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As compared with most of the other religions, it is important to notice that Jainism has a very definite and uncompromising attitude towards the conception of gods It is on this very ground that it is accused of being atheistic. But this is not so, because Jainism believes in Godhead and innuñerable God, but certainly Jainism is atheistic in not believing its God to have created the universe. It must be noted that creation implies vclition, a desire to create. Then, a desire can only relate to something or fact which does not exist but ought to be; therefore it implies imperfection. And God cannot be --imperfect. This is the most commonsense argument against the theory of '. God as she Creator of the universe. If truth bë told, believers in the Greation Theory make God a man, which brings him down to the needs and imperfection; whereas Jainism raises man to Godhead and inspires him to raise himself as near to Godhead as possible by steady faith, right perception, perfect knowledge, and above all, by a spotless life
There are two categories : Soul, Jiva; and non-soul, Ajiva. The whole universe falls under this division, which is logically perfect It is the division by dichotomy. Jiva is what lives,