2:00 PM–3:15 PM IN THEATER 1 The Worldly Spirituality of the Lotus Sutra Dr. Gene Reeves The modern world is increasingly plagued by the three-fold problem of rapid population growth, depletion of the earth's resources, and pollution. The Buddhist Lotus Sutra, many believe, provides a spiritual basis for overcoming this environmental crisis. What is especially interesting about the Sutra in this connection is its use of stories, especially highly imaginative, fantastic stories to express a special affirmation of this world. We will consider two of these stories in an effort to understand this spirituality as both earthly and cosmic. Retired from University of Tsukuba, Japan, former head, Meadville/Lombard Theological School at the University of Chicago. Regularly writes and speaks about the Lotus Sutra.
3:00 PM-4:30 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.44 Peace Making: The Roles of Government and Religion Mr. Jeremy Routledge; Nozizwe Madladla-Routledge This presentation will illustrate the experience of two South African Quakers in Peace Making. One presenter is the Director of the Quaker Peace Centre and the other is Deputy Minister of Defense for South Africa. They will the opportunities and contradictions of religion and Government working together for peace. They will describe how both government and religion can become more active in promoting peace. Jeremy Routledge is the Director of Quaker Peace Center in Cape Town, South Africa. He trained as a chemical engineer and worked in the paper and sugar industries before lecturing and managing the Science Education Project in KwaZulu-Natal. He has taught science in schools and coordinated the community Outreach projects. Nozizwe Madiadla-Routledge is an ANC member of Parliament of the Republic of South Africa and Deputy Minister of Defense. She has a degree in medical technology and social science. She worked in the ANC underground in the struggle against apartheid and was an organizer and chairperson of the Naral Organization of Women
3:00 PM–3:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.56 Building Sustainable Community - Integrating the Principles of the Black Madonna
Ms. Patti Ovenstone
3:00 PM–4:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.13 This lecture will explore the intentions which motivate sustainable community building, with particular attention to the Photographic Memories African and feminist context. The presenter will illustrate aspects of South African culture that need to be preserved. She will also
Ms. Ingrid C. Askew; Mrs. Myrna Munchus-Bullock; Mr. explore how society can introduce the qualities of the
Timothy Leon Bullock integrated feminine into the South African culture through
Accompanied by creative storytelling, this remarkable slide rebuilding our lives with this new understanding.
presentation captures the essence of the Interfaith Pilgrimage of Ms. Patti Ovenstone is the founder and developer of the Kuthumba
the Middle Passage, the twelve month journey that retraced Ecovillage, and a representative for the Global Ecovillage Network. She
the route of the transatlantic slave trade by walking 20-25 miles has recently traveled around the world exploring and studying other
per day down the eastern seaboard of the United States, the communities.
Caribbean, Brazil, West Africa, and concluding in Cape Town
on June 12, 1999. 3:00 PM–4:00 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.19
Ingrid Askew is Coordinating Director for The Interfaith Pilgrimage of the
Middle Passage as well as an actress, stage director and cultural activist, HIV/AIDS-Partnership of the World's Religions
whose work has spanned 18 years in the New England area. Ms. Askew
is one of two founders of the Interfaith Pilgrimage along with Sister Clare Ms. Luann Hatane
Carter of the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist order. Her work as resident
artist in many New England public schools has brought her much This lecture will analyze the current situation of the HIV/AIDS
acclain not only for her artistry but for her talent in teaching her students crises both in South Africa and internationally. Particular
ways in which to address social justice issues, by using theater as a emphasis will be on the impact of HIV/AIDS in South Africa. In
vehicle. Ms. Askew assisted in the development of educational theater closing, this workshop will propose the role and name the
components with participants of the Pilgnmage by focusing on themes
relative to the Middle Passage and slavery challenges that the world's religions must face.
Myrna Munchus-Bullock studied dance and religion as an undergraduate Luann Hatane is the provincial coordinator for the South African National
and holds an MFA in dance from Temple University. She has taught and ADS Convention for the Western Cape. She is working towards greater
performed extensively for over 25 years and directs a professional touring political commitment and an expanded response from all sectors in civil
company in the U.S. She most recently served as Regional Field society, and to reduce the further spread of HIV/AIDS Her work currently
coordinator for the Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage, arranging involves advocating for the care and support for all persons living or
logistics, accommodations and border crossings for the year-long affected with HIV/AIDS.
Journey. Myrna is committed to finding the pathways to stress-free and peaceful living for herself and others.
Timothy Leon Bullock studied social work at Temple University. He has 3:00 PM–3:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 3.15
worked as a youth councilor and youth activities coordinator. Tim spent Islam, Muslims, and the Truth and Reconciliation
ten years in television production as a videographer and editor. His most
recent project was Field coordinator for the Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Commission
Middle Passage, a year long journey retracing the route of the Atlantic Mr. Ashraf Mahomed
Slave Trade. His focus in now on world peace through spiritual growth Mr. Mahomed will discuss Islamic perspective on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. He will reflect on the role of
3:00 PM–3:45 PM IN ENGINEERING 1.22 Muslims in the TRC process, unresolved post-TRC issues, and
The Spiritual Rhythm of Relaxation: How to Thrive the way they manifest themselves in the Muslim community
on Stress in Today's World Mr. Mahomed is a qualified attorney, LLB, University of Cape Town. He is currently working in the Legal Resource Centre in the Land Housing
Dr. Victoria Radel Development Programme and also deals with constitutional issues.
A multi-denominational workshop designed to aid cross cultural attendees in discovering their current stress level. Through experiential exercises, guided visualization and group meditation participants will unlock their own spiritual rhythm of relaxation. Instruction in self-hypnosis will be given. And each attendee will leave the program with a personalized stress management program allowing them to thrive on stress in today's world.
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