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The Shastras have laid down two things in order that these principles can be applied to one's actions in practical life. These are : (1) Recognition of merit (Gun puja); (2) Seeing good (Mangala) in everything As an illustration of Gun Puja the Jain philosophy has enjoined reverence with Bhava to all the saints of the world. The Great Hemchandrachaya when he visited the Shiva Mandir at Patna exclaimed:
"Ibw to him who is the source of the uriverse and before whom world-liness vanishes; may He b: Vishnu or Brahma or Shiva or Jina."
Among the three great men mentioned by Mahatma Gandhi as his Gurus, the first was an Adarsha (ideal) Jaina From him Gandhiji learnt the cosmopolitan nature of Hindu religion and realized the truth of Lokamanya Tilak's remark that the non-violence of Jainism had considerably influenced the Vedic religion. Gandhiji showed the way to world peace by successfully putting into practice the principle of non-violence on a mass scale.
There is a story of two brothers, Bharato and Bahubali who llent to fight on the