'Gautam! If dharma and religion be inalienable, how one unschooled in religion can become kevalı (enlightened)?'
What kind such a one be, sire ?'
'One never joining a fold of religion, and never imparted with the fundamentals of religion may elevate himself to great moral heights and become enlightened and omniscient'
'Is it possible my Lord ?
"Verily so, Gautam! That's why I assert that no religion can monopolise dharma Vividly do I observe these truths! 1. There are certain householders who attain deliverance
in that mode of living 2 There are certain others who don monastic robes to
attain deliverance; 3. There are still others who embrace monastic robes pres
cribed in other sects to attain deliverance
When deliverance is attainable in diverse robes and religious modes of life how can dharma and particular religions be deemed as inseparable ?'
Gautam tilted the trend 'Sirel if no religious sect is indispensable to dharma what would induce one to enter a fold ?'
Said the Lord, 'Life is essentially diverse There is a variety of individual traits Some people hanker after sects but shun dharma Others clamour for dharma but ignore the sects Still others avidly crave for the sect and dharma. And still others abhor, both the sect and dharma 1
None can stamp uniformity on individual proclivities which inevitably display diversity Men evince a variety of inclinations A religious sect divorced from dharma is grossly misconceived
Lord Mahavira had comprehended non-violence in its profoundest depths Hence he was absolutely immune from all traces of fanaticism If an individual, having not realized the identity of soul, seeks to serve religion, he at best serves 1 Thanam' 4/420