Bodicote Near Banbury,
February 7, 1954.
Dear Esteemed Vijayendra Suri,
Your friendly and benevolent letter of October 28, written with consideration for me in English, brought me welcome information concerning your present activities and designs. I am happy to know that your well maintained energy is to be devoted now to a life of Mahavira Swamin, for which your special interest in history is an excellent preparation and your familiarity, as Jainacharya, with the entire canonical literature gives you an advantage over all outsiders. If I could assist by mentioning to you or supplying, any non-Indian publications which may not have come to you and which you might care to use or quote, I should regard it as a privilege to do so. There may be some which are not known or not accessible in India.
I am, as you suppose, a retired Professor; but never have I been under such pressure of work as now. A busy life has left me with an accumulation of literary designs which I should wish not to leave unaccomplished, and this requires a concentration of my best efforts. Some tasks have now been completed; but some remain before I can confine myself to some matters of Indian philosophy for which I have been reserving my terminal period.
Eight years ago, I completed a translation of AyogaVyavachedika with Mallishena's Syadvada-Manjari. But the difficulties and expenses of printing have prevented its publication, and I must exercise some further patience and try meanwhile to make progress with other tasks.
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat