Realistic Personality Veiled in Exaggerations
As the time spreads the veil of antiquity over a great life, the followers gradually pile up miracles There, perhaps, never was a great soul to offer an exception to this human failing
Lord Mahavira was a thoroughgoing realist A great realist himself, Acharya Samantbhadra says, 'Lord I the aprearance of gods, divine planes and whisks are miracles that even wizards are seen to peform You don't owe your greatness to these virtues but to your utterly rational and realistic view'
· Acharya Hemchandra once heard cross-claims of the protoganists of different religions Some averred that the principle god Indra used to visit Lord Mahavira and prostrate in his holy feet while others challenged it A third group found nothing surprizing in it as the Lord of the gods obliged their masters also accordingly Acharya Hemchandra commented on this squabble thus 'Lord one may deny or find parallels of Indra's visit to you but how will they deny or find instances of your realism ?'
Mythological age was the age of miracles, exaggerations and heavenly events The nebulous occurrences cast a veil of unreality over the entire period The mythologists have ascribed numberless divine miracles to Vasudeo Krishana's life Krishna, the great realist of Gita, witnesses round himself concentric rings of supernatural events The masses are won over by divine impossibilities Vaishnavites capitalised over these marvels Common people were drawn towards these legends