Urdhvalok, the lower section is called Adholok, the middle section is called Tirchhalok. The earth on which we reside is Tirchhalok.
TIRCHHALOK - Jambudweep is in the centre of the tirchhalok. It's circular in shape with a diameter of one lakh yojans (a measure to measure space).
Surrounding it from all the sides is ringshaped Lavansamudra. Its breadth is twice the diameter of Jambudweep. Surrounding it from all the sides is ringshaped Dhatkikhand. Its width is twice that of Lavansamudra. Surrounding it from all the sides is ringshaped Kalodadhisamudra. Its width is twice that of Dhatkikhand. Surrounding it from all the sides is ringshaped Pushkarvardweep. Its width is twice that of Kalodadhisamudra. Surrounding it from all the sides is ringshaped Pushkarvarsamudra. Its width is twice that of Pushkarvardweep.
THE EXTENSION OF MANUSHYALOK Jambudweep 1 lakh yojans Combining both
the sides Lavansamudra 4 lakh yojans Combining both
the sides Dhatkikhand 8 lakh yojans Combining both
the sides Kalodadhisamudra 16 lakh yojans Combining both
the sides Pushkarvardweep 16 lakh yojans Combining both (Half)
the sides Total
45 lakh Yojans Combining both
the sides Humanbeings dwell only in Manushyalok. They can go out of it with the help of labdhi (an extraordinary power) or with the help of celestial beings, but their births and deaths never occur there.
JAMBUDWEEP Jambudweep is divided into six mountains and seven kshetras (landscapes). They are respectively as follows from south to north. - LANDSCAPES
MOUNTAINS 1) Bharat kshetra
1) Laghuhimvant parvat 2) Himvant kshetra
2) Mahahimvant parvat 3) Harivarsh kshetra 3) Nishadh parvat 4) Mahavideh kshetra 4) Neelvant parvat 5) Ramyak kshetra 5) Rukmi parvat 6) Hiranyavant kshetra 6) Shikhari parvat 7) Ayravat kshetra
Similarly, there are countless dweeps (islands) and samudras (oceans).
The last island is Swayambhuramandweep. Surrounding it is the last ocean - Swayambhuramansamudra.
MANUSHYALOK - In the midst of Pushkarvardweep there is a ringshaped mountain called Manushottar parvat. The area within it is called Manushyalok. Thus, there are two and a half islands (Jambudweep, Dhatkikhand, Half Pushkarvardweep) and two oceans (Lavansamudra, Kalodadhisamudra) in Manushyalok.