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torments of hell and future undesirable incar. nations, as brutes and beasts. The ancients were by no means deficient in knowledge of things and sciences which have contributed towards the building up of what we boast of as our modern civilization, but they also knew that the things which appeal to the senses only lead to the degeneration of the soul, and wisely refrained from cuitivating beyond certain useful limits. the arts and sciences which lead to fatten the body at the cost of the spiritual nourishment of the soul.
The one most marked feature of distinction between man and animal is the thinking and reasoning capacity which the former is endowed with, and may develop to perfection, and from which the latter is largely debarredi : hence while an animal has little or no chance of betrering its condition in its present forın, nan may and ought to avail himself of the opportunity it he would avoid sain iind suffering here and hereafter. The civilization, which enables him to do so specdily is the only form of culture of which reason can approve, not the civilization which in viros him to the fold of sensualism The one most prominent feaiure