Now recite the following Sutras.
जावंति चेइआई, उड्ढे अ अहे अ तिरिअ-लोए अ. सव्वाइं ताइं वंदे, इह संतो तत्थ संताइं.
jävanti cheiäim, uddhe a ahe a tiria-loe a.
savväim täim vande, iha santo tattha santäim.
I am bowing down to all the currently existing idols of Jineshvar Bhagawan anywhere in the upper part of the universe, this middle part of the universe and
the lower part of the universe.
इच्छामि खमा-समणो! वंदिउं, जावणिज्जाए निसीहिआए, मत्थएण वंदामि
जावंत के वि साहू, भरहेरवय-महा-विदेहे अ. सव्वेसिं तेसिं पणओ, ति-विहेण ति-दंड-विरयाणं.
jävanta ke vi sähu, bharaheravaya-mahä-videhe a. savvesim tesim panao, ti-vihena ti-danda-virayānam.
Sädhu Mahäräj and Sädhviji Mahäräj do not commit any sinful activities in their thoughts, speech, or bodily actions. They do not cause others to commit sinful activities or praise others who do commit sins. I bow down in my thoughts, by my speech and by my body to all Sädhu Mahäräj and Sädhviji Mahäräj present
anywhere in Bharat Kshetra, Airävat Kshetra, and Mahä Videha Kshetra.
Now we recite Namorhat Sutra, which is a Sanskrit version of Navakär Mantra.
नमोर्हत्-सिद्धा-चार्योपाध्याय-सर्व-साधुभ्यः. 1. namorhat-siddhä-caryopädhyaya-sarva-sädhubhyah.