interfaith approaches to spirituality may benefit from the
stands among the highest professional callings in the insights of Guru Granth.
theoretical and practical healing arts within the Islamic Lal, Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, the
framework. Dr. Hamarneh will also talk about the history of University of North Texas Health Science Center, is known for his research
Islamic Medicine and how it originates from many cultures, in the areas of behavioral medicine, substance abuse, and on
ethnic groups, and communities. prolongation of healthy life spans. During his academic career, he published over 400 research papers, 20 books, several research reviews,
Dr. Sami Khalaf Hamarneh was born in Madaba-Jordan, and he migrated and 56 chapters in technical books.
to USA in 1952. He received his Ph. D. in 1959, and served from 1959 to 1977 at the Smithsoniam Institution, Washington, DC Since 1978, he
has taught as a Professor, and published 24 books on the history of 2:00 PM–3:00 PM IN THEATER 7
medicine, pharmacy, and ethics. From Ummah to Ubuntu
2:00 PM–3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.45 Prof. Fatima Meer
The Power of Unity: A Bahá'í Perspective In this presentation, Fatima Meer of the Institute of Black Research will describe and explain the concepts of Umman and
Dr. Philip Christensen Ubuntu, and explore their meaning in the South African context.
Since the days of the Old Testament humanity has struggled to No biographical statement available at time of printing
have "brethren dwell together in unity." The century just
ending has been the bloodiest in human history. Yet the Bahá'í 2:00 PM–3:00 PM IN PODIUM HALL
Writings single it out as a "blessed century' which has laid the
foundations of a unity which they promise, can and will be The Kairos Document: Faith and Politics in South
achieved. This presentation will explore this seeming Africa
diction by examining the meaning of unity from a Bahá'l
perspective at the internal, interpersonal and world levels, and Mr. Albert Nolan
suggesting some of the steps required to achieve it. This presentation will outline the content and history of the
Since 1980 Dr. Christensen has lived and served in Africa, where he has Kairos Document, a powerful statement of condemnation of
managed four multi-million dollar, donor-funded educational Apartheid. This document was signed by 150 prominent
developrnent projects in as many countries. Currently Dr. Christensen
serves as Education Director for Cyberschool Africa, a private sector Christians, and became a rallying point for the Christian
Internet-based education initiative. struggle against Apartheid from 1985 onwards. Father Albert Nolan is a Roman Catholic Priest of the Dominican Order He is currently the Editor of Challenge Magazine
2100 PM–3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 3.89
Protestant Christian Mystic Spirituality in 20th 2:00 PM–2:45 PM IN THEATRE 3
Century America The Korean Buddhist Ch'ont'ae Order and the
Rev. Dr. E.Lynn Harris Avalokitesvara Meditation
This presentation will begin with a definition of mysticism and a Supreme Ven. Jeon Chong-Yoon
brief explanation of its nature. Next, the presenter will consider
the factors as to why there has not been a major development This lecture will introduce the Korean Buddhist Ch'ont'ae Order
of mysticisiri in Protestantism. Only two conservative Protestant (KBCO) to the world community and will make known its
denominations have had a significant mystical focus: the meditation and social activities in Korea. The topics to be
Quakers, and The Christian and Missionary Alliance. The discussed during this lecture are the following: A Brief History
presentation will conclude with the hope that there will develop of KBCO; The Life of the Most Venerable Sangwol; The
during the 21st century a wider awareness of mystic spirituality Founding Spirits of KBCO; Where KBCO stands, and The
in the Protestant world and in other settings and that there will Avalokitesvara Meditation as the Fundamental Practice.
be a new day dawning, a flourishing of mystic spirituality Chong-yoon Jeon is President of the Executive Council of the Korean ddhist Chontae Order (KBCO). In 1966 he became a Buddhist monk
Rev. Dr. E. Lynn Harris recently wrote a book on mystical spirituality. A
Ph.D. from New York University: Doctor of Ministery from Chicago as a disciple of the Most Venerable Sangwol-wongak
Theological Seminary: are but a few of her degrees. She was ordained in
the United Church of Christ in 1987. 2:00 PM-2:45 PM IN THEATER 1 Ngaga Christ Paradigm
2:00 PM–3:00 PM IN SCIENCE 2.65 Gomang Seratwa Ntloedibe-Kuswani
The Roots of Indigenous Southern African
Religions This lecture asks why the Nganga Paradigm has not been noticed, acknowledged or exploited by African theologians.
Dr. Cyril Andrew Hromnik The lecture will explore the Nganga paradigm with specific
Decades of scholarly searching for the roots of African reference to Botswana, and proposes "Nganga (healer in
Indigenous religions have produced disappointing results. Today Setswana) as Christ - the savior of her or his people. The
we do not know more about these religions than we knew a gaka Christ' proposal is made because health and well-being
century ago and chances of discovering their roots through the are the core concern of African religions.
surviving oral traditions are fast fading. The main cause of this No biographical statement available at time of printing.
failure to learn about Africa's religious roots rests in the
presumption that Africa's indigenous religions are fundamentally 2:00 PM–2:45 PM IN SCIENCE 3.46
home-made-that they emerged spontaneously from the mists
of Africa's past and remained uninfluenced by the religious Perspectives on Islamic Medicine in the Golden
ferments of Europe and Asia. This lecture argues that the deepest Age and Modern Times
roots of the religious beliefs of the peoples of Southern Africa can Dr. Sami Khalaf Hamarneh
be found in the sacred books of ancient India.
Dr. Cyril Andrew Hromnik, an American historian, earned a Ph.D. in Dr. Hamarneh will talk about why Islamic Medicine is
African, South Asian and Latin American History from Syracuse University considered one of the most noble branches of the natural,
in New York (1977). He is currently the Director of Research into Early
History of Africa Anglo American and De Beers), and Director of History philosophical, scientific, and technical professions. It presently
in the Veid Project at the Mgwenya College of Education
8 9 Jain Education International 2010_03 For Private & Personal Use Only