1, 3, 1o.
PRASNA I, PataLA 3, KHANDA 10. 1. (Nor shall he study) on the days of the full moons of those months in which the Kâturmâsyasacrifice may be performed (nor on the days preceding them).
2. At the time of the Vedotsarga, on the death of Gurus, at the Ashtaka-Sraddha, and at the time of the Upâkarma, (he shall not study) for three days;
3. Likewise if near relations have died.
4. (He shall not study) for twelve days, if his mother, father, or teacher have died.
5. If these (have died), he must (also) bathe for the same number of days.
6. Persons who are younger (than the relation deceased), must shave (their hair and beard).
10. 1. The three full-moon days are Phâlgunî (February-March), Ashâdhî (June-July), Kârttikî (October-November).
2. The construction is very irregular, the first noun standing in the nominative and the rest in the locative. A similar irregularity occurs below, I, 3, 11, 31. The Vedotsarga is the ceremony which is performed at the end of the Brahmanic term, in January.
In the case of the death of a Guru, the vacation begins with the day on which the death occurs. On the other occasions mentioned he shall not study on the day preceding (the ceremony), on the day (of the ceremony), nor on the day following it.'-Haradatta. Manu IV, 119; Yaşñ. I, 144. The Gurus' intended here, are fathers-in-law, uncles, &c.
3. "This rule applies to a student only. It is known from another work that those who have been infected by impurity (on the death of a relation), must not study whilst the impurity lasts.' — Haradatta. Yâgñ. I, 144.
6. The word anubhâvinah, interpreted by Haradatta as 'persons who are younger than the deceased,' is explained in different ways by others; firstly, as 'the mourners,' and secondly, as 'Samânodakas or gentiles beyond the sixth degree.' In the latter case the Sûtra ought to be translated thus : 'On the death of gentiles beyond the sixth degree, (the head) ought to be shaved.'
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