Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailashsagarsuri Gyanmandir
of which consciousness is still the dominant faculty, starts into being. The process of the new creation is so instantaneous that it is equivalent to the continuance of the same. .. personality, pervaded by the same consciousness; though each personality is only really connected with the previous by the force of acts done and character formed in each force operating through Upādāna. In short, speaking of transmigration of souls in Buddhism gives a wrong idea. Metem psychosis with Buddhists resolves itself into continuous metamorphasis or Palingenesis. It is the act-force (Karma), combined with Upādāna,
clinging to existence' (abhinivesa - 31f7faat) in the Yoga II, 9), which is the connecting link between each man's past, present and future bodies."! In the process of rebirth there is no such thing which actually passes from one life to the other. There is no identical and persistent consciousness that binds the two successive lives. Silācāra Bhikkhu says -"In the selfsame way, the now-being, which is the present manifestation of the stream of Karmaenergy, is not the same as, has no identity with, the previous one in its line; the aggregations that make up its composition being different from, having no identity with those that made up the being of its predecessor. And yet it is not an entirely different being, since it is the samne stream of Kammaenergy--though modified perchance, by having shown itself in that last manifestation-- which now is making its presence known in the sense-perceptible
1 Williams-Monier Monier : Buddhism, pp. 109, 110.
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