One who believes in eternity and therefore in the immortality of the soul, does not dread death which means only the disappearance of the physical form. Every soul is potentially pure. Matter is an unclean evil. It is something like "A spark that disturbs our clod, nearer we hold of God", as Browning puts it. The soul is ever perfect, all-powerful. It wanders in the Samsara. It can return to its perfect condition. It goes upward and upward endlessly. The soul is a Dravya and therefore like every other Dravya, it is eternal.
It cannot be gainsaid that in every living being, in every man, a desire for happiness and an aversion to pain is the first universal feature of life. He longs and seeks happiness exempt from decay. Peace and bliss are the twin goals aimed at by the soul.
The aim of the Jain ethics is to organise the combined activity of a society (intent upon perfection) so that the individuals may have the greatest possible number of facilities for attai, ning Moksha or Nirvana, i. e., perfect peace and bliss of the soul, or what is generally called Sat-Chit-Ananda.
A true Jain will do nothing to hurt the feclings of another person, man, woman and child