..:: स देवदेवों हुये ममास्ताम् ।
15. May that Lord of Lords be enshrined in my heart, Who has preached the path of salvation; Who has crossed the misery of birth and death, Who sces the three worlds, and is bodyless, and faultless. क्रोडीकृताशेषशरीरिवर्मा:,
रागादयो यस्य न सन्ति दोषाः । निरिन्द्रियो ज्ञानमयोऽनपायः ।।
स देवदेवो हृदये ममास्ताम् । 16. May that Lord of Lords be enshrined .in my heart, Who is free from all passion-like defects, tightly holding the class of embodied beings, Who is knowledge absolute, independently of mind and sease organs and is eternal. यो व्यापको विश्वजनीनवृत्तः, सिद्धो विबुद्धो धुतकर्मबन्धः ।
। ध्यातो धुनीते सकलं विकार,
स देवदेवो हृदये ममास्ताम् ।। 17. May that Lord of Lords be enshrined in my heart, Who pervades all for the good of all, is perfect, is all knowing, has destroyed all bonds of karma, and by contemplating Whom all evil is annihilated. न स्पृश्यते कर्मकसदोषः .
यो स्वान्तसं रिव निम्मरहिमः । निरजवम् नित्यमलेकमेकं । ,
त देवमाप्त कारण प्रपचे ॥ .