Major Presentations
Leone, West Africa, in 1996. 2:00 PM–2:45 PM GOOD HOPE ARENA The Golden Age Begins with Ourselves by Direct
2:00 PM–3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.74 Contact with God
The Jain Principle of Anekant and Human Survival Master Suma Ching Hai
Dr. Sohanlal Jain Gandhi This lecture teaches the Great Way of Enlightenment, the Ultimate Path of Liberation and Truth, and the Way to Bring
Human history is replete with violent feuds, conflict, and wars. Heaven to Earth. This workshop offers everyone a chance to
wars, ironically, have been fought in the name of religion, discover and experience for themselves the Divine Awakening,
which is meant to be used as an instrument for individual and the Pure Ocean of God's Love within. Explore with Master
purification and spiritual elevation. The Jain principle of Ching Hai the meaning of her statement. "Heaven is only the
Anekant, however, has in it the potential to end all quarrels beginning, see God while living".
and conflicts. It stresses the unity of all religions and excludes Master Ching Hai is a symbol of spintual wisdom and guidance for
disputation, or refutation of other beliefs, from its periphery. hundreds and thousands of people around the world. Although not
Anekant advocates non-absolutism and teaches us to respect seeking acknowledgement of any kind, Master Ching Hai has become
different viewpoints and beliefs. If the Anekant approach is internationally recognized for her spiritual, humanitarian and disaster
adopted in our day-to-day dealings we can still hope for relief activities worldwide.
survival, or else fanaticism may annihilate human civilization all
together. 2:00 PM–2:45 PM IN THEATER 3
Dr. S.L. Gandhi, the former Vice-Principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya
Sangathan, is the Dean of the Faculty of Peace and Nonviolence Studies, The Interfaith Movement - Where Are We Now
at the Intercultural Open University, Opeinde, the Netherlands. He is the And Where Are We Going?
Project Director of the Institute of Jainology UK and has written, and
edited, several books relating to Jainism and ahimsa. Ms. Kusumita P Pederson The speaker will present an overview and analysis of the
2:00 PM–2:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.31 interfaith movement in the world today. trying to determine
Rebuilding European Jewry what we actually know about Il the different kinds of work being done in different contexts. The interfaith movement is
Rabbi Sjalom Awraham Soetendorp entering a new phase — what is new about it? Major problems and challenges will be identified, as well as the opening of
In this lecture, Rabbi Soetendorp will explore his experience as new possibilities. The presentation is intended to stimulate
a survivor of the shoah, and how that experience was full of
destruction and despair. He will also describe his work in the constructive discussion.
Netherlands and the former Soviet Union to rebuild Kusumita P. Pederson is Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at St. Francis College in New York. She was previously Executive Director of
communities. He will also present the lessons which can be the Project on Religion and Human Rights, Joint Secretary for religious
drawn from his experience for a more humane future, as affairs of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on
represented in his new initiative, Hope for Children. Human Survival and Executive Director of the Temple of Understanding She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Council for a Parliament
Rabbi Soetendorp is currently the Rabbi of the Reform Jewish Community
of the Hague, and Rabbi of the Union of Dutch Reform Jewish of the World's Religions.
Communities. A survivor of the Holocaust, he has been a long standing Human Rights activist. He frequently lectures at many Universities and
Centers around the world. 2:00 PM–2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 Islam and Other Religions: Issues and Directions
2:00 PM–3:00 PM IN THEATER 6 for the Next Century
Secular Globalization and Cultural Pluralism: The Dr. Muzzamil Siddiqi: Sheik Kamil al-Sharif; Dr. Mawlani
Question of Existentiality of Religious Traditions Khalilur Rahman Sajjad Nomani; Prof. Amir Al-Islam The panelists will examine issues on the global level and
Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu suggest how a better picture will emerge in the 21st century
This lecture looks at preparing an intellectual ground to validate through better understanding and cooperation between Islam
the existence of religious traditions in the contemporary world. and other religions. They will mainly consider the possibility of
Dr. Davutoglu will critically examine the emptiness of secular peace loving people from different faith communities rising
(that is anti-religious) humanism in this concern. He will above their communal interests and working together for social
conclude the lecture by proposing a better alternative. and economic justice.
Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu has written extensively on contemporary political Dr. Muzzamil Siddigi graduated from the Islamic University of Medinah
and philosophical issues. He teaches at the Dept of Political Sicence, and Harvard (Ph.D). He is currently President of the Islamic Society of
Marmare University, Istanbul, and heads the Foundation of the Studies in North America (SNA). He is Imam and Director of the Islamic Society of
Arts and Science, Istanbul, Turkey. He is the author of Alternative Orange County, California and teaches at California State University at
Paradigms (University Press of America, 1994) and Civilizational Fullerton.
Transformation and the Muslim World (Quill, 1994) Sheik al-Sharif is a well known Islamic scholar from the Middle East. Director General of International Institute of Dawanand Relief with offices
3100 PM–3:45 PM IN SCIENCE 2.70 in Amman Jordan). Jeddah Saudi Arabia), and Cairo (Egypt) In the field of dawah and working with people of other faiths. Mawlani
Foundations of Shinto Nomani is the most influential Muslim religious leader ('alim), having international repute
Rev. Munemichi Kurozumi Amir Al-Islam is a Professor of African American History at Medgar Evers
Rev. Kurozumi, the first son of the present Chief Patriarch of College, in Brooklyn, New York, where he also serves as the Associate Director of the Dr. Betty Shabazz Center for Global Affairs, named after
Kurozumikyo Shinto, will present an overview of the history, the late wife of Malcolm X Mr. Al-Islam was the former Secretary General
worldview, and major figures in Shinto. of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, USA an international:
Rev. Munemichi Kurozumi is the first son of the present Chief Patriarch of interfaith organization affiliated with the United Nations. Through his
Kurozumikyo Shinto, and will therefore be the Seventh Chief Patriarch work at the WCRP/USA Prof. Al-Islam participated in several interfaith
He also represents the Religious NGO Network (RNN), a local crossinitiatives at the international level, such as the UN conference on Social
religious network which promotes and engages in humanitarian efforts Development in Copenhagen, Habitat ll in Istanbul, and the World
worldwide Conference of Religious Leaders at the Vatican in 1995. Prof. Al-islam was instrumental in establishing one of the first interfaith councils in Sierra
5 6 Jain Education International 2010_03 For Private & Personal Use Only
dini araduated from President of the
Islamic Society of