his prince Once king Shrenik sent a present to king Ardraka Ardrakumar was present when the gift was being sent It occurred to him that if Ardraka was a friend to his father's the former's son should be his friend He enquired of the emissary the name of Ardraka's son He revealed to him the name of Abhayakumar Ardrakumar sent a gift to abhayakumar, which the latter was pleased to accept It made the two close friends. In return Abhayakumar sent some utensils used by monks Seeing these Ardrakumar could recollect his last incarnation He found an opportunity to emigrate The tempests of desire and jungles of thoughts were left far behind and he was now a co-traveller of the Lord in his odyssey 1
3 The father of Varishena was Shrenik and mother Challana. He was religiously inclined It was the fourteenth day of the moon He went to the cremation ground and began to meditate there
Vidyuta, a professional robber lived at Rajgriha He was in love with the chief courtesan of the city The courtesan asked him one day, 'Do you have a true love for me?'
What made you doubt my love?'
'Once a while one is prone to be caught in the muddle of doubt I am no exception'
'Shall I give you the proof of my love ?' 'You ought to'
'I submit myself to the test What offer do you seek from me?'
'Procure for me queen Chellana's necklace' “Do you seriously desire such a gift?' 'I do' "But is it humanly possible ?"
'Love deserves the highest sacrifice including that of one's life Is it not?'
'You wish me to be a martyr like a moth for the flame' 'What leads you to make such an observation ?'
1 'Suyagodo' 2/6 Vrithi leaf 137-139