the sweet fruits of his agreeable surroundings be cause of this karma. If this karma operates one cannot enjoy best health inspite of all efforts to keep himself fit. This karma is accumulated by evil practices such as butchery of animals, maliciously injuring or hurting others, putting impediments in the pious practices of the noble souls and doing other evil activities.
Several times thousands of people accumulate the similar type of karmas under common circumstances and when the time of fruition arrives all are affected thereby. This gives us some idea of such common freaks of it which amaze all the world e. g. earth-quake shocks, death of multitudes in some epidemic or incendiarism and the like.
It is to be noted that due to their past accumulated karmas the wise and the pious suffer in the present period of their life and the wicked enjoy the fruits of their past good karmas. The present life reaps the harvest of the seeds of karmas sown in the past but the karmas that are being sown at present will produce their result in due course of time.
The relation of the soul with the karmas is visualised from different points. From the practical or 'Vyavahara' point of view the soul is made captive by the karmic forces till final liberation is attained. From the realistic or 'Nishchaya' point of view the soul is always pure and free from karmic contamination. Truth comprises both the viewpoints. The aspirant should ascertain the point that