नदी णमो
दसणस्स नदी णमो
مطامر HA
उदी णमो चारित्तस्स
There are four auspicious entities in the universe.
Arihantas are auspicious
Siddhas are auspicious.
Sädhus and Sadhvis are auspicious The religion explained by the omniscient is auspicious.
There are four supreme entities in the universe.
Arihantas are supreme.
Siddhas are supreme.
Sädhus and Sadhvis are supreme. The religion explained by the omniscient is supreme.
I take refuge in four entities of the universe.
I take refuge in Arihantas.
I take refuge in Siddhas.
I take refuge in Sädhus and Sadhvis. I take refuge in the religion explained by the omniscient.