SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 End of History, Clash of Civilizations, or Transformation of Civilization
66. 187 Hinduism - A South African Perspective
101 Hindus and Muslims: Learning from the Past and Directions for the Future The Image of the Woman and Spirituality in Hindu Teaching
101 Intercultural Tolerance: A Personal Experience
149 Interfaith Harmony in the 21st Century
66, 149 Interfaith Perspectives on Religious Freedom: Asian and Middle Eastern Perspectives
149 Non-Violence & Spirituality: Goals and Activities of The International Gandhi & Griffiths Society
187 One God - Many Interpretations
66, 150 Peace and Human Unity in the New Millennium
66, 101 The Question of Human Vitality and Flourishing Toward an Ethic of Contingency
187 Religion and the Realization of Peace and Justice in the World
187 The Science of Mantras in Jain Religion
101 Spirituality and the World Bank: A Positive Engagement? Spirituality, Religion, Culture, and Peace: Exploring the Foundations for Inner-Outer Peace in the 21st Century The Stories of Unitarians in South Africa's History
101 What Contribution Can Africa Make Towards New Global Ideals?
188 What Does It Mean to Believe in a Universal Spirit? Zoroastrianism's Reciprocity with Other World Religions and Civilizations 4:00 PM A Kaleidoscope of Christian Spirituality: Christian Mysticism
101 A Religion for Our Times: South Africa as a Repository of Interfacing Faiths
188 Are You Ready for the Apocalypse Now?
150 Australians for Reconciliation
150 Beliefs and Concepts Zoroastrians Share with Other Faiths.
150 The Christian Evangelical in Today's World
101 Concept of God Head
102 The Contribution of Religious Education in UK Schools to Understanding a Diversity of Faiths
151 Creating Sacred Family, Techniques for Intimate Relationships
102 Creativity within Christian Prayer - The Writer's Gift
102 Facing the Past, Freeing the Future
188 Feminist Theology Revisited - South African Perspectives
102 Healing Religious Wounds - Joining a Research-Action
188 Human Rights Norms & Islam
102 The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness — Fulfilling the Spiritual Promise Mythology and the Millennium: An Introduction to Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth
67. Psychoactive Sacraments Religion and Human Dignity
138, 177, 188 Report on Interreligious Cooperation within the Religions Consultation Population, Reproductive Health and Ethics Rites of Passage: Cycles of Life...the Way of the Circle Sheng Zhen Experiential Oigong Workshop The Sufi Path of Love There Is No Religion Higher Than Truth Torture and its Longterm Effects: A Call to the Faith Community Trembling Souls
103 War and Peace: Role of Religion Living One's Faith in Charity and Tolerance on the Eve of the Third Millennium
67, 189 Zoroastrianism and the Ethics of Leadership
68, 190
1 0:00 AM A New Religious Discourse for a Rapidly Changing World A SANE Society: Personal, Community, Spiritual and Religious Perspectives Amen-A Spiritual Approach to Peace as Creation Becoming: Women's Circles, Women's Lives Current Problems Encountered in Interreligious Work in Latin America and the Caribbean Engaging From Oneness The Faith of Modernity and Traditional Religions: Conflict or Creative Engagement Gender and HIV/AIDS - Responding to Some of the Priority Issues How Religion Impacts Women Who are Abused How to Master Change in Your Life Interfaith Cooperation: An Assessment and Agenda for the Future Interfaith Perspectives on Religious Freedom: African Perspectives Intra-Jewish Dialogue - Is It Possible? Islamic Approach to Interfaith Relations Judaism and Ecology: Tradition and Practice Liberation Theology and Freedom of Religion in Postcolonial South Africa Meditation and Yoga as Christian Spiritual Practice
68, 104
And that's not all! Don't forget to check the following sections for additional programme choices: performances; symposia; the film and video festivals; the Next Generation programmes; the art gallery; or visit the world café.
212 Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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