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all kinds of possessions and taken a vow of complete non-possession from the very start of their monk life. Ahimsa, live-and-let-live, Vishwa-Maitri or friendliness with all beings, sacrifice of self-interest and service to cthers, justice and truth in everyday life, and right behaviour are not only said to be essential in Jainism for obtaining peace in the social life in this world but it has equally a technical significance for the attainnient of a better life beyond or ultimate liberation.
In Jain ethics, right faith, right cognition and right conduct are the three fundamental and practical principles of life around which the whole Jaina spiritual philosophy revolves. The entire Jain community of monks is now founded in two sects Digambara and Swetambara. At one time monks of both these classes were under one coin mon organization and they did really very useful missionary work jointly for the betterment of all beings. The Jains are generally charaitable, sacrificing in spirit, and are great lovers of peace, justice and truth. This outlook and character found in the Jain community today is due to the effect of the Jaina ethics and belief in its spirtual