Blissful and who has no hand in the making or destruction of this world. It is a matter of regret that the Jains are called Atheists by some people. The Chambers Dictionary meaning of the word is "one who disbelieves in the existence of God" (Gr. a, neg., and theos, God). Theist is "one who believes in God." "Therefore, the appropriate nomenclature for a Jain would be a "Theist" rather than "Atheist", because Jains believe in God and worship the Lord in their own way. Worship of God is an essential daily duty enjoined upon a votary of Jainism. He is also expected to practise these fourfold Virtues, that is, he must be Just, Affectionate, Introspective and Noble. The word "Jain' stands for these rules of good conduct, which are universal and nonsectarian.
Jains worship perfect and passionless God for the sake of mental purity and spiritual advancement. This worship is, in fact, the 'Ideal worship rather than Idol-worship'. The concentration and meditation towards the passionless and peaceful idol assist the common man in getting release from the clutches of baser and evil propensities. The Jain view of worship is a purely psychological process, whereby the aspirant develops himself and gradually attains the status of omniscience and bliss, the characteristics of God hood
The observations of Vivekanand are illuminating "The Buddhists or the Jains do not depend upon God but the whole force of their religion is directed