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indicate the sign of Jain Risliabha,and Rishaba means bull. Major General J. G. R. Farlong. F. R. S. E., F. R. A. S., after his 17 years study of, and research in, the subject, writes ;
"All upper-western and south-central India was then, indeed, from unknown times, ruled by Dravidas, and given to free serpent add phallic worship, but then there also existed throughout upper India an ancient and highly religious, philosophical, ethical and severely ascetical religion, viz, Jainism out of which clearly developed the early esceticual features of Brahaminism and Buddhism”.
Prof Jacobi Harmann, an erudite and eminent German scholar, says; -
"In conclusion, let me assert my conviction that Jainism is an original system, quite distinct from, and independent of, all others, and therefore, it is of great importance for the study of philosophical thought and religious life in ancient India".
In discussing the place of Jainism in the system of Indian philosophy.the late Mr. M.M. Ganga Nath Jha, once Vice-chancellor of the Allahabad University, opined.