The Universality of Jainism.
Mrs. Margaret Stevenson in her booklet on Jainism says
"The Jains have no belief in one eternal God, Supreme Ruler and Creator of the world. They believe the world to be eternal and give strange inadequate reasons to prove that it could never have been created. They deny the fatherhood of God and the whole system of their caste rules is a negation of the brotherhood of man. Though freely using the titles which other religions reserve for the Supreme Being, they supply them to human beings who have gradually raised themselves to certain peculiarly exalted position"
This statement clearly shows how a follower of Christian faith can completely misunderstand the Jain point of view, and how wrongly she has interpreted it. Let us see what are the fundamental principles of Jainism on which the philosophy of life and death is based. A correct understanding of the Jain point of view will dispel the darkness of ignorance from the mind of a devout Christian who might try to see everything through her or his narrow vision.