have loaned to my professor Mr. Franklin Edgerton of PhiladeIphia. Since coming here to Paris, I have discovered that accord. ing to the catalogues of sanskrit manuscripts there are also other manuscripts of this stroy existing in India, so I am writing to ask if you will assist me in obtaining the loan of, or a copy af these manuscripts. In the case of each manuscripts I will tell you where I have seen the reference and also give you all the information which the catalogue gives:
1. Rajendralala Mitra: Notices of Skt. Mss. fort he year
1885-86 (page 169 f), Calcutta 1886. Viravikramādityacaritra (Pancadandachatraprabandhah) deposited at Ajimganj, Raya Dhanapat Sinb Babadur.
2. Buehler: A catalogue of Skt. Mss. contained in the
private libraries of Gujarat, Kathiawad etc. Fascicle Il-Poetry Bombay 1872. a) p. 132 (11): Vikramacaritram, ff 8; 20 lines to page; at Jayakrsna, Sudamapuri. b) p. 134 (12): Vikramaprabandhah,ff. 29, 18 lines to page at Mulasankara, Ahamadabada. c) P. 134 (13) Vikramadityah, ff. 680; at Krsnarava Bhimasankara, Vadodara. d) p. 134 (14): Vikramadityacaritram, ff. 157; 30 lines to page; date 1494: at Nilakantharanachoda, Ahamadabada.
3. Report on the search for Skt. Mss. in the Bombay
Presidency during the Year 1880-81 by F. Kielborn, Bombay 1881. page 77 (item 384) Pancadandachatraprabandhah, by Ramachandrasuri 38 leaves; 17
lines one page 1800 Gr. Samvat 1530. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat www.umaragyanbhandar.com