and Lao-Tze in China, Pythagoras in Greece, Zoraster in Persia and Moses in Palestine Their Indian counterparts like the seers Svetaketu, Uddalak, Yaganavalkya were propagating the Upanishadic love. Many tirthankars like Makkhahputra Gaushalak, Purankasyap, Pakudhaktyayana, Ajitkeshkambali and Sanjayavelatthiputta lit the flame of new thought Lord Buddha was enlightened ten years after Lord Mahavira, the respective historical landmarks being 557 B C and 547 BC. Lord Parshwa had already left his bodily abode Kumarshramara Keshi still led the movement
The Parshwa system had gained popularity in various parts of the country Lord Parshwa was genealogically Nagavansi Numerous monarchies or republics pertaining to this stock subscribed to his faith It was popular amongst the Vratya Ksatriyas in the central and eastern regions The Vazzis of Vaishali and Videh were great devotees of this faith The family of Lord Mahavira subscribed to his system The Lord was familiar with Parshwa tradition since his childhood His renunciation of householdership heralded the new dawn of the shramana system The installation of fourfold ethical system sravaka, sravika, shramana and shramanska was the pioneering effort to reinvigorate the system
Lord Mahavira was deeply devoted to Lord Parshwa He used to mention him respectfully as the vastly popular Master? However, certain reasons contributed to the growing laxity in the system The fourfold categorisation or installation of tirthas resulted in the regeneration of Parshwa tradition
Lord Parshwa propounded a harmonised and equanimous conduct Those who entered his fold avowed to equanimity The conduct entailed the fourfold vows - 1 Non-violence 2. Truth, 3 Non-stealthiness, 4 Non-acquisition
Bhagwati 5/255