahmet Davutoglu
establish and spread peace, from the individual to the global This panel deals with the challenges facing religions in the
level. emerging world order. Panelists are asked to focus on
Dr. Arthur Stein teaches Peace Studies and Comparative Religion at the
University of Rhode Island. He has written extensively in these areas, questions relating to the following issues: identity and culture,
including several books to his credit, and is a co-founder of the new socioeconomic power relations between groups, religious
Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies at the University of Rhode values and social justice in the New World Order, inter-religious
Island. He has been a student of meditation and other contemplative cooperation and conflict in the New World Order
practices for many years. Dr. Sulayman S. Nyang teaches African and Islamic Studies at Howard University in Washington, D.C. He is well known in academic and interfaith circles and is a past President of the interfaith Conference. His
10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.19 best known works are Islam, Christianity, and African Identity, and Islam
What Men Owe to Women: Positive Resources in the USA Dr. Saleha S. Mahmood is the Chairperson of the International Islamic
From the World's Religions Committee for Woman and Child, the Director of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, London, and Chief Editor of the scholarly biannual
Dr. John C. Raines publication Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. She is also a professor of
This panel will share the findings of a research project involving sociology with a specialization in population and demography
12 male scholars who explored the positive resources Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu has written extensively on contemporary political
supporting mutuality and human rights in male-female and philosophical issues. He teaches at the Dept. of Political Sicence. Marmare University, Istanbul, and heads the Foundation of the Studies in
relationships in Islam, Christianity, Buddhism Judaism, Arts and Science, Istanbul, Turkey. He is the author of Alternative
Hinduism, Native American, and African spiritual traditions. Paradigms (University Press of Amenca, 1994) and Civilizational
Dr. John C. Raines teaches in the Department of Religion at Temple Transformation and the Muslim World (Quill, 1994).
University in Philadelphia. He received his Ph. D. from Union Theological Seminary in 1967. He has written several books, including Islam and the
West: A Coming Clash of Civilizations? (Petaling Jaya, 1995) and Modern 10:00 AM-12:00 PM IN THEATER 7
Work and Human Meaning (Westminster Press, 1986). Religious Leadership and Human Rights Dr. Arvind Sharma; Mr. Bawa Jain Preminder; Ms.
11:00 AM–11:45 AM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 Kusumita P Pederson; Dr. Nancy Martin; Dr. Joseph
Economic Globalization and the Roman Catholic Runzo
Social Justice Tradition The project consists of a Panel discussion for two hours on the
Rev. Mark Allman challenges posed by human rights discourse to the religious leaders of the various communities, and how the leaders are
The reality of economic globalization is the focus of this lecture, responding to the challenge.
and, more specifically, the immediate responses that should be
implemented to alleviate Third World debt and foster fair Arvind Sharma, M.Th. Ph.D. is the Birks Professor of Comparative Religion Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill University in Montreal. He has been
regulatory practices internationally. There will also be some active in the interplay of Hinduism and human rights, and recently
discussion of the methodological shifts as in abandoning the organized a session on human rights, world religion and human dignity
Universal Ethic language for the language of Global Ethics. The for the World Conference on the Universal Declaration on Human Rights
lecture will conclude by examining the Catholic social justice in Montreal in December, 1998. He is a member of the board of advisors of the Project on Religion and Human Rights at Emory University and an
tradition and its role in economic globalization. international consultant for the Encyclopedia of Hinduism.
Mark Allman is working on a Ph.D. in Christian Ethics at Loyola University Bawa Jain Preminder, an adherent of Jainism, is Director for International
of Chicago. He is a strong advocate for peace and justice issues, has & UN Affairs for the interfaith Center of New York and Trustee for the
extensive pastoral experience, and is a gifted public speaker His Parliament of the World's Religions.
presentation at the Parliament is part of his future dissertation Kusumita P. Pederson is Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at St. Francis College in New York. She was previously Executive Director of
2:00 PM–3:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 the Project on Religion and Human Rights. Joint Secretary for religious affairs of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on
The 1% Solution Human Survival and Executive Director of the Temple of Understanding. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Council for a Parliament
Mr. Mitchell Gold; Mr. Luciano Meira; Dr. Nina Lynn of the World's Religions.
Meyerhof Nancy Martin is Assistant Professor in Religious Studies at Chapman University. Her research focuses on devotional Hinduism, women's
Recognizing UNICEF's budget is only one billion dollars, and religious lives and the religious traditions of low-caste groups in India.
knowing that there is enough money around the world to She is co-editor of The Meaning of Life in the World Religions fforthcoming) and is completing a book on the sixteenth-century woman
fund necessary human needs, it was determined that it is Saint Mirabai
necessary to organize a funding base that does not require Joseph Runzo is Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Chapman
nation states, but rather corporations who are doing business University in California, US. A. and Life Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge
in a new globalized world) to demonstrate responsibility for the University. He has published five books, is co-editor of The Meaning of
global commons. The program develops from the grass roots Life in the World Religions (forthcoming) and is currently working on a
where individuals will determine by the way they choose to book entitled Religion, Sex and Love Reflections of the Divine.
spend their money, which corporations they will support.
Those corporations that agree to pledge 1% of their gross 10:00 AM-11:30 AM IN ENGINEERING 3.44
revenues to the 1% solution, will be allowed to attach the
name of the program (1 % Solution) to their product. This will The Spiritual Roots of Nonviolence: Experiencing
give these corporations a trading advantage over other Peace Through Meditation
corporations in the local community. The awareness campaign
will be carried by Peace Messengers from around the world to Prof. Arthur Stein
the local constituency. We will develop an institutional model This participatory session will explore the religious, spiritual and
that assures the public that this is an economically efficient, ethical roots of nonviolence, both historically and from a
trustworthy, ethical, and healthy way of proceeding with their
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