Bolo Thank You
Bolo thank you, bolo thank you
Bolo thank you very much
Upkär karyä jene um par tethi thank you very much....(2) Um jivannu pushpa khilavanär veer tamne thank you thank you Thank you kehtä shikhavyu umne tethi double thank you Prabhu thank you, veer thank you
Tamne thank you very much
Upkär karyä jene um par tethi thank you very much.... Bolo thank
Mummy - pappa nä charno chumine kariye thank you thank you Jäte dukh vethi ne umne jivannu sukh äpyu
Mummy thank you, Papa thank you
Tamne thank you very much
Upkär karyä jene um par tethi thank you very much.... Bolo thank
We say 'Thank You' to those who have helped you and obliged you.
O Mahävir Prabhu, you have blossomed my life just as a fragrant flower and therefore we say, 'Thank you, Bhagawän'.
Mom and Dad, you have endured many hardships and miseries, just so that I can have a happy and a comfortable life. Mom and Dad, thank you very much. Words are not enough to express my gratitude to both of you.