Book Title: Jiva Vichar Author(s): Hemchandrasuri Acharya Publisher: Sanghvi Ambalal Ratanchand Jain Dharmik Trust View full book textPage 5
________________ JEEV-VICHAR JEEV-VICHAR Thus, there are eleven divisions. Each of them can be further divided into two types, namely Paryapta and Aparyapta. Thus, there are twenty two divisions of Sthavar. Beneath hells, there is ghanodadhi and beneath it there are layers of these two types of winds.) (5) VANASPATIKAAY - Livingbeings who have vegetation as their body are called Vanaspatikaay. SUKSHMA - When the living beings can't be been by our leather eyes, even if countless bodies of infinite living beings are assembled together, then they are called Sukshma. (They are widespread in the entire universe). They are of two types : 1) Pratyek Vanaspatikaay. 2) Sadharan Vanaspatikaay. Pratyek - When there is a single soul in a single body, the livingbeing is called Pratyek. For e.g. trees, fruits, skin, trunks of trees, roots, leaves etc. Sadharan - When there are infinite souls in a single body, the livingbeings are called Sadharan. For e.g. onion, sprout, moss, fungus, green ginger, wet turmeric, kunvar (a kind of herb), thor (a thorny plant), potato etc. PECULIARITIES TO IDENTIFY SADHARAN VANASPATIKAAY (2) 1) Joints, the portion between two joints, fibres are hidden. BADAR - When a single or two or countable or countless bodies of living beings, assembled together, can be seen by our leather eyes, then the livingbeings are called Badar (except Badar Vaukaay.) (1) PRITHVIKAAY - Living-beings who have the prithvi (earth) itself as their body are called Prithvikaay. For e.g. quartz, coral, diamonds, gems such as ruby, cinnabar, mercury, metals such as gold, earth, salt, chalk, different kinds of stones, antimony, mica, etc. APKAAY - Livingbeings who have water itself as their body are called Apkaay. For e.g. water from earth, water from sky (rainwater), dew, ice, hail, water oozing out on plants, fog, ghanodadhi etc. (Ghanodadhi is solid water beneath the heavens and the hells.) (3) TEUKAAY - Livingbeings who have fire itself as their body are called Teukaay. For e.g. burning coal, spark, blaze, the line of light caused by a falling star, light ening, lamplight, tubelight etc. (4) VAUKAAY - Living-beings who have the wind itself as their body are called Vaukaay. For e.g. wind blowing at heights, wind blowing on land, whirlwind, noisy wind, ghanwaat, tanwaat etc. (Ghanwaat, Tanwaat 2) On cutting they can be divided into two even parts. 3) After cutting, if sown they grow again. PARYAPTA - Livingbeings who have completed paryaptis proper for them or would complete them before their death are called Paryapta. APARYAPTA - Livingbeings who haven't completed paryaptis proper for them or would die without completing them are called Aparyapta. PARYAPTI - The power by which matter can be taken and transformed is called Paryapti.Page Navigation
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