Since Bhagawan's permission is assumed, we say:
Ştes. Ichchham
Taccept your permission
Then we recite the following prayer:
सकल कुशलवल्ली, पुष्करावर्त मेघो, दुरित तिमिर भानु, कल्पवृक्षोपमान:
भवजलनिधि पोत, सर्व संपत्तिहेतु, स भवतु सततं वः श्रेयसे शांतिनाथ, श्रेयसे पार्श्वनाथ.
Sakal Kushal Valli, Pushkäravart Megho;
Durita timir Bhänu, Kalpa vriksho pamänah,
Bhavajala nidhi potah, Sarva Sampatti Hetu;
Sa Bhavatu Satatam Vah,
Shreyase Shäntinäthah, Shreyase Shreyase Pärshvanäthah.
Oh! Bhagawan Shäntinäth! Oh! Bhagawan Pärshvanäth! May you be there for our well-being forever. You are the abode of all happiness. You are like rain in Pushkarävarta. You are like the sun dispelling the darkness of evils. You are like a desire-yielding tree. You are like a ship for crossing the sea of endless cycles
of birth and death. You are the source of all prosperity.