Now we recite any of the Chaitya Vandan Stotras such as follows.
परमेश्वर परमात्मा जगपावक परमिट्ट, जय जगगुरु देवाधिदेव, मेरे नयन में स्थित...1 अचल अकल अविकार सार करुणारस सिंधु,
जगतिजन आधार एक निष्कारण बंधु...2 गुण अनंत प्रभु ताहरा केमे कह्या ना जाय, परम प्रभु जिन ध्यानथी चिदानंद सुख थाय...3
Parmeshwar Paramätmä Jagpävak Paramishta,
Jay Jag Guru Devädhidev Mere Nayanmen Sthit (1)
Achal Akal Avikär Sär Karunaras Sindhu,
Jagati Jan ädhär Ek Nishkäran Bandhu (2)
Gun Anant Prabhu Tährä Keme Kahyä Na Jây,
Paramprabhu Jin Dhyanathi Chidanand Sukh Th
Oh! Supreme Bhagawän! Oh! Supreme soul! You are the purifier of the world. You are supremely desirable. You are worshipped even by the heavenly gods. You are the greatest of the great. You are always there in my thoughts and my
sight. You are liberated and, thus, always without a body. You are free of passions. You are the real essence of the sea of compassion. You are the only refuge for and
selfless companion to all worldly beings.
Bhagawän, one can never completely describe your innumerable attributes. However, by contemplating the supreme omniscient Bhagawän, everlasting bliss
can prevail.