6. “Ruchirjinoktatattveshu samyakshraddhaanamuchyate.
Jaayate tannisargena guroradhigamena vaa."(6)
To have a liking for and an abiding interest in the principles explained by the Jinaas, is the definition of enlightened perception which arises either spontaneously or through learning it from a teacher.
7. "Yaa deve devataabuddhirgurau cha gurutamitih.
Dharme cha dharmadhiih shuddhaa samyaktvamidamuchyate.” (7)
Flawless enlightened perception consists in recognizing the deity (Jina) as the true deity, the preceptor as the true preceptor and the teaching as the correct teaching
8. "Kaaraaga - royaga -diivamahavaa..."(8)
Enlightened perception is of three types: 1 Kaaraka samyaktva {where the external and internal causes of enlightened perception -
namely self-control, penance and equanimity - are imbibed} 2 Rochaka samyaktva {enlightened perception, which has arisen due to deep and spontaneous
faith in the teachings of the Jinaas. This kind of perception does not require logic, debate or
dialogue in order to manifest. 3 Diipaka samyaktva {ability to inculcate enlightened perception in others
9. "Darshanavishuddhira vinayasampannataa shiilavrateshv anatichaaro' bhikshnam
jnaanopayoga-samvegau shaktitas tyaaga-tapasii sandha-saadhu-samaadhivaiyaavrittyaakaranam arhad-Aachaarya -bahushruta-pravachanabhaktir aavashyakaaparihaanir maargaprabhaavanaa pravachanavatsalatvam iti tiirthakrittvasya” (9)
The influx of Tirthankara name-karma is caused by these sixteen observences:
1. Darshana vishuddhi {purity of enlightened perception} 2. Vinaya sampannataa {humility} 3. Anatichaara shiilavrata {obeying the ascetic code of conduct without any transgression> 4. Abhikshna gynaanopayoga {persistent cultivation of knowledge 5. Samvega {desire of liberation 6. Shaktitah tyaaga {charity as per one's capacity 7. Shaktitah tapasyaa {penance as per one's capacity} 8. Sangha-saadhu-samaadhi {establishing peace and harmony in the monastic order 9. Vaiyaavritti (serving nuns and monks strictly according to the scriptures 10. Arhat-bhakti {pure devotion to the Arihantas - the adorable ones 11. Aachaarya-bhakti {pure devotion to the spiritual master 12. Bahushruta-bhakti (pure devotion to learned monks