agree with the author's viers. I shall express my viens in a paper in some periodicals.
I cannot spare to mention that in two points af divergency about Siddharis's authorship of Nyayavataravritti and that about Haribhadra I share your opinion. As to the edition of the said Vivritti, I could say thus :
The text of the Vivrtti (included that of the Nyayavatrara of course ) based on 3 Mss. would occupy about 87 pages if printed in your periodicals Teilfa 374 TYHEM with types of ANEKANTA JAYA PATAKA-perhaps somewhat more for I do not calculate the extracts from the tippan and some pote of mine. It would be useful to add some preparatory note about Siddhasena Divakara and Siddarsi, if possible in English. But if it would provoke objections in Sanskrit provided my Indian friends would take upon them the task of HITTAT of my naturally but poor. frafuarut I would like to have not less than three proofs of each sheet and some copies of the whole work when finished; as to the recommendations is there be such - I should conform myself to the habits of your Granthamala. I suppose I could send you Mss. in last days of Septemper - I am sorry you do not receive the complete series of the Bibliothica Buddhica. I know orders have been given to this effect. Your Pathashala shall receive all parliculars of this as soon as they appear. As to the Journal of our Academy it is not the same thing as with that of the German Oriental Soc. The greater part of its particulars are in Russian, a language hardly understood at Benares and chiefly concern mathematical and natural science very few could interest your friends. I shall of course provide you with all papers concerning India.
Being now in the country I am unable to send you my papers; I shall do so as soon as I come back to St. Petersburg. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat www.umaragyanbhandar.com