The Jivas or animates, like the Ajivas, or inanimates or non-soul substances, also have no origin. They have been even in existence and shall exist for ever and are infinite in number. The Jivas or souls are of two kinds; Sidha the liberated souls; and the mundane, that is worldly souls which are bound by Karmas and are subject to transmigration from one form to the other according to the effect of Karmas on them. The Karmas are said to be of eight kinds and are obstacles to the attainment of self-realization. After observing the technical rules of conduct, the mundane soul can attain its divine nature and is no more subject to the cycle of births and rebirths-in other words,it becomes liberated. It is then that the soul realizes its inherent qualities, i e., infinite perception, infinite power, infinite happiness, etc. The liberated souls live in Alokakasha-which is-said-to-be at the extremity of the Lokasha or of the mundane world. But these two,Lokakasha and Alokakasha, together form the whole universe. These liberated souls are also in existence since ever; they are eternal and infinite in number. From eternity, the display of both the liberated and mundane souls is conti