the stand-point of details and diversities Pluralism is equally true. When we have the sense-of-class without its component parts we adopt the generic view. but when we have the individual sense instead of the class-view we speak of reality which denies the generic-sense. This class-view is different from the particular view; e. g., the word 'European' comprises of the English, Germans, Russians etc When we bave the idea of different nationalities the nomenclature 'European' would not serve our purpose; in that case we will be inclined to distribute the word into different nations of Europe only. If we use a wider term 'mankind' the entire human race will be covered by this general term. The widest term is "Sata' or Existence. This term has no divisions.
This doctrine of Syadvada always adopts a friendly and rational approach to reality As positive and negative wires of electricity when joined together produce brilliant light, similarly seemingly opposite approaches of truth like positive and negative aspects of thought when coordinated produce light as well as delight.
Gandhiji once told me in 1934 that he had very high regard for the doctrine of Syadvada. He practised it in his life. The president of Indian Republic Dr. Rajendra prasad's appreciation of this doctrine is significant, "This doctrine of Syadvada is a valuable contribution of Jainism to Indian religions and world philosophy. It consists of catholic views along with the capability to appreciate others' approaches