to the body of an ass; the unjust or tyrannical soul into the body of a wolf or a kite...only the souls of philosopher go and live with God. That is why philosophy abstains from bodily pleasures ... The soul goes to a place that is glorious." (Trial and Death of Socrates). -
(6) Nama karma is responsible for physical forms, complexion, constitution etc. of the body. This karma predetermines the constitution of phy. sical frame which is to be occupied by the soul after death. When a person dies his gross body is left here but his subtle-bodies named Taijas and Karamana follow the Jiva till liberation is attained. In Hindu scriptures the subtle body is known as Linga Sharira. The infinite varieties of living beings and their manifold forms are due to this karma which is like a painter, who with the aid of his brush and colour paints ugly or lovely designs. Similarly this karma is responsible for the multiplicity of physical forms put on by the Jiva. This karma is an extremely interesting principle almost anticipating many elements of modern biological theory. The theory of Nama karma tries to explain many of the biological problems (The Religion of Ahimsa P. 90).
Ordinarily people hold God responsible for this variegated world, but Jain philosophers hold this Nama karma as the cause of bringing out manifold forms and physical changes. The soul puts on the size of the body that is provided to it by this karma.